THE BRAMBLING Fringilla montifringilla, LinnAEus


This bird, closely allied to the Chaffinch, is only a winter visitor to this country, visiting us in large numbers every autumn, when it will usually be found feeding on the beech-mast. In years when the “mast” is plentiful these birds seem to be much more numerous than in other seasons, but this is probably due to the fact that, tempted by the abundance of food, they elect to pass the winter with us instead of moving on southwards. Frequenting the open field in company with other Finches, it feeds also largely on seeds and berries, though in summer it becomes, like the Chaffinch, chiefly insectivorous. Its breeding range extends across Europe and Asia, in the sub-Arctic birch forests, whence it migrates southwards through Central Europe, but seldom reaching the Mediterranean basin. In our islands it is commonest in the north and east, becoming scarce in the west and south-west. In Ireland it has only occurred at very irregular intervals. It commences the return journey in March or earlier, the actual time being largely dependent on the state of the weather, and by the first week in April the last stragglers have usually left us.

The male in summer has the head, nape, and upper parts blue black, with the exception of the rump, which is white. Upper wing coverts orange buff; greater wing coverts black tipped with white. Throat and breast orange; belly white; flanks spotted with black. Bill deep lead grey. In winter the black of the upper parts is largely concealed by broad buff margins to the feathers and the under parts are much duller. Bill yellow with a black tip. The female is dull brown on the back and a brownish white below. The young resemble the female. Length 6·1 in.; wing 3·6 in.


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