I. FOOTBALL: ANCIENT AND MODERN. III. A "SWEEP FOR THE CUP;" OR, HOW PATE BROWN KEPT HIS ENGAGEMENT. IV. FAMOUS ASSOCIATION PLAYERS PAST AND PRESENT. V. THE PIONEERS OF ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL IN SCOTLAND; OR, " THE CONQUEROR'S FOOTBALL BOOTS. " VI. HOW CLUBS WERE STARTED LONG AGO. VII. THE GREAT INTERNATIONAL; OR, NED DUNCAN'S DREAM. Scotland v. America, 1901. VIII. THE PATRONS, SPECTATORS, AND POPULAR PLAYERS. X. THE DUEL NEAR THE FOOTBALL FIELD, AND THE CAUSE OF IT. XI. THE FINAL TIE FOR THE ASSOCIATION CHALLENGE CUP 1889-90. TWO MEMORABLE MATCHES. RECOGNISED ATHLETIC WAREHOUSE ALEXANDER DUNCAN, Wholesale Jeweller GOLD AND SILVER BADGES. Holds the Largest Stock of Prize Specialities and Presentation Goods in the City. NEW DESIGNS IN BADGES. All Government Stamped. AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FOOTBALL AND OTHER CLUBS Supplied at Prices considerably less than any other House in the Trade. Patronised by all the Leading Clubs throughout the country. Specimens and Prices Post Free on Application. In ordering say whether Football or Golf Badges are wanted. Special Designs to Order. Over 100 Cups always In Stock, 10s. to £30. Over 200 Gold and Silver Badges in Stock at Wholesale Prices. Compare with others. (One Stair Up.) 75 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW. (One Stair Up.) COMFORT FOR THE FEET. Corns and Bunions may be removed, and Enlarged Toe Joints reduced, by using Thompson's French Corn Plaster. "It is as thin as silk, and comfortable to the foot. Since using thin Plaster I can walk almost any distance." Lady Maude ——. Packets 1s. 1½d. each; post free, 14 stamps. ASK FOR THOMPSON'S PLASTER. "GOOD NEWS." Thousands of sufferers will welcome the "Good News" that Nervetonine is a positive, permanent, and safe cure for all nervous affections, nervous exhaustion, nervous debility, mental depression, loss of memory, sleeplessness, and weakness of all kinds. Nervetonine will also cure indigestion, constipation, and piles. Nerve pains, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism, etc., instantly relieved and permanently cured with Nervetonine Bottles 1/9, 2/9 and 4/9, post free, from Sole Proprietor, M. F. THOMPSON, Chemist, CAUTION. Each Genuine Bottle of Nervetonine has M. F. THOMPSON'S name on label. Sponges, Bath Gloves, Friction Gloves, Flesh Brushes, Tooth, Nail, and Hair Brushes, and every Toilet Requisite at the above address. The Trainer of the Rangers Football Team writes: "Sir,—I use HERBULINE extensively, and find it of great value. I have never been disappointed in my results from using it. It is superior to any preparation I have hitherto tried, and I strongly advise those in want of a safe, reliable liniment to give it a trial.—I am, yours respectfully, "Ibrox, February 6th, 1890.
HERBULINE is superior to Mustard for Poulticing. Salient points—clean, easily applied, a more endurable heat. No liability to chill after using. It is a wonder to those who use it, and never disappoints in its results. Of Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors— Price 1s. 1½d. Net. If Posted, 3d. Extra. The HERBULINE Manufacturing Coy., WATERPROOFS. Gentlemen's Coats in all the Newest Styles and Patterns. Inverness Capes, Sleeveless Coats, etc. Waterproofs for Tourists, Cyclists, etc. Travelling Requisites. LAWN TENNIS, Cricket, Footballs, Shin-Guards, etc. Lists on Application. Prices strictly moderate. NORTH BRITISH RUBBER Co., Ltd., ASK FOR AS SUPPLIED TO SOLE AGENT FOR SCOTLAND— THOMAS COOK & SON, ALLAN & STEWART, THE EMPORIUM GLADSTONE BAGS, warranted Cowhide, 16", 13/4; 18", 15/; 20", 16/8; 22", 18/4; 24", 20/. Highland Dress Sporrans, Dirks, Skene Dhus, Brooches, etc. LECKIE, GRAHAM & CO., 116 Union St., Glasgow. IMPORTANT TO CLUB OFFICIALS AND PLAYERS. Every description of Portrait and Group Work executed in the best style, and on the shortest notice. Copies of the 3rd Lanark and Renton (record) teams can be had on application. Price, 3s. plain; 3s. 6d. enamelled. NOTE THE ADDRESS— H. & P. M'NEIL CRICKET AND LAWN-TENNIS.
SEND FOR SAMPLES. 91 UNION STREET, GLASGOW (Opposite "Mail" Office). FOOTBALL SPECTATORS Sold at 4s. 6d., 5s. 6d., and 6s. 6d. They are admitted to be the best Value ever offered to the Public. THOMAS STEWART, Scottish |