AERATED WATERS Medal—PARIS, 1878. Gold Medals—LONDON, 1873; PARIS, 1875. Since offering to the Public in 1850 these delicious and unrivalled Aerated Beverages, the sole and lasting aim to which Messrs. Corry & Co. have directed all their efforts has been, not to force sales by venturesome and questionable efforts, but by the real fact of the superiority of the Beverages they offer to merit universal patronage. Judging from the world-wide favour, which they find yearly increasing, and the unprecedented success which has attended their efforts at all the Universal Exhibitions, or wherever they have competed, this aim (so far attained, and which their experience has proved to be a fundamental principle of success) will be steadily pursued. Since 1850 many mere imitators have come and gone, and many still remain; but the Public are requested to insist on having Corry's Waters, not imitations. To be had at all the First-class Hotels, Restaurants, and from Family Grocers, Wine Merchants, Chemists, also on board all First-class River and Ocean-going Steamers, etc., etc. JOHN MERCER & CO., WALLACE, The Only large Maker of Sausages in Glasgow who has always used First Quality only of Beef and Pork. Certified, but NOT by Dr. Clark, City Analyst. NOTE ADDRESSES— ESTABLISHED 1843. JOHN WALLACE, ESTABLISHED 1835. Telegraphic Address—"Football," Glasgow. GEORGE GILLESPIE, 170 Dumbarton Road, BROWN BROS., New Central Hat Warehouse, 195 ARGYLE STREET (A FEW DOORS EAST OF JAMAICA STREET), ONE STAIR UP. FELT HATS, The very Latest Shapes and Shades to suit Gents., Youths, and Boys. SILK HATS, Newest London and Paris Shapes, 8/6, 10/6, 12/6, 15/6, and 18/6 Also at 25 MAIN STREET, FOOTBALL REMINISCENCES. |