THE LITTLE BITTERN Ardetta minuta (LinnAEus)


This species is abundant in summer throughout Central and Southern Europe, migrating to Africa for the winter months. To Northern Europe it is only a scarce straggler, but in the United Kingdom it has been obtained fairly frequently, especially in our eastern and southern counties, and there is little doubt that it has on more than one occasion stayed to breed. It inhabits thick reed-beds, and when disturbed either creeps away with great speed through the vegetation or remains motionless with head erect, in which position it closely resembles the reeds.

The male has the crown, nape, back, quills, and tail greenish black, the rest of the plumage buff, paler on the wing coverts. The female has the crown, nape, and back brown, and the under parts buff, streaked with brown. The young resemble the female. Length 13 in.; wing 6 in.


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