“A laugh,” wrote the gentle and genial Charles Lamb, “is worth a hundred groans in any market.” Our hard-headed and far-figuring men of business have been quick to see and seize the truth of this great law of supply and demand. Being themselves alert men of the market place, and appreciating fully the melancholy world’s urgent need of the titillating tonic called laughter, they have cheerfully set to work to supply that need. The man who laughs, they wisely argued, is the man who buys. They required, however, in their altruistic schemes, just a little assistance from their brothers of the pointed pens and the black ink pots—the newspaper cartoonists. Would these kindly step forward and help in a noble cause? Gaily these worthies sharpened their rusting pens, right merrily they stirred the thickening ink, and here you have the crystallization of their comic brew—a precious handful of gilded homeopathic pills, sometimes called cartoons, which will prove to be a sure cure for all business troubles of an internal nature, as well as for many that have nothing to do with business. These cartoons are sweet and clean and wholesome, very pleasant to the palate and remarkably efficacious in chronic cases of indigestion and disordered spleen. They clear the mind and restore business confidence. They enrich the blood, the brain, the liver—and the purse. Mixed with the wine of good sense they produce a volatile drink that sparkles and effervesces into rippling mirth and bubbling laughter, a draught the high Olympian gods might long for. Best of all, not a single pill is bitter to the taste. In short, the cartoonists of Seattle prove conclusively, so he who smiles may read, that a laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market. ANTONY E. ANDERSON.
EDGAR AMES, General Manager Seattle and Lake Washington Waterway Co.
R. B. ALBERTSON, Judge Superior Court.
E. W. ANDREWS, President Seattle National Bank.
S. S. BAILEY, Capitalist.
JOHN E. BALLAINE, Alaska Central Railway.
CHARLES H. BEBB, Architect.
M. P. BENTON, Broadway Automobile Co.
J. S. BRACE, President Brace-Hergert Mill Co.
PAYTON BROWN, Real Estate.
GEORGE A. BURCH, Real Estate.
HERMAN CHAPIN, Banker and Builder—Vice President Seattle National Bank.
C. H. BURNETT, JR., Real Estate and Insurance.
A. J. BUHTZ, Cooperage Manufacturer—Fremont Barrel Mfg. Co.
C. B. BUSSELL, Real Estate.
SCOTT CALHOUN, Corporation Counsel.
ELMER E. CAINE, President Alaska Pacific Navigation Co.
WM. M. CALHOUN, President Calhoun, Denny & Ewing Co. Inc., General Insurance and Real Estate.
R. B. CALLEY, Vice President and Manager The Quaker Drug Co.
GEO. S. CASEDY, Secretary Hatfield Investment Co.
HENRY CARSTENS, President Washington Fire Insurance Co.
GEORGE ALBERS, Albers Bros. Milling Co., Cereal Millers.
WM. F. CALVERT, President The Realty Security Co.
J. E. CHILBERG, President The Century Co.—Vice President The Scandinavian American Bank.
ANDREW CHILBERG, President Scandinavian American Bank—Vice Consul Sweden and Norway.
O. D. COLVIN, General Manager Seattle-Tacoma Power Co.
GEORGE J. DANZ, Vice President Hofius Steel and Equipment Co.
R. W. DEARBORN, Real Estate.
F. O. EHRLICH, Secretary and Treasurer Ehrlich-Harrison Co., Inc.
C. E. FARNSWORTH, Union Machinery Co.
PACIFIC COAST CO., J. C. Ford, Vice President and General Manager.
J. A. FOREHAND, Manager The Postal Telegraph Cable Co.
WM. R. FORREST, President Seattle Security Co.
WALTER F. FOSTER, Foster & Kleiser, Inc.
J. M. FRINK, President and Manager The Washington Iron Works.
FRANCIS G. FRINK, Secretary Washington Iron Works.
ROBERT R. FOX, Manager Simonds Manufacturing Co.
J. E. GALBRAITH, President and Manager The Galbraith-Bacon & Co., Inc.
E. C. GARRATT, Manager Gorham Rubber Co.
JAMES A. GHENT, Physician and Surgeon.
JONATHAN GIFFORD, Manager Gifford Realty Co.
J. S. GIBSON, Washington Stevedore Co.
HERMAN GOETZ, Contractor.
E. S. GOODWIN, Real Estate.
A. WARREN GOULD, Architect.
L. H. GRIFFITH, The Griffith Co.
W. J. GRAMBS, Seattle Electric Co.
H. F. GRANT, General Manager Seattle Electric Co.
ROBERT L. KEITH, Physician.
FRANK HANFORD, Lumbermen’s Indemnity Exchange and General Agent Pennsylvania Casualty.
J. HARRISBERGER, General Superintendent Seattle-Tacoma Power Co.
H. R. HARRIMAN, Lawyer and Secretary Alaska Petroleum & Coal Co.
F. G. HAYWOOD, Secretary and General Manager Seattle Car Manufacturing Co.
ANDREW HEMRICH, President Seattle Brewing and Malting Co.
ALVIN HEMRICH, President Hemrich Bros. Brewing Co.
H. C. HENRY, Banker and Railroad Contractor.
C. R. HESSELTINE, Secretary and Treasurer The Washington Meteor Mining Co. and Roger Hesseltine Co.
ROBERT W. HILL, Real Estate.
JAMES D. HOGE, President Union Savings and Trust Co.
GEORGE M. HORTON, Physician and Surgeon.
E. W. HOUGHTON, Architect.
OMAR J. HUMPHREY, Alaska Coast Steamship Co.
D. H. JARVIS, North Western Fisheries Co.
W. E. HUMPHREY, U. S. Congressman.
FRANK C. JACKSON, Real Estate, Investments.
W. J. KAHLE, Crescent Manufacturing Co.
J. W. KAHLE, Crescent Manufacturing Co.
J. F. LANE, Cashier The Scandinavian American Bank.
MAURICE D. LEEHEY, Mining Lawyer.
G. V. P. LANSING, State Manager Otis Elevator Co.
WILLIAM H. LEWIS, Real Estate—Brick Manufacturer.
T. S. LIPPY, President W. B. Hutchinson Co., Seattle Mattress and Upholstering Co., W. C. Hill Brick Co.
CHAS. H. LILLY, Flour, Grain, Seeds and Groceries.
SAM S. LOEB, Independent Brewery.
J. S. McBRIDE, Physician and Surgeon.
GEORGE F. MEACHAM, Real Estate, Mortgage Loans, Rentals and Insurance.
JOHN MEGRATH, Contractor and Builder.
JOHN H. McGRAW, President Seattle Chamber of Commerce.
J. A. MOORE, Manager Moore Investment Co.
I. A. NADEAU, Vice President Chamber of Commerce.
WILL H. PARRY, Parry Investment Co.
WILLIAM MEISTER, California Commission Co.
G. S. PETERKIN, Physician.
REGINALD H. PARSONS, Bemis Bros. Bag Co.
C. A. PEPLOW, Hammond Milling Co.
EDWIN PETERSON, Manager Seattle Mining Exchange.
CYRUS F. CLAPP, Capitalist.
SAMUEL H. PILES, United States Senator.
PHILIP ROWE, President Hallidie Machinery Co.
CLAUDE C. RAMSEY, Ramsey & Battle, Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Fire Insurance.
FRANK H. RENICK, Real Estate and Loans.
W. W. ROBINSON, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hay and Feed.
E. M. RININGER, Physician and Surgeon.
W. F. RICHARDSON, Manager John A. Roeblings’ Sons.
T. F. RUHM, Naval Constructor, U. S. Navy.
FRED E. SANDER, President Fred E. Sander, Inc., Real Estate and Investment Securities.
JAMES H. SCHACK, Architect.
JOHN SCHRAM, President Washington Trust Co. R. B. SNOWDON, North American Transportation and Trading Co.
JOSEPH K. SMITH, Alaska’s Magazine Co.
WATSON C. SQUIRE, Ex-United States Senator.
A. H. SOELBERG, Vice President and Cashier State Bank of Seattle.
ROBERT G. STEVENSON, District Manager The Barber Asphalt Paving Co.
JAMES R. STIRRAT. Contractor.
GEORGE E. SYLVESTER, Wholesale Grocer.
BOYD J. TALLMAN, Judge Superior Court.
JAMES TRACY, Eagle Brass Foundry.
J. EDGAR BROWN, Secretary Hamm-Schmitz Co.
EDWARD P. TREMPER, Osborne, Tremper & Co., Inc.
LESTER TURNER, President First National Bank of Seattle.
HERBERT S. UPPER, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.
GEORGE A. VIRTUE, Real Estate and Loans.
JOHN C. WATROUS, Real Estate, Rentals and Insurance.
EDWARD E. WEBSTER, General Manager Independent Telephone Co.
W. D. WOOD, President The Trustee Company.
E. F. SWEENEY, Hotel Savoy.
GEORGE T. WILLIAMS, North Coast Literage Co., Nome.
W. L. McCABE, McCabe & Hamilton, Inc., Stevedores.
JOHN A. ROSENE, President Northwestern Commercial Co.
MICHAEL EARLES, President Puget Sound Mills and Lumber Co.
W. D. HOFIUS, Railway Supplies, Iron and Steel.
A. LAWRENCE, Real Estate, Broker.
THOMAS B. HARDIN, Lawyer—General Attorney Seattle-Tacoma Power Co.
GODFREY CHEALANDER, Promoter Alaska-Yukon Exposition.
D. S. FOTHERINGHAM, Portland Cordage Co.
M. V. STRAUSS, Seattle Trunk Factory.
MORITZ THOMSEN, President Centennial Mill Co.
JACOB FURTH, President Puget Sound National Bank.
FRANK T. HUNTER, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.
WM. PIGGOTT, Iron and Steel Manufacturer.
GEORGE W. STETSON, President and Manager Stetson & Post Mill Co.
JAMES H. CALVERT, President San Juan Fishing and Packing Co.
D. A. HATFIELD, Hatfield Investment Co.
CARL SCHMITZ, Manager The Rathskeller.
FRANK J. MARTIN, Secretary and Manager Northwestern Mutual Fire Assn.
CHAS. E. CRANE, President Seattle-Boston Copper Co. (Loans and Investments).
E. S. CURTIS, Photographer.
LOUIS HEMRICH, Vice President and General Manager Seattle Brewing and Malting Co.
JAMES P. GLEASON, Manager American Savings Bank and Trust Co.
L. C. CRAWFORD, Real Estate.
FRANK WATERHOUSE, President Frank Waterhouse Co., Inc.
LEONARD L. TEACHOUT, Art Engraving Co.