The Operation.Seven Drachms and 37 Grains of that Powder in a very clean Glass The Effect.In the Receiver was seven Drams of most pure Mercury reviv’d from this Powder. In the Bottom of the Retort were 15 Grains of a dark, subtle, and fixed Powder, in so strong and lasting a Fire. There was a broad Spot, very thin, of a beautiful red, impressed on the Bottom of the Retort, and, as it were, penetrating into the Glass. Corollaries.1. Mercury by Fire alone is changed into the Powder above describ’d. (2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.) 2. This Powder, by Fire alone, but a stronger, is changed into Mercury. 3. Thus the Serpent that has bitten itself dies. 4. It arises again more glorious from Death. 5. So much Labour, and so great Fire being so long sustain’d, out of 17 Ounces of Mercury, only 15 Grains remain’d fix’d in the Glass, which was so hot, that it was ready to melt. 6. Silver, Gold, and other Metals fought for by this Art out of Quicksilver, is scarce any, in Proportion to the Charge and Labour. 7. Of the Powder so fix’d from Mercury, only the 72? Part remains fix’d in this Fire, the rest returns to Mercury. 8. Twenty-two Grains were lost. Were they dispers’d? or was this Quantity of Weight first accreted to the Mercury by Fire, thence again separated by a stronger Fire? 9. The Nature of Mercury is constant, simple, and cannot be separated into dissimilar Parts by Distillation; not into fix’d and volatile; not into pure and impure; not into feces and defecated; not into different Elements. |