THE SCARLET GROSBEAK Pyrrhula erythina (Pallas)


The Scarlet Grosbeak breeds from Northern Russia across Siberia to Kamchatka, and in winter it is chiefly found in the Oriental region. As a straggler on migration, however, it has visited many places in Europe to the west of Russia, and one or two examples have been obtained in this country.

The adult male has the greater part of its plumage rose red, browner on the mantle and flanks. Quills and tail dark brown with paler buffish margins. The female is olive brown with darker striations, the under parts dull white, buffish on the throat and breast, and striped with brown on the flanks. Length 5·5 in.; wing 3·25 in.

Pyrrhula europÆa
Male (right). Female (left)


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