Although not very rare, this bird is seldom seen, as it spends most of its time at sea in attendance on the fishing-boats or on the banks where the fish abound. In Scotland it nests on St. Kilda and a few of the other islands of that group; while in the Shetlands, where it was first known to nest in 1878, it has now spread to several of the neighbouring stacks. The nest is placed on a ledge on the face of a precipitous cliff, and the single egg is pure white with a few reddish-brown spots. The young are at first nourished on a yellowish oil vomited by the parent birds, and large numbers are annually taken in St. Kilda for the sake of this oil. It may easily be distinguished from a Gull on the wing by its peculiar flight and rounded wings. The back and tail are grey, the rest of the bird white. Bill yellowish; legs ash colour. The young resemble their parents. The more northerly form of this bird has greyish under parts and may be met with in Scotland in winter. Length 19 in.; wing 13·25 in. |