1. Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard Des os d’obtenir pour son chien, But when she got there, the cupboard was bare, HÉlas! le pauvre chien n’eut rien. mother hubbard 2 2. She went to get bread From the baker next door, But when she returned Le chien Était mort. 3. She went for a coffin, With many a tear, But the dog was only joking, Se met donc À rire. 4. She went for some tripe, Feeling all in a maze, But when she returned Il fumait À l’aise. 5. “I will get him some ale,” Mother Hubbard said she, But when she returned Le chien Était assis. 6. She went for some wine, Her favorite to fÊte, Returning she found him Debout sur sa tÊte. 7. She went to the hatter’s To get him a hat, But when she returned Il nourrissait la chatte. 8. She went to the barber’s To buy him a wig, But when she returned Il dansait une gigue. 9. She went to the fruiterer’s To get him some fruit, Returning she found him Jouant de la flÛte. 10. To buy him a coat She went to the tailor, Returning she found him À cheval sur une chÈvre. 11. She went to buy shoes, But, most strange to tell, Returning, she found him Lisant les nouvelles. 12. To buy him some linen She went one fine day, Returning, she found Le chien qui filait. 13. She went to buy hose From old Father Drew, Returning she found him ParÉ de son mieux. 14. The dame made a curtsey, The dog made a bow; The dame said, “Your servant,” Le chien dit, “Bow-wow.” 15. This wonderful dog To the dame was most dear, He could read, sing and dance, Et il savait Écrire. 16. Whilst living she fed him With dainties galore, And built him a tombstone Quand il Était mort. page decoration rabbits |