I was desirous to know what would happen to the Mercury, if it was still forced by a Fire requisite to Distillation. The Operation.I took care to distill, as before, the 16 Ounces and 5 Drachms of Mercury remaining from the former Operation: I distill’d it so long, The Effect.The Powder in the bottom of the Retort, weigh’d 1 Ounce, 5 Drams, and 21 Grains. The Mercury remaining after 500 Distillations, weighed 9 Ounces and 5 Drachms: But it happen’d, in so often distilling, that sometimes the Retorts broke, and so some of the Mercury Corollaries.1. The Corollaries of the second and fourth Operations, are likewise true in this Operation. 2. The Mercury is very unchangeable in one part, 3. Yet continually changeable in the other part. 4. Out of the altered Form, perhaps it returns into its former Shape. 5. And perhaps after Regeneration by a new Action of Fire, it is carried back again into the altered Shape. |