- acute—ending in a point less than a right angle.
- AdiÓs, seÑor—(Spanish) Good day, sir.
- anther—the pollen-bearing body at the tip of the stamen.
- areola—area or center of growth.
- ascending—growing upward at an angle of forty or fifty degrees.
- ascending spreading—growing at an angle of less than forty degrees.
- awl-shaped—sharp-pointed from a broader base.
- bajadas—mesalike mountain slopes.
- Bisnaga—Barrel Cacti.
- bract—a scale or small leaf.
- Buenas noches—(Spanish) Good night.
- bulbous—somewhat thickened or bulblike.
- CactaceÆ—the botanical name for cacti or the cactus family of plants.
- calyx tube—the tube formed by the union of the sepals.
- candelabralike—with the branches growing somewhat regularly outward and upward.
- central spines, or centrals—the inner spines of a spine cluster.
- ciliate—with a fringe of hairs.
- compressed—flattened on opposite sides.
- constricted—contracted at regular intervals.
- corona—a crownlike circle or whorl of flower parts.
- creosote—a desert shrub.
- cross-ridged—marked transversely.
- deflexed—bent downwards.
- dished—concave or sunken in the center.
- divergent—spreading.
- dwarf trees—plants smaller than trees but with a main trunk.
- elliptical—oval or oblong with the ends rounded.
- filaments—the threadlike stalks of stamens.
- fissure—a furrow caused by the bark splitting.
- fluted—grooved or channeled vertically.
- Fuera—(Spanish) Begone, get you gone.
- genera—plural of “genus.”
- genus—a group or division of a family of plants.
- glochidium (plural, glochidia)—a small fine needlelike body, a spicule.
- mesa—a broad high table-land or plateau.
- Mojave—a desert in Southern California.
- obtuse—blunt or rounded at the tip.
- persistent—remaining in place beyond the usual time.
- petals—the inner circle of flower leaves, usually bright-colored.
- prostrate—lying flat on the ground.
- radial spines, or radials—the outer spines of a cluster.
- recurved—curved outward and backward.
- scale—a thin colorless body, usually a reduced bract.
- scurfy—with small transparent scales on the surface.
- sepals—the outer circle of flower leaves, green or colored.
- shrub—a woody plant branching from the base.
- spatulate—shaped like an old-fashioned spatula with the tip broadened and rounded.
- spicule—a small fine needlelike body, also called a glochidium.
- spine—a hardened and sharp-pointed modified branch or leaf, called also a thorn.
- spinescent—tipped with a spine or sharp point.
- stamen—the male bearing organ consisting of anther and filament.
- stigma—the tip of the style on which the pollen is deposited.
- style—the stalk joining the ovary and the stigma.
- style branches—the divisions of the style bearing the stigmas.
- translucent—partially transparent.
- trek—usually a trip by wagon, used here to signify a trip by automobile, or simply a trip.
- tubercles—knobby projections.
- Visnaga—Barrel Cacti.
- viable—capable of growth.
- Visnagita—smaller plants of the Echinocactus Genus.
- whorls—arrangement of plant parts in a circle around a stem.