RICHARD'S PIPIT Anthus richardi, Vieillot


This eastern species breeds in Turkestan, Siberia, and Mongolia, but a large number yearly visit Europe during the autumn migration. In England a good many examples have been obtained, and closer observation may prove it to be a regular autumn migrant along our eastern and southern seaboard, as it is abundant on Heligoland every year. It has occurred once in Scotland and once in Ireland.

It is a large bird and may be distinguished by its long hind claw; when seen on the wing it appears very dark. The feathers of the upper parts are sandy brown with dark centres, but the rump is of a nearly uniform brown. Wing coverts tipped with reddish buff. Outer pair of tail feathers white with dusky margins to the inner webs, in the next pair the dusky margin is much broader, remainder of the tail feathers very dark brown. Chin white, margined with brown spots; breast buffish and thickly spotted; belly white. Length 7·25 in.; wing 3·75 in.


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