A woman gently rocks her easy chair, With a sweet infant lying on her breast, The gentle motion waving her long hair, As thus she sings her little one to rest, Lullaby, lullaby! Another twilight, and my heart is thrilled Still with thy living beauty; angel feet This day have trod our threshold, but to shield, And not to bear thee hence, my baby sweet. Lullaby, lullaby! One radiant star is shining in the west, A softer radiance is in thine eyes; Upon the slender stalk the blossoms rest— A sweeter blossom on my bosom lies. Lullaby, lullaby! All thou mayest be I dare not image now, As thou in life shalt bear an earnest part; Only I pray that on thy spotless brow The seal of heaven be set, and true thy heart, Lullaby, lullaby! The dew is falling, and the leaves are stirred With a low whispering of love and power, And thou art sleepy now, my nestling bird, Shut thy blue eyes as softly shuts the flower. Lullaby, lullaby! |