THE ORTOLAN BUNTING Emberiza hortulana, LinnAEus


Up to within the last few years this bird was so freely imported alive to supply the wants of epicures that a large number of its supposed occurrences in these islands are open to suspicion. There seems, however, little doubt, that genuine wild examples have reached these islands from time to time.

This species breeds sparingly in Scandinavia and thence southwards through Denmark, Germany, and France, but it is only in the south of Europe that it becomes common, migrating eastwards and southwards to Abyssinia and North India in winter.

The male has the head greyish; rest of upper parts pale brown streaked with black. Throat yellow, becoming greyish on the upper breast; rest of under parts pale chestnut. The hen is duller with darker streaks on the head. Length 6 in.; wing 3·25 in.

Emberiza cirlus
Male (left). Young (right)


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