A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Accentor, Alpine, 70
- Hedge, 67
- Albatross, Black-browed, 399
- Auk, Great, 377
- Little, 380
- Avocet, 312
- B
- Bee-Eater, 184
- Bittern, American, 228
- Common, 227
- Little, 227
- Blackbird, 15
- Blackcap, 45
- Bluethroat, 34
- Brambling, 128
- Bullfinch, 135
- Bunting, Black-headed, 139
- Cirl, 143
- Corn, 140
- Lapland, 149
- Little, 146
- Meadow, 145
- Ortolan, 144
- Reed, 147
- Rustic, 145
- Siberian Meadow, 145
- Snow, 150
- Yellow, 141
- Yellow-breasted, 147
- Bustard, Great, 292
- Little, 292
- Macqueen’s, 293
- Buzzard, Common, 201
- Honey, 210
- Rough-legged, 203
- C
- Capercaillie, 274
- Chaffinch, 126
- Chiffchaff, 53
- Siberian, 54
- Chough, 154
- Coot, 290
- Cormorant, 219
- Courser, Cream-coloured, 296
- Crake, Baillon’s, 287
- Little, 286
- Spotted, 285
- Crane, 291
- Creeper, Tree-, 85
- Wall-, 85
- Crossbill, 137
- Two-barred, 139
- Crow, Carrion, 163
- Hooded, 164
- Cuckoo, 186
- American Yellow-billed, 189
- Great Spotted, 189
- Curlew, 347
- Eskimo, 349
- D
- Dabchick, Little Grebe or, 390
- Dipper, 70
- Diver, Black-throated, 384
- Great Northern, 383
- Red-throated, 385
- White-billed Northern, 384
- Dotterel, 296
- Dove, Rock, 271
- Stock, 270
- Turtle, 272
- Duck, Buffel-headed, 258
- Common Sheld, 239
- Eider, 260
- Ferruginous, 254
- Golden-eye, 257
- Harlequin, 259
- Long-tailed, 258
- Mallard, or Wild, 241
- Ruddy Sheld, 240
- Scaup, 256
- Tufted, 255
- Dunlin, 324
- E
- Eagle, Golden, 204
- Spotted, 203
- White-tailed, 205
- Egret, Little, 225
- Eider, King, 261
- Steller’s, 261
- F
- Falcon, Greenland, 211
- Gyr, 211
- Iceland, 211
- Red-footed, 215
- Fieldfare, 10
- Finch, Citril, 120
- Firecrest, 51
- Flamingo, 230
- Flycatcher, Pied, 107
- Red-breasted, 108
- Spotted, 105
- Fulmar, 398
- G
- Gadwall, 244
- Gannet, 222
- Garganey, 250
- Godwit, Bar-tailed, 345
- Black-tailed, 346
- Goldfinch, 117
- Goosander, 264
- Goose, Bean, 233
- Bernacle, 235
- Brent, 235
- Grey Lag, 231
- Pink-footed, 233
- Red-breasted, 234
- Snow, 234
- White-fronted, 232
- Goshawk, 206
- Grebe, Black-necked or Eared, 389
- Great Crested, 387
- Little, 390
- Red-necked, 388
- Slavonian or Horned, 389
- Greenfinch, 114
- Greenshank, 343
- Grosbeak, Pine, 137
- Scarlet, 136
- Grouse, Black, 275
- Pallas’ Sand, 273
- Red, 276
- Guillemot, Black, 379
- BrÜnnich’s, 379
- Common, 377
- Gull, Black-headed, 360
- Bonaparte’s, 359
- Common, 363
- Glaucous, 368
- Greater Black-backed, 367
- Great Black-headed, 362
- Herring, 364
- Iceland, 369
- Ivory, 371
- Kittiwake, 369
- Lesser Black-backed, 366
- Little, 360
- Mediterranean Black-headed, 362
- Sabine’s, 358
- Wedge-tailed, 359
- H
- Harrier, Hen, 200
- Marsh, 199
- Montagu’s, 200
- Hawfinch, 115
- Hawk, Sparrow, 207
- Hen, Moor, 288
- Heron, 223
- Buff-backed, 225
- Great White, 225
- Night, 226
- Purple, 224
- Squacco, 226
- Hobby, 214
- Hoopoe, 185
- House-Martin, 112
- Sparrow, 121
- I
- Ibis, Glossy, 229
- J
- Jackdaw, 160
- Jay, 156
- K
- Kestrel, 216
- Lesser, 218
- Kingfisher, 182
- Kite, 208
- Black, 210
- Knot, 330
- L
- Lapwing, 306
- Lark, Black, 171
- Crested, 170
- Shore, 172
- Short-toed, 170
- White-winged, 171
- Wood, 169
- Linnet, 129
- M
- Magpie, 159
- Mallard, or Wild Duck, 241
- Martin, House-, 112
- Sand-, 113
- Merganser, Hooded, 267
- Red-breasted, 265
- Merlin, 214
- Moor-hen, 288
- N
- Nightingale, 38
- Nightjar, 175
- Noddy, 358
- Nutcracker, 156
- Nuthatch, 81
- O
- Oriole, Golden, 99
- Osprey, 219
- Ouzel, Ring, 19
- Owl, Barn, 190
- Eagle, 197
- Hawk, 196
- Little, 195
- Long-eared, 191
- Scops, 197
- Short-eared, 192
- Snowy, 196
- Tawny, 193
- Tengmalm’s, 194
- Oyster-Catcher, 310
- P
- Partridge, 280
- Red-legged, 281
- Pastor, Rose-coloured, 154
- Peregrine, 212
- Petrel, Bulwer’s, 398
- Capped, 397
- Collared, 397
- Frigate, 393
- Leach’s Fork-tailed, 392
- Madeiran Fork-tailed, 393
- Storm, 391
- Wilson’s, 393
- Phalarope, Grey, 314
- Red-necked, 315
- Pheasant, 279
- Pigeon, Wood, 268
- Pintail, 247
- Pipit, Meadow, 94
- Red-throated, 95
- Richard’s, 97
- Rock, 98
- Tawny, 96
- Tree, 92
- Water, 97
- Plover, Caspian, 298
- Golden, 302
- Grey, 305
- Kentish, 301
- Killdeer, 302
- Lesser Golden, 304
- Little Ringed, 301
- Ringed, 298
- Sociable, 306
- Pochard, Common, 253
- Red-crested, 252
- Pratincole, 295
- Black-winged, 296
- Ptarmigan, 278
- Puffin, 381
- Q
- Quail, 282
- R
- Rail, Land, 283
- Water, 287
- Raven, 161
- Razorbill, 375
- Redpoll, Lesser, 132
- Mealy, 131
- Redshank, Common, 340
- Spotted, 342
- Redstart, 31
- Black, 33
- Redwing, 8
- Reedling, Bearded, 71
- Robin, 35
- Roller, 184
- Rook, 165
- Ruff, 333
- S
- Sand-Martin, 113
- Sanderling, 331
- Sandpiper, American Pectoral, 322
- Baird’s, 326
- Bartram’s, 335
- Bonaparte’s, 323
- Broad-billed, 321
- Buff-breasted, 335
- Common, 336
- Curlew, 328
- Green, 338
- Purple, 329
- Siberian Pectoral, 323
- Solitary, 339
- Spotted, THE END
Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. AGENTS America The Macmillan Company 64 & 66 Fifth Avenue, New York Canada The Macmillan Company of Canada, Ltd. 27 Richmond Street West, Toronto India Macmillan & Company, Ltd. Macmillan Building, Bombay 309 Bow Bazaar Street, Calcutta