

WHEN we review the marvelous achievements of modern civilization we are quite willing to agree with the ancient psalmist that man is “little lower than the angels.” But at the other end of the scale our complacency is liable to receive a rude shock; apparently the boundary between man and beast is not so very easy to draw.

We used to be told that one important superiority of mankind lies in the fact that he makes use of tools, while the beast never uses any implement except those that nature has furnished him as part of his own organism. But a gorilla will throw stones at his enemy; and he knows how to brandish a club and use it with telling force. Some of the apes are known to use sticks to knock down fruit which is out of the reach of their hands, and they will crack nuts with a stone. Clearly these animals are tool users. A very intelligent orang-utan in the Bronx ZoÖlogical Garden, New York, after trying for days to wrench off a bracket from the wall of his cage eventually used the horizontal bar of his trapeze as a lever and with it pried the offending bracket from its fastenings. Here was real invention and the discovery of the principle of leverage. The great black arara cockatoo of New Guinea uses his beak as a saw to weaken the shells of hard nuts, and to keep his bill from slipping off the smooth shell he is ingenious enough to wrap a leaf around the nut to hold it steady.

Even in the insect world we find creatures resourceful enough to make use of tools. Prof. Franz Doflein of the University of Breslau tells of an interesting study of certain ants, known as the Oecophylla smaragdina, who build their nests in bushes by fastening leaves together with fine threads. But the ants that build the nests cannot spin these threads, because they possess no spinning glands. They must depend upon their larvÆ for this product. When a rent was made in one of these nests, a band of the tiny creatures ranged themselves side by side along the torn edge of the leaf and reached across the gap until they could catch hold of the opposite edge with their mandibles. Then they drew back step by step, with perfect teamwork, until the two edges were brought together. In the meantime, other ants had rushed to the nursery and each one had picked up a larva, not with the idea of bearing it off to safety, but in order that the babies might spin the thread which the adult ants were unable to do. The larvÆ were carried to the breach in the nest and moved back and forth across the rent. They were pressed first against one side of the tear and then the other and all the while were squeezed tightly, evidently with the purpose of making them spin. Gradually a fine silky web was woven across the torn leaf and eventually the rent was completely patched.

Unquestionably these little ants are tool-using animals, because they make their larvÆ serve as spinning spindles and also as weavers’ shuttles. However, this can hardly be cited as a point in common with even the lowest type of man, for the ants merely use the tools they find at their disposal. They certainly cannot be credited with having produced or even improved the tool which they use, whereas even in the most primitive of men we find that the tools used are not only carefully selected for the work to be performed, but are actually, shaped, be it ever so crudely, to suit the job.

Clearly we must shift the boundary between man and beast, distinguishing the former as the creature who artificially improves his tools. But even here it is not absolutely certain that the boundary will stand. Wilhelm Boelsche, a well-known German writer on natural history, calls attention to the “blacksmith woodpecker” which will thrust hard pine nuts into cracks in the trunk of a tree, so that they are held as if in a vise, enabling the bird to operate upon the seed more easily. Furthermore, this woodpecker will actually make a hole in the tree to receive the nut if there is not a hole or crack handy, so that evidently this animal does produce or artificially improve the tool that it uses.

There are a few such examples in nature, just enough to cast a bit of uncertainty on the boundary we have set. But although the actual line of demarcation may not be clear, there is no question but that the lowest type of humanity now existent, or of which we have any record, is or was a tool maker. Chipped stones evidently fashioned by man for some useful purpose are found even in the remains of the Middle Tertiary Epoch. The spirit of inquiry, of experiment, of invention, and the ambition to dominate over other members of the animal kingdom or over the obstacles imposed by nature, are to be found more or less active among all peoples, no matter how lowly a position they may occupy in the scale of civilization.


The most primitive implements were probably developed for the purpose of war. From the very earliest times, down to the present day, war has been a most potent stimulus of invention. The first tools ever used were probably intended to enable the user to cope with dangerous enemies. They marked the first stage in the conquest of brain over mere brawn. The primitive weapons were used not only in fighting other men, but in fighting off dangerous animals, and then in hunting animals for food. No doubt the first implement ever used was a club, which gave a real advantage over the unarmed, scratching, tearing, and biting enemy. This was a lever which increased the reach of the fighter, and also increased the power of his blow. The heavier the club, the more dangerous the weapon, particularly when most of the weight was centered at the outer end of the stick. But he was a real genius who first fastened a rock to the end of his club.


Then arose the art of breaking stones—breaking them skillfully, so as to form a jagged cutting edge. When man began to fashion tools of stone he left imperishable records of his craftsmanship which enable us to trace his progress in invention. The first finished tool we find was the fist hatchet—a stone roughly chipped to form a cutting edge and of convenient shape for the grasp of the hand. This primitive tool very slowly, through a period covering thousands of years, developed into all manner of cutting implements, some with handles of wood and bone. The ax head was followed by the spearhead and this finally by the arrowhead, showing that man had at last found a mechanical substitute for his muscles to hurl projectiles farther and with greater accuracy than he could throw them by hand.

We marvel at the resourcefulness and skill of the primitive savage in working so difficult a material as stone. It would baffle a modern mechanic to be required to shape a piece of flint into an arrowhead with no other tool than a piece of bone. He is so accustomed to using tools which are harder than the material they are intended to shape that he cannot conceive of making any impression upon a piece of flint with a piece of bone, to say nothing of a stick of hard wood, and yet such tools were used away back in the Stone Age. At first stones were roughly shaped by hammering them together. Then the artisans became more skilled. They discovered that certain stones could be chipped more regularly and evenly, and the art of flaking off chips of flint sprang up. Some specimens that belonged to ages long preceding that of recorded history are beautifully done. The spearheads are symmetrically shaped like a long narrow leaf, and the stone is evenly furrowed on both sides with a keen edge all around.

Not only did primitive artisans shape the stone implements with hammer blows, but they learned how to shape stone by pressure as well, using a tool that was relatively soft. It is not a very difficult matter to shape even so hard a substance as glass merely by pressure. If a piece of glass is laid on a table with its edge slightly overhanging that of the table, it is possible to chip off the overhanging edge by pressing a nail or even a hard stick of wood against this edge. A small flake of glass is thus removed, and, by continuing the process, arrowheads of any shape may be formed. The tool is placed not against the upper surface of the glass, but against the edge of the glass, so that only the lower surface of it is split or flaked off. Then the glass is turned over and a chip is taken off the opposite face.

In the Middle Stone Age we find the primitive craftsman equipped with a very complete assortment of stone tools. He had hammers, chisels, scrapers, drills, and polishing tools. He knew how to make useful household implements, such as spoons and ladles, out of bone. He polished his work and ornamented the implements with carvings of animals. Ivory pins and needles show that he had begun to make himself clothing from the skins of animals and that he sewed them together with thongs or tendons.

In the Late Stone Age he had learned how to make vessels of fire-baked clay. His axes were ground to a sharp edge, and he bored holes in the ax head to receive the ax handle. The Swiss lake dwellers built houses of wood and fitted them with all sorts of wooden furniture carved with stone tools. Among the remains of these interesting settlements may be found balls of clay which, from the fact that one of them was discovered with a spool of flax still attached to it, were evidently used as spinning “whorls” used for spinning flax into thread. Clothing of skins was giving way to or being supplemented with clothing of woven fabric.


Prior to the Stone Age the club was undoubtedly used, in time of peace—if there ever was a time of peace in those days—to batter down trees, to beat through entanglements and to dislodge great stones. Here the first idea of leverage was evidently employed. The club with a rock tied to it, particularly if the rock was shaped with a sharp edge, made a better implement for hewing trees. It is quite probable that soon after this stage of development had been reached, some one discovered the use of the wedge, particularly in splitting timber. Of course, no one realized in those early days why it was that he could pry up a greater weight with a lever than he could lift directly by hand, or why he could split open a log by driving wedges into it. The art of mechanics was in existence long ages before science of mechanics began to be studied. But it was not until men began to look into the why of things that rapid progress was made.

We can go on endlessly with our speculations on the evolution of tools and machinery up to the time when historians began to record the mechanical achievements of man. Unfortunately even after historians began to write they were so filled with admiration for the destructive work of man that they had no time to record his constructive work. The warrior who spread havoc and terror received all the glory, and his deeds were written on parchment, inscribed in clay and carved in stone; but the humble artisan was not worthy of mention. Even when the science of mechanics came to be studied, it was shrouded in a veil of mystery, and it was beneath the dignity of the man of science to impart his knowledge to the artisan. There was a lack of cooperation between science and industry that has persisted to a certain extent even up to the present time. Some of the most ingenious inventions of the ancients were employed by a corrupt and crafty priesthood to produce apparently miraculous effects and hoodwink the general public; and so, in looking back to the early days of mechanics, we are obliged to draw upon our imagination to trace its evolution, supplementing this by a study of the tools of primitive people of more recent time. Practically every form of hand tool we now use must have been known to the ancient artisan.


We are not going to attempt to write a history of the evolution of machinery, but there is one invention whose origin is lost in the remote prehistoric ages which deserves more than passing attention. It is a pity that we have no clue as to who invented the wheel or how this most important element that enters into the construction of nearly all machinery was evolved. The invention called for a remarkable degree of originality. There is nothing like a wheel in nature. Levers we have in our own physical frame. But a wheel is something that is distinctly a human creation. Whoever invented it must have been a real genius, a James Watt or a Thomas Edison of his day. Certainly we owe more to the invention of the wheel than we do even to so revolutionary a machine as the steam engine, or the flying machine. How it was ever first conceived is a mystery. Maybe this primeval genius got his idea from seeing a stone rolling downhill, or he may have seen a tumbling weed rolling along the ground before the wind. It may be that the forerunner of the wheel was a roller shaped out of a log, for certainly primitive civilization must have advanced enough to have known how to hew timber before it would have been capable of fashioning a wheel. Some observant man might have noticed that he could drag a heavy timber over a rolling log much more easily than he could along the bare ground, and gradually the roller evolved into a wheel.

We can speculate upon the evolution of vehicles and transportation, once the wheel was invented. Of course, the first method of transporting loads was to carry them in the arms. Possibly loads were placed on skids and dragged along by one end. Away back in early times, it was discovered that two persons could carry more than twice as much as one, if the load were placed on a couple of poles. There was no friction to contend with, and not only was the load cut in two, because each man bore half of it, but the position of the load was such that it could be borne more easily. After the wheel was discovered, some one must have conceived of the idea of dispensing with an assistant by placing a wheel between the poles of the stretcher, thus making a crude wheelbarrow. It is more likely that two wheels were first used, making a cart of the stretcher, because the crude workmen of those days could hardly have produced anything but a very wobbly wheelbarrow. At any rate, the wheel, or pair of wheels, robbed one man of his job. Only one bearer was required where before two had been used. Labor costs were immediately reduced 50 per cent.


In the very earliest days of invention machines began to displace men. Had there been unions in those days, no doubt there would have been strenuous opposition to the introduction of this substitute for an honest worker. But among the ancients, even more than at the present time, invention meant greater production rather than less work, because the laborer of that time was not a hired man but a slave. There was no object in cutting down labor when it cost practically nothing. The only stimulus to invention was greater production.

The invention of the wheel meant the dawn of transportation, which is the backbone of civilization, and from it resulted no end of other inventions. It made it possible for communities to come into closer touch with each other. It meant circulation—an interchange of knowledge and of products. Food was transported from one locality to another, enabling certain communities to dispense with agricultural work and specialize in certain lines of manufacture; for they could barter their products for food raised by other communities. There are some tribes to-day which are most backward because they are separated from other tribes by rivers, while other tribes similarly placed owe their progress to the fact that they have developed sufficient skill to build crude bridges and thus gain access to the outside world.


In Egypt the wheel had a wonderful effect on agriculture. In that dry land water is, and always has been, most precious. No wonder the Nile was venerated! It meant life—life to crops, and hence life to man. How to raise water from this stream of life in time of drought was the great problem of the Egyptian. As slave labor was cheap, it was customary to haul up the precious water, a bucket at a time, and pour it over the fields. Then some one discovered that this process could be simplified by using a shadoof or swape; in other words, a long pole fulcrumed near one end, with a heavy rock for a counterbalance lashed to the shorter arm, and a bucket tied by a long rope to the longer arm of the lever. This primitive machine is still to be found in some rural districts. With this contrivance, a heavier load could be lifted than by hand, because, when raising the bucket, the weight of the rock would assist in lifting the water. After the swape came all manner of ingenious devices for lifting the water. There were seesaw arrangements which would scoop up some of the water at each oscillation of the seesaw, and in one ingenious contrivance there was a succession of seesaws by which the water was raised to a considerable height, whence it poured down into ditches that irrigated the fields.

Then some one invented a water wheel or a great wheel, fitted with buckets, which was turned by human or ox power, and which poured a steady stream of water into the irrigating ditches.

But the greatest invention was that of the engineer who actually made the river turn the wheel. It was probably on the Nile that the noria, as this machine was called, was first put into service.

The wheel was provided with paddles, so that the current made it revolve, and the water spilled out of the buckets into a trough as they were turned over by the wheel. We can imagine the triumph of the ancient inventor who developed that machine. True, the river might arise in its wrath now and then and wreck the machine, but in wrecking the wheel it had to flood the land, which, after all, was exactly what was aimed at. The anger of the river was short-lived; it soon quieted down and went on placidly turning the wheel which robbed it of the precious water. It was a great event in the history of engineering. The Nile had been harnessed. One of the great powers of nature had been set to work.


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