14 | |
ADAMS (W.) Deformities (in Gant’s Surgery) | 26 |
AMORY (R.) Translation of Kuss’ and Duval’s Physiology | 25 |
ANDERSON (M. F.) Phosphates in Nutrition | 15 |
ANNANDALE (Thos.) Abstracts of Surgical Principles | 27 |
ATKINSON (W. B.) Therapeutics of GynÆcology and Obstetrics | 24 |
BAKER (Benson) How to Feed an Infant | 24 |
BARNES (Robt.) Diseases of Women (in Gant’s Surgery) | 24 |
BARTLEY (R. T. H.) Companion to the Visiting List | 25 |
BELL (J.) Manual of Surgical Operations | 27 |
BELLAMY (E.) Text-book of Anatomical Plates | 9 |
BERNARD (Claude) and HUETTE’S Text-book of Operative Surgery | 26 |
BLACK (C.) Atlas of the Organs of Generation (Male) | 11 |
BLACKLEY (C. H.) Hay Fever, its Causes and Treatment | 19 |
BLAKE (Carter) Translation of Fau’s Anatomy for Artists | 11 |
BROCHARD (J.) Practical Guide for the Young Mother | 24 |
BROWN (George) The Student’s Case-book | 13 |
—— Aids to Anatomy | 9 |
—— Aids to Surgery | 26 |
BROWNE (Balfour) Mental Responsibility and Disease | 13 |
BROWNE (Lennox) The Throat and its Diseases | 28 |
—— Forms for taking Throat and Aural Cases | 13 |
—— Movable Atlas of the Throat and Tongue | 10 |
—— Movable Atlas of the Ear and Teeth | 17 |
BURNESS (A. G.) The Specific Action of Drugs | 17 |
BURNETT (S. M.) The Examination of the Eyes | 17 |
CAMERON (Chas. A.) Manual of Hygiene and Public Health | 20 |
—— On Disease Prevention | 20 |
CARTER (R. Brudenell) Training of the Mind | 22 |
CASSELLS (J. Patterson) Translation of Politzer’s Diseases of the Ear | 17 |
—— The Auriscope, a Handbook of Aural Diagnosis | 17 |
—— Clinical Aural Surgery | 17 |
—— Deafmutism and the Education of the Deaf mute | 16 |
CHARCOT (J. M.) Bright’s Disease of the Kidneys | 20 |
CLARKE (E. H.) The Building of a Brain | 12 |
COCKLE (John) Contributions to Cardiac Pathology | 19 |
—— Insufficiency of the Aortic Valves | 19 |
COHNHEIM (Prof.) On the Contagiousness of Consumption | 15 |
COLES (Oakley) The Dental Student’s Note Book | 27 |
COLLENETTE (C.) Chemical Tables | 13 |
CULLIMORE (D. H.) Consumption as a Contagious Disease | 15 |
CUNNINGHAM (D. J.) The Dissector’s Guide | 17 |
DARLING (W.) Anatomography, or Graphic Anatomy | 9 |
—— The Essentials of Anatomy | 9 |
DELAFIELD (F.) Handbook of Post Mortems | 26 |
DENNIS (Hy. J.) Second-Grade Perspective Drawing | 11 |
—— Third-Grade Perspective Drawing | 11 |
DICKINSON (J.) The Tonic Treatment of Gout | 19 |
—— Suppressed Gout | 19 |
—— Tropical Debility | 16 |
| 19 |
DOWNES (A. H.) Typhoid Fever and Allied Diseases | 18 |
DOWSE (T. Stretch) Neuralgia; its Nature and Treatment | 23 |
—— Syphilis of the Brain and Spinal Cord | 12 |
—— Skin Diseases from Nervous Affections | 26 |
—— Brain Exhaustion | 12 |
—— Movable Atlas of the Brain | 10 |
DRYSDALE (John) The Protoplasmic Theory of Life | 27 |
—— Life and the Equivalence of Force | 27 |
—— Germ Theories of Infectious Diseases | 27 |
DUFFEY (G. F.) Text-book of Materia Medica and Pharmacy | 21 |
DUVAL (M.) Text-book of Physiology | 25 |
EVANS (C. W. De Lacy) Can We Prolong Life? | 27 |
FAU (J.) Artistic Anatomy of the Human Body | 11 |
—— Anatomy of the External forms of Man | 11 |
FEARNLEY (W.) Text-book for the Examination of Horses | 29 |
—— Lessons in Horse Judging | 29 |
FISHER. Hints for Hospital Nurses | 23 |
FLAXMAN (J.) Elementary Anatomical Studies for Artists | 11 |
FLEMING (G.) Text-book of Veterinary Obstetrics | 29 |
—— Text-book of Veterinary Pathology | 29 |
—— Veterinary Sanitary Science and Police | 29 |
—— Practical Horse-Shoeing | 29 |
—— Animal Plagues, their History, Nature and Treatment | 29 |
—— Contagious Diseases of Animals | 29 |
—— Manual of Veterinary Surgery | 29 |
—— Nature and Treatment of Hydrophobia | 19 |
FLINT (Austin) Essays on Conservative Medicine | 22 |
FOTHERGILL (Milner) Aids to Diagnosis (Semeiological) | 16 |
—— Aids to Rational Therapeutics | 28 |
—— The Physiologist in the Household | 28 |
GANT (F. J.) Text-book of the Science and Practice of Surgery | 26 |
—— Guide to the Examinations at the College of Surgeons | 17 |
GOODELL (Wm.) Lessons in GynÆcology and Obstetrics | 24 |
GORDON (Chas.) Our Trip to Burmah | 13 |
—— Life on the Gold Coast | 9 |
—— Lessons in Military Hygiene and Surgery | 19 |
—— Experiences of an Army Surgeon in India | 20 |
—— Notes on the Hygiene of Cholera | 15 |
—— A Manual of Sanitation | 20 |
GORE (Albert A.) Our Services Under the Crown | 23 |
—— Medical History of African Campaigns | 9 |
GRAY. The Pocket Gray, or Anatomist’s Vade-Mecum | 9 |
GRIFFITHS (W. H.) Text-book of Materia Medica and Pharmacy | 21 |
—— Posological Tables | 25 |
—— A System of Botanical Analysis | 12 |
HALTON (R. J.) Short Lectures on Sanitary Subjects | 20 |
HARRIS (C. J.) The Physiology of Intestinal Obstruction | 25 |
HARRIS (Vincent) Manual for the Physiological Laboratory | 25 |
HARTMANN (Prof.) On Deafmutism, Translation by Dr. Cassells | 17 |
HEMMING (W. D.) Aids to Examinations | 17 |
—— Aids to Forensic Medicine | 18 |
—— Tinnitus Aurium | 17 |
—— Otorrhoea | 17 |
HILL (J. W.) Management and Diseases of the Dog | 30 |
| 30 |
HIME (T. W.) Cholera: How to Prevent and Resist It | 15 |
HOGG (Jabez) The Cure of Cataract | 18 |
—— The Impairment of Vision from Shock | 18 |
HOGG (Jabez) Parasitic, or Germ Theory of Disease | 27 |
HOWE (J. W.) The Breath, and Diseases which give it a Foetid Odour | 13 |
HUETTE (Chas.) Text-book of Operative Surgery | 26 |
HYSLOP (W.) Sermons for Hospitals, Gaols, Asylums, etc., | 23 |
JACOB (A. H.) The General Medical Council | 22 |
JAMES (M. P.) Laryngoscopy and Rhinoscopy in Throat Diseases | 28 |
JUKES-BROWNE (A. J.) PalÆontology (in Penning’s Field Geology), | 18 |
KENNEDY (Hy.) An Essay on Fatty Heart | 19 |
KINGZETT (C. T.) Nature’s Hygiene | 20 |
KUSS (E.) Manual of Physiology | 25 |
LAFFAN (T.) The Medical Profession of the United Kingdom (Second Carmichael Prize Essay), | 22 |
LANDOLT (Prof.) The Examination of the Eyes | 17 |
LEONARD (H. C.) The Hair in Health and Disease | 19 |
LETHEBY (Hy.) A Treatise on Food | 18 |
—— The Sewage Question | 26 |
LOWNE (B. T.) Aids to Physiology | 25 |
LUNN (C.) The Philosophy of Voice | 30 |
MACBRIDE (J. A.) Anatomical Outlines of the Horse | 30 |
MACDONALD (Angus) Materia Medica and Therapeutics | 21 |
MACKENZIE (M.) Diseases of the Throat (in Gant’s Surgery), | 28 |
MAHOMED (F. A.) The Sphygmograph (in Gant’s Surgery), | 26 |
MASSE (J. N.) Text-book of Anatomical Plates | 9 |
MAYER (T. W.) Anatomical Outlines of the Horse | 30 |
MILLARD (H. B.) Bright’s Disease of the Kidneys | 20 |
MILNE (Alex.) The Child, and How to Nurse it | 24 |
MOORE (E. H.) Clinical Chart for Hospital and Private Practice | 15 |
MUCKLEY (W. J.) Student’s Manual of Artistic Anatomy | 11 |
—— A Handbook for Painters and Art Students on the Use of Colours | 11 |
MUTER (J.) Key to Organic Materia Medica | 21 |
—— Introduction to Analytical Chemistry | 14 |
—— Introduction to Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 14 |
MURRAY (R. Milne) Chemical Notes and Equations | 14 |
NAPHEYS (G. H.) Modern Medical Therapeutics | 27 |
—— Modern Surgical Therapeutics | 28 |
—— Handbook of Popular Medicine | 23 |
NORTON (A. T.) Text-book of Operative Surgery | 26 |
—— Osteology for Students | 24 |
—— Affections of the Throat and Larynx | 28 |
ORMSBY (L. H.) Deformities of the Human Body | 16 |
OWEN (Lloyd) Translation of Giraud-Teulon’s (Anomalies of Vision) Eye | 17 |
PAINTER (J. T.) Ethnology | 17 |
PALFREY (J.) Atlas of the Female Organs of Generation | 10 |
PALMER (J. F.) How to Bring up Young Children by Hand | 24 |
PARRISH (Ed.) A Treatise on Pharmacy | 25 |
PENNING (W. H.) Text-book of Field Geology | 18 |
—— Engineering Geology | 18 |
—— Notes on Nuisances, Drains, and Dwellings | ? |
| 15 |
POLITZER (Prof.) The Ear and its Diseases (in the Press), | 17 |
POWER (Hy.) Movable Atlas of the Eye, and the Mechanism of Vision | 18 |
POWER (D’Arcy) Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory | 25 |
PRATT (W.) A Physician’s Sermon to Young Men | 23 |
PROCTOR (Richd.) The Stars and the Earth | 12 |
PURVES (L.) Aural Diseases (in Gant’s Surgery), | 17 |
REMSEN (Ira) The Principles of Theoretical Chemistry | 15 |
REYNOLDS (J. Emerson) Lectures on Experimental Chemistry | 14 |
RICHARDS (J. M.) A Chronology of Medicine | 22 |
RICHARDSON (Thos.) Chemistry in its Application to the Arts and Manufactures | 21 |
RIVINGTON (W.) The Medical Profession (First Carmichael Prize Essay), | 22 |
—— Medical Education and Medical Organisation | 22 |
ROTH (M.) Works on Deformities, Exercises, etc., | 16 |
ROUTH (C. H. F.) Overwork and Premature Mental Decay | 24 |
—— On Fibrous Tumours of the Womb | 24 |
—— On Checks to Population | 25 |
SCORESBY-JACKSON (R. E.) Note-Book of Materia Medica | 23 |
SEMPLE (R. H.) Diphtheria, Its Causes and Treatment | 16 |
—— Movable Atlas of the Human Body (Neck and Trunk), | 10 |
SEMPLE (C. E. A.) Aids to Botany | 12 |
—— Aids to Chemistry | 13 |
—— Aids to Materia Medica | 11 |
—— Aids to Medicine | 22 |
SEWILL (Hy.) Movable Atlas of the Teeth | 10 |
SIMSON (J.) Contributions to Natural History | 23 |
SMITH (C.) Mental Capacity in Relation to Insanity, Crime, etc., | 13 |
SPARKES (J.) Artistic Anatomy | 11 |
STARTIN (J.) Lectures on Ringworm | 26 |
STEAVENSON (W. E.) The Medical Acts and Medical Reform | 22 |
STRANGEWAYS (Thos.) Text Book of Veterinary Anatomy | 29 |
TELLOR (L. V.) The Diseases of Live Stock | 30 |
THIN (George) Introduction to Practical Histology | 19 |
THOROWGOOD (J. C.) Consumption; its Treatment by the Hypophosphites | 15 |
—— Aids to Physical Diagnosis | 16 |
TIDY (Meymott) On Vitiated Air | 20 |
TIMMS (G.) Consumption; its Nature and Treatment | 15 |
—— Alcohol in some Clinical Aspects, a Remedy, a Poison | 9 |
TOMES (C. S.) Dental Surgery (in Gant’s Surgery), | 27 |
TYSON (J.) The Urine, a Guide to its Practical Examination | 28 |
VAUGHAN (J.) Strangeways’ Veterinary Anatomy | 30 |
WALLEY (Thos.) The Four Bovine Scourges | 30 |
WATTS (Hy.) Chemistry in its Application to the Arts and Manufactures | 14 |
WILLIAMS (R.) Hints for Hospital Nurses | 23 |
WILLIAMS (W.) The Principles and Practice of Veterinary Surgery | 29 |
WILLSON (A. Rivers) Chemical Notes for Pharmaceutical Students | 14 |
WILSON The Principles and Practice of Veterinary Medicine | 29 |
WILSON (Erasmus) Diseases of the Skin (in Gant’s Surgery), | 26 |
WILSON (J.) A Manual of Naval Hygiene | 20 |
WINSLOW (L. S. Forbes) Manual of Lunacy | 21 |
—— Chart of the Lunacy Acts | 21 |
—— Handbook for Attendants on the Insane | 21 |
—— Spiritualistic Madness | 21 |
WITKOWSKI (G. J.) Movable Atlases of the Human Body | 10 |