This species is a regular resident with us and may be found in most of our counties. As a breeding bird, however, it becomes scarcer in the south of England and local in Scotland, its chief haunts at that time of year being the north of England, Wales, and Ireland. During the winter months it wanders about in large parties and its chuckling call-note may often be heard as they pass from one field to another. It nests chiefly in woods, the nest being placed against the trunk of some tree at a moderate height from the ground. The nest is an extremely neat structure of twigs and moss, beautifully formed and lined with vegetable down, wool, and feathers. The eggs, except in size, are much like those of the Linnet, but the ground colour is darker and the spots are smaller. In summer the Lesser Redpoll feeds chiefly on insects, but seeds and berries are eaten at all seasons and especially in winter. MEALY REDPOLL They may be found in all kinds of country, generally associating with other Finches and Buntings, but they are rather more partial to woods, gardens, and orchards. Their song bears a family resemblance to that of the Linnet, but is not so melodious or sweet. This bird is very tame and confiding, and may often be watched as it moves about in the trees of some orchard, examining them carefully for insects and reminding one in its actions of the Tits. The male has the upper parts of a warm brown with darker streaks. Lores and throat black; the crown, rump, and breast are carmine; rest of the under parts whitish, becoming browner with dark streaks on the flanks. In autumn the red tints on the rump and breast are much obscured by the broader pale edgings to the feathers. The female is rather smaller than the male and lacks the red on the breast and rump. The breast is buff with dark stripes, and the rump similar in colour to the mantle but paler. The young resemble the hen but lack the red on the crown. Length 4·75 in.; wing 2·75 in. In winter this species shows far more red on the breast than does the Mealy Redpoll at the same time of year. |