Absorption, 68.
Adaptation of food to particular needs, 69.
Air, 14, 15, 18, 20, 38-44, 54, 56, 64.
Albumen, 17, 25, 27, 52, 59, 61, 76, 146, 152, 168, 169, 283, 292.
Albuminoids, 17, 25, 62.
Ale, 119.
Apparatus for furnishing a cooking-school, 315.
Apple dumplings, 311.
Apple (dried) pie, 306.
Apple soup, 144.
Apples, 130.
Baked, 225, 226.
Stewed, 226.
Apple-tea, 106.
Arrowroot, 32, 34, 85.
Atmospheric pressure, 38.
Bacon, 300.
Bacteria, 23, 49, 99, 285.
Bacterial poisons in milk, 285, 286.
Bacteriology, 5, 313.
Baking-powder, 236, 245.
Barley jelly, 296.
Barley porridge, 309.
Barley pudding, 205.
Barley-water, 101, 284.
Beef, 169, 170, 310.
Beef-juice, 75.
Bottled, 76.
Broiled, 76.
Beefsteak, 27, 170, 171.
Beef-tapioca soup, 140.
Beef-tea, 75, 116.
Bottled, 77.
With hydrochloric acid, 77.
Beer, 119.
Biedert's Cream Mixture, 293, 295.
Bile, 51, 61.
Bills of fare, 304.
Birds, 175.
Field-larks, 180.
Grouse, 179.
Partridge, 176.
Pheasants, 178.
Reed-birds, 179.
Squabs, 176.
Snipe, 177.
Woodcock, 178.
Biscuits, cream-of-tartar, 242.
Biscuits, twin, 243.
Blanc-mange, 209, 210.
Boiled corned beef, 310.
Boiled potatoes and carrots, with fried onions, 309.
Bouillon, 143.
Brandy-milk, 98.
Bread, 34, 76, 232.
Composition of, 315.
Cream-of-tartar biscuit, 242.
Gluten, 245.
Graham, 241.
Graham gems, 244.
Milk, 239.
Oatmeal muffins, 244.
Rusk, 240, 241.
Snow-cakes, 243.
Sticks, 240.
Water, 238.
Bread pancakes, 307.
Bread soup, 304.
Broths, 27, 75.
Beef, 78.
Beefsteak, 79.
Chicken, 80.
Clam, 82.
Mutton, 81.
Oyster, 82.
Scotch, 80.
Serving of, 275.
Browned farina soup, 312.
Browned flour soup, 305.
Butter-cream, 193.
Buttered water toast, 129.
Cake, 246.
Care in baking, 247.
Chocolate, 250.
Dream, 252.
Feather, 249.
Invalid's sponge, 248.
Layer, 250.
Process of making, 247.
Rose, 250.
White, 251.
Cake filling and frosting, 252.
Caramel, 252.
Chocolate, 253.
Cream, 253.
White mountain, 252.
Calf's-foot jelly, 28.
Caramel, 37, 38, 115.
To make, 197.
Carbohydrates, 18, 19, 31, 62, 63, 64, 65, 58, 71.
Carbon, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 29, 36, 37, 171.
Carbonic acid, 10, 11, 14, 15, 21, 40, 42, 54, 107, 234, 235.
Carmine for coloring, 210.
Carrageen, 209.
Cellulose, 299.
Charts, 314.
Chemical changes, 10, 11, 15.
Chemistry of foods, 313.
Chicken, broiled, 174.
Chicken jelly, 126.
Chicken panada, 141.
Chicken soup, 135.
Chicken-tapioca soup, 139.
China for serving, 316.
Chocolate, 108, 110, 200.
Serving of, 269.
To make, 109.
Clam broth, 82.
Cocoa, 108, 299, 315.
Cocoa cordial, 119.
Cocoa-nibs, 109.
Cocoa-shells, 109.
Codfish balls, 309.
Coffee, 9, 22, 23, 114, 307.
Composition of, 116.
Serving of, 269, 275.
To make, 117, 118.
Coffee jelly, 124.
Coffee-syrup, 104.
Composition of the body, 16, 17, 18, 24.
Condensed milk, 288, 298.
ConsommÉ, 142.
Contagious diseases, care of dishes in, 271.
Convalescent's diet, 260.
Corn bread, 310.
Corn coffee, 307.
Cream, 30, 63, 104.
Cream, condensed, 296.
Cream-of-celery soup, 137.
Cream-of-rice soup, 138.
Cream of tartar, 10, 236.
Cream-of-tartar biscuit, 242.
Creams, 127, 195.
Chocolate, 200.
Coffee, 199.
Egg, 198.
Peach foam, 202.
Rice, 202.
Tapioca, 201.
Velvet, 199.
Cream sauce, 149.
Cream toast, 130.
Croutons, 132, 135.
Custards, 195.
Soft, 195, 278.
Baked, 196.
French, 197.
Rennet, 197.
Dextrine, 33, 63, 128, 163, 290.
Diastase, 34, 50.
Diet, 72.
Diet lists or menus for the sick, 254.
Digestibility of foods, 9.
Digestion, 9, 49, 66, 110, 116.
Digestive fluids, 50, 51.
District nursing, 301.
Drawn butter, 194.
Drawn butter sauce, 308.
Dried apple pie, 306.
Drinks, 95.
Egg-nog, 95.
Eggs, 25, 26, 52, 152, 314.
Composition, 152.
Omelets, 156.
Creamy, 157.
Foamy, 158.
Orange, 160.
Spanish, 160.
To serve, 277.
With chicken, 159.
With ham, No. 1, 158.
With ham, No. 2, 159.
With jelly, 159.
With parsley, 160.
With tomatoes, 159.
Poached, 155.
Scrambled, No. 1, 156.
Scrambled, No. 2, 156.
Soft-cooked, 154.
Egg toast, 131.
Elements, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, Grape, 228.
Serving of, 276.
To preserve, 230.
From gelatine, 120.
Chicken, 126.
Coffee, 124.
French, 125.
Lemon, 123.
Orange, 123.
Puncheon, 126.
Wine, No. 1, 122.
Wine, No. 2, 122.
Restorative, 125.
Junket, 198, 278.
Kitchen china, 316.
Kumiss, 106, 107.
Lactometer, 46.
Lactoscope, 46.
Lactose, 18, 37.
Lamb chops, 184.
Lead, 12.
Lemonade, 97, 275.
Lemon jelly, 123.
Lentil soup, 309.
Lettuce salad, 213.
Light diet, 256.
Lime-water (experiment with), 21.
Linen, 318.
Liquid diet, 254.
Literature, 313.
Liver, 63.
Lobsters, 300.
Lomb prize essay, 302.
Malted milk, 290, 291.
Meats, 5, 168.
Mellin's food, 283, 284, 290, 297, 298, 299.
Menus for the sick, 254.
Micro-organisms, 1, 2, 22, 23, 40, 46, 47, 49, 98, 230, 281, 284, 285.
Milk, 30, 44-49, 57, 273.
Composition of cow's, 45, 281, 315.
Condensed, 298.
Malted, 290.
Pasteurized, 288.
Preserved, 289.
Serving of, 275.
Sterilization of, 47, 48, 49, 99, 100, 281, 284, 287.
Supplies, 49, 281, 282.
Milk and seltzer, 100.
Milk and soda-water, 101.
Milk lemonade, 97.
Milk-punch, 95, 275.
Milk toast, 130.
Milk-sugar, 298.
Mineral matter in milk, 283.
Mineral salts, 18, 57, 65, 66, 71, 111, 162, 175, 226.
Mint sauce, 308.
Mock-bisque soup, 135.
Mulled wine, 118.
Mush and porridge, 90.
Cracked wheat, 93.
Farina, 92.
Granula, 93.
Hominy, 94.
Imperial Granum, 93.
Indian meal, 94.
Oatmeal, 91.
Wheat germ, 92.
Mustard sauce, 312.
Mutton, 181, 182.
NestlÉ's food, 291, 297.
Nitrogen, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 24, 42, 59.
Nitrogenous compounds, 53, 58, 62.
Noodles, 305.
Noodle soup, 305.
Nutrition, 53, 57, 313.
Absorption, 68.
Adaptation of foods to particular needs, 69.
Definition, 54.
Ideal diet, 68.
Imperfect, 70.
Inorganic matters and vegetable acids, 65.
Summary of the digestibility of foods, 68.
Value of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and extractives, 58-65.
Ways in which food supplies the wants of the body, 56.
Oatmeal, 80, 85, 86, 90, 91.
Oatmeal muffins, 244.
Oil, 10, 30.
Cod-liver, 63.
Fixed and volatile, 28.
Olive, 30, 31, 211.
Omelets, 156.
Orange jelly, 123.
Oxygen, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 29, 40, 42, 59, 64.
Oysters, 145.
Broiled, 149.
Broth, 150.
Chafing-dish, 151.
Composition, 145.
Creamed, 148.
Fancy roast, 150.
Pan-broiled, 150.
Raw, 147.
Roasted in the shell, 147.
Serving, 277.
Soup, 134.
Stew, 148.
Tea No. 1, 82.
Tea No. 2, 82.
Panada, 79, 141.
Pancreatic juice, 51, 61, 290.
Paraffin, 230.
Partridges, 176.
Pasteurized milk, 288.
Peach foam, 202.
Peas, 190.
Pea soup, 307.
Peptogenic milk powder, 284.
Peptonized milk, 296.
Pheasants, 178.
Phosphated gelatine, 121.
Physical changes, 10, 11, 12.
Pigeons, 180.
Pink blanc-mange, 210.
Pink sugar, 209.
Poisons in milk (bacterial), 22, 285, 286.
Porridge, 90, 91.
Porter, 119.
Potato and onion salad, 311.
Potatoes, 32, 34, 70, 161.
Baked, 165.
Boiled, 163.
Composition, 161.
Creamed, 166.
Duchess, 166.
Mashed, 164.
Roasted, 165.
Potato soup, 136.
Preserved milk, 289.
Protein, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 68, 71.
Puddings, 195.
Baked custards, 196.
Barley, 205.
Chocolate cream, 200.
Coffee cream, 199.
Corn-starch, 204.
Cream-of-rice, 2
Egg cream, 198.
French custard, 197.
Fruit tapioca, 207.
Irish moss blanc-mange, 209.
Orange baskets, 208.
Orange layers, 208.
Orange omelet, 160.
Peach foam, 202.
Pink blanc-mange, 210.
Princess, 204.
Rennet custard, 197.
Rice cream, 202.
Slip, 197.
Soft custard, 195.
Snow pudding, 203.
Tapioca cream, 201.
Tapioca jelly, 207.
Velvet cream, 199.
Puncheon jelly, 126.
Racahout des Arabes, 88, 89.
Reed-birds, 179.
Rennet, 198.
Restorative jelly, 125.
Rice, 76, 79, 81.
Rice-water, 102.
Ridge's food, 291, 297.
Roly-poly pudding, 312.
Rules for the feeding of children, 294.
Salads, 10, 71, 211.
Celery, 216.
Chicken, 214.
Lettuce, 213.
Potato, 215.
" with olives, 216.
Salad Dressing, 211.
French, 212.
Mayonnaise, 212.
Saliva, 50, 290, 51.
Salt (sodium chlorid), 11, 18, 66.
Scotch broth, 80.
Scraped beef, 172.
Serving, 267.
Sherbets, 217, 277.
Lemon, 222.
Orange, 223.
Sherry and egg, 98.
Sippets, 132.
Snipe, 177.
Soda-water, 101.
Sodium chlorid, 11, 232, 233.
Liquid, 237.
Zwieback, 300.