THE DIPPER Cinclus aquaticus, Bechstein


Wherever a mountain torrent is to be found in these islands we are almost sure to find this bird, as he sits on a boulder which juts out among the rushing water. In shape he resembles the more familiar Wren, but he is essentially a water bird, and seeks most of his food, which consists entirely of aquatic insects and their larvÆ, in the bed of the stream.

Diving into the water it reaches the bottom by the aid of both wings and feet, and when there progresses, apparently, by its feet alone.

The nest, placed in the crevice of a wall, often on the under side of a bridge or between two boulders in the centre of the stream, is a large domed structure of moss and leaves, having an elliptical entrance low down on one side.

Four to six dull white eggs form the clutch, and two or three broods are reared in the season, the first eggs being laid early in March. Its song is begun in autumn and continues throughout the winter till well on in spring.

A strictly resident species, this bird may be found in its haunts at all times of the year and is exceedingly common in Scotland, where there are few burns that are not tenanted by two or three pairs. In hard frosty weather, however, when its natural home is frozen and food scarce, it wanders over the country and may at such times be found by tidal ditches on the sea-shore.

Its flight is rapid and direct, and when on the move it almost invariably follows the course of the stream.

The adult has the head and neck brownish, rest of the upper parts dark slate grey. Chin, throat and upper breast white, lower breast chestnut, passing into black on the flanks and belly. Bill blackish, legs brown. The young lack the chestnut on the lower parts. Length 7 in.; wing 3·6 in.


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