I. Tool-Making Animals 9
II. The Anatomy of a Machine 20
III. Machines for Making Machines 42
IV. Counting Seconds 57
V. Putting Rivers to Work 75
VI. Liquid Levers and Gears 94
VII. Air vs. Water 109
VIII. Air Springs and Cushions 126
IX. Power from Heat 139
X. Burning Fuel in the Engine Cylinder 155
XI. When Coal and Oil Are Exhausted 171
XII. Invasion of the Sea 182
XIII. Sliding, Rolling, Walking, and Creeping 203
XIV. Invasion of the Sky 219
XV. Helping the Farmer 239
XVI. Machining the Earth 251
XVII. From Fiber to Fabric 268
XVIII. The Making of Paper 289
XIX. Typesetting and Printing Machinery 300
XX. Cast Iron, Wrought Iron, and Steel 314
XXI. Animated Machinery 326
XXII. Heat Vacuums 345
XXIII. Engines of Destruction 359
XXIV. Summary of Mechanical Progress 376


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