A. Abad avariento por un bodigo pierde ciento. A coveteous abbot for one offering loses a hundred. Abad de CarÇuela, comistes la olla, pedis la caÇuela. Abbot of CarÇuela, you eat up the pot and ask for the pipkin. Abajanse los adarves y alzanse los muladares. Walls sink and dunghills rise. A barba de necio aprenden todos Á rapar. On a fool’s beard all learn to shave. Abiendo escalera por do bajar, buscais soga para os colgar. With a staircase before you, you look for a rope to go down by. Abrenuncio Satanas, mala capa llevarÁs. Renounce the devil, and thou shalt wear a shabby cloak. A buen compaÑon buena compaÑia. For a good companion good company. A buey haron poco le presta el aguijon. A lazy ox is little the letter for the goad. A buey viejo no le cates abrigo. No need to seek shelter for an old ox. A cabo de cien aÑos todos seremos calvos. A hundred years hence we shall all be bald. A cada malo su dia malo. To every evil doer his evil day. A cada necio agrada su porrada. Every fool is pleased with his bauble. A calÇas cortas abugeta largas. Short hose must have long points. A carne de lobo, diente de perro. To wolf’s flesh dog’s tooth. A casa de tu hermano no irÁs cada serano. Go not every evening to your brother’s house. A casa de tu tia, mas no cada dia. Go to your aunt’s house, but not every day. A cavallo comedor cabedro corto. A short halter for a greedy horse. A cavallo dado no le miren el diente. Look not a gift horse in the mouth. A celada de bellacos, mejor es el hombre por los pies que por los manos. At an ambuscade of villains a man does better with his feet than his hands. Achaques al viernes por no le ayunar. Friday pretexts for not fasting (meaning pleas of indisposition for not eating fish). A chico pajarillo, chico nidillo. Little bird, little nest. A clÉrigo hecho de fraile, no le fies tu comadre. Trust not your gossip to a priest who has been a friar. A cuentas viejas, barajas nuevas. Old reckonings make new disputes. Acuestate sin cena, y amanecerÁs sin deuda. Go to bed supperless and you will wake without debt. A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando. Praying to God and hitting with the hammer. A Dios te doy, libreta, bevida, y por hilar. God take you, pound (of flax), drunk out and not yet spun. A dos pardales en una espiga nunca hay liga. Two sparrows on one ear of corn never agree. AdÓ pensas que hay tocinos, no hay estacas. Where you think there is bacon, there are not even hooks for it. AdÓ sacan y non pon, presto llegan al hondon. Always taking out and never putting in, soon reaches the bottom. Adonde vas, mal? Adonde mas hay. Whither goest thou, misfortune? To where there is more. Adonde yrÁ el buey, que no are? Whither shall the ox go where he will not have to plough? AdÓ vas, duelo? AdÓ suelo. Whither goest thou, sorrow? Whither I am used to go. A fuer de Aragon, buen servicio, mal galardon. According to the custom of Aragon, good service, bad guerdon. Agora que tengo oveja y borrego, todos me dizen: En hora buena estais, Pedro. Now that I have an ewe and a lamb, every one says to me: Good morrow, Peter. A gran salto, gran quebranto. A great leap gives a great shake. Agua passada no muele molino. Water past will not turn the mill. A hija casada salen nos yernos. When our daughter is married sons-in-law are plenty. Ahorrar para la vejez, ganar un maravedi y bever tres. To save for old age, earning a maravedi and drinking three. A idos de mi casa, y que quereis con mi muger? no hay que responder. There is no answer for Get out of my house, and What have you to do with my wife? AlÁbate, cesto, que venderte quiero. Praise yourself, basket, for I want to sell you. A la boda de Don Garcia lleva pan en la capilla. Carry bread in your hood to Don Garcia’s wedding. A la burla, dejarla quando mas agrada. Leave the jest at its best. A la cabeÇa, la comida la endereÇa. Eating sets the head to rights. Al agradecido, mas de lo pedido. To the grateful man give more than he asks. A la longa el galgo Á la liebre mata. In the long run the greyhound kills the hare. A la luna el lobo al asno espulga. The wolf picks the ass’s fleas by moonlight. A la muger y Á la picaza, lo que dirias en la plaza. To a woman and a magpie tell your secrets in the marketplace. A la primera azadonada quiere sacar agua. He expects to find water at the first stroke of the spade. A las barbas con dineros honra hacen los caballeros. To beards with money cavaliers pay respect. A las burlas asÍ ve Á ellas que no se salgan de veras. Jest so that it may not turn to earnest. Al asno muerto, la cebada al rabo. The ass dead, the barley at his tail. A las malas lenguas, tixera. For evil tongues, scissors. A las veces do cazar pensamos, cazados quedamos. When we think to catch we are sometimes caught. A las veces lleva el hombre Á su casa con que llore. A man may hap to bring home with him what makes him weep. A la vulpeja dormida, no le cae nada en la boca. Nothing falls into the mouth of a sleeping fox. Al buen pagador, no le duelen prendas. A good paymaster needs no security. AlcanÇa, quien no cansa. He who does not tire, achieves. Al desdichado poco le vale ser esforzado. It little avails the unfortunate to be brave. Alegrias, antruejo, que maÑana serÁs ceniza. Be merry, Shrovetide, for to-morrow thou wilt be ashes. Al enemigo, si vuelve la espalda, la puente de plata. Make a bridge of silver for the flying enemy. Al enhornar se tuerce el pan. It is in putting it into the oven that the loaf is made crooked. Al envidioso afilÁsele el gesto y crÉcele el ojo. The envious man’s face grows sharp and his eyes big. Al fin se canta la Gloria. At the end the Gloria is chanted. Al gato por ser ladron, no le eches de tu mansion. Don’t send away your cat for being a thief. Algo va de Pedro Á Pedro. There is some distance between Peter and Peter. Algun dia mande tanto Pedro como su amo. Some day Peter will command as much as his master. Al gusto daÑado lo dulce le es amargo. To a depraved taste sweet is bitter. Al hacer temblar, y al comer sudar. To shiver at work, and sweat at meals. Al hijo de tu vezina quÍtale el mico, y cÁsale con tu hija. Wipe the nose of your neighbour’s son, and marry him to your daughter. Al hombre bueno, no le busques abolengo. Ask not after a good man’s pedigree. Al hombre osado, la fortuna le da la mano. To the bold man fortune gives her hand. Al hombre venturero, la hija le nace primero. The lucky man has a daughter for his first-born. AllÁ va la lengua, do duele la muela. The tongue goes where the tooth aches. AllÁ van leyes, do quieren reyes. Laws go the way kings direct. Al lavar saldrÁ la mancilla. The spot will come out in the washing. AllÁ vayas, mal, adÓ te pongan buen cabeÇal. Away with thee, sickness, to where they make a good pillow for thee. Allegador de la ceniza y deramador de la harina. He gathers up ashes and scatters flour. AllÉgate Á los buenos, y serÁs uno dellos. Associate with the good, and you will be one of them. Al llamado de quien le piensa viene el buey Á la melena. The ox comes to the yoke at the call of his feeder. Al loco y al toro, darles corro. Make way for a madman and a bull. Al mas ruin puerco la mejor bellota. The worst pig gets the best acorn. Al mÉdico, confesor, y letrado, no le hayas engaÑado. Deceive not thy physician, confessor, or lawyer. Al mozo mal mandado, ponle la mesa, y embiale al recado. If you have a loitering servant, set his dinner before him and send him on an errand. A lo que puedes solo, no esperes Á otro. Expect not at another’s hand what you can do by your own. A los bobos se les aperece la Madre de Dios. The Mother of God appears to fools. A los osados, ayuda la fortuna. Fortune aids the bold. Al perro flaco, todo es pulgas. The lean dog is all fleas. Al puerco gordo, untarle el rabo. To grease the fat pig’s tail. Al que cueze y amasa no le hurtar hogaÇa. Do not steal a loaf from him that kneads and bakes. Al que dÁ el capon, dale la pierna y el alon. To him who gives you a capon you may spare a leg and a wing. Al que mal hace, nunca le falta achaque. The wrong doer is never without a pretext. Al que tiene muger hermosa, Ó castillo en frontera, Ó viÑa en carrera, nunca le falta guerra. He who has a handsome wife, a castle on the frontier, or a vineyard on the roadside, is never without war. Al que yerra, perdÓnale una vez, mas no despues. Him who errs, forgive once, but never twice. Alquimia provada, tener renta y no gastar nada. It is approved alchemy to have an income and spend nothing. Al raton que no tiene mas que un agujero, presto le cogen. The rat that has but one hole is soon caught. Al toro y al aire, darles calle. Don’t stop the way of a bull or of a current of air. Al villano dadle el pie, y tomarse ha la mano. Give a clown your foot, and he’ll take your hand. Al yerno y al cochino, una vez el camino. To a son-in-law and a hog you need show the way but once. Ama Á quien no te ama, responde Á quien no te llama, correrÁs carrera vana. Love one that does not love you, answer one that does not call you, and you will run a fruitless race. A maa veziÑa da agulla sin liÑa. The bad neighbour gives a needle without thread. (Galician.) A madrina, que eso yo me lo sabia. Hush, brideswoman, I knew all that before. A mal Ñudo mal cuÑo. To a hard knot a hard wedge. A maravedi de pleyto, real de papel. A lawsuit for a maravedi consumes a real’s worth of paper. A Mari Ardida nunca le falta mal dia, Á Mari Monton Dios se lo da, y Dios se le pon. Mary Busybody never wants a bad day, and Hilary Drone has God to give and bring to her. Amar y saber, no puede ser. To love and be wise is impossible. Ama, soys ama mientras el niÑo mama, y despues no nada. Nurse, you are mistress whilst the child sucks, and after that nothing. A mengua de carne, buenos son pollos con tocino. When you can’t get meat, chickens and bacon are good. A mengua de pan, buenas son tortas. When you can’t get bread, oat-cakes are not amiss. Amigo del buen tiempo mudarÁ con el viento. A fair-weather friend changes with the wind. Amigo de pleitos, poco dinero; amigo de mÉdicos, poca salud; amigo de frailes, poca honra. Fond of lawsuits, little wealth; fond of doctors, little health; fond of friars, little honour. Amigo do todos y de ninguno todo es uno. Everybody’s friend and nobody’s friend is all one. Amigo quebrado, soldado, mas nunca sano. Friendship broken may be soldered, but never made whole. Amigo reconciliado, enemigo doblado. A reconciled friend is a double enemy. Amigos y mulas fallescen Á as duras. Friends and mules fail in hard trials. (Galician.) Amistad de yerno, sol de invierno. A son-in-law’s friendship is a winter’s sun. Amor de niÑo, agua en cesto. A boy’s love is water in a sieve. Amor de padre, que todo lo otro es aire. A father’s love, for all other is air. Amores nuevos olvidan viejos. New loves drive out the old. Amores, dolores y dineros no pueden estar secretos. Love, grief, and money cannot be kept secret. Amor fa molt, argent fa tot. Love does much, money does all. (Catalan.) Amor loco, yo por vos, y vos por otro. Mad love—I for you, and you for another. A moro muerto gran lanzada. A great lance-thrust to a dead Moor. A mucho hablar, mucho errar. Much talking, much erring. A muertos y Á idos no hay mas amigos. The dead and the absent have no friends. A muger mala poco le aprovecha guarda. There is little use in watching a bad woman. A mula vieja cabezadas nuevas. New trappings to an old mule. Andando gana la hazeÑa, que no estÁndose queda. The mill gains by going, and not by standing still. Andando y hablando, marido, Á la horca. Talk as you go, husband, to the gallows. Andar Á caza con huron muerto. To go rabbit catching with a dead ferret. Andeme yo caliente, y riase la gente. Let me go warm, and folks may laugh. Animo vence en guerra, que no arma buena. It is courage that vanquishes in war, and not good weapons. Ante la puerta del rezador, nunca eches tu trigo al sol. Never spread your corn to dry before the door of a saintly man. Antes de casar, ten casas en que morar, y tierras en que labrar, y viÑas en que podar. Before you marry, have a house to live in, fields to till, and vines to cut. Antes de la hora gran denuedo; venidos al punto, venidos al miedo. Before the time great courage; when at the point, great fear. Antes de mil aÑos todos seremos calvos. In less than a thousand years we shall all be bald. Antes di que digan. Say before they say. (Tell your own story first.) Antes moral que almendro. Rather mulberry than almond. (The almond-tree is in blossom earlier than the mulberry.) Antes que cases, mira que haces, que no es Ñudo que deshaces. Before you marry, beware, for it is a knot difficult to untie. Antes toman al mentiroso que al cojo. The liar is sooner caught than the cripple. A olla que hierve, ninguna mosca se atreve. No flies light on a boiling pot. A otro perro con ese hueso. Throw that bone to another dog. A padre guardador, hijo gastador. After a thrifty father, a prodigal son. A palabras locas orejas sordas. To mad words deaf ears. A pan duro diente agudo. A sharp tooth for hard bread. A pobreza no hay vergÜenza. Poverty is no sin. A poca barba, poca vergÜenza. Little beard, little modesty. Aprendiz de Portugal, no sabe cozer y quiere cortar. A Portuguese apprentice who can’t sew, yet would be cutting out. A presurosa demanda espaciosa respuesta. To a hasty demand a leisure reply. A puerta cerrada, el diablo se vuelve. When the devil finds the door shut, he goes away. A puerta de cazador nunca gran muladar. There is never a great dunghill at a sportsman’s door. A puÑadas entran las buenas hadas. Good luck makes its way in by elbowing. Aquel es tu amigo que te quita de ruido. He is your friend who gets you out of a fray. Aquella ave es mala, que en su nido caga. It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest. Aquella es bien casada, que no tiene suegra ni cuÑada. She is well married who has neither mother-in-law nor sister-in-law. Aquellos son ricos que tienen amigos. They are rich who have friends. Aquel pierde venta que no tiene que venda. He loses his market who has nothing to sell. A quien dan, no escoge. Beggars must not be choosers. A quien dices tu puridad, Á ese das tu libertad. You surrender your freedom where you deposit your secret. A quien Dios quiere bien, la perra le pare lechones. Whom God loves, his bitch litters pigs. A quien hace casa, Ó se casa, la bolsa le quede rasa. He who builds a house, or marries, is left with a lank purse. A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda. God helps the early riser. A quien miedo le han, lo suyo le dan. He who is feared gets more than his own. A quien no le basta espada y corazon, no le bastarÁn corazas y lanzon. For whom sword and courage are not enough, corslet and lance will not be enough. A quien no le sobra pan, no crie can. Who has no bread to spare should not keep a dog. A quien no mata puerco, no le dan morcilla. They who don’t kill pigs must not expect black-puddings. A quien no tiene nada, nada le espanta. Who has nothing, fears nothing. A quien tiene buena muger, ningun mal le puede venir, que no sea de sufrir. He who has a good wife can bear any evil. A quien tiene mala muger, ningun bien le puede venir, que bien se puede decir. He who has a bad wife can expect no happiness that can be so called. A quien vela, todo se le revela. To him that watches, everything is revealed. Ara bien y hondo, cogerÁs pan en abondo. Plough deep and you will have plenty of corn. Ara por enjuto Ó por mojado, no besarÁs Á tu vecino en el rabo. Plough wet or dry, and you will not have to kiss your neighbour’s breech. Arco siempre armado, Ó flojo Ó quebrado. The bow that is always bent slackens or breaks. Arde verde por seco, y pagan justos por pecadores. The green burns for the dry, and the righteous pay for sinners. Ares, no ares, renta me pagues. Plough or not plough, you must pay your rent. A rio revuelto, ganancia de pescadores. It is good fishing in troubled waters. Armas y dineros buenas manos quieren. Arms and money require good hands. ArremÁngose mi nuera, y trastornÓ en el fuego la caldera. My daughter-in-law tucked up her sleeves, and upset the kettle into the fire. Arrieros somos, y en el camino nos encontraremos. We are both carriers, and shall meet on the road. A salvo estÁ el que repica. He is in safety who rings the tocsin. AsÍ acontescen cosas rÉcias, como ir Á la plaza y venir sin orejas. Such awkward things will happen as going into the great square and coming back without ears. AsÍ dijÓ la zorra Á las uvas, no pudiendolas alcazar, que no estarvan maduras. The grapes are sour, said the fox when he could not reach them. AsÍ estÁ el pages entre dos advocats como el pagel entre dos gats. A peasant between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats. (Catalan.) AsÍ me decis que en el monte hay lobos, y en el valle raposos. So you tell me there are wolves on the mountain, and foxes in the valley. Asna con pollino no va derecha al molino. An ass with her colt goes not straight to the mill. Asno con oro alcÁnzalo todo. The golden ass passes everywhere. Asno de muchos, lobos le comen. The ass of many owners is food for wolves. Asno sea quien Á asno vocea. An ass let him be who brays at an ass. Assaz puede poco, quien no amenaza Á otro. He can do but little who cannot threaten another. A su amigo el gato siempre le deja seÑalado. The cat always leaves her mark upon her friend. A tÍ lo digo, hijuela; entiÉndelo tÚ, mi nuera. I say it to you, daughter; hear it, daughter-in-law. A todo hay maÑa, sino Á la muerte. There is a remedy for everything but death. A tu amigo dile la mentira; si te guardare poridad, dile la verdad. Tell your friend a lie; and if he keeps it secret, tell him the truth. A tu amigo gÁnale un juego, y bÉvele luego. Win a game of your friend, and drink the money on the spot. A tu criado no le hartes de pan, no pedirÁ queso. Do not stuff your servant with bread, and he won’t ask for cheese. A tuerto Ó Á derecho, ayude Dios Á nuestro concejo. Right or wrong, God aid our purpose. A tuerto Ó Á derecho, nuestra casa hasta al techo. Right or wrong, ’tis our house up to the roof. A tu hijo, buen nombre y oficio. To your son give a good name and a trade. Aun no asamos, É ya empringamos. We are not yet roasting, and already we make sops in the pan. Aun no ensillamos, É ya cavalgamos. We have not yet saddled, and are already mounted. Aunque el decidor sea loco, el escuchador sea cuerdo. Though the speaker be a fool, let the hearer be wise. Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona so queda. A monkey remains a monkey, though dressed in silk. Aunque manso tu sabueso, no le muerdas en el bezo. Though your bloodhound be gentle, don’t bite him on the lip. Aunque me veis con este capote, otro tengo en el monte. Though you see me with this coat, I have another up the mountain. Aunque mi suegro sea bueno, no quiero perro con concerro. Though my father-in-law is a good man, I do not like a dog with a bell. Aunque seas prudente viejo, no desdeÑes el consejo. Though you are a prudent old man, do not despise counsel. A un traidor dos alevosos. Two false men to one traitor. Ausencia enemiga de amor; quan lejos de ojo, tan lejos de corazon. Absence is a foe to love; away from the eyes, away from the heart. A vaca que no come con os bois, Ó come ante, Ó come despois. The cow that does not eat with the oxen, either eats before or after them. (Galician.) Ave con cuchar nunca entre en tu corral. Let no shovel-beaked bird ever enter your yard. Ave muda no hace agÜero. A mute bird makes no omen. A volpe va por o millo e non come, mas dalle con o rabo e sacode. The fox goes through the corn and does not eat, but brushes it down with his tail. (Galician.) Aya cebo en el palomar, que palomas ellas se vernÁn. Let there be food in the pigeon-house, and the pigeons will come to it. Ayer vaquero, hoy caballero. Yesterday a cowherd, to-day a cavalier. Ay te duele, ay te darÉ. Where you smart there I will hit you. Ay ten a gallena os ollos do ten os ovos. The hen’s eyes are where her eggs are. (Galician.) AyudÁndose tres, para peso de seis. Three who help each other are as good as six. Azotan Á la gata, si no hila nuestra ama. They whip the cat, if our mistress does not spin. Azotenme en la plaza, que no lo sepan en mi casa. Let them whip me in the market-place, provided it be not known at home. B. Barba bien remojada, medio rapada. A beard well lathered is half shaved. Barriga caliente, pie dormiente. The paunch warm, the foot sleepy. Barro y cal encubran mucho mal. Clay and lime conceal much evil. Bel hombre no es todo pobre. A handsome man is not quite poor. Bendita aquella casa que no tiene corona rapada. Happy the home in which there is no shaven crown. Bien ama quien nunca olvida. He loves well who never forgets. Bien cuenta la madre, mejor cuenta el infante. The mother reckons well, but the child reckons better. Bien merca Á quien no dicen hombre bestia. He buys well who is not called a donkey. Bien Ó mal, casado me han. For letter for worse they have married me. Bien perdido y conocido. A good thing lost is a good thing valued. Bien predica quien bien vive. He preaches well who lives well. Bien sabe el asno en cuya cara rebuzna. The ass knows well in whose face he brays. Bien sabe el huego cuya capa quema. The fire well knows whose cloak burns. Bien sabe el sabio que no sabe, el nescio piensa que sabe. The wise knows that he does not know; the ignoramus thinks he knows. Bien sabe la vulpeja con quien trebeja. The fox knows well with whom he plays tricks. Bien sÉ lo que digo quando pan pido. I know well what I say when I ask for bread. Bien vengas, mal, si vienes solo. Welcome, misfortune, if you come alone. Bocado comido no gana amigo. A morsel eaten selfishly does not gain a friend. Boca que dice de sÍ, dice de no. The mouth that says yes says no. Bofeton amagado, nunca bien dado. A buffeting threatened is never well given. Buen abogado, mal vecino. A good lawyer, a bad neighbour. Buena es la gallina que otro cria. Good is the fowl which another rears. Buena fama hurto encubre. A good name covers theft. Buen amigo es el gato, sino que rascuÑa. The cat is friendly, but scratches. Buenas palabras y ruines hechos engaÑan sabios y locos. Good words and bad deeds deceive both wise and simple. Buena vida arrugas tira. A good life defers wrinkles. Buen corazon quebranta mala ventura. A good heart breaks bad fortune. Buen jubon me tengo en Francia. I have a good jacket in France. Bueno, bueno, bueno, mas guarde Dios mi burra de su centeno. Good, good, good, but God keep my ass out of his rye. Buen principio, la mitad es hecho. Well begun is half done. Buen siglo haya quien dijÓ bolta. Blessings on him that said, Face about. Buey viejo, sulco derecho. An old ox makes a straight furrow. Burla burlando vase el lobo al asno. All in the way of joke the wolf goes to the ass. Burlaos con el asno, daros ha en la cara con el rabo. Play with an ass and he will flirt his tail in your face. Burlaos con el loco en casa, burlarÁ con vos en la plaza. Play with the fool at home, and he will play with you abroad. Burlas de manos, burlas de villanos. Manual jokes are clowns’ jokes. Buscais pan de trastrigo. You want better bread than wheaten. Buscar cinque pies al gato. To look for five feet in a cat. C. Cabra coja no quiere siesta. A lame goat will not sleep by day. Cacarrear, y no poner huevo. To cackle and lay no egg. Cada buhonero alaba sus agujas. Every pedlar praises his own needles. Cada cabello hace su sombra. Every hair casts its shadow. Cada carnero de su pie cuelga. Let every sheep hang by its Cada cosa en su tiempo, y nabos en Adviento. Everything in its season, and turnips in Advent. Cada cuba huele al vino que tiene. Every cask smells of the wine it contains. Cada gallo canta en su muladar. Every cock crows on his own dunghill. Cada ollero su olla alaba, y mas si la trae quebrada. Every potter praises his pot, especially if cracked. Cada qual siente el frio como anda vestido. Every one feels the cold according as he is clad. Cada uno cuenta de la feria como le va en ella. Every one speaks of the fair as he himself finds it. Cada uno en su casa, y Dios en la de todos. Every one in his own house, and God in all men’s. Cada uno es hijo de sus obras. Every man is the son of his own works. Cada uno estiende la pierna como tiene la cubierta. Every one stretches his legs according to the length of his coverlet. (Cut your coat according to your cloth.) Cada uno estornuda como Dios le ayuda. Every one sneezes as God pleases. Cada uno por sÍ, y Dios por todos. Every one for himself, and God for us all. Cada uno quiere llevar el agua Á su molino, y dejar en seco el del vecino. Every one wishes to bring water to his own mill, and leave his neighbour’s dry. Cada uno sabe donde le aprieta el zapato. Every one knows where his shoe pinches him. Cae en la cueva el que otro Á ella lleva. He falls into the pit who leads another into it. Caldo de tripas, bien te repicas. Tripe broth, you make much of yourself. Caldo de zorra que estÁ frio y quema. Fox’s broth, cold and scalding. Callar y ojos, tomaremos la madre y los pollos. Silence and look out, we shall catch both hen and chicks. Campana cascada, nunca sana. A cracked bell will never be sound. Can que madre tiene en villa, nunca buena ladrilla. The dog that has its bitch in town never barks well. Cantarillo que muchas veces va Á la fuente, Ó deja el asa Ó la frente. The pitcher that goes often to the well leaves either its handle or its spout. Cantar mal y porfiar. To sing out of tune and persist in it. Capon de ocho meses para mesa de rey. A capon eight months old is fit for a king’s table. Cara de beato, y uÑas de gato. A devotee’s face, and a cat’s claws. Caro cuesta el arrepentir. Repentance costs dear. Casa el hijo quando quisieres, y la hija quando pudieres. Marry your son when you will, and your daughter when you can. Casa hospidada, comida y denostada. A house filled with guests is eaten up and ill spoken of. Casa labrada y viÑa plantada. A house ready built and a vineyard ready planted. CasarÁs y amansarÁs. Marry and grow tame. Casarme quiero, comerÉ cabeza de olla, y sentarme he primero. I’ll marry, and eat the prime of the pot, and sit down first. Castiga al que no es bueno, y aborrecerte ha luego. Chastise one that is worthless, and he will presently hate you. Castillo apercebido no es decebido. A fortress on its guard is not surprised. CayÓsele el pan en la miel. His bread fell into the honey. Cien sastres, cien molineros, y cien texederos son trecientos ladrones. A hundred tailors, a hundred millers, and a hundred weavers, are three hundred thieves. Cierra tu puerta, y harÁs tu vecina buena. Shut your door, and you will make your neighbour a good woman. Cobra buena fama, y Échate Á dormir. Get a good name, and go to sleep. Cobre gana cobre, que no huesos de hombre. Copper begets copper, and not (the labour of) men’s bones. (So money gets money.) Coces de yegua, amores para el rocin. The mare’s kicks are caresses to the horse. Combida Á tu yerno Á la gallina, que Él llevarÁ la lima. Invite Comer y rascar, todo es empezar. To eat and to scratch one has but to begin. Como canta el abad, responde el sacristan. As the abbot sings the sacristan responds. Como costal de carbonero, malo de fuera, peor de dentro. Like a collier’s sack, bad without and worse within. Compuesta no hay muger fea. No woman is ugly when she is dressed. Con agena mano sacar la culebra del horado. To draw the snake out of the hole with another’s hand. Con agua pasada no muele molino. The mill does not grind with water that has passed. Con dineros no te conocerÁs, sin dineros no te conocerÁn. With money you would not know yourself, without money nobody would know you. Con el Rey y con la Inquisicion, chitos! About the King and the Inquisition, hush! Con hijo de gato no se burlan los ratones. Rats do not play tricks with kittens. Con lo que Sancho cura, Marta cae mala. What cures Sancho makes Martha sick. Con mal estÁ la casa donde la rueca manda al espada. It fares ill with the house where the spinning-wheel commands the sword. Con todo el mondo guerra, y paz con Inglaterra. War with all the world, and peace with England. Con una cautela otra se quiebra. One trick is met by another. Con un poco de tuerto llega el hombre Á su derecho. With a little wrong a man comes by his right. CoraÇon determinado no sufre ser aconsejado. A determined heart will not be counselled. Cornudo sois, marido: muger, y quien te lo dijo? Husband, you are a cuckold: wife, who told you so? CortesÍa de boca mucho vale y poco cuesta. Lip courtesy avails much and costs little. Cosa mala nunca muere. A bad thing never dies. Cosa que no se venda, nadie la siembra. Nobody sows a thing that will not sell. Costumbre buena, costumbre mala, el villano quiere que vala. Costumbre hace ley. Custom becomes law. Crea el cuervo, y sacarte ha los ojos. Foster a raven and it will peck out your eyes. Criatura de un aÑo saca la leche del calcano. A child of a year old sucks milk from the heel. Cuidado ageno de pelo cuelga. Another’s care hangs by a hair. Cuidados agenos matan el asno. Other folks’ cares kill the ass. CuÑados, y perros bermejos pocos buenos. Of brothers-in-law and red dogs few are good. D. Da Dios alas Á la hormiga para que se pierda mas aina. God gives wings to the ant that she may perish the sooner. Da Dios almendras Á quien no tiene muelas. God gives almonds to one who has no teeth. Dadiva de ruin Á su dueÑo parece. A bad man’s gift is like his master. Dadivas quebrantan peÑas. Gifts break (or dissolve) rocks. Dame donde me asiente, que yo me harÉ donde me acueste. Give me a seat, and I will make myself room to lie down. Dar en el clavo. To hit the nail on the head. De amigo reconciliado, guarte de Él como del diablo. Beware of a reconciled friend as of the devil. De aquellos polvos vienen estos lodos. From that dust comes this mud. Debajo del buen sayo estÁ el hombre malo. Under a good cloak may be a bad man. Debajo de mi manto al rey mato. Under my cloak I kill the king. Debajo de una mala capa hay un buen bebedor. Under a bad cloak there is a good tippler. De casa del gato no vÁ harto el rato. The mouse does not leave the cat’s house with a bellyful. De cosÁrio Á cosÁrio no se llevan sino los barriles. Corsair against corsair nothing is got but empty casks. De cuero ageno correas largas. Large thongs of another man’s leather. De diestro Á diestro el mas presto. Between two sharpers, the sharpest. De dineros y bondad, siempre quita la mitad. In the report, of riches and goodness always bate one half. Dedo de espada, palma de lanza, es gran ventaja. An inch in a sword, or a palm in a lance, is a great advantage. De do sacan y no pon, presto llegan al hondon. Taking out and not putting in soon reaches the bottom. De gran subida gran caida. The higher the rise the greater the fall. De harÉ, harÉ, nunca me paguÉ; mas vale un toma que dos te darÉ. I never was satisfied with “I will, I will.” One “take this” is better than two “I will give you.” De herrero Á herrero no pasa dinero. Between Smith and Smith no money passes. De hombre que no habla, y de can que no ladra, libera nos. From a silent man, and a dog that does not bark, deliver us. Del agua mansa me libre Dios, que de la recia me guardarÉ yo. From smooth water God preserve me, from rough I will preserve myself. Del alcalde al verdugo, ved como subo. See how he has risen from a mayor to a hangman. De la mala muger te guarda, y de la buena no fies nada. Beware of a bad woman, and put no trust in a good one. De la mano Á la boca se pierde la sopa. Between the hand and the mouth the soup is lost. De la nieve, ni cocida, ni majada, no sacarÁs sino agua. From snow, whether baked or boiled, you will get nothing but water. Del dicho al hecho hay gran trecho. Between saying and doing there is a long road. Del mal el menor. Of evils, the least. Del mal que hombre teme, de ese muere. Of the malady a man fears, he dies. De lo contado come el lobo. The wolf eats of what is counted. De los leales se hinchen los hospitales. The poor-houses are filled with the honestest people. De luengas vias luengas mentiras. From long journeys long lies. Del pan de mi compadre buen zatico Á mi ahijado. From my gossip’s bread a large piece for my godson. De me digan, y Á mi pidan. Let them talk of me, and beg of me. De mozo rezador, y de viejo ayunador, guarde Dios mi capa. From a praying young man, and a fasting old man, God preserve my cloak. De noche los gatos todos son pardos. At night all cats are grey. De padre santo, hijo diablo. The father a saint, the son a sinner. De pequeÑa centella, gran hoguera. A little spark kindles a great fire. De persona callada arriedra tu morada. From a silent person remove your dwelling. De piel agena larga la correa. Of other men’s leather large thongs. De potro sarnoso buen caballo hermoso. A scabby colt may make a good horse. De puerta cerrada el diablo se torna. The devil turns away from a closed door. De quien pone los ojos en el suelo no fies tu dinero. Trust not your money to one whose eyes are bent on the ground. De rabo de puerco nunca buen virote. A pig’s tail will never make a good arrow. Derecho apurado, tuerto tornado. Right overstrained turns to wrong. De ruin Á ruin, quien acomete vence. Coward against coward, the assailant conquers. De ruin paÑo nunca buen sayo. There’s no making a good cloak of bad cloth. Desaprovechado como unto de mona. As useless as monkey’s fat. Descalabrar al alguacil, y acogerse al corregidor. To break the constable’s head, and take refuge with the sheriff. Desde que te errÉ, nunca bien te quisÉ. Since I wronged you, I have never liked you. Deshacer cruzes en un pajar. To undo crosses in a straw Despues de descalabrado untarle el casco. After breaking my head you bring plaister. Despues del daÑo cada uno es sabio. Every one is wise when the mischief is done. Despues de vendimias, cestos. After the vintage, baskets. Despues que la casa estÁ hecha, la deja. After the house is finished, he deserts it. Despues que me estas castigando, ciento y veinte agujeros contÉ en aquel rallo. Since you have been scolding me, I have counted a hundred and twenty holes in that nutmeg grater. Desque nacÍ llorÉ, y cada dia nace porquÉ. When I was born I wept, and every day brings a reason why. DesquitÓse Miguel; perdiÓ un ducado y ganÓ un conejo. Michael is quits; he lost a ducat and gained a rabbit. De traidor harÁs leal con bien hablar. Give a traitor good words and you make him loyal. Detras de la cruz estÁ el diablo. The devil lurks behind the cross. De tu muger y de tu amigo esperto, no creas sino lo que supieres cierto. Of your wife and your tried friend believe nothing but what you know for certain. Deudas tienes, y haces mas; si no mentiste, mentiras. You have debts, and make debts still; if you’ve not lied, lie you will. De un hombre necio Á vezes buen consejo. A fool sometimes gives good counsel. De un solo golpe no se derrueca un roble. An oak is not felled at one stroke. Deve algo para Pascua, y hacÉrsete ha corta la cuaresma. Have a bill to pay at Easter, and your Lent will be short. Di Á tu amigo tu secreto, y tenerte ha el pie en el pescuezo. Tell your friend your secret, and he will set his foot on your neck. Dicen los niÑos en el solejar lo que oyen Á sus padres en el hogar. What children hear their parents say by the fireside they repeat in the highway. DijÓ la sarten Á la caldera, Tirte allÁ, cul negra. Said the frying pan to the kettle, Stand off, black bottom. Dile que es hermosa, y tornarse ha loca. Tell her she is handsome, and you will turn her head. Dime con quien andas, dirÉte quien eres. Tell me what company you keep, and I will tell you who you are. Di mentira, y sacarÁs verdad. Tell a lie, and you will bring out the truth. Dinero llama dinero. Money gets money. Dineros de avaro dos veces van al mercado. Misers’ money goes twice to market. Dios es el que sana, y el mÉdico lleva la plata. God cures, and the doctor takes the fee. (God healeth, and the physician hath the thanks.) Dios me dÉ contienda con quien me entienda. God grant me to argue with those who understand me. Dios me libre de hombre de un libro. God deliver me from a man of one book. Dios os libre de hidalgo de dia, y de fraile de noche. God deliver us from a gentleman by day and a friar by night. Dios proveerÁ, mas buen haz de paja se querrÁ. God will provide, but a good bundle of straw will not be amiss. Dios te dÉ fortuna, hijo, que el saber poco te vale. God grant you fortune, my son, for knowledge avails you little. DÍsela tÚ una vez, que el diablo se la dirÁ diez. Tell it her once, and the devil will tell it her ten times. Do entra beber, sale saber. When drink enters, wisdom departs. Do falta dicha, por demas es diligencia. Where luck is wanting, diligence is useless. Do fueres, harÁs como vieres. Wherever you are, do as you see done. (When you are at Rome, do as Rome does.) Do fuerza viene, derecho se pierde. Where force prevails, right perishes. Donde fuiste paje, no seas escudero. Be not an esquire where you were a page. Donde hay gana, hay maÑa. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Donde huego se hace, humo sale. Where there’s fire there’s smoke. Donde irÁ el buey que no are? Where shall the ox go and not plough? Donde menos se piensa salta la liebre. The hare starts from where she is least expected. Donde os comieron la carne, que roan los huesos. Where they eat your meat let them pick the bones. Donde perdiste la capa, ay la cata. Where you lost your cloak, seek it. Donde una puerta se cierra, otra se abre. Where one door is shut another opens. Dormireis sobre ello, y tomareis acuerdo. Sleep over it, and you will come to a resolution. Dos amigos de una bolsa, el uno canta, el otro llora. When there are two friends to one purse, one sings, the other weeps. Dos aves de rapiÑa no mantienen compaÑa. Two birds of prey do not keep each other company. Do tu padre fuÉ con tinta, no vayas tu con quilma. Where your father has been with ink, go not you with a bag (i. e. what your father has sold and assigned, think not to recover with a bag of papers. In other words, don’t go to law for it). Do va mas hondo el rio, hace menos ruido. Where the river is deepest it makes least noise. Duerme Á quien duele, y no duerme quien algo deve. A sick man sleeps, but not a debtor. E. Echar el mango tras el destral. To throw the helve after the hatchet. Echar la pluma al aire, y ver donde cae. To throw up a feather in the air, and see where it falls. Echar un virote tras otro. To send one arrow after another. Echate Á enfermar, verÁs quien te quiere bien, y quien te quiere mal. Fall sick, and you will see who is your friend and who not. El abad de Bamba, lo que no puede comer, dalo por su alma. What the abbot of Bamba cannot eat he gives away for the good of his soul. El agujero llama al ladron. The hole invites the thief. El amenazador hace perder el lugar de venganza. The threatener loses the opportunity of vengeance. El amor verdadero no sufre cosa encubierta. True love suffers no concealment. El amor y la fe en las obras se vee. Love and faith are seen in works. El bien suena y el mal vuela. Good news is rumoured and bad news flies. El bobo, si es callado, por sesudo es reputado. A fool, if he holds his tongue, passes for wise. El buen hombre goza el hurto. The honest man enjoys the theft. El buen pagador seÑor es de lo ageno. A good paymaster is keeper of others’ purses. El buen vino la venta trae consigo. Good wine sells itself. El buey bravo en tierra agena se hace manso. The fierce ox becomes tame on strange ground. El buey quando se cansa, firme sienta la pata. The tired ox plants his foot firmly. El buey que me acornÓ, en buen lugar me echÓ. The ox that butted me tossed me into a good place. El buey sin cencerro piÉrdese presto. The ox without a bell is soon lost. El campo fertil no descansando, torna se esteril. The fertile field becomes sterile without rest. El can de buena raza, si hoy no caza, maÑana caza. The well-bred hound, if he does not hunt to-day will hunt to-morrow. El caracol, por quitar de enojos, por los cuernos trocÓ los ojos. The snail, to be rid of annoyances, bartered its eyes for horns. El carnero encantado que fuÉ por lana, y volviÓ trasquilado. The deceived sheep that went for wool and came back shorn. El cebo es el que engaÑa, que no el pescador ni la caÑa. It is the bait that lures, not the fisherman or the rod. El conejo ido, el consejo venido. When the rabbit has escaped, comes advice. El corazon no es traidor. The heart is no traitor. El corcobado no vee su corcoba, y vee la de su compaÑon. The hunchback does not see his own hump, but sees his companion’s. El cordero manso mama Á su madre, y Á qualquiera; el bravo ni Á la suya, ni Á la agena. The gentle lamb sucks any ewe as well as its mother; the surly lamb sucks neither its own nor another. El cuerdo no ata el saber Á estaca. The wise man does not hang his knowledge on a hook. El dar es honor, y el pedir dolor. To give is honour, to lose is grief. El dar limosna nunca mengua la bolsa. Giving alms never lessens the purse. El deseo hace hermoso lo feo. Desire beautifies what is ugly. El dia de ayuno vespera es de disanto. A fast day is the eve of a feast day. El dia de calor, ese te arropa mejor. On a hot day muffle yourself the more. El dia que no escobÉ entrÓ quien, no piense. The day I did not sweep the house, there came to it one I did not expect. El dia que no me afeytÉ, vino Á mi casa quien no pensÉ. The day I did not make my toilette, there came to my house one I did not expect. El dia que te casas, Ó te matas Ó te sanas. The day you marry ’tis either kill or cure. El dinero hace lo malo bueno. Money turns bad into good. El estiercol no es santo, mas do cae hace milagro. Dung is no saint, but where it falls it works miracles. El golpe de la sarten, aunque no duele, tizna. A blow from a frying-pan, if it does not hurt, smuts. El habito no hace al monge. The dress does not make the friar. El hijo del asno dos veces rozna al dia. The son of an ass brays twice a day. El hijo sabe que conoce Á su padre. It is a wise son that knows his own father. El hilo por lo mas delgado quiebra. The thread breaks where it is thinnest. El hombre es el fuego, la muger la estopa; viene el diablo y sopla. Man is fire, woman is tow; the devil comes with a bellows. El hombre necesitado cada aÑo apedreado. The poor man has his crop destroyed by hail every year. El hombre propone, y Dios dispone. Man proposes, and God disposes. El huego y el amor no dicen: Vate Á tu lavor. Fire and love do not say “Go to your work.” El huesped y el pez Á tres dias huele. A guest and a fish stink in three days. El hurtar es cosa linda, si colgasen por la pretina. Stealing would be a nice thing, if thieves were hanged by the girdle. El infierno estÁ lleno de buenas palabras. Hell is full of good intentions. El invierno es ido, y el verano venido, mal haya quien bien nos hizo. The winter is gone, the spring is come, a fig for those who us good have done. El judÍo Échase Á perder con pascuas, el moro con bodas, y el cristiano con escrituras. The Jew ruins himself with passovers, the Moor with wedding feasts, and the Christian with lawsuits. El lobo do halla un cordero, busca otro. Where the wolf gets one lamb it looks for another. El lobo do mane daÑo no hace. The wolf commits no mischief at home. El lobo hace entre semana por donde no va el Domingo Á misa. The wolf does that in the course of the week which hinders him from going to mass on Sunday. El lobo pierde los dientes, mas no los mientes. The wolf loses his teeth, but not his inclinations. El lobo y la vulpeja ambos son de una conseja. The wolf and the fox are both in one story. El mal de milano, las alas quebradas y el pico sano. The kite’s malady, its wings broken and its beak sound. El mal entra Á brazadas, y sale Á pulgaradas. Ill luck enters by fathoms and departs by inches. El malo siempre piensa engaÑo. The bad man always suspects knavery. El mal que de tu boca sale, en tu seno se cae. The evil which issues from thy mouth falls into thy bosom. El mal que no tiene cura es locura. Folly is the most incurable of maladies. El marido antes con un ojo que con un hijo. A husband with one eye rather than with a son. El mejor lance de los dados es no jugarlos. The best cast at dice is not to play. El mejor pienso del cavallo es el ojo de su amo. The best feed of a horse is his master’s eye. El melon y la muger malos son de conocer. A melon and a woman are hard to know. El mentir no tiene alcabala. There is no tax upon lying. El mentir y el compadrar ambos audan Á la par. Lying and gossipping go hand in hand. El mozo perezoso por no dar un paso da ocho. The lazy servant to save one step takes eight. El mur que no sabe mas de un horado, presto le toma el gato. The mouse that knows but one hole is soon caught by the cat. El oficial que no miente, sÁlgase de entre la gente. The official who can’t lie may as well be out of the world. El ojo del amo engorda el caballo. The eye of the master fattens the steed. El ojo limpiale con el codo. Wipe your eye with your elbow. El pan comido, la compaÑÍa deshecha. The bread eaten, the company departed. El perro del herrero duerme Á las martilladas, y despierta Á las dentelladas. The smith’s dog sleeps at the noise of the hammer, and wakes at the grinding of teeth. El perro del hortelano ni come las berzas, ni las deja comer al estraÑo. The gardener’s dog neither eats greens nor lets any one else eat them. El perro del hortelano, ni hambriento ni harto. The gardener’s dog, neither full nor hungry. El perro viejo, si ladra, da consejo. When the old dog barks he gives counsel. El pie del dueÑo estierco para la heredad. The master’s foot is manure for the estate. El porfiado albardan comerÁ de tu pan. The busy fly is in every man’s dish. El puerco sarnoso revuelve la pocilga. A measly hog infects the whole sty. El que Á su enemigo popa, Á sus manos muere. He who trifles with his enemy dies by his hand. El que es enemigo de la novia, como dirÁ bien de la boda? How shall the enemy of the bride speak well of the wedding? El que estÁ en el lodo querria meter Á otro. He who is in the mud likes to get another into it. El que estÁ en la aceÑa muele, que no el que va y viene. He who remains in the mill grinds, not he who goes to and fro. El que fuÉ monacelo, y despues abad, sabe lo que hacen los mozos tras el altar. He who has been first a novice and then an abbot, knows what the boys do behind the altar. El que ha ovejas, ha pellejas. He who has sheep has fleeces. El que ley establece, guardarla debe. He who makes a law should keep it. El que no duda, no sabe cosa alguna. He who doubts nothing knows nothing. El que no tiene casa de suyo, vecino es de todo el mundo. He who has no house of his own is everywhere at home. El que no tiene muger, cada dia la mata; mas quien la tiene, bien se la guarda. He who has no wife, is for thrashing her daily; but he that has one, takes care of her. El que tarda, recauda. He who delays, gathers. El que tiene tejados de vidrio, no tire piedras al de su vecino. He whose house is tiled with glass should not throw stones at his neighbour’s. El rayo y el amor, la ropa sana y quemado el corazon. With lightning and with love, the clothes sound, the heart burned. El rey va hasta do puede, y no hasta do quiere. The king goes as far as he can, not so far as he would. El ruin barbero ni deja pelo ni cuero. The bad barber leaves neither hair nor skin. El sol me luzga, que de la luna no he cura. Let the sun shine on me, for I care not for the moon. El tocino de paraiso para el casado no arrepiso. The bacon of paradise for the married man that does not repent. El tramposo presto engaÑa al codicioso. The sharper soon cheats the covetous man. El usar saca oficial. Practice makes perfect. El viejo en su tierra y el mozo en la agena, mienten de una manera. The old man at home, and the young abroad, lie after the same fashion. El viejo por no poder, y el mozo por no saber, dejan las cosas perder. The old for want of ability, and the young for want of knowledge, let things be lost. El vientre ayuno no oye Á ninguno. A hungry belly listens to no one. El vino anda sin calÇas. Wine wears no breeches. El vino bueno no ha menester pregonero. Good wine needs no crier. En arca abierta el justo peca. The righteous man sins before an open chest. En boca cerrada no entra mosca. No fly gets into a shut mouth. En buen dia buenas obras. The better day the better deed. En cada tierra su uso. Every country has its custom. En casa del ahorcado no se ha de mentar la soga. Never speak of a rope in the house of a man who was hanged. En casa del gaitero todos son danzantes. In the bagpiper’s house they are all dancers. En casa del herrero cuchillo de palo. In a smith’s house the knife is wooden. En casa del moro no hables algarabÍa. Do not talk Arabic in the house of a Moor. En casa de muger rica, ella manda siempre, y Él nunca. In the rich woman’s house she always commands; he never. En caza y en amores, entras quando quieres, y sales quando puedes. In hunting and in love you begin when you like and leave off when you can. Encomendar las ovejas al lobo. To commit the sheep to the care of the wolf. En el almoneda tien la boca queda. At an auction keep your mouth shut. En el mejor paÑo cae la raza. The best cloth has uneven threads. En el paÑo mas fino se ve mas la mancha. A spot shows most on the finest cloth. En el rio do no hay pezes por demas es echar redes. It is in vain to cast nets in a river where there are no fish. EngÁÑame en el precio, y no en lo que merco. Cheat me in the price and not in the goods. En hora buena vengais, mal, si viens solo. Welcome, misfortune, if thou comest alone. En la boda quien menos come es la novia. At the wedding-feast the least eater is the bride. En quanto fuÉ nuera, nunca tuve buena suegra, y en quanto fuÍ suegra, nunca tuve buena nuera. As long as I was a daughter-in-law I never had a good mother-in-law, and as long as I was a mother-in-law I never had a good daughter-in-law. En salvo estÁ el que repica. He is out of danger who rings the alarm-bell. En tiempo helado el clavo vale un caballo. In frosty weather a nail is worth a horse. Entienda primero, y habla postrero. Hear first, and speak afterwards. En tierra de ciegos el tuerto es rey. The one-eyed man is a king in the country of the blind. En tierra seca el agua salobre es buena. On dry land even brackish water is good. Entre dos amigos un notario y dos testigos. Between two friends a notary and two witnesses. Entre dos muelas molares nunca metas tus pulgares. Never put your thumbs between two grinders. Entre tanto que cria, amamos el ama; pasado el provecho, luego olvidada. Whilst the nurse suckles, we love her; when she is of no further use, she is forgotten. En voto del conde no mates al hombre. Don’t kill the man at the count’s desire. Esa es buena que estÁ al fuego y no se quema. She is good who is close to the fire and does not burn. Esa es buena y honrada que es muerta y sepultada. She is good and honoured who is dead and buried. Escrive antes que des, y recibe antes que escrivas. Let there be writing before you pay, and receipt before you write. Escuchas al agujero, oirÁs de tÚ mal y del ageno. If you listen at a hole, you will hear ill of yourself as well as others. Ese es mi amigo el que muele en mi molinillo. He is my friend who grinds at my mill. F. Fiar de Dios sobre buena prenda. Trust in God upon good security. For secreto, lo fumo lo descovre. Secret fire is discovered by its smoke. (Catalan.) Fraile que pide por Dios, pide por dos. The friar who begs for God begs for two. Frailes sobrand’ojo alerte. Where friars abound keep your eyes open. Frailes, viver con ellos, y comer con ellos, y andar con ellos, y luego vendellos, que asÍ hacen ellos. As for friars, Fuego, fuego, muchas ollas y un garbanzo en todas. Fire, fire, many pots on, and one pea in them all. G. Galgo que muchas liebras levanta, ninguna mata. The greyhound that starts many hares kills none. Gana tiene de coles quien besa al hortelano. She is fond of greens who kisses the gardener. Gato escaldado del agua fria ha miedo. The scalded cat dreads cold water. Gato maullador nunca buen cazador. A mewing cat is never a good mouser. Gloria vana florece, y no grana. Vainglory blossoms, and bears no fruit. Goza tÚ de tu poco, mientras busca mas el loco. Enjoy your little whilst the fool is seeking for more. Grano no henche harnero, mas ayuda Á su compaÑero. A grain does not fill a sieve, but it helps its fellow. Gran sabor es comer y no escotar. It is very savoury to eat scot free. Grano Á grano hinche la gallina el papo. Grain by grain the hen fills her crop. GuÁrdete Dios de hecho es. God keep you from “It is too late.” Guayas! padre, que otra hija os nasce. Alas! father, another daughter is born to you. H. Habla poco y bien, tenerte han por alquien. Talk little and well, and you will be looked upon as somebody. Habla de la caza, y cÓmprala en la plaza. Talk of sporting, and buy game in the market. HablÓ el buey y dijÓ Mu. The ox spoke and said “Moo.” Hacer la cuenta sin la huÉspeda. To reckon without the hostess. HÁgase el milagro, y hÁgalo el diablo. Let the miracle be wrought, though it be by the devil. Halagar con la cola, y morder con la boca. To fawn with the tail, and bite with the mouth. Hambre y frio entregan al hombre Á su enemigo. Hunger and cold give a man up to his enemy. Harto es ciego quien no vee por tela de cedazo. He is blind enough who cannot see through a sieve. Harto es necio y loco, quien vacue su cuero por henchir el de otro. He is a great simpleton who starves himself to feed another. Hay buena cuenta, y no paresca blanca. The account is correct, but not a sixpence appears. Haz buena harina, y no toques bocina. Make good flour, and do not blow the trumpet. Haz lo que bien digo, y no lo que mal hago. Do what I say well, and not what I do ill. Haz lo que dice el fraile, y no lo que hace. Do what the friar says, and not what he does. Herradura que chacotea, clavo le falta. The horseshoe that clatters wants a nail. Hidalgo honrado antes roto que remendado. A true gentleman would rather have his clothes torn than mended. Hijo del alcalde con todo sale. The magistrate’s son gets out of every scrape. Hijo no tenemos, y nombre le ponemos. We have no son, and yet are giving him a name. Hilo y aguja, media vestidura. Needle and thread are half clothing. Hizonos Dios, y maravillÁmonos nos. God made us, and we admire ourselves. Hombre apercebido vale por dos. A man forewarned is as good as two. (Forewarned is forearmed.) Hombre harto no es comedor. A man that has had his fill is no eater. Hombre pobre todo es trazas. A poor man is all schemes. Hombre que no tiene cabeza no ha menester bonete. He who has no head wants no hat. HuÉspeda hermosa mal para la bolsa. A handsome hostess is bad for the purse. Huir y correr no es todo uno. To flee and to run are not all one. Humo y gotera, y la muger parlera, echan al hombre de su casa fuera. Smoke, a dripping roof, and a scolding wife, are enough to drive a man out of his life. Hurtar el puerco, y dar los pies por Dios. To steal the pig, and give away the pettitoes for God’s sake. Huyendo del toro, cayÓ en el arroyo. Flying from the bull he fell into the river. I. Id por medio, y no careis. Take the middle of the way and thou wilt not fall. Iglesia, Ó mar, Ó casa real, quien quiere medrar. The church, the sea, or the royal household, for whoever would thrive. Ira de hermanos, ira de diablos. The wrath of brothers is the wrath of devils. Ir Á la guerra ni casar, no se ha de aconsejar. Never advise a man to go to the wars, or to marry. Ir por lana, y volver trasquilado. To go for wool and come back shorn. J. Juego de manos, juego de villanos. Manual play, clowns’ play. Jurado ha el vano de negro no hacer blanco. The bath has sworn not to whiten the blackamoor. Juras del que ama muger, no se han de creer. The oaths of one who loves a woman are not to be believed. Justa razon engaÑar el engaÑador. It is fair and just to cheat the cheater. Justicia, mas no por mi casa. Justice, but not in my own house. L. La bestia que mucho anda, nunca falta quien la taÑa. The beast that goes well is never without some one to try his paces. La boca y la bolsa, cerrada. The mouth and the purse, shut. La buena vida padre y madre olvida. Prosperity forgets father and mother. La burla dineros cuesta. Jesting costs money. La cabra de mi vecina mas leche da que no la mia. My neighbour’s goat gives more milk than mine. La carcel y la quaresma para los pobres es hecha. Prison and Lent were made for the poor. La caridad bien ordenada comenza de sÍ propia. Charity well regulated begins at home. La casa quemada, acudir con el agua. To fetch water after the house is burned. La codicia rompe el saco. Covetousness bursts the bag. La costumbre es otra naturaleza. Custom is second nature. La coz de la yegua no hace mal al potro. The mare’s kick does not harm the colt. La cruz en los pechos, y el diablo en los hechos. The cross on his breast, and the devil in his acts. La cuba huele al vino que tiene. The cask smells of the wine it contains. La cuba llena, la suegra bevida. The cask full, the mother-in-law drunk. LÁdreme el perro, y no me muerda. Let the dog bark so he don’t bite me. La espada y la sortija, en cuya mano estan. The sword and the ring according to the hand that bears them. La espina quando nace, la punta lleva delante. The thorn comes into the world point foremost. La gala del nadar es saber guardar la ropa. The secret in swimming is to know how to take care of your clothes. La gallina de mi vecina mas huevos pone que la mia. My neighbour’s hen lays more eggs than mine. La gente pone, y Dios dispone. Man proposes, and God disposes. La gotera dando hace seÑal en la piedra. The gutter by dropping wears the stone. La hogaÇa no embaraÇa. One’s prog does not clog. (Store is no sore.) La horca lo suyo lleva. The gallows takes its own. La justicia de Peralvillo que ahorcado el hombre le hace la pes quisa. Peralvillo justice: hang a man first and try him afterwards. La lengua del mal amigo mas corta que cuchillo. The tongue of a bad friend cuts more than a knife. La lengua luenga es seÑal de mano corta. A long tongue betokens a short hand. La letra con sangre entra. The letter enters with blood. La mala llaga sana, la mala fama mata. A bad wound may be cured, bad repute kills. La mano cuerda no hace todo lo que due la lengua. The wise hand does not all that the tongue says. La manzana podrida perde a su compaÑa. The rotten apple spoils its companion. La mas cauta es tenida por mas casta. The most cautious passes for the most chaste. La mas ruin oveja se ensucia en la colodra. The worst ewe dungs in the milking-pail. La moÇa como es criada, la estopa como es hilada. The girl as she is taught, the flax as it is wrought. La muger compuesta Á su marido quita de puerta agena. The well-dressed woman draws her husband away from another woman’s door. La muger del ciego para quien se affeyta? For whom does the blind man’s wife adorn herself? La muger hermosa Ó loca Ó presuntuosa. A handsome woman is either silly or vain. La muger polida, la casa sucia, la puerta barrida. The woman in finery, the house in filth, but the doorway swept. La muger quanto mas mira la cara, tanto mas destruye la casa. The more a woman admires her face, the more she ruins her house. La muger vieja, si no serve de olla, serve de cobertera. The old wife, if she does not serve for a pot, serves for a cover. La muger y el vidrio siempre estan en peligro. A woman and a glass are always in danger. La muger y la salsa Á la man de la lanÇa. Your wife and the sauce at the lance hand (the right hand). La muger y la tela, no las cates Á la candela. Choose neither a woman nor linen by candlelight. La mula y la muger por balagos hacen el mandado. A mule and a woman do what is expected of them. La necesidad hace Á la viega trotar. Need makes the old woman trot. La occasion hace el ladron. Opportunity makes the thief. La oveja harta, del rabo hace manta. The well-fed sheep makes a cloak of its tail. La piedra es dura, y la gota menuda, mas cayendo de continuo, hace cavadura. The stone is hard and the drop is small, but a hole is made by the constant fall. La pobreza no quita virtud, ni la riqueza la pone. Poverty does not destroy virtue, nor does wealth bestow it. La primera muger escoba, y la segunda seÑora. The first wife is a broom, and the second a lady. La quinta rueda al carro no hace sino embaraÇar. A fifth wheel to a cart is but an encumbrance. La sangre sin fuego hierve. Blood boils without fire. Las llaves en la cinta, y el perro en la cocina. The keys at the girdle, the dog in the larder. Las malas nuevas siempre son ciertas. Bad news is always true. Las manos blancas no ofenden. White hands are no offence. Las sopas y los amores, los primieros son mejores. Of soups and loves the first are the best. Las tripas esten llenas, que ellas llevan Á las piernas. Let the guts be full, for it is they that carry the legs. La suegra ha de ser rogada, y olla reposada. The mother-in-law must be entreated, and the pot must be let stand. La telaraÑa suelta al rato, y la mosca apana. The spider’s web lets the rat escape and catches the fly. La tierra que el hombre sabe, esa es su madre. The land a man knows is his mother. La traicion aplace, mas no el que la hace. The act of treachery is liked, but not he that does it. La una mano Á la otra lava, y las dos Á la cara. One hand washes the other, and both the face. La vaca harta de la cola haz brigata. The full-fed cow makes company of her tail. Lavar la cabeÇa del asno perdimiento de javon. It is a loss of soap to wash the ass’s head. La verdad, como el olio, siempre anda en somo. Truth, like oil, always comes to the surface. La vida y el alma, mas no el alvarda. My life and soul (are at your service), but not my pack-saddle. Lleva tu la arteza, marido, que yo llevarÉ el cedaÇo, que pesa como el diablo. Do you carry the trough, husband, and I will carry the sieve, which is as heavy as the devil. Lo ageno siempre pia por su dueÑo. What is another’s always pines for its master. Lo barato es caro. Bargains are dear. Lo mio mio, lo de Juan mi hermano, suyo y mio. What is mine is my own; my brother Juan’s is his and mine. Lo peor del pleito es, que de uno nacen ciento. The worst of a lawsuit is that out of one there grow a hundred. Lo perdido vaya por amor de Dios. Let what is lost go for God’s sake. Lo que come mi vicino no aproveche a mi tripa. What my neighbour eats does my stomach no good. Lo que con los ojos veo, con el dedo lo adevino. What I see with my eyes I can guess with my fingers. Lo que hace el loco Á la derreria, hace el sabio Á la primeria. What the fool does at last the wise man does at first. Lo que hecho es, hecho ha de ser por esta vez. What is done, is done for this time. Lo que la fuerÇa no puede, ingenio lo vince. What force cannot do ingenuity may. Lo que la loba hace, al lobo aplace. What the she-wolf does pleases the he-wolf. Lo que la muger quiere, Dios lo quiere. What a woman wills, God wills. Lo que mucho se desea, no se cree aunque se vea. What is much desired is not believed when it comes. Lo que mucho vale, de so tierra sale. What much is worth comes from the earth. Lo que no acerta en un ano, acerta en un rato. What does not happen in a year may happen in a moment. Lo que no lleva Christo, lleva el fisco. What Christ does not take the exchequer takes. Lo que no quieres para ti, no lo quieras para mi. What you dislike for yourself do not like for me. Lo que saben tres, sabe toda res. What three know, everybody knows. Lo que se usa, no se escusa. What is in use, wants no excuse. Lo que te dijeren al oido, no lo digas a tu marido. What is whispered in your ear tell not to your husband. Los amenazados comen pan. Threatened men eat bread. Los dichos en nos, los hechos en Dios. Man proposes, God disposes. Los niÑos y los locos dicen la verdad. Children and fools speak the truth. Los pies del hortolano no echan Á perder la huerta. The gardener’s feet do no harm to the garden. Los que cabras no tienen, y cabritos venden, de donde les vienen? They who don’t keep goats and yet sell kids, where do they get them? Los yerros del medico, la tierra los cubre. The earth hides as it takes, the physician’s mistakes. M. Madre, casar, casar, que carrafico me quiere llevar. Mother, marry me, marry me, or the gull will fly away with me. Madre, que cosa es casar? Hija, hilar, parir, y llorar. Mother, what is marrying? Spinning, bearing children, and crying, daughter. Madruga y verÁs, trabaja y habrÁs. Rise early and watch, labour and catch. Maja los ajos, Pedro, mientra yo rallo el queso. Pound the garlic, Pedro, whilst I grate the cheese. Mal me quieren mis comadres, porque les digo las verdades. My gossips don’t like me because I tell them truths. Mal se cubre la cabra con el rabo. The goat can’t well cover herself with her tail. Mal sobre mal, y piedra por cabezal. Ill-luck upon ill-luck, and a stone for a pillow. MaÑana sera otro dia. To-morrow will be another day. Manda y descuida, no se harÁ cosa ninguna. Give orders and do no more, and nothing will come of it. Manda y hazlo, y quitarte has de cuidado. Order and do it, and you will be rid of anxiety. Manos duchas comen truchas. Skilled hands eat trouts. Marihuela, fuiste a la boda? No, madre, mas galana estava la novia. Were you at the wedding, Molly? No, mother, but the bride was very fine. Marido, no veas: muger, ciega seas. Husband, don’t see; wife, be blind. Mas ablanda el dinero que palabras de caballero. Money soothes more than a gentleman’s words. Mas apaga buena palabra que caldera de agua. A good word extinguishes more than a pailful of water. Mas cerca estÁ la camisa que el sayo. The shirt is nearer than the frock. Mas cerca estÁn mis dientes que mis parientes. My teeth are nearer than my kindred. Mas descubre un hambriento que cien letrados. A hungry man discovers more than a hundred lawyers. Mas hace quien quiere que quien puede. He who strives to do, does more than he who has the power. Mas son los amenazados que los heridos. There are more threatened than hurt. Mas tira moÇa que soga. A girl draws more than a rope. Mas vale cabeza de raton que cola de leon. Better be the head of a rat than the tail of a lion. (Better rule in hell, than serve in heaven.) Mas vale con mal asno contender que la leÑa acuestas traer. It is better to strive with a stubborn ass than to carry the wood on one’s back. Mas vale el mal conocido que el bien por venir. Better suffer a known evil than change for uncertain good. Mas vale humo de mi casa que fuego de la agena. Better is the smoke of my own house than the fire of another’s. Mas vale mala avenencia que buena sentencia. A bad compromise is better than a successful suit. Mas vale pajaro en mano que buitre volando. A sparrow in the hand is better than a bustard on the wing. Mas vale puÑado de natural que almozada de ciencia. A handful of motherwit is worth a bushel of learning. Mas vale que digan, Aqui huyÓ, que Aqui muriÓ. Better they should say, “There he ran away,” than “There he died.” Mas vale que sobre, que no que falte. Better there should be too much than too little. Mas vale regla que renta. Better is rule than rent. Mas vale rodear que no ahogar. Better go about than be drowned. Mas vale ruin asno que ser asno. Better have a bad ass than to be your own ass. Mas vale salto de mata que ruego de hombres buenos. It is better to leap over the ditch than trust to the pleadings of good men. Mas vale solo que mal acompaÑado. Better be alone than in bad company. Mas vale tarde que nunca. Better late than never. Mas vale tuerto que ciego. Better one-eyed than stone blind. Mas vale una abeja que mil moscas. One bee is better than a thousand flies. Mas vale un toma que dos te dare. Better one “Take this,” than two “I will give you.” Mas vale vuelta de llave que conciencia de frayle. A turn of the key is better than the conscience of a friar. Mas val perder que mas perder. It is better to lose than lose more. (The first loss is the best.) Mas ven quatro ojos que dos. Four eyes see more than two. Mataras y matarte han, y mataran Á quien te matare. Kill and thou wilt be killed, and he will be killed who kills thee. Mejor es dobrar que quebrar. Better to bend than break. Mejor me parece tu jarro mellado que el mio sano. Your cracked jug seems better to me than my sound one. Menea la cola el can, no por ti, sino por el pan. The dog wags his tail, not for you but for your bread. Mete mendigo en tu pajar, y hacer se te ha heredero. Put a beggar into your barn and he will make himself your heir. Meter aguja, y sacar reja. To put in a needle and take out a bar. Miedo guarda viÑa. Fear guards the vineyard. Mientra en mi casa me estoy, rey me soy. In my own house I am a king. Mientra la grande se abaja, la chica barre la casa. Whilst the tall wench is stooping, the little one has swept the house. Miguel, Miguel, no tienes abejas y vendes miel. Miguel, Miguel, you have no bees, and yet sell honey. Mirais lo que bebo, y no la sed que tengo. You notice what I drink, and not the thirst I feel. Mira que ates que desates. See that you tie so that you can untie. Mostrar primero la horca que el lugar. To parade the gallows before the town. Mucho sabe la zorra, pero mas el que la toma. The fox is knowing, but more knowing he who catches him. Muchos besan manos que quierian ver cortadas. Many kiss hands they would fain see chopped off. Mucho tiene que hacer quien ha de gustar a todos. He has much to do who would please everybody. Muda el lobo los dientes y no los mientes. The wolf changes his teeth but not his disposition. Muger, no te las cuento, mas doze morcillas hace un puerco. I don’t count them to you, wife, but a hog makes twelve puddings. Muger, viento, y ventura, presto se muda. Women, wind, and fortune, soon change. N. Nace en la huerta lo que no siembra el hortelano. In the garden more grows, than the gardener sows. Nacenle alas a la hormiga para que se pierde mas aina. The ant gets wings that she may perish the sooner. Nadar y nadar, y Á la orilla ahogar. To swim and swim more, and be drowned on shore. Nadie seria mesonero sino fuese por el dinero. No one would be an innkeeper but for money. Necio es, quien piensa que otro no piensa. He is a fool who thinks that another does not think. Necios y porfiados hacen ricos los letrados. Fools and the perverse fill the lawyers’ purse. Ni absente sin culpa, ni presente sin disculpa. Absent, none without blame; present, none without excuse. Ni buen frayle por amigo, ni malo por enemigo. Neither a good friar for friend, nor a bad one for enemy. Ni con cada mal al fisico, ni con cada pleito al letrado, ni con cada sed al jarro. Go not with every ailment to the doctor, with every plea to the lawyer, or with every thirst to the can. Ni do ni tomo, como judio en sÁbado. I neither give nor take, like a Jew on the Sabbath. Ni el anzuelo, ni la caÑa, mas el cebo las engaÑa. It is not the hook or the rod, but the bait that lures. Ni estoy al vado, ni Á la puente. I am neither at the ford nor the bridge. Ni firmes carta que no leas, ni bebas agua que no veas. Neither sign a paper without reading it, nor drink water without seeing it. Ni hermosa que mate, ni fea que espante. Neither handsome enough to kill, nor ugly enough to frighten. Ni judio necio, ni liebre perezosa. No Jew a fool; no hare lazy. Ni perder derechos, ni llevar cohechos. Lose no rights, and commit no extortions. Ni rey traidor, ni papa descomulgado. No king was ever a traitor, or pope excommunicated. Ni sirvas Á quien sirviÓ, ni pidas Á quien pidiÓ. Neither serve one who has been a servant, nor beg of one who has been a beggar. No asamos, y ya empringamos. We are not roasting, and already we are basting. No asoleges tu mijo Á la puerta de tu enemigo. Do not spread your corn to dry at an enemy’s door. (Asturian.) No ay ladron sin encubridor. There is no thief without a receiver. No compres asno de recuero, ni te cases con hija de mesonero. Do not buy a carrier’s ass, or marry an innkeeper’s daughter. No creais, marido, lo que veeredes, sino lo que yo os dixerÉ. Don’t believe what you see, husband, but only what I tell you. No da quien quiere, sino quien tiene. Not he gives who likes, but who has. No dÉ Dios tanto buen Á nuestros amigos que nos desconoscan. No dice el umbral sino lo que oye al quincial. The threshold says nothing but what it hears of the hinge. No digais mal del aÑo hasta que sea pasado. Speak not ill of the year until it is past. No diga la lengua por do pague la cabeza. Let not the tongue utter what the head must pay for. No diga nadie, de esta agua no beberÉ. Let no one say, “Of this water I will not drink.” No digo quien eres, que tu te lo dirÁs. I do not tell thee what thou art, thou wilt tell it thyself. No entra en misa la campana, y Á todos llama. The bell does not go to mass, yet calls every one to it. No es aquella gallina buena, que come en tu casa y pone en la agena. It is a bad hen that eats at your house and lays at another’s. No es de vero lÁgrimas en la muger, ni coxuear en el perro. A woman’s tears and a dog’s limping are not real. No es en mano del piloto que dexe el viento su soplo. It is not in the pilot’s power to prevent the wind from blowing. No es nada, sino que matan a mi marido. It is nothing, they are only thrashing my husband. No es tan bravo el leon como le pintan. The lion is not so fierce as he is painted. No falte cibo al palomar, que las palomas ellas se vernÁn. Let there be no lack of food in the pigeon-house, and the pigeons will come to it. No falte voluntad, que no faltarÁ lugar. Where there is no want of will, there will be no want of opportunity. No habria palabra mala, si no fuese mal tomada. There would be no ill word if it were not ill taken. No hace poco quien su casa quema: espanta los ratones, y escalientase Á la leÑa. He does not a little who burns his house: he frightens the rats, and warms himself. No hace tanto la zorra en un aÑo como paga en un hora. The fox does not do as much mischief in a year as it pays for in an hour. No halla agua en la mar. He cannot find water in the sea. No hay bestia fiera que no se huelgue con su compaÑera. There is no beast so savage but sports with its mate. No hay casa do no haya su calla! calla! There is no house without its hush! hush! No hay cerradura, si es de oro la ganzua. There is no lock, if the pick is of gold. No hay ladron sin encubridor. If there were no receiver there would be no thief. No hay mejor bocado que el hurtado. There is no choicer morsel than that which is stolen. No hay mejor remiendo que el del mismo paÑo. There is no better patch than one off the same cloth. No hay olla tan fea que no halle su cobertera. There is no pot so ugly but finds its cover. No hay pariente pobre. No relation is poor. No hay peor burla que la verdadera. There is no worse joke than a true one. No hay peor sordo que el que no quiere oir. None so deaf as he that won’t hear. No hay placer que no enfade, y mas si cuesta de valde. There is no pleasure but palls, and the more so if it costs nothing. No hay tal madre como la que pare. There is no mother like the mother that bore us. No hay tal razon como la del baston. There’s no argument like that of the stick. No hay tal testigo como buen moduelo de vino. There is no such witness as a good measure of wine. No hiere Dios con dos manos. God does not smite with both hands. No inventÓ la polvera. He did not invent gunpowder. No juega MosÉ, porque no tiene que. Moses (i. e. a Jew) does not play because he has not the means. No lo quiero, no lo quiero, mas Échadme lo en la capilla. I don’t want it, I don’t want it, but put it into my hood. No mata la carga sino la sobrecarga. It is not the load but the overload that kills. No me digas oliva hasta que me veas cogida. Call me not olive till you see me gathered. No me llames bien hadada hasta que me veas enterrada. Call me not fortunate till you see me buried. No piden todos para un santo. All do not beg for one saint. No quiebra delgado, sino gordo y mal hilado. It is not the fine, but the coarse and ill-spun that breaks. No se acuerda la suegra que fuÉ nuera. The mother-in-law does not remember that she was a daughter-in-law. No seais hornÉra si teneis la cabeza de manteca. Be not a baker if your head is butter. No se hacen las bodas de hongos Á solas. The wedding feast is not made with mushrooms only. No se hacen tortillas sin romper huevos. You can’t make pancakes without breaking eggs. No se hizo la miel por la boca del asno. Honey was not made for the mouth of the ass. No se pierde todo lo que estÁ en peligro. All is not lost that is in danger. No se queje del engaÑo quien por la muestra compra el paÑo. Let him not complain of being cheated who buys cloth by the pattern. No serÁs amado si de tÍ solo tienes cuidado. You will not be loved if you care for none but yourself. No se toman truchas Á bragas enjutas. Trouts are not caught with dry breeches. Nos ollos de miÑa sogra vejo en quando o demo a toma. I see by my mother-in-law’s eyes when the devil takes hold of her. (Galician.) No son palabras para mi tia, que aun de las obras no se fia. Words will not do for my aunt, for she does not put faith even in deeds. No son soldados todos los que van Á la guerra. All are not soldiers who go to the wars. No te alegres de mi duelo, que quando el mio fuere viejo el tuyo serÁ nuevo. Do not rejoice at my grief, for when mine is old yours will be new. No te tomes con el ollero, que del burro hace dinero. Don’t scuffle with the potter, for he makes money by the damage. No vive mas el leal que quanto quiere el traidor. The loyal man lives no longer than the traitor pleases. Nunca los ausentes se hallaron justos. The absent were never in the right. Nunca mucho costÓ poco. Much never cost little. Nunca pidas Á quien tiene, sino Á quien sabes que te quiere. O. Obra de comun, obra de ningun. What’s everybody’s business is nobody’s business. Obres son amores, que no buenas razones. Deeds are love, and not fine phrases. O demo Á os suyos quiere. The devil is fond of his own. (Galician.) Ojos hay que de lagaÑas se enamoran. There are eyes that fall in love with bleared ones. (Fancy surpasses beauty.) Ojos que no ven, corazon que no quiebra. If the eyes don’t see, the heart won’t break. Olla de muchos mal mejida y peor cocida. The stew mixed by many is ill-seasoned and worse cooked. (Too many cooks spoil the broth.) Olla que mucho hierve, sabor pierde. The stew that boils much loses favour. O morirÁ el asno, Ó quien le aguija. Either the ass will die, or he that goads it. Onza de estado, libra de oro. An ounce of state to a pound of gold. O rico, o pinjÁdo. Either rich or hanged. Oro es lo que oro vale. That is gold which is worth gold. Oveja harta de su rabo se espanta. The full-fed sheep is frightened at its own tail. Oveja que bala, bocado pierde. The sheep that bleats loses a mouthful. Ovejas bobas, por do va una, van todas. Silly sheep, where one goes, all go. P. Paga lo que debes, sabrÁs lo que tienes. If you pay what you owe, what you’re worth you’ll know. Paga lo que debes, sanarÁs del mal que tienes. Pay what you owe, and be cured of your complaint. Pagase el rey de la traicion, mas no de quien la hace. The king likes the treachery, but not the traitor. Palabra de boca, piedra de honda. A word from the mouth, a stone from a sling. Palabras azucaradas por mas son amargas. Sugared words generally prove bitter. Palabra y piedra suelta no tiene vuelta. A word and a stone once launched cannot be recalled. Palo de ciego, que sÁca polvo de debajo de agua. A blind man’s stroke, which raises a dust from beneath water. Panadera erades antes, aunque ahora traeis guantes. You used to be a baker, though now you wear gloves. Pan ageno caro cuesta. Another’s bread costs dear. Papel y tinta, y poca justicia. Paper and ink and little justice. Para azotar el perro, que se come el hierro. If you want to beat a dog, say he eat your iron. Para cada jueves no hay un par de orejas. There is not a pair of ears for every Jew. Para el mal que hoy se acaba no es remedio el de maÑana. To-morrow’s remedy will not ward off the evil of today. Para los desdichados se hizo la horca. The gallows was made for the unlucky. Pariente a la clara el hijo de mi hermana. My sister’s son is a kinsman beyond dispute. Parto malo, y hija en cabo. A bad labour, and a daughter after all. Pasa la fiesta, y el loco resta. The feast passes and the fool remains. Paz y paciencia, y muerte con penitencia. Peace and patience, and death with penitence. Pedir sobrado por salir con lo mediano. Ask too much to get enough. Pedra de ygreja oro goteja. A church stone drops gold. (Galician.) Pelean los ladrones y descubrense los hurtos. When thieves fall out the thefts come to light. PensÉme santiguar, y quebrÉme el ojo. I thought to cross myself, and I put out my eye. PensÉ que no tenia marido, y comime la olla. I thought I had no husband, and I eat up the stew. Pereza, llave de pobreza. Sloth is the key of poverty. Perro alcucero nunca buen conejero. A kitchen-dog is never a good rabbit-hunter. Perro ladrador nunca buen mordedor. A barking dog was never a good biter. Perro lanudo, muerto de hambre, y no creido de ninguno. A shock dog is starved and nobody believes it. Perro que lobos mata, lobos le matan. The dog that kills wolves, is killed by wolves. Peso y medida quitan al hombre fatiga. Weight and measure save a man toil. PÍcame Pedro, y yo me lo quiero. Peter pinches me, and I like it. Piedra movediza nunca moho la cubija. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Piensa el ladron que todos son de sa condicion. The thief thinks that all men are like himself. Piensan los enamorados que tienen los otros los ojos quebrados. Lovers think that others have no eyes. Pierde el mes lo suyo, pero no el aÑo. The month loses its own, but not the year. PiÉs que son duchos de andar, no pueden quedos estar. Feet that are used to move cannot remain quiet. Planta muchas veces traspuesta ni crece ni tredra. A tree often transplanted neither grows nor thrives. Pobreza no es vileza, ma es ramo de picardia. Poverty is no sin, but it is a branch of roguery. Poca barba, poca verguenza. Little beard, little modesty. Poca hiel hace amarga mucha miel. A little gall embitters much honey. Poco Á poco se va lÉjos. Little by little one goes far. Poco daÑo espanta, y mucho amansa. A little loss frightens, a great one tames. Pollino que me lleve, y no caballo que me arrastre. Give me the ass that carries me in preference to the horse that throws me. Por amor del bou, llepa lo llop el jou. For love of the ox the wolf licks the yoke. (Catalan.) Por donde fueres, haz como vieres. Wherever you may be, do as you see done. Por donde menos se piensa salta la liebre. The hare starts from where it is least expected. Por donde va la mar, vayan las arenas. Where the sea goes let the sands go. Por do quiera hay su legua de mal camino. Whatever way you take there is a league of bad road. Por do salta la cabra, salta la que la mama. Where the goat leaps, leaps that which sucks her. Por el alabado dejÉ el conocido, y vi me arrepentido. I left what I knew for what I heard praised, and repented. Por el hilo se saca el ovillo. By the thread we unwind the skein. Por falta de hombres buenos, Á mi padre hicieron alcalde. For the want of worthy men they made my father alcade. Porfia mata la caza. Perseverance kills the game. Por la calle de despues se va Á la casa de nunca. By the street of “By-and-by” one arrives at the house of “Never.” Por las haldas del vicario sube el diablo al campanario. The devil gets into the belfry by the vicar’s skirts. Por mucho madrugar, no amanece mas aina. For all one’s early rising, it dawns none the sooner. Por mucho que corra la liebre, mas corre el galgo, pues la prende. Fast as the hare runs, the greyhound outruns her, since he catches her. Por no gastar lo que basta, lo que era excusado se gasta. Through not spending enough, we spend too much. Por nuevas no peneas, hacerse han viejas, y saber las has. Do not fret for news, it will grow old and you will know it. Por oir misa, y dar cebada, nunca se perdiÓ jornada. Nothing is lost on a journey by stopping to pray or to feed your horse. Por ser rey, se quiebra toda ley. Every law is broken to become a king. Por si o por no, seÑor marido, ponÉos la capilla. Whether it be so or not, husband, put on your hood. (He had told her there was a new law that every man with horns should wear a hood.) Por sol que haga no dexes tu capa en casa. However bright the sun may shine, leave not your cloak at home. Por soto no vayas tras otro. In a wood don’t walk behind another. Por temor, no pierdas honor. Do not lose honour through fear. Por turbia que estÉ, no digas, de esta agua no beberÉ. However foul it be, never say, Of this water I will not drink. Por un punto se pierde un zapato. For want of a nail the shoe is lost. Por viejo que sea el barco, pasa una vez el vado. Old as is the boat it may cross the ferry once. Por vuestra alma vayan esos pater nosters. Let those pater nosters be for your own soul. (Ironical, against swearing). Pregonar vino, y vender vinagre. To cry up wine, and sell vinegar. Prenda que come, ninguno la tome. Let no one take a pawn that eats. Primero son mis dientes que mis parientes. My teeth before my relations. Posesion, y buena razon, y lanza en puÑo. Possession and good right, with lance in hand. Potros cayendo, y mozos perdiendo, van asesando. Colts by falling, and lads by losing, grow prudent. Puerco fiado, gruÑe todo el aÑo. A pig bought on credit grunts all the year. Puerco fresco, y vino nuevo, Christianillo al cimenterio. Fresh pork and new wine, send a Christian to the churchyard. (Kill a man before his time.) Puerta abierta al santo tienta. An open door tempts a saint. Puesque la casa se quema, calentÉmonos todos. Since the house is on fire, let us warm ourselves. Pues tenemos hogaÇas, no busquemos tortas. Since we have loaves let us not look for cakes. Puridad de dos, puridad de Dios; puridad de tres, de todos es. A secret between two is God’s secret, a secret between three is everybody’s. Puteria ni hurto nunca se encubren mucho. Whoredom and thieving are never long concealed. Q. Qual el dueÑo tal el perro. As is the master, so is his dog. Qual el tiempo, tal el tiento. As are the times, so are the manners. Qual es el rey, tal es la grey. As is the king, so are his people. Quando Á tu hija le viniere su hado, no aguardes que venga su padre del mercado. When a good offer comes for your daughter, don’t wait till her father returns from market. Quando ayunque, sufre, quando mazo, tunde. When you are an anvil, bear; when you are a hammer, strike. Quando comieres pan reciente, no bebas de la fuente. When you eat new bread, don’t drink water. Quando Dios amanece, para todos amanece. When God gives light he gives it for all. Quando Dios no quiere, el santo no puede. When God will not the saint cannot. Quando Dios quiere, con todos vientos llueve. When God pleases it rains with every wind. Quando Dios quiere en sereno llueve. When God pleases, it rains in fair weather. Quando el bazo crece el cuerpo enmagrece. When the spleen increases, the body diminishes. Quando el cosario promete misas y cera, con mal anda la galera. When the corsair promises masses and candles, it goes ill with the galley. Quando el diablo reza, engaÑarte quiere. When the devil says his prayers he wants to cheat you. Quando el EspaÑol canta, Ó rabia, Ó no tiene blanca. When the Spaniard sings, he is either mad or has no money. Quando el guardian juega Á los naypes, quÉ haran los frayles? When the prior plays cards, what will the monks do? Quando el hierro estÁ encendido, entonces ha de ser batido. When the iron is hot, then is the time to strike. Quando el necio es acordado, el mercado es ya pasado. When the fool has made up his mind the market is over. Quando el rio no hace ruido, Ó no lleva agua, Ó va muy Quando el viejo no puede beber la huesa le pueden hacer. When an old man cannot drink, prepare his grave. Quando el villano estÁ en el mulo, ni conoce Á Dios, ni al mundo. Set a peasant on horseback, and he forgets both God and man. Quando el villano estÁ rico, no tiene pariente, ni amigo. When a peasant gets rich, he knows neither relations nor friends. Quando en verano es invierno, y en invierno verano, nunca buen aÑo. When the summer is winter, and the winter summer, it is a sorry year. Quando fueres Á casa, agena llama defuera. When you go to a strange house knock at the door. Quando fueres por camino, no digas mal de tu enemigo. When you are on the road speak not ill of your enemy. Quando la criatura dienta la muerte la tienta. When the child cuts its teeth, death is on the watch. Quando la mala ventura se duerme, nadie la despierte. When ill-luck sleeps, let no one wake her. Quando llueve en Agosto, llueve miel y mosto. When it rains in August, it rains honey and wine. Quando llueve en Febrero, todo el aÑo es tempero. When it rains in February, it will be temperate all the year. Quando no dan los campos, no han los santos. When the fields yield not, the saints have not. Quando os pedimos, DueÑa os decimos; quando os tenemos, como queremos. When we ask a favour, we say, Madam; when we obtain it, what we please. Quando pobre, franco; quando rico, avaro. When poor, liberal; when rich, stingy. Quando te dieren el anillo, pon el dedillo. When they offer you a ring, hold out your finger. Quando te dieren la vaquilla, acude con la soguilla. When they give you the calf, be ready with the halter. Quando todos te dijeren que eres asno, rebuzna. When every one says you are an ass, bray. Quando una puerta se cierra, ciento se abren. When one door shuts, a hundred open. Quando un lobo come Á otro, no hay que comer en el soto. Quando uno ne quiere, dos no barajan. Two cannot fall out if one does not choose. Quando vieras tu casa quemar, llegate Á escalentar. When thou seest thy house in flames, go warm thyself by it. Quando zuga el abeja miel torna, y quando el araÑa ponzoÑa. When the bee sucks, it makes honey, when the spider, poison. Quan lÉjos de ojo, tan lÉjos de corazon. Out of sight, out of mind. Quanto sabes no dirÁs, quanto vÉs no juzgarÁs, si quieres vivir en paz. Tell not all you know, nor judge of all you see, if you would live in peace. Quatro cosas sacan al hombre de tino, la muger, el tabaco, naypes y vino. Four things put a man beside himself—women, tobacco, cards, and wine. Quebrarse un ojo para sacar À otro los dos. To lose one eye that you may deprive another of two. Quebrasteme la cabeza, y ahora me untas el casco. You have broken my head and now you bring plaister. Quebreme el pie, quizÁ por bien. I broke my leg, perhaps for my good. Quem jugata co ferro, jugata co demo. He who plays with a sword plays with the devil. (Galician.) Quem mal quer os seus, no querrÁ ben os alleus. He that is unkind to his own will not be kind to others. (Galician.) Queso de ovejas, leche de cabras, manteca de vacas. Cheese from the ewe, milk from the goat, butter from the cow. Qui barat, el cap se grat. He who hunts after bargains will scratch his head. (Catalan.) Qui de tot es moll, de tot es foll. Who is tender in everything is a fool in everything. (Catalan.) Quien abrojos siembra espinas coje. He who sows brambles reaps thorns. (As you sow, so you shall reap.) Quien acecha por agujero, ve su duelo. He who peeps through a hole will discover his dole. (Harm watch, harm catch.) Quien adelante no mira, atras se queda. He who does not look before lags behind. Quien Á dos seÑores ha de servir, al uno ha de mentir. He who has two masters to serve must lie to one of them. Quien al cielo escupe, en la cara le cae. He who spits above himself will have it fall on his face. Quien Á los veinte no entiende, Á treinta no sabe y Á quarenta no tiene, ruin vejez le espera. He who at twenty understands nothing, at thirty knows nothing, and at forty has nothing, will lead a wretched old age. Quien amaga y no da, miedo ha. He who threatens to strike, and does not, is afraid. Quien a mano agena espera, mal yanta y peor cena. He who lives in hopes, breakfasts ill and sups worse. Quien Á muchos amos sirve Á alguno ha de hacer falta. He who serves many masters must neglect some of them. Quien anda al reves, anda al camino dos veces. He who takes the wrong road must make his journey twice over. Quien Á su enemigo popa, Á sus manos muere. He who makes light of his enemy dies by his hand. Quien Á su muger no honra, Á si mismo deshonra. He who does not honour his wife, dishonours himself. Quien Á su perro quiere matar, rabia le ha de levantar. He who wants to kill his dog has only to say he is mad. Quien Á treinta no asesa, no comprarÁ dehesa. He who at thirty has no brains, will never purchase an estate. Quien a veinte no es galan, ni Á treinta tiene fuerza, ni Á quarenta riqueza, ni Á cincuenta esperiencia, ni serÁ galan, ni fuerte, ni rico, ni prudente. He that is not gallant at twenty, strong at thirty, rich at forty, or experienced at fifty, will never be gallant, strong, rich, or prudent. Quien bien ama, tarde olvida. He who loves well is slow to forget. Quien bien ata, bien desata. He that ties well, unties well. (Safe bind, safe find.) Quien bien bayla, de boda en boda se anda. He who dances well goes from wedding to wedding. Quien bien quiere Á Beltran, bien quiere Á su can. He who loves Bertrand loves his dog. (Love me, love my dog). Quien bien quiere Á Pedro, no hace mal Á su perro. He who loves Peter won’t harm his dog. Quien bien quiere, bien obedece. He who loves well, obeys well. Quien bien quiere, de lÉjos ve. A well-wisher sees from afar. Quien bien siembra, bien coge. He who sows well, reaps well. Quien bien te harÁ, Ó se te muere, Ó se te va. He who does good to you either dies or goes away. Quien bueyes ha perdido, cencerros se le antojan. He who has lost his oxen is always hearing bells. Quien busca halla. He who seeks, finds. Quien calla, otorga. Silence gives consent. Quien calla piedras apaÑa. He who is silent gains store. Quien canta, sus males espanta. Who sings, drives away care. Quien come la carne que roa el hueso. He who eats the meat let him pick the bone. Quien come y condensa, dos veces pone la mesa. He who eats and puts by, has sufficient for two meals. Quien come y dexa, dos veces pone la mesa. A penny spared is a penny saved. Quien compra cavallo, compra cuidado. He who buys a horse buys care. Quien compra y vende lo que gasta no siente. He who buys and sells does not feel what he spends. Quien con el viejo burlÓ, primero riÓ y despuÉs lloro. He who made fun of the old man, laughed at first and cried afterwards. Quien con lobos anda, Á aullar se enseÑa. He who goes with wolves learns to howl. Quien con perros se echa, con pulgas se levanta. He who lies down with dogs gets up with fleas. Quien con ropa agena se viste, en la calle se queda en cuerpo. Who arrays himself in other men’s garments is stripped on the highway. Quien con tosco ha de entender, mucho seso ha menester. He who has to deal with a blockhead has need of much brains. Quien da lo suyo Ántes de su muerte, que le den con un mazo en la frente. Who gives what he has before he is dead, take a mallet and knock that fool on the head. Quien da presto, da dos veces. He gives twice who gives in a trice. Quien de ageno se viste, en la calle le desnudan. He who Quien del alacran estÁ picado, la sombra le espanta. He who has been stung by the scorpion is frightened at its shadow. Quien de locura enfermÓ, tarde sanÓ. Whoever falls sick of folly, is long in getting cured. Quien desalaba la cosa ese la compra. He who finds fault wants to buy. Quien desparte lleva la peor parte. He who divides gets the worst share. Quien de todos es amigo, Ó es muy pobre, Ó es muy rico. He who is everybody’s friend is either very poor or very rich. Quien dice lo que quiere, oye lo que no quiere. He who says what he likes, hears what he don’t like. Quien dice lo suyo, mal callarÁ lo ageno. He who tells his own secret will hardly keep another’s. Quien dineros y pan tiene, consuegra con quien quiere. He who has both money and bread, may choose with whom his daughter to wed. Quien echa agua en la garrafa de golpe, mas derrama que ella coje. He who pours water hastily into a bottle spills more than goes in. Quien el aceyte mesura, las manos se unta. He who measures oil greases his hands. Quien en la plaza Á labrar se mete, muchos adestradores tiene. He who works on the highway will have many advisers. Quien en un aÑo quiere ser rico, al medio le ahorcan. He who wants to be rich in a year comes to the gallows in half a year. Quien en una piedra dos veces tropieza, no es maravilla se quiebre la cabeza. No wonder if he breaks his head who stumbles twice over one stone. Quien escucha, su mal oye. Listeners hear no good of themselves. Quien esta en su tienda, no le achacan que se hallÓ en la contienda. He that minds his business at home, will not be accused of taking part in the fray. Quien estropieza y no cae, en su paso aÑade. He who stumbles and does not fall mends his pace. QuiÉn es tu enemigo? Hombre de tu oficio. Who is your enemy? A man of your own trade. QuiÉn es tu enemigo? El de tu oficio. Two of a trade can never agree. Quien feo ama, hermoso le parece. She who loves an ugly man thinks him handsome. Quien fia Ó promete, en deuda se mete. He who pledges or promises runs in debt. Quien guarda halla. He who saves, finds. Quien guarda su poridad escusa mucho mal. He who keeps his own secret avoids much mischief. Quien hace lo que quiere, no hace lo que debe. He who does what he likes, does not what he ought. Quien hace por comun, hace por ningun. He who gives to the public, gives to no one. Quien hace un cesto, harÁ ciento. He that makes one basket can make a hundred. Quien ha criados, ha enemigos no escusados. He who has servants has unavoidable enemies. Quien ha de echar el cascabel al gato? Who is to bell the cat? Quien ha de llevar el gato al agua? Who is to carry the cat to the water? Quien la fama ha perdido, muerto anda en la vida. He who has lost his reputation is a dead man among the living. Quien la miel menea, siempre se le pega de ella. He that stirs honey will have some of it stick to him. Quien la raposa ha de engaÑar, cumplele madrugar. He who would cheat the fox must rise early. Quien las cosas mucho apura, no tiene vida segura. Who is always prying into other men’s affairs, leads a dangerous life. Quien las sabe, las taÑe. Let him play the instrument who knows how. Quien la vaca del rey come flaca, gorda la paga. He who eats the king’s cow lean, pays for it fat. Quien lazo me armÓ, en Él cayÓ. He who laid a snare for me has fallen into it. Quien lejos va a casar, Ó va engaÑado Ó va Á engaÑar. He who goes far from home to marry, goes either to deceive or be deceived. Quien lengua ha, Á Roma va. He who has a tongue goes to Rome. Quien lleva las obladas que taÑa las campanas. He who receives the offerings let him ring the bells. Quien madre tiene en villa, siete veces se amortaza cada dia. The servant wench that has a mother in town swoons seven times a day. Quien mala cama hace, en ella se yace. As you make your bed so you must lie in it. Quien mal anda en mal acaba. He who begins badly, ends badly. Quien malas hadas no halla, de las buenas se enhada. He that has no ill luck grows weary of good luck. Quien mal casa, tarde enviuda. He who marries ill, is long in becoming widowed. Quien mas corre, menos vuela. The more haste the less speed. Quien mas sabe mas calla. Who knows most says least. Quien mas tiene, mas quiere. The more one has the more one wants. Quien mÉnos procura, alcanza mas bien. He who asks the fewest favours is the best received. Quien mucho abarca, poco aprieta. He who grasps at much holds fast little. Quien mucho duerme, poco aprende. He who sleeps much, learns little. Quien mucho habla, en algo acierta. He who talks much is sometimes right. Quien mucho habla, mucho yerra. Who talks much, errs much. Quien no adoba gotera, adoba casa entera. He who does not repair his gutter has a whole house to repair. Quien no alza un alfiler, no tiene en nada Á su muger. He who does not pick up a pin cares nothing for his wife. Quien no aprieta en vallejo, no aprieta en consejo. He who has no voice in the valley, will have none in the council. Quien no castiga culito, no castiga culazo. He who does not whip the child does not mend the youth. Quien no estÁ enseÑado Á bragas, las costuras le hacen llagas. When a man is not used to breeches the seams gall him. Quien no hace mas que otro, no vale mas que otro. He who does no more than another is no better than another. Quien no miente, no viene de buena gente. He that does not lie, does not come of good blood. Quien no parece, perece. He who does not show himself, is overlooked. Quien no se aventura, no ha ventura. Who ventures nothing has no luck. (Nothing venture nothing have.) Quien no te conoce te compre. Let him who does not know you buy you. Quien no tiene mas de un sayo no puede prestarlo. He who has but one coat cannot lend it. Quien no va Á carava, no sabe nada. He who does not mix with the crowd knows nothing. Quien Ó A quien Dios no le diÓ hijos, el diablo le diÓ sobrinos. He to whom God gives no sons, the devil gives nephews. Quien Ó A quien no habla, no le oye Dios. He who does not speak, God does not hear. Quien Ó A quien pone los ojos en el suelo, no fies tu dinero. He who looks demurely trust not with your money. Quien padre tiene alcalde, seguro va Á juicio. He goes safely to trial whose father is a judge. Quien peces quiere, mojarse tiene. He who wants to catch fish must not mind a wetting. Quien pesca un pez, pescador es. He who catches one fish is a fisherman. Quien poco sabe, presto lo reza. He who knows little soon tells it. Quien presta, no cobra; y si cobra, no todo; y si todo, no tal; y si tal, enemigo mortal. Who lends recovers not; or if he recovers, recovers not all; or if all, not such; or if such, a mortal enemy. Quien primero viene, primero muele. He who comes first grinds first. Quien promete, en deuda se mete. He who promises incurs a debt. Quien quando puede no quiere, quando quiere no puede. He that will not when he can, cannot when he will. Quien quiere medrar, iglesia, Ó mar, Ó casa real. He who would thrive must follow the church, the sea, or the king’s service. Quien quiere tomar, conviÉnele dar. He who would take must give. Quien quiere vivir sano, la ropa de invierno traiga en verano. He that would be healthy must wear his winter clothes in summer. Quien quisiere muger hermosa, el sabado la escoja. He that would have a beautiful wife should choose her on a Saturday. Quien quisiere mula sin tacha, Ándese Á pie. He who wants a mule without fault must walk on foot. Quien quisiere vivir sano, coma poco y cene temprano. He that would be healthy, must eat temperately, and sup early. Quien quita la ocasion, quita el pecado. He who avoids the temptation avoids the sin. Quien ramo pone, su vino quiere vender. He who hangs out a branch wants to sell his wine. Quien se fia de amigo no fiel, buen testigo tiene contra el. He that trusts a faithless friend, has a good witness against him. Quien se guarda, Dios le guarda. God helps him who helps himself. Quien se muda, Dios le ayuda. He who reforms, God assists. Quien siembra abrojos, no ande descalzo. He who sows brambles must not go barefoot. Quien siempre me miente, nunca me engaÑa. He who always tells me a lie never cheats me. Quien sirve al commun, sirve Á ningun. He who helps everybody, helps nobody. Quien sirve no es libre. He who serves is not free. Quien solo come su gallo, solo ensille su caballo. He that eats his fowl alone may saddle his horse alone. Quien su carro unta, sus bueyes ayuda. He who greases his cart-wheels helps his oxen. Quien te cubre te descubre. That which covers thee discovers thee. Quien te da el capon, dale la pierna y el alon. To him who gives the capon you may spare a leg and wing. Quien te hace fiesta que no te suele hacer, Ó te quiere engaÑar, Quien tiempo tiene y tiempo atiende, tiempo viene que se arrepiente. Who has time yet waits for time, comes to a time of repentance. Quien tiene arte, va por toda parte. He who has a trade may travel through the world. Quien tiene boca, no diga Á otro, Sopla. Let him that has a mouth not say to another, Blow. Quien tiene enemigos no duerma. He who has enemies, let him not sleep. Quien tiene hijas para casar, tome vedijas para hilar. He who has daughters to marry, let him give them silk to spin. Quien tiene quatro, y gasta cinco no ha menester bolsico. He who has got four and spends five, has no occasion for a purse. Quien tiene tejado de vidrio, no tire piedras al de su vecino. He who has a glass roof should not throw stones at his neighbour’s. Quien tiene una hora de espacio, no muere ahorcado. He that has an hour’s start will not be hanged. Quien todo lo niega, todo lo confiesa. He who denies everything confesses everything. Quien todo lo quiere, todo lo pierde. He who grasps all loses all. Quien tras otro cabalga, no ensilla quando quiere. He who rides behind another does not saddle when he will. Quien tuviere hijo varon, no llame Á otro ladron. He who has a son grown up should not call another a thief. Quien una vez hurta, fiel nunca. He who steals once is never trusty. QuiÉralo Dios, Matea, que este hijo nuestro sea. God grant, dear wife, that this son be ours. Quieres buen mercado? Con el necio necesitado. Do you want to buy cheap? Buy of a needy fool. Quieres hacer del ladron fiel? Fiate de el. If you would make a thief honest, trust him. Quieres que te siga el can? Dale pan. If you would have the dog follow you, give him bread. Quieres ver loba parida? Casa la hija. Do you want to see a Qui escudella daltri espera, freda la menja. He who waits for another’s platter has a cold meal. (Catalan.) QuitÁron me el espejo por fea, y dieronlo Á la ciega. They took away the mirror from me because I was ugly, and gave it to the blind woman. R. Raposa que mucho tarda, caÇa aguarda. The fox that tarries long is on the watch for prey. Raton que no sabe mas de un horado, presto le toma el gato. The rat that knows but one hole is soon caught by the cat. Recebido ya el daÑo, atapar el horado. To stop the hole after the mischief is done. Reniego de cuentas, con deudos y deudas. Curses on accounts with relations. Reniego del amigo, que cubre con las alas y muerde con el pico. Avoid a friend who covers you with his wings and destroys you with his beak. Resfriadas duelen mas las llagas. Wounds pain most when grown cool. Rifaban los rocines del vidriero, y Él mirando qual daba mejor coz al compaÑero. The glass-dealer’s horses fell out, and he looked on to see which kicked hardest. RiÑen las comadres y dicense las verdades. The gossips fall out and tell each other truths. Rogar al santo hasta pasar del trance. To pray to the saint until the danger is past. Ruego de grande fuerza es que te hace. A great man’s entreaty is a command. Ruegos porque cante, y ruegos porque calle. Entreaties to get him to sing, and entreaties to leave off. Ruego y derecho hacen el hecho. Entreaty and right do the deed. S. Sabedlo, coles, que espinacas hay en la olla. Know, cabbages, that there is spinach in the stew. Saberlo como su Paternoster. He knows it as well as his Lord’s Prayer. Saca lo tuyo al mercado, y uno te dirÁ prieto y otro blanco. Tell your affairs in the market-place, and one will call them black and another white. Sacar el ascua con mano agena. To take out a burning coal with another’s hand. (To make a cat’s paw of one.) Sacar el pie del lodo. To draw the foot out of the mire. Sacarlo de entre los cardos, sacÁroslo hemos de entre las manos. Pluck it from among the thistles, and we will take it off your hands. Sacar un fuego con otro fuego. To quench fire with fire. Sacar un pie del lodo, y meter otro. To take one foot out of the mire and put the other into it. Sacar verdad por decir mentira. To discover truth by telling a falsehood. Sacristan de amen. An amen clerk. Salamon pasÓ por su puerta quando naciÓ, mas no entrÓ dentro. When he was born, Solomon passed by his door, and would not go in. Salga pez, Ó salga rana, Á la capacha. Come fish, come frog, all goes into the basket. (All’s fish that comes to the net.) Salir de un lodo y entrar en otro. To get out of one muck into another. Salir del lodo, y caer en el arroyo. Out of the mire and into the brook. (Out of the frying-pan into the fire.) Saltar de la sarten, y dar en las brasas. To jump out of the frying-pan and fall into the fire. Salud y alegria belleza cria; atavio y afeito cuesta dinero y miente. Health and cheerfulness make beauty; finery and cosmetics cost money and lie. Sal vertida, nunca bien cogida. Salt spilt is never all gathered. Sanan cuchilladas, mas no malas palabras. Wounds from the knife are healed, but not those from the tongue. Sanan llagas, y no malas palabras. Wounds heal, but not ill words. Sangrarle y purgarle; si se muriere, enterrarle. Bleed him and purge him; if he dies, bury him. Sea mi enemigo, y vaya Á mi molino. Be my enemy and go to my mill. Sease velado, y sease un palo. Let it be a husband, though it be but a log. Seco y no de hambre mas recio es que alambre. A man that is lean, not from hunger, is harder than brass. SeÑal mortal no quierer sanar. Not to wish to recover is a mortal symptom. Ser alguno un caxon de sastre. To be like a tailor’s pattern-book. Ser como el escudero de Guadalaxara, que de lo que dice de noche, no hay nada Á la maÑana. To be like the esquire of Guadalaxara, who knew nothing in the morning of what he said at night. Ser como el puerro, tener la cabeza blanca, y lo demas verde. To be like a leek, have a grey head and the rest green. Ser como piojo en costura. To be like a louse in a seam. Ser como unas ortigas. To be like a bunch of nettles. Ser el sastre del Campillo, que cosia de valde, y ponia el hilo. To be like the tailor of Campillo, who worked for nothing, and found thread. Ser mercader mas va en el cobrar, que en el vender. To be a merchant, the art consists more in getting paid than in making sales. Ser toda hoja sin fruto. All leaf and no fruit. Si bien me quieres, Juan, tus obras me lo diran. If you love me, John, your acts will tell me so. Si da el cÁntaro en la piedra, Ó la piedra en el cÁntaro, mal para el cÁntaro. Whether the pitcher strike the stone, or the stone the pitcher, woe be to the pitcher. Si de alguno te quieres vengar, has de callar. If you want to be revenged, hold your tongue. Si el cielo se cae, pararle las manos. If the sky falls, hold up your hands. Si el cielo se cae, quebrarse han las ollas. If the sky falls there will be pots broken. Si el niÑo llorÁre, acallelo su madre, y si no quisiere callar, Siembra trigo en barrial, y pÓn viÑa en cascajal. Sow corn in clay, and plant vines in sand. SiÉntate en tu lugar, no te harÁn levantar. Seat yourself in your place and you will not be made to quit it. Si esta pella Á la pared no pega, Á lo menos dexarÁ seÑal. If this ball does not stick to the wall it will at least leave a mark. Siete es convite, y nueve es convicio. Seven is company, and nine confusion. (Alluding to a dinner party.) Siete hermanos en un consejo, de lo tuerto hacen derecho. Seven brothers in a council make wrong right. Si la locura fuese dolores, en cada casa darian voces. If folly were a pain, there would be groaning in every house. Si la piedra da en el cÁntaro, mal para el cÁntaro; y si el cÁntaro da en la piedra, mal para el cÁntaro. If the pitcher knocks against a stone, woe to the pitcher; and if the stone knocks against the pitcher, woe to the pitcher. Si lo cena, no lo almuerza. If you eat it up at supper, you cannot have it at breakfast. Si no va el otero Á Mahoma, vaya Mahoma al otero. If the mountain will not go to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain. Si quieres buena fama, no te dÉ el sol en la cama. If you would acquire fame, let not the sun shine on you in bed. Si quieres dar de palos Á tu muger, pÍdele al sol Á beber. If you want to thrash your wife, ask her for a drink of water in the sun. Si quieres enfermar, lavate la cabeza y vete Á echar. If you want to be dead, wash your head and go to bed. Si quieres ser bien servido, sÍrvete a tÚ mismo. If you wish to be well served, serve yourself. Si quieres ver quanto vale un ducado, bÚscalo prestado. If you want to know what a ducat is worth, try to borrow one. Sirve Á seÑor, y sabrÁs que es dolor. Serve a lord and you’ll know what is grief. Si secretos quieres saber, buscalos en el pesar Ó en el placer. If you want to know secrets, seek for them in trouble or in pleasure. Si se perdieron los anillos, aquÍ quedÁron los dedillos. If the rings are lost, here are the fingers still. Si soy bobo, meteme el dedo en la boca. If I am a fool, put your finger in my mouth. Si tienes mÉdico amigo, quitale la gorra y envialo Á casa de tu enemigo. If you have a friend who is a doctor, make your bow and send him to the house of your enemy. Si uno dos y tres te dicen que eres asno, ponte un rabo. If one, two, three say you are an ass, put on a tail. Sobre brevas vino bebas. Drink wine upon figs. Sobre gusto no ha disputa. There is no disputing about taste. Sobre peras vino bebas, y sea tanto que naden ellas. After stuffing pears within, drink old wine until they swim. Sobre un huevo pone la gallina. The hen lays upon an egg. So el sayal, hay al. Under the sackcloth there is something hid. Soltero, pavon; desposado, leon; casado, asno. Bachelor, a peacock; betrothed, a lion; married, an ass. So mi manto al rey mando. Under my cloak I command the king. Sopla, herrero, ganarÁs dinero. Blow, smith, and you’ll get money. Soplar y sorber no puede junto ser. One cannot blow and swallow at the same time. So vayna de oro cuchillo de plomo. Under a gold sheath a leaden knife. T. Tan grande es el yerro como el que yerra. The fault is as great as he that commits it. Tantas veces va el cÁntaro Á la fuente, que dexa el asa Ó la frente. The pitcher goes so often to the well, that it leaves its handle or its mouth. Tanto es Pedro de Dios, que no le medra Dios. Peter is so godly that God does not improve his condition. Tanto quiere el diablo Á su hijo que le quiebra el ojo. The devil is so fond of his son that he put out his eye. Tener Á alguno en ascuas. To keep one upon hot coals. Tener el pie en dos zapatos. To have the foot in two shoes. Tener el seso en los calcaÑares. To have one’s brains in one’s heels. Tener la barriga Á la boca. To have the belly up to one’s mouth. Tener pelos en el corazon. To have hairs on his heart. (Hard-hearted.) Tirar coces contra el aguijon. To kick against the pricks. Tirar la piedra y esconder la mano. To throw the stone and conceal the hand. Todo camino vÁ Á Roma. Every road leads to Rome. Todo es nada lo de este mundo, si no se endereza al segundo. All things of this world are nothing, unless they have reference to the next. Todo saldrÁ en la colada. It will all come out in the soapsuds. Todos son buenos, y mi capa no parece. They are all honest men, but my cloak is not to be found. Tomar la ocasion por los cabellos. To take opportunity by the forelock. Tomar las calzas de Villadiego. To take Villadiego’s boots. (To take to your heels.) Tonto, sin saber latin, nunca es gran tonto. A fool, unless he know Latin, is never a great fool. Trabajar para el obispo. To work for the bishop. (Prayers, but no pay.) Traerlo escrito en la frente. To have it written on his forehead. Tragarse un camello, y no poder pasar un mosquito. To swallow a camel, and strain at a gnat. Tramontana no tiene trigo, y el hombre pobre no tiene amigo. A north wind has no corn, and a poor man no friend. Traspasa el rico las leyes, y es castigado el pobre. The rich man transgresses the law, and the poor man is punished. Tras el vicio viene el fornicio. After one vice a greater follows. Tras los dias viene el seso. Sense comes with age. Tras pared ni tras seto, no digas en secreto. Do not tell your secrets behind a wall or a hedge. Trasquilenme en la plaza, y no lo sepan en mi casa. They may whip me in the market-place, so it be not known at home. Tres cosas matan al hombre, soles, cenas, y penas. Three things kill a man: a scorching sun, suppers, and cares. Tres hijas y una madre, quatro diablos para el padre. Three daughters and their mother, four devils for the father. Tripa llena, ni bien huye ni bien pelea. A full belly is neither good for flight, nor for fighting. Tripas llevan corazon, que no corazon tripas. The bowels support the heart, and not the heart the bowels. Triste es la casa, donde la gallina canta, y el gallo calla. It goes ill in the house where the hen sings and the cock is silent. Tu dinero mudo, no lo descubras Á ninguno. Discover not your silent money (i. e. your hoarded money) to anybody. U. Una cautela con otra se quiebra. One knavery is met by another. Una cosa piensa el vayo, y otra el que lo ensilla. The horse thinks one thing, and his rider another. Una en el clavo y ciento en la herradura. One stroke on the nail and a hundred on the horseshoe. Un agravio consentido, otro venido. One grievance borne, another follows. Una golondrina no hace verano. One swallow does not make a summer. Una mano lava la otra, y ambas la cara. One hand washes the other, and both the face. Un amor saca otro. One love drives out another. Un asno entre muchas monas, cocanle todas. One ass among many monkeys is grinned at by all. Un cabello hace sombra en el suelo. A hair casts its shadow on the ground. Un lobo no muerde Á otro. One wolf does not bite another. Un loco hace ciento. One fool makes a hundred. Uno levanta la caza, y otro la mata. One starts the game and another bags it. Uno ojo Á la sarten y otro Á la gata. One eye on the frying-pan and the other on the cat. Unos tienen la fama, y otros cardan la lana. Some have the fame, and others card the wool. Un puerco encenagado procura encenagar Á otro. A bespattered hog tries to bespatter another. Un ruin mientras mas lo ruegan mas se estiende. The more you court a clown the statelier he grows. Un solo golpe no derriba Á un roble. An oak is not felled at one blow. Uso hace maestro. Practice makes perfect. V. Vallestero que mal tira, presto tiene la mentira. The archer that shoots badly has a lie ready. Van a misa los zapateros, ruegan a Dios que mueran carneros. Shoemakers go to mass and pray that sheep may die. Vanse los gatos, y estiendense los ratos. When the cat’s away the rats will play. Vaso malo nunca cae de mano. A crazy vessel never falls from the hand. Vaya con Dios, que un pan me lleva. Go in God’s name, for he takes a loaf of mine. Vende pÚblico y compra secreto. Sell publicly and buy privately. Vender gato por liebre. To sell a cat for a hare. Vender miel al colmenero. To sell honey to the beekeeper. Ventura te dÉ Dios, hijo, que saber poco te basta. God give you luck, my son, for little wit must serve your turn. Ver el cielo por un embudo. To see the sky through a funnel. Ver, oir y callar. See, hear, and hold your tongue. Verse alguno en calzas prietas. To find oneself in tight breeches. (Ill at ease—we say in tight boots.) Viejo como la sarna. As old as the itch. Viene ventura Á quien la procura. Luck comes to those who look after it. Viento y ventura poco dura. Wind and good luck are seldom lasting. Vino acedo, y tocino aÑejo, y pan de centeno, sostienen la casa en peso. Sour wine, old bacon, and rye bread keep a house rich. Vino que es bueno no ha menester pregonero. Good wine needs no crier. Viuda lozana, Ó casada, Ó sepultada, Ó emparedada. A buxom widow must be married, buried, or cloistered. Viva quien vence. Long life to the conqueror. Vos doÑa, yo doÑa, quien botara Á porca fora. You a lady, I a lady, who is to put the sow out of doors? (Galician.) Voz del pueblo es voz de Dios. The voice of the people is the voice of God. X. Xabonar cabeza de asno, perdimiento de xabon. To lather an ass’s head is only wasting soap. Y. Yerba mala no le empece la helada. Ill weeds are not hurt by the frost. Yo como tÚ y tÚ como yo, el diablo te me diÓ. I am like you and you like me, the devil united us. Yo dueÑa y vos doncella, quien barrerÁ la casa? I mistress and you miss, who is to sweep the house? Yo duro y vos duro, quien llevarÁ lo maduro. I stubborn and you stubborn, who is to carry the load? Yo molondron, tu molondrona, cÁsate conmigo, Antonia. I a lazy lout, you a lazy lout, marry me, Antonia. Yo sÉ que me sÉ, mas de esto callar me he. I know what I know, but will say nothing about it. Z. Zapatero, Á tu zapato. Shoemaker, stick to your last. Zorro en zorrera el humo lo echa fuera. When a fox is in his hole, the smoke fetches him out. Zurrar Á uno la badana. To thrash one’s jacket. |