a b

A was an apple-pie, bitten by Tom;
French people call an apple “une pomme.”

B was the bite, and I really must say,
Tom was sorry that ever he took “la bouchÉe.”

c d

C was the cook; Tom was always quite safe
To get goodies and tarts, when he called him “le chÉf.”

D was the dinner got ready that day;
Dinner in France is called “le dÎner.”

e f

E was the edge (in France called “le bord”)
Of that pie trimmed with pastry to imitate cord.

F was the fun the sight gave to all;
In words of the Frenchman “la gaiÉtÉ folle.”

G was the guest Tom was late to receive;
He came looking happy—a merry “convive.”

H was for Harry, who served the pie in great glee;
In France his name is pronouncÉd “Henri.”

I was the ivy; the pie with great care
Was entwined with the creeper the French call “lierre.”

J was the juice, well sweetened by the cook;
He flavoured it nicely and called it “le suc.”

K was the kitchen, so tidy and clean;
In France it is always called “la cuisine.”

L was the linen beside each place set,
In Anglo, the napkin; in French, “serviette.”

m n

M was the music (in French “la musique”)
Aunt played for the game of “lost treasure seek.”

N was the nurse (in France called “la bonne”)
Who brought some small cousins to share in the fun.

o p

O was the oven (in French called “le four”);
At ’Xmas it bakes many pies for the poor.

P for the plates (in French “assiettes”),
Kept warm till the table was all nicely set.

q r

Q the quadrille, which I think came from France;
The place where all children learn early to dance.

R was the room where the dancing took place,
In French called “le salon,” or else “la piÈce.”

S was the sideboard for things stored away;
Cupboard, or sideboard, in French is “buffet.”

T was the tray (in French called “plateau”)
All laden with jellies and cream whipped like snow.

U was the urchin, old cook’s “petite peste”;
Of leavings and scraps she was always in quest.

V was the valet; at “dix heures” he came,
His very small master and mistress to claim.

W a wrangler, a horrid “mÉgÈre”;
Just read the next line, her name will be there.

X Xantippe was not at the party, I’m told;
Such people are always left out in the cold.

Y was the year (in French called “l’annÉe”),
Which for these happy children had just passed away.

Z was the “zeste” that appetites hearty
Unfailingly give to an apple-pie party.


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