"The most interesting books to me are the histories of individuals and individual minds, all autobiographies, and the like. This is my favorite reading"—H. W. Longfellow. "Mrs. Bolton never fails to interest and instruct her readers."—Chicago Inter-Ocean. "Always written in a bright and fresh style"—Boston Home Journal. "Readable without inaccuracy."—Boston Post. POOR BOYS WHO BECAME FAMOUS.By Sarah K. Bolton. Short biographical sketches of George Peabody, Michael Faraday, Samuel Johnson, Admiral Farragut, Horace Greeley, William Lloyd Garrison, Garibaldi, President Lincoln, and other noted persons who, from humble circumstances, have risen to fame and distinction, and left behind an imperishable record. Illustrated with 24 portraits. 12mo. $1.50. "It is seldom that a book passes under our notice which we feel impelled to commend so highly to young readers, and especially to boys."—N. Y. Observer. "No book within our knowledge is better suited to be adopted in the rapidly growing reading-circles of our country."—Journal of Education. "Of this class of books we cannot have too many,—the more we have the better. This book, placed in the hands of our youth, will be worth more to them than gold."—Christian Intelligencer. GIRLS WHO BECAME FAMOUS.By Sarah K. Bolton. Biographical sketches of Harriet Beecher Stowe, George Eliot, Helen Hunt Jackson, Harriet Hosmer, Rosa Bonheur, Florence Nightingale, Maria Mitchell, and other eminent women. Illustrated with portraits. 12mo. $1.50. "Mothers and daughters cannot fail to find it both an interesting and inspiring book."—Chicago Inter-Ocean. "No better book can be put into the hands of a young girl."—Buffalo News. "Such books as this will elevate the minds of young girls, help them to understand the real problems of life, and leave a lasting impression on their minds and character."—Boston Herald. FAMOUS MEN OF SCIENCE.By Sarah K. Bolton. Short biographical sketches of Galileo, Newton, LinnÆus, Cuvier, Humboldt, Audubon, Agassiz, Darwin, Buckland, and others. Illustrated with 15 portraits. 12mo. $1.50. "Cannot fail to delight, interest, and instruct every boy or girl who may have the good fortune to read it."—Queries. "Possesses both interest and permanent value."—Boston Transcript. "No greater incentive to noble effort on the part of young men and women could be furnished than the biographies of eminent and successful men such as the present volume contains."—Brooklyn Standard Union. FAMOUS AMERICAN STATESMEN.By Sarah K. Bolton. Biographical sketches of Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Hamilton, Webster, Sumner, Garfield, and others. Illustrated with portraits. 12mo. $1.50. "With womanly tact and discernment, she notes keenly and describes charmingly those minor traits of character which, after all, do most distinguish one individual from another, and give human nature its subtle and wondrous variety."—The Critic. "It will be successful, and as useful as her other books have become.... Her studies of character, and manner of description are exceptionally interesting."—Congregationalist. FAMOUS ENGLISH STATESMEN.By Sarah K. Bolton. With portraits of Gladstone, John Bright, Robert Peel, Lord Palmerston, Lord Shaftesbury, William Edward Forster, Lord Beaconsfield. 12mo. $1.50. "The author's comprehension of her task is complete. Students should not consider their knowledge of the present reign thorough without a devoted reading of Mrs. Bolton's work. It is an inspiration to the study of history,—one of those rare and delightful books which elevate respect for the race, and man in particular; a book which makes the reader feel that to be a noble man is the highest privilege and the sublimest aim."—Chicago Tribune. "A ready and accomplished writer."—Philadelphia Public Ledger. "Drawn with remarkable fidelity."—Charleston News and Courier. FAMOUS ENGLISH AUTHORS OF THE 19th CENTURY.By Sarah K. Bolton. With portraits of Scott, Burns, Carlyle, Dickens, Tennyson, Robert Browning, etc. 12mo. $1.50. "She invests with fresh interest and charm those oft-told stories of the great makers of our nineteenth-century literature."—The Critic. "Admirably executed.... They have a charm that no other kind of history can rival."—Golden Rule. "Even more interesting than the preceding books, and will prove entertaining, not only to young persons, but to older readers as well."—N. Y. Star. FAMOUS AMERICAN AUTHORS.By Sarah K. Bolton. Short biographical sketches of Holmes, Longfellow, Emerson, Lowell, Aldrich, Mark Twain, and other noted writers. Illustrated with portraits. 12mo. $1.50. "Bright and chatty, giving glimpses into the heart and home life of some whom the world delights to honor.... At once accurate, inviting, instructive."—Chautauquan. "Nothing dry about the book.... Should find a place in the libraries of those who can afford but few books."—Omaha Daily Times. "Will always hold rank in English literature, and all lovers of American authors should read it."—Ohio State Journal. FAMOUS EUROPEAN ARTISTS.By Sarah K. Bolton. With portraits of Raphael, Titian, Landseer, Reynolds, Rubens, Turner, and others. 12mo. $1.50. "The charm of the book, as of all by Mrs. Bolton, lies in the easy, conversational naturalness with which the reader is led from page to page. Solid information and pleasant entertainment are blended enjoyably. Young people in hundreds of homes will read such a book with interest, and be the better for it."—Congregationalist. "Abounds in information and entertainment."—Philadelphia Bulletin. "There is nothing in the line of current biography that is better fitted for inculcating in the young a hearty taste for wholesome literature.... Printed in an artistic manner."—Troy Times. "Elevated both in language and thought."—Cleveland Leader. FAMOUS TYPES OF WOMANHOOD.By Sarah K. Bolton. With portraits of Queen Louise, Madam Recamier, Miss Dix, Jenny Lind, Susanna Wesley, Harriet Martineau, Amelia B. Edwards, and Mrs. Judson. 12mo. $1.50. "Such a book is well fitted to strengthen the courage and inspiration of every woman who is learning to comprehend something of the inherent nobleness and glory of her sex."—Hartford Daily Times. "Wise mothers will give this volume to their daughters. Conscientious teachers will read it to their scholars."—Interior. FAMOUS VOYAGERS AND EXPLORERS.By Sarah K. Bolton. With portraits of Raleigh, Sir John Franklin, Magellan, Dr. Kane, Greely, Livingstone, and others. 12mo. $1.50 "Mrs. Bolton studies with patience and relates with enthusiasm the adventures of this long line of heroes. Her style is simple and unaffected, and her accuracy is unquestioned."—Christian Advocate. FAMOUS LEADERS AMONG MEN.By Sarah K. Bolton. With portraits of Napoleon, Wendell Phillips, Thomas Arnold, Charles Kingsley, Gen. Sherman, and others. 12mo. $1.50 "A series of biographies which will be widely read and will do a great deal of good."—Boston Herald. "Entertaining and inspiring."—Public Opinion. "Her power of condensation borders on the marvelous."—Rochester Herald. FAMOUS LEADERS AMONG WOMEN.By Sarah K. Bolton. With portraits of Catherine II. of Russia, Madam Le Brun, Catharine Booth, etc. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. "It is by all odds the most charming of Mrs. Bolton's famous books."—Northern Church Advocate. "Her selection embraces great variety, chronicling wonderful events."—Chicago Press. "Mrs. Bolton tells the story in a way that is both interesting and instructive."—Rochester Herald. FAMOUS GIVERS AND THEIR GIFTS.By Sarah K. Bolton. With portraits of Andrew Carnegie, Stephen Girard, John D. Rockefeller, and others. 12mo. $1.50. Latest Volume in the Series. STORIES FROM LIFE. By Sarah K. Bolton. A book of short stories, charming and helpful. 12mo. $1.25. FROM HEART AND NATURE. Poems by Sarah K. and Charles K. Bolton. 16mo. Gilt top, $1.00. THE INEVITABLE, AND OTHER POEMS. By Sarah K. Bolton. 16mo. With portrait. Gilt top, $1.00. MRS. SARAH KNOWLES BOLTON Comes from good New England ancestry; descended on her father's side from Henry Knowles, who came to Rhode Island from London, England, in 1635, and on her mother's side from Colonel Nathaniel Stanley, of Hartford, Conn., one of the leading men of the colony, and from Colonel William Pynchon, one of the twenty-six incorporators of Massachusetts Bay Colony. She was graduated from the Hartford Seminary, established by Catharine Beecher; published a volume of poems, and in 1866 married Charles E. Bolton, A.M., of Massachusetts, an Amherst College graduate of '65. They removed to Cleveland, O., where, besides writing for various periodicals, she did much charitable work. She was secretary of the Woman's Christian Association, and Asst. Cor. Sec. of the Nat. W. C. T. U. She has twice visited Europe, spending two years in England, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Norway and Sweden, studying literary and educational matters, and the means used by employers for the mental and moral elevation of their employees. On the latter subject she read a paper before the American Social Science Association in 1883. She was for three years one of the editors of the Boston Congregationalist. She prepared several small books for the Cleveland Educational Bureau, conducted gratuitously by her husband, and described by Dr. Washington Gladden in the Century magazine, January, 1885. The Bureau was discontinued when Mr. Bolton gave his time to lecturing. Miss Frances E. Willard says of Mrs. Bolton, "She is one of the best-informed women in America, the chief woman biographer of our times." T. Y. CROWELL & CO., New York and Boston. |