[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] - A
- Areola, 30-31
- Arizona Pincushion, 44, 59-60
- B
- Baby Cacti, 32-61
- Barrel Cacti, 123, 154-84
- Beaver Tail, 100, 115
- Bent Spine Pincushion, 50-51
- Bergorocactus Emoryi, 5
- Bisnaga, 123, 154-84
- Black Spined Pincushion, 45, 61
- Brown Pincushion, 42, 55
- Buckhorn Cholla, 127, 143-44
- Bunny Cactus, 6, 21-22
- Burning Cactus, 65
- C
- Cabecita del Viejo, 71, 83-85
- Cacti
- distribution of, 2, 27-28, 89
- how to grow, 16-17
- locations for cultivation of, 17
- peculiarities of, 27-29, 35
- spines and flowers of, 29-31
- California Barrel Cactus, 162, 177-78
- California Cholla, 126, 141-42
- California Hedgehog Cactus, 65, 76
- California Pincushion, 45, 60
- Candy Barrel Cactus, 159, 173-74
- Candy Cactus, 161
- Cane Cacti, 120-52
- Carnegiea gigantea, 9
- Caterpillar Cactus, 2-3, 19
- Cephalocereus senilis, 6
- Cereus Genus, 1-26
- Deeringii, 13
- Emoryi, 5-6, 21
- eruca, 2-3, 19
- giganteus, 9-12, 24-25
- Greggii, 12-15, 25-26
- growth and habitats, 2
- how to identify and how to grow, 17-18
- pentagonus, 13
- Schottii, 3-5, 20
- senilis, 6-7, 21-22
- serpentinus, 8-9, 18, 23-24
- Thurberi, 7-8, 22-23
- undatus, 13
- Chirinola, 2-3, 19
- Cholla, 89, 93
- Common Pincushion Cactus, 41, 54
- Compass Cactus, 159
- Coryphantha Genus, 23, 34-37, 38-39, 44, 47-49, 50-52, 58-60
- aggregata, 44, 58-59
- arizonica, 44, 59-60
- deserti, 36, 48-49
- habitats, 46
- how to identify and how to grow, 47-48
- recurvata, 38, 50-51
- robustispina, 39, 51-52
- Cow’s Tongue, 96, 112
- Cream Cactus, 37, 49-50
- Cream Pincushion Cactus, 40, 53
- Creeping Devil Cactus, 2, 19
- Crimson Flowered Hedgehog Cactus, 65, 73, 86-87
- Cursed Cholla, 137, 138, 150-51
- Cylindropuntia, 120-52
- D
- Delicate Prickly Pear, 91-92, 108-109
- Desert-Afire, 65, 76
- Desert Christmas Cactus, 127, 128, 142-43
- Desert Pincushion, 48-49
- Desert Strawberry Cactus, 67, 70, 78, 82-83
- Devil Cholla, 137, 138, 150-51
- Devil’s Pincushion, 39, 51-52
- Discus Prickly Pear, 97-99, 113
- E
- Echinocactus Genus, 154-84
- acanthodes, 162, 177-78
- Covillei, 157, 171-72
- erectocentrus, 156, 170-71
- growth and habitats, 154
- hamatacanthus, 165, 181
- horizonthalonius, 158, 172-73
- how to identify and how to grow, 168-69
- intertextus, 155, 169-70
- Johnsonii, 161, 175-76
- Le Contei, 160, 174-75
- longihamatus, 181
- polyancistrus, 163, 178
- polycephalus, 164, 180
- Pringlei, 165, 181-82
- Rostii, 161, 176-77
- viridescens, 164, 179
- Visnaga, 166, 182-83
- Whipplei, 167, 183-84
- Wislizeni, 159, 173-74
- Echinocereus Genus, 63-87
- BonkerÆ, 71-73, 85
- chrysocentrus, 65-66, 77-78
- coccineus, 73, 86-87
- Engelmannii, 66, 78-79
- Fendleri, 69, 82-83
- growth and habitats, 63-65
- how to identify and how to grow, 74-76
- Leeanus, 68, 80-81
- mojavensis, 65, 76
- polyacanthus, 67, 79-80
- rigidissimus, 71, 83-85
- Rosei, 68, 81-82
- Echinomastus erectocentrus, 170-71
- Engelmann’s Hedgehog Cactus, 66, 78
- Engelmann’s Prickly Pear, 99, 113-14
- Engelmann’s Strawberry Cactus, 67
- F
- Fendler’s Hedgehog Cactus, 69, 82-83
- Ferocactus
- acanthodes, 177-78
- Covillei, 171-72
- Johnsonii, 175-76
- Le Contei, 161, 174-75
- Pringlei, 181-82
- Rostii, 176-77
- viridescens, 179
- Wislizeni, 159, 173-74
- Fishhook Cactus, 159, 173-74, 178
- Flapjack Prickly Pear, 103, 116-17
- Foothill Prickly Pear, 95, 96, 111
- Foxtail Cactus, 36-37, 48-49
- G
- Giant Cactus, 9-12, 24-25, 123
- Giant Visnaga, 166, 182-83
- Goddess of the Night, 13, 15
- Golden Prickly Pear, 101-103, 116
- Golden Spined Barrel Cactus, 129, 144-45, 161, 176-77
- Golden Spined Strawberry Cactus, 65, 77-78
- Green Flowered Pincushion, 43, 57-58
- Green Stemmed Visnaga, 164, 179
- H
- Harem Cactus, 164, 180
- Hedgehog Cactus, 5, 63-87, 123
- Horned Toad Cactus, 42, 56
- How to identify and how to grow,
- Barrel Cacti, 168-69
- Cereus Cacti, 17-18
- Cholla Cacti, 140-41
- Hedgehog or Strawberry Cacti, 74-76
- Pincushion Cacti, 47-48
- Prickly Pear Cacti, 106-107
- I
- Indian Strawberry Cactus, 66, 70, 78, 82-83
- Interlacing Spine Cactus, 155, 169-70
- J
- Jumping Cholla, 136, 138, 149-50
- Junco Espinoso, 8
- L
- Lemonade Cactus, 166
- Lengua de Vaca, 96, 112
- Limos de Visnaga, 181-82
- Long Spined Prickly Pear, 100, 105, 114-15
- Lophocereus Schottii, 3
- M
- Mammillaria Genus, 33, 34-36, 37, 40-44, 45-46, 47-48, 49-50, 52-58, 60-61
- fasciculata, 40, 52
- Grahamii, 41, 54
- growth of, 34-36
- habitats of, 46-47
- how to identify and how to grow, 47-48
- Johnstonii, 40, 53
- MacDougalii, 37, 49-50
- MainÆ, 42, 56
- Milleri, 67
- Spiny Tree Cholla, 134, 148
- Strawberry Cacti, 63-87
- Sunset Cactus, 41, 54
- T
- Tasajillo, 128, 142-43
- Tasajo, 134, 148
- Teddy Bear Cactus, 144-45
- Thornber’s Cholla, 133, 135, 148
- Traveler’s Compass, 158, 171-72
- Traveler’s Friend, 157-58, 159, 171-72
- Turk’s Head, 158, 172-73
- V
- Vela de Cojote, 137
- Visnaga, 154-84
- W
- Whipple’s Cholla, 93, 137, 151-52
- Whipple’s Visnagita, 167, 183-84
- White Persian Cat Cactus, 6, 21-22
- Z
- Zina, 3-5, 20
Distribution Map, West Distribution Map, East Distribution Map, East