This Index contains references to the most important, curious and interesting facts, to be found in the pages of this work.
ff, George i.e. George Christopher 617. Clements, Frank i.e. Robert Menti 644. Clifton, Harry i.e. Henry Robert Clifton 649. Collins, Sam i.e. Samuel Thomas Collins Vagg 680. Compton, Henry i.e. Charles Mackenzie 689. Conquest, Benjamin Oliver i.e. Benjamin Oliver 695. Cowper, John Curtis i.e. John Curtis 739. Cox, Harry i.e. Oliver James Bussley 742. Crosmond, Rosa i.e. Helen Turner 770. Cure, The Perfect i.e. James Hurst Stead 312. Diavolo, Joel Il, also known as Joel Benedict 870. Diavolo, Joel Il i.e. John Delany 870. Dibdin, Charles i.e. Charles I. M. Pitt 871. Dog Star, The i.e. Barkham Cony 697. Drake, Samuel i.e. Samuel Bryant 914. Dunn, John i.e. John Bampton 938. Eagle, George Barnardo i.e. G. Barnard Eagle 950. Falconer, Edmund i.e. E. O’Rourke 1016. Fanque, Pablo i.e. William Darby 1020. Farquharson, Robert i.e. R. Farquharson Smith 1023. Favanti, Rita i.e. Margaret Edwards 1027. Fawsitt, Amy i.e. Mary Ann Fawsitt 1028. Federici, Frederick i.e. Frederick Baker 1030. Fitz, Little i.e. W. Fitzwilliam 1065. Flexmore, Richard i.e. R. Flexmore Geatter 1070. Forrester, Henry i.e. Henry Frost 1083. Frazer, John James i.e. J. J. Fricker 1103. Gentleman George i.e. George Barrett 177. Giovanelli, Edward i.e. Edward Edwards 1152. Grattan, Henry Plunkett i.e. H. Willoughby G. Plunkett 1209. Harcourt, Charles i.e. Charles Parker Hillier 1323. Harris, Augustus i.e. Augustus Glossop 1345. Haywell, Frederick i.e. Frederick Hawley 1391. Heller, Robert i.e. William Henry Palmer 1418. Henrade, Mary i.e. Mary Young 1431. Henry, Chaplin i.e. Henry Charles Stroud 1432. Herring, Paul i.e. William Smith 1447. Hicks, Bravo i.e. Newton Tree Hicks 1461. Hill, William Jones i.e. William Hill Jones 1476. Lennox, Mr. i.e. Lenox Horne 1539. Leoni, Mr. i.e. Myer Lyon 378. Lester, Thomas i.e. T. Lester Donnelly 896. Lucchesini, Mddlle. i.e. Marie Beatrice Binda 209. Lunardini, Giuseppe i.e. James Goulston 1192. Mordaunt, Louisa i.e. Louisa C. Macnamara 435. America, U.S. of Washington, Franklin’s printing press 1344. Anderson bay, Victoria land named 65. Anderson, John d. 1796, Anemometer, a new 1560. Anglesey, lords lieutenant of 70 bis. 71. Anglesey, W. H. Paget, marquis of d. 1854, loss of his leg 71. Anglo Saxon, grammar 345, Aniline dyes 1290. Annuals, introduced into Germany and Russia 95. Anthropology, a department at British Assoc. 1591. Antrim, lord lieutenant 894. Antiquary, A professional, Harrod 1358. Apoplexy, mechanical cure for 1170. Approach caused by vibration, discovered 1264. Aquaria, tank for 964. Arabic, collection of calligraphs 114, - scholars Chenery 602 and Gendell 1120.
Arabs, murder of W. Gill by 1149. Arch, a tied brick arch 629. Architects, Bryce 455, - Burn 483,
- Burton 494,
- Cockerell, C. R. 664,
- Cockerell, F. P. 664,
- Cresy 759,
- Deane 842,
- Devey 868,
- Dobson 886,
- Donaldson 894,
- Elmes 988,
- Fergusson 1037,
- Ferrey 1038,
- Fowke 1092,
- French 1106,
- Geary 1133,
- Godwin 1163,
- Goldie 1166,
- Good 1171,
- Gough 1190,
- Gregan 1232,
- Griffith 1246,
- Gwilt, J. S. 1267,
- Gwilt, Jos. 1267,
- Habbershon 1269,
- Hadfield 1272,
- Hakewill, E. C. 1276,
- Hakewill,
- J. H. 1276,
- Hansom 1321,
- Hardwick 1330,
- Haviland 1382,
- Henderson 1424,
- Hopper 1536,
- Hosking 1545,
- Huggins 1569,
- Humbert 1583,
- Reeks 1204,
- used to fix dates in ancient history 781.
Athens, ten days in 723. Atlantic ocean, crossing it 180 times 1356, - crossing it 30 times 1431.
Atmosphere, atmospheric recorder invented 891, Atomic theory, the 438.
l@files@55059@55059-h@55059-h-31.htm.html#Page_740" class="pginternal">740. Bewick, Thomas d. 1828 and John Bewick d. 1795, collections of their works and wood blocks 1579. Bey, title of given to, Ayrton, F. 114. Bible, Fry’s collection of bibles 1111, - Haydock’s bible 1396,
- list of English editions 728,
- monopoly of printing 531,
- pentateuch critically examined 673 and Colenso adversely criticised 674,
- speakers’ commentary, contributors to 628, 1005,
- trinitarian bible soc. 996,
- Wycliffe’s version 1084.
Bible, New Testament in JudÆo-Polish 1449, Bible, Old Testament, revisers of 45, 628, 825, 980, 1014, 1041, 1133, 1188, 1352, Bidwell, Austin, forger 1396. Biggar, Joseph Gillis d. 1890 M.P., his trial 1057. Bill discounters, Overend, Gurney & Co. 1261, 1262. Billiard players, Dufton 926, Billiards, handicap billiards 926, Bills of exchange, law of 505. Bimetallism 578. Birds, collections of 1012, 1262, 1530, Birkbeck, George d. 1841 M.D., Birkbeck schools 986. Birkbeck, Morris d. 1825, founded New Albion in Illinois 1071. Birkenhead, St. Aidan’s coll. founded 199. Birmingham, Atlas steel works 377, - Calthorpe park opened 518,
- commissioners of street acts 509,
- English watch co. 378,
- free art gallery 1007,
- free libraries 585,
- Hazelwood sch. 1474, 1476,
- Holden’s music hall 1505,
- Mason coll. 1453,
- musical festivals 725,
- queen’s coll. 743,
- queen’s hospital 743,
- royal school of medicine 640.
- Boxers, Amateur, Brand 380,
- Budd 466.
- See also Pugilists.
- Boyd, Archibald d. 1883 dean of Exeter 365,
- his controversy on episcopacy 1189.
- Brachiopoda 824.
- Bradlaugh, Charles d. 1891 M.P. kept out of house of commons 1188.
- Bradshaw, George d. 1853 publisher 375,
- Bradshaw’s Manchester Journal 1018,
- railway maps and guides 20, 375.
- Bradshaw, James, M.P. 1543.
- Braintree, Essex, church rate case 733.
- Brass founder, Guest 1254.
- Bravo, Charles D. Turner d. in 1876 suddenly 384, 1257.
- Brazil, exploration of 475,
- first railway 377,
- regiment raised for 140,
- Thayer expedition 1363.
- Bread, aerated 821,
- Dauglish’s patent 821,
- unfermented 815.
- Brechin, bishop of 1075,
- seat of bishoprick removed to Dundee 1075.
- Bremer, Frederika d. 1865 Swedish novelist, works introduced into England 1559.
- Brewers, Allsopp 834, 1481,
- Barclay, A. K. 158,
- Barclay, C. 158,
- Bass 189,
- Buxton 503,
- Crowley 776,
- Findlater 834,
- Flower 1071,
- Guinness 1256,
- Hanbury 1313 bis.,
- Hoare 1485,
- Hodgson 1495,
- Ind Coope 707,
- Meux 847,
- Truman 834,
- Whitbread 309.
- Breweries, Barclay, Perkins & Co.’s men assault Haynau 1400,
- Brett, Charles a police sergeant killed in 1867 at Manchester 53.
- Bridges, Forth railway bridge commenced 347,
- lattice bridges 316, 845,
- Royal Albert at Saltash 453,
- taperchain suspension 1175,
- Tay railway bridge and its fall 316.
- Bright, John d. 1889 M.P., the cave of Adullam 1543.
- Brighton, Brighton and London coach 729,
- Burrows and his statue 492,
- chain pier 438,
- court of request 1113,
- Davies’ bequest Chorlton-upon-Medlock, Manchester, All Saints’ ch. built 493 burnt 493.
- Christmas cards, originated 671,
- Chromatrope invented 609.
- Chronometer makers, Arnold 861,
- Chronometric line run round the world 1064.
- Chrysanthemum exhibition 802.
- Chunee the elephant shot 770.
- Churches, apparatus for heating 1055,
- Cigars made by women 715.
- Cinque ports, lord warden 803.
- Circassian committee, chairman of 206.
- Circle, reflecting, Douglas’ 902.
- Circles, automatic graduation of 703.
- Circus proprietors, Cooke J. 702,
- Cirencester, Roman antiquities at 465.
- Cistercian order re-established 854.
- Cities and boroughs, plans of 839.
- Civil list pensioners, A’Beckett 5,
- Ainsworth 33,
- Alder 40,
- Alison 47,
- Anderson 64,
- Anster J. 74,
- Anster E. 74,
- Atherstone 101,
- Atkinson 104,
- Austin 109,
- Backhouse 119,
- Bailey 127,
- Ball 146,
- Barez 160,
- Barnard 171,
- Bartlett 187,
- Basevi 189,
- Batty 195,
- Beke 223,
- Bell 230,
- Belzoni 237,
- Bigsby 276,
- Bingham 278,
- Blakey 306,
- Bleek W. H. I. 311,
- Bleek J. C. 311,
- Bloomfield 316,
- Boole 335,
- Boyle 368,
- Britton 1223.
- Coins, collectors of, Bergne 253,
- Colenso, William John d. 1883 bishop of Natal, deposed by bishop Gray 1219.
- Coleoptera, Brackenridge’s collection 372,
- Brightwell’s collection 400.
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor d. 1834 poet, Cottle’s recollections of 728,
- literary cookery with reference to matters attributed to 377.
- Colleges.
- Agricultural at Cirencester established 1288.
- College of arms, report on 233.
- College of doctors of law 1571.
- Crook hall removed to Ushaw 228.
- Didsbury near Manchester founded 358.
- Exeter diocesan founded 1337.
- London coll. of divinity at Kilburn 348.
- Manchester new coll. removed to London 361.
- Marlborough founded 357, 1235.
- St. Columba, Beresford’s gift to 251.
- St. John’s hall, Highbury, principal 348.
- Training at Highbury founded 1235.
- Collier, a poetical 1005.
- Collieries, Clay cross 1556,
- self acting fence for winding shafts 1556.
- Colonies, Secretaries of state for colonies, Aberdeen 6,
- Colston, Edward d. 1721 merchant, life of 1125.
- Columbine, Boleno 328.
- Coming K., The authors of 221.
- Commons, House of, best dressed man in 932,
- call of the house, the last 1364,
- clerk 1022,
- chiltern hundreds refused to a member 510,
- member expelled 934,
- person committed to custody of serjeant at arms 677,
- seat from which member hears thanks given him, remains his while member 1003,
- speakers 935, 1008,
- speakership, contests for 1191, 1376,
- thanks given to celebrated men 1003, 1039.
- Compasses, Caithness gravitation compass 1021,
- landslip in 697,
- lord lieutenant 1088.
- Devonshire, Georgiana d. 1806 duchess of, portrait stolen 987.
- Diamonds, a diamond collector 1532,
- a diamond merchant 434,
- diamond cement invented 835.
- Diarists, Greville C. C. F. 1239,
- Dickens, Charles d. 1870,
- novelist 872,
- bibliography of his writings 699,
- C. Dickens and Rochester 1580,
- Chimes dramatised 4,
- friends 367, 1182,
- Hard Times in French 1578,
- illustrations of his works 443,
- Little Emly a drama 973,
- lives of 1085,
- Oliver Twist, statue of 1576,
- Pickwick a drama 547,
- Pickwick, examination papers on 518,
- Sam Weller a drama 1285,
- sec. in his American tour 1407,
- sketches by Boz 1129.
- Dickson, John, surgeon to Lord Nelson 875.
- Dictionaries, Murray’s New English 674.
- Dilston castle, Northumberland, disputed ownership 865.
- Diner out, Davies 828.
- Dipsomania, its treatment 46.
- Diseases, Addison’s disease, discovery of 23,
- Bright’s disease 400,
- consumption, cure of by vapour of tar 760,
- granular degeneration of kidneys 617,
- Hodgkin’s disease 1492,
- phthisis, treatment of 324.
- Disappearance, Congreve 691.
- Disinfecting fluids, Burnett’s 487,
- Disintegrator, the 557.
- Disraeli, Benjamin d. 1881 earl of Beaconsfield 203,
- Clay travels with him in Holy Land 640,
- Eldred much like him in appearance 973,
- friend 1346,
- Henrietta Temple, dedication of 900,
- life of 1485,
- private secretaries 455, 951,
- servant 1016.
- Disraeli, Isaac d. 1848 author, his controversy with Bolton Corney 721.
- Dissenters, the first in the Cabinet, Baines 133.
- Dissolving views invented 609.
- Diving, air pump and dress 1417,
- apparatus, Bethell’s patent 263.
- Doctor advertising, Culverwell 781.
- Dogs, dog stealers’ act 291,
- dog trainer 499,
- perfor
utenberg@html@files@55059@55059-h@55059-h-28.htm.html#Page_660" class="pginternal">660,
- Cotton 729.
- Ecclesiastical commission 315, 608.
- Ecclesiastical metal workers 1329.
- Edinburgh, art union originated 1469,
- bank of Scotland built 455,
- bible soc. originated 60,
- bishop of 727,
- botanical soc. founded 381,
- castle chapel restored 277,
- castle regalia discovered 1035,
- circus first established 704,
- city’s last appointment to a professorship 754,
- eye infirmary founded 226,
- Fettes coll. built 455,
- Free high ch. 89,
- Gaelic sch. soc. originated 60,
- John Knox memorial ch. 527,
- merchant co. 1143,
- new coll. 536,
- royal infirmary built 455,
- royal medical society president 23,
- St. Margaret’s convent founded 1150,
- soc. of arts founded 394,
- veterinary coll. founded 872.
- Edinburgh university, Carlyle bursaries at 549,
- chancellor 426,
- Dunlip scholarships 937,
- English substituted for Latin in examinations in univ. 601,
- principal 394.
- Edinburgh, Alfred, duke of b. 1844, shot by O’Farrell 99,
- Hokilika theatre named after him 1611.
- Education, act of 1870 col. 423,
- Eglinton tournament, accounts of 30, 912,
- Egremont, George, Third Earl d. 1837, Carew’s claim on his estate 544.
- Egypt, explorers in Belzoni 237,
- Bonomi 334 and Hay 1394,
- obelisk in New York 1186,
- student of its antiquities 781.
- Elections, agents for 1096,
- Electricians, Cooke 705,
- Electricity, applied to machinery 578,
- applied to medical purposes 1409,
- apparatus for registering progr
nd masters 1082, 1298,
- Scottish lodge in India, grand master 485.
- French, teachers of, De Beauvoisin 844,
- Frias, Duke of 143, civil governor of the province of Madrid, d. Spain May 1888.
- Friction wheel, invention of a 382.
- Frith, William Powell b 1819 painter, his Railway Station 1506.
- Froude, Rev. Richard Hurrell d. 1836, resigned fellowship 1388.
- Fruit dealer, Hanson 1322.
- Fuel, Grant’s patent 1206.
- Fungi, collection of 790.
- Furniture, collection of 255.
- Fust, Sir Herbert Jenner d. 1852, judge of court of arches 1185.
- G
- Gaelic, dictionary 86,
- Galvanism used to explode gunpowder in blowing down Round Downcliff 779.
- Galway, bishop of 443.
- Gambler, Ball-Hughes 147.
- Games and gaming, law on 383.
- Gardeners, Dale Jas. 801,
- Garibaldi, Giuseppe d. 1882 patriot, British volunteer officers with 944.
- Garston near Liverpool, coal drops at 800.
- Garter, knights of the, Aberdeen 7,
- Ailesbury 31,
- Albert 38,
- Anglesey 70,
- Camden 521,
- Canning 537,
- Cleveland 647,
- Derby 863,
- Derby 863,
- Devonshire 869,
- Exeter 1010,
- Fitzwilliam 1064,
- Fortescue 1088,
- Hanover, king of 1321,
- Hertford 1449.
- Garter, a knight of, allowed to retain the Thistle 7.
- Gas, coal gas manufacture 643,
- engineers 1002,
- gas light and coke co. 1002,
- lime purifiers 643,
- oxide of iron used for purification 1002,
- polytechnic gas fire 119,
- portable gas 1176,
- system of compressing 1176,
- water meter 643.
- Gasses, absorption of by charcoal 1596,
- law of diffusion of discovered 1198,
- transpirability of 1245.
- Groves, Anthony Norris d. 1853, missionary 1252,
- preacher in Dublin 691,
- tutor in his family 749.
- Guano islands, monopoly of 1138.
- Guernsey, bailiff of 546.
- Gunpowder manufactories 610, 793.
- Guns, breech loading 914,
- castings for 1051,
- cores 1051,
- discharged by percussion powder 875,
- Fraser gun 1102,
- gun of 100 tons 1051,
- gun to carry a 50lb ball 2 miles 422,
- Monstre 22 tons 641,
- percussion caps adapted to flint guns 1284,
- Woolwich gun 1102.
- Gun cotton, Crum’s formula 778.
- Gunpowder, monster charges 779.
- Gunter, a ten foot 382.
- Gymnastics, gymnasia 611,
- Gymnastics, professors of, Chiosso 611,
- H
- Hainault forest, Essex drained 1093.
- Hair, electric brush to prevent greyness 1247.
- Hales place near Canterbury, nunnery 1279.
- Halifax, Crossley almshouses 773,
- Crossley orphan house and school 773,
- foundation of carpet manufacture 3,
- people’s park 773.
- Halkett, Samuel d. 1871, librarian 1282, 1352.
- HallÉ, Sir Charles b. 1819 composer, his chorus master 1416.
- Hamel, Joseph Von d. 1862 M.D., ascent of Mont Blanc 899.
- Hamilton palace, mausoleum at 1298.
- Hammersmith suspension bridge 630.
- Hampden, John d. 1643 patriot, collections for life of 1310.
- Hampden, Renn Dickson d. 1868, bp. of Hereford 1311,
- opposed in Bow ch. and in queen’s bench 1600.
- Hampshire, Andover union, iniquitous practices 4,
- New forest, Girlingites in the 1153.
- Hampton court, tennis court at 252.
- Handel, George Frederic d. 1759 composer, festivals in London 725 and originator of 360.
- Handloom enquiry commission 1070.
- Handsworth, convent of Our Lady of Mercy at 1329.
- Hanging, drawing and quartering, the last sentence of 1110.
- Hanover incorporated with Prussia 1321.
- Hanover, Ernest Augustus d. 1851, king of 1320.
- Hanover, George, F. A. C. E. A. d. 1878, king of 1321,
- created one baron only 1362.
- Hanwell asy
55059@55059-h@55059-h-53.htm.html#Page_1272" class="pginternal">1272.
- H., E. S. J. i.e. Ellen St. John Hunt 1589.
- H., F. i.e. Francis Hessey 1453.
- H., F. C. i.e. Frederick Charles Husenbeth 1602.
- H., F. T. i.e. Frederic Thomas Hall 1284.
- H., H. i.e. Herbert Haines 1275.
- H., J. D. i.e. James Dibden Hubbarde 1564.
- H., M. i.e. Matilda Heron 1445.
- H., R. i.e. Richard Harvey 1366.
- J., E. i.e. Miss E. Jolly 886.
- N., R. i.e. John Hunter 1596.
- O., J. i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.
- Ink, an inerasable 369,
- Innocent person condemned, Barber 157.
- Inquests, 4000 held by De Lasaux 852.
- Inquiry agent, Field 1040.
- Insane, Conolly’s system of treatment 694,
- moral control of 594,
- new system of treatment adopted in Scotland 446.
- Insect life in metallic solutions, discovery of 772.
- International exhibitions, original idea of 705.
- Institutions.
- Actuaries founded 438, 1332,
- Albert originated 436.
- Anglo Biblical founded 294.
- British architects, president 848.
- British philosophical and literary founded 697.
- Cholera orphan house commenced 436.
- Chronological of London founded 294.
- Civil engineers founded 97, 1042.
- Glandular founded 41.
- Home for convalescent women patients 590.
- Home for servants out of place started 436.
- Institution of Irish architects, president 843.
- Inventors’ institute, president 376.
- Iron and steel, foreign sec. 1076.
- Law projected 1513.
- Licensed victuallers’ sch. founded 441.
- London infirmary for disease of the skin closed 9.
- London university founded 741.
- Manchester mechanics founded 1457.
- National hospital for paralysed and epiplectic opened 590.
- National orphan home founded 436.
- National philanthropic, president 660.
- Naval architects founded 1208.
- North London eye infirmary founded 713.
- North of England instit. of mining engineers, president 1085.
- Philosophical, Edinburgh, founded 1352.
- Plymouth eye dispensary originated 502.
- Polytechnic opened 118, 609.
- Roya
t@g@html@files@55059@55059-h@55059-h-65.htm.html#Page_1584" class="pginternal">1584,
- Time works wonders 1584.
- Jersey, the six advocates of the royal court 1537.
- Jerusalem, Anglican cathedral 1269,
- bishops of 159, 1162,
- hospital for sick jews 1548,
- house of industry at 1449.
- Jesus Christ, likenesses of 1408.
- Jews, Bevis Marks congregation 866,
- board of deputies 668,
- committee of seven elders 668,
- great synagogue, London 668,
- first called to the bar 1167,
- first created baronet 1168,
- jewish board of guardians 42, 668,
- jews’ coll. London 982,
- ministers in London 866,
- united synagogue London 668.
- Jim Crow sung in England 938.
- Jockeys, Bullock 471,
- Butler 499,
- Chaloner 585,
- Chapple 593,
- Charlton 596,
- Chifney S. 608,
- Chifney W. 609,
- Constable 696,
- Day J. 840,
- Day J. B. 841,
- Day S. 841,
- Ede 956,
- Flatman 1067,
- Fordham 1080,
- French 1107,
- rode six winners in one day 1107,
- Green 1223,
- Grimshaw 1248,
- Hibberd 1459.
- Jon Duan, authors of 221.
- Jordan, Mrs. Dorothy d. 1816 actress, her sons 1056, 1057 bis.
- Judge removed from office, Boothby B. 339.
- Jumping, Howard the jumper 1553,
- jumping 29 ft. 7 in. col. 1553,
- over a billiard table 1553.
- Junot, Andoche d. 1813 duc d’Abrantes, his mistress 1449.
- Juggler, Allock 54.
- Jullien, Louis G. Antoine J. d. 1860 composer, concerts at Covent garden 882,
- concerts at Surrey gardens 770,
- opera at Drury Lane 1268.
- Junius, authorship of his letters 732, 945,
- K
- Kaleidoscope invented 394.
- Kashmiri scholar 989.
- Kean, Charles John d. 1868 actor, his secretary 513.
- Kean
st@g@html@files@55059@55059-h@55059-h-60.htm.html#Page_1471" class="pginternal">1471,
- Hill 1473,
- Hill 1474,
- Hindmarsh 1482,
- Hodges 1492,
- Hodgkinson 1493,
- Hodgson 1497,
- Hoffmeister 1500,
- Holker 1505,
- Holmes 1516,
- Holmes 1517,
- Hood 1525,
- Hooker 1526,
- Hopkins 1534,
- Hopkinson 1535,
- Horne 1540,
- Horsford 1542,
- Houlton 1549,
- Howell 1557,
- Howley 1561,
- Hoyles 1563,
- Huddleston 1565,
- Hughes 1577,
- Hume 1585,
- Humphreys 1587,
- Hunt 1690,
- Huntley 1599.
- Khondistan, human sacrifices in 532.
- Knurr and spell player 1495.
- Kossuth, Louis b. 1802, banquet to 69,
- L
- Laboratories 941.
- Lace, gassing of 1289,
- machine for making 83,
- made from mohair 287,
- manufacturers of 287, 1412,
- Old Loughborough machine 1412,
- patent for making 275.
- Lacrosse player, Glover 1160.
- Ladies’ faces, enamelling of 770.
- Laing, Rev. John d. 1880, librarian 1282.
- Lamb, Charles d. 1834 essayist, attacked by cholera 93,
- Lambeth, degrees 557, 1494,
- Lamps, Argand introduced 1554,
- lamp of life, invention and explosion of 10.
- Lampeter castle turned into St. David’s college 1336.
- Lancaster duchy, chancellors of 6, 133, 623, 1241, 1358,
- duke of, claimant to the title 1353,
- records 1334.
- Lanarkshire, lords lieutenant 226, 756.
- Limerick, bishops of 1243, 1463,
- Lind, Jenny d. 1887 singer, Benedict travels with her in United States 238,
- Lindsays, Lives of the 753.
- Linen manufacturer, Dick 872.
- Linguists, Bowring 362,
- Linlithgowshire lord lieutenant 1533.
- Lion tamer, Crockett 762.
- Liquids, diffusion of, discovered 1198.
- Lisbon, British hospital 1602,
- English coll. at 1602,
- mint at 643.
- Lithotomists, Crichton 761,
- Lithographer, Day 421.
- Lithotint invented 1326.
- Liverpool, bishop of 1186,
- chamber of commerce founded 1541,
- Cope’s tobacco manufactory 715,
- court of passage 769,
- Eagle line of packets 400,
- free public library and Derby museum 440,
- Gibbs, Bright & Co. ship owners 399, 400,
- Great Britain steamship 389, 400,
- insurance offices 348,
- Liverpool collegiate institution 697,
- parliamentary debating soc. 715,
- R.C. bishop 431,
- salvage committee 348,
- zoological gardens dismantled 102.
- Livingstone, David d. 1873 explorer, Stanley’s search for 242.
- Locksmith, Chubb 618.
- Logarithms 1212.
- Logic, quantification of the predicate, discovery of 247.
- Logometer or ten foot gunter 382.
vhost@g@html@files@55059@55059-h@55059-h-34.htm.html#Page_798" class="pginternal">798, 1169, deputy lieut. office abolished 864, persons committed to 51, 653, tower subway opened 169, traders’ tavern tokens 482, trees, planting of 802, Trinity house, master of 39, University coll. diseased structures, drawings of 560, University hall Gordon sq. 654, Vauxhall, bridge foundation stone laid 453, - embankment made 779,
- Holy Trinity ch. built 248,
Victoria docks formed 272, Walworth, Clayton schools 642, West London infirmary renamed Charing Cross hospital 1166, Whitechapel ch. rebuilt 707, wool exchange erected 765, yeomen of the guard, exon of 1314, York college commenced 1128, zoological gardens, Regent’s park, established 1247, animals fed in public 1247, zoological gardens, the Surrey 7, 770. Londonderry, lords lieutenant 839, 1036, Looms, power looms 1089. Long, Rev. W. deprived of his license by Bp. of Capetown 1218. Lords chancellor, Brougham 426, Lords chief justice of England, Campbell 526, Lord high steward, Anglesey 71. Lords privy seal, Buckingham 460, Lords, house of, cartoons in 946, - chief justice of England sitting without his robes 859,
- league for abolition of 1386.
Lotteries, abolished 559, Louis XVIII. d. 1824 king of France, conducted from Ghent to Paris 702. Louis Philippe d. 1857 king of the French, flight to England 1591. Leisure moments, editor 781. Literary gazette originated 669. Literary news, Sydney, editor 5. Liverpool lion commenced 425. Liverpool medical journal editor 1257. London magazine started 141, London medical and surgical journal editors 994, 1549. London medical repository editor 936. London medical review editor 1496. London photographic society journal editor 870. London quarterly review editor 1133. London society projected 1502. Lover, proprietor 4. Magazine of science and school of arts, editor 1098. Mirth, editor 507. Month commenced 1092. Monthly magazine editor 1437. Monthly magazine of holy rosary, editor 1082. Monthly repository editors 1539, 1591. Montreal medical gazette founded 122. Museum criticum established 315. Musical world editors 833, 1131. National miscellany founded 84. Natural history review editor 791. Nautical magazine commenced 215. New monthly magazine, editor 1289, New monthly magazine and humorist commenced 161. New quarterly review founded 498, North British review editors 1318. Notes and Queries editor 898, Numismatic journal started 37. Once a week editor 805. Orchestra editor 1022. Oriental herald and colonial review commenced 461. Panoply, The, founded 1077. Penny catholic magazine started 1401, People’s journal proprietors 1560. People’s penny picture proprietor 4. Photographic art journal projected 853. Phrenological journal editor 742. Political letters issued 556. Political magazine commenced 556. Poor Richard’s journal proprietor 4. Porcupine founded 715. Portfolio started 10, 11. Post magazine and insurance monitor proprietor 1362. Preacher’s lantern editor 1524. Primitive methodist magazine commenced 350. Prison proverbs commenced 7, 770, Wingeworth hall 1588, Wombwell, painted show cloth for 670. See also Zoological gardens. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix d. 1847, - works performed at Windsor 39,
- his friend 1251,
- Lobgesang first performed 1384.
Mer de Glace surveyed 1078. Merest, J. D. m. Maria B. Hawes 1384. Mesmerism, Harriet Martineau cured by 1290, - London mesmeric infirmary 979–80,
- Zoist 980.
st@g@html@files@55059@55059-h@55059-h-26.htm.html#Page_603" class="pginternal">603. Attorney General for unstamped newspapers i.e. George Edmonds 960. Auchterless John Pounds i.e. James Beattie 210. Bagatelle i.e. Richard 4 marquis of Hertford 1449. Bankers’ Bankers i.e. Overend, Gurney & Co. 1262. Bard of Dunclug, The i.e. David Herbison 1442. Bendigo i.e. William Thompson 237, 573. Bishop of Bond street, The i.e. William Bishop 291. Blacksmith, The learned i.e. Elihu Burritt 491. Bowlers, The best of all i.e. W. R. Hillyer 1478. Brassey i.e. John Leechman 237, 573. Calculating phenomenon, The i.e. George P. Bidder 271–72. Cornish Pilgrim, The i.e. Richard Hampton 1312. Cure, The perfect i.e. James Hurst Stead 312. Cuvier of England i.e. Robert Edmond Grant 1206. Delemere forest stag i.e. John Walker 1553. Demon, The i.e. George Fordham 1080. Demon pedestrian i.e. J. Whitehead 1553. Dick, Foolish i.e. Richard Hampton 1312. Dragon, The i.e. Bindon Blood 315. Dutch Sam i.e. Elias Samuels 224. English Horace Vernet i.e. Thomas Jones Barker 165. Flower of Haddington, The i.e. Jane Baillie Welsh 549. Fordham of Amateurs i.e. George Matthews Ede 956. Game Chicken i.e. Henry Pearce 1258. Genial Showman, The i.e. Charles Farrar Browne 443. Gipsy’s Friend, The i.e. Rev. James Crabb 745. HyÆna of Brescia i.e. J. J. Baron Von Haynau 1400. Iron king of Wales i.e. Robert Thompson Crawshay 756. Kempferhausen i.e. Robert Pierce Gillies 1150. King of Pine Growers i.e. James Dale 801. King Richard i.e. Richard Tapper Cadbury 509. Lancashire Giant i.e. Bob Gregson 1258. Leviathan, The i.e. William Edmond Davies 829. Lyndhurst of the Turf i.e. John Barham Day 841. Mezzofanti, The English i.e. Edward C. Hawtrey 1392. Moorland poet, The i.e. George Heath 1411. Mr. Ralph’s Great coat i.e. Robert Hunnum 1588. Old Q’ i.e. William 4 duke of Queensberry 1449. Paganini, The English i.e. Henry Hayward 1403. Perfect Cure, The i.e. James Hurst Stead 312. Pocket Hercules, The i.e. James Grimshaw 1248. Prisoner’s friend, The i.e. Abraham Beal 205. Queen of the Radicals
st@g@html@files@55059@55059-h@55059-h-39.htm.html#Page_933" class="pginternal">933. Dunlop, Alexander Murray i.e. A. Dunlop 937. Dunlop, Alexander Colquhoun Stirling Murray i.e. A. Murray Dunlop 937. Dyce-Sombre, David O. i.e. David O. Dyce 946. Eardley, Sir Culling E. i.e. Sir C. E. Smith 951. East, Sir E. G. Clayton i.e. Sir E. G. Clayton 952. Eastwood, Thomas S. i.e. Thomas Smith Badger 122. Egerton, John Hume i.e. J. H. Cust 970. Ellacombe, Henry T. i.e. Henry T. Ellicombe 975. Ellerton, John L. i.e. John L. Lodge 976. Ellis, Andrew Ellis i.e. A. Ellis De Vezian 986. Ellis-McTaggart, Francis i.e. F. Ellis 987. Erle-Drax, J. S. W. Sawbridge i.e. J. S. W. Sawbridge 995. Eversley, Charles S., viscount i.e. C. Shaw-Lefevre 1007. Fairholt, F. W. i.e. F. W. Fahrholz 1015. Fane, H. E. Hamlyn i.e. H. E. Fane 1019. Farnborough, Thomas, baron i.e. Sir T. E. May 1021. Fenwick, Edward M. i.e. E. M. Reid 1034. Fenwick-Bisset, M. i.e. M. Fenwick 1034. Ferguson, J. F. i.e. J. F. Jaquemain 1035. Ferguson-Davie, Sir H. E. i.e. Sir H. R. Ferguson 1037. Fermor-Hesketh, Sir T. G. i.e. Sir T. G. Hesketh 1038. Fish, The Golden i.e. Thomas Liversedge Fish 1051. Fitzball, Edward i.e. Edward Ball 1056. Fitzgerald, John i.e. John Purcell 1058. Fitzwilliam, C. W. Wentworth i.e. C. W. Fitzwilliam 1064. Fitzwilliam, Ellen i.e. E. Chaplin 1065. Fitzwilliam, Fanny E. i.e. F. E. Copeland 1065. Fleetwood, Sir P. Hesketh i.e. Sir P. Hesketh 1067. Fleming, Ann C. i.e. A. C. Knight 1067. Forbes-Leslie, Jonathan i.e. Jonathan Forbes 1079. Francis, Francis i.e. Francis Morgan 1097. Fraser, Robert S. i.e. Robert S. Frazer 1102. Gardiner, Robert i.e. Robert Hallowell 1121. Giles-Puller, Christopher W. i.e. C. W. Giles 1148. Gladstone, Sir John i.e. Sir John Gladstones 1154. Godwin-Austen, Robert A. C. i.e. Robert A. C. Austen 1165. Gordon, Chinese i.e. Charles George Gordon 1178. Gordon, Francis i.e. Francis Grant 1177. Gough, Frederick, Baron Calthorpe i.e. F. Calthorpe 518. Graham, James Gillespie i.e. James Gillespie 1196. Graham-Gilbert, John i.e. John Gilbert 1199. Granton, Lord i.e. Charles Hope 1529. Granville, Augustus Bozzi i.e. Augustus Bozzi 1208. Gratwicke, Willi
nal">806, Dellagana 854, Freiligrath 1105, Huth 1606. Nature printing 372. Navarino, battle of 665.
59@55059-h@55059-h-28.htm.html#Page_644" class="pginternal">644, 953, 1160, 1438, 1601, sold to emperor Napoleon 1160. Morning herald, editor 1002. Morning journal started 1263, Morning post, correspondent 1253, Morning register, Dublin, founded 178. Morning star, editor 1303. Musical review, editor 1568. Musical standard, proprietor 1309. Musical world, editor 1568. Nation re-established 499. National omnibus started 199. New Brunswick reporter, editor 1501. New York globe started 242. New York herald commenced 242. Nonsuch a farrago of something, commenced 329. North British daily mail, editor 66. Northampton mercury, editor 870, Observer, manager 910, - proprietor 644,
- theatrical critic 1061.
Official gazette, Oxford, editor 1374. Paisley and Renfrewshire gazette, editor 699. Paris sun commenced 11. Paris times, editor 1022. Parthenon, editor 1175. Patriot, editor 690. Pembrokeshire herald, editor 1123. People’s college journal commenced 200. Pilot newspaper, Dublin, established 178. Polar star, editor 1450. Politician started 306. Post circular, editor 671. Practical florist, editor 1157. Press, manager 1098. Protestant guardian established 502. Puck projected 600, Punch, artists on 912, 1083, - contributors 4, 5, 745,
- editor 419,
- originators of 1490,
- persons caricatured in 34,
- printer of 372,
- word with, by Bunn 473,
- writers of first number 1209.
Queen, proprietor 900. Missionary, The, in Richmond’s Dairyman’s Daughter i.e. Rev. James Crabb 745. Papaverius in Burton’s The Book Hunter i.e. T. De Quincy 862. Popular Sentiment, Mr. in Trollope’s The Warden i.e. C. Dickens 873. Rigby in Disraeli’s Coningsby i.e. J. W. Croker 764. Sampson, Dr. in Reade’s Hard Cash i.e. S. Dickson 877. Serpleton, Oliver in Brown’s The Dwale Bluth i.e. Charles B. Cayley 577. Skimpole, Harold in Dickens’ Bleak house i.e. J. H. Leigh Hunt 1591. Sludge, Mr. the medium by Browning i.e. Daniel D. Home 1519. Squire, The, in Hughes’ The scouring of the White Horse i.e. E. M. Atkins 102. Steyne, Marquis of, in Thackeray’s Vanity Fair i.e. Marquis of Hertford 764. Tallboys in Wilson’s Noctes AmbrosianÆ i.e. H. G. Bell 228. Tremaine, Canon in M. Collins’ Sweet and Twenty i.e. R. S. Hawker 1385. Tuft, Venom in Warren’s Ten thousand a year i.e. Abraham Hayward 1402. Vivida Vis in Disraeli’s Vivian Grey i.e. J. W. Croker 764. Whitestock, Frank in Thackeray’s Curates Walk i.e. W. H. Brookfield 419. Wordy, Mr. in Disraeli’s Coningsby i.e. Sir A. Alison 47. Young Master, The, in Hughes’ Tom Brown’s school days i.e. G. E. L. Cotton 728. Nursing sisterhoods, account of 850. O Oboe player, Barrett 176. O’Brien, William Smith d. 1864 politician, his monster petition to the commons 1241. Observatories, Adie’s 25, - Barclay’s 158,
- Bishop’s 289,
- Churt, Surrey 559,
- Clabury 1497,
- Drew’s 917,
- Elchies’ 1204,
- Gorton’s 1186,
- Hawkwood 1497,
- Makerstoun 428,
- Markree castle 709,
- Melbourne reflector 1252,
- Oakshaw hill 657,
- Parsonstown speculum 1252,
- Penmaenmawr erected 1155.
Obelisks, Egyptian in New York 1186. O’Connell, Daniel d. 1847 patriot, challenged to a discussion 702, O’Farrell, Henry James executed 1878 fenian, shot the duke of Edinburgh 99. Offices, etc. abolished, army accounts office 256, - bankruptcy, commissioners of 1517,
- bankruptcy court Bristol, commissioners of 1473,
- bankruptcy court Newcastle 1142,
- Bristol court of conscience 825,
- resignation of his ministry 1141.
Panama railway 571. Panics, The three 660. Panizzi, Sir Antonio d. 1879 author, British museum reading room 1545. Panoramas and Dioramas, Arctic regions 447, 1243, - Baalbec 571,
- Barker’s 164, 477,
- Burford’s 477,
- Colosseum designed 494,
- theatrical portraits exhibited at 498,
- finally closed 119,
- Crimean war 1243,
- Jerusalem 571,
- Ocean mail 1243,
- Overland route 1243,
- Reinagle and Barker’s panorama 164,
- Rio Janiero 475,
- Thebes 571,
- Waterloo 164.
Pantomimists, Fairbrother 955, Pantaloons, Barnes 173, Paper and paper making, bleached straw used 145, - continuous paper 1091,
- duties on 1099, 1518,
- esparto used for 145,
- fibres used for making 767,
- Fourdrinier 1091,
- Harding’s tinted 1326,
- iridescent films on 851,
- machines for making 895, 1091,
- makers of 767, 874, 1124, 1490,
- nettles made into 198,
- note paper put up in 5 quire packets 645,
- straw and grass made into 645,
- writing paper, indelible, for prevention of forgery 159.
Parafin oil manufacturer 280. Parish registers, Chester’s collection 605. Parliament See also Commons and Lords, false declaration as to member’s qualification 1159, - great speaker 1586,
- long contest at an election 499,
- member unseated for bribery, re-elected and sitting in same parliament 640,
- members who never took their seats 251, 573,
- minorities, representation of 1476,
- person committed to custody of serjeant at arms 677,
- serjeant
- Clutterbuck 656,
- Cormack 720,
- Corrigan 723,
- Craigie 747,
- Crichton 760,
- Dickson J. R. 876,
- Dickson Sir J. R. L. 876,
- Dickson R. 876,
- Dickson S. 877,
- Dickinson 875,
- Doratt 898,
- Downie 909,
- Druitt 918,
- Dumbreck 927,
- Dunglison 936,
- Edwards 965,
- Epps 954,
- Eyre 1011,
- Fagge 1013,
- Falconer 1017,
- Farre A. 1024,
- Farre F. J. 1024,
- Farre J. R. 1024,
- Fellowes 1032,
- Ferguson J. C. 1035,
- Ferguson R. 1036,
- Fife 1044,
- Fisher J. W. 1053,
- Fisher W. W. 1054,
- Fleming A. 1067,
- Fleming C. 1067,
- Fleming J. G. 1068,
- Forbes 1075,
- Forsyth 1087,
- Fothergill 1090,
- Fowler 1093,
- Fox H. H. 1095,
- Fox W. T. 1096,
- Fox, Wilson 1096,
- Froude 1110,
- Furnell 1113,
- Fyfe 1114,
- Gairdner J. 1116,
- Gairdner W. 1116,
- Gavin 1131,
- Gibb 1136,
- Grant 1205,
- Granville 1208,
- Gream 1220,
- Greenhow 1228,
- Gull 1257,
- Gully 1257,
- Guy 1266,
- Habershon 1269,
- Haldane 1276,
- Hall C. R. 1283,
- Hall Sir J. 1286,
- Hall M. 1288,
- Hardwicke 1331,
- Hardy 1332,
- Harris 1347,
- Harrison 1355,
- Harty 1363,
- Harvey 1364,
- Hastings 1372,<
ldsby i.e. James Hildyard 1467.
- Ion i.e. Ellen St. John Hunt 1589.
- Ishmael i.e. Josiah Harris 1349.
- Ismael i.e. Christopher A. M. Harris 1346.
- Iskander i.e. Aleksandr I. Hertzen 1450.
- Jack i.e. Marianne Elizabeth Godwin 1165.
- Jones, T. Percy i.e. William Edmondstone Aytoun 116.
- Junius Redivivus i.e. William Bridges Adams 19.
- Knot, Maple i.e. Ebenezer Clemo 645.
- L. S. E. i.e. Michael Augustus Gathercole 1130.
- Lady, A i.e. Charlotte Susan Maria Bury 496.
- Lady in the Country i.e. Anna Gurney 1260.
- Layman, A i.e. Thomas Carlyle 550.
- Layman, A i.e. John Sibbald Edison 959.
- Layman, A i.e. Sir Walter Scott 1179.
- Layman, A Protestant i.e. William Harty 1363.
- Layman of the church of England, A i.e. W. A. I. Grant 1207.
- Lee, Gibbons i.e. William Bennett 244.
- Lewes, Walton i.e. Jeremiah Bowen 356.
- Libertas i.e. Peter Brown 437.
- Libra i.e. Edward Brotherton 423.
- Manchester manufacturer i.e. Richard Cobden 659.
- Martel, Charles i.e. Thomas Delf 853.
- Member of University of Oxford i.e. W. M. Hutton 1609.
- Miles i.e. Henry Walter 1433.
- Mother of Six i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.
- Myfyr Morganwg i.e. Evan Davies 826.
- Myrtle, Harriet i.e. Mary Gillies 1150.
- Neil, Ross i.e. Isabella N. Harwood 1369.
- Nemo i.e. Aaron Levy Green 1222.
- Nimrod i.e. Charles James Apperley 76.
- Nordmann, Rudolph i.e. George F. Harris 1348.
- Old Follower of Sir H. D. Chad’s i.e. Montagu Burrows 580.
- Oliver, Stephen the younger i.e. William Andrew Chatto 600.
- Omnium, Jacob i.e. Matthew James Higgins 1464.
- O’Reilly, Miles i.e. Charles Graham Halpine 1296.
- Outis i.e. Luke Howard 1554.
- Owl, the figure of an i.e. Clement Henry Bennett 240.
- Oxford Divine, A i.e. Henry Bellenden Bulteel 472.
- P——. P——. poet laureate i.e. George Daniel 811.
- Page, H. A. i.e. A. H. Japp 1502.
- Pamphilius i.e. David Mitchell Aird 34.
- Parallax i.e. Samuel Birley Rowbotham 1311.
- Pariah, A i.e. Caroline Frances Cornwallis 722.
- Parley, Peter i.e. Samuel Clark 1285,
- intelligence agent 1356,
- judge of 627,
- marquis of Hastings’ career 1372,
- race horse, life of a 911,
- Running Rein fraud 1470.
- Racing men,
- Anglesey 71,
- Barber 156,
- Bowes 358,
- Chesterfield 605,
- Clark 625,
- Cleveland 647,
- Clifden 647,
- Craven 753,
- Derby 863,
- Durham 942,
- Eastwood 955,
- Eglinton 971,
- Etwall 999,
- Exeter 1010,
- Farquharson 1023,
- Glasgow 1155,
- Graham 1198,
- Gratwicke 1210,
- Greville 1239,
- Gully 1258,
- Hargreaves 1337,
- Hastings 1371,
- Hawley 1391,
- Howth 1562,
- Hughes 1577.
- Raft, Cookesley’s 706.
- Ragged schools, early promoters of 1235,
- popularised by Guthrie 1265.
- Railways,
- atmospheric 137, 453, 732,
- axles, lubricating mixture for 337,
- breaks, continuous first suggested 219,
- buffers, patent 92,
- buffers, spring 337, 888,
- carriage builders 94,
- cases relating to 560,
- compensation for personal injury 1288,
- coupling screws 337,
- curves, laying down of 137,
- director, the oldest 107,
- electrical communication in trains 377,
- excursion and express trains introduced 1474,
- fall in 1847 of value of shares 1566,
- fish joint 19,
- floating 346,
- hook headed spikes 476,
- Hudson’s frauds 1566,
- iron permanent way 845,
- lattice girders for bridges 346,
- locomotive for an incline 888,
- locomotive, the star 888,
- mania of 1845 notice of 851,
- parallel rail and pedestal 800,
- person who attended turning first sod of every new railway 1337,
- rails improved 1339.
- Rossall sch. Lancashire 1430.
- Rossetti, William Michael b. 1829 art critic, his friend 1146.
- Rous, Henry John d. 1877 admiral, action for libel against 840.
- Row parish heresy case 91, 533, 550.
- Rowing, long slow stroke introduced 587,
- Royal academicians, See Painters 1678,
- Baily 130,
- Barry 181,
- Boxall 364,
- Cook 700,
- Cooke 701,
- Cooke 701,
- Cooper 707,
- Doo 897,
- Dyce 946,
- Eastlake 953,
- Egg 970,
- Elmore 988,
- Foley 1073,
- Frost 1110,
- Gibson 1141,
- Gordon 1171,
- Grant 1202,
- Hart 360,
- Herbert 1441,
- Holl 1506,
- Howard 1551.
- Royal Academy, Cousin’s benefaction 734,
- Royal Society, Kew observatory given to 1130,
- refuses to print Herapath’s papers 1436.
- Royal Society Fellows,
- Alexander 43,
- Arnott 90,
- Babbage 116,
- Babington 117,
- Back 119,
- Balfour F. M. 143,
- Balfour J. H. 144,
- Baly 149,
- Barclay 158,
- Barlow 168,
- Barry 181,
- Beaconsfield 203,
- Beamish N. L. 207,
- Beamish R. 207,
- Beaufort 212,
- Beck 216,
- Beechey 220,
- Bell C. 230,
- Bell T. 232,
- Bentham 247,
- Bigsby 275,
- Billing 276,
- Binney 280,
- Bird 285,
- Bishop 290,
- Blakiston 306,
- Bland 309,
- Blore 317,
- Boase 1110,
- Galloway 1118,
- Garrod 1126,
- Gaskin 1129,
- Gassiot 1130,
- Gibbes 1137,
- Gilbart 1144,
- Glynn 1162,
- Godwin 1164,
- Godwin-Austen 1165,
- Goldsmid 1168,
- Gompertz 1169,
- Gordon H. P. and J. A. 1180,
- Gordon J. W. 1181,
- Gosse 1187,
- Gould 1191,
- Graham Sir J. R. G. 1196,
- Graham T. 1198,
- Grainger 1199,
- Grant R. E. 1206,
- Grant Sir T. T. 1206,
- Granville 1208,
- Gravatt 1210,
- Graves J. T. 1212,
- Graves R. J. 1213,
- Gray G. R. 1215,
- Gray H. 1215,
- Gray J. E. 1216,
- Green 1225,
- Greenhow 1228,
- Greig 1236,
- Greswell 1238,
- Griess 1243,
- Griffith 1244,
- Grubb 1253,
- Guest J. 1254,
- Guest J. J. 1255,
- Gull 1257,
- Gulliver 1257,
- Gunn 1258,
- Gurney 1261,
- Guthrie F. 1264,
- Guthrie G. J. 1264,
- Guy 1266,
- Haast 1269,
- Haig 1274,
- Haldane 1276,
- Hall M. 1288,
- Hall T. H. 1291,
- Halliwell 1295,
- Hamilton, duke of 1298,
- Hamilton H. P. 1301,
- Hamilton J. 1303,
- Hamilton W. J. 1306,
- Hamilton W. R. 1307,
- Hanbury 1312,
- Hansler 1321,
- Harcourt 1325,
- Harding 1327,
- Hardwick J. 1330,
- Hardwick P. 1331,
- Hardy 1332,
- Harford 1335,
- Hargreave 1336,
- Harkness 1338,
- Harris 126,
- Bates 192,
- Casamajor 567,
- Chambers J. G. 586,
- Chambers R. 587,
- Clasper 637,
- Coombes 707.
55059-h@55059-h-41.htm.html#Page_987" class="pginternal">987, 1256, 1557, - silk printing 77,
- silk throwing 733.
- Siliad, The, authors of 221.
- Silver, to extract from it ore without mercury 610.
- Silver Cross, order of the 1232.
- Silver smiths, Hamlet 1308,
- Simeon, Rev. Charles d. 1836 of Cambridge, his curate 1434.
- Sinai, exploration of peninsula of 601,
- survey fund founded 1507.
- Singers, See also Actors 1617,
- Aspull 100,
- Binge 878,
- Bishop 1561,
- Bosio 344,
- Braham 378,
- Brough 424,
- Caradori-Allan 541,
- Collins 679,
- Comer J. 689,
- Comer T. 689,
- Cooper 711,
- Crivelli 762,
- Crosmond 770,
- Donnadieu 896,
- Drayton 916,
- Fagniani 1449,
- Favanti 1027,
- Fearon 1345,
- Frazer 1103,
- Gibbs 1138,
- Giuglini 1154,
- Graddon 1138,
- Green 1226,
- Grisi 1249,
- Harrison 1356,
- Hawes 1384,
- Hayes 1397,
- Henry 1432,
- Hersee 1556,
- Hicks 1461,
- Hobbs 1487,
- Home 1520,
- Horn 1537,
- Howell 1556,
- Huddart 1565,
- Hunt J. 1592,
- Hunt W. 1594,
- Lennox 1539,
- Lind 1158,
- Murska 60,
- Paton 1138,
- Paul 1072,
- Pyne 1539,
- Romer 424, 1537,
- Stephens 997–8, 1138,
- Thillon 1567,
- Young 997.
- Singers, comic, Clifton 39.
- Numismatic first meeting 37.
- Odontological first president 565.
- Oxford churchmen’s union founded 1284.
- Paleontographical founded 357.
- Parker secretary and librarian 113.
- Patagonian missionary founded 1121.
- Patriotic, rewards by 1056.
- Peace, first congress 491.
- Penzance natural history and antiquarian curator 731.
- People’s international league founded 96.
- Pharmaceutical originated 1313,
- Philharmonic, chief originator of 114, 725.
- Philobiblon secretary 853.
- Philological founded 1254,
- Philological school, principal of 2.
- Photographic founded 1090.
- Phrenological founded 688, 979.
- Physical of London founded 1264.
- Plinian, Edinburgh, founded 134.
- Polytechnic, Liverpool, founded 1208.
- Prayer book and homily founded 467.
- Psychological founded 741.
- Ray founded 357.
- Record first president 773.
- Religious book and tract founded 959.
- Royal agricultural of England founded 1126,
- Royal Birmingham soc. of artists founded 1124.
- Royal college of chemistry founded 1122.
- Royal Cornwall polytechnic founders 1094, 1095.
- Royal general theatrical fund founded 737.
- Royal geographical founded 410, 427.
- Royal geological of Cornwall curator 731.
- Royal historical first council 605.
- Royal horticultural gardens at Chiswick 1088.
- Royal medical and chirurgical presidents 23, 790, 980.
- Royal physical, Edinburgh, reformed 1219,
- Royal society of literature founded 117,
- Sacred harmonic founded 393,
- Sanskrit text 1168.
- Selenographical established 288.
- Silk conditioning, originator of 579.
- SocietÀ armonica conductor 1077.
- Soc. for diffusion of useful knowledge established 1473.
- Soc. for Irish ch. missions to R. Catholics founded 804.
- Soc. for obtaining free access to museums founded 120.
Stead, James Hurst d. 1886 singer and dancer, the perfect cure 312.
Tamil scholars, Elliot 979, Tamworth, the last recorder of 1594. Tape worms 659. Taper bars, rolling of 641. Tebbutt, Rev. Francis indicted Joseph Ady 26. Telegraphs and Telegraphy, See also Electricity 1639, - Clark’s projected telegraph 627,
- Croll, the pioneer of 765,
- electro telegraph co. 705,
- electric telegraph, invention of 705,
- Highton’s code 1465,
- india rubber insulated telegraph cables 1528,
- single needle apparatus 705,
- magnetic telegraph needle 705,
- telegraph Paddington and West Drayton 705,
- telegraph construction and maintenance co. 1156, 1170,
- telegraphy without insulation 1466,
- the study of 1447,
- twisted iron wires introduced 1156,
- United Kingdom electric telegraph co. 765.
Telegraphs, Submarine, - Anglo American co. 1156,
- Atlantic cable 1156,
- Atlantic telegraph co. 78, 391, 440,
- British and Irish co. founded 1429,
- Dover and Calais 493, 1156,
- Dover and Cape Grisnez 391,
- Dover and Ostend 391,
- Hoarder’s improvement 1409,
- Hooper’s co. 1528,
- Orfordness to the Hague 493,
- Sardinia and France 391,
- Submarine electric co. 855,
- Submarine telegraph co. 391.
Telescopes, See also Observatories 1677, - Cooke’s telescope at Gateshead the largest in England 703,
- manufacturers of large telescopes 806.
Teloogoo or Telugu, language 527, Temperance, - bottle, the, eight plates 777,
- Bradford temperance soc. the first in England 213,
- British and foreign temperance soc. 681,
- drunkard’s children, eight plates 777,
- licensed victuallers’ testimonial to Berkeley for opposing temperance 253,
- temperance dictionary 488,
- worship of Bacchus, a picture 777.
Temperance advocates, - Brisco 402,
- Burns 488,
- Cassell 567,
- Collins 681,
- Edgar 959,
- Edwards 967,
- Gough 1190,
- Grubb 13,
- Temple of magic, the 64.
- Tottenham st. theatre, Tom and Jerry at 427.
- Vaudeville, opening piece 1295.
- Vauxhall gardens, Great Nassau balloon 1223,
- Joel Il Diavolo at 870,
- lessee 1268,
- musical directors of 290, 312.
- Victoria lessee 1447.
- Welsh Harp at Hendon 681.
- Westminster theatre or Astley’s, lessee 903.
Theatrical managers, See also Actors 1617, Thermometers accurate 811. Thistlewood, Arthur executed 1820, Thought, laws of 335. Thread manufacturer, Coats 657. Threshing machines, hand power 1010, - patent machines 1126 bis.
Throws, long 430. Tichborne, Roger or Thomas Castro or Arthur Orton, Cobbett’s action against the judges 658, - Cockburn judge in the case 662,
- counsel 155–56, 1216,
- Tichborne v. Lushington 354,
- witness 1279.
Tight rope dancers, Christoff 617, Tilbury fort, Essex, monstre gun at 641. Timber, - creosoted 263,
- edifices 642,
- fluid for preserving 488,
- timber merchant 1308.
Tipperary lord lieutenant 897. Tithes and rent charges 307, - tithe dinners, excursions substituted for 1434.
Toast master, Harker 1338. Tobacco, See also Pipes and Smoking apparatus 378, - Bibliotheca Nicotiana 378,
- manufacturer 715,
- pipes sent out to the Crimea 80.
Toll farmer, Bower 357. Tom and Jerry a drama 1231, 1447. Tongue, diseases of the 637. Tortoise shell, workers in 1291. Totnes, Devon, antiquities of 730. Tourmalines, artificial discovered 1437. 498. Winchester, - Cranbury cricket ground 586,
- Cranbury stables 586,
- St. Cross hospital and earl of Guildford 1255.
Winchelsea, Sussex, history of 712. Wind instruments, catechism of 632. Windmills, self regulating sails invented 779. Window tax repealed 535. Windsor castle, governor of 38. Windsor, Old, novitiate at Beaumont lodge 635. Wines, - British largest maker of 289,
- Douro river, survey of 1083,
- port, a word or two on 1083,
- Hungarian introduced 1233,
- wine flagon system 1233.
Wine merchants, Wire drawing, drilled gems used in 406. Wire walker, Diavolo 870. Wiseman, Nicholas P. S. d. 1865 cardinal, his coadjutor archbp. 995, his godson 1439. Wizards, See Conjurors 1634. Wolff, Joseph d. 1862 missionary, teaches Hebrew 1547. Wood carver, Davy 835. Woods and Forests, etc., first commissioner of, Canning 536, Woodward, Samuel d. 1838 of Norwich, his manuscripts 1261. Wool, Woollen manufacturers, Women, - doctor 114,
- employed to make cigars 715,
- enamelling of their faces 770,
- flogged by Haynau 1400,
- influence on progress of knowledge 463,
- marrying an uncle 12,
- passing for a man 181,
- women of England by S. Ellis 985.
Words and idioms, collection of 674. Wordsworth, William d. 1850 poet, Cottle’s connection with 728, Worcestershire lord lieutenant 1073. Workhouse system, inquiry into 75. Wort-cunning 661. Wren, Sir Christopher d. 1747,