CONTAINING An hundred pleasant Novels. Wittily discoursed,
TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE Sir Phillip Herbert , Knight, Lord
To the Reader.
The Table The Dedication. To the Reader. THE SIXT DAY, Governed under Madame Eliza.
THE SIXT DAY. Governed under the Authority of Madam Eliza, and
The First Novell. Reprehending the folly of such men, as
The Second Novell. Approving, that a request ought to be
The Third Novell. Wherein is declared, that mockers do
The Fourth Novell. Whereby plainly appeareth, that a sodaine
The Fift Novell. Whereby may bee observed, that such as will
The Sixth Novell. Serving as an advertisement to unlearned
The Seventh Novell. Wherein is declared, of what worth it is to
The Eighth Novell. In just scorne of such unsightly and
The Ninth Novell. Notably discovering the great difference that
The Tenth Novell. Wherein may be observed, what palpable abuses
The Seventh Day. When the Assembly being met together, and
The First Novell. Reprehending the simplicity of some sottish
The Second Novell. Wherein is declared, what hard and narrow
The Third Novell. Serving as a friendly advertisement to
The Fourth Novell. Wherein is manifested, that the malice and
The fift Novell. In just scorne and mockery of such jealous
The Sixth Novell. Wherein is manifestly discerned, that if Love
The Seventh Novell. Whereby is declared, that such as keepe
The Eight Novell. Whereby appeareth, that an Husband ought to
The Ninth Novell. Wherein is declared, that great Lords may
The Tenth Novell. Wherein such men are covertly reprehended,
THE EIGHT DAY. Whereon all the Discourses, passe under the Rule
The First Novell. Wherein is declared, that such women as will
The Second Novell. Approving, that no promise is to be kept
The Third Novell. Justly reprehending the simplicity of such
The Fourth Novell. Wherein is declared, how love oftentimes is
The Fift Novell. Giving admonition, that for the managing of
The Sixt Novell. Wherein is declared, how easily a plaine and
The Seventh Novell. Serving as an admonition to all Ladies and
The Eight Novell. Wherein is approved, that he which offereth
The Ninth Novell. Wherein is approved, that Titles of Honour,
The Tenth Novell. Whereby appeareth, that such as meet with
THE NINTH DAY. Whereon, under the Government of Madame
The First Novell. Approving, that chaste and honest Women,
The Second Novell. Whereby is declared, that whosoever is
The Third Novell. Discovering the simplicity of some silly
The fourth Novell. Serving as an admonition to all men, for
The fift Novell. In just reprehension of those vaine-headed
The Sixt Novell. Wherein is manifested, that an offence
The Seventh Novell. Whereby (with some indifferent reason) it
The Eight Novell. Whereby plainly appeareth, that they which
The Ninth Novell. Containing an excellent admonition, that such
The Tenth Novell. In just reproofe of such foolish men, as will be governed by over-light beleefe.
The Tenth and last Day. Whereon, under the government of
The First Novell. Wherein may evidently be discerned, that
The second Novell. Wherein is declared that good men doe
The third Novell. Shewing in an excellent and lively
The Fourth Novell. Wherein is shewne, That true love hath
The fift Novell. Admonishing all Ladies and Gentlewomen, that
The Sixt Novell. Sufficiently declaring, that how mighty soever
The Seventh Novell. Wherein is covertly given to understand,
The eight Novell. Declaring, that notwithstanding the frownes
The Ninth Novell. Declaring what an honourable vertue Courtesie
The Tenth Novell. Set downe as an example or warning to all