By J A K 12mo. Illustrated. $1.25 per Vol. BIRCHWOOD."A hearty, honest boys' book, which young people are sure to enjoy."—N. Y. Mail and Express. "An eminently wholesome and good book."—Zion's Herald. "An excellent story for boys, inculcating the valuable truth that whether a boy be rich or poor he should learn to work. There is also a good temperance lesson taught; and it is all told in a simple way, that ought to interest young readers."—Literary World. RIVERSIDE MUSEUM."Thoroughly healthy in tone."—Nation. "A very charming story for young folks."—Inter-Ocean. "In a pleasant, easy style, the writer shows how children aiming at improvement can find around a village the objects in Nature which develop thought and knowledge."—Christian Intelligencer. THE FITCH CLUB."A very interesting and very profitable story."—Hartford Post. "The author has a happy way of telling a story in just the style calculated to interest boys."—Christian Union. "A pure and interesting story for the boys and girls. Ways and means of doing many useful things are so naturally and pleasantly told that the information does not appear like teaching, but like story-telling."—Kansas City Times. PROFESSOR JOHNNY."An admirable book for teaching boys the science of common things."—Home Journal. "Combines scientific information, wise moral instruction, and capital entertainment in good proportions."—The Congregationalist. "It is characterized by that uncommon thing—common sense."—Christian Index. WHO SAVED THE SHIP."Good wholesome reading."—Milwaukee Sentinel. "One of the brightest books of the season."—Ohio State Journal. "Admirable in tone and full of interest."—Boston Traveller. THE GIANT DWARF."Young and old will read the story with pleasure."—Philadelphia Inquirer. "The author of 'Birchwood,' 'Prof. Johnny,' and other tales, will always be sure of a welcome among young people, and 'The Giant Dwarf' will be found to rank among his most fascinating work."—Boston Traveller. THOMAS Y. CROWELL & CO.13 ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK. $1500 PRIZE STORY. |