BABBAGE, Benjamin Herschell (eld. son of the succeeding). Geologist of colony of South Australia; examined the country north and east of Adelaide for gold 1856; commanded an exploring party sent by Parliament of South Australia to Lake Torrens Feb. 1858 to 5 Nov. 1858. d. Adelaide 22 Oct. 1878 aged 63. W. Howitt’s History of discovery ii, 311–24 (1865); Rev. J. E. T. Wood’s History of discovery ii, 260–79 (1865). BABBAGE, Charles (son of Benjamin Babbage of London, banker). b. near Teignmouth, Devon 26 Dec. 1792; ed. at Enfield and Trinity and Peterhouse colleges Cam., B.A. 1814, M.A. 1817; F.R.S. 14 March 1816; a founder of Royal Astronomical Society 1820, one of its secs. 1820–24, vice pres., foreign sec and member of council successively; began his calculating machine 1823, suspended its construction 1833, after spending on it about £6,000 besides £17,000 granted him by Government; Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge 1828–39 but delivered no lectures; a founder of British Association 1831, a trustee 1832–38, originated the statistical section at Cambridge meeting 1833; contested Finsbury as a radical Dec. 1832 and June 1834; chief founder of Statistical Society 15 March 1834, chairman 1835; author of Table of logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108,000, 1827; The decline of science in England 1830; On the economy of manufactures 1832, 4 ed. 1835; The ninth Bridgewater treatise 1837, 2 ed. 1838. d. 1 Dorset st. Portman sq. 18 Oct. 1871. Babbage’s Passages from the life of a philosopher 1864; Monthly notices of R. Astronom. soc. xxxii, 101–109 (1872); C. R. Weld’s History of royal society ii, 369–91 (1848); Edinburgh Review lix, 263–327 (1834); Journal of statistical soc. xxxiv, 411–15 (1871); I.L.N. lix, 423 (1871), portrait; Graphic iv, 495 (1871), portrait. BABINGTON, Benjamin Guy (son of Wm. Babington of London, physician 1756–1833). b. Guy’s Hospital 1794; ed. at the Charterhouse 1803–1807; midshipman R.N., served at Walcheren and Copenhagen 1809; in the Madras medical service 1812–19; studied at Guy’s Hospital and Pemb. coll. Cam., M.B. 1825, M.L. 1827, M.D. 1830, F.R.C.P. 1831; delivered Croonian and Lumleian lectures; F.R.S. 13 March 1828, on the council 1861–63; assistant phys. to Guy’s Hospital 1837 and phys. 1840–55; a founder of Sydenham Society 1843, treasurer 1843–58 when society was dissolved; chief founder of Epidemiological society Aug. 1850, pres. 1850–64; pres. of Royal Medical and Chirurgical society 1861; invented the Laryngoscope, made for him by an optician called Elsworthy and exhibited at Hunterian Society 18 March 1829; took out patents for pens 1843, and for preventing incrustation of boilers 1850; author of Passing thoughts in sonnet [anon.] 1855. d. 31 George st. Hanover sq. 8 April 1866 in 73 year. Trans. of Epidemiological Society ii, 160–67 and 471–76 (1865–67). BABINGTON, Cornelius Metcalfe Stuart. b. India 1816; M.R.C.S. 1838, M.R.C.P. 1849, F.R.C.P. 1857; surgeon accoucheur to St. George’s and St. James’s dispensary London; phys. to Queen Charlotte’s Lying-in-hospital 1850 to death; a founder of Obstetrical Society 16 Dec. 1858, vice pres. 2 Jany. 1861. d. Hertford st. London 25 Jany. 1862. Proc. of Royal Med. and Chir. society iv, 86–88 (1864). BABINGTON, David. Entered Madras army 1820; brigadier general in command of Malabar and Canara 17 Jany. 1862 to 3 Feb. 1865; L.G. 16 May 1872. d. Clifton 12 Aug. 1874. BABINGTON, William Knox. Brigadier general commanding northern district of Madras 29 Nov. 1867 to 1 Dec. 1868; L.G. 1 Oct. 1877. d. 48 Oxford terrace, Hyde Park 31 July 1878. BABY, Daniel. Ensign 24 foot 9 Nov. 1797; captain 6 Aug. 1806 to 1 June 1826 when placed on h.p.; M.G. 31 Aug. 1855. d. 15 April 1858. BACHE, Francis Edward (eld. child of the succeeding). b. Birmingham 14 Sep. 1833; pupil of Alfred Mellon; played violin in orchestra at Birmingham festivals 1846 and 1847; organist at All Saint’s Church Gordon sq. London Oct. 1850 to Oct. 1853; his first Overture was performed at Adelphi theatre Nov. 1850; composed many pianoforte pieces and songs; designed the organ in Hope st. church, Liverpool. d. Frederick st. Edgbaston, Birmingham 24 Aug. 1858. The Christian Reformer xiv, 713–19 (1858). BACHE, Rev. Samuel. b. Bridgnorth 24 Dec. 1804; assistant in school of Rev. Lant Carpenter at Bristol; ed. at Manchester college, York 1826–29; unitarian minister at the old meeting Dudley 1829–32 and at the new meeting Moor st. Birmingham 1832–62 when it was sold and congregation moved to Church of the Messiah, Broad st. where he was minister 1862–68; kept a school at Birmingham many years; author of Harmony of science and revelation 1839; Exposition of Unitarian views of Christianity 1854; Miracles the credentials of the Christ 1863 and 19 other publications, none of which are mentioned in The English catalogue of books, or Allibone’s Dictionary. d. Gloucester 7 Jany. 1876. Beale’s Memorials of old meeting house Birmingham 1882. BACHHOFFNER, George Henry. b. London 13 April 1810; originated and suggested scheme of Royal Polytechnic Institution, which was opened 6 Aug. 1838, principal in department of natural and experimental philosophy there, Aug. 1838 to Aug. 1855; one of district registrars of Marylebone parish 1837, and superintendent registrar BACK, Sir George (son of John Back of Stockport, Cheshire). b. Stockport 6 Nov. 1796; midshipman R.N. Sep. 1808; a prisoner at Verdun in France 1809–14; went with Franklin to the Spitzbergen seas 1818, along Arctic coast of America 1819–22, and to Mackenzie river 1825–27; conducted overland Arctic expedition 1833–35, when he travelled 7500 miles, and discovered the Back or Great Fish river; captain by order in council 30 Sep. 1835, an honour which no other officer in the navy had received except William iv; commanded the Terror in expedition to the frigid zone 1836–37; knighted by the Queen at St. James’s palace 6 March 1839; F.R.G.S. 1836, Founder’s gold medallist 1836; F.R.S. 7 Jany. 1847; gold medallist of Geographical Society of Paris; pres. of the Raleigh club 1844; awarded good service pension 21 Jany. 1854; D.C.L. Oxford 28 June 1854; admiral on h.p. 18 Oct. 1867; author of Narrative of the Arctic land expedition to the mouth of the Great Fish river 1836; Narrative of an expedition in H.M.S. Terror 1838. (m. 13 Oct. 1846 Theodosia Elizabeth, widow of Anthony Hammond of Savile row, London, she d. 6 Jany. 1861). d. 109 Gloucester place, Portman sq. 23 June 1878. Geographical mag. v, 179–81 (1878); I.L.N. lxxii, 4 (1878) portrait; Graphic xviii, 116 (1878) portrait. BACK, William. b. Surrey; ed. at Guy’s hosp. and Univ. of Edin.; M.D. 24 June 1808; L.C.P. 22 Dec. 1814; Physician to Guy’s hosp. 17 March 1819 to 1840. d. New Park road, Clapham park 6 Nov. 1856 aged 74. BACKHOUSE, Edward (son of Edward Backhouse of Darlington). b. Darlington 1808; a banker at Sunderland, and a partner in colleries; an Elder of Society of Friends 1854 to death; erected a large mission hall at Sunderland; author of The religious society of Friends 1870. d. Hastings 22 May 1879. Early church history compiled by the late E. Backhouse, edited by C. Tylor 1884, portrait. BACKHOUSE, George Canning. Clerk in the Foreign Office 5 April 1838; commissary judge at Havannah 16 Dec. 1852 to death; murdered at Havannah 30 Aug. 1856 aged 37; a civil list pension of £100 granted his widow 15 Nov. 1856. BACON, Anthony. Cornet 16 Lancers 13 Aug. 1812; lieut. 13 Dragoons 1818–1821 when placed on h.p.; commanded the whole cavalry of Queen Dona Maria of Portugal 1832–34; created General on field of battle at Loures by Emperor Don Pedro in person 12 Oct. 1833; K.T.S. d. Crondall near Farnham 2 July 1864 aged 68. Sketches in Portugal by J. E. Alexander (1835) 120, 245. BACON, Charlotte Mary (2 dau. of Edward Harley, 5 Earl of Oxford 1773–1848). b. Harley st. London 12 Dec. 1801; Lord Byron dedicated his Childe Harold to her under name of Ianthe 1812. (m. 1823 general Anthony Bacon). d. 13 Stanhope place, Hyde park 9 March 1880. Finden’s Illustrations of Lord Byron vol. ii, (1833), portrait; I.L.N. lxxvi, 292 (1880), portrait. BACON, Sir Edmund, 9 Baronet of Redgrave and 10 Baronet of Mildenhall. b. Raveningham, Beccles, Norfolk 16 July 1779; succeeded his father as Premier Baronet of England 5 Sep. 1820. d. Raveningham 30 May 1864. BACON, George Peter (younger son of R. M. Bacon of Norwich, editor of the Norwich Mercury). Bought the Sussex Advertiser 1843, wrote all the leading articles and edited the paper to his death; sec. of Hop excise duty repeal association 1858 to April 1862 when duty which yielded £750,000 a year was taken off. d. 64 High st. Lewes 15 March 1878 in 72 year. I.L.N. xlii, 641 (1863). BACON, Sir Henry Hickman, 10 and 11 Baronet. b. Blundeston near Lowestoft 5 April 1820; succeeded 30 May 1864; sheriff of Lincoln 1867. d. Thonock hall, Gainsborough 14 Nov. 1872. BACON, John (2 son of John Bacon, R.A. sculptor 1740–99). b. Newman st. Oxford st. London March 1777; completed his father’s works; exhibited 64 sculptures at the R.A. 1792–1824; executed statue of Wm. iii in St. James’s sq. 1808; 6 monuments in St. Paul’s and 11 monuments in Westminster Abbey. d. Bathwick hill near Bath 14 July 1859. BACOT, John. b. 29 May 1781; M.R.C.S. 1801, F.R.C.S. 1843; assistant surgeon Grenadier Guards 1803–20; practised in London 1820; edited with Roderick Mc Cleod Medical and Physical journal; chairman of Court of examiners of Society of Apothecaries 1832–38, master of the company 1845–46; member of General board of Health 1854; author of Observations on the use and abuse of friction 1822 and A treatise on Syphilis 1829. d. 4 Portugal st. Park lane 4 Sep. 1870. Medical Circular i, 130 (1852). BADDELEY, John. b. at sea in Bay of Bengal 22 Jany. 1846; taken to England 1851; ed. at Bonn and Univ. of Edin.; M.B. 1867; founded Athletic club of Univ. of Edin. May 1867, pres. 1867–68; fellow of Botanical society of Edin. 14 Dec. 1865; member of Royal Medical Society 23 Nov. 1866. d. Royal Infirmary Edin. 29 Feb. 1868. Transactions of Botanical Society ix, 304–12 (1868). BADDELEY, William. Civil engineer; made many improvements in manual fire engines 1820–62; invented portable cistern used by London Fire Brigade. d. March 1867 aged 61. BADELEY, Edward Lowth (son of John Badeley M.D. of Leighs hall, near Chelmsford 1742–1831). b. 1803; ed. at Brasen. coll. Ox.; B.A. 1823, M.A. 1828; barrister I.T. 29 Jany. 1841; counsel for Bishop of Exeter in Gorham case before judicial committee of P.C. 17–18 Dec. 1849; joined Church of Rome 1850; author of The privilege of religious confessions in English courts of justice 1865. d. 29 March 1868. Memoir of J. R. Hope Scott 2 vols. 1884. BADELEY, John Carr (brother of the preceding). b. 1794; ed. at the Charterhouse and Caius coll. Cam.; M.B. 1817, M.D. 1822; F.R.C.P.; phys. to Asylum for health Lisson Grove, London; phys. to Chelmsford dispensary 20 years; inspecting phys. to lunatic asylums of Essex; Harveian orator 1849; poisoned himself accidentally at Guy Harlings, Chelmsford 22 Sep. 1851. BADEN, Maudit or Mardit. b. Pewsey, Wilts Feb. 1763 or 1773. d. Oare, parish of Wilcot, Wilts 11 May 1869. Human longevity by W. J. Thoms (1873) 129–31. BADGLEY, Francis. L.R.C.S. Edin. 1827, M.D. Edin. 1829, L.S.A. 1830; M.R.C.P. London 1860; a phys. at Kensington 1829–42, at Montreal 1842–59 and at Malvern 1860 to death; fellow of Royal medical and chirurgical society 1838; M.D. Univ. of Toronto 1851; professor of medical jurisprudence in Mc Gill college; professor of medicine in medical school of Montreal; professor of medicine in Univ. of Toronto 1851; founded Montreal Medical Gazette 1844, edited it 1844–45. d. Holyrood house, Great Malvern 24 Dec. 1863 aged 56. BADGLEY, W. b. Montreal 1801; called to Canadian bar 1823; sec. of Constitutional Association of Montreal district 1836–38; one of three delegates of this Association to England 1837–38; comr. of bankrupts for district of Montreal 1840 to April 1847; circuit judge July 1844 to April 1847; attorney general for Lower Canada April 1847; member of the provincial parliament May 1847 to 1855; puisne judge Lower Canada Jany. 1855 to 1876; Grand master of Freemasons for Montreal. d. 1876. H. J. Morgan’s Sketches of eminent Canadians (1862) 492–97. BADHAM, Rev. Charles. ed. at Em. coll. Cam., B.A. 1839, M.A. 1846; V. of All Saints Sudbury, Suffolk 1847 to death; author of Selections from Robert Hall 1840; Aids to devotion 1843; History of All Saints, Sudbury 1852. d. All Saints vicarage, Sudbury 15 April 1874. BADHAM, Rev. Charles (son of Charles Badham 1780–1845, Regius professor of physics in Univ. of Glasgow). b. Ludlow 18 July 1813; ed. by Jean Henri Pestalozzi; at Eton 1826; scholar of Wadham coll. Ox. 1830, B.A. 1837, M.A. 1839; studied in Germany and Italy 7 years; incorporated M.A. at Cam. as member of St. Peter’s college 1847, D.D. Cam. 1852; headmaster of Birmingham proprietary school 1854–67; professor of classics and logic in Univ. of Sydney 1867 to death; one of greatest scholars of his time; author of Criticism applied to Shakespeare 1846; published editions with notes of the Ion of BADHAM, Rev. Charles David (brother of preceding). b. London 1806; ed. at Eton and Em. coll. Cam., B.A. 1826; incorporated B.A. at Ox. as mem. of Pemb. coll. 1829, M.A. 1829, M.B. 1830, M.D. 1833; travelling fellow of Univ. of Ox. 1829; M.R.C.P., F.R.C.P.; practised at Rome and Paris long time; returned to England 1845; ordained deacon at Norwich by Bishop Stanley; C. of East Bergholt, Suffolk 1849–55; author of Insect life 1845; The esculent funguses of England 1847; Prose Halieutics or ancient and modern fish tattle 1854; contributed much to Blackwood and Fraser. d. East Bergholt 14 July 1857 in 52 year. Fraser’s Mag. lvi, 162–63 (1857). BAGEHOT, Walter (only son of Thomas Watson Bagehot of Herds Bill Langport, Somerset 1796–1881). b. Langport 3 Feb. 1826; ed. at Bristol and Univ. coll. London, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1848, mathematical scholar 1846, gold medallist 1848; barrister L.I. 17 Nov. 1852; edited the National Review with R. H. Hutton July 1855 to Nov. 1864; edited the Economist 1860 to death; examiner in political economy in Univ. of London; author of Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen 1858; The English constitution 1867; Physics and Politics 1872. (m. 21 April 1858 Eliza eld. dau. of James Wilson, M.P.) d. Herds Hill 24 March 1877. Literary studies by the late W. Bagehot, edited by R. H. Hutton, 3 ed. i, ix-lxvii (1884), portrait; Dictionary of Nat. Biog. ii, 393–96 (1885). BAGG, William. Surgical artist; illustrated many medical books. d. 20 Dec. 1869 in his 66 year. BAGGE, Rev. Henry Theodore James (only son of the succeeding). b. 28 Feb. 1824; ed. at Rugby and Downing coll. Cam., B.A. 1851; C. of Weyhill, Hants 1851–54; author of Toleratio intolerabilis or the free development of the Romish system 1851; St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians, the text revised and illustrated 1856. d. Munich 19 Nov. 1861. BAGGE, Rev. James. ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam.; B.A. 1814, M.A. 1818; R. of Crux-Easton near Newbury 1843 to death; author of Twelve sermons 1835; The Gawthorne correspondence and the Rev. W. B. Barter 1852, and other Sermons and Pamphlets. d. 1877. BAGGE, Sir William Henry Ernest, 2 Baronet. b. Stradsett hall 9 Aug. 1840. d. Heatherside, Woking 23 Oct. 1881. BAGLEY, James. b. Ireland 1822; went to the U.S.; commanded 69th Regiment 1862–66; alderman of New York; Sachem of the Tammany society to death. d. New York 21 Dec. 1876. BAGLEY, John Woodhouse. Made many important improvements in the bobbin net machine for which he took out patents 1844, 1850 and 1851; his productions were shewn in the London exhibition of 1851 and the Paris exhibition of 1855. d. 1859 aged about 50. W. Felkin’s History of hosiery (1867) 371–75. BAGNALL, Charles. b. West Bromwich, Staffs. 1827; an ironmaster; M.P. for Whitby 1865–68. d. Brighton 25 Feb. 1884. BAGNALL, John Nock. b. Hateley Heath, West Bromwich 30 May 1826; member of firm of John Bagnall and Sons of the Gold’s Hill Iron works (where most of the rails used on foreign lines were made) 1844–61; captain of Bilston rifle corps which he raised 26 Jany. 1860, commanded Wolverhampton battalion 9 Nov. 1868 to March 1884; pres. of South Staffordshire branch of the English Church Union; licensed by Bishop Selwyn as a lay deacon in diocese of Lichfield 1872, took charge of St. Mary’s, Hateley Heath; sheriff of Staffs. 1875–76; author of A history of Wednesbury in the county of Stafford [anon.] 1854. d. The Moss Shenstone, Staffs. 18 Oct. 1884. John Nock Bagnall A memoir by his daughter Mary Willett 1885, portrait. BAGNOLD, Michael. Entered Bombay army 1803; colonel 29 Bombay N.I. 21 Jany. 1846 to death; M.G. 20 June 1854. d. Upper Hamilton terrace, St. John’s Wood, London 1 Dec. 1857 aged 71. BAGOT, William Bagot, 2 Baron (3 son of Wm. Bagot, 1 Baron Bagot 1728–98). b. Bruton st. London 11 Sep. 1773; ed. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox.; succeeded 22 Oct. 1798; author of Memorials of the Bagot family 1823. d. Blithfield near Stafford 12 Feb. 1856. Memorials of the Bagot family 1823, portrait. BAGOT, Charles. b. 20 May 1808; captain grenadier guards 15 May 1840; lieut. col. 3 Stafford militia 5 April 1853 and col. 27 March 1858 to death; assistant master of ceremonies in Royal household 1861 to death. d. 49 Cadogan place, London 20 Feb. 1881. BAGOT, Rev. Charles Walter (3 son of Right Rev. Richard Bagot 1782–1854). b. 11 Feb. 1812; ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1834, M.A. 1842; fellow of All Souls college 1842–46; R. of Castle-Rising, Norfolk 1846 to death; chancellor of diocese of Bath and Wells 1851 to death. d. 10 Sep. 1884. BAGOT, Henry. b. 12 July 1810; entered navy 13 May 1823; admiral on h.p. 22 Jany. 1877. d. Brewood hall, Stafford 30 Nov. 1877. BAGOT, Right Rev. Richard (6 son of Wm. Bagot, 1 Baron Bagot 1728–98). b. Daventry 22 Nov. 1782; ed. at Rugby and Ch. Ch. Ox. B.A. 1803, M.A. 1806, D.D. by diploma 30 Nov. 1829; fellow of All Souls college 1804–1806; R. of Leigh, Staffs. 1806; R. of Blithfield 1807; canon of Worcester 16 July 1817; canon of Windsor 25 March 1822; dean of Canterbury 2 Sep. 1827 to Nov. 1845; elected Bishop of Oxford 13 July 1829, confirmed 22 and consecrated 23 Aug.; Bishop of Bath and Wells 6 Nov. 1845 to death; his see was administered for a time by Right Rev. James Henry Monk, bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. d. Brighton 15 May 1854. Rev. W. Palmer’s Events connected with publication of Tracts for the times 1883. BAGSHAW, Henry Ridgard (2 son of Sir Wm. Chambers Darling afterwards Bagshaw of Sheffield, physician 1771–1832). b. 1 Nov. 1799; ed. at Oakham and Richmond gr. schs. and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1822; barrister M.T. 25 Nov. 1825, bencher Dec. 1854, treasurer 1864–65; Q.C. Dec. 1854; judge of county courts of Cardigan, Carmarthen and Pembroke (circuit 31) 30 Oct. 1861 and of Clerkenwell district (circuit 41) June 1868 to death. d. 21 Fellow’s road, Eton park south Hampstead 16 May 1870. BAGSHAW, Robert John. b. 1803; a merchant at Calcutta; M.P. for Harwich 9 Dec. 1857 to 23 April 1859; sheriff of Essex 1873 d. 42 Gloucester square, London 11 Aug. 1878. BAGSHAWE, William Leonard Gill. b. 18 Oct. 1828; ed. at Eton and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1851; rowed No. 5 in Cambridge boat against Oxford 29 March 1849 and 15 Dec. 1849; the best oarsman on the river Cam.; killed by poachers at Wormhill hall, near Tideswell 20 July 1854. Annual Register (1854) 430–34. BAGSTER, Samuel (2 son of George Bagster of Beaufort buildings, Strand, London). b. 26 Dec. 1772; bookseller in the Strand 1794–1816, in Paternoster Row 1816 to death; published The English version of the polyglott Bible 1816; Biblia sacra polyglotta Bagsteriana, 4 vols. 1817–28; The English Hexapla 1841 giving six most important English versions of New Testament; and many Bibles and Prayer Books in foreign languages. (m. 19 Dec. 1797 Eunice Birch, she was b. 23 Aug. 1777 and d. 22 Aug. 1877). d. Old Windsor 28 March 1851. BAGWELL, John (eld son of Very Rev. Richard Bagwell, dean of Clogher who d. 25 Dec. 1825). b. Clogher, co. Tyrone 3 April 1811; ed. at Winchester; sheriff of Tipperary 1834; M.P. for Clonmel 30 March 1857 to 26 Jany. 1874; a lord of the treasury June 1859 to July 1861. d. Marlfield, Clonmel 2 March 1883. BAIGRIE, Robert (son of John Baigrie of Fearn, Rossshire). Entered Bombay army 3 Feb. 1848; major staff corps 3 Feb. 1868; quartermaster general Bombay army to 1874; commandant 28 N.I. 20 May 1876 to death; C.B. 24 May 1873. d. Poona 25 Sep. 1877. I.L.N. lxxi, 481, 482 (1877), portrait. BAIKIE, William Balfour (eld son of John Baikie captain R.N.). b. Kirkwall, Orkney 27 Aug. 1825; ed. at Kirkwall gr. sch. and Univ. of Edin., M.D.; assistant surgeon R.N. 1848; surgeon and naturalist to expedition to the river Niger 1854; commanded expedition to river Niger 1 April 1857; author of Narrative of an exploring voyage up the river Niger 1856. d. at house of Charles Heddle, Sierra Leone 12 Dec. 1864. Journal of royal geographical society xxxv, 123 (1865); I.L.N. xlvi, 88 (1865), portrait. BAILEY, Rev. Benjamin. V. of Dallington, Northampton 1819; senior chaplain in Ceylon; archdeacon of Colombo 1852 to death. d. Nottingham place, Marylebone 25 June 1853 aged 62. BAILEY, Crawshay. b. Wenham, Suffolk 24 Oct. 1789; an ironmaster in South Wales; sheriff of Brecon 1835, of Monmouth 1850; took out a patent for railway rails 1843; M.P. for Monmouth 1852–68. d. Llanfoist near Abergavenny 9 Jany. 1872. BAILEY, Fanny (dau. of John Mitchell of Ferring, Sussex, farmer). b. Ferring 7 Aug. 1777. d. Christchurch schools, Worthing 6 April 1881 aged 103 years and 8 months. I.L.N. lxxviii 440 (1881), portrait; N. and Q. 5 S. viii, 265 (1877), xii, 407 (1879), 6 S. iii, 485 (1881). BAILEY, James. Ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1814, M.A. 1823; head master of Perse’s Free school Cam.; granted a Civil list pension of £100, 30 Oct. 1850; edited Forcellini’s Latin dictionary 2 vols. 1826; author of Comicorum GrÆcorum fragmenta 1840. d. London 13 Feb. 1864. BAILEY, Sir Joseph, 1 Baronet (elder son of Joseph Bailey of Wakefield 1747–1813). b. Great Wenham priory, Suffolk 21 Jany. 1783; an ironmaster in Brecknock and Monmouth; chairman of Birkenhead docks company; sheriff of Monmouth 1823; M.P. for Worcester 1835–47 and for Brecknockshire 1847 to death; created a baronet 5 July 1852. d. Glanusk park, Brecknockshire 20 Nov. 1858. BAILEY, Samuel. b. Sheffield 1791; one of the trustees of Sheffield 1828; a founder of Sheffield Banking company 1831, and chairman; contested Sheffield 14 Dec. 1832 and 12 Jany. 1835; his supporters founded a Bailey club; pres. of Sheffield Literary and Philosophical society several times; author of Essays on the formation and publication of opinions 1821, 3 ed. 1831; Critical dissertation on the nature, measure, and causes of Value 1825; Maro or poetic irritability in four cantos [anon.] 1845; The theory of reasoning 1851, 2 ed. 1852; Letters on the philosophy of the human mind, 3 series, 1855–1863. d. Norbury near Sheffield 18 Jany. 1870, left about £90,000 for benefit of that town. English BAILEY, Thomas. b. Nottingham 31 July 1785; a silk hosier there, then a wine merchant; contested Nottingham July 1830; member of town council 26 Dec. 1835 to 1843; proprietor and editor of Nottingham Mercury 1846–52; author of What is life, and other poems 1820; Recreations in retirement 1836; Annals of Nottinghamshire 4 vols. 1852–55, originally published in 32 shilling parts; Records of Longevity 1857, and 9 other books. d. Old Bassford near Nottingham 23 Oct. 1856. C. Brown’s Nottinghamshire Worthies (1882) 341–50. Note.—While connected with the Independents, he was one of three individuals chosen to take part in a public disputation arranged to be held in Nottingham between the friends of Christianity and Richard Carlisle, the champion of infidelity who d. 10 Feb. 1843 aged 52. BAILHACHE, Rev. Clement. b. St. Heliers Jersey 11 Dec. 1830; ed. at Stepney college 1851; minister of Baptist chapel, South parade, Leeds 1855; minister at Watford 1859, at Cross st. Islington 1864; association sec. of Baptist mission Oct. 1870; sec. of Baptist missionary society 1876 to death. d. 6, Leigh road, Highbury 13 Dec. 1878. Baptist handbook (1879) 296–98. BAILLIE, Alfred. b. London 22 June 1830; hon. sec. of Marylebone cricket club May 1858 to 12 Feb. 1863. d. May or June 1867. BAILLIE, Agnes (elder sister of Joanna Baillie). b. 24 Sep. 1760. d. Hollybush hill, Hampstead 27 April 1861 aged 100 years and 7 months. BAILLIE, Edward. b. Gateshead; a glass painter; exhibited at Great Exhibition of 1851 “Shakespeare reading a play to Queen Elizabeth.” d. London 21 Sep. 1856 aged 43. BAILLIE, George Alexander. b. 1804; ensign 15 Madras N.I. 6 April 1820; lieut. col. of 52 N.I. 9 June 1853, of 14 N.I. 15 Sep. 1855, and of 26 N.I. 1857–64; col. 15 N.I. 9 June 1865 to 1 Oct. 1877; general 1 Oct. 1877. d. 92 Westbourne park road, London 3 March 1882. BAILLIE, Hugh Duncan. b. 1777; M.P. for Rye 1830–31 and for Honiton 1835–47; Lieutenant and sheriff principal of Rossshire 22 March 1843 to death. d. 65 Rutland gate, London 21 June 1866. BAILLIE, Sir William, 1 Baronet. b. Edinburgh July 1784; created Baronet by patent dated 14 Nov. 1823. d. Perth 28 Jany. 1854. BAILLIE-HAMILTON, Charles (2 son of George Baillie-Hamilton, M.P. of Mellerstain, Berwickshire 1763–1841). b. Mellerstain 3 Nov. 1804; admitted advocate at Scottish bar 1830; advocate depute 1844 to 1846 and 1852; sheriff of Stirlingshire 2 March 1853; solicitor general for Scotland 17 March 1858; Lord advocate for Scotland 10 July 1858; raised to rank of an Earl’s son 5 July 1859; M.P. for Linlithgowshire 7 Feb. 1859 to 15 April 1859; a judge of Court of Session 15 April 1859 to April 1874; assumed courtesy title of Lord Jerviswood 1859; assessor of Univ. of St. Andrew’s 1861; a lord of justiciary 17 June 1862 to April 1874. d. Dryburgh house, St. Boswell’s 23 July 1879. BAILLIE-HAMILTON, Charles John. b. 4 Jany. 1800; M.P. for Aylesbury 31 July 1839 to 23 July 1847. d. Ronco near Genoa 25 Aug. 1865. BAILLIÈRE, Hippolyte. Came to London about 1827; opened first shop in London for sale of French medical works at 219 Regent st. 1830; collected books for royal college of surgeons; publisher. d. 219 Regent st. 11 May 1867 aged 58. BAILY, Edward Hodges. b. Bristol 10 March 1788; pupil of Flaxman in London 1807–14; student of R.A. 1809, gained silver and gold medals 1809 and 1811, A.R.A. 1817, R.A. 1821, retired 1863; executed the bassi-relievi on the south or park side of the Marble Arch 1821; executed sculptures of Apollo 1815, Eve at the fountain 1818, Eve listening to the voice 1841, The Graces seated 1849 and statues of Sir Richard Fletcher and Thomas Telford in Westminster Abbey. d. 99 Devonshire road, Holloway 22 May 1867. Scott’s British school of sculpture (1871) 123–28; Sandby’s History of Royal Academy ii, 57–59 (1862); Walford’s Photographic portraits of living celebrities (1859), portrait. BAILY, John (eld. son of John Baily of Blandford sq. Marylebone). b. London April 1805; ed. at Merchant Taylor’s sch. and St. John’s coll. Cam., 2 wrangler and junior Smith’s prizeman 1828; fellow of his college 29 March 1830; barrister L.I. 10 May 1832, bencher 3 Nov. 1851; Q.C. 11 July 1851; leader in V.C. Kindersley’s Court to 1867; counsel to Univ. of Cam. d. Stoney Hills, Esher Surrey 19 June 1877. BAILY, John Walker. b. Kent road, London 9 Jany. 1809; head of firm of Wm. Baily and Sons, ironmongers 71 Gracechurch st.; master of the Ironmongers company 1862–63; member of British ArchÆological Association 6 Dec. 1865, on the council May 1869; formed an important collection of Romano-British and mediÆval remains found in London 1862–72, this collection was purchased by Corporation of London 1881; his collection of arms and armour was bought by Baron de Cosson of Chertsey 1881. d. 4 March 1873. Journal of British ArchÆological Association xxx, 349–51 (1874). BAIN, Alexander. b. Thurso 1810; a journeyman clockmaker in London 1837; made electrical experiments on the Serpentine; invented electrical clocks, patented 11 Jany. 1841 and exhibited at Royal Polytechnic 28 March 1841; constructed the earth battery 1843; patented apparatus for registering progress of ships 1844, and electro-chemical BAIN, Donald. b. Fordyce, Banffshire; author of The patriot or Wallace, a historical tragedy 1806; Olden times, a comedy 1841, 2 ed. 1845. d. April 1865. BAIN, Edwin Sandys (eld. son of Lieut. Col. William Bain of Livelands near Stirling). b. 1804; barrister M.T. 19 June 1829; went northern circuit; serjeant at law 12 Nov. 1845. d. Livelands 30 Dec. 1874. BAIN, Henderson. Entered navy 4 Sep. 1793; captain 6 April 1813; retired admiral 11 Feb. 1861. d. Esher, Surrey 18 Jany. 1862 aged 86. BAIN, James. A bookseller at the Mews Gate, Charing Cross, London 1819; at 1 Haymarket 1831 to death, d. Highgate 10 Dec. 1866 aged 72. BAIN, Sir William. b. Culross, Perthshire 1771; Master R.N. 1811; commanded steamers for general steam navigation company; harbour master of Granton on the Firth of Forth 10 years; knighted by the Queen at St. James’s palace 20 March 1844; author of An essay on the variation of the compass 1817. d. The Grange, Romford 11 Sep. 1853. BAINBRIDGE, Edward Thomas. b. 1798; a banker in London; M.P. for Taunton 6 Aug. 1830 to Feb. 1842. d. 30 Medina villas Brighton 30 Sep. 1872. BAINBRIDGE, John Nathan. Studied at St. Thomas’ and Guy’s hospitals; M.R.C.S. 1820, F.R.C.S. 1852, L.S.A. 1821; bought a practice in St. Martin’s lane 1824; medical officer of St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields workhouse 1835; M.D. St. Andrew’s 1842; prescribed for 1669 cases with only 27 deaths during prevalence of cholera 1849 for which, Board of Guardians gave him £200; surgeon to London Friendly Institution. d. 86 St. Martin’s lane 16 April 1863 aged 63. Medical Circular i 131, 169 (1852) portrait. BAINBRIDGE, William (only son of Wm. Bainbridge of Alston, Northumberland, solicitor). Barrister I.T. 23 Nov. 1838; author of A BAINBRIGGE, John Hankey (2 son of Philip Bainbrigge of Ashbourne, Derbyshire 1756–99). b. 1791; ensign 20 foot 25 March 1808; lieut. 9 March 1809 to 25 Dec. 1814; town major Guernsey 29 Nov. 1839 to 30 May 1861; general 1 Oct. 1877; d. Robais manor, Guernsey 15 March 1881. BAINBRIGGE, Sir Philip (brother of the preceding). b. London 1786; entered navy 1799; ensign 20 foot 30 June 1800; permanent assistant quartermaster general 15 Oct. 1812 to 23 Nov. 1841; deputy quartermaster general Ireland 23 Nov. 1841 to 9 Nov. 1846; commanded the forces in Ceylon 1852–54; col. of 26 foot 31 March 1854 to death; general 24 Aug. 1861; granted service reward 15 Nov. 1848; C.B. 19 July 1838, K.C.B. 18 May 1860; invented a protracting pocket sextant 1809. d. St. Margaret’s Litchfield, Hants 20 Dec. 1862. G.M. xiv. 236–37 (1863); Annual Register (1850) 323–31. BAINES, Rev. Edward. b. Cainham vicarage, Shropshire 1 Aug. 1801; ed. at Shrewsbury head prÆpositor; at Christ’s coll. Cam., Bell Univ. scholar, and Browne medallist for Latin and Greek epigrams 1821, B.A. 1824, M.A. 1827; fellow classical lecturer and tutor of his college; R. of Clipston 1840–43; R. of Bluntisham, Hants 1843–59; V. of Yalding, Kent 1859 to death; author of First form Latin grammar 1855; Visit to the Vaudois of Piedmont 1855. d. San Remo 20 April 1882. Sermons by the late Rev. Edward Baines edited with memoir by Alfred Barry, D.D. 1883. BAINES, Rev. John. Ed. at St. John’s coll. Ox., B.A. 1843; V. of Little Marlow, Bucks 1859 to death; author of Tales of the Empire 1851; Life of Archbishop Laud 1855; Twenty sermons 1857; Hints for harvest services 1866. d. 63 Abingdon villas Kensington, London 20 May 1880 aged 58. BAINES, Matthew Talbot (eld. child of Edward Baines 1774–1848, M.P. for Leeds). b. Leeds 17 Feb. 1799; ed. at Richmond gr. sch. and Trin. coll. Cam. scholar, B.A. 1820; barrister I.T. 6 May 1825, bencher 1841, reader 1854, treasurer 1855; recorder of Hull 1837–47; Q.C. 1841; M.P. for Hull 1847–1852 and for Leeds 1852–1859; pres. of Poor law board 1 Jany. 1849 to 2 March 1852 and 1 Jany. 1853 to 13 Aug. 1855; Note.—He was the first dissenter admitted to a seat in the Cabinet. BAINES, Thomas. b. Kings Lynn 1822; went to Cape Colony 1842; painted pictures and taught drawing; went through Kafir wars 1846–54; explored North West Australia under Augustus Gregory 1855–56; artist and store keeper to the Livingstone Zambesi Expedition 1858, his series of pictures of scenes on the Zambesi has been exhibited at the Crystal palace, Dublin exhibition and Alexandra palace; lectured in England 1864–68; F.R.G.S. 1857; author of Explorations in South Western Africa 1864. d. D’ Urban, Port Natal 8 April 1875. The gold regions of South Eastern Africa, by the late Thomas Baines 1877, portrait; Illust. News of the World i, 64 (1858), portrait. BAINES, Thomas (3 son of Edward Baines 1774–1848 M.P. for Leeds). b. Leeds 1806; edited Liverpool Times 1829–59; a parliamentary agent in London 1859; author of History of commerce and town of Liverpool 1852; Lancashire and Cheshire past and present 1867; Yorkshire past and present 1875. d. Seaforth hall near Liverpool 31 Oct. 1881. BAIRD, Andrew Wood. b. Colchester; ed. at Univ. of Edin., M.D. 1823; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1821, M.R.C.P. 1827; a phys. at Ipswich 1824–52, at Dover 1852 to death; phys. to Dover hospital. d. 7 Camden Crescent, Dover 10 Jany. 1882. BAIRD, Sir David, 2 Baronet. b. 1795; succeeded 18 Aug. 1829. d. 9 Jany. 1852. BAIRD, Francis (2 son of Charles Baird, founder of the ‘Baird Works’ at St. Petersburg who d. 10 Dec. 1843 in his 77 year). b. 16 Feb. 1802; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; joined his father’s Works 1819; sole proprietor 1843 to death; M.I.C.E. 25 Feb. 1823; executed the 4 bas-reliefs, eagles and candelabra, and colossal figure of the angel on the Alexander column in the Winter Palace St. Petersburg, also the St. Nicholas bridge, first permanent bridge across the Neva. d. St. Petersburg 25 March 1864; Min. of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxx 428 (1870). BAIRD, Rev. John (eld. son of Rev. James Baird, minister of Swinton, Berwickshire who d. 11 Feb. 1814). b. Manse of Eccles 17 Feb. 1799; ed. at Whitsome and Kelso and Univ. of Edin.; founded the Plinian Society at Edin. 1823, which was eventually incorporated with Botanical Society of Edin.; minister of Yetholm near Kelso June 1829 to death; established a school at Yetholm for Gipsies 1843, this was the first ragged school in Scotland; a founder of Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club 22 Sep. 1831, pres. 1837; author of Scottish Gipsies Advocate 1839; Account of the parish of Yetholm in the New Statistical account of Scotland iii, 159–76 (1845). d. Yetholm 29 Nov. 1861. Memoir of the late Rev. John Baird by W. Baird M.D. 1862. BAIRD, Robert. b. 1806; an ironmaster at Glasgow; lord dean of guild Glasgow 1855. d. Cawdor house, Glasgow 7 Aug. 1856. BAIRD, Thomas. Wrote much in Western Times Exeter newspaper under pseudonym of Nathan Hogg; author of Letters in the Devonshire dialect in verse by Nathan Hogg 1847. d. St. Thomas’s hospital London May 1881. BAIRD, William (elder brother of James Baird). b. 1796; senior partner in Gartsherrie iron works; M.P. for Falkirk 1841–45; bought estate of Elie, Fifeshire for £145,000. d. Edinburgh 8 March 1864, leaving a fortune of £2,000,000 sterling. BAIRD, William (younger brother of Rev. John Baird). b. the Manse of Eccles Berwickshire 1803; ed. at Edin. Dublin and Paris; surgeon H.E.I. Co’s. navy 1823–33; practised in London 1833–41; assistant in Zoological department of the British Museum Sep. 1841 to death; F.R.S. 6 June 1867; author BAIRD, Rev. William. Ed. at Linc. coll. Ox., B.A. 1859, M.A. 1861; V. of St. Barnabas, Homerton 1870 to death; author of Hallowing of our common life, sermons 1867, 3 ed. 1874; Inheritance of our fathers, the book of common prayer 1868; Days that are past, early church history 1870. d. Coleshill st. Eaton sq. London 5 Dec. 1875. BAKER, Anne Elizabeth. b. 16 June 1786; wrote the geological and botanical part of her brother George Baker’s History and antiquities of Northamptonshire; author of Glossary of Northamptonshire words and phrases 2 vols. 1854. d. Gold st. Northampton 22 April 1861. BAKER, Anthony St. John. Consul general in the U.S. of America 6 Jany. 1816 to 5 Jany. 1832 when office abolished. d. Mount Calverley lodge, Tunbridge Wells 16 May 1854. BAKER, B. B. Director of the college at Corfu; professor of English literature in the Ionian University. d. Malta 20 Feb. 1868. BAKER, Rev. David Bristow. Ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1829, M.A. 1832; Inc. of Claygate, Surrey 1841–52; author of A treatise on the nature of doubt in religious questions [by D.B.B.] 1831; Discourses and Sacramental addresses to a village congregation 1832. d. Parliament st. Westminster 24 July 1852 aged 49. BAKER, D. S. Deaf and dumb heraldic artist; drew for many years the arms for the obituary notices in the Illustrated London News; painted heraldic paintings on panels and doors of state carriage of Lord Mayor of London. d. 1 Sep. 1877 aged 53. BAKER, Sir Edward Baker, 2 Baronet. b. Dublin 4 Nov. 1806; ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox.; succeeded 4 March 1825. d. 51 Upper Brook st. London 29 March 1877. BAKER, Rev. Franklin. b. Birmingham 1801; M.A. Univ. of Glasgow; minister of Presbyterian chapel Bolton 14 Dec. 1823; ordained 23 Sep. 1824; author of The rise and progress of Nonconformity in Bolton 1854. d. Birmingham 25 May 1867. BAKER, George. b. Northampton; mayor 1837; issued proposals for a history of Northamptonshire 1815; published the first BAKER, George. b. 8 Jany. 1794; cornet 16 light dragoons 6 July 1809; captain 19 Oct. 1820 to 18 July 1826, when placed on h.p.; English comr. for defining boundary frontier between Turkey and Greece 1830; F.R.G.S. 1830. d. Grosvenor place, Bath 22 Dec. 1859. Journal of Royal Geographical society xxx, c-cii (1860). BAKER, George. b. Cobham near Gravesend 31 May 1838; a bowler at Lord’s cricket ground, London 1862–64; started the United north and south of England Eleven 1866, sec. to that body which soon became extinct; kept a cricket and newspaper shop at Stratford, Essex about 1864 to death; a left handed bowler and batsman. d. Lydd, Kent 2 June 1870. BAKER, Sir Henry Loraine, 2 Baronet. b. Nancy in Lorraine 3 Jany. 1787; captain R.N. 13 June 1815; retired V.A. 9 July 1857; succeeded as 2 Bart. 4 Feb. 1826; C.B. 4 June 1815. d. Dunstable house, Richmond 2 Nov. 1859. BAKER, Rev. Sir Henry Williams, 3 Baronet (elder son of the preceding). b. London 27 May 1821; ed. at Trin. coll. Camb., B.A. 1844, M.A. 1854; C. of Great Horkesley Essex 1842–51; V. of Monkland, Hereford 1851 to death; originated the most popular hymn book ever compiled, Hymns ancient and modern 1860, of which 20 million copies have been sold, author of several of these hymns. d. Horkesley house, Monkland 12 Feb. 1877. BAKER, Rev. James. b. Lincoln; ed. at Winchester; fellow of New college Ox. 1807–18, B.A. 1811. M.A. 1815; chancellor of diocese of Durham 1818 to death; R. of Nuneham Courtenay, Oxon 1825 to death. d. Nuneham Courtenay 6 Sep. 1854 aged 66. BAKER, James. b. York 4 Oct. 1851; the first editor of a periodical entitled Bachelors’ Papers Liverpool 1870; studied at Univ. of Edin. 1872; M.B. 1876; resident phys. Royal infirmary Edin. 1876; pres. of Royal medical society. d. Royal infirmary Edin. 17 April 1877. The annual monitor for 1878 pp. 15–29. BAKER, John. One of the pioneers of South Australia; one of its foremost public men; member of Legislative Council. d. Morialta, South Australia 18 May 1872 aged 59. BAKER, Joseph. b. Great new st. Fetter lane London about 1766; map engraver; employed by the Board of Ordnance; a liveryman of company of stationers 1787, one of the court of assistants 1825, master of the company 1832 and 1833, a stockkeeper for management of business concerns of the company 1840 to death. d. Warren st. Pentonville, London 2 March 1853. BAKER, Sir Richard (eld. son of John Baker of Cott house, New Totnes, Devon). b. Cott house 1782; army and navy clothier Dublin; sheriff of Dublin 1833; knighted by Marquess Wellesley 1833; alderman of Dublin 1838–41. d. Mount Errol, Donnybrook, co. Dublin 1 June 1853. BAKER, Robert. b. Terling, Essex Nov 1793; a tenant farmer at Writtle; founded Society for protection of agriculture 17 Feb. 1844; author of A lecture on the economy of farming 1852; edited J. S. Bayldon’s Art of valuing rents and tillages 1856. d. 24 Dec. 1859. BAKER, Robert. Member of medical profession; sub-inspector of factories 1834; inspector 18 June 1858; C.B. 27 Oct. 1877. d. Leamington 6 Feb. 1880 in 77 year. BAKER, Rev. Robert George. Ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1810, M.A. 1813; V. of Fulham 1834–71; Preb. of St. Paul’s 1846 to death; rural dean 1851–71; author of Account of benefactions and charities of Fulham; The olden characters of Fulham 1847. d. Ivy cottage, Fulham 21 Feb. 1878 in 90 year. BAKER, Thomas. b. 8 Oct. 1809; landscape painter in Midland counties; known as Baker of Leamington; exhibited at the R.A. 1831. d. 10 Aug. 1869. BAKER, Thomas (son of a farmer at Old Park, Durham). A civil engineer; invented method of laying down railway curves; laid out Stockton and Darlington railway the first line in the kingdom, opened 27 Sep. 1825; laid out atmospheric line from Dublin to Kingstown, opened 17 Dec. 1834; author of Rudimentary treatise on mensuration 1850; BAKER, Thomas Eld. b. Margate 1791; M.R.C.S. 1813; surgeon Bengal army 1814 to 23 Aug. 1838 when he retired; treasurer of Royal humane society; author of The art of preserving health in India 1829; An appeal to the common sense of the people of England in favour of anatomy 1832. d. 76 Porchester Terrace, London 23 July 1868. BAKER, Thomas Palmer. Chief engineer Chatham dockyard 11 Nov. 1856 to Dec. 1868 when office abolished; chief inspector of machinery afloat 6 July 1866; C.B. 2 June 1869. d. 170, Lewisham high road, Newcross 6 Oct. 1876 in 69 year. BAKER, William (son of Mr. Baker of Eastover, Bridgwater, butcher). b. Eastover 3 March 1787; apprenticed to Mr. Tuthill of Bridgwater, currier Sep. 1800; worked in London and Glasgow 1807–1809; a currier in Fore st. Bridgwater 1809; alderman; F.G.S. Nov. 1842; sec. to Somersetshire ArchÆological and natural history society. d. Bridgwater 8 Oct. 1853. A brief memoir of Wm. Baker by John Bowen 1854. BAKER, William (elder son of George Wingfield of Cotham who d. 1774). Barrister L.I. 23 Nov. 1797, bencher 1818 to death; M.P. for Bodmin 1 Nov. 1806 to 29 April 1807; chief justice of Brecon circuit; a comr. of bankrupts; K.C. 1818; master in Chancery 19 March 1819 to March 1849; assumed surname of Baker in lieu of Wingfield by R.L. 29 Dec. 1849. d. Sherborne castle, Dorset 21 March 1858. BAKER, William. b. 1784; an attorney in London; coroner for east division of Middlesex; author of A practical compendium of the recent statutes, cases and decisions affecting the office of coroner 1851. d. 12 Chester terrace, Regent’s Park 22 Feb. 1859. BAKER, William. b. 19 May 1817; articled to G. W. Buck, C.E. 1834–39; engineer upon southern division of London and north western railway 1852–59, chief engineer of that line Oct. 1859–1878, during which time he carried out a great extent of railway works; M.I.C.E. 7 May 1848; member of council 1877 to death. d. 7 March 1878. Minutes of proc. of Instit. of C.E. lv, 315–17 (1879). BAKER, Rev. William Richard. b. Waltham abbey, Essex 3 Sep. 1798; agent of Home missionary society at Ramsey, Isle of Man 1822–28; minister of independent chapel at Shepton Mallet, Somerset 1828–38; sec. of New British and Foreign Temperance Society 1838–41; minister of Portland chapel St. John’s Wood, London 1841–51; a founder of United Kingdom temperance and general provident Institution 1840, resident director 1852; author of The curse of Britain 1838; The idolatry of Britain 1840; Our state church 1850; Anti-mysticism 1855. d. Down house near Sutton, Surrey 28 Sep. 1861. Life of the late Rev. W. R. Baker, edited by his sister Mrs. E. L. Edmunds 1865. BALD, Robert. b. Culross, Perthshire 1776; engaged in the Mar collieries; a mining engineer at Edin. about 1820; much employed in Scotland, England and Wales; reported on coalfields of Sweden for the Swedish government; F.R.S. Edin. 1817; author of A general view of the coal trade of Scotland 1812; of the article Mine in the Edinburgh EncyclopÆdia and of many papers. d. Alloa 28 Dec. 1861. BALD, William, b. Burnt Island, Fifeshire; a civil engineer 1803; made a territorial survey of co. Mayo about 1810, his map on a scale of 4 inches to a mile was one of the finest maps ever constructed; a draftsman at the Admiralty; resident engineer to trustees of the river Clyde 1839–45; examined the river Seine 1845. d. 1857. Quarterly journal of Geological Society xiv, 42–43 (1858). BALDERS, Charles William Morely (eld. son of Charles Morely Balders of West Barsham, Norfolk). b. Sunderland 4 Feb. 1804; cornet 3 dragoons 10 Nov. 1825, and major 1845–48; major 5 dragoon guards 1848–54; lieut. col. 12 lancers 8 Jany. 1858 to 31 Aug. 1860; col. 17 lancers 4 Feb. 1867 to death; L.G. 28 Oct. 1869; C.B. 24 May 1847. d. 11 Adelaide crescent, Brighton 21 Sep. 1875. BALDOCK, Edward Holmes. b. 1812; M.P. for Shrewsbury 30 July 1847 to 21 March 1857. d. 8 Grosvenor place, London 15 Aug. 1875 from effect of walking through a plate glass window in Alexander Collie’s house, 12 Kensington palace gardens. BALDOCK, Robert (youngest son of Thomas Baldock of Burwash Sussex, surgeon). b. Burwash July 1789; bookseller at 85 High Holborn, London 1814 to death. d. 85 High Holborn 5 Nov. 1861. BALDOCK, Thomas. Midshipman R.N. 25 Oct. 1806; superintended packet service at Dover 19 Aug. 1846 to Sep. 1852; captain on h.p. 9 Jany. 1854; retired R.A. 10 Sep. 1869; K.T.S. 1 May 1837. d. Hastings 11 March 1871 aged 81. BALDWIN, Augustus. Entered navy May 1794: captain 1 Jany. 1817; retired admiral 10 Nov. 1862. d. Toronto 5 Jany. 1866. BALDWIN, Charles (3 son of Henry Baldwin of London, printer, who founded the St. James’s Chronicle 1761). b. 1774; sole proprietor of St. James’s Chronicle and Morning Herald; founded the Standard evening paper 21 May 1827, published in it the news of the surrender of Varna 11 Oct. 1828 a fortnight before arrival of the Government couriers; contested Lambeth Aug. 1837 and July 1841; master of the Stationers’ company 1842 and 1843; retired from business 1844; probably oldest volunteer in the kingdom. d. 27 Sussex gardens, Hyde park, London 18 Feb. 1869 in 95 year. Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 313–15 (1869). BALDWIN, Charles Barry (eld. son of Charles Baldwin, lieut. col. of Kings county militia). b. 1789; barrister I.T. 26 Nov 1824; secretary to comrs. for claims on France, sole comr. to 1830; M.P. for Totnes 1830–32 and 1839–52. d. Paris 13 April 1859. BALDWIN, Connell James (son of James Baldwin of Clohina, co. Cork). b. Clohina; ensign 87 foot 23 July 1807; captain 50 foot 10 Feb. 1820 to 22 Feb. 1827 when placed on h.p.; served in the Peninsula for which he received a medal and 10 clasps; raised a regiment at Cork for Emperor of Brazil but BALDWIN, Edward. b. Waterford; a pugilist 6 feet 5 inches in height; beaten by Andrew Marsden 21 Oct. 1863; beat George Iles 19 Feb. 1866; beat A. Marsden 25 Sep. 1866; matched to fight Joseph Wormald for Championship 29 April 1867 but forfeited his stakes; matched to fight James Mace for Championship 15 Oct. 1867 but Mace was arrested; fought J. Wormald at Lynnfield Massachusetts 1868 for Championship and 2,500 dollars when police interfered, he was awarded the stakes as Wormald declined to renew the fight; shot dead in the United States Sep. 1875. Modern Boxing by Pendragon (1879) 83–89; Illust. Sporting News v, 97 (1866), portrait. BALDWIN, George Walter. Major 31 foot 1863–64; major 20 foot 1864 to death; murdered by Japanese at Kamahura, about 17 miles from Yokohama 21 Nov. 1864. R. Lindau’s ErzÄhlungen und Novellen i, 15–54. (1871); F. O. Adams’s History of Japan i, 485–98 (1874), ii, 1–5 (1875). BALDWIN, Henry. Called to bar in Ireland 1826; Q.C. 17 Aug. 1841; law adviser of the Castle during state trials 1848–49; comr. of insolvent court 1850 to death. d. Dublin 24 May 1854. BALDWIN, Martin. b. Coalbrookdale Shropshire 22 Nov. 1788; an engine factor at Bradley near Bilston 1809; carried on the Lower Bovereux colliery; invented many improvements in the construction of engines and machinery. d. Newbridge crescent, Wolverhampton 16 Feb. 1872. BALDWIN, Robert (only son of Benjamin Baldwin of Faringdon, Berkshire surgeon). Printer and bookseller in Bridge st. Blackfriars 1806–10, and in Paternoster row 1810; united his business with that of another firm under name of Baldwin, Cradock and Joy; started the London Magazine Jany. 1820, in opposition to Blackwood’s Mag. transferred it to Messrs. Taylor and Hessey 1821; became insolvent; a stock keeper of Company of Stationers 1834 to death. d. Cumberland place, Westbourne grove north, 29 Jany. 1858 aged 78. BALDY, John Patey. M.R.C.S. 1814; private teacher of anatomy and surgery. d. 23 Pembroke st. Devonport 6 Sep. 1861 aged 67. BALE, Charles Sackville. Made a splendid collection of pictures at 71 Cambridge terrace, Edgeware road, London. d. 71 Cambridge terrace 28 Nov. 1880 aged 89. Waagen’s Treasures of art ii, 329–32 (1854); Waagen’s Galleries of art (1857) 116–21. BALFE, Michael William (only son of Balfe of Dublin, violinist 1783–1823). b. 10 Pitt st. Dublin 15 May 1808; played the violin at a concert in Royal Exchange, Dublin, May 1816; first violinist in Drury Lane orchestra 1823; chief baritone at Italian opera, Paris 1827–29; sang in Italy 1829–35; lessee of English opera house Lyceum 9 March 1841 to 13 May 1841; conductor at Her Majesty’s theatre 3 March 1846 to 1852 when house closed; went to St. Petersburg 1852; purchased Rowney Abbey, Ware, Herts and turned gentleman farmer 1864; chevalier of Legion of honour 22 March 1870; composed Rivals 1829, Siege of Rochelle 1835, Bohemian Girl 1843 (produced at Drury Lane 27 Nov. 1843, performed in almost every European country), Rose of Castille 1857, Puritan’s daughter 1861, Il Talismano produced at Her Majesty’s theatre 1874; arranged Moore’s Irish Melodies as duets and quartets. (m. Lina Rozer a Hungarian prima donna). d. Rowney Abbey 20 Oct. 1870. Balfe, his life and work by W. A. Barrett 1882, portrait; A memoir of M. W. Balfe by C. L. Kenny 1875; Illust. Review v, 671–77, portrait; Recollections of J. R. PlanchÉ i, 241 (1872), portrait by Thackeray. Note.—A statue of him was placed in the vestibule of Drury Lane theatre 24 Sep. 1874, his memorial window in St. Patrick’s cathedral, Dublin, was uncovered 14 April 1879, and his memorial tablet in Westminster Abbey was unveiled 20 Oct. 1882. BALFE, Victoire (2 dau. of the preceding). b. Rue de la Victoire, Paris 1 Sep. 1837; made her first appearance in London at Lyceum Theatre 28 May 1857 as Amina in opera of La Sonnambula; sang with great BALFOUR, Blayney Townley. b. 28 May 1769; sheriff of Louth 1792; M.P. for Belturbet in Irish parliament 1797–98. d. Townley hall near Drogheda 22 Dec. 1856. BALFOUR, Blayney Townley (eld. son of the preceding). b. 1799; lieutenant governor of the Bahamas 1833 to 1834; sheriff of co. Louth 1841. d. Townley hall 5 Sep. 1882. BALFOUR, Clara Lucas (dau. of Mr. Liddell). b. in the New Forest 21 Dec. 1808; signed the pledge at a chapel in St. George’s road, Pimlico 16 Oct. 1837 being the 9th person to do so in Chelsea district; edited Temperance Beacon and Teetotal Magazine; a public lecturer 1841–70; author of Women of Scripture 1850; Happy evenings 1851, 3 ed. 1877; Sketches of English literature 1852; Moral heroism 1854, new ed. 1877; Family Honour 1880; wrote in many periodicals. (m. 1828 James Balfour). d. London road, Croydon 3 July 1878. Home makers by the late Mrs. C. L. Balfour with a biographical sketch of the author by the Rev. C. Bullock 1878, portrait. BALFOUR, Francis Maitland (3 son of James Maitland Balfour of Whittingham, East Lothian 1820–56). b. Queen st. Edinburgh 11 Nov. 1851; ed. at Harrow 1865–70 and Trin. coll. Cam.; natural science scholar 1871; B.A. 1873, M.A. 1877; studied at Professor Dohrn’s Zoological station, Naples; fellow of his college Oct. 1874 and lecturer on natural science 1875; F.R.S. 1878, member of council 1881 to death, royal medallist 1881; pres. of Cambridge Philosophical society Nov. 1881; professor of Animal Morphology in Univ. of Cam. 31 May 1882 to death; LLD. Glasgow 1880; edited with E. R. Lankester The quarterly journal of Microscopical science; author of Monograph on the development of Elasmobranch fishes 1878; Treatise on Comparative Embryology 2 vols. 1880–81; left Courmayeur 18 July 1882 to ascend Aiguille Blanche a peak of Mont Blanc his body was found 23 July on Fresnay glacier at foot of the Penteret. bur. at Whittingham 5 Aug. 1882. Fortnightly Review xxxii, 568–80 (1882); I.L.N. lxxxi, 197 (1882), portrait; Report of British Assoc. 1882 meeting pp. 555–58. BALFOUR, James Melville (youngest son of Rev. Lewis Balfour, minister of Colinton near Edin. who d. 24 April 1860 aged 82.) b. Manse of Colinton 2 June 1831; ed. at high school and Univ. of Edin; marine engineer to province of Otago, New Zealand 1863–65 and to government of N.Z. 1865 to death; invented the Refraction Protractor for lighthouses; designed many lighthouses in N.Z., also the dry dock at Port Chalmers; M.I.C.E. 15 May 1866; drowned off Timaru N.Z. 18 Dec. 1869. Min. of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxxi, 200–202 (1871.) BALFOUR, John Hutton. b. 15 Buccleuch place, Edin. 15 Sep. 1808; ed. at high school and Univ. of Edin., M.D. 1832, M.A., LLD.; apprenticed to Sir George Ballingall; a pres. of Royal Medical Society 1831–33; LLD. Glasgow and St. Andrew’s; M.R.C.S. Edin. 1833, F.R.C.S. 1835; practised at Edin. 1834–41; Botanical Society of Edin. was founded at his house 15 Dundas st. 8 Feb. 1836; a lecturer on botany in Surgeon sq. 1840; professor of botany in Univ. of Glasgow 1841, and in Univ. of Edin. 22 Oct. 1845 to Feb. 1879; regius keeper of Royal botanic garden, and Queen’s botanist for Scotland 1845–79; F.R.S. Edinburgh 1835, F.L.S. 1844, F.R.S. 5 June 1856; dean of the Medical faculty; an editor of Annals of natural history 1842–57 and of Edinburgh New philosophical journal 1855–66; author of Class book of botany 1854, 5 ed. 1875; Introduction to study of PalÆontological botany 1872. d. Inverleith house, Edin. 11 Feb. 1884. The Biograph i, 430–38 (1882). BALFOUR, Lowry Vesey Townley. b. 1819; secretary of the order of St. Patrick 1853 to death. d. Dublin 12 Feb. 1878. BALFOUR, Robert Frederick. b. Balbirnie Fifeshire 30 April 1846; ensign Grenadier guards 9 Aug. 1865; major 1 April 1882 to death; served in Egypt 1882; wounded at battle of Tel-el-Kebir 9 Sep. 1882. d. 24 Belgrave sq. London 23 Oct. 1882. I.L.N. lxxxi, 497 (1882), portrait; Graphic xxvi, 605 (1882), portrait. BALL, Charles Ashby. b. Albury, Surrey 1809; entered the paper business 1826; purchased with his father the Guerres works near Dieppe 1829; founded the Doullens works 1836; purchased the Valvernes works near Dieppe; manufactured paper from esparto and bleached straw; founded the Fort Andemer works 1844; sold his business to La Compagnie des Establishments de la Risle 1869; perfected many important improvements in manufacture of paper. d. Sainte Addresse near Havre 27 March 1885. BALL, Frances (6 and youngest child of John Ball of Dublin, merchant who d. 1808). b. Eccles st. Dublin 9 Jany. 1794; joined the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Mickle Bar convent York 11 June 1814; introduced this Institution into Ireland 1821; assumed name of Sister Mary Theresa 8 Sep. 1814; founded in various parts of the world 37 convents tenanted by about 800 nuns. d. Rathfarnham Abbey near Dublin 19 May 1861. Life by H. J. Coleridge 1881, portrait; Life by Wm. Hutch, D.D. 1879. BALL, Nicholas (son of John Ball of Dublin, silk mercer). b. Dublin 1791; ed. at Stonyhurst and Trin. coll. Dub., B.A. 1812; called to Irish bar 1814; K.C. 1830; bencher of King’s Inns 1836; M.P. for Clonmel 1836–39; third Serjeant at law 10 Nov. 1836 to 11 July 1838; attorney general 11 July 1838 to 23 Feb. 1839; P.C. Ireland 1838; justice of Irish Court of Common Pleas 23 Feb. 1839 to death. d. 85 Stephens Green, Dublin 15 Jany. 1865. BALL, Richard. Lived at Bridgewater, Bristol and Taunton successively; a Friend; joined the Plymouth Brethren; author of Holy Scripture the test of truth 1835; Christianity in China 1850; HorÆ SabbaticÆ or the Sabbatic cycle the divine chronometer 1853. d. Aberdeen terrace, Clifton 10 May 1862 aged 68. Smith’s Friends’ Books i, 161–63 (1867). BALL, Robert (son of Bob Stawel Ball). b. Cove of Cork 1 April 1802; clerk in under secretary’s office in Dublin 1827–52; F.R.S. Dublin 1834; M.R.I.A. 23 Feb. 1835, treasurer 1845 to death; member of Geol. soc. of BALL, Samuel. Member of East India Company’s establishment at Canton 1804–26; author of Observations on expediency of opening a second port in China 1817; An account of the cultivation and manufacture of tea in China 1848. d. Sion house, Wolverley 5 March 1874 in 94 year. BALL, Thomas Gerrard (son of Abraham Ball of Chester). b. Chester 24 Jany. 1791; served in navy 1801–1807; ensign 34 foot 17 Sep. 1807; lieut. col. 8 foot 2 Oct. 1835 to 25 Oct. 1842 when placed on h.p.; col. 46 foot 24 April 1860 and of 8 foot 17 June 1861 to death; general 10 Jany. 1870. d. 7 Stanley place, Chester 18 Dec. 1881. BALL, William (son of Richard Ball of Bridgwater who d. 1834). b. Bridgwater 1 Jany. 1801; solicitor at Bristol 1828–35; a minister of Society of Friends 1846 to death. (m. 1834 Anne Dale, she d. 1861). Author of NugÆ SacrÆ or psalms and hymns and spiritual songs [anon.] 1825; The Transcript and other poems 1855; Hymns or lyrics 1864; Verses composed since 1870, 1875. d. at an hotel in Aberdeen 30 July 1878. Annual Monitor for 1879 pp. 8–54. BALL, William. b. 1785; composed hundreds of comic and sentimental songs, his song Jack’s lament for the loss of his tail was one of the most popular songs of the day ever written; his Drawing room concerts in 1829 were very successful; adapted to English words librettos of Masses of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, Mozart’s Requiem, Spohr’s God thou art great, Rossini’s Stabat Mater and Mendelssohn’s St. Paul and Lobgesang; edited with N. Mori The musical gem, 2 vols. 1831–32; edited The London Spring annual lyrical and pictorial 1834. d. London 14 May 1869. BALL, Sir William Keith, 2 Baronet (only child of Sir Alexander John Ball, 1 Baronet). b. Greenwich 27 Oct. 1791; succeeded 25 Oct. 1809. d. Spernall hall, Warwickshire 9 March 1874. BALLANTINE, James. b. The West Port, Edinburgh 11 June 1808; a house painter at Edin. 1830; one of the first to revive the art of glass painting; executed the 12 stained glass windows in the House of Lords, Westminster, representing kings and queens both regnant and consort of the U.K.; sec. of committee of Burns centenary 1859; grand bard of Scottish Grand lodge of Freemasons about 1862 to death; contributed about 50 songs to Whistle-Binkie or the piper of the party 1832; author of The Gaberlunzie’s wallet 1843; A treatise on painted glass 1845; Poems 1856; Chronicle of the hundredth birthday of Robert Burns 1859, which contains reports of 872 Burns’ centenary meetings held all over the world 25 Jany. 1859; The Provost’s daughter, a musical farce in 2 acts performed at T.R. Edin. 1855; The Gaberlunzie, a drama in 3 acts 1858. d. Warrender lodge, Edinburgh 18 Dec. 1877. Whistle-Binkie ii, xiv-xxvii (1878); History of the lodge of Edinburgh by D. M. Lyons (1873) 50, 363, portrait. BALLANTINE, William. Barrister I.T. 5 Feb. 1813; magistrate at Thames police court 1821–48. d. 89 Cadogan place, Chelsea 14 Dec. 1852 in 74 year. I.L.N. ix, 317 (1846), portrait. BALLANTYNE, James Robert. b. Kelso 13 Dec. 1813; ed. at Edinburgh new academy and college; teacher of Hindi and Sanskrit at Naval and military academy Edin. 1839; principal of College of Benares 1845–61; librarian of India office library Cannon row, Westminster 1861 to death; author of Lectures on the sub-divisions of knowledge, Sanskrit and BALLANTYNE, Robert Michael. b. Edinburgh 24 April 1825; in the Hudson Bay Company’s service 1841–47; author of Hudson’s Bay or every day life in the wilds of North America 1848, 3 ed. 1859; Coral island, a tale of the Pacific ocean 1857; Deep down, a tale of the Cornish mines 1868, and many other tales. d. 1871. BALLANTYNE, Thomas. b. Paisley 1806, a weaver there; edited Bolton Free Press; edited Manchester Guardian; printer, publisher and one of the 4 original proprietors of Manchester Examiner; editor of Liverpool Journal and Liverpool Mercury; edited the Leader in London; started the Statesman, edited it till its close; edited St. James’s Chronicle; author of Passages selected from writings of T. Carlyle 1855; Essays in mosaic 1870. d. Tufnell park, Holloway 30 Aug. 1871. BALLARD, Edward George (only child of Edward Bollard, alderman of Salisbury who d. 6 March 1827). b. Salisbury 29 April 1791; clerk in the Stamp and Excise offices London 1809–17; wrote most of the poetry and critiques for the Weekly Review; author of A new series of original poems [anon.] 1825; Microscopic amusements 1829; wrote part of a continuation of Strype’s Ecclesiastical annals in The Surplice weekly paper 1848. d. Compton terrace, Islington 14 Feb. 1860. BALLARD, John Archibald. b. 1829; 2 lieut. Bombay Engineers 8 Dec. 1848 and lieut. col. 10 Nov. 1869 to 31 Dec. 1878; lieut. col. Turkish army 1854; served in campaigns on the Danube 1854–55, in Crimea 1855, and in Mingrelia 1855–56; assistant quartermaster general of Persian expeditionary force 1856–57, and of Rajpootana field force and Malwa division in Indian mutiny 1858–59; C.B. 10 May 1856; mint master Bombay 1862–78; general 31 Dec. 1878. d. Pass of ThermopylÆ near Livadia Greece 1 April 1880. BALLARD, Thomas. b. Mayfair London; studied at St. George’s hospital; fellow of Royal Med. and Chir. society 1849; author of New and rational explanation of the diseases peculiar to infants and mothers 1860; On the convulsive diseases of infants 1863; An enquiry into constitutional syphilis in the infant 1874. d. 10 Southwick place, Hyde park 11 Sep. 1874 aged 56. BALLINGALL, Sir George (son of Rev. Robert Ballingall, minister of Forglen, Banffshire). b. in the manse of Forglen 2 May 1780; ed. at Univs. of St. Andrews and Edin.; M.D. Edin. 1803, M.R.C.S. Edin. 15 Aug. 1820; assistant surgeon 1 foot 10 July 1806; surgeon of 33 foot 1815–18 when placed on h.p., retired 1831; professor of military surgery in Univ. of Edin. 18 Jany. 1823 to death; knighted by Wm. iv at St. James’s palace 4 Aug. 1830; F.R.S.; author of Introductory lectures to a course of military surgery 1830; Outlines of military surgery, 5 ed. 1855. d. Altamont near Blairgowrie 4 Dec. 1855. BALNEAVIS, Henry. Ensign 16 foot 3 Jany. 1797; captain 27 foot 1805–24 when placed on h.p.; L.G. 20 June 1854; colonel 65 foot 18 Jany. 1855 to death; C.M.G. 17 July 1833; K.H. 1836. d. Malta 17 July 1857 aged 77. BALVAIRD, William. Major Rifle brigade 1814–18; major 99 foot 1824–26, retired from the army 27 Aug. 1841; C.B. 26 Sep. 1831. d. Edinburgh 7 Sep. 1853. BALY, William. b. Lynn, Norfolk 1814; L.S.A. 1834, M.R.C.S. 1834; studied in Paris, Heidelberg and Berlin; M.D. Berlin 1836; practised in London 1836; L.R.C.P. 1841, F.R.C.P. 1846, a censor 1858; phys. to Milbank penitentiary 1841–60; lecturer on forensic medicine at St. Bartholomew’s hospital 1841–54, assistant phys. there 1854 and lecturer on medicine 1855; Gulstonian lecturer Feb. 1847; F.R.S. 15 April 1847; phys. extraordinary to the Queen 18 April 1859; member of general council of medical education and registration 1 Aug. 1860 to death; author with W. S. Kirke of Advances in physiology of motion 1848, and with W. G. Gull of Reports on epidemic cholera 1854; killed in the train on the South Western railway about 7 miles from London at the junction with the Epsom line 28 Jany. 1861. Medical Critic ii, 334–40 (1861); I.L.N. xxxviii, 111, 122 (1861), portrait. BAMFORD, Samuel. b. Middleton 28 Feb. 1788; ed. at Manchester gr. sch.; a handloom weaver at Middleton; secretary to the Hampden club at Middleton 1816; examined before Privy Council on a charge of high BAMFORD, William. Surgeon at Rugely Staffs 1803 to death; one of principal witnesses at trial of Wm. Palmer the poisoner 1856. d. Rugely 17 April 1859 in 84 year. BAMPTON, Augustus Hamilton. b. London 13 March 1823; civil engineer at Plymouth 1844; chief surveyor to the corporation 1849–54; engineer to South Devon and Tavistock railway 1852 to death; M.I.C.E. 1849; author of The drainage of towns 1849. d. North hill Devon 4 March 1857. Min. of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xvii, 92–94 (1858). BANCALARI, Peter. b. 1806; a noted cricket, umpire at Oxford many years. d. Oxford 31 Oct. 1869. BANDINEL, Rev. Bulkeley (eld. son of Rev. James Bandinel V. of Netherbury Dorset who d. 25 Nov. 1804 aged 92). b. Oxford 21 Feb. 1781; ed. at Reading and Winchester; scholar of New college Ox. 1800, fellow, B.A. 1805, M.A. 1807, B.D. and D.D. 1823; chaplain in the Victory 1808; under librarian Bodleian library Ox. 1810, librarian 25 Aug. 1813 to Sep. 1860; published Catalogue of the printed books 4 vols. 1843–50; proctor Univ. of Ox. 1814; R. of Haughton-le-Skerne, Durham 1823–60; author of Catalogue of books relating to British topography and Saxon and Norman literature bequeathed to the Bodleian library by Richard Gough 1814; author with John Caley and Henry Ellis of new editions of Dugdale’s Monasticon Anglicanum 1817–30 crown folio 6 vols. in 8, and 1846, folio, 8 vols; edited Clarendon’s History of the rebellion 1826. d. Oxford 6 Feb. 1861. BANDON, Francis Bernard, 3 Earl of (eld. son of the preceding). b. Grosvenor st. London 3 Jany. 1810; ed. at Eton and Oriel coll. Ox., B.A. 1830, M.A. 1834; M.P. for Bandon 1831–32 and 1842–56; a representative peer of Ireland 21 Aug. 1858; lord lieutenant of Cork 2 Nov. 1874. d. Castle Bernard 17 Feb. 1877. BANGOR, Edward Ward, 4 Viscount. b. London 23 Feb. 1827; succeeded 1 Aug. 1837; ed. at Eton and Trin. coll. Cam., M.A. 1848; representative peer for Ireland 9 Jany. 1855. d. Brighton 14 Sep. 1881. BANIM, Michael (eld. son of Michael Banim of Kilkenny, shopkeeper). b. Kilkenny 5 Aug. 1796, postmaster there 1852–73; contributed Crohoore, The Croppy, The ghost hunter, The mayor of Windgap, Father Connell and other tales to The tales by the O’Hara family 24 vols. d. Booterstown, co. Dublin 30 Aug. 1874. P. J. Murray’s Life of John Banim 1857. BANKES, George (3 son of Henry Bankes of Kingston hall, Dorset 1757–1834). b. 1788. Ed. at Westminster and Trin. hall, Cam.; fellow; LL.B. 1812; bankruptcy comr. 1822; recorder of Weymouth 25 Aug. 1823; cursitor Baron of the Exchequer 6 July 1824 to death when office abolished; M.P. for Corfe Castle 1816–23 and 1826–32 and for Dorset 1841 to death; sec. to Board of control 2 May 1829 to 16 Feb. 1830 and comr. of same board 24 Feb. 1830 to 6 Dec. 1830; a junior lord of the Treasury 24 April to 24 Nov. 1830; P.C. 27 Feb. 1852; judge advocate general 28 Feb. to Dec. 1852; author of The story of Corfe Castle and of many who have lived there 1853. d. 5 Old palace yard Westminster 6 July 1856. Waagen’s Galleries of art (1857) 374–83; I.L.N. xxiv, 97 (1854). BANKES, William John (elder brother of the preceding). Ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1808, M.A. 1811; M.P. for Truro 1810–12, for Cambridge Univ. 1821–25, for Marlborough 1829–32 and for Dorset 1833–34; a great friend of Lord Byron; travelled in the East with Giovanni Finati whose life he translated from the Italian 2 vols. 1830. d. Venice 15 April 1855. A.R. 1826 49–56. BANKHEAD, Charles. Minister plenipotentiary to Mexican republic 24 Nov. 1843 to 6 April 1851. d. 8 St. James’s st. London 11 March 1870. BANKS, George LinnÆus (4 son of John Banks of Birmingham, horticulturist). b. Bull Ring, Birmingham 2 March 1821; began lecturing 29 Dec. 1846; promoted Mechanics’ Institutes in Yorkshire and Durham; edited the Advertiser at Harrogate 1848, Mercury at Birmingham, Daily Express at Dublin, Chronicle at Durham, Royal Standard at Windsor, and the Sussex Mercury 1864; wrote the popular negro melody Dandy Jim of Caroline; author of Blossoms of poesy 1841; Staves for the human ladder, poems 1850; All about Shakspere 1864; The Swiss father a drama produced at T.R. Liverpool 1846 and Better late than never a comedy produced at Durham theatre 1858. d. Dalston, London 3 May 1881. Illustrated Review vi, 261–63, portrait. BANKS, John. b. 1 Sep. 1752 at 11.30 p.m., a period marked by the change of style which conducted him 11 days onward in his journey half an hour after his birth. d. Easingwold 24 Nov. 1852. BANKS, John Sherbrooke. b. 1811; ensign 33 Bengal N.I. 1829, major 1857 to death; succeeded Sir Henry Lawrence as chief comr. of Lucknow; shot through the head while examining an outpost at Lucknow 21 July or 1 Aug. 1857. BANKS, Thomas Christopher (eld. child of Thomas Banks one of the gentlemen pensioners). Genealogist at 5 Lyons Inn London 1813–20, at the dormant peerage office John st. Pall Mall 1820; sent to North America by Alexander Humphrys to publish his rights as Earl of Stirling and to search for evidence 1826, returned 1828, sent to Ireland 1828–29, created baronet by Humphrys 1831 but resigned the rank about 1834; knight of holy order of St. John of Jerusalem; author of Dormant and extinct baronage of England 3 vols. 1807–1809; History of the ancient noble family of Marmyun 1817; Stemmata Anglicana 1825. d. Greenwich 30 Sep. 1854 in 90 year. T. C. BANKS, William Stott. b. Wakefield, March 1820; admitted solicitor Jany. 1851; partner with J. M. Ianson at Wakefield 1853; clerk to the borough justices March 1870 to death; author of List of provincial words in use at Wakefield 1865; Walks in Yorkshire 2 vols. 1866–72. d. Northgate, Wakefield 25 Dec. 1872. Yorkshire ArchÆol. and Topog. Journal ii, 459–60 (1873). BANNAN, Joseph. A schoolmaster at Plymouth down to 1832 when his school was ruined by the cholera; edited the South Devon Monthly Museum 7 vols., Plymouth 1833–36; cashier and chief accountant of the Western Times newspaper at Exeter 1836 to death. d. Exeter 28 May 1865 aged 60. BANNATYNE, Andrew (eld. son of Dugald Bannatyne of Glasgow, merchant). b. 1798; ed. at Univs. of Glasgow and Heidelberg; member of faculty of procurators in Glasgow; dean of the faculty; member of University court Glasgow. d. 1871. BANNATYNE, Rev. Archibald. b. Rothesay; licensed by presbytery of Ayr 1835; minister at Oban 1842–53 and at John Knox’s Free church Glasgow 1853 to death. d. 18 May 1863. Truth in love, a few memorials of the Rev. Archibald Bannatyne 1864. BANNER, Rev. Benjamin Holford. b. 26 Nov. 1798; ed. at Merchant Taylor’s and St. John’s coll. Ox., B.A. 1821, M.A. 1824; precentor of Cashel 26 Aug. 1826 to death; chancellor of Emly, Tipperary 2 April 1835 to death. d. 1874. BANNERMAN, Sir Alexander (son of Thomas Bannerman of Aberdeen, wine merchant who d. Jany. 1820 aged 77). b. Aberdeen 7 Oct. 1788, shipowner, merchant and banker there; M.P. for Aberdeen 1832–47; dean of faculty in Marischal college Aberdeen 1837; a comr. of Greenwich hospital 1841; governor of Prince Edward island 3 Feb. 1851, of the Bahamas 8 May 1854 and of Newfoundland 9 Feb. 1857 to 1863; knighted by the Queen at Buckingham palace 3 Feb. 1851. d. Louth cottage, Chorley 30 Dec. 1864. I.L.N. xix, 236 (1851), portrait. BANNERMAN, Sir Alexander, 9 Baronet. b. Aberdeen 6 April 1823; succeeded 18 June 1851. d. 46 Grosvenor place, London 21 April 1877. BANNERMAN, Rev. James (son of Rev. James Patrick Bannerman, minister of Cargill, Perthshire). b. manse of Cargill 9 April 1807; ed. at Univ. of Edin., M.A. 1826; minister of Ormiston, Midlothian 1833–43 when he left the Established for the Free church; professor of apologetics and pastoral theology in New college Edin. 1849 to death; took a leading part in Free church movement; D.D. Princeton college New Jersey 1850; author of The prevalent forms of unbelief 1849; Apologetical theology 1851; Inspiration 1865; The Church 2 vols. 1868. d. Edinburgh 27 March 1868. BANNISTER, Charles William (son of Charles George Bannister of London, solicitor 1796–1858). b. 1826; ed. at Charterhouse; captain 2 Bombay light cavalry 24 April 1854 to 10 April 1861; governor of Maidstone gaol. d. 20 April 1874. BANNISTER, Rev. John (son of David Bannister of York 1788–1854). b. York 25 Feb. 1816; ed. at Trin. coll. Dub., B.A. 1844, M.A. 1853, LL.B. and LLD. 1866; P.C. of Bridgehill, Derbyshire 1846–57; P.C. of St. Day, Cornwall 13 Dec. 1857 to death; author of A glossary of Cornish names, 20,000 Celtic and other names now or formerly in use in Cornwall with derivations and significations (1871). d. St. Day 30 Aug. 1873. Bibl. Cornub. i, 9 (1874), iii, 1047 (1882). BANNISTER, Saxe. b. Bidlington house Steyning, Sussex 27 June 1790; ed. at Lewes, Tunbridge and Queen’s coll. Ox., B.A. 1813, M.A. 1815; raised a company and volunteered for the army 1813; captain on h.p. 25 Dec. 1813; barrister L.I. 25 Nov. 1819; attorney general of New South Wales 5 April 1824 to April 1826 when removed from office; printed a statement of his ‘claims’ 1853 after presenting many petitions to the Government; gentleman bedel of Royal College of Physicians London 1849–50; author of Records of British enterprise beyond sea vol. 1 1849; William Paterson, his life and trials 1858; The writings of Wm. Paterson 3 vols. 1859; Classical and prehistoric influences upon British history, 2 ed. 1871. d. Thornton lodge, Thornton Heath 16 Sep. 1877. Dict. of Nat. Biog. iii, 142 (1885). BANON, Awly Patrick. F.R.C.S. Ireland 1844, vice president June 1866 to death; M.D. St. Andrew’s 1851; F.R.C.P. Edin. BANTING, William. b. 1797; an undertaker at 27 St. James’s st. Piccadilly, London 1820–70; made Duke of Wellington’s funeral car Oct. 1852; reduced his weight from 202 lbs. to 156 lbs. in 12 months Aug. 1862 to Aug. 1863 by abstaining from bread, butter, milk, sugar, beer, and potatoes; author of Letter on corpulence addressed to the public 1863 4 ed. 1869; Thousands of people adopted the course he advised, which became known as “banting.” d. 4 The Terrace, Kensington 16 March 1878. Blackwood’s Mag. xcvi, 607–17 (1864); Tanner’s Practice of medicine i, 148 (1875). BANTRY, Richard White, 1 Earl of (eld. son of Simon White of Bantry). b. 6 Aug. 1767; created a peer of Ireland as Baron Bantry 31 March 1797 on account of exertions in repelling the French invasion at Bantry bay 27 Jany. 1797, Viscount Bantry 29 Dec. 1800 and Viscount Berehaven and Earl of Bantry 22 Jany. 1816. d. Glengariffe lodge, co. Cork 2 May 1851. BANTRY, Richard White, 2 Earl of. b. St. Finbar, Cork 16 Nov. 1800; a representative peer for Ireland 1 July 1854. d. Exbury house, Hants 16 July 1868. BANTRY, William Henry Hare White, 3 Earl of. b. Dublin 16 Nov. 1801; ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam., M.A. 1823; sheriff of Cork 1848; lieut. col. commandant West Cork artillery militia 1854–73; a representative peer for Ireland 6 July 1869. d. Bantry house, Cork 15 Jany. 1884. BAPTIST, John Thomas. A well known florist at Sydney N.S.W. d. The Gardens, Surrey hills, Sydney 15 Sep. 1873 aged 69. BARBER, Charles. b. Birmingham; teacher of drawing in Royal Institution, Liverpool; assisted to found the Architectural and ArchÆological association; a landscape painter; exhibited 3 pictures at the R.A. and many pictures at local exhibitions; pres. of the Liverpool Academy. d. Liverpool Jany. 1854. BARBER, Charles Chapman. ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam., 9 wrangler 1833, B.A. 1833, M.A. 1836; pupil of Lewis Duval the conveyancer; barrister L.I. 3 May 1833; member of chancery procedure commission 1853; junior counsel for defendant in ejectment action of Tichborne v. Lushington 11 BARBER, Fairless (2 son of Joseph Barber of Brighouse, solicitor). b. Castle hill, Rastrick 11 Jany. 1835; ed. at St. Peter’s school York; admitted a solicitor 1859; practised at Brighouse; member of Huddersfield ArchÆological and Topographical Association 1866, sec. Sep. 1866, it became mainly through him in 1870 the Yorkshire ArchÆological and Topographical Association; F.S.A. 26 May 1870; edited The Yorkshire ArchÆological and Topographical journal 6 vols. 1876–81. d. Pinner 3 March 1881. Yorkshire Arch. and Topog. journal vii, 1–5 (1882). BARBER, James. A very extensive proprietor of coaches between London and Edinburgh; senior partner in firm of Barber and Co. of York, wholesale jewellers; sheriff of York 1826; lord mayor 1833, elected again 1844 but paid the fine to be excused serving. d. Tang hall near York 10 March 1857 aged 73. BARBER, James (son of a cutlery manufacturer at Sheffield). Made a large sum of money by cards and billiards at Manchester; went to Paris, where he purchased famous race horse Chanticleer which won the Northumberland plate, Goodwood stakes, and Doncaster cup 1848; in partnership with Joseph Saxon as racing men; won Great Northern handicap at York with Ben Webster 1860, and the Oaks with Brown Duchess 1861; at one period one of richest men on the turf. d. Sheffield 18 April 1885 in 69 year. BARBER, John. b. West Runham, Norfolk; drayman in firm of Truman and Co., London 8 years; purveyor of pigeons and sparrows at 27 Sclater st. Bethnal Green 1821 to death; attended all the chief shooting matches in England for 40 years; his blue rock pigeons well known all over the world. d. 27 Sclater st. 18 June 1860 aged 71. BARBER, Jonathan. Frame work knitter at Nottingham; leader of the infidels there, held public discussions with Rev. J. W. Brooks of Nottingham. d. Nottingham 17 Jany. 1859. The apology for renouncing infidel opinions of Jonathan Barber 1859. BARBER, Mary Ann Serrett (daughter of Thomas Barber). Wrote many articles in the Church of England Magazine and Charlotte Elizabeth’s Christian lady’s magazine; edited Children’s Missionary magazine afterwards called The Coral Missionary mag. 1847 to death; author of Redemption in Israel or narratives of conversions among the Jews 1844, The sorrows of the streets 1855, Castle Rag and its dependencies or the sins and sorrows of the poor 1858, Du Bourg or the Mercuriale 1851 and many other books. d. 9 Sussex sq. Brighton 9 March 1864 aged 63. Bread-winning or the Ledger and the Lute an Autobiography by M. A. S. Barber 1865. BARBER, William Henry. b. about 1807; clerk to Messrs. Scoones of Tonbridge, Kent, solicitors 1819–36; established Literary and Scientific institution there 1837; solicitor in London 1837; partner with Merrick Bircham; founded The legal discussion society, sec. and treasurer; founded with Lord Brougham and George Birkbeck, Adult instruction society; tried at Central Criminal Court April 1844 for uttering a will of one Anne Slack knowing same to be a forgery when sentenced to be transported for life; arrived at Norfolk Island 9 Nov. 1844; moved to Tasman’s Peninsula March 1847 on breaking up of Norfolk Island establishment; granted conditional pardon by royal warrant dated 12 Nov. 1846 and a free pardon 3 Nov. 1848; arrived in Paris May 1848 and in London Nov. 1848; applied for his annual certificate as a solicitor 31 Jany. 1849, certificate refused him 6 July 1850; petition for inquiry and redress presented to House of Commons 5 April 1852; granted a certificate 21 Nov. 1855; practised in London, ceased to practice 1862. The case of Mr. W. H. Barber, 8 ed. 1853; Central criminal court, minutes of evidence by H. Buckler xix, 778–850 (1844); I.L.N. iv, 80, 249 (1844), 2 portraits. BARBOUR, Robert. b. Renfrewshire 1797; one of the merchant princes of Manchester down to about 1864 when he retired; member of the first Synod of English Presbyterian BARCLAY, Andrew Whyte (son of John Barclay, captain R.N.) b. Dysart, Fifeshire 17 July 1817; ed. at high sch. and univ. of Edin.; M.D. 1839; studied at Caius coll. Cam. 1843, and St. George’s hospital, London; M.B. 1847, M.D. 1852; medical registrar at St. George’s many years; F.R.C.P. 1851, examiner, councillor and censor, Lumleian lecturer 1864, Harveian orator 1881, treasurer 1884; fellow of Royal Med. and Chir. soc, pres.; assistant phys. at St. George’s 1857, phys. 1862–82; the first medical officer of health at Chelsea 1856; author of Manual of medical diagnosis 1857 3 ed. 1870. d. Whitney Wood, Stevenage, Herts 28 April 1884. British Medical Journal i, 932 (1884). BARCLAY, Arthur Kett (eld. son of Charles Barclay of Bury hill near Dorking, Surrey 1780–1855). b. 20 June 1806; ed. at Harrow; head of firm of Barclay, Perkins and Co., brewers; built an observatory at Bury hill 1848; F.R.G.S. 1840, F.R.S. 3 June 1852; paralysed 1855. (m. 20 Dec. 1836 Maria Octavia dau. of Ichabod Wright of Mapperley, Notts). d. 20 Nov. 1869. BARCLAY, Charles. b. 26 Dec. 1780; M.P. for Southwark 1815–1818, for Dundalk 1826–1830 and for west Surrey 1835–1837; head of firm of Barclay, Perkins and Co.; pres. of Guy’s hospital; sheriff of Surrey 1842; F.R.G.S., F.S.A. d. Bury hill, Surrey 5 Dec. 1855. BARCLAY, Hugh b. Glasgow 18 Jany. 1799; member of Glasgow faculty of procurators 1820; sheriff substitute of West Perthshire 1829, and of Perthshire 1833; sheriff of Perthshire 1883 to death; author of A digest of the law of Scotland 2 vols. 1852–53 4 ed. 1880; Thoughts on Sabbath schools 1855; The Sinaitic inscriptions 1866. d. Early bank Craigie near Perth 1 Feb. 1884. BARCLAY, Right Rev. Joseph (only son of John Barclay of Strabane, co. Donegal who d. 9 Dec. 1845). b. Strabane 12 Aug. 1831; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin 16 Oct. 1849 to 1854, B.A. 1854, M.A. 1857, LLD. 1865, D.D. 1880; C. of Bagnalstown 1854–58; missionary at Constantinople 1858–61; incumbent of Ch. BARCLAY, Lydia Ann (dau. of Robert Barclay of Clapham). Edited Selections from the writings of Patrick Livingstone 1847; Memoirs and letters of Richard and Elizabeth Shackleton 1849; A journal of the life and gospel labours of John Conran 1850. d. Cockermouth 31 Jany. 1855 aged 55. A short memoir of L. A. Barclay by Wm. Hodgson, junior 1855; A selection from the letters of L. A. Barclay 1862. BARCLAY, Sir Robert, 9 Baronet. b. Dungannon 1819; succeeded 14 Aug. 1839. d. Dungannon 19 May 1859. BARCLAY, Robert (younger son of John Barclay, a minister in Society of Friends who d. 11 May 1838 aged 41). b. Croydon 4 Aug. 1833; a manufacturing stationer in London 1855; patented March 1860 an indelible writing paper for prevention of forgery; author of The inner life of the religious societies of the Commonwealth 1876, reissued 1877 and 1878. d. Hillside, Reigate 11 Nov. 1876. Sermons by Robert Barclay with a brief memoir edited by his widow 1878, portrait. BARCLAY, Very Rev. Thomas (son of Rev. James Barclay, minister of Unst, Shetland). b. Unst June 1792; ed. at King’s coll. Aberdeen, M.A. 1812; taught elocution at Aberdeen; a parliamentary reporter for the Times 1818–22; licensed by presbytery of Lerwick 27 June 1821; ordained 12 Sep. 1822 to parish of Dunrossness, Shetland; minister of Lerwick 13 Dec. 1827; clerk of the synod of Shetland 27 Apl. 1831; minister of Peterculter Sep. 1843, and of Currie July 1844; principal of Univ. of Glasgow 13 Feb. 1858 to death; one of the best Scandinavian scholars. d. the college, Gillmore hill, Glasgow 23 Feb. 1873. Scott’s Fasti EcclesiÆ ScoticanÆ pt. v, 422, 426. BARCLAY, William. b. London 1797; miniature painter; made many copies from works of Italian masters in the Louvre Paris; exhibited portraits and copies in water-colours at the Salon 1831–59 and at Royal Academy 1832–56. d. 1859. BARDIN, George Gregory. Chief inspector of machinery afloat 6 Aug. 1870; C.B. 15 Aug. 1868. d. about May 1875. BARDSLEY, Sir James Lomax (2 son of Edward Bardsley of Nottingham). b. Nottingham 7 July 1801; ed. at Univs. of Glasgow and Edin.; M.D. Edin. 1823; physician at Manchester 1823 to death; physician to Manchester royal infirmary 1824–43; member of Manchester medical society 1834, pres. 1838–42 and 1845–47; knighted by the Queen at Buckingham palace 8 Aug. 1853; F.R.C.P. 1859; lecturer on principles and practice of physic at Royal school of medicine Manchester 1825–43; author of Hospital facts and observations 1830 and of the articles Diabetes and Hydrophobia in the CyclopÆdia of practical medicine 1833. d. The Orchard Greenheys, Manchester 10 July 1876. Photographs of eminent medical men ii, 95–98 (1868), portrait. BARDSLEY, Samuel Argent. b. Kelvedon, Essex 27 April 1764; apprenticed to a surgeon at Nottingham; studied at Leyden Univ. 1786–89; M.D. 1789; physician at Manchester 1790; phys. to Manchester infirmary 1790 to Aug. 1823; author of Critical remarks on the tragedy of Pizarro 1800; Medical reports of cases and experiments 1807. d. near Hastings 25 May 1851. BAREZ, Rev. Henry. Minister of the French protestant episcopal church of St. Martin Orgars formerly in Cannon st. London; granted civil list pension of £100 23 July 1840 in consideration of having taught Queen Victoria German. d. Leicester square, London 26 Dec. 1867 aged 79. BARFF, Samuel. b. England? about 1793; lived at Zante 1816 to death, an eminent merchant and banker there; took an active part in the struggle for independence carried on by the Greek nation 1823–24. d. Zante 1 Sep. 1880 aged 87. Moore’s Life of Lord Byron; Trikoupes’ ?st???a t?? ????????? ?pa?astase?? 4 vols. 1853–57. BARHAM, Charles Foster (4 son of Thomas Foster Barham of Penzance, Cornwall 1766–1844). b. Truro 9 March 1804; ed. at BARHAM, Rev. Charles Henry (youngest son of Joseph Foster Barham, M.P.) b. London 1808; ed. at Charterhouse and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1831, M.A. 1834; M.P. for Appleby 24 May 1832 to 3 Dec. 1832; R. of Barming, Kent about 1838–47; R. of Kirkby Thore, Westmoreland 1847–52. d. Trecwn, Pembrokeshire 15 Aug. 1878. BARHAM, Francis Foster (5 son of Thomas Foster Barham, of Penzance). b. Leskinnick, Penzance 31 May 1808; solicitor in London 1831; joint proprietor and editor with J. A. Heraud of The new monthly Magazine and humorist 1 July 1839 to 26 May 1840; lived at Clifton 1844–54, and at Bath 1854 to death; member of Anglo Biblical Instit. 1852; a vegetarian many years; author of The Adamus Exul of Grotius or the prototype of Paradise lost, now first translated from the Latin 1839; The ecclesiastical history of Great Britain by Jeremy Collier, new ed. with a life of the author 9 vols. 1840; The Alist or divine, a message to our times 1840; The political works of Cicero translated 2 vols. 1841–42; Socrates, a tragedy in 5 acts 1842; The life and times of John Reuchlin or Capnion 1843; The new Bristol guide, a poem 1850 and many other books. d. 8 St. Mark’s place, Bath 9 Feb. 1871. A memorial of Francis Barham, edited by Isaac Pitman 1873 pp. lv. and 495 printed in the phonetic character; Boase and Courtney’s Bibl. Cornub. i, 11, iii, 1048. Note.—He advocated at one period the formation of a religious association to be called Alists or Godists, some of his works on this subject have A. F. Barham or Alist Francis Barham on the title page. BARHAM, Thomas Foster (eld. son of Thomas Foster Barham of Penzance). b. Hendon, Middlesex 10 Sep. 1794; ed. at Queen’s coll. Cam., M.B. 1820; phys. at Penzance 1820 and at Exeter about 1830–49; lived at Newton BARING, Right Rev. Charles Thomas (youngest son of Sir Thomas Baring, 2 Baronet 1772–1848). b. 11 Jany. 1807; ed. privately and at Ch. Ch. Ox.; double first class 1829, B.A. 1829, M.A. 1832; student of his college; C. of St. Ebbe Ox. 1830–44; select preacher before Univ. of Ox. 1846 and 1855; R. of All Souls Marylebone 28 Sep. 1847; chaplain in ord. to the Queen 7 Feb. 1851; R. of Lympsfield Surrey 1855–56; Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol July 1856, consecrated at Lambeth 10 Aug. 1856, translated to Durham 6 Nov. 1861, resigned 2 Feb. 1879; 102 new parishes were formed and 119 new churches built in diocese of Durham 1861–78. d. Cecil house, Wimbledon 14 Sep. 1879. Durham Diocesan calendar 1880 pp. 184–89. BARING, Henry Bingham. b. York place, London 4 March 1804; ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1825; M.P. for Callington 31 July 1830 to 3 Dec. 1832, and for Marlborough 11 Dec. 1832 to 11 Nov. 1868; a lord of the treasury 6 Sep. 1841 to 6 July 1846. d. Nice 25 April 1869. BARING, Thomas (2 son of Sir Thomas Baring 2 Baronet 1772–1848). b. 7 Sep. 1800; ed. at Winchester; joined banking house of Hope and Co. at Amsterdam; entered house of Baring Brothers and Co. merchants 8 Bishopgate st. London 1828, head of the firm to 1871; chairman of Lloyds 1830 to March 1868; pres. of London institution 1835 to death; M.P. for great Yarmouth 1835–37 and for Huntingdon 1844 to death; a director of Bank of England 1848–67; declined Chancellorship of the Exchequer offered him by Earl of Derby 1852 and 1858; one of the 5 comrs. of Great Exhibition 1862. d. Fontmell lodge, Bournemouth 18 Nov. 1873, personalty sworn under £1,500,000 Dec. 1873. I.L.N. iii, 265 (1843), portrait, xl, 215 (1862), portrait, lxiii, 501, 639 (1873); Waagen’s Treasures of art ii, 174–92, iv, 93–100. BARKER, Alexander. Lived at 103 Piccadilly, London; made a fine collection of pictures chiefly by great painters of 15th century which was sold at Christie’s 6 June 1874 for sum of £38,591, his library was BARKER, Bernard. Editor of literary portion of The Bazaar; author of a novel called Elliot the younger 3 vols. 1878. d. 13 Sep. 1882. BARKER, Francis. b. Waterford; ed. at Univs. of Dublin and Edinburgh, B.A. Dublin 1793, M.B. and M.D. 1810; practised at Waterford 5 years, where he opened the first fever hospital in Ireland; professor of chemistry Univ. of Dublin 1808; started first medical paper in Ireland with Dr. Todd; sec. of Irish board of health 1820–52; published with Dr. Cheyne a treatise on Epidemic fevers in Ireland 2 vols. 1821; edited the Dublin Pharmacopoeia 1826. d. Wellington road, Dublin 8 Oct. 1859 aged 86. BARKER, Right Rev. Frederic (5 son of Rev. John Barker, V. of Baslow, Derbyshire who d. 6 June 1824). b. Baslow 17 March 1808; ed. at Grantham and Jesus coll. Cam., B.A. 1831, M.A. 1839, D.D. 1854; P.C. of Upton, Cheshire 24 April 1831 to 28 Sep. 1834; P.C. of St. Mary’s Edge hill, Liverpool 1835–54; V. of Baslow Jany. 1854; bishop of Sydney Aug. 1854 to death; created Metropolitan of Australia 19 Oct. 1854, consecrated at Lambeth 30 Nov. 1854, arrived in Sydney May 1855; pres. of the Synod of the diocese of Sydney which first met 5 Dec. 1866; author of Thirty-six psalms with commentary 1854. d. San Remo, Italy 6 April 1882. bur. Baslow 18 April. I.L.N. lxxx, 452, (1882), portrait; Graphic xxv, 448 (1882), portrait. BARKER, George. Entered navy 1 June 1771; captain 8 June 1799; admiral on h.p. 27 Dec. 1847. d. Spring Vale, Isle of Wight 25 Dec. 1851 in 92 year. BARKER, George Arthur. b. 1812; Tenor singer and vocal composer; his song “The White Squall” 1835 has passed through many editions and is still frequently sung. d. Aylestone near Leicester 2 March 1876. BARKER, Sir George Robert (youngest son of John Barker, deputy storekeeper general). b. London 1817; ed. at Woolwich; 2 lieut. R.A. 21 June 1834; lieut. col. 1 June 1855 to death; served in Crimean war and Indian mutiny; C.B. 5 July 1855, K.C.B. 16 May 1859 for capturing stronghold of Birwah. d. Simla, India 27 July 1861. BARKER, John. Ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin, M.B. 1846, M.D. 1863; L.R.C.S. Ireland 1846, M.R.C.S. 1863; demonstrator of anatomy Univ. of Dublin; curator of museum of Royal college of surgeons Dublin; M.R.I.A. and F.R.S. Dublin; author of Cryptogamic part of Steele’s Handbook of field botany 1847. d. 83 Waterloo road, Dublin 2 Feb. 1879 aged 63. BARKER, John Henry. b. Ashford hall, Derbyshire 1806; ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1829, M.A. 1834; barrister L.I. 3 May 1836; magistrate at Worship st. police court, London July 1860 and at Clerkenwell police court Jany. 1863 to 3 Aug. 1874. d. East lodge, Bakewell Derbyshire 28 Jany. 1876. BARKER, Joseph. b. Bramley near Leeds 11 May 1806; a travelling preacher of Methodist new connexion at Hanley 1829; stationed on Sheffield and Mossley circuits successively; edited Evangelical Reformer a weekly periodical 1837–40; expelled from the above Society 1841 on ground that he had denied divine appointment of baptism; pastor of a congregation of Barkerites at Newcastle; edited The Christian Investigator 2 vols. 1842–43; became a Unitarian 1845; presented with a steam press at Wortley, Leeds 6 July 1846; issued a library of 300 volumes being cheapest books then ever issued; edited The People 1846, 20,000 copies of which were sold weekly; a town councillor at Leeds 1848; tried as a Chartist but acquitted 1848; emigrated to Central Ohio 1851; a leading abolitionist; lectured in United States 1857–59; sailed for England 11 Jany. 1860; edited Barker’s Review 3 vols. 1862–63; joined the Primitive Methodists at Tunstall; a local preacher to 1868 when he went to America; author of many books. d. Omaha, Nebraska 15 Sep. BARKER, Peter. b. 10 July 1808; lost his sight 1812; a skilful performer on the violin; a carpenter at Hampsthwaite, Yorkshire; sang in the church choir; one of the bell ringers, curfew bell is rung at Hampsthwaite at 8 every evening. d. in his cottage near churchyard gate, Hampsthwaite 18 Feb. 1873. Life of Peter Barker, Pately Bridge 1873; S. Baring-Gould’s Yorkshire Oddities i, 177–82 (1874). BARKER, Rev. Ralph. Ed. at St. Peter’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1821; V. of Pagham near Chichester 1850 to death; rural dean of Chichester 1858 to death; co-editor of The Protestant Guardian 1827–29, and of The Quarterly educational magazine 2 vols. 1847–49; author of sermons, pamphlets and reviews. d. 1871. BARKER, Thomas. b. Carlton near Nottingham 15 Nov. 1798; a lace maker there; professional cricketer at Cambridge 1822 and 1841–45; a practice bowler at Lord’s cricket ground, London about 1835–41; an umpire at Cambridge 1846 and in London 1856. d. Nottingham 2 March 1877. BARKER, Thomas Herbert. b. Dunstable 31 Oct. 1814; studied at Univ. coll. London 1834–35; L.S.A. 1837, M.R.C.S. 1842, F.R.C.S. 1851; M.B. London 1845, M.D. 1847; practised at Bedford; one of the very best general practitioners in England; recorded for many years a series of meteorological observations which were incorporated in reports of the Registrar General; F.R.S. Edin.; author of Practical observations on the diet of infancy and childhood 1850; On the hygienic management of infants and children 1859. d. Harpur place, Bedford 24 Oct. 1865. Photographs of eminent medical men i, 117–23 (1866), portrait; British Medical Journal ii, 481–84 (1865). BARKER, Thomas Jones (eld. son of Thomas Barker of Bath, painter 1769–1847). b. Bath 1815; pupil of Horace Vernet in Paris; exhibited many pictures at the Salon where he gained 3 gold medals; painted several pictures for Louis Philippe; returned to England 1845; gained appellation of the ‘English Horace Vernet’; exhibited 29 pictures at the R.A., 34 at British Institution and 15 at Suffolk st. gallery 1844–76; painted many pictures in France during the German war BARKER, Thomas Rawson. b. Bakewell, Derbyshire 9 April 1812; a lead merchant at Sheffield; mayor of Sheffield 1848; played in many great cricket matches; a right-handed batsman but a left round-armed bowler. d. The Edge, Sheffield 26 April 1873. BARKER, Thomas Richard. b. London 30 Nov. 1799; ed. at Christ’s Hospital 1807–16; entered Homerton old college 1821; independent minister at Alresford Hants 1822, at Harpenden Herts 1824 and at Uxbridge 1833–38; tutor in classics at Spring Hill college Birmingham 1838 to death. d. near the College 12 Nov. 1870. Congregational year book 1871 pp. 302–304. BARKER, William (only son of Francis Barker, M.D., professor of chemistry in Univ. of Dublin). Assistant to his father many years; prof. of natural philosophy to Royal Society of Dublin 1848; prof. of chemistry R.C.S. Ireland 1850 to death; edited Parkes’s Chemical Catechism 1837 and 1854; M.R.I.A. 25 Jany. 1836. d. Hatch st. Dublin 11 Sep. 1873 aged 63. BARKER, William Burckhardt (son of John Barker 1771–1849, British consul general in Egypt). b. Aleppo about 1810; taken to England 1819; resided at Tarsus in an official capacity many years; professor of the Arabic Turkish, Persian and Hindustani languages at Eton; chief superintendent of British land transport depot at Sinope 1855 to death; author of Lares and Penates or Cilicia and its governors 1853; Odessa and its inhabitants 1855; A short historical account of the Crimea 1855. d. Sinope 28 Jany. 1856 aged 45. E. B. Barker’s Syria and Egypt 2 vols. 1876. BARKER, William Gideon Michael Jones. b. 27 Aug. 1817; author of The three days of Wensleydale, the valley of the Yore 1854. d. Leeds 10 April 1855. BARKLEY, John Trevor. b. Yetminster, Dorset 12 Oct. 1826; resident engineer on Whitehaven and Furness railway; manager of coalfields of Heraclea in Turkey 1850–55; constructed Danube and Black Sea railway 40 miles long (which was sold to Roumanian government Nov. 1882) and several other lines in east of Europe, also upwards of 20 bridges chiefly on the Bucharest and Varna BARLEE, Sir Frederick Palgrave (son of Rev. Edward Barlee 1788–1853, R. of Worlingworth, Suffolk). b. 1827; served in ordnance department 1844–55; colonial sec. of Western Australia 1855–77; member of legislative council to Nov. 1875; lieut. governor of British Honduras 1877–1883; left England to administer the government of Trinidad 2 June 1884; C.M.G. 30 May 1877, K.C.M.G. 24 May 1883. (m. 2 April 1851 Jane youngest dau. of Edward Oseland of Coleraine). d. Trinidad 8 Aug. 1884. BARLING, John. b. Weymouth 11 Aug. 1804; congregationalist minister at Square Chapel, Halifax 1829–34; Unitarian minister at Northgate end, Halifax Jany. 1854 to Jany. 1858; author of A review of Trinitarianism 1847; Leaves from my writing desk by an old student 1872. d. Leeds 20 Aug. 1883. BARLOW, Charles Anstruther. b. 5 Feb. 1800; entered navy 1812; commanded the Nimrod 20 guns 1839–41; captain 8 June 1841; C.B. 14 Oct. 1841. d. Hammersmith 31 Dec. 1855. BARLOW, Rev. Edward William (only son of Dr. Barlow, M.D. of New Sydney Place, Bath). ed. at Ex. Coll. Ox., B.A. 1834, M.A. 1836, D.D. 1865; C. of Rochford, Essex; author of A brief manual on writing Latin 1834; A treatise on the state of the soul 1843; The Apocrypha, its use and abuse 1850; Clerical manual 2 parts 1852; A compilation on Dilapidations 1853. d. Cleveland villa, Bath 13 Feb. 1869 aged 57. BARLOW, George Hilaro (4 son of Rev. Thomas Wm. Barlow 1760–1821 preb. of Bristol). b. 2 May 1806; midshipman R.N.; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1829, M.A. 1832, M.D. 1841; studied at Univ. of Edin. and Guy’s hospital; M.R.C.P. 1834, F.R.C.P. 1842; assistant phys. to Guy’s hospital 1840, phys. 1843; one of editors of Guy’s hospital reports; chairman of New Equitable life assurance company 1856, and of the Briton medical and general life association 1862. d. Longton lodge, Sydenham 13 Oct. 1866. Lancet ii, 454–55 (1866). BARLOW, Henry Clark (only child of Henry Barlow of Newington Butts, London 1783–1858). b. 6, Churchyard row, Newington Butts 12 May 1806; studied at Royal Academy and Note.—He left by will £1,000 consols to University College London for the endowment of an annual course of lectures on the ‘Divina Commedia’ as well as all the books and prints in his library which related to Dante and Italian history and literature; he also left £500 consols to the Geological Society for the furtherance of geological science. BARLOW, John. b. the Oak farm, Chorley, Cheshire 20 Sep. 1815; studied at Veterinary college Edin. 1842; assistant professor and lecturer on Zootomy at same college 1845 to death; member of Physiological Society. d. 1 Pilrig st. Edin. 29 Jany. 1856. A memoir of John Barlow 1858. BARLOW, Rev. John. Ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1820, M.A. 1823; F.R.S. 18 Dec. 1834; sec. of Royal Institution 1842–60; chaplain in ordinary at Kensington palace 12 Oct. 1854 to Sep. 1867. d. 5 Berkeley st. Piccadilly 8 July 1869 aged 70. BARLOW, Maurice. Ensign 85 foot 21 July 1814; lieut. col. 14 foot 25 Dec. 1847 to 27 Jany. 1857 when placed on h.p.; brigadier general in the Crimea 30 July 1855; col. of 3 West India regiment 8 June 1863 and of 14 foot 9 Aug. 1870 to death; general 21 March 1874. d. Florence 12 April 1875. BARLOW, Peter. b. parish of St. Simon, Norwich 13 Oct. 1776; mathematical master at Royal military academy Woolwich 1801; mathematical professor there to 1847 when he retired on full pay; gold medallist of Society of Arts 1821; F.R.S. 29 May 1823, Copley medallist 1825 for his discoveries in magnetism; F.S.A. 1829, F.R.A.S. 1829; a corresponding member of Academies of Brussells and Paris; one of Irish railway comrs. 19 Oct. 1836; invented method of compensating compass errors in ships whereby difficulty of navigation was in a great measure overcome, for which he received from board of longitude a grant of £500; contributed largely to EncyclopÆdia Metropolitana and Rees’s EncyclopÆdia; author of A new mathematical and philosophical dictionary 1814; BARLOW, Peter William (elder son of the preceding). b. 1800; A.I.C.E. 1826, M.I.C.E. 1845, Telford medallist 1845; engaged upon construction of Liverpool and Birmingham canal and the New London docks; resident engineer on London and Dover since called South Eastern railway; planned and executed Reading and Reigate and Tonbridge and Hastings branches 1841–46; designed and constructed Lambeth bridge opened 11 Nov. 1862, cheapest bridge in London, cost only £30,000; planned the Tower Subway opened Feb. 1870; F.R.S. 20 Nov. 1845. d. 56 Lansdowne road, Notting hill, London 20 May 1885. BARLOW, Sir Robert, 2 Baronet. b. Calcutta 24 Sep. 1797; in the Bengal civil service 1817 to death; succeeded 18 Dec. 1846. d. Hanover square, London 21 Jany. 1857. BARLOW, Thomas Worthington (only son of Wm. Worthington Barlow of Cranage, Cheshire). barrister G.I. 14 June 1848; practised at Manchester; Queen’s advocate at Sierra Leone April 1856 to death; F.L.S. April 1848; author of The mystic number, a glance at the system of nature 1852; Memoir of W. Broome 1855; edited The Cheshire and Lancashire historical collector 2 vols. 1853–55. d. Freetown, Sierra Leone 10 Aug. 1856 aged 33. BARLOW, Sir William Owen, 8 Baronet (only son of Wm. Owen, a brigadier general). b. 11 April 1775; barrister M.T. 22 Nov. 1799, bencher 1838; tubman of Court of Exchequer 1809, postman 1815–1837; succeeded his uncle 4 Jany. 1817; attorney general for Carmarthen circuit many years; took name of Barlow 1844; lived in Fig tree court Temple 1799 to death. d. 5 Fig tree court 25 Feb. 1851. G.M. xxxv, 433 (1851). BARMBY, John Goodwyn. b. Yoxford, Suffolk 1820; associated with revolutionists in London 1837; went to Paris 1840; founded the Communist Propaganda Society 1841, afterwards known as the Universal Communitarian Association; a practical preacher of Christian Socialism; Unitarian minister at Southampton, Topsham and Lancaster successively and at Wakefield 1858–79; edited a periodical called The Promethean BARNARD, Sir Andrew Francis (son of Rev. Dr. Henry Barnard of Bovagh, co. Londonderry). b. Fahan, co. Donegal 1773; ensign 90 foot 26 Aug. 1794; lieut. col. Rifle brigade 29 March 1810; commanded 2 brigade of light division in the Peninsula 16 Feb. 1814; commanded British division in Paris 1815; col. of 1 battalion Rifle Brigade 25 Aug. 1822 to death; clerk marshal of the King’s household 1830–37, of the Queen Dowager’s household 1837–49; lieut. governor of Chelsea hospital 26 Nov. 1849 to death; general 11 Nov. 1851; K.C.B. 2 Jany. 1815, G.C.B. 20 June 1840, G.C.H. 1834. d. Royal hospital Chelsea 17 Jany. 1855. Cope’s History of the rifle brigade 1877; Lord W. P. Lennox’s Celebrities I have known, 2 series i, 250–79. BARNARD, Charlotte Alington. b. 23 Dec. 1830; composed about 100 popular ballads under pseudonym of Claribel 1858–69 two of the best known are “Come back to Erin” and “We’d better bide a wee”; author of Thoughts, verses and songs. (m. 18 May 1854 Rev. Charles Cary Barnard, R. of Brocklesby, Lincs.) d. Dover 30 Jany. 1869. The Choirmaster March 1869. BARNARD, Edward. b. 14 March 1786; ed. at Eton; in the colonial office 1804 to death; agent general for Crown colonies 1825 to death; F.L.S. 17 Feb. 1818. d. 13 Dec. 1861. BARNARD, Edward. Entered navy 12 May 1797; captain 4 July 1817; retired admiral 22 Nov. 1862. (m. Aug. 1811 Mary Parkins). d. Hipswell lodge, Richmond, Yorkshire 5 Oct. 1863 aged 82. O’Byrne 1861 p. 48. BARNARD, Edward George. A shipbuilder at Deptford; M.P. for Greenwich 14 Dec. 1832 to death; purchased Gosfield hall, Essex from the Marquess of Buckingham. d. Gosfield hall 14 June 1851 aged 73. Wright’s Essex ii, 1 (1836). BARNARD, Frederick Lamport. b. 20 Feb. 1813; entered navy 3 June 1827; captain 10 Oct. 1855; captain of the Moeander 10 guns 23 Feb. 1861 to 14 June 1864; retired V.A. 30 Jany. 1879. d. 28 July 1880. BARNARD, John. Fellow of King’s coll. Cam. 1818 to death; F.S.A. 3 May 1855. d. King’s coll. Cam. 16 Nov. 1878 aged 84. BARNE, George Huxley (2 son of John Barne of Tiverton). ed. at Magd. coll. Ox; barrister L.I. 17 Nov. 1866; attorney general of Jamaica March 1874 to death. d. Kingston, Jamaica 8 March 1876. BARNES, Christopher Hewetson. b. 7 Feb. 1833; 2 lieut. Bengal artillery 9 Dec. 1852; lieut. col. R.A. 31 Dec. 1878 to death; commanded R. A. in Egypt to death, d. Cairo 28 Sep. 1884. I.L.N. lxxxv, 373 (1881), portrait. BARNES, George Carnac (eld. son of Ven. George Barnes 1784–1847, archdeacon of Barnstaple). ed. at Westminster 1833–35; comr. of the Cis-Sutlej States; foreign sec. at Calcutta 1861 to death; C.B. 18 May 1860. d. Hazareebagh, Bengal 13 May 1861. BARNES, James. Lieutenant Royal horse guards 29 Aug. 1811 to 3 Nov. 1814 when he retired; major in command of Radnor Militia 15 Feb. 1828 to 21 March 1846. d. Portishead near Bristol June 1853 aged 64. BARNES, James Hindmarsh. ed. at Charing Cross and Westminster Ophthalmic hospitals; M.R.C.S. and L.S.A. 1857; L.R.C.P. Edin. 1860; practised in London; visiting surgeon to the workhouse hospital, Liverpool 1874; superintendent registrar 1874 to death; author of Notes on surgical nursing. d. 57 Pembroke place, Liverpool 19 March 1880 aged 47. Medical Times and gazette i, 387 (1880). BARNES, John (son of Thomas Barnes of Newcastle, coal viewer, who d. 1801). b. Walker colliery near Newcastle 12 Aug. 1798; in the Soho works of Boulton and Watt 1813–15; studied at univ. of Edin. 1815–17; manufacturing BARNES, Mary (dau. of Mr. Greenhill). b. London; acted in the provinces as Miss Simpson; acted at Haymarket and Drury Lane; made her first appearance in America at the Park theatre New York 17 April 1816 as Juliet; a great actress in tragedy, melodrama and pantomime; took farewell of the stage 2 Nov. 1841. (m. John Barnes a comedian who d. 28 Aug. 1841 aged 60). d. Vandam st. New York 26 Aug. 1864 in 84 year. BARNES, Ralph (4 son of Rev. Ralph Barnes, archdeacon of Totnes, Devon who d. 20 May 1820 aged 87). b. 14 July 1781; ed. at Exeter gr. school; admitted attorney 25 Nov. 1802; practised at Exeter 1802 to death; chapter clerk there 15 Sep. 1810; sec. to bishops of Exeter April 1830 to death; author of An inquiry into equity practice 1827; The papal brief considered with reference to the laws of England 1850; edited Bishop Lacy’s Liber pontificalis 1847. d. Bellairs, Topsham road, Exeter 22 Feb. 1869. Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 306–308 (1869); Law Journal iv, 140–42 (1869). BARNES, Rev. Richard William. b. Comercolly, Bengal; matric. from Edmund hall Ox. 27 June 1829, B.A. of Queen’s coll. 1834, M.A. 1841; R. of Dunchideock, Devon 1841–45; P.C. of East and West Looe, Cornwall 1845–49; V. of Probus, Cornwall 1849 to death; Preb. of Exeter Nov. 1853 to death; author of Public opinion considered in letters between one of his friends and R. W. Barnes 1855; Let well alone or removal of blemishes from church and state, by Alazon 1860 and many sermons. d. The Sanctuary, Probus 27 May 1885 aged 74. BARNES, Robert. b. Manchester 1800; cotton spinner there with his brother Thomas Barnes; mayor 1851; gave £10,000 to Royal infirmary Sep. 1869; founded Convalescent hospital at Cheadle at cost of £40,000, and a certified industrial school at Heaton Mersey at cost of £20,000. d. Oakley, Fallowfield Manchester 25 Dec. 1871. BARNES, Thomas. b. Wigton, Cumberland 1793; ed. at Univ. of Edin., M.D. 1817; M.R.C.S. 1815; physician at Carlisle 1817; leading phys. in north of England down to 1850; founded Cumberland infirmary and Carlisle fever hospital; F.R.S. Edin. 1830. d. Bunker’s hill near Carlisle 31 March 1872. BARNES, Thomas Wilson. The best chess player in London for a short period; an original whist player; reduced his weight from 16 stone to 7 stone 8 lbs. in 10 months Aug. 1873 to June 1874 by banting. d. Cambridge st. Eccleston sq. London 20 Aug. 1874 aged 49. Westminster Papers vii, 99–100 (1874), portrait. BARNES, William Augustus. Pantomimist in London; made his first appearance in America at Philadelphia 4 Dec. 1846 as Grimaldi in pantomime of Magic Pills; played clown in pantomime of William the Conqueror at Olympic theatre London 26 Dec. 1848; pantaloon at Drury Lane theatre; photographer at 6 North st. Smith sq. Westminster; committed suicide at 6 North st. by taking cyanide of potassium 17 May 1868 in 59 year. BARNETT, Charles (only son of major general Charles Barnett 1758–1804). b. Stratton, Beds. 31 Oct. 1796; ed. at Putney and Em. coll. Cam., fellow commoner 1815; sheriff of Beds. 1821; master of Cambridgeshire hounds many years from 1829; a great short horn breeder. d. Stratton park, Beds. 20 June 1876. Baily’s Mag. xi, 55–58 (1866), portrait. BARNETT, Charles James. M.P. for Maidstone 1832–1835. d. 12 Chichester terrace, Brighton 31 Dec. 1882 in 85 year. BARNETT, Charles John. Captain 3 Foot Guards 26 Oct. 1820 to 26 Oct. 1826; consul at Warsaw 31 May 1833; consul general in Egypt May 1841 to 17 Aug. 1846. d. Round Oak, Englefield 4 Aug. 1856 aged 66. BARNETT, Edward. b. 1799; entered navy 3 Feb. 1811; captain 20 June 1846; admiral on h.p. 1 Aug. 1877. d. 14 Woburn square, London 7 Sep. 1879. BARNETT, Henry N. Dramatist and critic; edited Sunday Times 13 years; occupied at BARNETT, Humphrey. Acting manager at Lyceum theatre London 1862; acting manager for J. C. M. Bellew at St. George’s hall, Regent’s st. d. 24 Loudoun road, St. John’s Wood 30 April 1874. BARNETT, John. Ensign 71 foot 25 Nov. 1813; lieut. 23 foot 1819–22; lieut. col. of 3 West York militia 28 Feb. 1846 to death. d. the Linen hall barracks Dublin 24 Feb. 1855. BARNETT, Morris. b. London 16 Aug. 1799; lived in Paris; acted at Brighton and Bath; made his first appearance in London at Drury Lane 1833 as Captain O’Cutter; wrote and performed title rÔle in Monsieur Jacques, a musical piece which created a furore at St. James’s theatre 1837; played at Princess’s theatre; musical critic of Morning Post and The Era nearly 7 years; gave a series of farewell performances at Adelphi theatre 1854; wrote many dramas best known being The Serious family, Lilian Gervais and Married and unmarried. d. Montreal, Canada 18 March 1856. Actors by gaslight (1838) p. 137, portrait; I.L.N. xxv, 305 (1854), portrait. BARNETT, Robert. b. Macclesfield 1818; an industrious arranger of instrumental music. d. Windsor Oct. 1875. BARNHAM, Hildebrand Barry. Ensign 15 foot 19 Nov. 1807; captain 28 Dec. 1832 to 1839 when he retired. d. 13 Camberwell park, London 12 July 1885 in 95 year. BARNINGHAM, William. b. Arkingarthdale near Richmond, Yorkshire 1826; a blacksmith; employed on Paris and Rouen railway 1843; began a foundry at Manchester with 3 of his brothers which failed; a manufacturer of railway switches and crossings at Middlesborough; founded ironworks at Pendleton and Albert hill, Darlington; the latter were transferred to a limited liability company 1873. d. Pendleton 3 Nov. 1881. Journal of iron and steel institute, No. 2, 1882 657–58. BARNSTON, James. M.D. Edin.; professor of botany in McGill college Montreal. d. Montreal 28 May 1858 aged 28. BARON, James. b. Blackburn 1817; ed. at Stonyhurst; held professorships at Prior Park Bath and the Luso-British college Lisbon; kept a school at Lytham in the Fylde, Lancashire for many years from 1849. d. St. Helens 23 Feb. 1883. BARON, John. b. Blackpool 2 Sep. 1807; entered the Society of Jesus at Hodder 21 Sep. 1827, master of the school in London 1831–32 and 1833–35; ordained priest at Stonyhurst 19 Sep. 1841; vice rector of Mount St. Mary’s college 17 Oct. 1848 and rector 17 Oct. 1851–1854; missioner at Wakefield 1854–70. d. Holywell 11 July 1878. BARR, David. Entered Bombay army 1803; col. 24 Bombay N.I. 4 July 1844 to death; L.G. 11 Nov. 1851. d. Cheltenham 21 Nov. 1862 aged 78. BARR, Henry James. b. 8 April 1815; ensign 8 Bombay N.I. 22 May 1834; lieut. col. Bombay staff corps 18 Feb. 1861 to death; L.G. 1 Oct. 1877. d. Apsleytown, East Grinstead 17 May 1881. BARR, Rev. Hugh. b. Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire 2 April 1825; an apprentice tailor; studied at Univ. of Glasgow; an agent of Glasgow city mission; minister of United Presbyterian church at Kingskettle 28 Sep. 1854 to death. d. Kingskettle 9 Nov. 1873. Too late for martyrdom Memorials of the Rev. Hugh Barr by Rev. T. Dunlop 1875, portrait. BARR, James. b. Kilbarchan near Paisley 1779; a friend of Robert Tannahill the poet who has immortalized him as “Blithe Jamie Barr”; harmonized a few airs as glees; well known at various glee clubs in Glasgow; went to America 1834; living at Govan near Glasgow 1859. BARR, Robert. b. 3 Sep. 1794; attorney at Leeds 1823; coroner of Leeds 1824; clerk to the Leeds borough magistrates 3 Dec. 1836 to death. d. Mount Pleasant, Leeds 18 Oct. 1871. BARR, Samuel. b. Glasgow 1807; a self taught musician of strong native genius; his song “Naebody kens ye” possesses much merit; author of Art of singing at first sight simplified 1847. d. Glasgow 16 May 1866. BARRATT, Alfred (eld. son of James Barratt of Manchester, solicitor). b. Heald Grove near Manchester 12 July 1844; ed. at Sandbach and Rugby where he gained 29 prizes; a commoner of Balliol college Ox. 1862; won the first Balliol scholarship 1862; gained unprecedented distinction of 5 first classes 2 classical, 2 mathematical and 1 law and modern history; fellow of Brasenose coll. 1867; Eldon law scholar 1870; barrister L.I. 26 Jany. 1872; sec. to the Oxford university commission 1880; author of Physical Ethics or the science of action 1869. d. 18 May 1881. Physical Metempiric by the late A. Barratt 1883, portrait. BARRAUD, Henry. b. 1811; painted many portraits with horses and dogs, also subject pictures such as ‘The Pope blessing the animals’ 1842; exhibited at British Institution and Society of British Artists 1831–68 and at R.A. 1833–59; his pictures ‘We praise thee O God’; ‘The London Season’; ‘Lord’s cricket ground’; and ‘The lobby of the House of Commons’ have all been engraved or autotyped. d. London 17 June 1874. BARRELL, Justinian. Entered navy Aug. 1791; commander 21 March 1815; captain 19 March 1852; the last surviving officer of Lord Howe’s victory of 1 June 1794. d. Holloway 23 Nov. 1869 aged 87. O’Byrne (1861) p. 52. BARRETT, Apollon Marie Rose. b. South of France 1804; pupil of Vogt at Conservatoire, Paris 1823; solo oboe player at the OdÉon, and at OpÉra Comique 1827, and at Italian Opera in London 1829–74; professor of the oboe at R.A. of music; author of A complete method for the Oboe. d. Paris 8 March 1879. BARRETT, George. b. Exeter 9 June 1794; made his dÉbut on the stage at Park theatre New York as one of the children in Dunlap’s version of The Stranger 10 Dec. 1798; stage manager of Bowery theatre N.Y. 1828; acting manager of Broadway theatre N.Y. 1847; the best light comedian in America, known as “Gentleman George”; took farewell of the stage at Academy of Music N.Y. 20 Nov. 1855. d. New York 5 Sep. 1860. BARRETT, Henry Michael. Member of company of T.R. Liverpool; made his dÉbut in London at Drury Lane theatre as Falstaff in Henry the Fourth 31 Dec. 1850; played at Sadlers Wells, Drury Lane and Princess’s theatres; played Polonius in Hamlet at the Princess’s 15 June 1871. d. in a cab on his way home from the theatre 15 June 1871 aged 68. BARRETT, James William (brother of Rev. Basil Richard Barrett). The first Roman catholic admitted a solicitor after passing of the act by which Roman catholics were enabled to practise as solicitors in England; one if not the last of the survivors of the English college at Douay. d. Speen hill near Newbury, Berks. 20 Feb. 1864 in 88 year. BARRETT, Rev. John Casebow. Ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox.; B.A. 1833, M.A. 1837; P.C. of St. Mary’s district parish, Birmingham 1837 to death; author of God’s claims upon youth’s obedience 1838; Minister’s trials 1846; Papal aggression 1850; Psalms and hymns for the church service 1853. d. St. Mary’s vicarage, Birmingham 26 Feb. 1881 aged 70. BARRETT, Lucas (eld. son of George Barrett, of London, ironfounder). b. London 14 Nov. 1837; ed. at Royston, Univ. college school, Ebersdorf in Germany and Trin. coll. Cam.; curator of Woodwardian museum Cam. 1855; delivered many lectures for Professor Sedgwick BARRETT, Michael. A stevedore; lived in Glasgow; member of Fenian brotherhood; fired a barrel of gunpowder close to the wall of the Clerkenwell House of Detention, London 13 Dec. 1867 which killed 4 persons and injured about 40; arrested at Glasgow 14 Jany. 1868; tried at Central Criminal Court 20–25 April 1868 for murder of Sarah Ann Hodgkinson at Clerkenwell, when found guilty and sentenced to death; hanged at Newgate by Calcraft 26 May 1868 aged 27, being last person publicly executed in England. Central Criminal Court, Minutes of evidence by Barnett and Buckler lxvii, 486–542 (1868). BARRETT, Richard. A brewer in Ireland; journalist in Dublin; established the Pilot daily evening newspaper 1827 which became principal organ of Daniel O’Connell; it was suppressed by Government, but Barrett continued it by changing the title to The Morning Register, the Pilot having been suppressed; sentenced to six months imprisonment 1833 for publishing a letter of O’Connell’s; prosecuted frequently and imprisoned 3 times. d. Dublin 19 Oct. 1854. BARRETT-LENNARD, Sir Thomas, 1 Baronet (natural son of Thomas Barrett-Lennard, 17 Baron Dacre who d. 12 Jany. 1786). b. 6 Jany. 1761; assumed by r.l. surname of Barrett-Lennard instead of Thomas 13 March 1786; created baronet 30 June 1801. d. 40 Bryanston sq. London 25 June 1857. BARRINGTON, William Keppel Barrington, 6 Viscount. b. London 1 Oct. 1793; ed. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1814; succeeded his father 5 March 1829; M.P. for Berkshire 1837–57. d. Beckett house, Faringdon Berks 9 Feb. 1867. Burke’s Portrait gallery ii, 61 (1833). BARRINGTON, Lady Caroline (3 dau. of Charles Grey, 2 Earl Grey 1764–1845). b. 30 Aug. 1799. (m. 15 Jany. 1827 Hon. George Barrington, captain R.N. he was b. 20 Nov. 1794 and d. 2 June 1835); governess to children of Queen Victoria Jany. 1851 to death. d. 28 April 1875. BARRINGTON, Sir William Hartigan, 3 Baronet. b. Dublin 6 Oct. 1815; sheriff of Limerick 1846; succeeded 1 April 1861. d. Glenstal, Limerick 14 July 1872. BARRITT, James Littler. Formerly senior partner of firm of Barritt & Co. wholesale bible warehouse 173 Fleet st. d. St. Margaret’s Rochester 18 Aug. 1863 aged 62. BARRON, Arthur. ed. at Trin. coll. Cam.; B.A. 1820, M.A. 1823; fellow of his college; barrister I.T. 24 Nov. 1826; author with Alfred Austin of Reports of cases of controverted elections in the 14th Parliament of the United Kingdom 1844. d. 13 June 1856 aged 55. BARRON, Right Rev. Edward. b. Ireland 1801; studied at college of the Propaganda, Rome, D.D.; pastor of St. Mary’s church, Philadelphia; pres. of theological seminary of St. Charles Borromeo; vicar general of diocese of Philadelphia; missionary to Liberia, Africa; embarked from Baltimore 21 Dec. 1841; bishop of Constantine and vicar apostolic of the two Guineas 1843–45; missionary priest at Philadelphia, St. Louis and in Florida. d. Savannah 12 Sep. 1854. R. H. Clarke’s Lives of deceased bishops ii, 595–60 (1872). BARRON, Edward Enfield b. Norwich; L.S.A. 1832; F.R.C.S. 1844; M.D. London 1850, M.R.C.P. 1851; assistant demonstrator at Grainger’s school Southwark, then the largest in London, Oct. 1834, and demonstrator May 1836 to date when school was transferred to St. Thomas’s hospital; Post-mortem demonstrator at St. Thomas’s; a medical and surgical tutor. d. St. John’s, Woking 25 Dec. 1878 aged 67. BARRON, Sir Henry Winston, 1 Baronet (eld. son of Pierse Barron of Ballyneal co. Waterford 1752–1811). b. Ballyneal 15 Oct. 1795; ed. at Trinity coll. Dublin; M.P. for city of Waterford 1832–47, 1848–52, 1865–68 and 22 Nov. 1869 to 20 Jany. 1870, when his election was declared void; created baronet 23 Aug. 1841; sheriff of Waterford 1857; author of Notes on education in Holland and Germany. d. 2, Halkin st., Belgrave sq., London 19 April 1872. O’Malley and Hardcastle’s Reports of election petitions ii, 1–5 (1875). BARROW, Rev. Andrew. b. Manchester 27 Jany. 1804; entered Society of Jesus at Rome 2 Nov. 1821; prefect of studies at Stonyhurst 1831; ordained priest 20 Dec. 1834; rector of Stonyhurst college 14 July 1842; chaplain at Broughton hall, Yorkshire 17 July 1845 to death; rector of the Yorkshire district 14 April 1860. d. Broughton hall 20 Oct. 1865. BARROW, Sir George, 2 Baronet (eld. son of Sir John Barrow, 1 Baronet 1764–1848). b. London 22 Oct. 1806; ed. at the Charterhouse; clerk in the colonial office July 1825; chief clerk and sec. of order of St. Michael and St. George July 1870 to 29 Sep. 1872; C.M.G. 28 May 1874; author of Ceylon past and present 1857. d. 24 Addison road, Kensington 27 Feb. 1876. I.L.N. lxviii, 263, 407 (1876), portrait. BARROW, John Henry. Edited the Mirror of Parliament; author of Characteristic sketches of animals principally from the Zoological gardens, Regent’s Park 1832; Emir Malek, prince of the assassins an historical novel of the thirteenth century [anon.] 3 vols. 1837. d. Newington, Surrey 30 March 1858. BARROW, Lousada. Lieutenant col. Madras staff corps 18 Feb. 1863 to death; chief comr. of Oude 1869–74; M.G. 26 March 1870. d. Southlands, Ryde, Isle of Wight 1 Oct. 1877 aged 61. BARROW, Richard (3 son of Rev. Richard Barrow, 64 years vicar choral of collegiate church of Southwell who d. 23 Feb. 1838 aged 90). b. 20 July 1787; a merchant trading with Spain and Portugal; took over the Staveley coal and iron works 1840 which he greatly extended; sold the collieries and works to a limited liability company for £600,000 in 1864; chairman of board of directors of this company 1864 to death; made greater part of iron work for Great Exhibition of 1862 and iron tubes for London Pneumatic despatch company 1862. d. London 10 Jany. 1865. I.L.N. xxxvi, 596, 610 (1860), portrait. BARROW, William Hodgson (elder brother of the preceding). b. 1 Sep. 1784; ed. at collegiate school Southwell; practised as an attorney 1806–33; sheriff of Notts 1845; M.P. for South Notts 17 Feb. 1851 to 26 Jany. 1874. d. Southwell 29 Jany. 1876. BARRY, Edward Middleton (3 son of Sir Charles Barry). b. 27 Foley place, London 7 June 1830; ed. at King’s college school; pupil of Thomas Henry Wyatt; student at the R.A. 1848; assisted his father to 1860; reconstructed Covent Garden theatre in short space of 8 months, opened 15 May 1858; designed the Floral hall opened 7 March 1860; architect to Houses of Parliament 1860 to death; A.R.A. 29 Jany. 1861, R.A. July 1869; professor of architecture at the R.A. 16 May 1873 to death and treasurer March 1874 to death. d. at council table of Royal Academy 27 Jany. 1880. Lectures on architecture with memoir 1881, portrait; Min. of proc. of Instit. of C.E. lxiii, 322–26 (1881); I.L.N. xxxviii, 178 (1861), portrait. BARRY, George. b. Cork 1825; a merchant; M.P. for co. Cork 29 July 1865 to death. d. St. Leonards on Sea 31 Jany. 1867. BARRY, James. A woman; ed. Univ. of Edin.; M.D. 1812; entered army dressed like a man as a hospital assistant at Plymouth 5 July 1813; served at Malta many years and at Cape of Good Hope where she fought a duel with another officer; inspector general of hospitals 7 Dec. 1858 to 19 July 1859 when placed on h.p.; maintained assumption of manhood down to her death. d. 14 Margaret St., London 25 July 1865 aged 73. Medical times and gazette ii, 227, 293, 350 (1865). BARRY, James (brother of Sir Charles Barry, R.A.) Head of firm of Barry and Hayward BARRY, James Hugh Smith. b. 1816; sheriff of Cheshire 1846; formed a fine collection of antique sculpture and more than 300 pictures at Marbury hall near Northwich. d. Dec, 1857. Waagen’s Galleries of art (1857) 406–13. BARRY, James Redmond. b. 1789; one of foremost of southern Irish leaders in struggle for Catholic emancipation; inspector general of Irish fisheries; a comr. of Irish fisheries about 1830–75; claimed ancient title of Viscount Buttevant 1825. d. Glandore co. Cork 18 June 1879. BARRY, Right Rev. John. b. Barony of Forth, co. Wexford about 1799; studied at Charleston; ordained in cathedral of St. Finbar 24 Sep. 1825; pastor of church of the Holy Trinity at Augusta, Georgia 1826–54; vicar general of diocese of Charleston and superior of the theological seminary 1844; vicar general of diocese of Savannah 1853; bishop of Savannah 1857 to death; consecrated in Baltimore cathedral 2 Aug. 1857; sailed from New York 2 July 1859. d. Convent of the Brothers’ Hospitalers of St. John of God at Paris 19 Nov. 1859. R. H. Clarke’s Lives of deceased bishops ii, 551–54 (1872). BARRY, John O’Brien Milner. b. 1815; B.L. Univ. of Paris 1834; M.D. Edin. 1837; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1838; M.R.C.P. 1859, F.R.C.P. 1876; physician at Laugharne, at Totnes and at Tunbridge Wells 1852 to death; author of essays on ‘Cystine’ and ‘Leucocythemia’ in the Medical Archives 1858–60. d. Tunbridge Wells 15 Sep. 1881. BARRY, John Thomas. b. 1789; entered house of Allen Hanbury and Barry of Plough court, Lombard st., chemists and druggists about 1804, one of the managers; introduced method of evaporation in vacuo for preparation of medicinal extracts; an original member of Pharmaceutical Society 15 April 1841. d. Hornsey March 1864. BARRY, Martin (brother of the preceding). b. Fratton, Hants 28 March 1802; studied medicine in Univs. of Edin. Paris, Erlanger, Heidelberg and Berlin; M.R.C.S. Edin.; M.D. Edin. 1833; F.R.S. Edin.; F.R.C.P. Edin.; ascended Mont Blanc 16 Sep. 1834 being 16th ascent then made; F.R.S. 13 Feb. 1840; royal medallist 30 Nov. 1839; made BARRY, Philip. b. 1789; 2nd lieut. R.E. 10 Feb. 1809; col. R.E. 17 Feb. 1854 to 13 Jan. 1855; M.G. 13 Jany. 1855. d. Guernsey 17 April 1869. BARRY, Sir Redmond (3 son of major general Henry Green Barry of Ballyclough, co. Cork who d. 14 May 1838 aged 68). b. Air hill, co. Cork 1813; ed. at Hall place Kent and Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1837, LLD. 1876; called to Irish bar 1838; went to Sydney 1839; comr. of court of requests at Melbourne 1842; solicitor general of Victoria 1850; judge of supreme court of Victoria 25 Aug. 1851; chancellor of univ. of Melbourne 7 May 1853; pres. of trustees of Melbourne public library 1856; knighted by patent 24 May 1860; represented colony of Victoria at great exhibitions in London 1862 and in Philadelphia 1876; LL.B. and M.A. univ. of Melbourne 1863; administered government of Victoria 3 Jany. 1875 to 10 Jany. 1875; K.C.M.G. 30 May 1877. d. Melbourne 23 Nov. 1880. Men of the time in Australia (1878) 10–11. BARRY, Thomas. b. Ireland; performed with Samwell’s circus 1842; clown to the ring at Astley’s amphitheatre London 1843–48 and 1851–56; kept the Clown tavern 40 Bridge road, Lambeth 1848–50 and March 1856 to 1857. (m. Mrs. Campbell of City of London theatre). d. 26 March 1857 aged 47. bur. Norwood cemetery. Autobiography of Baron Nicholson (1860) 348–52; H. Valentine’s Behind the curtain (1848) 76–78; I.L.N. v, 193 (1844), portrait, xxiii, 460 (1853), portrait. BARRY, William Whittaker (3 son of Rev. Henry Barry, R. of Draycott Cerne, Wilts who d. 10 Aug. 1850 aged 60). Gained first law studentship awarded by the Inns of Court Jany. 1853; barrister L.I. 30 April 1853; author of A treatise on the statutory jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery 1861; A walking tour round Ireland in 1865 by an Englishman 1867; A walking tour in Normandy [anon.] 1868. d. on the Krimmler Tavern pass in the Tyrol 1 Oct. 1875. BARRYMORE, Mrs. (dau. of Mr. Adams). b. 1783; dancer at the old Royal Circus now Surrey Theatre, London 1803; the most graceful dancer in London for some years; her power of pantomimic expression as the dumb girl Finella contributed much to success of Auber’s opera Massaniello when first produced at Drury Lane 4 May 1829; made her dÉbut in America at the Park Theatre, New York 21 Aug. 1831; taught dancing at Boston to 1846. (m. William Barrymore of London, dramatist who d. Boston 16 Feb. 1845). d. London 6 Jany. 1863. BARSTOW, James Pulteney (eld son of Nathaniel Barstow, of Wetherby, Yorkshire). Barrister G.I. 18 Nov. 1824; bencher 1 May 1854; treasurer 30 Jan. 1856. d. Sandgate, Folkestone 8 Sep. 1873. BARTER, Charles. Worked in Royal botanic gardens, Kew 1849–51; foreman of Royal botanic society Regents Park 1851–57; botanist to Niger expedition under W. B. Baikie 1857 to death; author of The Dorp and the Veld or six months in Natal 1852. d. Rabba on the Niger 15 July 1859. BARTER, Richard. b. Cooldaniel, co. Cork 1802; M.R.C.S. 1828; Physician of Dispensary Inniscana, Cork; opened St. Anne’s water cure establishment at Blarney; set up the first hot-air baths in Ireland, also the first hot-air baths without vapour—the so-called Turkish bath. d. Blarney 3 Oct. 1870. Recollections of the late Dr. Barter, Dublin 1875. BARTER, Rev. Robert Speccott (youngest son of Rev. Charles Barter V. of Cornworthy near Totnes, Devon, 71 years who d. 26 April 1846 aged 97). b. Cornworthy 3 July 1790; ed. at Tiverton gr. sch. Winchester and New coll. Ox.; B.C.L. 1815; commoner tutor at Winchester to Dec. 1814; tutor of New college 1815–30 when he resigned; Bursar 1817, Poser 1817, Sub-warden 1820; Warden of Winchester 18 May 1822 to death. d. College st. Winchester 8 Feb. 1861. Rev. H. C. Adams’s History of Winchester college (1878) pp. 322–42. BARTER, Rev. William Brudenell (elder brother of the preceding). b. Jany. 1788; ed. at Tiverton, Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox., BARTH, Heinrich. b. Hamburg 16 Feb. 1821; ed. at Univ. of Berlin; a lecturer in the Univ.; went with James Richardson to Central Africa 1849, returned 1855; C.B. 17 Nov. 1858; foreign associate of Royal Geographical Society; pres. of Geographical society of Berlin; professor extraordinary at Univ. of Berlin; author of Travels in North and Central Africa 1857. d. Berlin 25 Nov. 1865. Journal of Royal Geog. Soc. xxxvi, 134–36 (1866); Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie ii, 96–99 (1875). BARTHELÉMY, Emanuel. Shot a gensdarme in Paris; condemned to the galleys for life, set free 1830; greatly distinguished himself in revolution of June 1848; fled to England 1848; shot Cournet a French political exile in a duel at Englefield Green near Egham 19 Oct. 1852; murdered George Moore and Charles Collard at 73 Warren st. Fitzroy square, London 8 Dec. 1854; tried at Central criminal court 4 Jany. 1855, found guilty and sentenced to death; executed at Newgate 22 Jany. 1855. A.R. (1852) 170, (1854) 206–212, (1855) 14–16; Central criminal court trials xli, 298–307 (1855). BARTHOLOMEW, Anne Charlotte (dau. of Arnol Fayerman) b. Loddon, Norfolk 28 March 1800; member of Society of Female artists and of Society of Water colour painters; exhibited 29 pictures at the R.A. and 39 at Suffolk St. gallery 1841–62; author of Its only my aunt, a farce 1825, first acted at Marylebone theatre May 1849; Songs of Azrael 1840 and The ring or the farmer’s daughter, a drama 1845. (m. (1) 1827 Walter Turnbull, musical composer, he d. 1838. m. (2) 30 July 1840 Valentine Bartholomew). d. 23 Charlotte st. Rathbone place 18 Aug. 1862. E. C. Clayton’s English female artists i, 398–400 (1876). BARTHOLOMEW, Ven. John (son of Rev. John Bartholomew, head master of Exeter Gr. Sch.) b. Exeter Oct. 1790; ed. at Exeter Gr. Sch., Winchester and C. C. Coll. Ox.; Scholar, B.A. 1813, M.A. 1820; P.C, of Withycombe Rawleigh, Devon 1817; P.C. of Sowton 1819; R. of Lympstone 1820; R. of Morchard Bishop, Devon 1831; Preb. of BARTHOLOMEW, Valentine (son of Josiah Bartholomew of Clerkenwell, watchmaker 1766–1847). b. 18 Jany. 1799; flower painter; member of Water Colour Society 1835 to death; exhibited 20 pictures at the R.A. and 27 at Suffolk st. gallery 1826–56; flower painter in ordinary to Duchess of Kent and to Queen Victoria, (m. (1) 1827 Evelina Charlotte Adelaide only dau. of Joseph Nicholas Hullmandel, musician, she d. 1 Jany. 1839. m. (2) 30 July 1840 A. C. Turnbull). d. 23 Charlotte st. Rathbone place 21 March 1879. BARTHOLOMEW, William. b. London 1793; chemist, violin player and flower painter; translated or adapted the words of most of Mendelssohn’s vocal works; received gold medal of merit from king of Prussia for the Antigone; wrote English words for MÉhul’s Joseph, Spohr’s Jessonda, and Costa’s Eli, Naaman, and The Dream, (m. 1853 Ann Sheppard Mounsey, vocal composer). d. London 18 Aug. 1867. BARTLETT, John Sherren. b. Dorset; surgeon R.N. 1812; a prisoner of war at Boston U.S. 1812–13; surgeon at Boston 1813; removed to New York; founded The Albion weekly paper 1822; edited it 1822–47; founded The Anglo-Saxon weekly paper at Boston 1847; published The European at Liverpool; British consul at Baltimore 1857. d. New Jersey 24 Aug. 1863 aged 73. BARTLETT, Lavinia Strickland. b. Preston Andover 27 Nov. 1806; a baptist 26 Oct. 1828; a teacher of the New Park st. chapel Sunday schools London 1859 to death. d. 2 Aug. 1875. Mrs. Bartlett and her class by her son E. H. Bartlett 1877, portrait. BARTLETT, Robert. b. Patcham near Brighton 1782; huntsman to the Brookside harriers, to Duke of Dorset’s hounds at Knowle in Kent, on the Duke’s death in 1815 they were sold to Charles Shard of Winkfield, Berks where Bartlett was huntsman several seasons; huntsman to Colonel Wyndham at Singleton, Sussex to 1825; whip to the Royal hounds 1825–53. d. near the royal kennels, Ascot Heath 12 Nov. 1856. BARTLETT, Rev. Symeon Taylor. Ed. at Clare coll. Cam., LL.B. 1840, LLD. 1846; R. of Everley, Wilts 1857 to death; edited BARTLETT, Thomas. b. 7 July 1818; worked under Thomas Brassey the railway contractor; constructed the Victor Emmanuel railway between France and Italy; executed works on Bilboa railway, Spain; invented an automatic tunnel boring machine, preceding in date that used in the Mont Cenis tunnel; A.I.C.E. 1845, M.I.C.E. 1852. d. Lisbon 23 July 1864. BARTLETT, Rev. Thomas. b. 1789; ed. at St. Edmund’s hall Ox.; B.A. 1813, M.A. 1816; R. of Kingstone, Kent 1816–51; R. of Chevening, Kent 1851–54; V. of Luton, Beds. 1854–57; R. of Burton Latimer 1857 to death; author of Memoir of Bishop Butler 1839; An index to Butler’s Analogy 1842, and of many pamphlets, letters and sermons maintaining evangelical tenets. d. Burton Latimer 28 May 1872. BARTLETT, William Henry. b. Kentish town, London 26 March 1809; articled to John Britton the architect 1822–29; made 6 journeys to the East 1834–54, and 4 journeys to America 1836–52; edited Sharpe’s London Magazine March 1849 to June 1852; author of Forty days in the desert on the track of the Israelites 1848 3 ed. 1849; The Nile boat, or glimpses of the land of Egypt 1849 2 ed. 1850; Gleanings pictorial and antiquarian on the overland route 1851. (m. 6 July 1831 Susanna Moon, she was granted a civil list pension of £75 4 Oct. 1858). d. on board French steamer Egyptus off Malta 13 Sep. 1854. bur. in the sea 14 Sep. Brief memoir by Wm. Beattie M.D. 1855, portrait; Notice by J. Britton in Art journal 1855, pp. 24–26, reprinted privately 1855. BARTLEY, George (younger son of Mr. Bartley, box-keeper of the Bath theatre). b. Bath 1782; a strolling player; made his dÉbut in London at Drury Lane as Orlando in As you like it 18 Dec. 1802; joined Incledon in his entertainment at the Lyceum theatre called A voyage to India 24 April 1807; manager at Glasgow theatre 1809–11, also at Dundee and Perth; made his dÉbut in New York as Falstaff 18 Nov. 1818; played at Covent Garden and Lyceum; stage manager of former house about 1830–40; took his farewell of the stage at Princess’s theatre 18 Dec. 1852. d. 11 Woburn sq., London 22 July 1858. bur. in St Mary’s churchyard Oxford 30 July. Metropolitan Mag. xvii, 366–69 (1836); I.L.N. i, 405 (1842), portrait xxii, 141 (1853), portrait. BARTON, Ezekiel. Entered Bengal army 1799; col. 71 N.I. 11 March 1841 to 8 Feb. 1843; col. 46 N.I. 8 Feb. 1843 to death; L.G. 11 Nov. 1851. d. Irthlingborough house near Higham Ferrers 4 June 1855 aged 73. BARTON, Ralph. Entered navy 2 March 1812; captain 9 Nov. 1846; retired admiral 1 Aug. 1877. d. South hill cottage, Southport 14 Jany, 1881 aged 83. BARTON, Richard Bolton (eld. son of John Barton of Dublin). b. 1819; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1844, LLD. 1868; barrister G.I. 30 Jany. 1850; went to India about 1855; chief magistrate, coroner and chief comr. of insolvency at Bombay. d. Stour lodge, Bradfield Essex 27 Dec. 1882. BARTON, Sir Robert (5 son of Wm. Barton of Grove, co. Tipperary). b. Fethard, co. Tipperary 1770; volunteer in French national guard 1790; major 2 life guards 14 June 1805 to 28 April 1814; major 60 foot 28 April 1814 to 25 March 1816 when placed on h.p.; general 11 Nov. 1851; K.C.H. 1 March 1837. d. 2 Montague place, Montague sq. London 17 March 1853. BARTON, Samuel. b. 23 April 1789; pupil of Abernethy at St. Bartholomew’s hospital; surgeon at Manchester 1811; surgeon to the Eye hospital 1815; made a splendid collection of pictures and engravings. d. Whalley Range near Manchester 18 April 1871. Personalty sworn under £100,000 May 1871. BARTON, William Henry (eld son of Sir John Barton, treasurer to Queen Adelaide, he d. 25 Aug. 1834 aged 63). b. 1802; connected with the Mint 38 years; deputy master and comptroller 1851 to death. d. the Cottage, Bushey park, Teddington 25 Aug. 1868. BARTON, William Whittle. b. Liverpool; pastor of Methodist new connexion at Rochdale, the chapel in Zachary Rochdale was opened 2 June 1822; town surveyor of Rochdale 1818–58. d. 1859. BARWELL, Louisa Mary (dau. of Richard Mackenzie Bacon of Norwich, journalist 1775–1844). b. parish of St. Peter, Mancroft, Norwich 4 March 1800; assisted her father to edit Quarterly Musical Magazine 1818; contributed frequently to Quarterly journal of Education from about 1831; great friend of Lady Noel Byron; author of Little lessons for BASDEN, James Lewis. Ensign Scotch brigade 12 Jany. 1800; lieut. col. 89th foot 6 July 1838 to 16 June 1843 when he retired on full pay; C.B. 26 Dec. 1818. d. Newton villa, Westbourne grove, London 22 May 1856. BASEVI, James Palladio (son of George Basevi of London, architect 1794–1845). b. 23 Feb. 1832; ed. at Rugby, Cheltenham and Addiscombe; 2 lieut. R.E. 12 Dec. 1851, captain 15 Feb. 1861; assistant in great trigonometrical survey of India 18 Jany. 1856, surveyor 1st grade 1 April 1866 to death. (m. Charlotte Louisa, she was granted a civil list pension of £100 29 April 1874). d. at east end of Changchenmo valley in the Himalayas 17 July 1871. Journal of Royal Geog. soc. xlii, 163–67 (1872); Monthly notices of Royal astron. soc. xxxii, 109–11 (1872). BASHAM, William Richard. b. Diss, Norfolk 1804; clerk in a bank; studied at Westminster hospital; M.D. Edin. 1834; M.R.C.P. 1838, F.R.C.P. 1850, Censor 1864–66 and 1873 and Croonian lecturer 1864; phys. to Westminster hospital 1843, and lecturer on medicine 1849–71; author of On dropsy connected with disease of the kidneys 1858, 2 ed. 1862; Renal diseases 1870; Aids to the diagnosis of diseases of the kidneys 1872. d. 17 Chester st. Belgrave sq. 16 Oct. 1877. BASIRE, James. b. 1796; engraver; engraved some pretty plates of Sussex country houses. d. London 17 May 1869. BASS, Charles (first cousin to Wm. Evans Burton the comedian). b. London 5 March 1803; manager of Caledonian theatre Edinburgh about 1829; acted at the old Park theatre New York 1844–45; director of the American Dramatic fund; resided at Hamilton, Upper Canada; published Lectures on Canada 1863. d. Hamilton 5 May 1863. Morgan’s Bibliotheca Canadensis (1867) 20–21. BASS, Michael Thomas (eld. son of Michael Thomas Bass of Burton-on-Trent, brewer 1760–1827). b. Burton-on-Trent 6 July 1799; brewer at Burton; M.P. for Derby 1848–83; introduced and carried a bill by which house-holders might require street musicians to quit neighbourhood of their houses; built and BASSANO, Alfred. b. 25 June 1826; ensign 32 foot 3 April 1846; commanded the troops in China 28 July 1877 to 3 June 1878; M.G. 12 Dec. 1877; C.B. 24 May 1873. d. 2 Inverness place, Bayswater 12 Sep. 1882. BASSET, Frances Basset, Baroness. b. 30 April 1781; succeeded 5 Feb. 1835. d. Tehidy park, Redruth, Cornwall 22 Jany. 1855. BASTARD, James Stokes. 2 Lieut. R.A. 15 Nov. 1800; col. 9 Nov. 1846 to 20 June 1854; L.G. 24 Jany. 1857. d. Charlton 10 June 1871 aged 87. BATCHELDOR, Thomas (2 son of Robert Batcheldor of Cholesbury, Bucks, farmer). b. 23 July 1796; student of Gray’s Inn 14 Nov. 1827; practised as a conveyancer; registrar of Eton College 1827 to death; chapter clerk to dean and canons of Windsor 1843 to death; steward of the courts of Eton College; F.S.A. 21 June 1855. d. The Cloisters, Windsor Castle 24 July 1866. BATE, William Thornton (son of Wm. Bate, governor of Ascension island). b. 1820; ed. at royal naval college Portsmouth 1833–35; midshipman R.N. 1835; mate of the Blenheim 74 guns 19 March 1841; captain of the ActÆon surveying vessel 6 Feb. 1857 to death; F.R.A.S. 9 March 1849; killed at storming of Canton 29 Dec. 1857. Memoir by Rev. John Baillie, 3 ed. 1862, portrait. BATEMAN, Charles Philip Butler (son of Nathaniel Bateman, Captain R.N.) b. Wormley Herts 1776; Captain R.N. 25 Sep. 1806; Admiral on h.p. 18 June 1857. d. Corston near Bath 23 Nov. 1857. BATEMAN, Colthurst. b. 2 Oct. 1780; sheriff of co. Kerry 1832–40. d. Sherborne 2 Aug. 1859. BATEMAN, Hezekiah Linthicum. b. Baltimore 6 Dec. 1812; an actor 1832; played in the leading juvenile business; manager of the St. Louis theatre 1855–59; first appeared in England at Adelphi theatre, London 12 June 1865 as David of Ruthin in Geraldine; lessee of Lyceum theatre, London 11 Sep. BATEMAN, James. b. Lancaster 9 Oct. 1805; entered Society of Jesus at Mont-Rouge, France 7 Sep. 1826; ordained priest 24 Sep. 1836; a Spiritual Coadjutor 2 Feb. 1845; rector of St. Aloysius’ college Lancs. 13 March 1858 to Nov. 1861; missioner at Blackpool 1865, at Bournemouth 1874 and at Newhall 1877 to death. d. Newhall 17 June 1879. BATEMAN, John. b. 1792; Sheriff of Kerry 1820; M.P. for Tralee 7 Aug. 1837 to 12 March 1838. d. 1863. BATEMAN, Joseph (son of William Bateman of Selby, sailor). b. Selby 4 March 1797; clerk in Board of Excise, London 1829–46; assistant solicitor to the Excise 4 July 1846 to 6 Jany. 1849 when department of stamps and taxes was amalgamated with the Excise; barrister L.I. 27 Jany. 1847; author of The general turnpike acts 1828, 4 ed. 1852; Precedents of private acts of Parliament 1829; A practical treatise on the law of auctions 1838, 6 ed. 1882; The laws of Excise 1843, 3 ed. 1865. d. Walthamstow, Essex 10 Nov. 1863. BATEMAN, Sidney Frances (dau. of Joseph Cowell of New York, comedian 1792–1863). b. New York 29 March 1823; author of a drama called ‘Self’ produced at People’s Theatre St. Louis 6 April 1857; Geraldine or the master passion produced at Philadelphia 1859, afterwards at Adelphi theatre London 12 June 1865; lessee of Lyceum theatre 22 March 1875 to Aug. 1878, of Sadlers Wells theatre 1879 to death, rebuilt the interior and opened it 9 Oct. 1879. (m. 10 Nov. 1839 Hezekiah Linthicum Bateman). d. Taviton st. Gordon sq. London 13 Jany. 1881. BATEMAN, Thomas (only child of Wm. Bateman of Middleton by Youlgreave, Derbyshire 1787–1835). b. Rowsley 8 Nov. 1821; made an extensive series of excavations in the tumuli of Yorkshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire; fellow of Ethnological society; author of Vestiges of the antiquities of Derbyshire 1848; Ten years diggings in Celtic and Saxon grave-hills 1861; contributed largely to antiquarian periodicals. d. Lomberdale house near Bakewell BATEMAN, Thomas Hudson. Barrister M.T. 24 Nov. 1815; comr. of bankrupts for Halifax; judge of borough court, Lancaster. d. 1881. BATEMAN, Thomas Osborne (4 son of Richard Bateman, sheriff of Derbyshire who d. 1821). b. Foston hall, Derbyshire 1 March 1809; ed. at Newark gr. sch., Harrow and St. John’s coll. Cam.; B.A. 1834; student at Lincoln’s Inn; restored ancient stained glass windows in Morley church 1847; bought Hartington hall Derbyshire from Duke of Devonshire 1857; built mansion of Breadsall Mount 1864; author of many pamphlets and letters. d. 14 Jany. 1874. Reliquary xv, 97–101 (1875). BATES, Rev. John Ellison. Ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox.; student of Ch. Ch.; rowed No. 3 in Oxford boat against Cambridge 1829; B.A. 1831, M.A. 1833; P.C. of Ch. Ch. Litherland Jany. 1842; P.C. of Ch. Ch. Hougham in Dover 1844 to death. d. Priory Gate 17 Feb. 1856. BATES, Joshua (only son of Colonel Joshua Bates of Weymouth near Boston U.S.) b. Weymouth 1788; merchant at Boston 1809–12; sent to London 1812 by W. R. Gray of Boston, largest shipowner in America; banker with John Baring in London 1826–28 when they became partners in bank of Baring brothers; naturalised by private act of parliament 5 and 6 Vict. c. 49.; gave sum of 50,000 dollars to Boston public library 1852, also nearly 27,000 books, library was opened 1854 and the large hall named after him, the Bates hall. d. New lodge, Windsor Forest 24 Sep. 1864. Personalty sworn under £600,000 Jany. 1865. BATES, Thomas. b. 1810; ed. at Jesus coll. Cam., 8 Wrangler 1834; fellow of his college; barrister L.I. 3 May 1839. d. Heddon, Northumberland 30 Jany. 1882. BATES, Rev. William (4 son of John Moore Bates of Heddon, Northumberland). Ed. at Ch. coll. Cam., B.A. 1836, M.A. 1839, B.D. 1847, D.D. 1858; fellow, dean, lecturer and tutor of his college; R. of Burnham Westgate, Norfolk 1849 to death; author of College lectures on ecclesiastical history 1844, 2 ed. 1848; College lectures on Christian antiquities and the ritual of the English church 1845, 2 ed. 1852. d. Burnham rectory 22 Nov. 1877. BATESON, Sir Robert, 1 Baronet (only son of Thomas Bateson 1752–1811). b. 13 March 1780; sheriff of county Down 1809; created a baronet 18 Dec. 1818; M.P. for Londonderry 16 Aug. 1830 to May 1842. d. Belvoir park, Belfast 21 April 1863. BATESON, Sir Robert Harvey, 2 Baronet. b. 1787; succeeded his uncle 1825. d. Castruse, co. Donegal 15 April 1870. BATESON, Rev. William Henry (son of Richard Bateson of Liverpool, merchant). b. Liverpool 3 June 1812; ed. at Shrewsbury and St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1836, M.A. 1839, B.D. 1846, D.D. 1857; fellow of his college Feb. 1837, senior bursar 1846 to 2 Feb. 1857, master 2 Feb. 1857 to death; V. of Madingley, Cambs. 1843–47; public orator 26 Oct. 1848 to 2 Feb. 1857; sec. of a commission to inquire into state of Univ. of Cam. 1850; vice chancellor 1858. d. St. John’s college lodge, Cambridge 27 March 1881. The Eagle, No. lxv, (1881); Cambridge Review ii, 258 (1881). BATHER, Lucy Elizabeth (dau. of Right Rev. Charles James Blomfield 1786–1857 bishop of London). b. Fulham 31 March 1836; author of Footprints on the sands of time, Biographies for young people 1860 and a number of stories for children under pseudonym of Aunt Lucy. (m. 29 Aug. 1861 Arthur Henry Bather of Meole Brace, Shropshire). d. The hall Meole Brace 5 Sep. 1864. BATHGATE, Rev. William (youngest son of Wm. Bathgate of Buckholmside, Galashiels, engineer). b. Buckholmside 28 Sep. 1820; studied at Glasgow Univ. and Theological academy 1840–44; expelled from the academy May 1844 for opinions supposed to be heretical; minister of Independent church at Stair 6 Dec. 1844, of Bridgeton church Glasgow 1846, of church at Ayr 1847, of church at Forres 1849, of Evangelical Union church Clerk’s lane, Kilmarnock Aug. 1847 to Nov. 1860 and of Winton place ch. Kilmarnock BATHURST, Henry George Bathurst, 4 Earl (eld. child of Henry Bathurst, 3 Earl Bathurst 1762–1834). b. Apsley house, Piccadilly 24 Feb. 1790; comr. of the India board 1812–18; M.P. for Weobley 15 Jany. 1812 to 29 Sep. 1812 and for Cirencester 12 Oct. 1812 to 27 July 1834, when he succeeded as 4 Earl. d. Cirencester 25 May 1866. BATHURST, William Lennox Bathurst, 5 Earl. b. George st. Westminster 14 Feb. 1791; ed. at Eton and All Souls coll. Ox., B.A. 1812, M.A. 1817; fellow of All Souls college 1812; M.P. for Weobley 1812–16; barrister L.I. 6 Feb. 1821; joint sec. to Privy Council 1827–60; succeeded his brother as 5 Earl 25 May 1866. d. 38 Half Moon st. Piccadilly 24 Feb. 1878. I.L.N. lxxii, 245 (1878), portrait. BATHURST, Rev. William Hiley. b. 28 Aug. 1796; author of Roman antiquities found at Lydney park, Gloucestershire 1879. d. Lydney park 25 Nov. 1877. BATTERSBY, George (eld. son of Thomas Battersby of Newcastle, co. Meath 1767–1839). b. 8 Sep. 1802; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1824, LL.B. and LLD. 1832; called to Irish bar 1826; Q.C. 2 Nov. 1844, bencher of King’s Inns 1861; judge of Consistorial court of Dublin 1862–67, and of Provincial court of Dublin 1867–71; chancellor of archdiocese of Dublin 1871 to death, d. 20 Lower Leeson st. Dublin 9 June 1880. BATTHYANY, Gustavus Theodore Anthony, Count. b. Hungary 8 Dec. 1803; naturalised in England by private act of parliament 1 and 2 Vict. cap. 48 (1838); won the Derby with Galopin 1875. d. in the grand stand at Newmarket 25 April 1883. bur. Highland road cemetery Portsmouth 2 May. Graphic xxvii, 477 (1883), portrait; I.L.N. lxxxii, 432 (1883), portrait; Baily’s Mag. xl, 371–72 (1883). BATTINE, William. Lieut. col. Bengal artillery 1 Dec. 1834, colonel 6 July 1843 to death; M.G. 23 Nov. 1841; commander at Barrackpore 26 April 1850 to death; C.B. 20 July 1838. d. Lahore 21 July 1851 aged 63. BATTY, George. Proprietor of a menagerie, retired about 1859; lived in Jersey. d. Raune, France 5 June 1867 aged 64. BATTY, William (only brother of the preceding). Proprietor of a large circus with which he travelled all over Great Britain and Ireland; converted Lambeth baths, London, into a circus which he opened Nov. 1841 as the Olympic Arena; opened the Surrey theatre Whitsuntide 1842; rebuilt Astley’s and opened it 17 April 1843, lessee 1843–55 and 1861–62. d. Neville lodge, Grove end road, St. John’s Wood 7 Feb. 1868 in 68 year. H. Valentine’s Behind the curtain (1848) 73–76; I.L.N. ii, 222 (1843). BATTYE, James. b. Huddersfield 1803; composer of glees and anthems; published a set of Twelve glees 1854. d. Huddersfield 10 Oct. 1858. BATTYE, Wigram (8 son of George Wyngard Battye of Bengal civil service). b. Kensington, London 13 May 1842; ensign 6 Bengal European regiment 1859; wing officer, adjutant and commandant of cavalry of the Corps of Guides successively 1863 to death; accompanied as a noncombatant the army led by Crown prince of Germany against the French 1870; killed at Futtehabad, Afghanistan when leading the Guides against the Kugiani Afghans 31 March 1879. S. H. Shadbolt’s Afghan campaigns (1882) 12–14, portrait. BAUDERET, Francis Henry Abram. Master of Brooks’s club London 50 years. d. Brooks’s club 31 Jany. 1880 in 83 year. BAUGH, Thomas Folliot. Entered navy 1784; captain 21 Oct. 1810, retired R.A. 1 Oct. 1846. d. 3 Higher Mount Radford terrace, Exeter 19 Aug. 1857 aged 84. BAUMANN, Jean FranÇois, b. Belgium; lived in London for 25 years before his death; the best player on the bassoon. d. Albert st. Regent’s park, London 25 Aug. 1856 aged 52. I.L.N. iv, 29 (1844), portrait. BAUMGARDT, John Gregory. Ensign 91 foot 1 Aug. 1798; lieut. col. of 31 foot 12 Jany. 1826 and of 2 foot 24 Dec. 1829 to 1 Jany. 1847; inspecting field officer of Bristol recruiting district 1 Jany. 1847 to 11 Nov. 1851; M.G. 11 Nov. 1851; C.B. 6 June 1840. d. Rue de L’Oratoire, Champs ElysÉes, Paris 7 May 1855 aged 72. BAXENDALE, Joseph (eld. son of Josiah Baxendale of Lancaster, surgeon who d. 1834). b. Lancaster Sep. 1785; partner in firm of Pickford & Co. carriers 1817 to death; chairman of South eastern railway to 1844; A.I.C.E. 8 Feb. 1839. d. Woodside, Whetstone, Middlesex 24 March 1872. BAXTER, Charles. b. Little Britain, London March 1809; a painter chiefly of miniatures and portraits; exhibited 45 pictures at the R.A, 1834–72; member of Society of British Artists 1842, exhibited 127 pictures there 1842–79. d. Lewisham 10 Jany. 1879. Art Journal (1864) 145–7, (1879) 73; I.L.N. lxxiv, 72 (1879), portrait. BAXTER, Crichton M. Poet, painter and chess problem composer; lived at Dundee. d. Feb. 1881. Chess problems by the late C. M. Baxter 1883, portrait. BAXTER, Sir David (2 son of Wm. Baxter of Balgavies, Forfarshire, export merchant). b. Dundee 13 Feb. 1793; partner in linen manufacturing firm of Baxter brothers 1825 which became one of largest houses in the world; purchased estates of Kilmaron 1856 and Balgavies 1863; created baronet 1 Jany. 1863; founded 4 scholarships in the Univ. of Edin. and a chair of engineering which he endowed with sum of £6,000; gave with his sisters Eleanor and Mary Ann the Baxter park to Dundee opened 9 Sep. 1863. d. Kilmaron castle 13 Oct. 1872. Personalty BAXTER, Edward. Merchant at Manchester; took a prominent part in every movement in favour of popular rights; brought up the great Manchester address on the Reform bill to Lord Grey; offered the first seat in Parliament for new borough of Manchester but declined; retired from business about 1834. d. 27 July 1856 aged 77. BAXTER, Edward (eld. son of Wm. Baxter of Balgavies, export merchant). b. 3 April 1791; partner with his father about 1813–26; export merchant at Dundee 1826 to death; vice consul for the U.S. at Dundee 9 Oct. 1818; dean of guild 1831; one of the merchant princes of Dundee. d. Kincaldrum, Forfarshire 26 July 1870. W. Norrie’s Dundee Celebrities (1873) 368–74. BAXTER, Evan Buchanan (son of James Baxter, director of the English school at St. Petersburg). b. St. Petersburg 1844; ed. at King’s college London; gained an open scholarship at Lincoln coll. Ox. 1862; became a positivist; entered medical department of King’s college London Oct. 1864; L.S.A. 1868, M.R.C.S. 1869; house phys. King’s college hospital 1868–69, and Sambrooke medical registrar 1870–71; B.A. London 1865, M.B. 1869, M.D. 1870; medical tutor at King’s college 1871–74, and professor of materia medica and therapeutics 1874–84; M.R.C.P. 1872, F.R.C.P. 1877; phys. to Royal free hospital 1881; translated for the New Sydenham Society, Rindfleisch’s Pathological histology 2 vols. 1872–73; edited Garrod’s Essentials of materia medica 4 ed. 1874. d. 28 Weymouth st. Portland place, London 14 Jany, 1885. Lancet 24 Jany. 1885 p. 181. BAXTER, Francis Willoughby (younger son of Wm. Edward Baxter of Dundee, merchant). b. Dundee; partner in mercantile firm of Guthrie and Baxter; contributed to Tait’s Magazine and other periodicals; edited the Dundee Advertiser; author of Percy Lockhart or the hidden will 2 vols. 1872. d. Broughty Ferry, near Dundee June 1870 aged 64. W. Norrie’s Dundee Celebrities (1873) 358–60. BAXTER, George (2 son of John Baxter of Lewes 1781–1858). A wood engraver in London; invented oil colour picture printing 1836, employed 20 different blocks in some of the illustrations to the “Pictorial Album” 1836. d. The Retreat Sydenham 11 Jany. 1867 aged 62. BAXTER, John. b. Rickhurst Surrey 21 Oct. 1781; printer and publisher at Lewes down to Jany. 1858; the first printer in England who used the inking roller; made paper from the common nettle; published Library of practical agriculture 1846, 4 ed. 2 vols. 1851; wrote first book laying down rules of cricket published as Lambert’s Cricketer’s Guide; established Sussex Agricultural Express 1837. d. Lewes 12 Nov. 1858. M. A. Lower’s Worthies of Sussex (1865) 283–84, portrait. BAXTER, John Boyd (son of Wm. Baxter of Balgavies, merchant). b. 1796; pres. of general council of procurators for Scotland several times; dean of faculty of procurators and solicitors at Dundee 1825 to death. d. Craig Tay, Dundee 4 Aug. 1882. BAXTER, Mary Ann. Gave with the preceding in 1881 sum of £130,000 for founding a college in Dundee which was opened 5 Oct. 1883. d. Ellangowan, Dundee 19 Dec. 1884. Personalty amounted to upwards of £283,000. BAXTER, Robert Dudley (eld. son of Robert Baxter of Westminster, solicitor). b. Doncaster 3 Feb. 1827; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1849, M.A. 1852; admitted a solicitor 1852; partner in firm of Baxter, Rose and Norton, Westminster; A.I.C.E. 4 Dec. 1866; author of The national income 1868; The taxation of the United Kingdom 1869; English parties and conservatism 1870; The national debts of the various states of the world 1871. d. 13 Oak hill, Frognal, Hampstead 20 May 1875. Min. of Proc. of instit. of C.E. xlii, 259–61 (1875); I.L.N. lxvi, 547 (1875), portrait. BAXTER, William. Curator of botanic garden at Oxford 1813–54; established a library for the use of Oxford gardeners; F.L.S. 1817; author of British phÆnogamous botany, or figures and descriptions of the genera of British flowering plants 6 vols. 1834–43. d. Oxford 1 Nov. 1871 in 84 year. BAXTER, William Raleigh. L.R.C.S. 1840, LLD. Aberdeen 1843; senior surgeon Osmanli horse artillery 1854; volunteer surgeon major in French army at Constantinople; author of A treatise on certain abnormal sounds of the heart; A handbook of chemistry 1851; edited Medical Record. d. Emsworth, Hants 26 Oct. 1875 aged 63. BAYLEE, Rev. Joseph. Ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin; B.A. 1834, M.A. 1848, B.D. and D.D. 1852; P.C. of Holy Trinity, Birkenhead, Liverpool 1842–64; founder of St. Aidan’s theological college Birkenhead 1846, and principal 1846–69, present college building opened 1856; V. of Shepscombe, Gloucs. 1871 to death; author of The institutions of the Church of England are of divine origin, 3 ed. 1838; Unitarianism a rejection of the word of God 1852; The intermediate state of the blessed dead 1864; Introduction to the study of the Bible 2 ed. 3 vols. 1870; The Apocalypse with an exegetical commentary 1876. d. Shepscombe vicarage 7 July 1883 in 76 year. BAYLEY, Charles John. Ed. at Eton and Trin. coll. Cam.; scholar 1839, B.A. 1839, M.A. 1844; barrister I.T. 26 Jany. 1844; colonial sec. of Mauritius 1849; governor of Bahama islands Feb. 1857 to 1864; C.B. 23 July 1862. d. 6 July 1873. BAYLEY, Sir Edward Clive (son of Edward Clive Bayley of St. Petersburg). b. St. Petersburg 17 Oct. 1821; entered Bengal civil service 1841; barrister M.T. 12 June 1857; sec. to government of India, home department March 1862 to 1872; vice chancellor of Univ. of Calcutta 1869–74; member of council of Governor general of India 19 April 1873 to April 1878 when he retired upon the annuity fund; pres. of Bengal Asiatic Society 5 times, and of Royal Asiatic Society 3 years; K.C.S.I. 1 Jany. 1877. (m. 6 March 1850 Emily Anne Theophila, eld. dau. of Sir Theophilus Metcalfe, Baronet). d. Wilmington lodge, Keymer Sussex 30 April 1884. Annual report of Royal Asiatic Society 1884. BAYLEY, Frederick William Naylor. b. Ireland; went to Barbadoes 1825, returned 1829; literary dramatic and musical critic on the Morning Post about 1831; started and edited the National Omnibus, a penny weekly paper; edited the Illustrated London News May 1842 to 1848; author of Four years residence in the West Indies 1830; Scenes and stories by a clergyman in debt 3 vols. 1835; Tales of the late revolutions 1831; issued a series of songs set to music under the title of The Nosegay BAYLEY, Henry Vincent (eld. son of Wm. Butterworth Bayley, who d. 29 May 1860 aged 78). b. 1815; ed. at Eton; entered Bengal civil service 1834; judge of high court of judicature at Calcutta 13 May 1862 to death. d. Calcutta 2 Feb. 1873. BAYLEY, John. b. Upper Green, Mitcham, Surrey 17 May 1794; a tailor there; a practice bowler at Lord’s cricket ground London 1823–54; played in many great matches; a slow round-armed bowler; lived at Mitcham all his life. d. Upper Green, Mitcham 7 Nov. 1874. BAYLEY, Sir John Edward George, 2 Baronet. b. London 23 Dec. 1793; barrister M.T. 6 May 1835; clerk of assize northern circuit 1836 to death; succeeded 10 Oct. 1841. d. Stanhope lodge, Kensington Gore, London 23 Dec. 1871. BAYLEY, John Whitcomb (2 son of John Bayley of Hempstead, Gloucs., farmer). A junior clerk in Record office, Tower of London, chief clerk 1819; sub-commissioner on the public records to May 1834; edited Calendars of the proceedings in Chancery in the reign of Queen Elizabeth 3 vols. fol. 1827–32, for which he received £2,739; student of Inner Temple Aug. 1815; author of History and antiquities of the Tower of London 2 parts 1821–25; F.S.A. 1819, F.R.S. 1823. d. Paris 25 March 1869. BAYLEY, Robert. Ed. at Highbury theological college; independent minister at Howard st. chapel Sheffield 1835–45, at Ratcliff Highway, London 1845–57 and at Hereford 1857 to death; started a monthly periodical called The people’s college journal 1846; author of A history of Louth; Nature considered as a revelation 1836; Lectures on the early history of the Christian church; A new concordance to the Hebrew Bible juxta editionem Hooghtianam. d. Hereford 14 Nov. 1859. BAYLEY, William. b. 1810; vicar choral at St. Paul’s and organist of St. John’s Southwark; composed some beautiful cavatinas including Softly ring ye gay bluebells and Come sister come. d. London Nov. 1858. BAYLIS, Alexander John. b. 1812; undersheriff of London 1846 and 1869; solicitor to Comrs. of Sewers Dec. 1862 to death, d. at an hotel near Redhill railway station 16 May 1882. BAYLIS, Charles Olives. b. Jany. 1815; M.R.C.S. Edin. 1837, F.S.A. 1839, M.R.C.S. England 1843; practised at Birkenhead; medical officer of health there 1866–73; medical officer for new combined district of West Kent 1873–83. d. 62 Windsor road, Southport, Lancs. 12 Dec. 1884. BAYLIS, Edward. Clerk in Alliance insurance office; founded between 1838 and 1854 a series of life offices all of which have disappeared except the English and Scottish Law office; went to Cape of Good Hope about 1859; author of The arithmetic of annuities and life assurances or compound interest simplified 1844. d. Cape of Good Hope 12 Sep. 1861 aged about 70. BAYLIS, Thomas Hutchinson (son of the preceding). Manager of the Trafalgar life insurance office 1850; founded Unity general life insurance office and the Unity bank about 1852, manager of them both to Oct. 1856; founded British foreign and colonial insurance association 1857 and the Consols life association 1858; invented the Positive life assurance, an ingenious form of life policy 1869. d. 17 Vere St. Cavendish sq. 17 Nov. 1876 aged 53. BAYLY, Sir Henry (2 son of Zachary Bayly of Bideford). b. Bath 1790; ensign 51 foot 30 April 1807; captain 24 April 1817 to 15 Aug. 1826 when placed on h.p.; K.H. 1835; knighted by the Queen at St. James’s palace 18 July 1838. d. Burly, Lyme Regis, Dorset 31 Jany. 1867. BAYLY, Thomas Davis (4 son of Charles Bayly of Frome Selwood, Somerset, solicitor). b. 1805; barrister G.I. 27 Jany. 1836; comr. in Court of bankruptcy Dorset and Somerset 1838–43; bencher of his inn 1 March 1875. d. 20 Aug. 1879. BAYNES, Edwin Donald. b. 1828; colonial sec. and treasurer of Montserrat 1850–54; colonial sec. of Antigua 1863; acting lieut. governor of Dominica 1871; colonial sec. of Leeward islands, and pres. of Antigua 1872; lieut. governor of Leeward islands 1876–84; C.M.G. 1877. d. St. John’s, Antigua 1 Nov. 1884 in 57 year. BAYNES, Sir Robert Lambert (youngest son of Thomas Baynes, commander R.N. who d. 1818). b. 1796; entered navy 19 April 1810; captain 8 July 1828; commander in chief on Pacific station 8 July 1857 to 5 May 1860; admiral 5 May 1865; C.B. 13 Nov. 1827, K.C.B. 18 May 1860. (m. 8 July 1846 Frances 4 dau. of Thomas Denman 1 Baron Denman she was b. 17 Sep. 1812). d. Upper Norwood 7 Sep. 1869. BAYNES, Simcoe. Midshipman R.N. 1810; ensign royal Corsican rangers 24 June 1812; lieut. col. royal Malta fencible regiment 23 July 1852 to 26 Oct. 1858; colonel 35 foot 27 March 1863 to death; general 14 Dec. 1873. d. Tarxien Malta 10 Sep. 1875 aged 77. BAYNES, Sir William, 2 Baronet. b. 28 Nov. 1789; succeeded 16 March 1837. d. 25 Portland place London 1 Jany. 1866. BAYNING, Rev. Henry William Powlett, 3 Baron. b. London 8 June 1797; ed. at Eton and St. John’s coll. Cam.; succeeded 2 Aug. 1823. d. Honingham hall near Norwich 5 Aug. 1866. BAYS, Peter Payne. b. Cambridge; a sailing master in the merchant service; a schoolmaster at Cambridge; auditor of Cambridge Union; author of A narrative of the wreck of the Minerva whaler of Port Jackson 1831. d. New York 7 Feb. 1864 aged 80. BAZLEY, Sir Thomas (eld. son of Thomas Bazley of Gilnow near Bolton, Lancs. 1773–1845). b. Gilnow 27 May 1797; ed. at Bolton gr. sch.; cotton spinner and merchant at Bolton 1818–26 when he removed to Manchester, retired from business 1862; member of the Anti-Corn Law Assoc. and of the Council of the League; director of Manchester Chamber of Commerce, vice pres., BEACH, Sir Michael Hicks, 8 Baronet, b. Netheravon house, Wilts 25 Oct. 1809; succeeded 23 Oct. 1834; lieut. col. of North Gloucester militia 10 Feb. 1844 to death; M.P. for East Gloucs. 9 Jany. 1854 to death. d. Williamstrip park, Gloucs. 29 Nov. 1854. BEACH, William. b. 24 July 1783; M.P. for Malmesbury 13 Oct. 1812 to Feb. 1817. d. Oakley hall near Basingstoke 22 Nov. 1856. BEACONSFIELD, Benjamin Disraeli, 1 Earl of (eld. son of Isaac Disraeli of London 1766–1848). b. London 21 Dec. 1804; baptised in parish church of St. Andrew, Holborn 31 July 1817; articled to Wm. Stevens of 6 Frederick’s place Old Jewry, solicitor 10 Nov. 1821; student of Lincoln’s Inn 18 Nov. 1824 to 25 Nov. 1831; M.P. for Maidstone 1837–1841, for Shrewsbury 1841–1847 and for Bucks. 1847–1876; chancellor of the exchequer Feb. 1852 to Dec. 1852, Feb. 1858 to June 1859 and July 1866 to Feb. 1868; P.C. March 1852; introduced and carried Representation of the people act 1867; first lord of the Treasury 29 Feb. 1868 to 2 Dec. 1868 and 21 Feb. 1874 to 27 April 1880; lord rector of Glasgow University 1871–1875, installed 19 Nov. 1873; F.R.S. 10 Feb. 1876; lord privy seal 12 Aug. 1876 to Feb. 1878; created Earl of Beaconsfield and Viscount Hughenden of Hughenden Manor, Bucks. 21 Aug. 1876; first British plenipotentiary at Berlin congress 13 June to 13 July 1878; K.G. 22 July 1878; admitted to freedom of City of London 3 Aug. 1878; author of Vivian Grey 4 vols. 1827; The young duke 3 vols. 1831; Alroy 3 vols. 1833; Contarini Fleming 1833; The Revolutionary Epick, a poem 1834; Henrietta Temple 3 vols. 1836; Venetia 3 vols. 1837; Alarcos a tragedy 1839 which was produced on the stage at Astley’s; Coningsby or the new generation 3 vols. 1844; Sybil or the two nations 3 vols. 1845; Tancred or the new crusade 3 vols. 1847; Political biography of Lord George Bentinck 1851; Lothair 3 vols. 1870; Endymion 3 vols. 1880. d. 19 Curzon st. Mayfair London 19 April 1881. bur. Hughenden churchyard 26 April. Maclise Portrait gallery by W. Bates (1883) 164–72, portrait; Lord Note.—He is the hero of ‘Vivian Grey’ the first edition of which novel has whole chapters not found in subsequent editions; he figures almost by name in Lady Bulwer Lytton’s novel “Behind the Scenes” 3 vols. 1854. His statue in Parliament sq. was unveiled 19 April 1883, Primrose day. BEACONSFIELD, Mary Anne Disraeli, Viscountess (only dau. of John Viney Evans, Captain R.N. of Branceford park, Devon). b. 1795. (m. (1) 1811 Wyndham Lewis, M.P. for Maidstone who d. 14 March 1838, m. (2) 28 Aug. 1839 Benjamin Disraeli, 1 Earl of Beaconsfield). Created Viscountess Beaconsfield of Beaconsfield 30 Nov. 1868. d. Hughenden, Bucks 15 Dec. 1872. Heath’s Book of beauty 1841 p. 236, portrait. BEADON, Sir Cecil (youngest son of Richard Beadon who d. 6 April 1858 aged 76). b. Wells 1816; ed. at Eton and Shrewsbury; under secretary to government of Bengal 1843 and secretary 1852; secretary to government of India home department 1854 and foreign department 1859; member of Governor general’s council 1860; lieutenant governor of Bengal 1862–1866; K.C.S.I. 24 May 1866. d. Latton, Wilts 18 July 1880. Fortnightly Review viii, 180–91 (1867). BEADON, Rev. Frederick (3 son of Rev. Edward Beadon, R. of North Stoneham, Hants who d. 17 Dec. 1810). b. London 6 Dec. 1777; ed. at Charter house and Trin. coll. Ox., B.A. 1800, M.A. 1804; R. of Weston-super-Mare 1801–11; preb. of Wells cathedral 26 May 1809, canon residentiary 1812–1875 and chancellor 13 Aug. 1823 to death; V. of Titley near Hereford 1811–1876; R. of Sulham, Berks 1814–1823; R. of North Stoneham Jany. 1811 to death. d. North Stoneham rectory 10 June 1879 aged 101 years and 6 months. Norman’s Memoir privately printed 1879; Graphic xx, 108 (1879), portrait. BEADON, William Frederick (eld. son of Richard Beadon who d. 6 April 1858). b. 1808; ed. at Eton and St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1829, M.A. 1833; barrister I.T. 1 May 1835; police magistrate at Wandsworth and Hammersmith 1847, and at Marlborough st. police court 1856 to death. d. Stratford place, Cavendish sq. 30 March 1862. BEAL, Abraham. b. Chatham about 1803; a great advocate of total abstinence; acquired title of “the Prisoner’s friend”; emigrated to the United States 1848; general agent of New York prison association 1863 to death; more than 10000 prisoners were released or pardoned through his active agency. d. Brooklyn New York 25 Feb. 1872. American Annual CyclopÆdia xii, 59–60 (1873). BEAL, Rev. William. b. Devonport 4 May 1785; Wesleyan minister 1808 to death; at Liskeard, Cornwall 1857 to death; the first Sunday school teacher in Cornwall; author of The fathers of the Wesley family and references to their times 1833, 2 ed. 1862; Britain and the Gael 1855 2 ed. 1860. d. Liskeard 18 June 1872. BEAL, Rev. William (eld. son of the preceding). b. Sheffield 9 Dec. 1815; ed. at King’s coll. London and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1841, LLD. Aberdeen 1845, F.S.A. 1850; head master of Tavistock gr. sch. 1837–47; V. of Brooke Norfolk 1847 to death; originated at Brooke the Parochial harvest home 1854; diocesan inspector of schools 1855 to death; edited the West of England magazine 1840–47; author of First book in chronology 1840; Church Unions 1848; Peoples Colleges 1851. d. Aigle, canton Vaud Switzerland 20 April 1870. BEALE, Lionel John. b. Falmouth Oct. 1796; M.R.C.S. 1815; practised in London about 1831 to death; medical officer of health to parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields 1856 to death; author of On spinal diseases 1830; The laws of health in relation to mind and body 1851; Health and longevity 1854; On personal and domestic hygiene 1855. d. 108 Long Acre London 23 June 1871. Medical Times and gazette ii, 24 (1871). BEALE, Samuel (son of William Beale of Camphill, Birmingham). b. Birmingham 1803; an iron master; M.P. for Derby 28 March 1857 to 6 July 1865; chairman of Midland railway 1858–1864. d. Warfield grove, Bracknell Berkshire 11 Sep. 1874. Personalty sworn under £350,000 Oct. 1874. BEALE, Thomas William. Clerk in office of Board of Revenue at Agra many years; author of Miftahu-t-Tawarikh or Key of history BEALE, William. b. Landrake Cornwall 1 Jany. 1784; a chorister of Westminster Abbey; Midshipman R.N.; member of Royal Society of Musicians 1 Dec. 1811; gained by his madrigal Awake sweet muse prize cup given by Madrigal Society 12 Jany. 1813; one of gentlemen of Chapel Royal 30 Jany. 1816 to 13 Dec. 1820; organist at Trinity college Cambridge 1 Nov. 1820 to Dec. 1821; organist of Wandsworth parish church 1822, afterwards of St. John’s church Clapham Rise; published A first book of madrigals, glees, &c. for 3, 4, and 5 voices 1815; Collection of glees and madrigals 1820. d. Paradise Row, Stockwell, London 3 May 1854. BEALE, William John (son of Wm. Beale of Camphill, Birmingham). Solicitor at Birmingham; legal adviser to Midland railway; chairman of orchestral committee of musical festivals 1870–76. d. Bryntirion near Dolgelly 21 May 1883 in 76 year. BEALES, Edmond (son of Samuel Pickering Beales of Newnham, Cambridge, merchant). b. Newnham 3 July 1803; ed. at Eton and Trin. coll. Cam., scholar, B.A. 1825, M.A. 1828; barrister M.T. 25 June 1830; revising barrister for Middlesex 1862–66; president of National league for independence of Poland 1863; chairman of the Circassian committee; pres. of Reform league 1865 to 10 March 1869, league was dissolved 13 March 1869; contested Tower Hamlets Nov. 1868; judge of county courts for Beds. and Cambs. 17 Sep. 1870 to death. d. Osborne house Bolton gardens south, Brompton 26 June 1881. Annual Register (1866) 98–102. BEAMAN, George. b. near London 1803; apprenticed to Mr. Holland of Knutsford, surgeon; L.S.A. and M.R.C.S. 1822, F.R.C.S. 1852; M.D. St. Andrews 1854; partner with Mr. Hewson, apothecary in James street, Covent Garden 1824; founded with Thomas Wakley, the new Equitable life assurance office; medical officer of London and South Western railway about 1840 to death; a leading general practitioner. d. 3 Caversham, road, Kentish Town 15 Jany. 1874. Medical times and gazette i, 142 (1874). BEAMES, Rev. Thomas. Educ. at Lincoln coll. Oxf., B.A. 1837, M.A. 1838; C. of St. Bride’s Fleet st. London 1844–46; C. of St. James’s Westminster 1846 to death; author of Rookeries of London 1850, 2 ed. 1852; Plea for educational reform 1856. d. Godolphin road, Shepherds Bush 6 Aug. 1864. BEAMISH, Francis Bernard (6 son of Wm. Beamish of Cork, porter brewer 1760–1828). b. Beaumont near Cork 5 April 1802; ed. at Rugby; M.P. for Cork 1837–1841, and 1853 to 1865; mayor of Cork 1843, sheriff of co. Cork 1852; chairman of Reform club London to death. d. Totnes, Devon 1 Feb. 1868. BEAMISH, Rev. Henry Hamilton. Minister of Holy Trinity chapel, Conduit st. London 1832–62; V. of Old Cleeve, Somerset 1862–65; V. of Wimbish 1865–69; R. of Lillingstone Dayrell, Bucks 1869 to death; author of Romanism and Tractarianism refuted 1853; Lectures, Who is Antichrist 1854. d. Lillingstone Dayrell rectory 23 Feb. 1872. BEAMISH, North Ludlow (brother of Francis Bernard Beamish). b. 31 Dec. 1797; ed. at Sandhurst; cornet 4 dragoon guards 7 Nov. 1816, captain 1823–26 when placed on h.p.; F.R.S. 15 Nov. 1827; K.H. 1837; lieut. colonel in Hanoverian service 1852; sheriff of city of Cork 1855; author of Peace campaigns of a cornet [anon.] 3 vols. 1829; History of the King’s German legion 2 vols. 1832–37; The discovery of America by the Northmen in the tenth century 1841; On the uses and application of cavalry in war 1855. d. Ann Mount near Glanmire, Cork 27 April 1872. BEAMISH, Richard (brother of the preceding). b. 16 July 1798; ensign Coldstream Guards 1814–18 when placed on h.p.; assistant engineer on the Thames tunnel Aug. 1826 and resident engineer Dec. 1834 to Aug. 1836; engineer for Cork and other counties in Ireland 1828–34; resident engineer of Gloucester and forest of Dean railway to 1850; M.I.C.E. 27 Jany. 1829; F.R.S. 24 March 1836; author of Popular instruction on the calculation of probabilities translated from BEAMONT, Rev. William John (only son of Wm. Beamont of Warrington, solicitor). b. Warrington 16 Jany. 1828; ed. at Warrington, Eton and Trin. coll. Cam.; chancellor’s medallist 1850, B.A. 1850, M.A. 1853; fellow of his college 1852 to death; C. of St. John’s the Evangelist, Drury lane, London 1855; P.C. of St. Michael’s Cambridge 1857 to death; chief founder of Cambridge School of art 1858 and the Church Defence Association 1859; originator of the Church Congress 1861; author of Catherine the Egyptian slave 1852; Concise grammar of the Arabic language 1861; author with Rev. W. M. Campion of The prayer-book interleaved 1868, 7 ed. 1880. d. Trinity college, Cambridge 6 Aug. 1868. BEAN, William. Began riding with the Queen’s stag hounds 1792; a great steeplechase rider; rode 24 steeplechases and won 17 of them. d. Notting hill London about 31 March 1867 aged about 86. Scott and Sebright by the Druid (1885) 282–89; Illust. sporting news vi, 241 (1867), portrait. BEARD, Rev. John Relly. b. Southsea, Portsmouth 4 Aug. 1800; ed. at Unitarian college, York; minister at Salford, Manchester 1825; kept a school at Salford 1826; D.D. Univ. of Giessen 1838; minister at Strangeways, Manchester 1848–64; started a scheme for educating young men for home missions, which originated Unitarian home missionary board or college, of which he was the first principal; minister at Sale near Ashton-on-Mersey 1865–73; the first editor of the Christian Teacher 1835; started the Unitarian Herald; author of Voices of the church in reply to Dr. Strauss 1845; Historical and Artistic illustrations of the Trinity 1846; Illustrations of the divine in Christianity 1849; Latin dictionary 1854; Christ the interpreter of scripture 1865; Christian evidence, an antidote to materialism 1868; Autobiography of Satan 1872. d. Ashton upon Mersey 21 Nov. 1876. J. Evans’s Lancashire authors (1850) 13–17. BEARD, William (son of a farmer at Banwell, Somerset). b. Banwell 24 April 1772; a small farmer; dug out a cavern in Banwell hill and found many bones of the bear, buffalo, reindeer and wolf about 1826; let his land and spent all his time searching for bones; BEARDMORE, Nathaniel (2 son of Joshua Beardmore of Nottingham). b. Nottingham 19 March 1816; partner with James Meadows Rendel C.E. in London and Plymouth to 1848; took out a patent for piers and breakwaters 1848; one of the first hydraulic engineers; engineer to Public works loan comrs. and River Thames Conservancy board; M.I.C.E. 3 May 1842; F.R.A.S. 8 Jany. 1858; F.M.S. pres. 1861 and 1862; F.R.G.S. 1852; author of Manual of hydrology 1852, new ed. 1867, which became the text book of the profession for hydraulic engineering. d. Broxbourne, Herts. 24 Aug. 1872; Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxxvi, 256–64 (1873). BEARDMORE, William. b. Greenwich 6 May 1824; partner with Wm. Rigby in the Parkhead rolling mill and forge near Glasgow 1861–71, and partner with his brother 1871 to death, these works became largest of their kind in Scotland and achieved an European reputation; A.I.C.E. 6 March 1860; inventor and patentee. d. Brighton 11 Oct. 1877. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. li, 268–70 (1878). BEASLEY, Joseph Noble. b. 30 March 1832; lieut. col. Royal Irish Fusiliers 21 June 1880 to death. d. Ismaila, Egypt 20 Sep. 1882. BEATRICE, Mademoiselle, stage name of Marie Beatrice Binda (dau. of Chevalier Binda, British consul at Florence). b. Lucca, Italy 5 Aug. 1839; acted at Theatres de l’OdÉon and Vaudeville, Paris; made her dÉbut in London under name of Lucchesini at Haymarket theatre 3 Oct. 1864; played at Lyceum theatre 1865 and in the provinces 1866–68; organised a company 1870 with which she travelled to her death; played in London summers of 1872, 74, 75 and 78; produced and acted chief parts in Our Friends, The Sphinx, Frou-Frou and other translations from the French. d. 102 Earl’s Court road, London 22 Dec. 1878. bur. PÈre Lachaise cemetery Paris 2 Jany. 1879. The Stage i, 61, 63 (1874), portrait; Pascoe’s Dramatic list (1880) 388–90. BEATSON, Rev. Benjamin Wrigglesworth (son of Anby Beatson). b. 24 Jany. 1803; ed. at Merchant Taylors’ school and Pemb. coll. Cam., 16 wrangler 1825, B.A. 1825, M.A. 1828; fellow of his college 1827 to death; BEATSON, George Stewart (3 son of Henry Duncan Beatson of Campbelltown, Argyleshire). b. Greenock May 1814; ed. at Glasgow Univ., M.D. 1836; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1836; assistant surgeon army medical department 1838; surgeon general 1 May 1863; principal medical officer of British troops in India 1863–68 and 1871 to death; in charge of Royal Victoria hospital Netley 1868–71; honorary phys. to the Queen 13 March 1866; C.B. 2 June 1869. d. Knollswood, Simla 7 June 1874. I.L.N. lxv, 229 (1874), portrait. BEATSON, William Ferguson. b. about 1804; entered Bengal army 1820; served with British legion in Spain 1835–36; commander of the 10 regiment in Spain 13 July 1836; commanded the Nizam of Hyderabad’s division of cavalry to March 1851; organised a corps of 4000 Bashi Bazouks in Crimean war 1854–55, resigned command of the corps Sep. 1855; served in Indian mutiny 1857–58 when he raised and organised two regiments of cavalry in 6 months; M.G. 3 Oct. 1866; created a knight of San Fernando by Queen Regent of Spain. d. The vicarage New Swindon 4 Feb. 1872. Nolan’s Russian war ii, 753 (1857), portrait; The war department and the Bashi Bazouks by W. F. Beatson 1856, privately printed. BEATTIE, James. b. parish of Rayne, Scotland 27 Jany. 1781; a shoemaker at Gordonstown in Auchterless; conducted a school of from 30 to 40 pupils for 60 years for which he would never take any payment; known as “the Auchterless John Pounds” after the Portsmouth cobbler of that name who founded ragged schools and died 1839. d. Gordonstown July 1867. BEATTIE, Joseph Hamilton (son of George Beattie of North of Ireland, architect). b. 12 May 1808; assistant engineer on London and Southampton railway 1837; assistant engineer and locomotive superintendent of London and south western railway 1851 to death; took out many patents for improvements in railway rolling stock and effected great saving in consumption of fuel in working locomotives; M.I.C.E. 1 Dec. 1857. d. South Bank, Surbiton, Surrey 18 Oct. 1871. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxxiii, 204–206 (1872). BEATTY, George. Second lieutenant R.M. 16 May 1795, colonel commandant 12 Feb. 1842 to 9 Nov. 1846; general 20 June 1855. d. Dublin 27 June 1857 aged 79. BEATTY, Thomas Edward (son of John Beatty, M.D.) Ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin; M.D. Edin. 1820, M.R.C.S. Ireland 1821, F.R.C.S. 1824; master of South-Eastern Lying-in hospital, Dublin; professor of medical jurisprudence at Royal college of surgeons Dublin, pres. 1850; helped to found City of Dublin hospital 1832; pres. of Dublin Pathological Society 1859; fellow of King and Queen’s college of physicians 2 May 1862, pres. 1864–65; M.D. Dublin 1863. d. 3 May 1872. BEAUCHAMP, John Reginald Pyndar, 3 Earl (2 son of Wm. Lygon, 1 Earl Beauchamp 1747–1816). Assumed name of Pyndar 22 Oct. 1813; succeeded 12 May 1823. d. 37 Portman sq. London 22 Jany. 1853 in 71 year. BEAUCHAMP, Henry Beauchamp Lygon, 4 Earl (brother of the preceding). b. 5 Jany. 1784; cornet 13 Dragoons 9 July 1803; lieut. col. 1 Life Guards 17 July 1821 to 10 Jany. 1837; colonel 10 Hussars 23 June 1843 to death; general 20 June 1854; M.P. for Worcestershire 1816–1831 and for West Worcestershire 1832–1853; succeeded 22 Jany. 1853. d. Madresfield Court, Great Malvern 8 Sep. 1863. BEAUCLERK, Aubrey William. b. 20 Feb. 1801; M.P. for East Surrey 15 Dec. 1832 to 17 July 1837. d. Ardglass castle, co. Down 1 Feb. 1854. BEAUFORT, John Henry Somerset, 7 Duke of (eld. child of Henry Charles Somerset, 6 Duke of Beaufort 1766–1835). b. 5 Feb. 1792; cornet 10 Hussars 1811; aide de camp to BEAUFORT, Sir Francis (younger son of Rev. Daniel Augustus Beaufort 1739–1831, V. of Collon, co. Louth). b. Collon 1774; entered navy 21 June 1787; engaged in the action off Brest 1 June 1794; constructed with R. L. Edgeworth a telegraph from Dublin to Galway 1804; captain R.N. 30 May 1810; conducted survey of coast of Asia Minor 1810–12; granted pension for wounds 2 Dec. 1815, retired R.A. 1 Oct. 1846; F.R.S. 30 June 1814; one of founders of Royal Astronomical Society 1820 and of Royal Geographical Society 1830; corresponding member of Institute of France; hydrographer of the Admiralty July 1832 to 30 Jany. 1855; K.C.B. 27 April 1848; author of Karamania or a brief description of the south coast of Asia Minor 1817 which was the chief book of travels of its day. d. Hove near Brighton 17 Dec. 1857 in 84 year. H. Martineau’s Biographical sketches, 4 ed. (1876) 213–30; Quarterly Journal of Geological Soc. xiv, 47–54 (1858); Proc. of Royal Soc. ix, 524–27 (1858). BEAUFORT, Francis Lestock (son of the preceding). b. 1815; in Bengal civil service 1837–76 when he retired upon the annuity fund; judge of the 24 Purgunnahs beyond the suburbs of Calcutta 1863–76; author of Digest of the criminal law procedure in Bengal 1850. d. 1879. BEAUFOY, Henry Benjamin Hanbury (eld. son of Mark Beaufoy of London, astronomer 1764–1827). Established 4 scholarships at Univ. of Cam.; gave city of London school £10,000; erected at cost of £10,000 Lambeth Ragged schools opened 5 March 1851, and invested £4,000 in perpetual trust for their maintenance; formed a library of 25000 volumes; privately printed his father’s Nautical and hydraulic experiments 1834; F.R.S. 14 Dec. 1815, F.L.S. d. South Lambeth 12 July 1851 in 66 year. H. Mayhew’s Shops of London i, 7–12 (1865). BEAUMONT, Miles Thomas Stapleton, 8 Baron (eld. son of Thomas Stapleton of Carlton hall, Yorkshire 1778–1839). b. Richmond, Yorkshire 4 June 1805; fought a duel with major general Lorenzo Moore on Wimbledon Common 13 Feb. 1832 when he received a bullet in his breast which was never extracted; summoned to House of Lords by writ as one of the coheirs of barony of Beaumont 16 Oct. 1840; col. commandant of 4 West York Militia 18 May 1853 to death; author of Austria and Central Italy 1849; The late edict of Court of Rome; Lord Beaumont’s letter to Lord Zetland 1850, 7 ed. 1850. d. 17 Bruton St. Berkeley sq. London 16 Aug. 1854. BEAUMONT, Edward Blackett. b. 1802; F.R.S. 4 June 1835, F.R.A.S. d. 33 Norland sq. Notting hill, London 7 June 1878. BEAUMONT, Sir George Howland, 9 Baronet. b. Addington park, Surrey 12 Sep. 1828; succeeded 7 June 1845; sheriff of Leicestershire 1852. d. Cole Orton hall, Ashby-de-la-Zouch 8 June 1882. BEAUMONT, Rev. Joseph. b. Castle Donington, Leics. 19 March 1794; Wesleyan minister 1813 to death; minister in Edinburgh 1821–23 and 1833–35, in London 1831–32, 1836–38 and 1845–50, in Liverpool 1839–44; M.D. Edin. 1836; an eloquent and popular preacher; author of Memoir of Mrs. Mary Tatham 1838. d. in the pulpit of Waltham chapel, Hull 21 Jany. 1855. Life by his son Joseph Beaumont 1856, portrait; The lamps of the temple, 3 ed. 1856, 381–403. BEAUMONT, Thomas (brother of the preceding). b. 1 July 1795; L.S.A. 1822; surgeon at Bradford 1822 to death; pres. of Bradford Medical Association; alderman of Bradford; one of the founders of Bradford Temperance Society the first in England 2 Feb. 1830; author of An essay on the nature and properties of alcoholic liquors 1837. d. Bradford 16 Oct. 1859. BEAUMONT, William Rawlings. b. London 1803; studied at St. Bartholomews hospital and in Paris; M.R.C.S. 1826, F.R.C.S. 1844; surgeon to Islington dispensary; went to Toronto 1841; professor of surgery in Toronto Univ. 1843; surgeon to general hospital; M.D. Toronto 1850; emeritus professor of surgery in Trinity college; invented many surgical BEAUREGARD, Elizabeth, Countess de (dau. of Joseph Hargett). Known as Miss Howard; remarkable for her beauty; mistress of Louis Napoleon to 1853 when he created her Countess de Beauregard. (m. 16 May 1854 Clarence Trelawney, Hussar officer in the Austrian army, he was b. 20 Dec. 1826 and obtained a divorce in Court of appeal Paris Feb. 1865). d. Chateau of Beauregard near Versailles 20 Aug. 1865 aged 42. BEAVAN, Charles (son of Hugh Beavan of Llowes, Radnorshire). b. March 1805; ed. at Aldenham and Caius coll. Cam., 22 wrangler 1829; B.A. 1829, M.A. 1832; barrister M.T. 25 June 1830, bencher 6 May 1873; practised in Chancery courts; an official examiner of Court of Chancery June 1866 to Jany. 1884 when office abolished; author of Reports of cases in Chancery argued and determined in the Rolls Court 36 vols. 1840–69, being the longest series of authorized reports ever published. d. 91 St. George’s road, Pimlico, London 18 June 1884. Solicitor’s Journal xxviii, 173, 592, 601 (1884). BEAVAN, Edward (younger brother of the preceding). b. 1814; ed. at Hounslow; practised as special pleader; barrister M.T. 3 May 1844; recorder of Chester 1864–66. d. 15 Feb. 1870. BEAZLEY, Samuel (son of Samuel Beazley of Whitehall, London, army accoutrement maker). b. Whitehall 1786; served as a volunteer in the Peninsula; designed St. James’s, Lyceum and City of London theatres, also 2 theatres in Dublin, 2 in Belgium, 2 in India and 1 in Brazil; erected London Bridge railway station, most of the stations on North Kent line and Lord Warden hotel at Dover; wrote and arranged more than 100 dramatic pieces chiefly farces and short comedies; author of The RouÉ [anon.] 3 vols. 1828; The Oxonians, a glance at society 3 vols. 1830. d. Tunbridge Castle 12 Oct. 1851 in 66 year. Lord W. P. Lennox’s Celebrities, I have known, 2 series ii, 70–90 (1877); Lord W. P. Lennox’s Percy Hamilton 1851 in which he is drawn to the life. BECHER, Alexander Bridport (eld. son of Alexander Becher, captain R.N. who d. 1827). b. 12 June 1796; midshipman R.N. 28 Nov. 1812; captain on h.p. 20 March 1856, retired R.A. 11 June 1874; assistant in Hydrographic office 12 May 1823 to 1865, BECHER, Lady Eliza (eld. dau. of John O’Neill, stage manager of the Drogheda theatre). b. Drogheda 1791; made her dÉbut in Dublin at Crow street theatre as The widow Cheerly in the Soldier’s daughter 1811 and in London at Covent Garden theatre as Juliet 6 Oct. 1814; the favourite actress in London both in comedy and tragedy 1814–19; said to have made £12,000 a year; acted for the last time 13 July 1819. (m. 18 Dec. 1819 Wm. Wrixon, M.P. for Mallow, he was b. 31 July 1780, assumed name of Becher, was created a baronet 1831 and d. 23 Oct. 1850). d. Ballygiblin near Mallow 29 Oct. 1872. Mrs. C. B. Wilson’s Our actresses i, 33–74 (1844), portrait; Theatrical inquisitor vi, 243 (1815), portrait. BECHER, John Reid. b. 3 July 1819; 2 lieut. Bengal Engineers 6 March 1838; colonel 13 Oct. 1863; colonel commandant 15 Sep. 1881 to death; served in Afghan campaign 1842 and Sutlej campaign 1846; general 29 July 1878; C.B. 18 May 1860. d. Southampton 9 July 1884. BECHER, Martin William (son of Wm. Becher of Norfolk, farmer who d. 1816). b. Norfolk; served in the Store-keeper general’s department; an officer in Buckinghamshire yeomanry cavalry 1821; won the Northampton steeple chase 4 April 1834; beat the Marquis of Waterford in a match for 1000 guineas a side 1834; won the St. Albans steeple chase 1835 and 1836 and many other races; the best steeple chase rider in England. d. 21 Maida hill, St. John’s Wood, London 11 Oct. 1864 aged 67. Sporting Review lii, 400–404 (1864); Scott and Sebright by the Druid (1885) 292–303, portrait. BECK, Baroness Von, assumed name of Wilhelmina Racidula; passed herself off as a Hungarian exile who had rendered good service to the cause of independence; came to Birmingham with her secretary Constant Derra July 1851, where she was assisted by many of the Liberal leaders; arrested as an impostor and confined in Moor st. police court 29 Aug.; author of Personal adventures during BECK, Edward. Commanded a merchant ship; a slate merchant at Isleworth, Middlesex; constructed the great waterworks at Hampton; one of most successful growers of Pelargoniums in the kingdom, long unrivalled as an exhibitor; author of A treatise on the cultivation of the Pelargonium 1847; edited The florist and garden miscellany 4 vols. 1848–61. d. Worton cottage, Isleworth 15 Jany. 1861 aged 57. The Florist Feb. 1861, pp. 36–38. BECK, Richard. Manufacturing optician at 31 Cornhill, London; author of A treatise on the construction, proper use and capabilities of Smith, Beck and Beck’s achromatic microscopes 1865 and of 9 papers read before the Microscopical Society 1859–66. d. Stamford hill, London 30 Sep. 1866 aged nearly 39. BECK, Thomas Snow. b. Newcastle-upon-Tyne; ed. at gr. school there, and in Cumberland; apprenticed to a surgeon at Newcastle; student at Univ. college London 1836; M.R.C.S. 1839, F.R.C.S. 1847; walked the Paris hospitals 1839–40; visited universities of Switzerland, Italy and Germany 1840–41; M.D. London 1849; M.R.C.P. 1852; practised in London 1841; phys. to Farringdon general dispensary 1850; F.R.S. 5 June 1851, royal medallist 1845. d. 7 Portland place, London 6 Jany. 1877 aged 63. Medical Circular i, 209–211 (1852). BECKER, Carl Ludwig Christian. b. Ratzeburg in Mecklenberg Strelitz 16 July 1821; manager for Elliott brothers of London electrical engineers 1858; member of the firm 1873 to death; F.R.A.S. Jany. 1874. d. 55 St. Paul’s Road Canonbury 3 April 1875. BECKET, Thomas. M.R.C.S. 1794, F.R.C.S. 1843; surgeon 1 Foot Guards 8 July 1795 to 1809; surgeon to the Savoy 28 Sep. 1809. d. 5 Russell place, Fitzroy sq. London 21 July 1856 aged 82. BECKETT, Sir Edmund, 4 Baronet, b. Gledhow hall, Leeds 29 Jany 1787; M.P. for west riding Yorkshire 12 July 1841 to 23 BECKETT, John Staniforth (son of Joseph Beckett, of Barnsley 1751–1840). Presented a dispensary to Barnsley, to which he also left sum of £5000. d. Wombwell near Barnsley 9 Nov. 1868 in 75 year. Personalty sworn under £350,000 Jany. 1869. BECKETT, Sir Thomas, 3 Baronet. b. Leeds 1 Jany. 1779; succeeded 31 May 1847. d. Somerby park near Gainsborough 17 Nov. 1872. Personalty sworn under £350,000 March 1873. BECKETT, William (5 son of Sir John Beckett, 1 Baronet 1743–1826). b. Leeds 3 March 1784; principal partner in the eminent banking firm of Beckett and Co. of the Leeds “Old Bank”; M.P. for Leeds 1841 to 1852 and for Ripon 1852 to 1857. d. Brighton 26 Jany. 1863. Rev. R. V. Taylor’s Biographia Leodiensis (1865) 506–509. BECKWITH, John Charles (eld. child of John Beckwith of Halifax, Nova Scotia). b. Halifax 2 Oct. 1789; ensign 50 Foot 1803, exchanged into 95 Foot 1804, captain 1808 to 20 Jany. 1820 when placed on h.p.; served in Hanover, Denmark and Sweden, and in the Peninsula 1809–14; lost his left leg at Waterloo where 4 horses were killed under him 18 June 1815; C.B. 22 June 1815, M.G. 9 Nov. 1846; visited the Vaudois valleys Piedmont Oct. 1827 and 5 succeeding years, lived at St. Jean 1834–39 and at La Tour 1841–51, established 120 schools in the Vaudois valleys all of which he frequently inspected; knight of Sardinian order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus 15 Dec. 1848. (m. 20 June 1850 Caroline Volle of the Vaudois). d. La Tour 19 July 1862. bur. in the cemetery of Tour Pellice. General Beckwith, his life and labours among the Waldenses of Piedmont by J. P. Meille 1873. BECKWITH, Joseph. An early member of the Corresponding Society which was founded 1791; a contemporary of Hardy and Thelwall; lived in Clerkenwell nearly 60 years. d. 3 Dec. 1860 aged 84. BECKWITH, William (eld. son of Wm. Beckwith of Trimdon, co. Durham 1772–1847). b. 20 Aug. 1795; cornet 16 Dragoons 7 Jany. 1813; major 14 Dragoons 14 Feb. 1828 to 6 Dec. 1833 when placed on h.p.; colonel 15 BEDDOME, John Reynolds. M.R.C.S. 1811; M.D. Erlangen; surgeon at Romsey 1811 to death; mayor of Romsey 6 times, d. Romsey 26 Dec. 1859. I.L.N. xxxiv, 385 (1859), portrait. BEDFORD, Francis Russell, 7 Duke of (eld. child of John Russell 6 Duke of Bedford 1766–1839). b. 13 May 1788; ed. at Westminster and Trin. coll. Cam., M.A. 1808; M.P. for Beds. 1812 to 1832; summoned to House of Lords as Baron Howland 15 Jany. 1833; succeeded as 7 Duke 20 Oct. 1839; P.C. 6 July 1846; K.G. 26 March 1847; lord lieutenant of Beds. 29 Nov. 1859; high steward of Cambridge 1860; master of the Oakley hounds to 1828 when he sold the pack to Lord Southampton for £2,000, master again 1836–39. d. Woburn Abbey, Beds. 14 May 1861. Baily’s Mag. i, 57–59 (1860), portrait; Waagen’s Treasures of Art ii, 283–86, iii, 463–74 and iv. 331–37. BEDFORD, William Russell, 8 Duke of. b. Grosvenor square London 1 July 1809; M.P. for Tavistock 10 Dec. 1832 to 23 June 1841; succeeded 14 May 1861. d. 6 Belgrave sq. London 26 May 1872. Personalty sworn under £600,000 June 1872. I.L.N. lx, 555. 592, 623 (1872), portrait. BEDFORD, Francis. b. 1799; apprenticed to Finlay a bookbinder 1814; worked under Charles Lewis, foremost of English bookbinders; carried on business for benefit of Lewis’s widow; partner with John Clarke who was unrivalled in tree marbled calf; afterwards in business alone at 91 York st. Westminster; the best binder in England or perhaps Europe. d. 12 Coningham road, Shepherd’s Bush 8 June 1883. His library was sold by Sothebys 21, 22, 24 and 25 March 1884 for £4,876 16s. 6d. BEDFORD, George Augustus. b. 8 Feb. 1809; entered navy 23 Dec. 1823; Captain 2 Jan. 1854; retired V.A. 22 March 1876; F.R.G.S. 1859. d. The Elms, Sydenham hill 11 Feb. 1879. BEDFORD, Rev. John (son of John Bedford of Wakefield). b. Wakefield 27 July 1810; Wesleyan minister at Glasgow 1831; at Manchester 1855 to death; sec. to general chapel committee 1860–72; pres. of conference 1867; author of Correspondence with BEDFORD, Paul John. b. Bath 24 Jany. 1792; made his dÉbut on the stage at Bath 1815; acted in Ireland and Scotland; made his dÉbut in London at Drury Lane 2 Nov. 1824 as Hawthorn in opera of Love in a village; played at Adelphi theatre 1838–67; had one of the deepest and richest bass voices ever heard, his best parts were Blueskin in Jack Sheppard 1839, Jack Gong in The green bushes 1845 and the Kinchin cove in The flowers of the forest 1847; took his farewell of the stage at the Queen’s theatre 16 May 1868; sang at Weston’s Music hall London and The hall by the sea Margate 1869; author of Recollections and wanderings 1864; Drawing room dramas 1874. (m. (1) Miss Green of Dublin, an actress who d. April 1833 aged 32). (m. (2) Miss Verinder, a pianist and harpist, she d. 1864). d. Lindsey place, Chelsea 11 Jany. 1871. Theatrical times i, 129 (1847), portrait; Illust. sporting news ii, 180 (1863), portrait, v. 133 (1866), portrait. BEDINGFELD, Felix William George Richard (youngest son of Sir Richard Bedingfeld, 5 Baronet 1767–1829). b. 12 Aug. 1808; crown comr. of Turk’s Island in the Bahamas 1842–49; barrister L.I. 26 April 1849; master of supreme court of Trinidad 1849–54; colonial sec. for and member of council of Mauritius 1860–68; C.M.G. 1869. d. Pilgrim, Lymington, Hants. 7 Dec. 1884. BEDINGFELD, Sir Henry Richard Paston, 6 Baronet. b. Oxburgh, Norfolk 10 May 1800; succeeded 22 Nov. 1829. d. Oxburgh 4 Feb. 1862. BEDSON, George. b. Sutton Coldfield, Warwick 3 Nov. 1820; manager of business of Messrs. Johnson of Manchester 1851; manager of Bradford iron works 1858 to death; initiated and perfected many inventions in the iron and wire trades; propounded theory of continuous brakes for railway trains about 1864; lived at Bradford 1858–72 and 1882 to death, and at Marple, Cheshire 1872–82. d. Bradford house, Manchester 12 Dec. 1884. BEECH, Rev. Hugh. b. Chesterton, Staffs. 3 June 1787; Wesleyan minister 1811 to death, d. Cheedle, Staffs. 22 Feb. 1856. The good soldier, a memoir of Rev. Hugh Beech 1856. BEECHEY, Frederick William (2 son of Sir Wm. Beechey R.A. 1753–1839). b. 17 Feb. 1796; entered the navy 7 July 1806; went with Sir John Franklin to Spitzbergen on his first expedition 1818; with Edward Parry in the Hecla 1819; helped to survey north coast of Africa Nov. 1821 to July 1822; commanded the Blossom in the Pacific 1825–28; captain 8 May 1827; surveyed coast of Ireland 1837–47; superintendent marine department of Board of Trade 1850 to death; aide de camp to the Queen 18 July 1851 to 11 Sep. 1854; R.A. 11 Sep. 1854; F.R.G.S. 1833, pres. 1855 to death; F.R.S. 23 Dec. 1824, vice pres. 1854; author of Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Behring’s Strait 2 vols. 1831; A voyage of discovery towards the north pole 1843. d. 8 Westbourne crescent, Hyde Park, London 29 Nov. 1856. Proceedings of Royal Society viii, 283–87 (1856). BEECHEY, George D. (brother of the preceding). Portrait painter; exhibited 24 portraits at the R.A. 1817 to 1832; went to Calcutta about 1830; court painter and controller of the household to King of Oudh. (m. an Indian Lady called Hinda, whose portrait he sent to the R.A. 1822). Supposed to have died in India 1856. BEECHEY, Henry William (brother of the preceding). travelled with Belzoni in Egypt 1816–17; examined and reported on antiquities of the Cyrenaica for Colonial Office 1821–22; F.S.A. 1825; exhibited a picture at the R.A. 1829, and another at British Institution 1838; emigrated to New Zealand 1855; wrote a memoir of Sir Joshua Reynolds prefixed to his Literary works published in 2 vols. 1835 and reprinted 1852. Supposed to have died in New Zealand in or about 1870. BEECHING, James. b. Bexhill near Hastings 1788; apprenticed to a boat builder; boat builder at Great Yarmouth; introduced the handsome build of fishing vessel now used there; invented the self righting lifeboat for which he gained the prize of £105, 13 Aug. 1851 when 280 models were sent in from all parts of the world, his boat slightly modified BEECROFT, George Skirrow. b. Outwood house, Horsforth near Leeds 16 Nov. 1809; proprietor of Kirkstall forge near Leeds; M.P. for Leeds 5 June 1857 to 11 Nov. 1868; seconded address of House of Commons in reply to speech from the throne 3 Feb. 1859. d. 4 Gloucester terrace, Regent’s park, London 18 March 1869. I.L.N. xxxiv, 189 (1859), portrait. BEECROFT, John. Explored the Niger and other rivers falling into the Gulf of Guinea 1832 to death; governor of Fernando Po; consul general for West Africa 1850. d. Clarence, West coast of Africa 10 June 1854. BEER, John (eld. son of John Beer of Devonport, coal merchant), b. Devonport about Dec. 1806; solicitor at Devonport 1827 to death; clerk to the Devonport comrs. 1838–82; an able advocate, engaged in all the chief local trials; member of Devonport town council many years and mayor 1849 and 1850; recorder of Saltash 1871 to death, d. 2 Albemarle villas, Stoke 14 April 1883. BEER, Julius. b. Frankfort 1836; proprietor of The Observer London weekly paper 1870 to death; F.R.G.S. 1870. d. Mentone 29 Feb. 1880 in 44 year. bur. Highgate cemetery 8 March. Personalty sworn under £400,000 March 1880. BEETE, Robert Crosby. First puisne judge British Guiana 1853 to Jany. 1869 when he retired on a pension. d. Charing Cross hospital London 2 Nov. 1878 aged 68. BEETON, Samuel Orchart. Bookseller and publisher at 148 Fleet st. London; published the first English edition of Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852; went a voyage to America to present Mrs. Stowe with a voluntary payment of £500; published Beeton’s Christmas Annuals 1860–65; sold his stock and copyrights for £1,900 to Ward, Lock and Tyler Sep. 1866; a publisher again 1877 to death; author with Doughty and Emerson of The coming K. 1872; The Siliad 1873 and Jon Duan 1874. d. Sudbrook park, Richmond, Surrey 6 June 1877 aged 46. The law reports Equity cases xix, 207–22 (1875). BEEVOR, Sir Thomas Branthwayt, 3 Baronet, b. Old Buckenham, Norfolk 7 April 1798; succeeded 10 Dec. 1820. d. Yarmouth 6 April 1879. BEGBIE, James, b. Edinburgh 18 Dec. 1799; ed. at high school and Univ. of Edin.; M.D. 1821; F.R.C.S. Edin. 1822; F.R.C.P. Edin. 1847, pres. 1854–50; pres. of Medico Chirurgical Society 1850–52; one of Her Majesty’s physicians in ordinary in Scotland 6 June 1853; author of Contributions to practical medicine 1862, and of many papers in medical journals. d. 10 Charlotte sq. Edinburgh 26 Aug. 1869. Proc. of Royal Society of Edin. vii, 2–6 (1872). BEGBIE, James Warburton (2 son of the preceding). b. 19 Nov. 1826; ed. at Edinburgh academy and univ., M.D. 1847, LLD. Aug. 1875; pres. of Royal Medical Society 1847–49; practised at Edinburgh 1852; F.R.C.P. Edin. 1852; phys. to the Cholera hospital 1854; phys. to Royal Infirmary 1855–65, lectured on practice of physic there 10 winter sessions 1855–65; had the largest consulting physician’s practice in Scotland 1869 to death; author of A handy book of medical information and advice by a physician 1860, 2 ed. 1872; wrote 13 articles in J. R. Reynolds’s System of medicine 3 vols. 1871 and many reviews and notices in Edinburgh Medical Journal. d. 16 Great Stuart st. Edinburgh 25 Feb. 1876. Selections from the works of the late J. W. Begbie, edited by Dyce Duckworth, The New Sydenham Society London 1882, portrait. BEGG, Rev. James. b. Manse of New Monkland, Lanarkshire 31 Oct. 1808; ed. at Univ. of Glasgow, M.A.; licensed as a preacher June 1829; minister at Maxwelltown, Dumfries 18 May 1830; minister of Middle parish church Paisley 1831, and of Liberton near Edin. 25 June 1835 to 5 July 1843 when he was declared no longer a minister having joined in the Free Secession; minister of Newington Free church near Edin. 1843 to death; sent by his church to Canada on public duty 1844–45; moderator of Free general assembly 18 May 1865; a sum of £4,600 was presented to him by his friends 1875; author of Are you prepared to die 1845; How to promote and preserve the beauty of Edinburgh 1849; A handbook of Popery 1852; The art of preaching 1863. d. George sq. Edinburgh 29 Sep. 1883. Memoirs by Professor Thomas Smith (1885); John Smith’s Our Scottish clergy, 3 series (1851) 127–33. BEHNES, William. b. London 1794; learnt drawing in Dublin; gained 3 silver medals at Royal Academy; a portrait draughtsman in London, afterwards a sculptor; executed busts of many of the most eminent men of his time; executed statues of Lady Godiva 1844, Europa 1848 and The startled nymph 1849; exhibited 215 sculptures at the R.A. 1815–63; bankrupt on his own petition 25 Nov. 1861. d. Middlesex hospital London 8 Jany. 1864. Cornhill Mag. ix, 688–701 (1864); Lectures on art by Henry Weeks (1880) 294–317; W. B. Scott’s British school of sculpture (1871) 99–102. BEHRENS, Louis. b. Hamburg 1801; joined his brother Jacob in business as merchants at Bradford 1836; founded a business in Manchester 1840; established it as a separate concern 1870. d. Southport 1 June 1884. BEKE, Charles Tilstone (son of James Beck, of Hackney, London, commissioner of sewers). b. Stepney, London 10 Oct. 1800; student at Lincoln’s Inn; changed spelling of his name from Beck to Beke 1834; acting consul at Leipzig 1837–38; Ph. Doc. Univ. of Tubingen 6 Aug. 1837; travelled in Abyssinia 1840–43 and 1865–66; received gold medals of Royal Geographical Societies of London and Paris 1845 and 1846; sec. to National Association for protection of industry and capital throughout British empire 1849–53, when association was dissolved; granted a civil list pension of £100 14 Dec. 1870; went to Palestine to determine position of Mount Sinai Dec. 1873; F.S.A. 1835; author of Origines BiblicÆ 1834; The sources of the Nile 1860; The British captives in Abyssinia 1865; The idol in Horeb 1871 and other books. d. Bromley, Kent 31 July 1874. Summary of the late Dr. Beke’s published works and of his inadequately requited public services By his widow 1876; Dictionary of national biography iv, 138–41 (1885); I.L.N. lxv, 140 (1874), portrait; Graphic x, 174 (1874), portrait. BELCHER, Sir Edward (2 son of Andrew Belcher, of Clarence lodge, Roehampton, Surrey). b. Nova Scotia 1799; entered navy 9 April 1812; one of original fellows of Royal Geog. Soc. 1830; sailed round the world in H.M.S. Sulphur 1836–42; captain 6 May 1841; engaged surveying in East Indies 1842–47; BELCHER, Rev. Joseph. b. Birmingham 5 April 1794; Baptist divine; went to United States 1844; author of Pastoral recollections 1837; The clergy of America 1849; George Whitfield, a biography 1860; said to have written more religious works than any other author of the century. d. Philadelphia 10 July 1859. BELCHER, Thomas. b. St. James’s churchyard Bristol 14 April 1783; went to London 1803; fought and beat Jack Ware in Tothill Fields, Westminster 26 June 1804; beaten by Wm. Ryan at Willesden Green 30 Nov. 1804, but beat him near Chertsey 4 June 1805; beat Jack O’Donnell at Shepperton 27 April 1805; fought Dutch Sam (Elias Samuels) for 100 guineas at Moulsey Hurst 8 Feb. 1806, when beaten; fought him again 20 July 1807, when fight was declared drawn; beaten by him 21 Aug. 1807; beat Dogherty 14 April 1808, Cropley 25 Oct. 1808, Farnborough 1 Feb. 1809, Silverthorne 6 June 1811; fought Dogherty again for 100 guineas on the Curragh of Kildare 23 April 1813, when he won again; landlord of the Castle Tavern Holborn 1814–28; one of the 18 pugilists selected by Jackson to act with him as pages at coronation of George IV. in Westminster Abbey 19 July 1821, one gold coronation medal was given to the boxers which they raffled for, when Belcher won it and held the trophy until his death. d. Peckham, BELDAM, Joseph (3 son of Wm. Beldam of Royston, Herts who d. 20 June 1827 aged 64). b. 26 Dec. 1795; ed. at St Peter’s coll. Cam.; barrister M.T. 12 May 1825; standing counsel for Anti slavery party; F.S.A. 1 May 1856; author of Il pastore incantato, a drama; Pompeii and other poems by a student of the Middle Temple 1823; A summary of the laws peculiarly affecting Protestant dissenters 1827; Recollections of scenes and institutions in Italy and the East 2 vols. 1851. d. Royston 6 June 1866. BELDHAM, William. b. Wrecclesham near Farnham, Surrey 5 Feb. 1766; professional cricketer; the “crack” batsman of England many years, excelled also in bowling, fielding, wicket keeping and single wicket playing; played in the Gentlemen versus Players match 1787 to 1821; the last surviving member of the once far famed Hambledon cricket club; had 39 children, 28 by his first wife, all of whom died young leaving no issue. d. Tilford near Farnham 20 Feb. 1862. Nyren’s Cricketer’s Tutor (1833) 93–96. BELFORD, William Rowles. b. Easton near Bristol Dec. 1824; made his dÉbut in London at Sadler’s Wells theatre 22 Dec. 1851 as Sir Charles Cropland in The poor Gentleman; played prominent parts in 32 Shakespearian revivals at same house 1852–63; acted with S. Phelps in Germany 1859; played at Strand theatre about 1863–69; created leading role in W.S. Gilbert’s comedy Randall’s Thumb at Court theatre 25 Jany. 1871; played Henry the 8th in the provinces 1876; last appeared on the stage at Imperial theatre London April 1879 in comic drama of A rough diamond; acted at nearly every west-end theatre in London; sum of £1,100 was raised for him Dec. 1879. d. 43 Grand parade, Brighton 3 June 1881. Pascoe’s Dramatic list (1880) 42. BELFOUR, Edmund. Secretary of Royal college of surgeons 1814 to death, d. 37 Lincoln’s Inn Fields 30 Jany. 1865 in 76 year. BELHAVEN and STENTON, Robert Montgomery Hamilton, 8 Baron (eld. child of Wm. Hamilton, 7 Baron Belhaven and Stenton 1765–1814.) b. Wishaw house, Lanarkshire 1793; succeeded 29 Oct. 1814; created Baron BELL, Alexander. b. Cupar Fife 1775; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; pupil of Sir Astley Cooper in London, M.R.C.S.; served in Ireland as surgeon of 1st Regiment of Dundee Volunteers (Loyal Tay Fencibles) during rebellion of 1798 until May 1802 when regiment was disbanded; practised in village of Errol 1802–1807, and at Dundee 1807–50 surgeon to Dundee infirmary 30 years; performed operation of lithotomy many times with great success. d. Dundee 28 March 1852. BELL, Alexander. Professor of elocution in London; author of Practical elocutionist 1835; The tongue, a poem 1846; The Bride, a play 1847; Stammering and other impediments of speech 1849. d. Harrington sq. London 23 April 1865. BELL, Alexander Montgomerie (son of John Bell of Paisley, manufacturer). b. Paisley 4 Dec. 1809; ed. at Paisley gr. sch. and Univ. of Glasgow; a writer to the Signet 1835; partner of Messrs. Dundas and Wilson; professor of conveyancing in the Univ. of Edin. 1856 to death; author of Lectures on conveyancing 1867, 3 ed. 2 vols. 1882. d. East Morningside house, Edinburgh 19 Jany. 1866. BELL, Archibald. b. 1775; member of faculty of advocates 1798; sheriff depute of Ayrshire 18 Feb. 1815; author of The Cabinet, a series of essays moral and literary [anon.] 2 vols. 1835; Count Clermont, a tragedy, Caius Toranius, a tragedy with other poems 1841; Melodies of Scotland 1849. d. Edinburgh 6 Oct. 1854. BELL, Benjamin (son of Joseph Bell of Edinburgh, surgeon 1786–1848). b. Edinburgh 13 April 1810; ed. in Edin. and London; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1832, F.R.C.S. 1835, pres. 1864; M.R.C.S. 1833; founded with Robert Hamilton the Eye infirmary Edin. 1834; vice pres. of Medico-Chirurgical society of Edin. 1856, pres. 1859–61; author of A probationary essay on injuries of the male urethra 1835; The life of Benjamin Bell by his grandson 1868. d. Coates crescent, Edinburgh 13 June 1883. Edinburgh Medical Journal xxix, 91–95 (1884). BELL, Charles. b. London 1805; partner in firm of Thomson, Bonar & Co. of London and St. Petersburg, merchants; M.P. for City of London 16 Nov. 1868 to death. d. Terrace house, Richmond, Surrey 9 Feb. 1869. Personalty sworn under £300,000 April 1869. BELL, Christopher. Entered navy June 1796; captain 7 Feb. 1812, retired R.A. 1 Oct. 1846; C.B. 4 July 1840. d. Aigburth Ash near Liverpool 16 Oct. 1853 aged 70. BELL, Edward Wells. Lieutenant 7 Foot 16 May 1811; major 19 Dec. 1826 to 29 June 1830 when placed on h.p.; colonel 66 Foot 26 Dec. 1859 to death; general 12 July 1868. d. Kempsey, Worcester 9 Oct. 1870. BELL, Edward William Derrington. b. 1824; 2 lieut. 23 Foot 15 April 1842; lieut. col. 8 Jany. 1858 to 1 Sep. 1869; served in Russian war 1854–55 and in Sepoy mutiny 1857–58; personally captured and secured the first gun taken at battle of the Alma; M.G. 6 March 1868; commanded Belfast district 28 Feb. 1875 to death; C.B. 13 March 1867; V.C. 26 June 1856. d. Fort William park, Belfast 10 Nov. 1879. BELL, Sir George (son of George Bell of Belle Vue on Lough Erin Fermanagh). b. Belle Vue 17 March 1794; ed. at Dublin; ensign 34 Foot 11 March 1811; served in the Peninsula 1811–14; lieut. col. 1 Foot 5 Dec. 1843 to 1 May 1855; commanded 1 brigade of third division in Crimean war 1854–55; inspecting field officer at Liverpool 1 May 1855 to 4 April 1859; colonel 104 Foot 23 Oct. 1863, of 32 Foot 2 Feb. 1867 and of 1 Foot 3 Aug. 1868 to death; general 8 March 1875; C.B. 5 July 1855, K.C.B. 13 March 1867. d. 156 Westbourne terrace, London 10 July 1877. Rough notes by an old soldier Sir G. Bell 2 vols. 1867, portrait. BELL, Henry Glassford (eld. son of James Bell, Town clerk of Greenock). b. Glasgow 8 Nov. 1805; ed. at Glasgow high school and Univ. of Edin.; admitted advocate 20 Nov. 1832; sheriff substitute of Lanarkshire 1 July 1838; sheriff principal 8 June 1867 to death; started Edinburgh Literary Journal 1828, edited it to 14 Jany. 1832 when it was BELL, Jacob (son of John Bell of 338 Oxford st. London, chemist who d. 14 Jany. 1849 aged 74). b. 338 Oxford St. 5 March 1810; apprenticed to his father 1827–32; chemist in Oxford st. 1832 to death, his drugs earned a European reputation; founder of Pharmaceutical Society 1841, on which he spent a large sum; edited Pharmaceutical Journal July 1841 to death; M.P. for St. Albans 24 Dec. 1850 to 1 July 1852; contested Great Malvern 1852 and Marylebone 1854; collected at his house 15 Langham place, London a gallery of pictures many by Sir Edwin Landseer, the 13 best of which he bequeathed to the nation; F.L.S. 6 March 1832; author of Chemical and pharmaceutical processes and products 1852. d. Tunbridge Wells 12 June 1859. J. Bell and T. Redwood’s Historical sketch of progress of pharmacy (1880) 280–92; I.L.N. xviii, 299 (1851), portrait, xxxi, 4, 24 (1859), portrait. BELL, James Spencer. b. 1818; M.P. for Guildford 7 July 1852 to 21 March 1857. d. 1 Devonshire place, Portland place, London 22 Feb. 1872. BELL, John (only son of John Bell of Thirsk). b. 1809; M.P. for Thirsk 1 July 1841 to death; declared insane by a commission July 1849. d. Thirsk 5 March 1851. BELL, Rev. John. b. Snaith, Yorkshire; ed. at Douay, France; ordained priest at Crook hall, co. Durham 23 Dec. 1794; prefect general of Douay college Durham and professor of rhetoric and poetry 1794–1817, the college was moved from Crook hall to Ushaw 1808; appointed to mission of Samlesbury near Preston 1817 and to Kippax park Yorkshire 1828; author of The wanderings of the human intellect, or a new dictionary of sects 1814, 2 ed. 1838. d. Selby 31 May 1854 aged 87. BELL, John. Lived in Abyssinia 1842 to death; general in army of Ras Ali the ruler of Abyssinia 1848 who gave him the province of Diddim; taken prisoner by Kasai 1853 who deposed Ali and took title of Theodorus; minister and general in chief to Theodorus 1853 to death; killed in a battle fought against Garred at Waldabba near the western bank of the Taccazy river 31 Oct. 1860 after he had himself killed Garred. BELL, John. b. Ireland 1796; went to the United States 1810; author of On baths and mineral waters 1831; Practical dictionary of materia medica 1841; On regimen and longevity 1842; Dietetical and medical hydrology 1850. d. Philadelphia 1872. BELL, Sir John (son of David Bell of Bonytoun, Fifeshire). b. Bonytoun 1 Jany. 1782; ensign 52 Foot 15 Aug. 1805; served in Peninsular war; permanent assistant quartermaster general to 10 Nov. 1814; chief sec. of government at Cape of Good Hope 1828–41; aide de camp to the sovereign 6 May 1831 to 23 Nov. 1841; lieut. governor of Guernsey 24 Jany. 1848 to 30 June 1854; col. of 95 Foot 25 June 1850 and of 4 Foot 26 Dec. 1853 to death; general 15 June 1860; C.B. 4 June 1815, K.C.B. 6 April 1852, G.C.B. 18 May 1860. d. 55 Cadogan place, London 20 Nov. 1876. I.L.N. lxix, 541 (1876), portrait. BELL, John David (youngest son of George Joseph Bell, professor of law at Univ. of Aberdeen). b. 1823 or 1824; barrister M.T. 12 May 1848; practised at Calcutta 1850–58; founder and chairman of Positive Life Assurance Company 1870; standing counsel to government of India at Calcutta 1878 to death. d. Calcutta 15 Aug. 1880 in 57 year. BELL, John Gray (son of Thomas Bell of Newcastle 1785–1860). b. Newcastle 21 Sep. 1823; a bookseller in London 1848–54 and in Manchester 1854 to death; published a valuable series of Tracts on the topography history and dialects of the counties of Great Britain 1850; author of A descriptive and critical catalogue of works illustrated by Thomas and John Bell 1851; privately printed A genealogical account of the descendants of John of Gaunt 1855. d. Manchester 21 Feb. 1866. BELL, John Montgomerie. b. Paisley 1804; advocate in Edinburgh 1825; advocate depute 1847; sheriff of Kincardine 7 May 1851 to death; author of Treatise on law of arbitration in Scotland 1861; The martyr of liberty, a poem 1863. d. Linnhouse 16 Oct. 1862. BELL, Jonathan Anderson (2 son of James Bell, advocate). b. Glasgow 1809; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; spent some years with BELL, Sir Joshua Peter. b. co. Kildare 1826; owner with his father and brothers of a splendid station called Jimbour near Dalby, Queensland where they became great wool growers; M.P. for Dalby in Queensland parliament 1863 to March 1879; colonial treasurer 1871–74; pres. of legislative council March 1879 to death; K.C.M.G. 24 Nov. 1881. d. Brisbane 20 Dec. 1881. Illust. sporting and dramatic news xvi, 405 (1882), portrait. BELL, Lady Marion (2 dau. of Charles Shaw of Ayr). b. Edinburgh 1787. (m. 3 June 1811 Sir Charles Bell, F.R.S., celebrated physiologist b. Nov. 1774 d. 28 April 1842). Granted a civil list pension of £100 for her husband’s services to science 14 Sep. 1843; published The letters of Sir Charles Bell 1870. d. 47 Albany st. Regent’s park, London 9 Nov. 1876. BELL, Matthew. b. 18 April 1793; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox.; sheriff of Northumberland 1816; M.P. for Northumberland 1826–31 and for South Northumberland 1832–52; lieut. col. of Northumberland and Newcastle yeomanry cavalry 1826–63. d. Woolsington near Newcastle 28 Oct. 1871. BELL, Oswald Home. M.R.C.S. Edin. 3 Feb. 1863; professor of medicine in Univ. of St. Andrews 1863 to death; dean of the medical faculty. d. The Scores, St. Andrews 24 June 1875 in 39 year. BELL, Rev. Patrick (son of George Bell of Mid Leoch farm, parish of Auchterhouse near Dundee). b. Mid Leoch farm April 1799; ed. at Univ. of St. Andrews, LLD. 1867; ordained 1843; minister of Carmyllie, Arbroath Dec. 1843 to death; invented a reaping machine 1826 being 7 or 8 years before the earliest American inventors; presented by Highland Society with sum of £1000 1868. d. The manse of Carmyllie 22 April 1869. Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 473 (1869); I.L.N. lii, 225 (1868), portrait. BELL, Robert (son of Benjamin Bell, surgeon). b. 1782; ed. at high school Edinburgh; advocate 1809; sheriff of Berwickshire 1842–60; procurator to Church of Scotland 1842 BELL, Robert (youngest son of John Bell of Cork). b. Cork 16 Jany. 1800; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin where he originated the Dublin Historical Society; settled in London 1828; edited the Atlas weekly paper many years, the Monthly Chronicle and the Home News a monthly journal; author of History of Russia 3 vols. 1838; Lives of the English poets 2 vols. 1839; Wayside pictures through France, Belgium and Holland 1849, 2 ed. 1858; Hearts and altars 3 vols. 1852; The ladder of gold 3 vols. 1856; The annotated edition of the English poets 24 vols. 1854–57, and of 3 five-act comedies, Marriage 1842; Mothers and daughters 1843, 2 ed. 1845 and Temper 1847. d. 14 York st., Portman sq. London 12 April 1867. BELL, Venerable Robert. Ordained 1831; Inc. of Tipperary 1866 to death; archdeacon of Cashel 1872 to death; canon of St. Patrick’s cathedral, Dublin. d. rectory Tipperary 10 Jany. 1883 in 75 year. BELL, Robert Charles. b. Edinburgh 1806; Engraved a series of Scottish views and a number of vignette portraits, also many plates for the Royal Scottish Association; his largest and most important work was an engraving of Sir William Allan’s Battle of Preston Pans which he completed in 1872; several of his best plates appeared in the Art Journal 1850–72. d. Edinburgh 5 Sep. 1872. Art Journal (1872) 284. BELL, Sir Sydney Smith (9 son of Wm. Bell, of London, banker). b. 1805; ed. at Univs. of Edin. and Glasgow; barrister I.T. 3 May 1839; puisne judge at Cape of Good Hope 7 Feb. 1851, and first puisne judge May 1858; chief justice of supreme court and pres. of legislative council of Cape of Good Hope 16 Dec. 1868 to 1879; knighted by patent 9 Oct. 1869; author of Cases decided in the House of Lords on appeal from the courts of Scotland 7 vols. 1843–52; Colonial administration of Great Britain 1859. d. 42 Kensington park road, London 13 Sep. 1879. BELL, Thomas (son of Richard Bell of Newcastle). b. Newcastle 16 Dec. 1785; land valuer and surveyor; an antiquary, assisted the local topographical authors in their works especially Rev. John Hodgson in his History of Northumberland 6 vols. 1827–40; one of the founders of Newcastle Literary and BELL, Thomas (only son of Thomas Bell of Poole, Dorset, surgeon). b. Poole 11 Oct. 1792; studied at Guys and St. Thomas’s hospitals; M.R.C.S. 1815, F.R.C.S. 1844, F.L.S. 1815, pres. 1853–61; dental surgeon to Guy’s hospital 1817–61 where he lectured on comparative anatomy; F.R.S. 10 Jany. 1828, junior secretary 1848–53; professor of Zoology at King’s college London 1836 to death; pres. of the Ray Society 1843–59; purchased in 1866 from the grandnieces of Gilbert White The Wakes, Selborne where he lived to his death; author of Monograph of Testudinata, parts 1–8, 1832–37, folio; History of British quadrupeds 1837, 2 ed. 1874; History of British reptiles 1839; History of British Stalk-eyed Crustacea 1853; edited White’s Natural history of Selborne 2 vols. 1877. d. The Wakes, Selborne 13 March 1880. Nature xxi, 473, 499 (1880). BELL, Sir William (son of Wm. Bell of Ripon, Yorkshire). b. 1788; ed. at Woolwich; 2 lieut. R.A. 23 Nov. 1804; served through Peninsular war; colonel R.A. 18 March 1852, colonel commandant 26 Dec. 1865 to death; general 31 Jany. 1872; K.C.B. 13 March 1867. d. South lodge, Ripon 28 March 1873. BELLAIRS, Rev. Henry (3 son of Abel Walford Bellairs of Uffington, Lincolnshire 1755–1839). b. 29 Aug. 1790; midshipman on board H.M.S. Spartiate; wounded twice at Trafalgar; cornet 15 Hussars 25 Nov. 1808; lieut. 26 May 1809 to 1811; ed. at St. Mary hall Ox., B.A. 1820, M.A. 1823; R. of Bedworth, Warws 1830; V. of Hunsingore, Yorkshire 1832 to death; hon. canon of Worcester Sep. 1853 to death. d. Paignton near Torquay 17 April 1872. BELLAIRS, Sir William (younger brother of the preceding). b. Uffington 1793; cornet 15 Hussars 2 May 1811; captain 10 April 1817 to 10 Feb. 1820 when he sold out; exon of Yeomen of the Guard 19 Sep. 1837 to Dec. 1848; knighted by the Queen at St. James’s Palace 17 May 1848. (m. 1822 Cassandra dau. of Edmund Hooke of Mulbarton lodge, Norfolk, she d. 1876). d. London 2 Oct. 1863. BELLAMY, George. b. Plymouth 15 Nov. 1773; surgeon’s mate R.N. Feb. 1793; surgeon 19 May 1795; surgeon to the Bellerophon 74 guns 1796–1800; served at battle of the Nile; placed on retired list 1817; M.R.C.P.; mayor of Plymouth 1811–12. d. Plymouth 10 Oct. 1863. BELLAMY, John Cremer. b. Plymouth 7 Dec. 1812; L.S.A. 1833, M.R.C.S. 1834; Curator of Plymouth Institute and Devon and Cornwall Nat. Hist. Society; author of The natural history of South Devon 1839; The housekeeper’s guide to the fish market for each month of the year 1843, new ed. 1862; A thousand facts in the histories of Devon and Cornwall 1850. d. George st. Plymouth 12 May 1854. BELLAMY, William Hoare. b. Cork 5 Aug. 1800; made his dÉbut at Elmsworth 1825 as Sir Simon Rochdale in John Bull; went to the United States; made his dÉbut in New York 1838. (m. Mrs. A. W. Penson, she was b. Scotland and acted in the United States 1838 to her death May 1857). d. Greenpoint, Long Island 15 April 1866. BELLARS, Henry John. b. Chester; a schoolmaster; sec. and curator of Chester Natural History Society; photographic artist in London 1862 to death; the best facsimilist in England; author of Illustrated catalogue of British land and freshwater shells 1858; The historical numismatic atlas of the Roman emperors. d. 12 Bedford court, Covent Garden 22 June 1868 aged 44. BELLASIS, Edward (only son of Rev. George Bellasis, V. of Basildon, Berkshire who d. 1814). b. Basildon vicarage 14 Oct. 1800; ed. at Christ’s Hospital 1808–15; barrister I.T. 2 July 1824; employed in parliamentary practice 1836–66, counsel in 342 important cases; serjeant at law 10 July 1844; received into Roman Catholic Church 28 Sep. 1850; trustee with J. R. Hope-Scott Q.C. of Earl of Shrewsbury 1853–56; steward of manors of Duke of Norfolk in Norfolk and Suffolk 1863; one of the 3 comrs. who reported on College of Arms 1870; author of several anonymous pamphlets. d. HyÈres, France 24 Jany. 1873. The Tablet 1 Feb. 1873 p. 138. BELLEW, Patrick, 1 Baron (elder son of Sir Edward Bellew, 6 baronet who d. 15 March 1827). b. London 29 Jany 1798; BELLEW, Rev. Sir Christopher, 2 Baronet. b. 1818; succeeded 26 June 1855. d. at house of the Jesuit Fathers, Gardiner st. Dublin 18 March 1867. BELLEW, John Chippendall Montesquieu (only child of Robert Higgin, lieutenant 12 Foot who d. 24 Jany. 1853). b. Lancaster 3 Aug. 1823; ed. at Lancaster gr. sch. and St. Mary hall Ox.; assumed his mother’s name of Bellew Aug. 1844; C. of St. Andrew’s Worcester 1849; C. of Prescot Lancs. 1850; assistant chaplain in Bengal 1851; chaplain of St. John’s cathedral Calcutta Dec. 1852 to 1855; edited the Bengal Hurkaru; assistant minister of St. Philip’s Regent’s st. London 1855–57; P.C. of St. Mark’s St. John’s Wood 1857–62; minister of Bedford chapel Bloomsbury 26 Oct. 1862 to 1868; one of the most popular preachers in London; received into Church of Rome Oct. 1869; executed deed of relinquishment of holy orders 13 Aug. 1870; very successful as a public reader in England and the United States; author of Shakespeare’s house at New Place 1863; Blount Tempest a novel 3 vols. 1866; Poets Corner, a manual for students 1868. d. 16 Circus road, St. John’s Wood 19 June 1874. Bentley’s Quarterly Review i, 476–92 (1859); Traits of character by a contemporary i, 285–312 (1860); Cartoon portraits (1873) 50–51, portrait; Graphic x, 15 (1874), portrait; E. Yates’s Recollections ii, 66–69 (1884). BELLEW, Sir Michael Dillon, 1 Baronet (son of Christopher Dillon Bellew of Mount Bellew, co. Galway 1763–1826). b. 29 Sep. 1796; created a baronet 15 Aug. 1838. d. Greenville lodge, Rathmines near Dublin 26 June 1855. BELLEW, Richard Montesquieu (younger son of Sir Edward Bellew 6 baronet who d. 1827). b. 12 Feb. 1803; M.P. for co. Louth 21 Dec. 1832 to 1 July 1852 and 16 May 1859 to 6 July 1865; a lord of the treasury 6 Aug. 1847 to 1852; member of Local government board, Ireland. d. Dublin 8 Jany. 1880. BELLEW, Thomas Arthur Grattan. b. 1824; M.P. for co. Galway 26 July 1852 to BELLHOUSE, Edward Taylor (eld. son of David Bellhouse of Manchester). b. Manchester 10 Oct. 1816; started firm of E. T. Bellhouse and Co., engineers, Eagle foundry, Hunt st. Manchester 1 July 1842; erected the Gas works for Buenos Ayres, Pernambuco and Athens; erected many large bridges for various railways and many iron buildings; pres. of Manchester Mechanics’ Institute; M.I.M.E. 1857. d. Southport 13 Oct. 1881. Proc. of Instit. of M.E. (1882) 1–2. BELLINGHAM, O’Bryen (3 son of Sir Alan Bellingham, 2 baronet 1776–1827). b. 12 Dec. 1805; ed. at Feinagle’s school; M.D. Univ. of Edin. and L.R.C.S. Edin. 1830; professor of botany, Royal college of surgeons Ireland to 1850, a surgical examiner 1850, chairman of the court 1856; sec. of Surgical society of Ireland to death; surgeon to St. Vincent’s hospital 1835 to death; author of Observations on aneurism and its treatment by compression 1847; Treatise on diseases of the heart 1857. d. The Castle, Castle Bellingham, co. Louth 11 Oct. 1857. Dublin Journal of medical science lxiv, 469–75 (1877). BELLOC, Anne Louise (dau. of Colonel James Swanton, commandant of Rocroi, France who was b. Ireland). b. La Rochelle 1 Oct. 1796; assisted Lafayette in establishing public libraries; founded a choice circulating library; translated many English books into French. (m. 1823 Jean Hilaire Belloc, Director of Royal School of Design, Paris who d. 1866). d. Paris 6 Nov. 1881. S. J. Hale’s Woman’s record, 2 ed. 1855 p. 583, portrait. BELLOT, Joseph RenÉ. b. Paris 18 March 1826: served in French navy 1843–50; went as a volunteer with captain Kennedy in the Prince Albert in search of Sir John Franklin 1851–52; sailed in the Phoenix for the Arctic regions 10 May 1853; left the ship to carry dispatches to Sir Edward Belcher 12 Aug. 1853; author of Journal d’un voyage aux Mers Polaires 1854; fell into a crack in the ice near Cape Bowden and drowned 18 Aug. 1853; an obelisk was erected to his memory by public subscription in front of Greenwich hospital 1857. Memoirs of J. R. Bellot 2 vols. 1855, portrait. BELLOT, Thomas (elder son of Thomas Bellot of Manchester, surgeon). b. Manchester 16 March 1806; ed. at Manchester gr. sch.; BELMORE, George, stage name of George Belmore Garstin. Made his dÉbut in London at Marylebone theatre 26 Dec. 1856 as Bokes in The Creole; acted at Princess’s and Drury Lane theatres; played Nat Gosling in Boucicault’s drama Flying Scud at Holborn theatre more than 200 nights from 6 Oct. 1866; acted in the provinces and at Adelphi theatre where he played Newman Noggs in Nicholas Nickleby 20 March 1875 to July 1875; acted in New York Aug. to Oct. 1875. (m. 16 April 1862 Alice Maude dau. of Wm. Cooke proprietor of Astley’s Amphitheatre). d. New York 15 Nov. 1875 aged 47. Entr’acte 27 Nov. 1875, portrait. BELOE, Charles (2 son of Rev. Wm. Beloe 1756–1817, Prebendary of St. Paul’s). A clerk in the London Twopenny post office; sec. to the Alfred club. d. Reading 23 Oct. 1855 aged 69. BELPER, Edward Strutt, 1 Baron (only son of Wm. Strutt of St. Helen’s house Derby, manufacturer 1756–1830). b. Derby 26 Oct. 1801; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam.; B.A. 1823, M.A. 1826, L.L.D. 1862; M.P. for Derby 1830–1848 when unseated for bribery; M.P. for Arundel 1851–1852 and for Nottingham 1852–1856; chief comr. of railways 29 Aug. 1846 to March 1848; P.C. 30 Oct. 1846; sheriff of Notts. 1850; chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster 30 Dec. 1852 to 21 June 1854; chairman of Notts. quarter sessions 1855; created Baron Belper of Belper, county Derby 29 Aug. 1856; lord lieutenant of Notts. 6 Dec. 1864; pres. of Univ. coll. London 29 July 1871. d. 75 Eaton square, London 30 June 1880. BELSHES, John Murray. Captain 59 Foot 4 Sep 1812 to 25 May 1816 when placed on h.p.; L.G. 12 Nov. 1862. d. Inverary 12 Jany. 1863. P.R. Drummond’s Perthshire in bygone days (1879) 81–85. BELT, Thomas (son of Mr. Belt of Newcastle, seedsman). b. Newcastle 1832; member of Natural history society of Northumberland June 1850; went to Australia 1852; a mining engineer in London 1860; travelled all over Asia and America; superintendent of Nova Scotian gold company’s mines in Nova Scotia 1863–65; examined the quartz rocks of North Wales; superintendent of the Chontales Gold mining company in Nicaragua 1868–72; travelled in Russia 1873–76; F.G.S.; author of Mineral veins, an enquiry into their origin 1861; The naturalist in Nicaragua 1874; The glacial period in North America. d. Denver, Colorado 21 Sep. 1878 in 46 year. Natural history transactions of Northumberland vii, 235–40 (1880). BELZONI, Sarah. Remarkable for her size and strength; married in London about 1804 Giovanni Baptista Belzoni, acrobat, engineer and traveller who was b. Padua 1778 and d. at Gato, Benin, Africa 3 Dec. 1823; performed feats of strength with her husband in the streets, at fairs and at Astley’s Amphitheatre; travelled in Egypt with him 1815–19; granted civil list pension of £100 6 Feb. 1851; author of Account of the women of Egypt, Nubia and Syria. d. Belozanne valley, Jersey 12 Jany. 1870 aged 87. BENBEY, Sadi Ombark. Came to England with Mungo Park whom he taught Arabic language. d. 11 Feb. 1854 aged more than 80. BENBOW, John. Solicitor in London; M.P. for Dudley 8 Aug. 1844 to death. d. Hastings 24 Feb. 1855 aged 86. BENDIGO, cognomen of William Thompson (son of Mr. Thompson of Nottingham, cabinet maker). b. Nottingham 11 Oct. 1811, being one of 3 children at a birth; fought and beat Ben. Caunt 1 July 1835; beat Brassey (John Leechman) 24 May 1836; beat young Langan 24 Jany. 1837; beat Looney 13 June 1837; beaten by Ben. Caunt 3 April 1838; beat Deaf Burke at Heather, Leicestershire 12 Feb. 1839 in presence of 15000 persons; presented with a “Champion’s belt” by James Ward at Queen’s theatre, Liverpool; beat Ben. Caunt near Sutfield Green Oxon, 9 Sep. 1845 when they fought for £200 a side and the championship; fought Tom Paddock for £200 a side at Mildenhall 5 June 1850 when he won Note.—His curious name Bendigo was a contraction of Abednego, his first challenge in Bell’s Life in London in 1835 is signed Abednego of Nottingham; the town of Bendigo in Victoria, Australia (since called Sandhurst) was named after him. BENEDICT, Sir Julius (2 son of M. Benedict of Stuttgart, banker). b. Stuttgart 27 Nov. or 24 Dec. 1804; pupil of Hummel at Weimar and of Weber at Dresden; conductor at the KÄrnthnerthor theatre Vienna 1823–25 and at the San Carlo and Fondo theatres Naples 1825–35; went to London 1835; conducted a series of Italian comic operas at Lyceum theatre 1836; conductor of English opera at Drury Lane 1838, where he produced The gipsy’s warning 19 April 1838; The brides of Venice 22 April 1844, and The Crusaders 1846; travelled with Jenny Lind in the United States and Havannah and directed all her 122 concerts 1850–52; formed a choral society called The vocal association; conductor of Italian opera at Drury Lane and Her Majesty’s theatres 1859–60; conducted the Norwich Musical Festivals 1845–78 where he produced Undine 1860, Richard Coeur de Lion 1863 and St. Cecilia 1866; conducted the Monday Popular Concerts; his best known opera The Lily of Killarney was produced at Covent Garden 8 Feb. 1862; conductor of Liverpool Philharmonic society 9 April 1867 to Feb. 1879; wrote for Birmingham musical festivals St. Peter 1870 and Graziella 1873; knighted at Windsor Castle 24 March 1871. d. 2 Manchester sq. London 5 June 1885. I.L.N. lviii, 377 (1871), portrait, lxvi, 494 (1875), portrait; Scribner’s Monthly xiii, 480–84 (1877); Graphic xxix, 184 (1884), portrait. BENETT, John (2 son of Thomas Benett of Pyt house Tisbury, Wilts. who d. 16 May 1797 aged 68). b. 20 May 1773; sheriff of Wilts. 1798; M.P. for Wilts. 19 July 1819 to 3 Dec. 1832 and for South Wilts. 17 Dec. 1832 to 1 July 1852; author of some essays on agricultural subjects. d. Pyt house 1 Oct. 1852. G.M. xxxviii, 636–37 (1852). BENHAM, James Erle. Ed. at St. Mary hall Ox.; student Middle Temple 20 Nov. 1875; author of The student’s guide to the preliminary examination for attorneys and solicitors 1868; BENHAM, William. Author of English ballads for school reading 1862; St. Matthew, authorised version 1862; Epistles for the Christian year, with notes 1864; Companion to the Lectionary 1873. d. 14 Arley hill, Bristol 16 Sep. 1885 aged 69. BENIOWSKI, Bartholomew. Educ. at Ecole d’etat major of Paris 1832–33; major in Polish army; attempted to revolutionise art of printing by use of short words cast into one such as, and, but, the; teacher of memory at the Royal Adelaide gallery, Strand, London 1842; took out patents for machinery for printing and composing type 1846, 47 and 49; author of Phrenotypics 1842; A French vocabulary 1843; The Anti-absurd or phrenotypic alphabet and orthography 1844. d. 8 Bow st. Covent Garden 29 March 1867 aged 66. BENISCH, Abraham. b. Drosan, Bohemia 1811; ed. at Univ. of Vienna; settled in England 1841; edited the Jewish Chronicle 1854 to death; one of chief founders of Society of Hebrew Literature 1870, and of the Anglo Jewish Association 1871; author of A translation of the Old Testament 1851; An essay on Colenso’s criticism of the Pentateuch and Joshua 1863; Judaism surveyed 1874. d. 13 Brownswood park, Green Lanes, London 31 July 1878. BENJAMIN, George. b. Sussex 15 April 1799; went to Canada; founded the Intelligencer at Belleville 1834, edited it to 1848; member of legislative assembly Canada 1856–61; grand master of the Orangemen of British North America 1848; author of Short lessons for members of Parliament compiled from English and other publications 1862. d. Belleville 6 July or 7 Sep. 1864. BENJAMIN, Judah Philip. b. St. Croix, West Indies 1811; ed. at Yale college, Connecticut 1825–28; called to the bar in New Orleans 16 Dec. 1832; member of firm of Slidell, Benjamin and Conrad 1840; counsellor of the supreme court New Orleans Dec. 1848; practised chiefly in Washington; a senator for Louisiana to the Senate 1852 to 4 Feb. 1861 when he withdrew, expelled the Senate 14 March 1861; attorney general of the Southern Confederacy Feb. 1861; acting secretary of war Aug. 1861 to Feb. 1862; sec. of state Feb. 1862 to April 1865 when the members of the cabinet left BENN, Anthony. b. 1814; 2 lieut. R.A. 20 Dec. 1832; col. 27 June 1864 to 6 March 1868; M.G. 6 March 1868. d. Plumstead 22 Dec. 1875. BENN, Edward (son of John Benn of Belfast, brewer 1767–1853). b. 1798; purchased with his brother George, an estate at Glenravel near Ballymena where they tried to create a new industry by manufacture of potato spirit; formed a fine archÆological collection now in the Belfast Museum; contributed papers to Irish antiquarian journals; founded 3 hospitals in Belfast, the Eye Ear and Throat, the Samaritan and the Skin Diseases. d. 1874. BENN, George (brother of the preceding). b. Tanderagee co. Armagh 1 Jany. 1801; entered Belfast Academical institution 1816; took gold medals in logic 1817 and moral philosophy 1818; author of The history of the town of Belfast [anon.] 1823; A history of the town of Belfast 2 vols. 1877–80. d. 8 Jany. 1882. BENN, Piercy. b. 1800; 2 lieut. R.A. 3 Feb. 1821; col. 7 June 1856 to 16 July 1862; M.G. 16 July 1862. d. Farringdon, Hants. 17 June 1876. BENNETT, Charles Fox, formerly of Clifton, Bristol; late premier of Newfoundland. d. St. John’s, Newfoundland 5 Dec. 1883. BENNETT, Charles Henry. Draughtsman on wood; contributed sketches signed in the corner with the figure of an owl to Diogenes comic weekly paper 1853 and portraits of members of Parliament to Illustrated Times; contributed sketches to Fun down to 1866 and to Punch 1866 to death; published Fables of Æsop and others translated into human nature 1858; Proverbs with pictures 1858; London BENNETT, George (2 son of John Bennett, Judge of Irish court of King’s Bench who d. 25 Dec. 1791). b. Cork 20 Sep. 1777; called to Irish bar 1800; went Munster circuit; K.C. 18 Feb. 1822; crown prosecutor for Munster circuit Feb. 1832; bencher of King’s Inns Dublin 1836, retired about 1849. d. Sodylt hall, Shropshire 26 May 1856. Dublin univ. mag. xxxiv, 526–32 (1849), portrait. BENNETT, George John (son of George Bennett of Norwich, comedian). b. Ripon 9 March 1800; served in the navy 1813–17; first appeared on the stage at Lynn 1818, and in London at Covent Garden 27 Jany. 1823 as Richard iii; acted at Covent Garden 1830–38, at Drury Lane 1841–43 and at Sadler’s Wells 27 May 1844 to 15 March 1862 when he left the stage, his best parts were Bossola in the Duchess of Malfi, and Caliban in The Tempest; author of a five act play called Retribution or love’s trials produced at Sadlers Wells 11 Feb. 1850, and of a drama called The Justice produced at Birmingham. d. Edmonton 21 Sep. 1879. Theatrical times i, 241 (1847), portrait; Tallis’s Drawing room table book, parts 8, 10, 17 and 21, 4 portraits; The Players iv, 17 (1861), portrait. BENNETT, James. b. Falfield, Thornbury, Gloucs. 10 May 1785; apprenticed to George Robbins of Bath, printer; printer and bookseller in Tewkesbury 1810–52; published History of Tewkesbury 1830; Tewkesbury Register and Magazine 1830–49. d. Tewkesbury 29 Jany. 1856. BENNETT, Rev. James. b. London 22 May 1774; preached his first sermon 24 Dec. 1792; Congregational minister at Romsey Feb. 1796; ordained 5 April 1797; theological tutor and pastor at Rotherham 22 Aug. 1813; pastor of Silver st. church, London Nov. 1828, and of Falcon sq. church, London 1843 to Nov. 1860; one of foreign secs. to London Missionary society May 1830 to 1832; chairman of Congregational Board 1840; author of Lectures on preaching of Christ 1836; Lectures on Acts of the Apostles 1846; author with Rev. David Bogue of History of dissenters from the Revolution in 1688 to the year 1808 4 vols. 1808, 2 ed. 3 vols. 1833; wrote much in the Eclectic Review and Evangelical Mag. d. 49 Gibson sq. Islington 4 Dec. 1862. Memorials of the late Rev. James Bennett 1863. BENNETT, James Gordon. b. New Mill, Keith, Banffshire 1 Sep. 1800; went to Halifax, Nova Scotia 1819; a printer’s reader, bookseller’s clerk and assistant in a newspaper office at Boston; went to New York about 1822; started the New York Globe Oct. 1832 a two cent paper which lived only 30 days; partner with Messrs. Anderson and Smith of New York, printers 1835; founded the New York Herald a one cent daily paper 6 May 1835 all of which he wrote; in 1841 the circulation was 20,000 and the receipts 100,000 dollars, during the civil war its circulation doubled; sent Henry M. Stanley to Central Africa in search of Dr. Livingstone at cost of £10,000 in 1871. (m. 6 June 1840 Henrietta Agnes Crean, she d. 31 March 1873). d. New York 1 June 1872. Memoir of J. G. Bennett by a Journalist 1855, portrait; F. Hudson’s Journalism in the United States 1873; J. Parton’s Famous Americans of recent times (1867) 259–305; Democratic Review xxxi, 409–19 1853, portrait; C. F. Wingate’s Views and interviews (1875) 275–86; Graphic v, 600, 611 (1872), portrait. BENNETT, John Hughes. b. London 31 Aug. 1812; ed. at Exeter gr. sch. and Univ. of Edin., M.D. 1837, LLD. Aug. 1875; founded in Paris the Parisian Medical Society 1837, pres. 1837; pathologist to Royal infirmary Edin. 1843; discovered a remarkable disease of the blood which he called Leucocythemia or white cell blood 1845; editor of Edinburgh Monthly Journal of medical science 1846; professor of Institutes of medicine in Univ. of Edin. July 1848 to July 1874; F.R.S. Edin. 1842, F.R.C.P. Edin. 1842; author of An introduction to clinical medicine 1849, 4 ed. 1862; The pathology and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis 1853, 2 ed. 1859; Clinical lectures on principles and practice of medicine 1852, 5 ed. 1868 which was translated into French, Russian and Hindoo. d. The Wilderness, Bracondale, Norwich 25 Sep. 1875. bur. Dean cemetery Edin. 30 Sep. Edinburgh Medical Journal xxi, 466–74 (1875); British Medical Journal ii, 473–78 (1875). BENNETT, John Joseph. b. Tottenham 8 Jany. 1801; ed. at Enfield and at Middlesex hospital; assistant keeper of the Banksian herbarium and library British Museum Nov. BENNETT, Samuel. b. Cornwall 20 March 1815; went to Sydney 1841; superintendent of a printing office there 1842–59; purchased with Wm. Hanson the Empire newspaper 1859, conducted it as a daily and weekly paper; started the Evening News 29 July 1867, the Australian town and country journal 8 Jany. 1870; author of The history of Australian discovery and colonisation 1867. d. Mundarrah towers, Little Coogee, Sydney 2 June 1878. BENNETT, Samuel James. Founder of the Mercantile Association; founded the Commercial Gazette weekly paper 1853. d. The Firs, Staplecross, Sussex 23 May 1881. BENNETT, Thomas. b. Hereford 22 Feb. 1785; captain R.N. 16 Sep. 1828; commodore on North America and West India station 7 Feb. 1848 to 29 April 1851; granted a service pension 2 Nov. 1863; admiral on h.p. 12 Sep. 1865; mayor of Hereford 1842. d. Broomy hill, Hereford 12 June 1870. BENNETT, Thomas Randle (youngest son of John Bennett of Manchester, timber merchant). b. Manchester 1821; ed. at the gr. sch. and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1843, M.A. 1846, special pleader 1848; barrister I.T. 17 Nov. 1855; lectured on law and history at London Working men’s college Bloomsbury; an original member of English Church Union 1859, one of its central council; examiner to the Inns of Court 1877–78; author of A popular manual of the constitutional history of England 1862 and of several political pamphlets. d. Shrewbridge hall, Nantwich 23 Feb. 1885. Law Times lxxviii, 343 (1885). BENNETT, William. b. Newmarket; enlisted into Cambridge militia 10 Oct. 1797 aged 20; enlisted into 46 Foot 18 March 1799, and into 32 Foot 15 June 1803, discharged 18 Aug. 1814; assisted at burial of Sir John Moore Jany. 1809. d. Inchicore, Ireland 23 Jany. 1872 aged 95, but generally reputed to be 105. W. J. Thoms’s Human longevity (1873) 235–36. BENNETT, William. b. 1796; solicitor at Chapel en le Frith, Derbyshire 1819 to death; clerk to county magistrates 1834 to death; author under pseudonym of Lee Gibbons of The Cavalier 3 vols. 1821; Malpas 3 vols. 1822; The King of the Peak 3 vols. 1823; Owain Goch a tale of the Revolution 3 vols. 1827; these books are also attributed to Thomas Roscoe jun.; contributed to the Reliquary many papers on archÆology of Derbyshire 1862–72. d. Chapel en le Frith 20 April 1879. BENNETT, William Mineard. b. Exeter 1778; pupil of Sir Thomas Lawrence; a painter of portraits and miniatures; exhibited at the R.A. 1812–16 and 1834–35; lived many years in Paris; lived at Exeter 1844 to death; composed many glees and songs which were popular in Paris and Naples. d. Hill’s buildings, St. Sidwell’s, Exeter 17 Oct. 1858. BENNETT, Sir William Sterndale (youngest child of Robert Bennett of Sheffield, organist of the parish church who d. 3 Nov. 1819). b. 8 Norfolk Row, Sheffield 13 April 1816; ed. at Royal Academy of Music, London 1826–36, and at Leipsic 1836–37; member of Royal Society of Musicians 1838; taught music in London; founded the Bach Society 1849; professor of music at Univ. of Cam. 4 March 1856; Mus. Doc. Cam. 1856, M.A. 1867; D.C.L. Ox. 1870; a life member of St. John’s coll. Cam. 26 Sep. 1856; conductor of Philharmonic Society concerts 1856–68, Beethoven gold medallist 7 July 1867; principal of Royal Academy of Music 22 June 1866 to death; knighted at Windsor Castle 24 March 1871; composed The Naiads, overture produced at Society of British Musicians 25 Jany. 1837; The wood nymphs, overture produced at the Gewandhaus concerts Leipzig 24 Jany. 1839; The May Queen, pastoral produced at Leeds musical festival 8 Sep. 1858; The woman of Samaria, oratorio produced at Birmingham musical festival 27 Aug. 1867. (m. 9 April 1844 Mary Anne only dau. of James Wood, commander R.N., she d. 17 Oct. 1862 aged 37.) d. 66 St. John’s Wood road London 1 Feb. 1875. bur. north aisle of choir Westminster Abbey 6 Feb. BENNIS, George Geary. b. Corkamore, Limerick 1790 or 1793; a grocer at Limerick; settled at Liverpool where he became a Quaker; went to Paris 1823; director of a libraire des Étrangers in Paris 1830–36; an insurance agent and librarian to the British embassy, Paris; edited Galignani’s Messenger; chevalier of the LÉgion d’honneur 1854; author of The principles of the one faith professed by all Christians, Liverpool 1816, 3 ed. Paris 1826; Traveller’s pocket diary and Student’s journal; Treatise on life assurance. d. Paris 1 Jany. 1866, left over 10,000 volumes to found a free library at Limerick. J. Smith’s A descriptive catalogue of Friends books i, 246 (1867). BENSON, Charles. Ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin, scholar 1818, B.A. 1819, M.A. and M.B. 1822, M.D. 1840; L.R.C.S. Ireland 1821, F.R.C.S. 1825, pres. 1854; professor of practice of medicine in school attached to the college; M.R.I.A. 30 Nov. 1825; physician to City of Dublin hospital; contributed 4 articles to Todd’s CyclopÆdia of anatomy and a course of lectures on the Diseases of the digestive organs to Dublin Medical Press 1840–42. d. 42 Fitzwilliam sq. Dublin 21 Jany. 1880 in 83 year. BENSON, Rev. Christopher (son of Thomas Benson of Cockermouth, solicitor). b. Cockermouth 1788; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., scholar, B.A. 1809, M.A. 1815; select preacher 1817; Hulsean lecturer (the first) 1820–22; fellow of Magd. coll. Cam. 1820; preb. of Worcester cathedral 27 Dec. 1825 to death; R. of St. Giles’s-in-the-Fields, London 1824–26; V. of Cropthorne, Worcs. 1826–40; master of the Temple London 1827–45; author of Discourses on powers of the clergy 1841; Baptism and baptismal regeneration 1843. d. Woodfield, Ross, Hereford 25 March 1868. The living and the dead by a country curate (Rev. E. Neale) 1827 pp. 81–98; E. M. Roose’s Ecclesiastica (1842) 413–15. BENSON, Sir John (only son of John Benson of Collooney, co. Sligo). b. Collooney 1812; architect and civil engineer; county surveyor to east riding of co. Cork 8 April 1846; surveyor of city of Cork 29 Jany. 1851; architect and builder of Dublin exhibition 12 Aug. 1852 which was opened 12 May 1853, BENSON, Richard. Entered Bengal army 1805; colonel 11 Bengal N.I. 16 July 1849 to death; C.B. 3 April 1846; M.G. 28 Nov. 1854. d. at his residence on lake of Buttermere, Cumberland 26 Aug. 1858. BENSON, Rev. Samuel. Ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam.; B.A. 1823, M.A. 1826; lecturer at St. John’s Horsleydown 1823–33; chaplain of Horsemonger lane gaol 1833–43; V. of St. Saviour’s Southwark 1868 to death; author of several sermons and tracts. d. 34 Borough high st. London 22 Feb. 1881 aged 82. I.L.N. xxiv, 401 (1851), portrait. BENT, Jeffery Hart (eld. son of Robert Bent of Lancashire). Ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1804, M.A. 1807; barrister M.T. 7 Feb. 1806; chief justice of New South Wales 1814, of Grenada 1820 to 1833, of St. Lucia 1833 to 1836 and of British Guiana 1836 to death. d. George Town Demerara 29 June 1852 aged 72. I.L.N. xxi, 155 (1852). BENT, Sir John (eld. son of Wm. Bent of Stoneyfield near Newcastle under Lyne). b. Newcastle under Lyne 1793; ed. at Newcastle gr. sch.; a large brewer at Liverpool; alderman of Liverpool, mayor 1850–51; knighted by the Queen at Liverpool 9 Oct. 1851. d. Edge hill near Liverpool 13 Aug. 1857. BENT, John. Assistant surgeon in the army 11 Sep. 1838; served in the Crimea 30 April 1855 to end of the war; deputy surgeon general 28 Jany. 1862; surgeon general 11 July 1874 to death. d. The Camp Aldershot 23 Nov. 1874 aged 57. BENT, Robert (son of Wm. Bent who founded Bent’s Literary Advertiser 1802). Edited The London Catalogue of books 1839. d. 6 Dec. 1859. BENTHAM, George. b. June 1787; entered navy 1795; captain 16 Sep. 1816; retired V.A. 9 July 1857; knight of Sardinian order of St. Maurice and St. Lazare. d. Barton fields, Canterbury 24 Feb. 1862. BENTHAM, George (2 son of Sir Samuel Bentham, naval architect 1757–1831). b. Stoke near Plymouth 22 Sep. 1800; lived in France 1814–26; managed his father’s estate of BENTINCK, Adolphe Baron Von. Secretary of legation for the Netherlands at Copenhagen, Stockholm, Berlin and Vienna successively; councillor of the legation in London 7 years; envoy extraord. and minister plenipo. in London 25 Aug. 1851 to death. d. 26 Eaton sq. London 2 March 1868 aged 70. BENTINCK, Arthur Cavendish. b. 9 May 1819; ensign 84 Foot 2 Nov. 1838; lieut. col. 7 Dragoon guards 8 Dec. 1854 and 4 Dragoon guards 30 Aug. 1859 to 30 May 1862 when placed on h.p.; L.G. 1 Oct. 1877. d. Thomas’s hotel, 25 Berkely sq. London 11 Dec. 1877. BENTINCK, Charles Anthony Ferdinand. b. 4 March 1792; ensign Coldstream guards 16 Nov. 1808, lieut. col. 9 Nov. 1846 to 25 April 1848 when placed on h.p.; colonel 12 Foot 14 April 1857 to death; L.G. 15 Jany. 1858. d. Bergheim in principality of Waldeck 28 Oct. 1864. BENTINCK, Sir Henry John William (youngest son of Major general John Charles Bentinck 1763–1833). b. 8 Sep. 1796; ensign Coldstream guards 25 March 1813, lieut. col. 22 Aug. 1851 to 20 June 1854; aide de camp to the Queen 23 Nov. 1841 to 20 June 1854; commanded the brigade of Guards in the Crimea 22 Feb. to 8 Nov. 1854 and the fourth division 1 June to 10 Oct. 1855; colonel 28 Foot 11 Oct. 1854 to death; K.C.B. 5 July 1855; groom in waiting to the Queen Nov. 1859 to June 1867; general 8 Dec. 1867. d. 35 Grosvenor st. London 29 Sep. 1878. BENTINCK, Venerable William Harry Edward. (elder son of Lord Edward Charles Bentinck 1744–1819). b. 2 Feb. 1784; ed. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox.; B.A. 1805, M.A. 1808; R. of Sigglesthorne near Hull 1808 to death; Canon of Westminster 7 Oct. 1809 to 1864 and Archdeacon 1854–64; rural dean 1842 to death; built at his own expense church of Holy Trinity, Vauxhall bridge 1852. d. Sigglesthorne rectory 29 Sep. 1868. I.L.N. xxiv, 401 (1854), portrait. BENTLEY, Charles. Member of the old water-color Society 1844; painted many pictures chiefly of coast and river scenery, four of which are in the South Kensington Museum. d. of cholera at Mornington place London 4 Sep. 1854 aged 48. BENTLEY, Edward (eld. son of John Bentley 1786–1860). b. 31 Dec. 1817; an operative chemist; gained credit for his method of obtaining the more powerful vegetable preparations for medical use; studied at Guy’s Hospital; L.R.C.P. 1845; M.D. St. Andrews 1845; very instrumental in founding City of London hospital for diseases of the chest 1848; hon. sec. to Pathological Society of London. d. 8 St. Thomas sq. Hackney 2 Feb. 1861. BENTLEY, James. b. 1785; purchased Wood Green park, Cheshunt, Herts 1839 and the manor of the rectory of Cheshunt 1855; sheriff of Herts 1860; treasurer of St. Bartholomew’s hospital 1841–55. d. Wood Green park 26 Oct. 1880 in 96 year. BENTLEY, John (son of Edward Bentley, principal of accountants office bank of England who d. 24 July 1838 aged 85). b. 12 Nov. 1786; ed. at St. Paul’s school; secretary to Bank of England 1850–60. d. Park crescent, Brighton 20 Dec. 1860. BENTLEY, Joseph Clayton. b. Bradford, Yorkshire 1809; a landscape painter; went to London 1832; exhibited landscapes chiefly views in Yorkshire at Royal Academy and other exhibitions; a line engraver; executed many plates for publications of Messrs. Fisher and Messrs. Virtue especially for the Gems of European Art 2 vols. 1847; some of his best works are in the Vernon Gallery at the National Gallery. d. Sydenham, Kent 9 Oct. 1851. BENTLEY, Richard (brother of John Bentley 1786–1860). b. Oct. 1794; ed. at St. Paul’s sch.; publisher with his brother Samuel in Salisbury st. Fleet st. Jany. 1819 to 1829; publisher with Henry Colburn 1829–32; started Bentley’s Miscellany 1837; founded with George Smythe and the Young England party a newspaper called Young England Jany. 1845 which collapsed April 1845; started with John Douglas Cook Bentley’s Quarterly Review 1859 of which only 4 numbers appeared; published Standard Novels 127 volumes the copyright and stock of which he sold 27 Feb. 1856 for £11,000; publisher in ordinary to the Queen 1838 to death. d. Ramsgate 10 Sep. 1871. Graphic iv, 375, 381 (1871), portrait. BENTLEY, Samuel (brother of the preceding). b. 10 May 1785; ed. at St. Paul’s school; apprenticed to John Nichols, printer and publisher; partner in firm of Nichols, Son and Bentley April 1812 to Dec. 1818; publisher with his brother Richard Jany. 1819 to 1829; carried on business at Bangor house, Shoe lane under firm of Samuel and John Bentley, Wilson and Fley 1829 to April 1853 when he retired; an antiquary, musician and artist; edited the Concio de puero Jesu of Erasmus 1816; author of Excerpta Historica 1831; indexed Nichols’s Literary anecdotes and Surtees’s History of Durham. d. Croydon 13 April 1868. G.M. i, 127 (1868). BENTLEY, William (brother of the preceding). b. 1788; ed. at St. Paul’s school; principal of the Bank stock office, Bank of England; master of the Leathersellers Company 1857–58. d. Colfe lodge, Lewisham 28 Jany. 1877. BENTON, Mary (dau. of Ralph Lodge). b. Raby Moor house near Keverstone, Durham 12 Feb. 1751. (m. John Benton of Longnewton, BEOR, Henry Rogers (4 son of Richard White Beor of Swansea). Barrister M.T. 26 Jany. 1870; admitted to Queensland bar 7 Dec. 1875; member of Queensland parliament for Bowen; attorney general for Queensland 1880. d. on his voyage from Sydney to Auckland 25 Dec. 1880. BERE, Montagu Baker. b. 15 July 1798; barrister L.I. 21 June 1825; commissioner of Court of bankruptcy at Leeds 21 Oct. 1842 to 1844 and at Exeter 1844 to death. d. Barley near Exeter 13 Dec. 1858. BERENS, Venerable Edward (son of Joseph Berens of Hextable, Kent). Matric. from Ch. Ch. Ox. 17 Jany. 1794 aged 17; B.A. 1798, M.A. 1801; fellow of Oriel coll.; V. of Shrivenham, Berks. 1804 to death; R. of Englefield, Berks. 1818–55; Preb. of Salisbury 23 Oct. 1829 to death; archdeacon of Berks. 7 Sep. 1832 to 1855; author of A discourse on parochial psalmody 1825; Advice to a young man upon first going to Oxford 1832, 6 ed. 1853; The history of the Prayer Book of the Church of England 1839, 2 ed. 1854; A memoir of the life of Bishop Mant 1849; Lectures on the Liturgy 1850 and other books. d. Shrivenham vicarage 7 April 1859. BERENS, Henry Hulse (son of Joseph Berens of Kevington, Kent). b. 1804; deputy chairman of Public works loan office 1849–52; a director of Bank of England many years. d. Sidcup, Kent 23 Aug. 1883 aged 78. BERENS, Otto Alexander. Linen draper in St. Paul’s churchyard, London; originated the fancy trade; moved to Cannon st. 1854. d. Raleigh hall, Brixton-rise London 15 April 1860 aged 63. BERESFORD, William Carr Beresford, 1 Viscount (natural son of George de la Poer Beresford, 1 Marquis of Waterford 1735–1800). b. Ireland 2 Oct. 1768; ed. at Strassburg; ensign 6 Foot 27 Aug. 1785; lieut. col. of 124 or Waterford Foot (a regiment raised by his father) 11 Aug. 1794; lieut. col. 88 Foot 1 Sep. 1795 to 9 Feb. 1807; commanded first brigade in Egypt June 1801 to 1802 and first brigade at Cape of Good Hope 1806; captured Buenos Ayres 27 June 1806 but lost it 12 Aug.; colonel 88 Foot 9 Feb. 1807 to 11 March 1819; governor of Madeira 24 BERESFORD, Denis William Pack. b. London 7 July 1810; M.P. for co. Carlow 7 Aug. 1862 to 11 Nov. 1868. d. 28 Dec. 1881. BERESFORD, Sir George de la Poer, 2 Baronet. b. 1 March 1811; M.P. for Athlone 8 July 1841 to 13 June 1842; succeeded 2 Oct. 1844. d. Glasgow 11 Feb. 1873. BERESFORD, Most Rev. John George (2 son of George Beresford, 1 Marquis of Waterford 1735–1800). b. Tyrone house, Dublin 22 Nov. 1773; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1793, M.A. 1796, D.D. 1805; ordained deacon 1795, priest 1797; R. of Clonegam and Newtown Lenan; dean of Clogher 23 Dec. 1799; R. of Termonmaguirk 1801; bishop of Cork and Ross 20 Feb. 1805; consecrated 24 March 1805; translated to Raphoe 10 Aug. 1807; translated to Clogher 25 Sep. 1819; created Archbishop of Dublin 21 April 1820; enthroned 6 May 1820; P.C. Ireland 23 May 1820; archbishop of Armagh and primate of all Ireland 17 June 1822; vice chancellor of Univ. of Dublin 1829, chancellor 19 Nov. 1851; founded the chair of Ecclesiastical history 1853; gave £6000 to college of St. Columba; restored Armagh Note.—He presided over the church in Ireland for 40 years, a longer period than any primate for nearly 1000 years; on completing the 50th year of his episcopate, 29 March 1855 he received an address of congratulation signed by all the Irish bishops and by 1980 out of the entire body of 2100 Irish clergy. BERESFORD, Marcus (2 son of Hon. George Beresford 1776–1842). b. 28 July 1800; 2 lieut. 21 Foot 4 Sep. 1817; lieut. col. 3 Foot 25 Dec. 1835 to 13 May 1842 when placed on h.p.; colonel 20 Foot 22 Sep. 1858 to death; general 4 March 1866. d. Leamington 16 March 1876. BERESFORD, William (younger son of Marcus Beresford 1764–97, M.P. for Dungarvan). b. 17 April 1797; ed. at Eton and St. Mary’s hall Ox., B.A. 1819, M.A. 1824; captain 12 Lancers 6 April 1826 to 16 July 1830 when placed on h.p.; served in Portugal 1827; master of the Tennis Court, Hampton Court 1823 to death; contested Waterford 1837; M.P. for Harwich 1841–1847 and for North Essex 1847–65; secretary at war 28 Feb. 1852 to Dec. 1852; P.C. 27 Feb. 1852. d. Eccleston sq. London 6 Oct. 1883. I.L.N. xx, 267 (1852), portrait. BERGENROTH, Gustave Adolph. b. Oletzko, East Prussia 26 Feb. 1813; ed. at Univ. of KÖnigsberg 1833–36; assessor to the high court at Berlin 1843 and 1846–49; studied English history in London 1857–60; examined the Spanish Archives at Simancas, Spain Aug. 1860 to death, deciphering more than 12 ciphers of exceeding difficulty; author of Calendar of letters, despatches and state papers relating to the negotiations between England and Spain 1485–1525, 3 vols. 1862–68. d. Fonda de los Principes, Puerta del Sol, Madrid 13 Feb. 1869. W. C. Cartwright’s G. Bergenroth a memorial sketch 1870. BERGER, George. b. London; a journeyman compositor; wholesale newsagent and bookseller in Holywell st. Strand 1834; the largest retailer of papers and periodicals in London; publisher in Newcastle st. Strand 1864 to death. d. Friern house, Finchley 1 Feb. 1868 aged 72. BERKELEY, Thomas Moreton Fitzhardinge Berkeley, 6 Earl of. b. 19 Oct. 1796; ed. at C. C. coll. Ox.; succeeded 8 Aug. 1810, but never assumed the title or took his seat in House of Lords though he received usual summons to do so. d. Hartington lane, Cranford, Hounslow 27 Aug. 1882. BERKELEY, Charles Assheton Fitzhardinge. b. 10 Oct. 1818; ensign 11 Foot 27 May 1836; lieut. col. 32 Foot 24 July 1857 to death; C.B. 24 March 1858. d. on board the “Simla” off the island of Socotra 25 Sep. 1858. BERKELEY, Craven Fitzhardinge (brother of 6 Earl of Berkeley). b. Berkeley house, Spring Gardens London 28 July 1805; ensign 85 Foot 13 Feb. 1823; captain 2 Life Guards 22 March 1831 to 25 Aug. 1837 when placed on h.p.; M.P. for Cheltenham 10 Dec. 1832 to 23 July 1847, 28 July 1848 to 24 Aug. 1848, when election declared void and 8 July 1852 to death; fought a duel with Henry George Boldero M.P. for Chippenham, in Osterly park 15 July 1842. d. Frankfort upon Main 1 July 1855. Godings History of Cheltenham (1863) 85–94, 365–8. BERKELEY, Francis Henry Fitzhardinge (brother of the preceding). b. 7 Dec. 1794; gentleman commoner at Ch. Ch. Ox. 1814; M.P. for Bristol 22 July 1837 to death; leader in House of Commons of the ballot question 8 Aug. 1848 to death, the ballot bill was passed 13 July 1872; chief opponent of the Temperance cause in House of Commons, presented by the licensed victuallers with a testimonial of £1,050 at Bristol 24 Sep. 1856. d. 1 Victoria sq. Pimlico London 10 March 1870. Burn’s Temperance dictionary (1861) 300–303; Illust. News of the world iii, 84 (1859), portrait. BERKELEY, Sir George Henry Frederick (elder son of Admiral Sir George Cranfield Berkeley, G.C.B. 1753–1818). b. 9 July 1785; cornet Royal horse guards 21 Jany. 1802; captain 3 Foot guards 22 Feb. 1821 to 16 Nov. 1826 when placed on h.p.; col. 81 Foot 15 Jany. 1844 and of 35 Foot 11 July 1845 to death; surveyor general of the ordnance 28 June to Dec. 1852; general 20 June 1854; M.P. for Devonport 7 July 1852 to death; K.C.B. 2 Jany. 1815. d. Richmond, Surrey 25 Sep. 1857. BERKELEY, Robert James. Called to bar in Ireland 1830; Q.C. 9 Nov. 1852. d. 6 Trafalgar terrace, Monkstown, Ireland 31 Oct. 1873. BERKELEY, Sackville Hamilton. Ensign 16 Foot 1 May 1800, captain 25 Dec. 1804 to 26 Feb. 1824 when placed on h.p.; deputy adjutant general in West Indies 20 June 1811 to 15 March 1827; col. of 75 Foot 16 Sep. 1845 and of 16 Foot 22 March 1858 to death; general 20 June 1854. d. 4 York terrace, Regent’s Park, London 12 Feb. 1863. BERKLY, James John. b. Holloway near London 21 Oct. 1819; pupil of Robert Stephenson 1839; chief resident engineer of Great Indian Peninsula railway 1850–58; first 20 miles of the line from Bombay to Tanna were opened 16 April 1853 thus initiating BERNAL, Ralph (only son of Jacob Bernal of 7 Fitzroy square, London who d. 10 Nov. 1811). ed. at Christ’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1806, M.A. 1809; student L.I. 13 June 1804, barrister 8 Feb. 1810; M.P. for Lincoln 1818–20, for Rochester 1820–41 and 1847–52 and for Weymouth 1841–47; spent sum of £66,000 in election contests; chairman of committees of House of Commons 1830–50; pres. of British ArchÆological association 1853 to death; made a splendid collection of works of art from the Byzantine period to that of Louis Seize and of furniture and plate which was sold for £63,000 in a 32 day sale 1855. d. 93 Eaton sq. London 26 Aug. 1854. Annual Register (1855) 41–44; G.M. xlii, 628 (1854). BERNAL OSBORNE, Ralph (eld. son of the preceding). b. 26 March 1808; ed. at the Charterhouse; matric. from Trin. coll. Cam. Oct. 1829; ensign 71 Foot 8 June 1830; captain 7 Foot 27 July 1838 to 1841 when he sold out; M.P. for Chipping Wycombe 1841–47, for Middlesex 1847–57, for Dover 1857–59, for Liskeard 1859–65, for Nottingham 1866–68 and for Waterford city 1870–74; took surname of Osborne in lieu of Bernal 19 Aug. 1844 but always known as R. Bernal Osborne; presided at banquet given to Lord Palmerston at Reform club 20 July 1850; secretary of the Admiralty Dec. 1852 to Feb. 1858; author of 2 poems called The chaunt of Achilles 1838 and A voice from Palace yard. d. Bestwood lodge near Nottingham 4 Jany. 1882. Bagenal’s Life of R. Bernal Osborne privately printed 1884; Temple Bar, lxxii, 34–49 (1884); Fortnightly Review xxxvi, 535–44 (1884); I.L.N. xiv, 397 (1849), portrait, lxxx, 61 (1882), portrait; Graphic xxv, 45 (1882), portrait. BERNARD, Hermann. b. Uman or Human Poland 1785; a banker; went to England 1825; Hebrew teacher in Univ. of Cambridge 1830 to death; author of The creed and ethics of the Jews 1832; edited Guide of the Hebrew student 1839; author with Rev. P. H. Mason of An easy practical Hebrew grammar; in the title pages of all his works the name of Hedwig being that of a departed sister whom he wished to commemorate is joined to his own. d. Cambridge 15 Nov. 1857. The book of Job as expounded to his Cambridge pupils by the late BERNARD, Mountague (3 son of Charles Bernard of Eden, Jamaica). b. Tibberton Court, Gloucs. 28 Jany. 1820; ed. at Sherborne and Trin. coll. Ox., B.A. 1842, B.C.L. 1845, D.C.L. 1871; Vinerian scholar and fellow of his college; barrister L.I. 1 May 1846; Chichele professor of international law and diplomacy in Univ. of Oxford 1859 to 9 May 1874; assessor of the Chancellor’s Court, Oxford 1859 to Nov. 1871; sec. to royal commission on Cattle plague 1866; member of royal commissions on Naturalisation 1868, Fugitive slaves 1876 and Univ. of Ox. 1877; fellow of All Souls coll. Ox. 1870; curator of Taylor institution at Ox. 9 Feb. 1871; one of high comrs. for treating with the United States of America 16 Feb. 1871, signed treaty of Washington 8 May 1871; P.C. 29 June 1871, member of its Judicial committee 24 Nov. 1871; an original member of the Institut de droit international 1873, pres. at the Oxford meeting 1880; one of founders of Guardian newspaper 1846, wrote the weekly summary of events in it for some years. d. Overross, Ross, Herefordshire 2 Sep. 1882. BERNARD, Thomas. b. Sep. 1816; sheriff of King’s county 1837 and lord lieutenant 5 Dec. 1867 to death; colonel of King’s county militia 23 March 1871 to death. d. Castle Bernard, Kinnetty, King’s county 13 Dec. 1882. BERNARD, Sir Thomas Tyringham, 6 Baronet. b. Bolton st. Piccadilly London 15 Sep. 1791; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox.; sheriff of Bucks. 1816; M.P. for Aylesbury 28 March 1857 to 6 July 1865; succeeded 22 Jany. 1876. d. Cadogan lodge, Carlyle sq. London 8 May 1883. I.L.N. lxxxii, 525 (1883), portrait. BERNARD, William Bayle (son of John Bernard, English comedian 1756–1828). b. Pleasant st. Boston U.S. 27 Nov. 1809; came to England 1820; clerk in Army accounts office 1826–30 when office was abolished; wrote much dramatic and other criticism for the press; author of The freebooter’s bride 5 vols. 1828; Life of Samuel Lover 2 vols. 1874 and of 114 plays, best known being Rip Van Winkle 1832; The nervous man 1833; The man about town 1836; Marie Ducange 1837; His last legs 1839; The boarding school 1841; The round of wrong 1846. d. Brighton 5 Aug. 1875. The Era Almanac (1868) 17–18. BERNAYS, Adolphus. Professor of German language and literature at King’s College London 1831–63; F.R.G.S. 1858; author of German poetry for beginners 1836; German poetical anthology 1843; German historical anthology 1846 and 6 other school books. d. The rectory, Great Stanmore 22 Dec. 1864. BERNAYS, Rev. Leopold John (eld. son of the preceding). b. 28 Dec. 1820; ed. at Merchant Taylors and St. John’s coll. Ox., B.A. 1843, M.A. 1846, fellow of his college; head master of Elstree school 1847–60; R. of Great Stanmore, Middlesex 1860 to death; author of Translation of Goethe’s Faust, part 2 and other poems 1839; Manual of family prayers and meditations 1845; The church in the schoolroom, 1851. d. The rectory, Great Stanmore 25 Oct. 1882. BERNCASTLE, Julius. Educ. at Univ. of Paris and Guy’s hospital London; assistant colonial surgeon Van Diemen’s Land 1841–42; surgeon at Croydon, Surrey 1842–48; surgeon to Croydon union and infirmary 1842–48 when presented by medical profession with a purse of gold; practised in London 1851–54; an oculist and aurist at Sydney 1854 and at Melbourne 1867 to death; author of A voyage to China 2 vols. 1850; The revolt of the Bengal Sepoys 1857; The defenceless state of Sydney 1865; Australian snake bites; The use and abuse of tobacco [Two lectures] 1868. d. Greville place, Prahran, Victoria 30 June 1870 in 51 year. BERNERS, Rev. Henry Wilson, 5 Baron. b. 1 Oct. 1762; R. of Alexton, Leics. 1814 to death; R. of Kirby-Cane, Norfolk 1820 to 1845; succeeded 25 March 1838. d. Kirby-Cane 26 Feb. 1851. BERNERS, Henry William Wilson, 6 Baron. b. Kirby-Cane hall, Norfolk 23 Feb. 1797; ed. at Eton and Em. coll. Cam.; built Keythorpe hall, co. Leicester 1842; succeeded 26 Feb. 1851; pres. of Royal agricultural society 1859 and of Smithfield club 1860 and 1861; a successful breeder of sheep and shorthorns; a great hawker and hunter. d. Keythorpe hall 27 June 1871. Illust. news of the world ii, (1858), portrait; I.L.N. xxviii, 74 (1858), portrait. BERNEY, Sir Hanson, 8 Baronet. b. Kirby-Bedon, Norfolk 3 Dec. 1780; succeeded 4 Oct. 1825. d. 7 Sep. 1870. BERNSTORFF, Albrecht Graf Von, Baron. b. DreilÜkow, Mecklenburg 22 March 1809; Prussian minister in London 1 May 1854; minister for foreign affairs at Berlin July 1861 to Oct. 1862; Prussian ambassador in London Oct. 1862; ambassador of North German confederation Feb. 1867 and of German empire 24 Feb. 1871 to death. d. 9 Carlton house terrace, London 26 March 1873. Illust. news of the world i, 10 (1858), portrait. BERRI, Amy d’Artois, Duchesse de (dau. of Rev. Joseph Brown of Maidstone, Kent who d. 8 April 1824 aged 77 by Mary Anne Deacon who d. 10 March 1806 aged 59). b. Maidstone 8 April 1783 m. at the Catholic church King st. Portman sq. London 1806, Charles Ferdinand d’Artois Duc de Berri son of Comte d’Artois afterwards Charles x, he was b. 24 Jany. 1778 and was assassinated by Louvel on the steps of the Opera house Paris 13 Feb. 1820, the marriage was annulled by Louis xviii in 1815. d. ChÂteau de la Contrie, commune de CouffÉ, Loire-InfÉrieure France 7 May 1876. Les secrets des Bourbons par C. Nauroy (1882) 5–62; Bingham’s Marriages of the Bonapartes ii, 198–200 (1881). BERRIDGE, James Samuel. b. 1806; Educ. at the Charter House and Trin. hall Cam.; pres. of legislative council St. Christopher 1846, puisne judge Court of Queen’s Bench and Common Pleas 1847, chairman of Board of Health 1860, postmaster 1860, pres. of legislative assembly 1870; pres. of St. Christopher April 1872 to death; member of executive council of Leeward Islands 1872. d. Limekiln, St. Kitts 5 Nov. 1885. BERRY, James Middleton. Librarian to the Queen 1839 to death. d. Manchester 25 Oct. 1875 aged 72. BERRY, Agnes (younger dau. of Robert Berry of London, merchant who d. 18 May 1817). b. Kirkbridge, Yorkshire 29 May 1764; travelled on the Continent with her sister Mary 1783–85 and 1802. d. 8 Curzon st. London 29 BERRY, Alexander. b. Fifeshire 30 Nov. 1781; member of legislative council of New South Wales 1829; member of the upper house 1856–61. d. Sydney 17 Sep. 1873. BERRY, Rev. Charles (3 son of Rev. John Berry, Independent minister at Romsey, Hants who d. about 1821). b. Romsey 10 Nov. 1783; ed. at Homerton college; Unitarian minister of the Great meeting Leicester 1803–59; kept a school at Leicester 1808–38, had many distinguished pupils; one of founders of Leicester literary and philosophical society and of Leicester town museum; author of The duty of national thanksgiving 1812; Funeral sermon for Queen Caroline 1821; Remarks on Popery 1851. d. Olive Mount, Wavertree, Liverpool 4 May 1877. Remembrance of Rev. C. Berry by J. C. (James Clephan) 1877. BERRY, Rev. Cornelius (brother of the preceding). b. Romsey 23 July 1788; ed. at Homerton college; Independent minister at Ware, Herts 1 Oct. 1809 to 30 Sep. 1810, at Hatfield Heath, Essex 31 March 1811 to death; ordained 9 Oct. 1811. d. 5 Mathon place, Richmond road, Barnsbury, London 8 Sep. 1864. Biographical sketch of the Rev. C. Berry by John Hayden 1865. BERRY, Mary (sister of Agnes Berry). b. Kirkbridge, Yorkshire 16 March 1763; travelled on the Continent 1783–85 and 1802; became acquainted with Horace Walpole 1788 who left her at his death 2 March 1797 sum of £4000 and house called Little Strawberry Hill; engaged to General O’Hara 1796; edited The works of Horace Walpole 5 vols. 1798 on which her father’s name appears as editor; author of Fashionable Friends, a comedy in 5 acts produced at Drury Lane theatre 22 April 1802; A comparative view of the social condition of England and France 1828; Social life in England and France from the French revolution in 1789 to that of July 1830 [anon.] 1831. d. 8 Curzon st. London at midnight 20 Nov. 1852. H. Martineau’s Biographical sketches, 4 ed. (1876) 293–98; Extracts from the Journals of Miss Berry, edited by Lady T. Lewis, 2 ed. 3 vols. 1866, 3 portraits; I.L.N. xxi, 517 (1852), portrait. BERRY, William. Writing clerk to Registrar of College of arms 1793–1809; lived in Guernsey some years then at Doddington place, Kennington, Surrey; author of Introduction BERTINI, Henri JÉrÔme. b. London 28 Oct. 1798; celebrated pianist, excelled in phrasing and execution; gave concerts in the Netherlands 1811; made a professional tour through England and Scotland; settled in Paris 1821, retired about 1855; composed nearly 200 pieces of music. d. Meylan near Grenoble 1 Oct. 1876. BERWICK, Richard Noel Noel Hill, 5 Baron. b. Betton, Shropshire 21 Nov. 1800; succeeded 28 Sep. 1848. d. Cronkhill near Shrewsbury 12 April 1861. BERWICK, William Noel Noel Hill, 6 Baron. b. 6 July 1802; ensign 3 Foot 13 Nov. 1817; major 69 Foot 4 Dec. 1835 to 30 Oct. 1840 when placed on h.p.; colonel 20 June 1854; succeeded 12 April 1861. d. Attingham hall near Shrewsbury 24 Nov. 1882. BERWICK, Edward. Called to Irish bar 1832; pres. of Queen’s college Galway 1845 to death. d. Queen’s college, Galway 7 March 1877. BERWICK, Walter (son of Rev. Edward Berwick, R. of Esker Lucan, co. Dublin). Called to Irish bar 1826; chairman of quarter sessions for Waterford 1835–47, for east riding of co. Cork 1847–59; Q.C. 6 Feb. 1840, bencher of King’s Inns 1856; serjeant at law 1855; judge of Irish Bankruptcy court 1859 to death; burned alive in the train at Abergele, Denbighshire 20 Aug. 1868 the most terrible railway accident that ever happened in this country. The Berwick Art Club was established in Dublin to perpetuate his memory Oct. 1868. Irish law times ii, 477 (1868); I.L.N. liii, 205, 234 (1868). BESEMERES, John (eld. son of Mr. Besemeres of City of London). Merchant at Calcutta; author of following plays, all written under pseudonym of John Daly, Broken Toys, produced at Sadlers Wells 1850; Young husbands BESLEY, Robert. b. Exeter 14 Oct. 1794; member of firm of Messrs. Thorogood of city of London, type founders 1829; member for Aldersgate ward of Court of common council 1852, alderman of the ward 1861 to death; sheriff 1864–65, lord mayor 1869–70. d. Victoria road, Wimbledon park 18 Dec. 1876. I.L.N. lv, 461 (1869), portrait. BESLY, Rev. John. Ed. at Balliol coll. Ox., fellow 1823, B.A. 1821, M.A. 1826, D.C.L. 1835; tutor in Rugby school 1823–28; sub librarian Bodleian library 1828–31; V. of Long Benton near Newcastle 1830 to death; R. of Aston-sub-edge, Gloucs. 1831 to death; proctor in Convocation of York 1836–45 and 1855–64; author of A translation of Aristotle’s Rhetoric with analysis by Hobbes 1833; Desultory notices of the church and vicarage of Long Benton 1843 and of Sermons. d. Long Benton 17 April 1868 aged 68. BESSBOROUGH, John George Brabazon Ponsonby, 5 Earl of (eld. son of John Wm. Ponsonby, 4 Earl of Bessborough 1781–1847). b. London 4 Oct. 1809; ed. at the Charterhouse; attachÉ to embassy at St. Petersburgh 3 July 1832; M.P. for Bletchingley 5 May 1831 to July 1831, for Higham Ferrers 6 Oct. 1831 to 3 Dec. 1832 and for Derby 8 Jany. 1835 to 16 May 1847 when he succeeded; lord lieutenant of co. Carlow 5 Sep. 1838 to death; master of the buckhounds 16 May 1848 to Feb. 1852, 30 Dec. 1852 to 26 Feb. 1858 and 18 June 1859 to 20 Jany. 1866; P.C. 30 June 1848; lord steward of the household 20 Jany. 1866 to July 1866 and 9 Dec. 1868 to 2 March 1874. d. Bessborough house near Piltown, co. Kilkenny 28 Jany. 1880. Baily’s Mag. vi, 163–64 (1863), portrait. BESSONET, James. Called to Irish bar 1807; K.C. 13 July 1830; chairman of sessions for county Waterford. d. 21 Lower Leeson st. Dublin 3 Oct. 1859 aged 76. BEST, Samuel. Second lieut. Madras Engineers 16 Dec. 1825; captain 9 May 1842 to death; planned fortifications of Singapore; superintendent of roads in Madras, Presidency 1845 to death; his principal works are the Southern BEST, Rev. Samuel (3 son of 1 Baron Wynford 1767–1845). b. 2 Dec. 1802; ed. at King’s college Cam., fellow, B.A. 1826, M.A. 1830; R. of Abbots-Anne, Andover 1831 to death; rural dean of Andover; author of Parochial sermons 1836; Manual of parochial institutions 1849; Catechism on collects 1850; Discourses on collects, epistles and gospels 1853. d. The rectory, Abbots-Anne 20 Jany. 1873. BEST, Thomas (brother of the preceding). b. 12 Aug. 1799; entered navy 3 Nov. 1812; captain 22 July 1830; V.A. on h.p. 10 Nov. 1862. d. 19 Hyde park sq. London 4 Sep. 1864. BEST, William Mawdesley (eld. son of Thomas Best, captain 26 Foot who d. 8 Oct. 1813). b. 24 Dec. 1809; ed. at Trin. coll. Dub., B.A. 1831, LL.B. 1832, M.A. 1834; barrister G.I. 11 June 1834, bencher 16 Jany. 1867; author of Right to begin and right to reply in law courts 1837; Treatise on circumstantial proof in criminal cases 1844; Principles of the law of evidence 1849, 7 ed. 1883. d. 17 Nov. 1869. BESTOW, William (son of Wm. Bestow of 124 Wood st. Cheapside, London, web manufacturer). b. 14 Feb. 1789; partly founded several papers; founded Theatrical Journal, a weekly record of the English drama 1840, edited it to Nov. 1872, 33 vols., it ceased 16 April 1873; wrote several political pamphlets. d. 20 Frederick st. King’s Cross, London 30 April 1873. BETHAM, Mary Matilda (eld. dau. of Rev. Wm. Betham 1749–1839, master of endowed school at Stonham Aspal, Suffolk 1784–1833). b. 1776 or 1777; gave Shakespearian readings in London about 1803; author of Elegies 1797; Biographical dictionary of celebrated women 1804; Poems 1808; The lay of Marie, a poem 1816. d. 36 Burton st. Burton crescent, London 30 Sep. 1852 aged 76. Six life studies of famous women by M. Betham-Edwards (1880) 231–303, portrait; Fraser’s Mag. July 1878, 73–84. BETHAM, Sir William (brother of the preceding). b. Stradbroke, Suffolk 22 May 1779; clerk to Sir Chichester Fortescue, Ulster king of arms 1805; genealogist attendant on order of St. Patrick 15 July 1812; knighted by Lord lieutenant of Ireland 15 July 1812; BETHELL, Right Rev. Christopher (2 son of Rev. Richard Bethell, R of St. Peter’s, Wallingford who d. 12 Jany. 1806). b. Isleworth, Surrey 21 April 1773; ed. at Eton and King’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1796, M.A. 1799, D.D. 1817, fellow of his college; R. of Kirby Wiske, Yorkshire 1808–30; dean of Chichester 5 April 1814 to March 1824; bishop of Gloucester 24 March 1824, consecrated 11 April 1824; bishop of Exeter 8 April 1830; preb. of Exeter 22 June 1830; bishop of Bangor 28 Oct. 1830 to death; author of A general view of the doctrine of regeneration in baptism 1821, 4 ed. 1845. d. The palace, Bangor 19 April 1859. bur. Llandegai church yard 27 April. BETHELL, Rev. George. Educ. at Eton; assistant at Eton 1802; fellow of Eton 21 Sep. 1818 to death; R. of Worplesdon, Surrey 1833 to death. d. Eton college 16 March 1857 aged 78. BETHELL, John (son of Richard Bethell M.D. of Bristol). b. 1804; solicitor in London 1825–54; patented a complete system of diving apparatus 1835; patented a process for preserving timber from decay by impregnating it with creosote oil 11 July 1838, this invention has been adopted on a large scale, in marine works it is almost indispensable, the idea was taken from the embalming of mummies; patented many other inventions; carried on a distillery of beetroot spirit in Berkshire; A.I.C.E. 20 March 1838. d. Cleveland sq. Hyde Park London 22 Feb. 1867. Minutes of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxvii, 597–99 (1868). BETHELL, Richard. b. 10 May 1772; ed. at King’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1795, fellow of his college; owner of large estates in Yorkshire 1799; M.P. for Yorkshire 5 Aug. 1830 to 23 BETHUNE, Charles Ramsay Drinkwater (2 son of John Drinkwater of Thorncroft, Surrey, C.B., F.S.A. 1762–1844). b. 27 Dec. 1802; entered navy 2 Aug. 1815; captain 22 July 1830; served in Chinese war 1840–41; V.A. 10 Nov. 1862, admiral 2 April 1866; retired 1 April 1870; assumed additional name of Bethune 1837; C.B. 29 June 1841, F.R.G.S. 1842. d. 4, Queensbury place South Kensington 21 Feb. 1884. M. F. Conolly’s Biog. dict. of eminent men of Fife (1866) 56. BETHUNE, Sir Henry Lindesay (eld. child of Martin Eccles Lindesay Bethune, commissary general in Scotland who d. 1813). b. Hilton near Perth 12 April 1787; lieut. Madras Horse artillery 18 July 1804; captain 3 Sep. 1813 to 1 Sep. 1822 when he retired; drilled and disciplined the Persian army 1811–21, his lofty stature, 6 feet 7 inches, and great personal strength gained for him in Persia the epithet of “Rustum” the Hercules of ancient Persian story; knighted at St. James’s Palace 20 July 1832; sent to Persia as British agent 1834; commanded advanced guard of the Shah’s army 1834–35; returned home Sep. 1835; created baronet 7 March 1836. d. Tabreez, Persia 19 Feb. 1851. M. F. Conolly’s Biog. dict. of eminent men of Fife (1866) 57. BETHUNE, John Elliot Drinkwater (brother of C. R. D. Bethune). Ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1823; barrister M.T. 4 May 1827; one of municipal corporation comrs.; counsel to the Home Office 1833–47; drew the Municipal reform, Tithe commutation and County courts bills; legislative member of Supreme council of India 11 April 1848 to death; pres. of council of education at Calcutta 1848; established a school for native females of the higher classes at Calcutta which he endowed by his will with property in Calcutta. d. Calcutta 12 Aug. 1851 aged 50. G.M. xxxvii, 94–96, 434 (1852). BETTINGTON, Claude (2 son of Albemarle Bettington of Halsey house, Cheltenham). Commanded Bettington’s Horse in Zulu war 1879–80; C.M.G. 30 Oct. 1880. d. Elmina, Gold Coast 29 Dec. 1880. BETTS, Edward Ladd (eld. son of Wm. Betts of Sandown, Kent). b. Buckland near Dover 5 June 1815; constructed Midland railway from Rugby to Leicester and many other lines; partner with Sir S. M. Peto; constructed the line from Balaclava to English camp before Sebastopol; constructed with Brassey the grand trunk railway of Canada including Victoria tubular bridge, and with Crampton the London, Chatham and Dover railway; chairman of Eastern counties railway co. 1851 and 1852; sheriff of Kent 1858; contested Maidstone 1865; A.I.C.E. 26 June 1849. d. Assouan, Upper Egypt 21 Jany. 1872. bur. at Aylesford, Kent. Minutes of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxxvi, 285–88 (1873); I.L.N. lx, 187, 207, 611 (1872) BETTY, William Henry West (only child of William Henry Betty, M.D. of Lisburn, Ireland who d. 1811). b. Shrewsbury 13 Sep. 1791; made his dÉbut at Belfast theatre 16 Aug. 1803 as Osman in tragedy of Zara, and at Crow st. theatre Dublin 29 Nov. 1803 as Douglas; engaged at Covent Garden for 12 nights at £50 per night and a clear benefit, and at Drury Lane on intervening nights on same terms 1 Dec. 1804, after 3 nights his salary was raised to £100 per night; known as the young Roscius; fellow commoner of Christ’s college, Cambridge July 1808 to 1811; returned to the stage 1812 when he failed to draw; made his last appearance in London June 1813; took his farewell benefit at Southampton 9 Aug, 1824. d. 37, Ampthill sq. London 24 Aug. 1874. Roscius in London Biographical Memoirs of W. H. W. Betty 1805, portrait; Tinsley’s Mag. xv, 415–23 (1874); Temple Bar xlii, 346–61 (1874); Theatrical BEVAN, Charles Dacres (son of Charles Bevan, Lieut. col. 4 Foot who d. 12 July 1811). b. 7 Nov. 1805; ed. at Charterhouse and Ball. coll. Ox., B.A. 1827, M.A. 1829; barrister M.T. 21 May 1830; recorder of Dartmouth 1845–55, of Truro 1848–49, of Falmouth 1850–56, of Helston 1850–56 and of Penzance Dec. 1855 to Jany. 1857; judge of county courts for Cornwall (circuit 59) 22 Jany. 1857 to death. d. near Fowey, Cornwall 24 June 1872. BEVAN, Edward. b. London 8 July 1770; apprenticed to a surgeon at Hereford; studied at St. Bartholomew’s hospital; M.D. St. Andrews 1818; physician at Mortlake 5 years, at Stoke-upon-Trent, at Congleton 12 years and at Mortlake again 2 years; lived at Bridstow near Ross, then at Hereford 1849 to death; one of founders of Entomological Society 1833; author of The Honey-Bee, its natural history, physiology and management 1827, 3 ed. 1870, which was the best book on the subject; Hints on the history and management of the Honey-Bee 1851. d. Hereford 31 Jany. 1860. The Naturalist, ed. by Neville Wood iv, 142–46 (1838), portrait. BEVAN, Hannah Marishall (dau. of Wm. Bevan of London, tea merchant). b. London 1 Feb. 1798; joined the Newgate prison committee; worked with Elizabeth Fry and others; a minister of Society of Friends 1828. (m. 1827 Thomas Bevan, M.D. who d. 1847 aged 43). d. Penge 8 Nov. 1874. Annual Monitor for 1876 pp. 3–19. BEVAN, Philip. Ed. at Trin. coll. Dub., M.A. and M.B. 1843, M.D. 1845; F.R.C.S. Ireland 1837; lecturer on anatomy Dublin School of medicine; surgeon to Mercers hospital to about 1870; M.R.I.A. 13 April 1846; professor of practical anatomy Royal college of surgeons to death. d. 33 Pembroke road, Dublin 6 Dec. 1881. BEVAN, Venerable Thomas. Ed. at Jesus coll. Ox., B.A. 1823, M.A. 1828; V. of St. Peter’s, Carmarthen 1833 to death; archdeacon of St. David’s 11 June 1833 to death; preb. of Brecon 1853 to death. d. 28 Dec. 1863 aged 63. BEVERLEY, Charles James. b. Fort Augustus, Scotland Aug. 1788; assistant surgeon R.N. 1810; served in Sir Edward Parry’s first Arctic expedition 1819–20; went with him to Spitzbergen as surgeon and naturalist 1827; practised in London; F.R.S. 5 May 1831. d. Derman Terrace, Great Yarmouth 16 Sep. 1868. BEVERLEY, Edward, stage name of Edward Dickenson. b. Beverley, Yorkshire; a chorister in choir of York minster; sang at Weston’s music hall London; principal tenor of Madame Bodda-Pyne’s opera company, and of John Russell’s opera bouffe company; played at Gaiety and Opera Comique theatres London; in the United States, leading tenor at St. Mark’s church New York May 1880 to death. d. Flushing, Long island, New York Aug. 1880. BEVERLEY, Henry, stage name of Henry Roxby. b. 1797; made his dÉbut at West London theatre; chief low comedian at Adelphi theatre Oct. 1838; lessee of Victoria theatre 16 Sep. 1839 to 1840; manager of Sunderland and other theatres in north of England. d. 26, Russell sq. London 1 Feb. 1863. BEWES, Thomas. M.P. for Plymouth 11 Dec. 1832 to 23 June 1841. d. Beaumont, Plymouth 18 Nov. 1857 aged 79. BEWICK, Jane (eld. child of Thomas Bewick, painter in water colours 1753–1828). b. 29 April 1797; edited Memoir of Thomas Bewick written by himself 1862. d. 19, West st. Gateshead 7 April 1881. BEWICK, William (3 son of Wm. Bewick of Darlington, upholsterer). b. Darlington 20 Oct. 1795; pupil of B. R. Haydon in London 1817–20; portrait painter at Darlington 1824; copied pictures in Rome 1826–29; exhibited 4 pictures at the R.A., 8 at the B.I. and 9 at Suffolk st. exhibition 1822–48; competed for decorations of Houses of Parliament 1843; a skilful copyist especially of Rembrandt. d. Haughton house near Darlington 8 June 1866. Life and letters by T. Landseer 2 vols. 1871, portrait. BEXLEY, Nicholas Vansittart, 1 Baron (younger son of Henry Vansittart 1732–70, governor of Bengal). b. 29 April 1766; ed. at Cheam, Surrey and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1787, M.A. 1791, D.C.L. 1841; barrister L.I. 26 May 1791, bencher 12 Nov. 1812; M.P. for Hastings 1796–1802, for Old Sarum 1802–12 and for Harwich 1812–23; joint sec. of the Treasury 1801–1804 and 1806–1808; lord of the Treasury in Ireland 1804; P.C. 14 Jany. 1805; chief sec. for Ireland 23 March 1805 to Sep. 1805; chancellor of the Exchequer 9 June 1812 to Jany. 1823; created Baron Bexley of Bexley, Kent 1 March 1823; chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster 31 Jany. 1823 to Jany. 1828; author of many political and financial pamphlets 1793–1818. d. Footscray place, Kent 8 Feb. 1851. W. C. Taylor’s National portrait gallery i, 91 (1846), portrait; G.M. xxxv, 431–32 (1851); S. Walpole’s History of England, 2 ed. vols. 1 and 2 (1879). BEYER, Charles Frederick. b. Plauen, Saxony 14 May 1813; head of the mechanical works of Messrs. Sharp, Roberts & Co. of Manchester, engineers 1843–53; naturalised in England 5 Nov. 1852; established with Richard Peacock locomotive works of Beyer, Peacock & Co., Gorton foundry Manchester 1854; designed and adapted many special tools for making locomotive engines; one of founders of Institution of Mechanical engineers 1847; M.I.C.E. 7 March 1854; left a large bequest for foundation and endowment of professorships of science at Owen’s college Manchester. d. Llantysilio hall, Denbighshire 2 June 1876. Minutes of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xlvii, 290–97 (1877). BIANCONI, Carlo (2 son of Pietro Bianconi of Tregolo, Lombardy, farmer who d. 1833). b. Tregolo 24 Sep. 1786; went to Ireland as a picture seller 1802; opened a carver and gilder’s shop at Carrick-on-Suir 1806, removed to Waterford and then to Clonmel; started a one-horse two-wheeled car for conveyance of passengers from Clonmel to Cahir 6 July 1815; started cars all over Ireland BIBBY, Thomas. b. Kilkenny 1799; ed. at Kilkenny gr. sch. and Trin. coll. Dublin scholar 1814, B.A. 1816; one of the best Greek scholars of his day; author of two dramatic poems, Gerald of Kildare 1854 and a sequel to it called Silken Thomas 1859; confined by his relations in a private lunatic asylum in Dublin but released by his literary friends. d. St. Canice’s Steps, Kilkenny 7 Jany. 1863. BIBER, Rev. George Edward. b. Ludwigsburg, WÜrtemberg 4 Sep. 1801; ed. at Univs. of Tubingen and Gottingen; Ph. Doc. Tubingen 1839; LLD. Gottingen 1839; settled in England 1826; head of a classical school at Hampstead, afterwards at Coombe Wood; naturalised by private act of parliament 2 and 3 Vict., cap. 51 June 1839; ordained to curacy of Ham, Surrey July 1839; V. of Roehampton, Surrey 1842–72; R. of West Allington Lincs. 1872 to death; edited John Bull weekly paper 1848–56; author of Henry Pestalozzi and his plan of education 1831; The Standard of Catholicity 1840, 2 ed. 1844; Vindication of the Church 1844; The life of St. Paul 1849; Bishop Blomfield and his times 1857. d. West Allington 19 Jany. 1874. BICHENO, James Ebenezer (son of Rev. James Bicheno of Newbury, Berks, baptist minister who d. 9 April 1831 aged 80). b. Newbury 1785; F.L.S. 7 April 1812, secretary 1825–32; barrister M.T. 17 May 1822; comr. to inquire into expediency of introducing Poor Law into Ireland 1833–36; colonial sec. in Van Diemen’s Land Sep. 1842 to death, arrived out there 10 April 1843; a founder of Royal Society of Van Diemen’s Land 1844; author of An inquiry into the nature of benevolence 1817; Observations on the philosophy of criminal jurisprudence 1819; Ireland and its economy 1830. d. Hobart Town 25 Feb. 1851. Proc. of LinnÆan Soc. ii, 180 (1855). BICKERS, Henry (son of the preceding). Head of firm of Bickers and Son, publishers Leicester square, London 1875 to death. d. Dulwich 1 Dec. 1884 aged 49. His copyrights were sold at Hodgson’s Chancery lane for £8,500 March 1885. BICKERSTETH, Robert (youngest son of Henry Bickersteth of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmoreland, surgeon). b. Kirkby Lonsdale 1787; M.R.C.S. 1806, F.R.C.S. 1843; practised at Liverpool 1807 to death; surgeon to Liverpool infirmary 1810–50. d. 2 Rodney st. Liverpool 17 April 1857. Lancet i, 441 (1857). BICKERSTETH, Right Rev. Robert (4 son of Rev. John Bickersteth, R. of Sapcote. co. Leicester who d. 2 Sep. 1855 aged 74). b. Acton, Suffolk 24 Aug. 1816; ed. at Queen’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1841, M.A. 1848, D.D. 1857; ordained deacon 1841, priest 1842; C. of Sapcote 1841–43; C. of St. Giles’s Reading 1843–45; Inc. of St. John’s church Clapham 1845–51; R. of St. Giles’s in the Fields, London 1851–56; canon residentiary of Salisbury April 1854–56; bishop of Ripon 30 Nov. 1856 to death, consecrated in Ripon Minster 18 June 1857; pres. of Church Congress at Leeds 8 Oct. 1872; edited The weekly visitor 1851; author of Bible landmarks 1850; Means of grace 1851 and many charges and sermons. d. the palace Ripon 15 April 1884. bur. in south end of Cathedral churchyard 19 April. Our bishops and deans by Rev. F. Arnold ii, 103–16 (1875); Orthodox London by Rev. C. M. Davies, 2 series (1875) 135–42, 394–95; Illust. news of the world iii, (1859), portrait; I.L.N. xxx, 43 (1857), portrait, lxxxiv, 401 (1881), portrait; Graphic xxix, 400 (1884), portrait. BICKERTON, Thomas. Educ. at Andersonian Univ. of Glasgow; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1851, L.S.A. 1851; house surgeon to Warrington dispensary; surgeon to the Emigration service; practised at Liverpool 1854 to death; surgeon to the Eye and Ear infirmary; consulting surgeon to London and North Western railway company; a skilful operator in ophthalmic surgery. d. Mount Pleasant, Liverpool 13 April 1872 aged 45. British Medical journal i, 459 (1872). BICKNELL, Elhanan (son of Wm. Bicknell of London, serge manufacturer who d. 21 Nov. 1825 aged 77). b. Blackman st. London 21 Dec. 1788; joined a firm at Newington Butts engaged in the sperm whale fishery 1809 retired from business 1859; lived at Herne hill, Surrey 1819 to death where he formed a splendid collection of pictures by Gainsborough, Turner, Roberts and other modern British painters, this collection was sold at Christie’s 25–29 April 1863 for sum of £74,380. d. Herne hill 27 Nov. 1861. Waagen’s Treasures of art ii, 349–54 (1854). BICKNELL, Henry Edgeworth (younger son of John Bicknell of Lincoln’s Inn, barrister). b. 1787; ed. at Greenwich; clerk to the registrars of high court of Chancery June 1809; senior registrar to 11 July 1859 when he retired on a superannuation allowance of £2,250; served under 14 Lord Chancellors. d. 28 Upper Bedford place, Russell sq. London 20 Feb. 1879 in 92 year. BICKNELL, Herman (3 son of Elhanan Bicknell 1788–1861). b. Herne hill 2 April 1830; ed. at Paris, Hanover, Univ. coll. London and St. Bartholomew’s hospital; M.R.C.S. 1854; assistant surgeon of 81 Foot 16 May 1855 and of 84 Foot 15 Feb. 1861; served during Indian mutiny; explored parts of Java, Thibet and the Himalayas; went to Cairo 1862; joined the annual pilgrimage to the shrine of Mohammed at Mecca May 1862, a dangerous exploit which no other Englishman had achieved without disguise of person or nationality; climbed nearly all the chief mountains in Switzerland; travelled over nearly the whole globe; author of Hafiz of Shiraz, selections from his poems translated from the Persian by H. Bicknell 1875. d. 48 Seymour st. Portman sq. London 14 March 1875. bur. at Ramsgate. H. Bicknell’s Hafiz of Shiraz (1875) ix-xii, 365–68. BIDDER, George Parker (son of Mr. Bidder of Moreton Hampstead, Devon, stonemason). b. Moreton Hampstead 14 June 1806; was exhibited BIDDER, Samuel Parker. b. 10 Nov. 1843; assistant manager to Victoria Docks graving company; took out 2 patents for apparatus for breaking down coal, shale, stone and other minerals 1868; took out a patent for safety lamps 1869, which have come into very general use in South Wales; A.I.C.E. 1 Dec. 1868. d. Southsea 10 Jany. 1878. BIDDLE, Richard Junius (3 son of Richard Biddle, of Wooton under Edge, co. Gloucester). b. 9 Nov. 1832; a marine artist; exhibited 6 sea pieces at Suffolk st. exhibition, and Royal Academy 1877–80. d. 30 Nov. 1882. BIDDLECOMBE, Sir George (son of Thomas Biddlecombe of Sheerness dockyard, who d. 12 Sep. 1844). b. Portsea 5 Nov. 1807; officer in H.E.I. Co’s. navy 1825–28; second master R.N. May 1828; master of 6 different ships 1836–50; master of the Baltic fleet on board Duke of Wellington 14 March to 27 Dec. 1854; assistant master attendant in Keyham yard, Devonport 26 Feb. 1855 to 5 Nov. 1864; master attendant of Woolwich yard 5 Nov. 1864 to Jany. 1868; C.B. 13 March 1867; staff captain 1 July 1867; knighted at Windsor Castle 26 June 1873; granted a Greenwich hospital pension 29 May 1874; author of Art of rigging 1848; Remarks on the English Channel 1850, 6 ed. 1863; Naval tactics and trials of sailing 1850; Steam fleet tactics 5 Nov. 1857. d. 68 Granville park, Lewisham 22 July 1878. Autobiography of Sir George Biddlecombe 1878. BIDDULPH, Robert. b. 1801; ed. at Harrow and Brasenose coll. Ox.; M.P. for city of Hereford 12 Dec. 1832 to 17 July 1837; sheriff of Hereford 1857. d. 31 Eaton place, London 28 Feb. 1864. BIDDULPH, Robert Myddelton. b. Manchester sq. London 20 June 1805; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox.; M.P. for Denbigh 1830–32, for Denbighshire 1832–34 and 1852–68; colonel of Denbigh militia 3 March 1840 to death; lord lieut. of Denbighshire 1841 to death; aide-de-camp to the Queen 1869 to death, d. 35 Grosvenor place, London 21 March 1872. BIDDULPH, Samuel. b. Hyson Green near Nottingham 23 Dec. 1840; a lace maker; professional cricketer; a good batsman and bowler and a first-rate wicket keeper; employed by the Marylebone Club at Lord’s cricket ground, London 1863 to death, d. Mornington st. Nottingham 7 March 1876. BIDDULPH, Sir Theophilus, 6 Baronet. b. East Barnet, Herts 25 March 1785; succeeded 30 July 1841; sheriff of Warwickshire 1849. d. Birdingbury hall, Rugby 15 July 1854. BIDDULPH, Sir Theophilus William, 7 Baronet. b. Nursling, Hants 18 Jany. 1830; succeeded 15 July 1854. d. Mentone 1 March 1883. BIDDULPH, Sir Thomas Myddelton (2 son of Robert Biddulph of Ledbury, Herefordshire who assumed name of Myddelton and d. 1843). b. 29 July 1809; ed. at Eton; cornet 1 Life Guards 7 Oct. 1826; captain 16 May 1834 to 31 Oct. 1851 when placed on h.p.; Master of the Queen’s household 16 July 1851 to 3 March 1866 and 16 July 1878 to death; one of joint keepers of Queen’s privy purse 3 March 1866, sole keeper 30 April 1867; receiver general of Duchy of Cornwall 31 March 1866; general 1 Oct. 1877; K.C.B. 27 March 1863; P.C. 22 Dec. 1877. d. Abergeldie Mains near Balmoral 28 Sep. 1878. bur. churchyard of Clewer near Windsor 7 Oct. Queen Victoria’s More leaves from the journal of a life in the Highlands (1884) 375–78; Graphic xviii, 392 (1878), portrait. BIDWELL, John. Superintendent of consular department in Foreign Office 15 Jany. 1826 to 30 Sep. 1851 when he retired on pension. d. Park place, St. James’s st. London 31 Oct. 1853 aged 70. BIGG, Henry Heather (son of Mr. Bigg of London, surgical instrument maker). b. Dean st. Southwark 23 July 1826; studied at St. George’s hospital; a surgical instrument maker in London; made the substitutes for lost limbs of our soldiers wounded in Crimean war; A.I.C.E. 4 March 1862; author of On artificial limbs 1855; Orthopraxy the mechanical treatment of deformities 1865, 3 ed. 1877; The gentle treatment of spinal curvature 1875. d. 56 Wimpole st. Cavendish sq. London 30 April 1881. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. lxviii, 317–20 (1882). BIGG, John Stanyan. b. Ulverston, Lancashire 14 July 1828; editor of the Ulverston Advertiser 1848 to about 1854 and 1860 to death, and proprietor 1863 to death; editor of the Downshire Protestant about 1854–60; author of The sea King, a metrical romance in 6 cantos 1848; Night and the Soul, a dramatic poem 1854; Alfred Staunton, a novel 1860; Shifting scenes and other poems 1862. d. 7 Hoad terrace, Ulverston 19 May 1865. Ulverston Advertiser 25 May 1865 p. 4, col. 5. BIGGAR, William. Editor and proprietor of The railway times weekly paper. d. Thorpe banks, Willow vale, Shepherd’s Bush 27 Dec. 1872 in 64 year. BIGGE, Arthur (7 son of Charles Wm. Bigge of Linden, Northumberland). b. 18 May 1818; ed. at Rugby and Univ. coll. Ox., B.A. 1840, M.A. 1843; fellow of All Soul’s college, bursar 1848–58; barrister I.T. 7 June 1844; stipendiary magistrate for Brighton (the first) 3 Feb. 1855 to 3 May 1884; started the plan of presenting to the deserving aged poor of Brighton on St. Thomas’s day annually sum of 10/- each. d. 23 Cambridge road Hove, Brighton 28 Aug. 1885. BIGGE, Rev. John Frederic. Educ. at Univ. coll. Durham, B.A. 1840, M.A. 1843; V. of Ovingham 1841–47; V. of Stamfordham 1847 to death; author of many articles in Transactions of Tyneside Naturalists field club. d. Newcastle 28 Feb. 1885 in 71 year. BIGGS, John. b. Leicester 1801; manufacturer at Leicester; mayor 1840, 1847 and 1855; M.P. for Leicester 1856–1862; took out a patent for lacemaking 1844. d. Leicester 4 June 1871. BIGGS, William. b. Leicester 1805; mayor of Leicester 1842 and 1849; M.P. for Newport, Isle of Wight 9 July 1852 to 21 March 1857. d. Upper Parliament st. Liverpool 3 Oct. 1881 in 77 year. BIGLAND, Wilson Braddyll. b. Bigland hall, Holker, Lancashire 20 July 1788; entered navy 21 Oct. 1801; captain 6 March 1821; retired V.A. 2 Oct. 1857; K.H. 25 Jany. 1836. d. Lansdowne place, Leamington 19 Nov. 1858. BIGNOLD, Sir Samuel (youngest son of Thomas Bignold of Norwich, banker). b. Norwich 13 Oct. 1791; secretary of Norwich Union Fire insurance company 1814 and of Norwich Union Life insurance company 1818; sheriff of Norwich 1830 and mayor 1833, 1848, 1853 and 1873; knighted by the Queen at St. James’s Palace 3 May 1854; M.P. for Norwich 1854–1857. (m. 1815 Elizabeth only child of Wm. Atkins of Ridlington, Norfolk, she d. 30 March 1860). d. Surrey st. Norwich 2 Jany. 1875. I.L.N. lx, 181, 189 (1872), portrait. BIGSBY, John Jeremiah (eld. son of John Bigsby of Nottingham, physician 1760–1844). b. Nottingham; baptised at St. Peter’s church 14 Aug. 1792; ed. at Univ. of Edin., M.D. 1814; assistant surgeon in the army 14 March 1816; physician at Newark 1827–46; lived in London 1846 to death; F.G.S. 1823, Murchison medallist 1874, founded Bigsby gold medal 1877; F.R.G.S. 1850; F.R.S. 3 June 1869; author of The shoe and canoe, or pictures of travel in the Canadas 2 vols. 1850; Thesaurus Siluricus the flora and fauna of the Silurian period 1868; Thesaurus Devonico-Carboniferus the flora and fauna of the Devonian and Carboniferous periods 1878. d. 89 Gloucester place, Portman sq. London 10 Feb. 1881. Quarterly Journal of Geol. Soc. xxxvii, 39–41 (1881). BILBY, Thomas. b. Southampton 1794; musical composer; best known as composer of the hymn tune called “Joyful.” d. Islington, London 24 Sep. 1872. BILLER, George. b. 20 Nov. 1811; solicitor in London; wrote many letters to The Church Advocate and other papers on Priestly Absolution; author of Rhymes, reasons and recollections from the common-place books of a Sexagenarian 1876; A few suggestions on Prayer book reform 1878. d. 43 Agate road, Hammersmith 24 April 1885. BILLING, Archibald (son of Theodore Billing of Cromlyn, co. Dublin). b. Cromlyn 10 Jany. 1791; ed. at Trin. coll. Dub., B.A. 1811, M.B. 1814, M.A. and M.D. 1818; incorporated M.D. at Oxford 22 Oct. 1818; physician in London 1818 to death; F.R.C.P. 22 Dec. 1819, Censor 1823, Consiliarius 1852 and 1855–57; the first in London to organise a system of practical teaching at the bedside and to give it full effect by regular clinical lectures; physician to London Hospital 2 July 1822 to 4 June 1845; member of senate of Univ. of London 1836 to death; F.R.S. 6 June 1844; author of First principles of medicine 1831, 6 ed. 1868; On the treatment of Asiatic cholera 1848; Practical observations on diseases of the lungs and heart 1852; The science of gems, jewels, coins and medals 1867. d. 34 Park lane, London 2 Sep. 1881. Medical Circular i, 243–45 (1852), portrait; I.L.N. lxxix, 272 (1881), portrait; Graphic xxiv, 389 (1881), portrait. BILLING, Richard Annesley. b. 1814; called to bar in Ireland Nov. 1839; practised at Dublin; admitted to bar at Melbourne 23 Oct. 1856; lecturer in law at Melbourne BILLINGE, Mary (dau. of Charles Billinge of Eccleston near Prescot). b. Eccleston 6 Nov. 1772. d. Edge lane, Liverpool 20 Dec. 1863 aged 91, but generally reputed to be 112 and so recorded in the 26th report of the Registrar General. W. J. Thoms’s Human longevity (1873) 34–37, 105–13. BILLINGS, Elkanah (2 son of Bradish Billings, of Gloucester near Ottawa, then called Bytown, farmer). b. Gloucester 5 May 1820; ed. at Ottawa and Potsdam in state of New York; admitted attorney at Toronto 1844; called to bar at Toronto 1845; practised at Ottawa 1845–48, and at Renfrew 1849–52; edited the Citizen paper at Ottawa 1852–55; palÆontologist to Geological survey of Canada at Montreal 1 Aug. 1856 to death; visited Europe 1858; F.G.S. April 1858; published the Canadian Naturalist Feb. 1856, edited the first vol. and wrote 55 out of the 63 papers in it; contributed to Silliman’s Journal; presented his fine collection of Star fishes, Cystideans and Crinoids to museum of Geological survey of Canada. d. Montreal 14 June 1876. Canadian Naturalist viii, 251–61 (1878); Quarterly journal of Geol. Soc. xxxiii, 48–50 (1877). BILLINGS, Robert William. b. London 1813; pupil of John Britton, topographical draughtsman 1813–20; illustrated Godwin’s History of St. Paul’s Cathedral 1837; Illustrations of the Temple Church, London, 1838; Baronial and ecclesiastical antiquities of Scotland 240 illustrations 4 vols. 1845–52; restored the chapel of Edinburgh Castle; built Castle Wemyss, Renfrewshire. d. The MoulinÈre, Putney, Surrey 14 Nov. 1874. Builder xxxii, 982, 1035 (1874). BILLINGTON, William (son of a contractor for road making). b. the Yew Trees, Samlesbury near Blackburn 1827; worked in cotton mills at Blackburn 1839; a beerseller at Blackburn; wrote a ballad called Th’ Shurat Weyvur 14,000 copies of which were sold at time of Lancashire cotton famine; author of Sheen and shade 1861; Lancashire poems with other sketches 1883, some copies of which have a portrait of him. d. 2 Bradshaw st. Blackburn 3 Jany. 1884 aged 56. BINDLEY, Charles. b. 1796; author of following books all written under pseudonym of Harry Hieover; Stable talk and table talk, 2 BINDON, Samuel Henry. b. Ireland 1812; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1835; called to Irish bar Nov. 1838; practised at Dublin; went out to Victoria 1855; called to bar at Melbourne 22 May 1855; member of legislative assembly of Victoria 1864–69; minister of justice 1866–1869; county court judge at Sale, Victoria 1869 to death except a short time, during which the Berry ministry took all the judges of county courts off the bench, the day when this was done 9 Jany. 1878 was known as Black Wednesday; had a prominent share in establishment of technological classes in large places. d. Melbourne 1 Aug. 1879 in 67 year. BINFIELD, John Bilson (son of Mr. Binfield of Reading, organist who d. 1839). b. Reading 1805; organist of St. Giles’s church Reading many years; author of The choral service of the Church 1846; editor and compiler of The Reading psalmody 1847; set Dean Milman’s Martyr of Antioch to music. d. Devizes 28 June 1875. BINGE, John Bull (son of a Sheffield cutler). First appeared in London May 1839 at Strand theatre in Lee’s adaptation of Auber’s opera The fairy lake; sang at Covent Garden theatre 1840–42; known as The singing mouse from his small voice; kept a toyshop in the Lowther Arcade; sec. to Covent Garden theatrical fund 1869 to death. d. New Malden, Surrey 21 Nov. 1878 aged about 63. BINGHAM, Charles. b. 1 June 1815; 2 lieut. R.A. 20 June 1832; brigade major at Woolwich 1849–54; deputy adjutant general to R.A. 1 April 1858 to death; colonel R.A. 20 Jany. 1863 to death. (m. 13 March 1841 Williamina Henrietta dau. of John Mackintosh, M.D. of Edinburgh, she was granted a civil list pension of £150, 19 June 1865). d. Brighton 6 April 1864. BINGHAM, Henry. Second lieut. 60 Rifles 30 April 1827, lieut. col. 19 June 1857 to 1865; inspecting field officer 1865–70; M.G. 6 March 1868. d. Wolverton house, co. Dublin 1 Oct. 1878. BINGHAM, Peregrine (elder son of Rev. Peregrine Bingham 1754–1826, R. of Edmundesham, Dorset). b. 1788; ed. at Winchester and Magd. coll. Ox., B.A. 1810; barrister M.T. 27 Nov. 1818; recorder of Southampton 5 Nov. 1830 to July 1840; contested Southampton 9 Jany. 1835; police magistrate at Worship st. London 1841, at Great Marlborough st. 1846–60; lived at 35 Gordon square, London 1842 to death; author of The law and practice of judgments and executions 1815; The law of infancy and coverture 1816; A system of shorthand 1821; Reports of cases in Court of Common Pleas and other courts 10 vols. 1824–34; New cases in the Court of Common Pleas and other courts 6 vols. 1835–41; one of chief contributors to Westminster Review, wrote 5 articles in the first number Jany. 1824. d. 35 Gordon sq. London 1 Nov. 1864. BINGHAM, Rev. Richard (son of Rev. Isaac Moody Bingham, R. of Runwell, Essex who d. 1807). b. 1 April 1765; ed. at Winchester and New coll. Ox., fellow, B.A. 1787, B.C.L. 1801; P.C. of Trinity church, Gosport 1790 to death; V. of Great Hale, Lincs. 1796 to death; preb. of Chichester cathedral 22 July 1807 to death; sentenced to 6 months imprisonment in county gaol at Winchester 26 Nov. 1813 for having illegally obtained a license for a public house when no such house was in existence; published by subscription third ed. of Joseph Bingham’s Origines EcclesiasticÆ 1829. d. Newhouse, Gosport 18 July 1858. Proceedings in a trial, the King against Rev. Richard Bingham 1814. BINGHAM, Rev. Richard (eld. son of the preceding). b. 1798; ed. at Magd. hall Ox., B.A. 1821, M.A. 1827; C. of Trinity church, Gosport 1821–43; P.C. of Ch. Ch. Harwood, BINGHAM, Richard Camden. b. 2 May 1801; chargÉ d´affaires at Venezuela 23 Nov. 1852 to 31 Aug. 1858. d. 23 Jany. 1872. BINNEY, Edward William. b. Morton, Notts. 1812; solicitor at Manchester 1836; conducted the case for the Claimant in the great Chadwick law suit Nov. 1847; a paraffin oil manufacturer in Scotland; chief founder and sec. of Manchester geological society Oct. 1838, pres. 1857–59 and 1865–67, contributed 33 papers to the Transactions 1839–72; member of Manchester literary and philosophical society Jan. 1842, president to death; F.G.S. 1853, F.R.S. 5 June 1856; possessed the most exact knowledge of coal fields of Lancashire and Cheshire and of the geology of the whole district. d. Cheetham hill, Manchester 19 Dec. 1881. Trans. of Geol. Soc. of Manchester xvi, 256–59 (1882); Proc. of Manchester Lit. and Philos. Soc. xxi, 142–48 (1882). BINNEY, Rev. Thomas. b. Newcastle-on-Tyne April 1798; apprenticed to Mr. Angas of Newcastle, bookseller 1813–20; ed. at Wymondley college Herts 1820–23; minister of the New meeting, Bedford 1823; minister of St. James’s st. chapel Newport, Isle of Wight Aug. 1824 to July 1829; ordained 29 Dec. 1824; minister of King’s Weighhouse Chapel Eastcheap, London July 1829 to 4 July 1869, where foundation stone of new chapel was laid 16 Oct. 1833; went to the United States and Canada 1845 and to Australia 1857; LLD. Univ. of Aberdeen 1852; chairman of Congregational Union of England and Wales 1848; founded the Colonial Missionary Society 1836; author of Illustrations of the practical power of faith 1830, 3 ed. 1856; Conscientious clerical nonconformity 1839, 5 ed. 1860; Is it possible to make the best of both worlds, a book for young men 1853, this book sold at the rate of 100 a day for many months, it was translated into several languages; St. Paul his life and ministry 1866; author of three Letters under pseud. of Fiat Justitia BINNS, Edward. M.D.; author of The anatomy of sleep or the art of procuring sound and refreshing slumber at will 1842; Prodromus towards a philosophical inquiry into the intellectual powers of the negro 1844. d. Lucca, Jamaica 10 Feb. 1851. BINNS, John (son of Mr. Binns of Dublin, ironmonger who d. 1774). b. Dublin 22 Dec. 1772; apprenticed to a soapboiler 1786; a member of the London Corresponding Society 1794 which became the greatest political association in Great Britain, chairman of its general committee 6 months in 1795; connected with the United Irishmen; left London for France 21 Feb. 1798 but arrested at Margate 27 Feb. and after an examination by the Privy Council committed to Tower of London; tried for high treason at Maidstone May 1798 when acquitted; confined in Clerkenwell prison, then in Gloucester prison till March 1801; sailed for America July 1801; started a newspaper called The Republican Argus at Northumberland, Pennsylvania March 1802; edited at Philadelphia March 1807 to 1829 Democratic Press which soon became leading paper in the state; alderman of Philadelphia Dec. 1822 to 1844. d. Philadelphia 16 June 1860. Recollections of the life of John Binns 1854, portrait. BINNS, Thomas. Head master of the Friends’ school, Grove house, Tottenham 1828; member of Committee of British and Foreign Bible Society 1852–68, chairman of the Editorial Sub-Committee. d. Rockley near Bristol 2 Dec. 1872 aged 74. Annual Monitor for 1874 6–10. BINSTEAD, Cheesman Henry. b. 1797; entered navy 10 June 1810; agent for transports BINYON, Edward. b. Manchester 1828; landscape painter both in oil and water colours; contributed to exhibitions of Royal Academy and Dudley Gallery 1857–76; his picture ‘The bay of Mentone’ has frequently been reproduced; lived in island of Capri many years. d. 5 Via Piazza, Capri 18 July 1876. BIRCH, Rev. Henry Mildred (eld. son of Rev. Wm. Henry Rous Birch, R. of Southwold, Suffolk). b. Bedfield rectory, Suffolk 1820; ed. at Eton and King’s coll. Cam., scholar 1839, Craven scholar 1841, B.A. 1843, M.A. 1846; fellow of his college 1843, members prizeman 1844; assistant master at Eton; tutor to Prince of Wales 6 Aug. 1848 to 1851; R. of Prestwich, Lancs. 1852–84; chaplain in ordinary to the Queen 27 Feb. 1852; B.D. Lambeth 1862; hon. chaplain to Prince of Wales 16 Feb. 1863; canon of Ripon 29 June 1868 to death; proctor in convocation 1868, 1874 and 1880 to death, d. St. Leonard’s lodge, Windsor 29 June 1884. I.L.N. xlii, 456 (1863), portrait. BIRCH, James Wheeler Woodford (eld. son of Rev. James Wheeler Birch, V. of All Saint’s, Hertford). member of Ceylon civil service 1846–70; colonial sec. of the Straits Settlements May 1870; British resident in Malay state of Perak Nov. 1874 to death; assassinated by the Malays at Perak 2 Nov. 1875. BIRCH, John Francis. Second lieut. R.A. 18 Sep. 1793; second lieut. R.E. 1 Jany. 1794, colonel R.E. 29 July 1825, colonel commandant 19 Oct. 1847 to death; C.B. 26 Sep. 1831; general 20 June 1854; served in Flanders, Holland, Egypt and Spain. d. Folkestone 29 May 1856 aged 79. BIRCH, Sir Richard James Holwell (son of Richard Comyns Birch, of Bengal civil service). b. Calcutta 1803; entered Bengal army 1821; studied at Trin. coll. Cam. 1823–24; judge advocate general to the forces in Bengal 1841–52; military secretary to government of India 1854 to 31 Dec. 1861 when he retired; M.G. 4 May 1858; C.B. 5 June 1849, K.C.B. 18 May 1860. d. Venice 25 Feb. 1875. I.L.N. lxvi, 259 (1875). BIRCH, Robert Henry. b. 1771; second lieut. R.A. 9 March 1795; colonel 10 Jany. 1837 to 9 Nov. 1846, col. commandant 12 Aug. 1849 to death; M.G. 9 Nov. 1846. d. Dublin 29 June 1851. BIRCH, Sylvester Douglas. A writer in Madras civil service 1830; secretary and treasurer of Bank of Madras 1843; accountant general at Bombay, pres. of the mint committee and government director of Bank of Bombay 1859 to 28 Feb. 1865 when he retired on an annuity. d. San Remo, Italy 4 Feb. 1881. BIRCH, Sir Thomas Bernard, 2 Baronet. b. 18 March 1791; succeeded 22 Aug. 1833; sheriff of Lancs. 1841; M.P. for Liverpool 30 July 1847 to 1 July 1852. d. The Hazles Prescot near Liverpool 3 March 1880. BIRCH, Thomas Jacob (2 son of Wyrley Birch of Wretham hall near Thetford, Norfolk 1781–1866). b. 15 Oct. 1806; ed. at Eton and Brasenose coll. Ox., B.A. 1828, M.A. 1831; barrister I.T. 18 Nov. 1831; recorder of Thetford March 1839 to Dec. 1866; judge of Norfolk county courts (circuit 32) March 1847 to death. d. Ballycroy, Mayo 26 April 1868. BIRCHALL, Rev. Joseph (son of John Birchall of Prescot, watchmaker). b. Prescot 1805; ed. at Manchester school and Brasn. Coll. Ox., Somerset scholar 1825, B.A. 1828, M.A. 1830; C. of Newbury, Berks. 1831–38; R. BIRCHAM, Francis Thomas (youngest son of Samuel Bircham of Booton hall, Norfolk). b. Booton hall 1810; admitted solicitor 1833; practised in London to 1882; solicitor to London and South Western railway 1834–82; pres. of Incorporated law society 1874–75. d. Burhill near Walton-on-Thames 25 Nov. 1883. Personalty sworn upward of £161,000 3 March 1884; his correct name was Thomas Francis Bircham, but he always called himself Francis Thomas Bircham. BIRD, Rev. Charles Smith (5 child of William Bird of Liverpool, West Indian Merchant, who d. 1814). b. Union st. Liverpool 28 May 1795; articled to Stanistreet and Eden of Liverpool, solicitors Feb. 1812, released from articles 1814; entered Trin. coll. Cam. 1816, scholar 1818, 3 Wr. and 2 Smith’s prizeman 1820, Fell. of his coll. Sep. 1820; C. of Burghfield, Berks. 1823–44; took pupils 1823–44; F.L.S. 4 March 1828; C. of Sulhamstead 1840; V. of Gainsborough 1843–59; preb. of Lincoln 16 June 1843; chancellor of Lincoln June 1859 to death, instituted and installed 16 July 1859; edited a monthly periodical called The Reading church guardian 1839–40; author of For ever and other devotional poems 1833; Transubstantiation tried by Scripture and reason 1839; The baptismal privileges, the baptismal vow, and the means of grace considered in 6 Lent lectures 1841, 2 ed. 1843; The eve of the Crucifixion 1858. d. The Chancery, Lincoln 9 Nov. 1862. Sketches from the life of Rev. Charles S. Bird by Rev. Claude S. Bird (1864), portrait. BIRD, Edward Joseph (son of Rev. Godfrey Bird, R. of Little Waltham, Essex). Entered navy 9 Sep. 1812; attempted to reach North Pole from Spitzbergen in the Hecla 1825, penetrated a little beyond 82° 45´ a latitude more northern than had ever been attained; 1 lieut. of the Erebus in Antarctic expedition 1839–43; captain of the Investigator 1848–49; admiral on h.p. 11 Dec. 1875. d. The Wilderness, Witham 3 Dec. 1881 in 83 year. BIRD, Frederic. b. Colchester 23 Jany. 1818; ed. at Guy’s Hospital; surgeon in Craven st. Strand 1841; performed operation of ovariotomy for ovarian dropsy 26 June 1843, being one of the pioneers of that treatment; lectured on forensic medicine at Westminster BIRD, George. Writer Madras civil service 1821; judge and criminal judge of Canara 1835–38 and 1839–42; civil and session judge Coimbatore 1844–47 and 1850–51; resigned the service 25 Feb. 1851. d. England 20 July 1880. BIRD, Golding. b. Downham, Norfolk 9 Dec. 1814; studied at Guy’s hospital London 1832; lecturer on natural philosophy there 1836–43; L.S.A. 21 Jany. 1836, M.D. St. Andrews 24 April 1838 being only place where a degree could be obtained without residing, M.A. 18 April 1840; physician to Finsbury dispensary 1838–43; L.R.C.P. 1840, F.R.C.P. 1845; assistant phys. at Guy’s hospital and lecturer on materia medica 1843 to 4 Aug. 1853; F.L.S. 1836, F.R.S. 22 Jany. 1846; author of The elements of natural philosophy 1839, 6 ed. 1867; Urinary deposits their diagnosis pathology and therapeutical indications 1844, 5 ed. 1857. d. Camden park, Tunbridge Wells 27 Oct. 1854. Biographical sketch by J. H. Balfour 1855; Medical Circular iii, 129 (1853), portrait. BIRD, James. Ed. at King’s college Aberdeen 1810, M.A. 1814; apprenticed to his maternal uncle Dr. Scott of Elgin 1812–15; studied at Guy’s and St. Thomas’s hospitals; M.R.C.S. Sep. 1816; assistant surgeon H.E.I. Co’s. Bombay service 2 Aug. 1818; residency surgeon at Sattara 1826–32; superintending surgeon of Belgaum division of the army 1840–43 and of Presidency division 1843–44; physician general to Bombay medical board 1844 to 1 Dec. 1847 when he retired. d. Fern acre lodge, Gerrards Cross, Bucks. 10 July 1864 aged 67. BIRD, James. Solicitor in London; coroner for West Middlesex 9 July 1862 to death. d. Phoenix lodge, Brook Green, Hammersmith 7 Jany. 1868. BIRD, James. b. Cardiff Feb. 1802; ed. at St. Bartholomew’s hospital; L.S.A. 1821, M.R.C.S. 1825; surgeon at Cardiff 1825–32; surgeon in London 1832 to 1856; joint sec. with Henry Ancell to the British medical association; author of Private devotions for girls 1874. d. 80 Seymour st. Portman sq. London 4 June 1874. Medical Circular i, 263 (1852). BIRD, Louis Saunders. Ensign Bengal Infantry 26 Nov. 1808; col. 23 Bengal N.I. 17 April 1856–1869; L.G. 22 Feb. 1870. d. Clevedon, Somerset 17 April 1874 aged 81. BIRD, Robert Merttins. b. 1788; Bengal civil servant; assistant to registrar of Court of Sadr DiwÀni AdÀlat at Calcutta 9 Nov. 1808; comr. of revenue and circuit for the Gorakhpur division 1829; member of board of revenue at Allahabad 1832; revised settlement of land revenue of North western provinces 1833–41, the most complete settlement that had yet been made in India; retired to England 1842; active member of committee of the Church Missionary Society. d. Torquay 22 Aug. 1853. Dict. of nat. biog. v, 78 (1886). BIRD, Robert Nicholas. Ensign 20 Foot 30 Aug. 1859; lieut. 2 Dec. 1862 to death; murdered by Japanese at Kamahura about 17 miles from Yokohama 21 Nov. 1864. R. Lindau’s ErzÄhlungen und Novellen i, 15–54 (1871); F. O. Adams’s History of Japan i, 485–98 (1874), ii, 1–5 (1875). BIRD, William Wilberforce (eld. son of Wm. Wilberforce Bird of the Spring, Kenilworth, M.P. for Coventry). b. 1784; ed. at Warwick and Geneva; writer in H.E.I. Co.’s civil service at Calcutta 11 July 1803; third ordinary member of council of India 21 March 1838; senior member of board of customs salt and opium and of the marine board 17 Sep. 1838; deputy governor of Bengal 4 times; pres. of the council 1840–44; governor general of India 15 June 1844 to 23 July 1844; very instrumental in abolition of suttee and suppression of slavery; retired to England 1844. d. 22 Sussex sq. Hyde Park, London 1 June 1857. BIRDWOOD, Christopher. b. 1806; ensign 3 Bombay N.I. 3 May 1825; commissariat officer of Malwa field force 1839–41; colonel Bombay staff corps 9 Nov. 1868; general 1 Oct. 1877. d. Pucklechurch near Bristol 4 July 1882 in 76 year. Graphic xxvi, 221 (1882), portrait. BIRKETT, Rev. George William. Educ. at St. John’s coll. Cam., scholar, B.A. 1823, BIRKIN, Richard (eld. son of Richard Birkin of Belper, calico weaver). b. Belper 6 July 1805; lace manufacturer at New Basford, Nottingham with Mr. Biddle 1826–47; juror on behalf of Nottingham for lace goods in International Exhibitions 1851 and 1862; mayor of Nottingham 1850, 55, 62 and 63; used mohair as a material for lace being the first to do so either in England or France. d. Aspley hall, Radford, Nottingham 10 Oct. 1870. J. B. Robinson’s Derbyshire gatherings (1866) 70–72, portrait; W. Felkin’s History of hosiery (1867) 368–71. BIRKINSHAW, John Cass. b. Bedlington iron works Durham 1811; the first articled pupil of Robert Stephenson at Newcastle; engineer of London end of London and Birmingham railway 1835; engineer of Birmingham and Derby railway 1837–42; engineer of many railways projected but not made; engineer of Danish land company 1865; M.I.C.E. 2 March 1847; took out a patent 1820 for wrought or malleable iron rails instead of cast iron as used up to that time. d. March 1867 in 56 year. Min. of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxxi, 202–207 (1871). BIRKS, Rev. Thomas Rawson (younger son of Mr. Birks of Staveley, Derbyshire, farmer). b. Staveley 28 Sep. 1810; ed. at Chesterfield, Mill Hill and Trin. coll. Cam., scholar, fellow 1834–44, 2 wrangler and 2 Smith’s prizemen Jany. 1834; R. of Kelshall, Herts 1844 to 1864; hon. sec. to Evangelical Alliance 1850–71; P.C. of Holy Trinity Cam. 1865–77; hon. canon of Ely cathedral 1871 to death; professor of moral theology, casuistical divinity and moral philosophy at Cambridge 30 April 1872 to death; published an edition of Paley’s HorÆ PaulinÆ with notes and a supplementary treatise entitled HorÆ ApostolicÆ 1850; author of HorÆ EvangelicÆ 1852; The Bible and modern thought 1861; Commentary on the book of Isaiah 1871, 2 ed. 1878; First principles of moral science 1873; Modern Utilitarianism 1874; Supernatural revelation 1879 and many other books. d. 6 Salisbury villas, Cambridge 19 July 1883. Record 27 July 1883 p. 741. BIRLEY, Hugh. b. Blackburn 21 Oct. 1817; ed. at Winchester; a partner in firm of Macintosh and Co. india-rubber manufacturers; BIRMINGHAM, John. b. 1816; lived at Millbrook near Tuam; discovered a remarkable new star in Corona Borealis 12 May 1866; author of Catalogue of red stars in Transactions of Royal Irish Academy xxvi, 249 (1879); Cunningham medallist of the Academy 1884; discovered 22 May 1881 a deep red star in Cygnus which proved strikingly variable and became known by his name; author of a small poetical work entitled Anglicania or England’s mission to the Celt 1863. d. Millbrook 7 Sep. 1884. BIRMINGHAM, Very Rev. Patrick. Dean of the lay college and professor of humanity Carlow college 1851 to July 1854 when he went to Australia; vice pres. and professor of theology at Carlow college Sep. 1864 to July 1871 when he went again to Australia. d. Fitzroy sq. London 9 Sep. 1883. BIRNIE, Alexander. b. Morayshire 1826; a baptist minister at Preston; walked to Falkirk 1860; a painter at the Carron works Falkirk; wrote articles in Falkirk Advertiser under signature of Cock of the Steeple; started the Falkirk Liberal a penny weekly paper 1861 which soon collapsed; having been without food or drink for a fortnight, he entered the workhouse Morpeth where he d. March 1862. BIRRELL, David. b. 15 Sep. 1800; entered Bengal army 1817; commanded a brigade at battle of Sobraon 10 Feb. 1846; lieut. col. 51 N.I. 1851, of 52 N.I. 1852 and of 72 N.I. 1857 to 1858; M.G. 25 April 1858; general 23 July 1876. d. 28 Oct. 1878. BIRT, William Radcliff. b. 15 July 1804; employed by Sir John Herschel in the reduction and arrangement of his barometric observations; investigated subject of atmospheric waves for the British Association; reduced and discussed electrical observations made at Kew 1848; F.R.A.S. 14 Jany. 1859; the first pres. of the Selenographical society 1877 or 1878 to death; author of Hurricane and Sailor’s guide 1850; Handbook of the law of storms 1854, new ed. 1878. d. Leytonstone, Essex 14 Dec. 1881. Monthly notices of Royal Astronom. Soc. xlii, 142–43 (1882). BIRTWHISTLE, John. Ensign 32 Foot 14 April 1813; major 19 Jany. 1839 to 12 March 1841 when placed on h.p; M.G. 28 Aug. 1865. d. Cheltenham 6 Oct. 1867 aged 75. BISHOP, Rev. Daniel Godfrey. Head master of Buntingford gr. sch. Herts. 1841–74; V. of Tibshelf near Alfreton, Derbyshire 1874 to death; author of numerous articles upon biblical criticism, classical literature, and general biography in Penny CyclopÆdia. d. Briston vicarage, Norfolk 14 April 1880 in 86 year. BISHOP, Rev. Francis. b. Dorchester 27 July 1813; Unitarian minister at Cheltenham 1840, at Warrington 1841, at George’s meeting Exeter 1844–47, at Liverpool 1847–56, at Manchester 1856–58 and at Chesterfield 1858 to death; edited The Christian Investigator; author of The atonement, or God’s way of speaking and man’s way of speaking 1843. d. Chesterfield 5 Aug. 1869. The Inquirer (1869) 533. BISHOP, George. b. Leicester 21 Aug. 1785; a maker of British wines in London, being the largest maker in England; erected an observatory at South Villa, Regent’s Park 1836 where 11 planets were discovered 1847–54, after his death the dome and the instruments were removed by his son George Bishop to his house at Twickenham; F.R.A.S. 1830, sec. 1833–39, treasurer 1840–57, pres. 1857–59; F.R.S. 9 June 1848; published in 1852 BISHOP, Sir Henry Rowley (son of Mr. Bishop of London, Watchmaker). b. Great Portland st. London 18 Nov. 1786; pupil of Francesco Bianchi the composer; composer of ballet music at Italian opera house 1806; produced his opera of The Circassian bride at Drury Lane theatre 23 Feb. 1809, theatre was burnt down the next night; musical director and composer at Covent Garden theatre 1810–23, where he produced 50 musical dramas; director of music at King’s theatre, Haymarket 1816–17; received freedom of city of Dublin 2 Aug. 1820; composer at Drury Lane theatre 1825–28; musical director of Vauxhall gardens 1830–33; director of Her Majesty’s concerts of ancient music 1840–48; Reid professor of Music in Univ. of Edin. Nov. 1841 to Dec. 1843; knighted at St. James’s palace 1 June 1842, being the first musician who ever received that honour; professor of music in Univ. of Ox. Jany. 1848 to death; Mus. Bac. Ox. 1848, Mus. Doc. 1853; author of many songs and glees, best known being Bid me discourse, Should he upbraid, The winds whistle cold, My pretty Jane, Mynheer Van Dunck and of the trio and chorus The chough and crow. d. 13 Cambridge st. Edgware road, London 30 April 1855. I.L.N. xix, 669–70 (1851), portrait; Charles Mackay’s Forty years recollections ii, 165–217 (1877); Illust. news of the world iv, 381 (1859), portrait. BISHOP, James. b. Trowbridge, Wiltshire 1793; a cloth worker 1813; partner with Atkins and Gillman, proprietors of a menagery which became a formidable opponent to George Wombwell’s menagery; attended all the great fairs in England; proprietor of various exhibitions; father of 20 children; the oldest showman in England. d. Plymouth 19 Feb. 1881. BISHOP, John (4 son of Samuel Bishop of Pimperne, Dorset). b. 15 Sep. 1797; studied at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; M.R.C.S. 1824, F.R.C.S. 1843, member of council 1851, Hunterian orator 1859; member of Medical society of London 1839, councillor, trustee, orator and Lettsomian lecturer successively, and pres. 1852; F.R.S. 9 May 1844; very successful in treatment of impediments of speech; author of On articulate sounds and on the causes and cure of impediments BISHOP, William. Agent at 170 New Bond st. London for Westley Richards the gunmaker 1820 to death; brought into public notice by Vincent Dowling, who rarely wrote a report of a prize fight without bringing him on the scene; got the Dog Stealers act passed which is known as Bishop’s act; well known in London as “the Bishop of Bond st.” d. 170 New Bond st. 16 March 1871 in 74 year. Illust. sporting news ii, 164 (1863), portrait. BISSET, Rev. James (2 son of George Bisset of Udny, Aberdeenshire, schoolmaster who d. 1812). b. Udny 20 April 1795; ed. at Marischal coll. and Univ. of Aberdeen; kept a school at Udny 1812–25 which became celebrated; licensed by presbytery of Ellon 31 March 1819; minister of parish of Bourtie, Aberdeenshire June 1825 to death; ordained 19 April 1826; D.D. Aberdeen 23 Feb. 1850; moderator of general assembly 22 May 1862. d. Bourtie 8 Sep. 1872. BISSET, Sir John. b. Perth 1777; commissary general 31 July 1811 to 1819 when placed on h.p.; served through Peninsular war; K.C.H. 1832; knighted at St. James’s Palace 6 Nov. 1832; K.C.B. 16 Aug. 1850; granted pension of £550; author of Memoranda regarding the duties of the Commissariat on field service abroad 1846. d. Perth 3 April 1854. BISSHOPP, Cecil (son of Harry Bisshopp, colonel in the army). Cornet 14 Dragoons 10 Dec. 1799; major 11 Foot 6 Sep. 1834 to 17 May 1844 when placed on h.p.; M.G. 11 Nov. 1851; colonel 16 Foot 16 May 1857 to death; C.B. 26 Dec. 1818. d. Stoke, Plymouth 21 March 1858. BISSHOPP, Sir Edward Cecil, 11 Baronet. b. 23 Feb. 1826; succeeded 15 Dec. 1865. d. 27 Jany. 1870. BISSHOPP, Sir George Curzon, 10 Baronet. b. 10 April 1823; succeeded 23 Jany. 1849. d. Parham park near Hastings 15 Dec. 1865. BISSON, Edward Leonard (son of Rev. Amias Bisson, R. of St. Laurens, Jersey). b. St. Laurens 1797; jurat or judge of the royal BLAAUW, William Henry (only son of Wm. Blaauw of Beechland, Newick, Sussex 1748–1808). b. Queen Anne st. London 25 May 1793; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1815, M.A. 1818; chief founder of Sussex ArchÆological Society 18 June 1846, sec. 1846–58, edited Society’s Collections 1846–56; elected F.S.A. 30 May 1850, admitted 27 Feb. 1851; member of council of Camden Society 1848–65, treasurer 1861–65; sheriff of Sussex 1859; author of The barons’ war, including the battles of Lewes and Evesham 1844, 2 ed. 1871. d. Beechland 26 April 1870. Sussex ArchÆological Collections xxii, 9–11 (1870), portrait. BLACHFORD, Augustus George. Ensign 24 Foot 12 Nov. 1825; lieut. col. 30 March 1858 to 9 March 1860 when he retired on full pay with hon. rank of major general. d. Sheringham near Cromer 13 Nov. 1884 aged 78. BLACHFORD, John. b. 1790; solicitor in City of London 1818 to death; head of firm of Blachford, Riches and Wood of 25 Abchurch lane to death; vestry clerk of parish of St. James Aldgate 40 years. d. 4 Jany. 1886. BLACHLEY, Henry. 2 Lieutenant R.A. 10 Aug. 1804; lieut. col. 23 Nov. 1841 to 4 April 1843 when he retired on full pay; L.G. 27 Feb. 1866. d. Banwell, Somerset 13 Aug. 1868. BLACK, Adam (son of Charles Black of Edinburgh, builder). b. Charles st. Edin. 20 Feb. 1784; ed. at high sch. Edin.; opened a bookseller’s shop at 57 North bridge, Edin. 1808; published Edinburgh Review 1827 to death, and EncyclopÆdia Britannica, 7 ed. 22 vols. 1830–42, 8 ed. 22 vols. 1853–61, wrote many articles in it; master of the Merchant Company Edin. 1831; a member of the town council 1832; lord provost 1843–48; pres. of Philosophical Institution 1845; bought works of Sir Walter Scott on behalf of an association of 60 persons for £27,000 March 1851; M.P. for Edinburgh 9 Feb. 1856 to 6 July 1865; retired from business 1865. d. 38 Drummond place, Edin. 24 Jany. 1874. A bronze memorial statue of him in East Prince’s st. gardens was unveiled 3 Nov. 1877. A fine portrait of him by Sir J. W. Gordon is in the council room Edinburgh. Life of A. BLACK, Rev. Alexander (son of John Black of Aberdeen, gardener). b. Aberdeen 1789; ed. at Aberdeen gr. sch. and Marischal college, B.A. 1807, D.D. May 1824; licensed by presbytery of Aberdeen 9 Feb. 1814; minister of Tarves Nov. 1817 to 27 June 1832; ordained 1 April 1818; professor of divinity in Marischal college Aberdeen April 1832 to 1843 when he joined the Free church at the Disruption; sent to the East to make enquiries as to expediency of beginning a mission to the Jews 1839; professor of exegetical theology in New college Edinburgh about 1844–1856. d. Edinburgh 24 or 27 Jany. 1864 in 75 year. BLACK, James. b. Scotland 1787; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1808; assistant surgeon R.N. 1809; practised at Bolton to 1839 and 1848–56, at Manchester 1839–48, and at Edin. 1856 to death; M.D. Glasgow 1820, L.R.C.S. Eng. 1823, F.R.C.P. 1860; an original member of British Association 1831; pres. of British medical association 1842; pres. of Provincial medical association 1853; pres. of Manchester Geological Society; F.G.S. 1838, F.G.S. of France 1848; F.R.S. Edin. 1857; author of An inquiry into the capillary circulation of the blood 1825; A comparative view of the more intimate nature of fever 1826; A manual of the bowels 1840; A medico-topographical, geological and statistical sketch of Bolton and its neighbourhood, a paper of 100 pages in the Transactions of Provincial medical and surgical association. d. 2 George sq. Edin. 30 April 1867 in 80 year. Proc. of Royal Society of Edin. vi, 188 (1869). BLACK, John (only son of Ebenezer Black of Burnhouses near Dunse, Berwickshire, farm labourer). b. Burnhouses 1783; articled to a writer at Dunse 1796–1800; clerk in an accountant’s office Edinburgh; engaged on the Morning Chronicle daily paper in London 1810, principal editor 1819–44; fought a harmless duel with John Arthur Roebuck, M.P. 19 Nov. 1835; sold his library of 30,000 volumes 1844; translated Humboldt’s Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain 4 vols. 1811–12 and other books. d. Birling, Kent 15 June 1855. C. Mackay’s Forty years’ recollections i, 70–95, ii, 177–78; I.L.N. xxvii, 13–14 (1855), portrait. BLACK, John. b. Glenrinnes, Upper Banff 1834; professor of humanity in University of Aberdeen 1868 to death. d. at his college residence Old Aberdeen 17 Nov. 1881. BLACK, Patrick (2 son of colonel Patrick Black of the Bengal cavalry who d. about 1819). b. Aberdeen 1813; ed. at Eton 1828–30 and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1834, M.D. 1836; F.R.C.P. 1845, censor 3 times, Croonian lecturer 1855: assistant phys. to St. Bartholomew’s hospital 1842, warden of the medical school 1851–56, physician and clinical lecturer 1860–78, lecturer on medicine 1861–78; author of Chloroform how shall we ensure, safety in its administration 1855; Essay on the Spleen 1876; revised the Latin part of the Nomenclature of diseases for Royal College of Phys. 1867. d. 11 Queen Anne st. Cavendish sq. London 12 Oct. 1879. St. Bartholomew’s hospital reports xv, pp. xxix-xl (1879). BLACK, Thomas. b. Wemyss 1819; surgeon at Anstruther 1839 to death; his body was found floating in the harbour of Anstruther 29 Feb. 1864. Conolly’s Biog. dict. of eminent men of Fife (1866) 64. BLACK, William. b. Anstruther 1770; entered navy 13 April 1793; captain 7 June 1814; retired R.A. 9 Oct. 1846. d. Ormsby, Norfolk 6 Nov. 1852 in 82 year. Conolly’s Biog. dict. of eminent men of Fife (1866) 62. BLACK, Rev. William. b. Auchinairn parish of Cadder 1801; ed. at Univ. of Glasgow; licensed by presbytery of Hamilton Aug. 1824; minister of Shettleston April 1826; minister of Barony church Glasgow Sep. 1828 to death; D.D. Glasgow April 1834. d. Florence 15 Jany. 1851 in 50 year. Smith’s Our Scottish clergy, 2 series (1849) 17–26. BLACK, William Henry (eld. son of John Black of Kintore, Aberdeenshire). b. 7 May 1808; a tutor among families residing at and near Tulse Hill, Surrey 1825; clerk in the Public Record Office, assistant keeper; founder and sec. of Chronological institute of London Dec. 1850, registrar 21 Dec. 1853; founded Palestine archÆological association 13 Sep. 1853 and Anglo-biblical institute; F.S.A. 9 Dec. 1858; pastor of the Seventh Day Baptists (one of smallest sects in England) in Mill yard, Leman st. Whitechapel 1840 to death; prepared an edition of the BLACKADDER, Robert Barnes. b. Scotland; came to London 1834, employed by Roake and Varty and other booksellers; edited and published Chronological Bible 1867 and Chronological New Testament 1867. d. Booksellers’ provident retreat Abbot’s Langley 26 June 1883 aged 71. BLACKALL, John (6th son of Rev. Theophilus Blackall, Preb. of Exeter cath. who d. 4 Aug. 1781). b. St. Paul’s st. Exeter 24 Dec. 1771; ed. at Exeter gr. sch. and Balliol coll. Ox.; B.A. 1793, M.A. 1796, M.B. 1797, M.D. 1801; studied medicine at St. Bartholomew’s hosp. London; practised at Exeter 1797–1801 and 1807–52; physician to Devon and Exeter hosp. 1 June 1797–1801 when he resigned, and June 1807; practised at Totnes 1801–1807; physician to St. Thomas’s lunatic asylum Exeter 1812; candidate of R.C.P. 22 Dec. 1814; fellow 22 Dec. 1815; the chief physician in the West of England 1822–52; author of Observations on the nature and cure of dropsies 1813 4 ed. 1818 which at once placed him in the rank of the first physicians of his day and acquired for him an European reputation. d. Southernhay Exeter 10 Jany. 1860. Munk’s Roll of royal college of physicians iii, 138–41 (1878), abridged from British Medical Journal i, 75–76 (1860). BLACKALL, Robert. Entered Bengal army 1805; colonel of 43 N.I. 18 July 1848, of 2 European Fusiliers 7 April 1851, and of 13 N.I. 19 Aug. 1859 to death; L.G. 18 Dec. 1860. d. 20 April 1863. BLACKALL, Samuel Wensley (eld. son of Robert Blackall of Colamber manor, co. Longford who d. 1855). b. 1809; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin; ensign 85 Foot 26 June 1827, lieut. 17 Feb. 1832 to 1 Feb. 1833 when he sold out; sheriff of co. Longford 1833, of co. Tyrone 1862; M.P. for co. Longford 13 Aug. 1847 to April 1851; lieutenant governor of Dominica 1 April 1851 to 1857; governor of Sierra Leone 1862; governor of West African Settlements 23 Feb. 1866; governor of Queensland 4 May 1868 to death. d. Brisbane 21 Jany. 1871. BLACKBURN, Rev. John. b. the Minories, London 1791; ed. at Stepney and Hoxton; a missionary in the Irish Evangelical society; pastor of Church of Christ at Finchingfield, Essex 25 Sep. 1815 to 1822; pastor of Claremont chapel Pentonville, London 1822 to death; editor of Congregational Magazine; originated and edited Congregational Calendar, afterwards merged in the Congregational year book; a projector and sec. of Congregational Union of England and Wales 1831; originator of the Christian Instruction society 1825; edited The Biblical educator. d. 17 Holford sq. Pentonville 16 June 1855. Congregational year book (1856) 208–10; J. Waddington’s Congregational history v, 198–202 (1870). BLACKBURN, Peter (eld. son of John Blackburn of Killearn near Glasgow). b. Levenside, Dumbartonshire 1811; ed. at Eton; cornet 2 Life Guards 29 Jany. 1830, lieut. 4 May 1832 to 1836; M.P. for Stirlingshire 5 March 1855 to 6 July 1865; a lord of the Treasury 15 March 1859 to June 1859; chairman of Edinburgh and Glasgow railway Sep. 1846 to death. d. Killearn house, Killearn 20 May 1870. BLACKBURNE, Francis (eld. son of Richard Blackburne of Great Footstown, co. Meath who d. 1798). b. Great Footstown 11 Nov. 1782; entered Trinity college Dublin July 1798, scholar 1801, B.A. 1803, LL.B. and LLD. 1852; called to bar in Ireland Jany. 1805; went the Home circuit; K.C. 1822; administered the Insurrection act in Limerick and Clare 1822–24; serjeant at law July 1826, king’s second serjeant at law 19 April 1830 to Jany. 1831; attorney general in Ireland 11 Jany. 1831 to April 1835 and 23 Sep. 1841 to Oct. 1842; P.C. Ireland 1831; master of the Rolls 1 Nov. 1842 to 23 Jany. 1846; chief justice of Queen’s Bench 23 Jany. 1846 to Feb. 1852; lord chancellor of Ireland Feb. 1852 to Dec. 1852 and 24 July 1866 to March 1867; vice chancellor of Univ. of Dub. Dec. 1851; one of Commissioners of National education 1852–53; lord justice of Appeal in Ireland Oct. 1856 to July 1866; offered the Lord Chancellorship by Earl of BLACKBURNE, John George. b. London 4 June 1815; articled to Wm. Dunn of Oldham, surveyor 31 May 1828, partner with him 5 June 1835 to 27 June 1840 when he died; practised at Oldham 1835 to death; M.I.C.E. 1 May 1855; F.G.S. 1835; pres. of Manchester district society of surveyors and valuers 1866. d. Dryclough, Oldham 30 Sep. 1871. Minutes of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxxiii, 206–209 (1872). BLACKBURNE, John Ireland. b. 26 May 1783; M.P. for Newton, Lancashire 8 May 1807 to 10 June 1818 and for Warrington 7 Jany. 1835 to 23 July 1847. d. Hale hall near Warrington 27 Jany. 1874. BLACKER, Rev. George (elder son of James Blacker of Dublin, police magistrate). b. 1791; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin; scholar 1809, B.A. 1811, M.A. 1858; C. of St. Andrew’s, Dublin 1811–38; V. of Maynooth 1838 to death; Preb. of St. Patrick’s cathedral 28 Dec. 1840 to death; author of Castle of Maynooth 1853, 2 ed. 1860; Castle of Kilkea 1860; A record of the history of Maynooth church 1867, all privately printed. d. the Rectory, Maynooth 23 May 1871 in 80 year. Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette xiii, 131 (1871). BLACKER, William. Ensign 60 Foot 3 July 1801; lieut. col. Armagh militia 5 Nov. 1812 to 6 May 1846; vice treasurer of Ireland 1817–1829. d. Carrick house, Armagh 25 Nov. 1855 aged 80. BLACKETT, Sir Edward, 6 Baronet. b. London 23 Feb. 1805; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox.; succeeded 27 Oct. 1816; sheriff of Northumberland 1833; married 4 times. d. Matfen hall, Northumberland 23 Nov. 1885. BLACKETT, Henry. Publisher in London with Daniel Hurst (who d. 6 July 1870 aged 67). d. The Green, Ealing 7 March 1871 in 45 year. BLACKIE, John (son of John Blackie of Glasgow, publisher who d. 17 June 1874 aged 92). b. Glasgow 29 Sep. 1805; ed. at the high school; head of the publishing firm of Blackie and Son in Glasgow and London, with BLACKLEY, Rev. William. Ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam.; B.A. 1835, M.A. 1852; chaplain to Viscount Hill 1837 to death; V. of Stanton-upon-Hine-Heath, Salop 1855–72; author of Expository lectures on the first four chapters of St. Matthew’s Gospel 1842; Diplomatic correspondence of the Right Hon. Richard Hill 2 vols. 1845; Scriptural teaching 1847; The Gospel history between the death of Christ and the day of Pentecost 1855. d. Garforth house, Upper Sydenham 29 March 1885 aged 87. BLACKLOCK, Ambrose. b. Dumfries 1816; Assistant surgeon Madras 8 Feb. 1840; professor of surgery and surgeon of the General hospital Madras 1851, and professor of medicine and physician 1858 to 28 April 1867; went to England on sick leave 29 Aug. 1865; returned to Madras 1868; deputy inspector general of Presidency, Circle and Northern, divisions 4 Aug. 1870 to death; author of A treatise on sheep 1838, 12 ed. 1853. d. of enteritis at Chittoor, Madras 11 Feb. 1873. BLACKLOCK, William James. b. Cumwhitton near Carlisle about 1815; landscape painter; exhibited pictures at Royal Academy, British Institution and Society of British Artists 1836–55. d. Dumfries 12 March 1858 aged 42. Carlisle Journal 19 March 1858. BLACKMAN, William. b. Arundel 27 Nov. 1862; ed. at Ardingley college, captain of the cricket eleven 1880, an assistant master 1880; in the Sussex county eleven 17 July 1881 to 1884; one of the best all-round cricketers in South of England. d. 4 Royal terrace, Fitzroy, Melbourne 2 June 1885. Cricket 28 Jany. 1886 p. 1, portrait. BLACKMORE, Rev. Richard White. Educ. at Merton coll. Ox., B.A. 1813; chaplain to the Russia company 1819–47; R. of Donhead St. Mary near Salisbury 1847 to death; author of History of the church of Russia 1842; The doctrine of the Russian church 1845. d. Donhead St. Mary rectory 28 June 1882 in 91 year. BLACKMORE, William. b. Salisbury; admitted solicitor 1849; practised at Liverpool 1856–69; presented his very valuable collection of stone implements and other objects of art of aboriginal inhabitants of BLACKSTONE, William Seymour. b. 30 Oct. 1809; M.P. for Wallingford, Berkshire 11 Dec. 1832 to July 1852. d. 6 Jany. 1881. BLACKWALL, John (son of Mr. Blackwall of Manchester, importer of Irish linen). b. St. Anne’s square, Manchester 20 Jany. 1790; partner with his father to 1833; lived at Llanrwst, North Wales 1842 to death; member of Manchester literary and philosophical society; F.L.S. April 1827; author of Researches in Zoology 1834, 2 ed. 1873; A history of the spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, 2 parts 1861–64, published by the Ray Society; wrote 82 papers in natural history periodicals 1821–71. d. Hendre house, Llanrwst 11 May 1881. Entomologist xiv, 145–50, 190 (1881). BLACKWELL, Thomas. Partner with E. Crosse as oilmen at 11 King st. Soho, London 1829, this was oldest house of the kind in London having been founded 1706; moved to Soho square 1840; began manufacture of jams 1841 and of table jellies 1850. d. Brookshill, Harrow Weald 16 Dec. 1879. Will proved 6 March 1880, Personalty sworn under £160,000. H. Mayhew’s Shops of London i, 174–88 (1865). BLACKWELL, Thomas Evans (son of John Blackwell, civil engineer who d. 1840). b. Devizes 28 July 1819; engineer to Kennet & Avon canal co. 1840; engineer to Bristol docks 1852–57; vice pres. and general manager of grand trunk railway 1857–62; F.G.S., F.R.G.S.; A.I.C.E. 1843, M.I.C.E. 1849. d. 25 June 1863. BLACKWOOD, Arthur Johnstone (2 son of Sir Henry Blackwood, admiral R.N., 1 Baronet 1770–1832). b. 25 April 1808; clerk in Colonial office April 1824 to May 1867; groom of the privy chamber 1836 to death. d. Oakham, Rutland 2 Jany. 1874. BLACKWOOD, Francis Price (brother of the preceding). b. 25 May 1809; entered navy 6 Dec. 1821; captain 28 June 1838; commanded the Fly surveying vessel on East India station 17 Nov. 1841 to 1846; F.R.A.S. BLACKWOOD, George Frederick (2 son of Wm. Blackwood, major in Bengal army). b. Moradabad, Bengal 1838; ed. at Edinburgh academy and Addiscombe; 2 lieut. Bengal artillery 11 Dec. 1857; commanded the artillery in the Lushai expedition Nov. 1871; major 10 Feb. 1875; commanded E. battery B. brigade of Royal Horse Artillery in the Afghan campaign 1879 to death; killed at battle of Maiwand 27 July 1880, being one of the 11 officers and men who fought till they were all killed. Shadbolt’s Afghan campaign (1882) 20–22, portrait. BLACKWOOD, Sir Henry, 3 Baronet. b. 7 May 1828; succeeded 7 Jany. 1851. d. Athens 26 May 1854. BLACKWOOD, Sir Henry Martin, 2 Baronet (only son of Sir Henry Blackwood, 1 baronet 1770–1832). b. 11 June 1801; entered navy 22 July 1814; captain 28 April 1827; succeeded his father 14 Dec. 1832; commodore on East India station 29 June 1844; captain of the Fox 14 Oct. 1843 to 5 Aug. 1848. d. Portsmouth 7 Jany. 1851. I.L.N. xviii, 37 (1851). BLACKWOOD, John (6 son of William Blackwood of Edinburgh, publisher 1776–1834). b. Edinburgh 7 Dec. 1818; ed. at high school and Univ. Edin.; superintended London branch of his brother Robert’s publishing business 1840–45; partner in the firm 1845; head of the firm 1852 to death; editor of Blackwood’s Mag. 1845 to death; published in it George Eliot’s Scenes of clerical life, published all her books except Romola. d. Strathtyrum, St. Andrews 29 Oct. 1879. The Critic xxi, 6, 38, 102, 128, 192 and 225 (1860); George Eliot’s Life by J. W. Cross 3 vols. 1885; I.L.N. lxxii, 461 (1879), portrait; Graphic xx, 525 (1879), portrait. BLAGDEN, Isa Jane. Lived at Florence 1849 to death; great friend of Mrs. Theodosia Trollope and of Mrs. E. B. Browning both of whom she nursed in their last illnesses; author of Agnes Tremorne 2 vols. 1861; The cost of a secret 3 vols. 1863; The woman I loved and the woman who loved me 1865; The crown of a life 1869. d. Florence 26 Jany. 1873. Poems by the late Isa Blagden with a memoir 1873. BLAGDEN, Richard (youngest son of Richard Bragg Blagden of Petworlh, Sussex, surgeon). M.R.C.S. 1811, F.R.C.S. 1843; surgeon in BLAGDEN-HALE, Edward. b. 14 Aug. 1814; ensign 82 Foot 2 Aug. 1833, lieut. col. 7 Sep. 1855 to 10 Nov. 1856 and 6 Feb. 1857 to 1 June 1861 when placed on h.p.; brigadier general Bengal 16 Oct. 1858 to 14 Feb. 1859; L.G. 1 Oct. 1877; C.B. 24 March 1858. d. Alderley, Wotton under Edge 17 May 1881. BLAGROVE, Henry Gamble (eld. son of Mr. Blaqrove of Nottingham, professor of music). b. Nottingham 20 Oct. 1811; appeared as a violinist at Drury Lane theatre in an entertainment called The Lilliputians 1817; played at concerts at Exhibition rooms in Spring Gardens 1817; studied at Royal Academy of Music 1823; solo violinist in royal private band 1830–37; pupil of Spohr at Cassel 1832–34; played at Vienna and elsewhere with great success; leader of a string quartet party which gave a series of concerts at the Hanover square rooms 1836; led the State band at the Coronation of Queen Victoria; principal violin in Jullien’s band, at both opera houses, at most of the provincial festivals, the Handel festivals at Crystal Palace, and leading musical societies in London; taught the violin at R.A. of music; published some valuable exercises for the violin, and a few solos. (m. 17 Aug. 1841 Etheldred dau. of Henry Combe, she d. 8 Jany. 1869). d. 224 Marylebone road, London 15 Dec. 1872. Rev. W. W. Cazalet’s History of royal academy of Music (1854) 285–87; I.L.N. lxi, 633 (1872), portrait. BLAIKIE, Francis (son of Andrew Blaikie, tenant of Holydean, Scotland). Went to England about 1789; agent to Earl of Chesterfield, and then to Earl of Leicester; introduced the turnip drill and other improvements in agriculture; author of papers on science of agriculture; retired about 1832. d. St. Helens Sep. 1857. BLAIKIE, Sir Thomas (4 son of John Blaikie, of Aberdeen). b. Aberdeen 1802; ed. at gr. sch. and Marischal coll.; merchant at Aberdeen; lord provost 5 times; knighted at St. James’s palace 20 Feb. 1856. d. Bonacord terrace, Aberdeen 25 Sep. 1861. BLAINE, Delabere Roberton. b. Woodbridge, Suffolk; solicitor in Lincoln’s Inn BLAIR, Charles Edward. L.S.A. 1836, M.R.C.S. 1836; army surgeon in a Portugese regiment during war between Dom Miguel and Dom Pedro 1833–34; reported in the Lancet the first cases of cholera in London 1832; author of Lectures on the anatomy and physiology of the teeth; K.C., K.T.S. d. East hill, Colchester 28 Aug. 1855 aged 45. BLAIR, James Kennedy (eld. son of James Blair of Weatfield, Belfast). b. Weatfield 9 Dec. 1807; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; barrister L.I. 27 Jany. 1835; judge of Court of record for hundred of Salford, Lancashire; joint judge of county courts for circuit No. 6 comprising Liverpool, Ormskirk and St. Helens 22 Oct. 1857 to 28 Feb. 1872 when he resigned. d. New Brighton, Cheshire 1 Oct. 1879. BLAIR, Stephen. b. Bolton 1804; Merchant and bleacher at Bolton; M.P. for Bolton 12 Sep. 1848 to 1 July 1852. d. 5 July 1870. BLAKE, Barnett. Edited Exeter and Plymouth Gazette 1843–52; secretary of Exeter Literary and Scientific Institution 5 years; editor and manager of Liverpool Standard; secretary of Yorkshire Union of Mechanics’ Institutes 1856 to death. d. of typhus fever at Beeston near Leeds 14 March 1866 aged 54. BLAKE, Edward Samuel. Colonel in Bombay artillery 29 May 1861 to death; C.B. 21 March 1859. d. 18 Princes sq. Bayswater, London 26 June 1862 aged 51. BLAKE, Sir Francis, 3 Baronet. b. Heston, Middlesex 1774; succeeded 22 May 1818; M.P. for Berwick 29 March 1827 to 29 Dec. 1834. d. 10 Sep. 1860. BLAKE, Frederick Rodolph (son of Wm. Blake of Danesbury who d. 24 Nov. 1852). b. 15 Aug. 1808; ensign 85 Foot 30 June 1825; lieut. col. 33 Foot 3 Oct. 1848 to death; served at battle of the Alma and before Sebastopol; C.B. 5 July 1855. d. Rottingdean, Sussex 23 Aug. 1855. BLAKE, George Charles. Entered navy 2 July 1799; inspecting commander in Coast Guard 1832–35; captain 28 June 1838; gentleman usher to Prince Albert 1841; retired captain 15 Oct. 1852; retired admiral 10 Sep. 1869. d. Bury near Gosport 14 Nov. 1872 aged 84. BLAKE, Sir Henry Charles, 4 Baronet. b. 23 Nov. 1794; succeeded 21 April 1832. d. Ashfield lodge, Great Ickworth, Suffolk 22 Jany. 1880. BLAKE, Martin Joseph (elder son of Walter Blake of Ballyglunin park, Athenry, co. Galway). b. 1790; M.P. for co. Galway 1833–57. d. Ballyglunin park March 1861. BLAKE, Patrick John (2 son of Sir James Henry Blake, 3 baronet who d. 21 April, 1832). b. 1797; entered navy April 1813; captain 6 May 1841; commanded the Juno 26 guns in the Pacific 3 Sep. 1845 to 14 Feb. 1849; admiral on h.p. 20 Oct. 1872. d. Thurston, Bury St. Edmunds 29 Sep. 1884. BLAKE, Sir Thomas Edward, 13 Baronet. b. Killagh, co. Galway 25 May 1805; succeeded Jany. 1847. d. 2 Jany. 1875. BLAKE, William. Bought estate of Danesbury near Welwyn Herts. 1820; sheriff of Herts. 1836; formed a valuable collection of modern water colour paintings; F.R.S. 14 May 1807. d. Danesbury 24 Nov. 1852 aged 78. BLAKE, William Hume (son of Rev. Dominick Edward Blake, R. of Kiltegan, co. Wicklow). b. Kiltegan 10 March 1809; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin; emigrated to Canada and settled in township of Adelaide 1832; called to Canadian bar 1835; a bencher of Canadian law society Nov. 1845; solicitor general 1848; chancellor of Upper Canada 30 Sep. 1849 to 1862; judge of court of appeal; chancellor of Univ. of Toronto; professor of law in Univ. of Toronto. d. Toronto 15 Nov. 1870. Law Journal vi, 23–24 (1871). BLAKE, William Williams. Cornet 20 Dragoons 26 April 1797; major 21 March 1805 to Dec. 1818 when placed on h.p.; C.B. 4 June 1815. d. Brighton 21 Feb. 1863 aged 83. BLAKELY, Rev. Fletcher (youngest son of Joseph Bleakly of Ballyroney, co. Down, farmer). b. Ballyroney 13 May 1783; ed. at Glasgow college; Presbyterian minister of Moneyrea, co. Down 19 Sep. 1809; the first avowed humanitarian preacher in Ulster from which arose the proverb ‘Moneyrea, where there is one God and no devil’; joined with his whole congregation the remonstrant secession from the Synod of Ulster 1829; assisted Henry Montgomery leader of the New Light party in forming remonstrant synod; joint editor of the Bible Christian 1830–33; resigned ministry of Moneyrea 22 Sep. 1857; author of several tracts and sermons, d. Cradley, Worcestershire 25 Feb. 1862. bur. at Moneyrea. Inquirer 15 March 1862; Christian Unitarian (1862), p. 123. BLAKELY, Very Rev. Theophilus. Educ. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1794; alternate morning preacher at Berkeley and Fitzroy chapels London; dean of Connor 4 May 1811 to 6 Dec. 1824; dean of Achonry 6 Dec. 1824 to 11 May 1839; dean of Down 11 May 1839 to death; one of the first advocates of the Irish National system of education. d. Clare st. Dublin 1 Dec. 1855 aged 85. G.M. xlv, 309 (1856). BLAKENEY, Sir Edward (4 son of colonel Wm. Blakeney M.P. for Athenry in Irish parliament). b. Newcastle 1778; Cornet 8 Light dragoons 28 Feb. 1794; lieut. col. 7 Foot 20 June 1811 to 2 June 1825; served in the Peninsula 1811–14; commanded first brigade in army sent to Portugal 1825; colonel 7 Foot 20 Sep. 1832 to 21 Dec. 1854; commanded troops in Ireland 1838–55; general 20 June 1854; colonel 1 Foot 21 Dec. 1854 to death; lieutenant governor of Chelsea hospital 6 Feb. 1855, governor 25 Sep. 1856 to death; field marshal 9 Nov. 1862; colonel in chief of Rifle brigade 28 Aug. 1865 to death; K.T.S. 1812, K.C.B. 2 Jany. 1815, BLAKENEY, Rev. Richard Paul. b. Roscommon 2 June 1820; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1842, LL.B. and LLD. 1852, D.D. Edin. 1868; C. of St. Paul’s, Nottingham 1843–44; P.C. of Hyson Green, Notts. 1844–52; P.C. of Ch. Ch. Claughton, Cheshire Jany. 1852 to 1874; V. of Bridlington 1874 to death; rural dean of Bridlington 1876 to death; canon of York 1882 to death; author of Translation of the Moral theology of Alphonsus Liguori 1845, 2 ed. 1852; A manual of Romish controversy 1851; Protestant Catechism 1854; History and interpretation of the Book of common prayer 1865, 3 ed. 1878. d. Bridlington 31 Dec. 1884. Church portrait journal May 1880, portrait. BLAKESLEY, Very Rev. Joseph Williams (son of Jeremiah George Blakesley of City of London, factor who d. 1817 or 1818). b. 38 Coleman st. city of London 6 March 1808; ed. at St. Paul’s school 1819–27 (captain 1826–27) and C. C. coll. Cam., migrated to Trinity college 1830, foundation scholar 1830, 21 wrangler and 3 classic 1831, B.A. 1831, M.A. 1834, B.D. 1850; fellow of Trinity 1831, assistant tutor 1834, tutor 1839–45; member of the celebrated Apostles club at Cambridge; select preacher 1840 and 1843; V. of Ware, Herts. 30 May 1845 to 1872; canon of Canterbury 27 June 1863 to 4 July 1872; dean of Lincoln 4 July 1872 to death; master of the Mercers Company 1864; an active member of the committee for revision of translation of New Testament; author of Thoughts on the recommendations of the Ecclesiastical commission 1837; Life of Aristotle 1839; Conciones AcademicÆ 1843; Herodotus with a commentary 2 vols. 1852–54; Four months in Algeria, with a visit to Carthage 1859; wrote under signature of “A Hertfordshire Incumbent” many letters on social questions to The Times which attracted general attention. d. The deanery, Lincoln 18 April 1885. Saturday Review lix, 533 (1885); Guardian 22 April 1885, p. 596. BLAKEY, Robert (son of Robert Blakey of Morpeth, Northumberland, mechanic who d. Feb. 1796 aged 22). b. Manchester lane, Morpeth 18 May 1795; wrote for the Black Dwarf a London paper 1817–21 and for the Newcastle Mag., Durham Chronicle and Cobbett’s Register 1822–32; mayor of Morpeth 1836–37; purchased the Newcastle Liberator 1 Jany. 1838 which was amalgamated with the BLAKISTON, Anne (elder dau. of John Rochfort of Clogrenane, co. Carlow). m. Sep. 1782 Sir Matthew Blakiston, 2 baronet, who was b. 1760 and d. 20 Sep. 1806, she d. Lymington, Hants, 27 Nov. 1862 in 102 year. BLAKISTON, Sir Matthew, 3 Baronet. b. Athlone 13 May 1783; succeeded 20 Sep, 1806. d. Sandybrooke hall, Ashbourne, Derbyshire 23 Dec. 1862. BLAKISTON, Sir Matthew, 4 Baronet. b. Bath 15 Jany. 1811; ed. at the Charterhouse and Trin. coll. Dub.; succeeded 23 Dec. 1862. d. Sandybrooke hall 3 Dec. 1883. BLAKISTON, Peyton (youngest child of Sir Matthew Blakiston, 2 baronet 1760–1806). b. 6 Sep. 1801; ed. at Eton and Trin. coll. Cam.; migrated to Em. coll., a Dixie fellow; B.A. 1823, M.A. 1827, M.L. 1837, M.D. 1841; C. of Bilton, co. Warwick; V. of Lymington, Hants. 1830–33; studied medicine at Cambridge and Paris; practised at Birmingham, phys. to general hospital 1841; F.R.S. 21 Jany. 1840; F.R.C.P. 1843; practised at St. Leonard’s on Sea 1848–71; author of On diseases of the Chest 1848; Clinical observations on diseases of the heart 1865; Clinical reminiscences 1878. d. 140 Harley st. London 17 Dec. 1878. Proc. of Med. and Chir. Soc. viii, 397–99 (1880); Proc. of Royal Soc. xxix, 1–2 (1879). BLAMIRE, George. Barrister L.I. 25 June 1819; owner of large estates in Cumberland and Glamorganshire; occupied 3 rooms on first floor of 1 Adam st. Adelphi, London 1847 to death; slept in an arm chair last 16 years of his life; found dead in his chair at 1 Adam st. 17 Sep. 1863, having probably died 13 or 14 Sep. aged 75. BLAMIRE, William (only brother of the preceding). b. The Oaks 13 April 1790; ed. at Carlisle and Westminster; entered Ch. Ch. Ox. Oct. 1808, B.A. 1811; a great stock breeder, went to all the fairs in Scotland and North England; sheriff of Cumberland 1828; M.P. for Cumberland 9 May 1831 to 3 Dec. 1832, for East Cumberland 17 Dec. 1832 to Aug. 1836; made a great speech in House of Commons on Tithe Commutation bill 25 March 1836; Tithe comr. for England and Wales 22 Aug. 1836 to 8 Aug. 1851 when the commission expired after having converted tithes into rent charges amounting to more than £4,000,000 per annum; Copyhold and Tithe comr. 22 June 1841; Inclosure comr. 21 Aug. 1845 to 1860. d. Thackwood near Carlisle 12 Jany. 1862. A biographical sketch of the late W. Blamire by H. Lonsdale, M.D. 1862. BLANC, Jean Joseph Louis. b. Madrid 28 Oct. 1813; clerk in a lawyer’s office in Paris 1830; edited a journal called Le Bon Sens 1836–38; founded La revue du progrÈs 1838 in which he advocated socialistic ideas; published The organisation of labour 1841; Histoire des dix ans 1841 which helped to precipitate the revolution of 1848; a member of the Provisional government 1848; pres. of the Labour commission; declined the Dictatorship; a member of the National Assembly; proscribed by the Assembly; lived in exile in England 1849–70; correspondent to several French journals; published Letters on England, 2 series 2 vols. 1867; a member of French National Assembly Feb. 1871 to death. d. Cannes 6 Dec. 1882. Louis Blanc, sa vie, ses oeuvres, par C. Robin 1851, portrait; Louis Blanc, par C. Edmond 1882, portrait; I.L.N. xii, 182 (1848), portrait, xiii, 189 (1848), portrait, lxxxi, 629 (1882), portrait. Note.—When an attempt was made to assassinate him in Paris 15 Aug. 1839 his brother Charles Blanc had a vivid presentiment of the scene, an incident on which Dumas founded the play of the Corsican Brothers. BLANCHARD, Edmund Forster (youngest son of Samuel Laman Blanchard of London, author 1804–45). contributed to many periodicals; connected with Lloyd’s Newspaper BLANCHARD, Sidney Laman (elder brother of the preceding). Author of The Ganges and the Seine 2 vols. 1862; Yesterday and to-day in India 1867; Riddles of love or the knave of hearts 3 vols. 1871. d. Brighton 9 Nov. 1883. BLANCHARD, Thomas. Pantaloon at Covent Garden theatre 26 Dec. 1827; acquired considerable repute as a broadswordsman; obtained great fame at the old Coburg theatre London for the celebrated drunken combat with Thomas Bradley in The Maid of Genoa 1828; said to be original inventor of the “one two three and under” style of using the broadsword; last appeared as pantaloon at Victoria theatre 1845; built some cottages at back of Victoria theatre which still bear his name; d. London 20 Aug. 1859 aged 72. BLAND, Venerable George (2 son of Michael Bland F.R.S. who d. 19 April 1851 aged 74). b. 1804; ed. at Caius coll. Cam., B.A. 1828, M.A. 1831; R. of Slinfold Sussex 1836–44; archdeacon of Lindisfarne 7 May 1844 to 1853; archdeacon of Northumberland 1853 to death; R. of St. Mary-le-Bow Durham 1856–59. d. The college, Durham 17 Feb. 1880. BLAND, Humphrey. b. England 1812; an actor at Surrey theatre London 1834; went to America 1844; made his dÉbut at Park theatre New York 1 Sep. 1845 as Lewson in The Gamester; first appeared in Philadelphia 4 March 1850 at the Arch st. theatre as Joseph Surface in The school for scandal. d. New York 17 Jany. 1869. BLAND, James (2 son of George Bland of London, actor by Maria Theresa Romanzini of London, vocalist 1769–1838). b. 5 March 1798; made his first appearance in London at English opera house 1 July 1822 in an operetta called Love among the roses; comedian at Drury Lane and Haymarket, at Olympic 1831, at Covent Garden 1839, at Lyceum and Adelphi, and at Strand theatre down to his death. d. at stage door of Strand theatre, Surrey st. London 17 July 1861. BLAND, Loftus Henry (3 son of John Bland of Blandsfort, Queen’s county who d. 11 Nov. 1810). b. Blandsfort Aug. 1805; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam.; B.A. 1825, M.A. 1828; called to Irish bar 1829; M.P. for King’s county 26 July 1852 to 23 April 1859; Q.C. 28 Jany. BLAND, Michael (only child of Thomas Bland of Norwich, merchant who d. 28 Aug. 1818 in 79 year). Partner in firm of Whitbread and Co. of London, brewers; F.R.S. 8 Feb. 1816, F.S.A., F.G.S. d. 65 Cambridge terrace, Hyde park, London 19 April 1851 aged 74. BLAND, Rev. Miles (son of Thomas Bland). b. Sedbergh 11 Oct. 1786; ed. at Sedbergh sch. and St. John’s coll. Cam., 2 wrangler and Smith’s prizeman 1808, B.A. 1808, M.A. 1811, B.D. 1818, D.D. 1826, fellow of his college 5 April 1808, assistant tutor 1809, tutor to 1823; R. of Lilley, Herts. 16 May 1823 to death; preb. of Wells cathedral 18 April 1826 to death; F.R.S. 12 April 1821, F.R.A.S., F.S.A.; author of Algebraical problems 1812, 9 ed. 1849; Geometrical problems 1819, 3 ed. 1827; Annotations on the historical books of the New Testament 2 vols. 1828–29; Mechanical and philosophical problems 1830. d. 5 Royal crescent, Ramsgate 27 Dec. 1867. BLAND, William (younger son of Robert Bland of London, physician who d. 29 June 1816 aged 76). b. London 5 Nov. 1789; surgeon’s mate on board a man-of-war; fought a duel with the purser of his ship in the Persian gulf when he shot his opponent dead; fought another duel with Lieut. Wm. Randall, tried at Calcutta and sentenced to 7 years transportation 1814, exiled to Sydney 1814, obtained a free pardon; surgeon at Sydney 1815 to death; fined £50 with 12 months in Paramatta gaol for libelling Governor Macquarie; a naval surgeon 7 July 1826; member for Sydney to first elective legislature of New South Wales 15 June 1843 to 1848; presented with a testimonial of £1000 by people of Sydney 14 Sep. 1858. d. 28 College st. Sydney 21 July 1868. Carlisle’s History of family of Bland (1826) 235–47; Illust. news of the world iv, 68 (1859), portrait; Heads of the people ii, 67 (1848), portrait. BLANE, Archibald William. b. 29 March 1788; member of council Mauritius; discovered the wealth of the Peel river district Australia; deputy governor of Australian Agricultural company 1845 to death. d. Booral, Port Stephens 6 Nov. 1852. BLANE, David Anderson. b. 1801; entered Bombay civil service 1819; member of council at Bombay 1 March 1849 to 1854 when he retired on annuity. d. 21 Prince’s gardens, South Kensington, London 17 June 1879. BLANE, Robert. Cornet 2 Life Guards 1 Nov. 1831; assistant adjutant general and military sec. 1854–55; military attachÉ at St. Petersburgh 21 July 1866 to death; colonel 11 April 1860; C.B. 2 Jany. 1857. d. 11 Eaton terrace, Eaton sq. London 30 May 1871. BLANSHARD, Thomas. Second lieut. R.E. 28 Sep. 1807, colonel 5 July 1851 to 16 Dec. 1854, M.G. 16 Dec. 1854; C.B. 19 July 1838. d. Grove house, Hampton, Middlesex 19 June 1859 aged 70. BLANSHARD, William (eld. son of Richard Blanshard of Northallerton). b. 29 June 1802; served in East India company’s navy 1817–19; barrister I.T. 16 May 1828; recorder of Ripon 1830–35; revising barrister 1832–63; advocate in all the Courts of Archbishop of Canterbury, who created him M.A. 18 Feb. 1839; recorder of Doncaster June 1857 to July 1870; judge of Northumberland county court (circuit No. 1.) 10 Jany. 1863 to Oct. 1871; author of A treatise on the statutes of limitations 1826. d. Scarborough 28 Nov. 1872. BLANTYRE, Lady Evelyn (2 dau. of 2 Duke of Sutherland 1786–1861). b. 2 Hamilton place, Piccadilly, London 8 Aug. 1825. (m. 4 Oct. 1843 Charles Stuart, 12 Baron Blantyre who was b. 21 Dec. 1818). d. Nice 24 Nov. 1869. Sir. H. Nicolas’s Court of Queen Victoria (1845) 13–18, portrait; Illust. News of the world ix, (1862), portrait. BLASIS, Carlo (son of Francesco Antonio Blasis of Naples, ballet composer). b. Naples 4 Dec. 1803; a principal dancer at Marseilles, Bordeaux, Paris and Milan 1816–26; dancer and ballet composer at the King’s theatre London 1826; finishing master of the Imperial Academy of dancing at Milan 1 Dec. 1837; ballet composer at Royal Italian opera Covent Garden 1846; composed the Spanish dances which were performed at the public breakfasts given by the Duchess of St. Albans; wrote more than 50 ballets; wrote the chapters upon private dancing in The young lady’s book 1828–29; author of The code of Terpsichore 1830. d. Cernolio near lake of Como Jany. 1878. Notes upon dancing by C. Blasis (1847) 36–148, portrait. BLAYNEY, Cadwallader Davis Blayney, 12 Baron. b. Dover st. Piccadilly, London 19 Dec. 1802; M.P. for Monaghan 18 Aug. 1830 to 8 April 1834, when he succeeded; an Irish representative peer 12 June 1841 to death. d. 18 Jany. 1874. BLECKLEY, Thomas Macdougall (son of Rev. John Bleckley). b. 13 Dec. 1828; assistant surgeon in the army 6 Jany. 1854; surgeon major 1 March 1873 to 24 Jany. 1880; C.B. 31 March 1874. d. Lorne house, Central hill, Upper Norwood 23 Nov. 1882. BLEECK, Arthur Henry. b. about 1829; employed in the British Museum; held a post in connection with the land transport corps at Sinope during Crimean war; author with W. B. Barker of A practical grammar of the Turkish language 1854; author of A concise grammar of the Persian language 1857; Catalogue of the Napoleon library in the possession of Mr. Joshua Bates privately printed 1858; Avesta, the religious books of the Parsees, from Spiegel’s German translation of the original manuscripts 3 vols. 1864. d. 56 Bevington road, Kensington 27 Jany. 1877 aged 47. BLEEK, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel (son of Friedrich Bleek of Berlin, biblical critic 1793–1859). b. Berlin 8 March 1827; ed. at Bonn and Berlin; studied habits and language of the Kaffirs in Natal 1855–57; interpreter to Sir George Grey at Cape Town 1857; librarian of the valuable collection of rare books presented by Sir G. Grey to the colony at Cape Town 1 Feb. 1862 to death; granted civil list pension of £150, 18 June 1870. (m. Jemima Charlotte, she was granted a civil list pension of £100, 13 June 1877); author of The languages of Mozambique 1856; The library of Sir George Grey 2 vols. 1858–59; Comparative grammar of South African languages, 2 parts 1862–69; Reynard the Fox in South Africa, or Hottentot tales and fables 1864; Bushman folklore 1875. d. Cape Town 17 Aug. 1875. Cape Monthly Mag. xi, 167–69 (1875). BLENKINS, William Bazett Goodwin. Captain 6 Bombay native infantry 26 April 1842 to death; C.B. 4 July 1843. d. Bombay 12 June 1852. BLEWITT, Jonathan (son of Jonas Blewitt of London, organist who d. 1805). b. about 1781; organist in London, at Haverhill and at Brecon; organist of St. Andrew’s Dublin; composer and director of music at T. R. Dublin; grand organist to Freemasons of Ireland; wrote pantomime music for most of the London theatres 1826–52; director of music at Sadler’s Wells Theatre 1828–29, at Vauxhall gardens 1838 and at Tivoli gardens Margate; wrote a few light operas and upwards of 2000 pieces of vocal music, most of them comic songs, the best known are Barney Brallaghan’s Courtship and The merry little fat grey man 1845, which he used to sing inimitably; composed the tune of The Perfect Cure 1844 which was associated with a now forgotten song called The monkey and the nuts, 20 years afterwards it was utilised by James Hurst Stead who became known as The Perfect Cure, and cleared more than £2000 by linking the tune with other words. d. London 4 Sep. 1853 in 73 year. BLEWITT, Octavian (son of John Edwards Blewitt of London, merchant 1784–1860). b. St. Helen’s place, Bishopsgate, London 3 Oct. 1810; ed. at Plymouth gr. sch.; travelled in Italy, Egypt, Greece, Turkey and other countries 1837–39; secretary of Royal literary fund in London 13 March 1839 to death; elected a member of the AthenÆum club 1848 by a majority of 112 votes to 2; F.G.S. 1835; a knight of order of Leopold of Belgium 1872; edited the newspaper portion of the Gardener’s Chronicle 1840–69; author of A panorama of Torquay 1830; A sketch of the BLEWITT, Reginald James (2 son of Edward Blewitt of Llantarnam abbey, Monmouthshire who d. 8 March 1832 in 70 year). b. 26 May 1799; ed. at Rugby; solicitor at 8 New square Lincoln’s Inn London 1821–27; M.P. for borough of Monmouth 24 July 1837 to March 1852; established the Monmouthshire Merlin a liberal paper 1829, edited it 1829–32; manager of Monmouthshire bank which failed for a very large sum. d. The Priory, Putney 11 Sep. 1878. Law Times lxv, 405 (1878). BLIGH, Sir John Duncan (2 son of John Bligh, 4 Earl of Darnley 1767–1831). b. London 11 Oct. 1798; ed. at Eton, and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1821, B.C.L. 1828, D.C.L. 1836; paid attachÉ in Paris 9 May 1828; sec. of legation at Florence 30 July 1829; sec. of embassy at The Hague 1 Nov. 1830; Min. plenipo. at The Hague 3 July 1832, at St. Petersburg 7 Sep. 1832, at Stockholm 28 Oct. 1835, and at Hanover 17 April 1838 to 14 June 1856 when he retired; C.B. 1 March 1851, K.C.B. 30 Sep. 1856. d. Sandgate, Kent 8 May 1872. BLIGHT, William. Entered navy 9 May 1793; captain 22 July 1830; retired R.A. 27 Sep. 1855. d. Stonehouse, Plymouth 22 July 1862 aged 77. BLISS, Henry (4 son of Jonathan Bliss of New Brunswick). b. New Brunswick; barrister I.T. 9 Feb. 1827, bencher 1850, reader 1863, treasurer 1864; Q.C. 1850; agent in England for Nova Scotia many years; author of On colonial intercourse 1830; Statistics of the trade, industry and resources of Canada 1833; State trials, specimen of a new edition by N. T. Moile, pseud. 1838; Cicero, a drama by N. T. Moile, 1847; Robespierre, a tragedy 1854. d. Folkestone 31 July 1873 aged 76. BLISS, Rev. Philip (son of Rev. Philip Bliss 1742–1803 R. of Frampton Cotterell, Gloucs). b. Chipping Sodbury, Gloucs. 21 Dec. 1787; ed. at Merchant Taylors’ 1797–1806 and St. John’s coll. Ox., scholar 1806, law fellow 1809, B.C.L. 1815, D.C.L. 1820; assistant librarian Bodleian library 1810, under librarian July 1822 to Dec. 1828; prepared the first BLITZ, Antonio. b. Deal, Kent 21 June 1810; made his first appearance on the stage as a ventriloquist and conjurer at Hamburg Sep. 1823; performed in all the cities of North Europe; first appeared in England at Dover Dec. 1825, and in London at Coburg theatre, Lent 1828; sailed for New York 1 Aug. 1834; in 1870 there were 13 conjurers travelling in America under assumed name of Blitz. d. Philadelphia 28 Jany. 1877. Fifty years in the magic circle by Signor Blitz (1871), portrait. BLOCHMANN, Henry. b. Dresden 7 Jany. 1838; landed at Calcutta Sep. 1858; professor of mathematics at the Doveton college Calcutta 1862–65; M.A. Calcutta Univ. 1865; assistant professor of the Calcutta Madrassa 1865, principal 1875 to death; member of Asiatic Society of Bengal 6 April 1864, sec. 1868 to death; author of The Prosody of the Persians 1872; School geography of India 1873; English and Urdu school dictionary Romanized, 8 ed. 1877; The first geography, 17 ed. 1879. d. Calcutta 13 July 1878. Proc. of Asiatic Society of Bengal (1878) 164–67. BLOCKLEY, John. b. 1801; Music publisher at 3 Argyll st. Regent st. London; composed many ballads, several of which were very popular namely the duet List tis music stealing and the songs Love not and The Englishman. d. 6 Park road, Haverstock hill, London 24 Dec. 1882. BLOIS, Sir Charles, 7 Baronet. b. Sway, Hants. 1794; lieut. col. East Suffolk militia 1844 to 1853; succeeded 20 Aug. 1850. d. Cockfield hall, Suffolk 12 June 1855. BLOMEFIELD, Rev. Sir Thomas Eardley Wilmot, 3 Baronet. b. Peamore near Exeter 3 Aug. 1820; succeeded 30 June 1858, V. of All Saint’s Pontefract 1859–72; master of Archbishop Holgate’s hospital near Hemsworth 1872 to death. d. Holgate lodge, Pontefract 21 Nov. 1878. BLOMFIELD, Right Rev. Charles James (eld. son of Charles Blomfield of Bury St. Edmunds, school master who d. 28 Sep. 1831 in 69 year). b. Bury St. Edmunds 29 May 1786; ed. at Bury gr. sch. and Trin. coll. Cam.; scholar 1805, fellow Oct. 1809, Craven Univ. scholar 1806, 3 wrangler and Chancellor’s classical medallist 1808; B.A. 1808, M.A. 1811, B.D. 1818, D.D. 1820; R. of Dunton, Bucks. Dec. 1811; V. and R. of Great and Little Chesterford July 1817; R. of Tuddenham, Suffolk 1817; R. of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate May 1820; archdeacon of Colchester 15 Jany. 1822 to 4 June 1824; bishop of Chester 8 June 1824, consecrated in Whitehall chapel 20 June; bishop of London 15 Aug. 1828 to 30 Sep. 1856 when he resigned on a pension of £6000; P.C. 31 July 1828; admitted dean of chapels royal 12 Dec. 1828, enthroned in St. Paul’s cathedral 16 Jany. 1829; member of Ecclesiastical commission 1836 of which he was the moving spirit; published editions of Prometheus Vinctus 1810, Septem contra Thebas 1812, PersÆ 1814, ChoephorÆ 1821; an edition of Callimachus 1815 and of Euripides 1821; wrote on classical subjects for Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, and for the Museum Criticum a journal established by himself and James Henry Monk 1813. d. Fulham palace 5 Aug. 1857. A memoir of C. J. Blomfield edited by his son Alfred Blomfield, 2 ed. 1864; Rev. G. E. Biber’s Bishop Blomfield and his times 1857; H. Martineau’s Biographical sketches, 4 ed. (1876) 167–74; I.L.N. xxiv, 401 (1854), portrait. BLOOD, Bindon. b. Cranacher, Ireland; lived at 22 Queen st. Edinburgh 1829–42; an original member of the Abbotsford Club 20 March 1833; a great collector of books which were piled in great heaps in his garrets, cellars and warerooms like unsorted goods; known as The Vampire and The Dragon. d. Ireland 1855. Crombie’s Modern Athenians (1882) 11–14, portrait; J. H. Burton’s The bookhunter, new ed. (1882) 55–58. BLOOD, Clements. Lieutenant Bombay artillery 10 June 1821; major Bombay artillery 10 Nov. 1854; brigadier in command at Ahmednuggur 12 March 1855 to 18 Feb. 1858, and at Hyderabad 18 Feb. 1858 to 12 May 1859 when he retired with rank of M.G. d. Chiswick, Middlesex 10 April 1869 aged 63. BLOOMFIELD, John Arthur Douglas Bloomfield, 2 Baron (eld. child of Benjamin Bloomfield, 1 Baron Bloomfield 1768–1846). b. 12 Nov. 1802; attachÉ at Vienna 16 Feb. 1818; envoy extraord. and min. plenipo. at St. Petersburgh 3 April 1844, at Berlin 28 April 1851, at Vienna 22 Nov. 1860 to 28 Oct. 1871 when he retired on a pension; succeeded 15 Aug. 1846; C.B. 27 April 1848, K.C.B. 1 March 1851, G.C.B. 3 Sep. 1858, P.C. 17 Dec. 1860; created Baron Bloomfield of Ciamhaltha in the United Kingdom 7 Aug. 1871. (m. 4 Sep. 1845 Georgiana 16 and youngest child of 1 Baron Ravensworth, she was b. 13 April 1822). d. Ciamhaltha, Newport, Tipperary 17 Aug. 1879. Reminiscences of court and diplomatic life by Georgiana Baroness Bloomfield ii, 310 (1883), portrait. BLOOMFIELD, Henry Keane. Ensign 59 Foot 30 Sep. 1813; lieut. col. 11 Foot 27 June 1845 to 1 April 1859 when placed on h.p.; colonel 64 Foot 20 Jany. 1867 to death; L.G. 13 Aug. 1868. d. 108 Jermyn st. Piccadilly, London 11 Feb. 1870 aged 72. BLOOMFIELD, Sir John (son of Patrick Bloomfield of Sligo). b. 1793; ed. at Woolwich; 2 lieut. R.A. 28 April 1810, colonel 28 Nov. 1854, colonel commandant 5 April 1866 to death; aide-de-camp to the Queen 20 June 1854 to 25 Sep. 1859; inspector general of artillery 1 May 1859 to 30 June 1864; general 26 Nov. 1876; K.C.B. 13 March 1867, G.C.B. 24 May 1873. d. 108 Jermyn st. London 1 Aug. 1880. BLOOMFIELD, Rev. Samuel Thomas. Educ. at Sid. Sus. coll. Cam., B.A. 1808, M.A. 1811, D.D. 1829; V. of Bisbrooke, Rutland 1814 to death; hon. canon of Peterborough cath. 1854 to death; granted civil list pension of £200, 30 June 1846; author of Recensio synoptica annotationis sacrÆ, being a critical digest of the most important annotations on the New Testament 8 vols. 1826–28; Translation of Thucydides 3 vols. 1829; The Greek Testament with English notes 2 vols. 1832, 12 ed. 1870; A Greek and English lexicon to the New Testament 1840, 2 ed. 1845. d. Hone house, Wandsworth common near London 28 Sep. 1869 aged 85. BLORE, Edward (eld. son of Thomas Blore of Derby, topographer 1764–1818). b. Derby 13 Sep. 1787; architect and artist; designed BLORE, Rev. Edward William (elder son of the preceding). b. London 24 Jany. 1828; ed. at Eton 1842–47, member of the cricket eleven; began residence at Trin. coll. Cam. Oct. 1847, scholar 1849, fellow Oct. 1853; in the Cambridge eleven 1848–51; 37 wrangler 1851, B.A. 1851; assistant tutor of his college 1857, tutor 1862, senior tutor 1868–75, senior dean 1860–66; prime mover in restoration of Trin. coll. chapel, only important building in England founded by Queen Mary. d. Trinity college, Cambridge 24 June 1885. The little journal i, 77–88 (1884). BLORE, Robert. Manufacturer of small porcelain biscuit figures in Bridge gate, Derby 1830; very clever in making pastes and glazes; an assistant at Mason’s factory at Lane Delph; superintended a pot-works at Middlesbrough until his death. d. about 1866. BLOUNT, Sir Edward, 8 Baronet. b. Mawley hall, Cleobury Mortimer, Salop 3 March 1795; succeeded 31 Oct. 1803; sheriff of Worcestershire 1835. d. Mawley hall 28 April 1881. BLOXAM, Rev. Andrew (4 son of Rev. Richard Rouse Bloxam, assistant master of Rugby school 38 years who d. 28 March 1840). b. Rugby 22 Sep. 1801; ed. at Rugby 1808–20 and Worcester coll. Ox., B.A. 1824, M.A. 1827; fellow of his college; naturalist on board the Blonde frigate (which conveyed bodies of King and Queen of Sandwich Islands to their native land) 1824–26; P.C. of Twycross, Leics. 1839–71; R. of Harborough Magna 1871 to death; wrote on conchology, ornithology and plants; author of A guide to Bradgate park with natural history of Charnwood Forest 1829. d. Harborough Magna 2 Feb. 1878. Midland Naturalist, April 1878 pp. 88–90. BLOXAM, Charles John. Admitted solicitor Trinity term 1821; practised in London to death, probably oldest solicitor in practice on the rolls; senior member of court of Clothworkers’ Company, served as master when the new hall was opened by Prince Albert 27 March 1860. d. 16 Bedford place, Russell sq. London 25 Feb. 1885 in 85 year. BLOXAM, Rev. Richard Rowland (elder brother of Rev. A. Bloxam). b. Jany. 1798; ed. at Rugby and Worcester coll. Ox., B.A. 1819; master of Guilsborough gr. sch. 1821–24; chaplain of Pembroke dockyard 1845; domestic chaplain to Earl Ferrers 1848; R. of Harlaston, Tamworth 1850 to death; author of A voyage to the Sandwich Islands in H.M.S. Blonde. d. Leamington 23 Jany. 1877. BLOXAM, Thomas. b. London 1836; ed. at city of London school and King’s college; chemist to Industrial museum of Scotland 1860 to date when office was abolished; lecturer on chemistry at St. George’s hospital London; lecturer in experimental and natural science at Cheltenham college 1862 to death; F.C.S. 1859, F.G.S. 1869. d. London July 1872. Cheltenham College Mag. iii, 258–59 (1872). BLUNDELL, Frederick. Second lieutenant Madras artillery 1813, colonel 4 May 1858 to death; C.B. 24 Dec. 1842; M.G. 28 Nov. 1854. d. Cheltenham 5 July 1860 aged 62. BLUNDELL, James. b. London 27 Dec. 1790; ed. at United Borough hospitals and Univ. of Edin., M.D. 24 June 1813; physician in London 1813 to death; L.R.C.P. 25 June 1818, F.R.C.P. 6 Aug. 1838; lecturer at Guy’s hospital 1819 to 1836; his class on Midwifery was largest in London; author of Researches, physiological and pathological 1825; Principles and practice of Obstetricy 1834; Observations on some of the more important diseases of women 1837; d. 80 Piccadilly, London 15 Jany. 1878. Personalty sworn under £350,000, 9 Feb. 1878. Pettigrew’s Medical portrait gallery vol. 1 (1840), portrait; W. C. Taylor’s National portrait gallery ii, 59 (1846), portrait; Medical Circular i, 283 (1852). BLUNT, John Elijah. Ed. at Trin. coll. Cam.; B.A. 1819, M.A. 1822; barrister L.I. 24 June 1822; a comr. in lunacy 1833–42; master in chancery 26 Nov. 1849 to death; BLUNT, Rev. John Henry. b. Chelsea 25 Aug. 1823; a manufacturing chemist in London; entered Univ. coll. Durham 1850, L. Th. 1852, hon. M.A. 1855, hon. D.D. June 1882; C. of Tynemouth, Northumberland 1853–54; C. of Breamore, Hants. 1867–68; V. of Kennington near Oxford 1868–73; R. of Beverstone, Gloucs. 20 Jany. 1873 to death; F.S.A. 7 June 1866; author of The Atonement 1855; Three essays on the Reformation 1860; Key to the Bible 1865; Annotated book of Common Prayer 1866, new ed. 1884; History of the Reformation 1868; Dictionary of theology 1870, 2 ed. 1872; The book of church law 1872; Dictionary of sects and heresies 1874; Annotated Bible 1878 and many other books. d. London 11 April 1884. Church Times 18 April 1884 p. 303. BLUNT, Rev. John James (son of Rev. John Blunt V. of Lilleshall, Shropshire who d. 14 June 1843 aged 77). b. Newcastle-under-Lyme 1794; entered St. John’s coll. Cam. 1812, first Bell scholar 1813, 15 wrangler 1816, B.A. 1816, M.A. 1819, B.D. 1826, fellow of his college 1816; travelling bachelor 1818, travelled in Italy and Sicily; C. of Hodnet, Shropshire 1823; C. of Chetwynd, Shropshire; Hulsean lecturer at Cam. 1831–32; R. of Great Oakley, Essex 1834–39; Lady Margaret professor of divinity at Cambridge 9 May 1839; offered the bishopric of Salisbury 1854; author of Vestiges of ancient manners and customs discoverable in modern Italy and Sicily 1823; Sketch of the Reformation in England 1832, 29 ed. 1875; The acquirements and principal obligations and duties of the parish priest 1856, 6 ed. 1872; A history of the Christian church during the first three centuries 1856, 4 ed. 1869; On the right use of the early fathers, two series of lectures 1857, 2 ed. 1858. d. Cambridge 17 June 1855. Rev. J. J. Blunt’s Two introductory lectures on the study of the early Fathers, 2 ed. 1856 v-xii; Quarterly Review civ, 151–70 (1858); Guardian 10 May 1882 pp. 665–66; Cambridge Chronicle 23 June 1855. BLUNT, Richard. Ensign 3 Foot 31 Jany. 1787; lieut. col. 23 Aug. 1799 to 1814; colonel 66 Foot 25 March 1835 to death; general 23 Nov. 1841. d. Barnfield house, Southampton 25 Dec. 1859 aged 90. BLYTH, Edward, b. London 23 Dec. 1810; a druggist at Tooting 1832; contributed to Magazine of natural history from 1833; curator of museum of Asiatic Society of Bengal at Calcutta Sep. 1841 to 1862; contributed to the Indian Field, India sporting review and Calcutta Review; contributed to Land and Water and the Field under nom de plume of Zoophilus; one of the first zoologists of his time, and founder of the study of that science in India, d. 27 Dec. 1873. Memoir prefixed to Catalogue of mammals and birds of Burma by E. Blyth in Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal extra number Aug. 1875, portrait. BLYTHE, David (son of Charles Blythe of Yetholm, Roxburghshire, king of the gipsies who d. 1861). b. Wooler, Northumberland 1795; king of the gipsies at Yetholm 1861 to death. d. 17 Feb. 1883. bur. in Chirnside churchyard. David Blythe the gipsy king, a character sketch by Charles Stuart, M.D. 1883, portrait; All the year round vi, 69–72 (1861). BLYTHE, John Dean (son of Peter Dean Blythe of Ashton-under-Lyne). b. Ashton-under-Lyne 12 April 1842; worked in a factory; reporter on a local paper; learned Latin, French and Spanish; edited a manuscript magazine circulated amongst members of a self-improvement society at Manchester; killed by accidental discharge of a revolver 5 Feb. 1869. A sketch of the life and a selection from the writings of J. D. Blythe 1870. BOAG, John. b. Highgate in parish of Beith, Ayrshire 7 Jany. 1775; matric. at Univ. of Glasgow 1797; joined the body of independents or congregationalists who in 1812 formed themselves into Congregational Union of Scotland; held small charges in Isle of Man and Helensburgh; pastor in village of Blackburn, Linlithgowshire; author of A popular and complete English dictionary 2 vols. 1848; The imperial lexicon of the English language 2 vols. 1853, and of a number of pamphlets on questions of the day. d. Craigton house, Linlithgowshire 15 Sep. 1863. BOASE, Charles William (3 son of Henry Boase 1763–1827, managing partner in banking house of Ransom, Morland and Co. Pall Mall, London). b. 6 Knightsbridge, London 8 June 1804; ed. at Helston gr. sch.; entered Dundee New Bank 1821, manager 1828; cashier of Dundee Banking company 13 March 1838, manager 1840 to 20 Feb. 1864 when it was merged in Royal bank of Scotland, managed the branch to 21 Dec. 1867 when he retired on a pension; secretary and treasurer of Watt Institution Dundee 1824–36, founded the museum to which he largely contributed; received freedom of Dundee 1 Sep. 1831 for his exertions in aiding to procure it a liberal constitution; one of the trustees elected by the creditors when town of Dundee became bankrupt 1842; a member of the Catholic Apostolic or Irvingite church 1836, erected a little chapel in Bell st. Dundee which the congregation used until 30 Nov. 1867 when church in Constitution road was opened; ordained to the priesthood Oct. 1836 and to the Episcopate Aug. 1851; had charge of the Evangelistic work throughout Scotland Dec. 1867 to death; author of Tithes and Offerings 1865; A century of banking in Dundee 1867; The Elijah ministry 1868; Notes on doctrine and ecclesiastical facts 1868; Physical a part of theological science, 2 ed. 1874. d. Albury, Surrey 7 June 1872. W. Norrie’s Dundee Celebrities (1873) 397–99; An account of the families of Boase or Bowes privately printed (1876) 13–14. BOASE, George Clement (brother of the preceding). b. 127 Sloane St. Chelsea 25 Aug. 1810; ed. at Exeter gr. sch. and Queen’s coll. Cam. 1828–29; cashier of Dundee Banking company April 1840 to Feb. 1864; sub-manager of Dundee branch of Royal Bank of Scotland Feb. 1864 to 21 Dec. 1867 when he retired on a pension; a member of the Catholic Apostolic church 1836, ordained to the priesthood Oct. 1836, had charge of the church at Brighton 1868 to death; author of To husbands, fathers and brothers specially those of the labouring classes being a warning against prevailing delusions by a Brother [G. C. Boase] 1848; The restoration of Apostles 1867; Thoughts and memories in verse by G. C. B[oase] 1876. d. Fairlie house, Bridge of Allan near Stirling 23 July 1880. An account of the families of Boase 15–16. BOATE, Edward Wellington (eld. son of George Boate of Waterford). Edited the Waterford Chronicle and Wexford Guardian; a reporter for the Times in the House of Commons; went to New York; worked on the Irish American, Evening Express, and other journals; joined the 42nd New York Volunteers 1863; taken prisoner at battle of Bristo station and sent to Belle Island; comr. and chairman of delegation of 95,000 men to negotiate with Abraham Lincoln for an exchange of prisoners; a reporter on the Sunday Mercury to Sep. 1871. d. King’s county hospital, Flatbush, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia 4 Oct. 1871 aged 49. BOAZ, Thomas (eld. son of Richard Boaz of Scarborough, ship-carpenter). b. Scarborough 10 Aug. 1806; studied at Theological seminary Newport Pagnel 1829–33; ordained at Manchester 18 June 1834; Congregational minister of Union chapel Calcutta Dec. 1834 to Dec. 1858; LLD. King’s college Aberdeen 1849; sole editor and proprietor of Calcutta Christian Advocate, May 1839 to 1853; one of editors of Calcutta Christian Observer 1835–47. d. 6 Priory grove, West Brompton, London 13 Oct. 1861. The Mission pastor, memorials of Rev. T. Boaz by his widow (1862), portrait. BOCHSA, Robert Nicolas Charles. b. MontmÉdi, France 9 Aug. 1789; harpist to Emperor BODDAM, Edward Tudor. Entered Madras army 11 Dec. 1841; lieut. col. staff corps 11 Dec. 1867; M.G. 16 June 1876. d. 12 Feb. 1880 aged 55. BODDINGTON, Henry John (2 son of Edward Williams of London, artist), b. London 1811; exhibited pictures at the R.A. 1837 to death; member of Society of British artists 1842, exhibited about 10 pictures every year at their gallery in Suffolk st. 1842 to death, his paintings are mostly taken from quiet English country life. (m. 1832 Clara Boddington whose name he adopted). d. Barnes, Surrey 11 April 1865. BODE, Rev. John Ernest (son of Wm. Bode of the General Post Office, London). b. 1816; ed. at Eton, the Charterhouse and Ch. Ch. Ox., Hertford scholar (the first) 1835, B.A. 1837, M.A. 1840; student and tutor of his college 1841–47, censor 1844; R. of Westwell Oxon. 1847–60; select preacher 1848; surrogate 1850–60; Bampton lecturer 1855; contested chair of poetry in Univ. of Ox. 1857; R. of Castle Camps, Cambridge 1860 to death; author of Ballads from Herodotus 1853, 2 ed. 1854; Lecture on the English formularies 1855; Short occasional poems 1858; Hymns from the Gospel of the day 1860. d. Castle Camps rectory 6 Oct. 1874. BODEN, George (youngest son of John Boden of Edmonton lodge, Derbyshire). b. 22 Jany. 1816; ed. at Rugby and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1841, M.A. 1845; barrister I.T. 30 April 1841, bencher 30 April 1862, treasurer 1876; recorder of Stamford Feb. 1855; recorder of Derby 7 May 1859 to death; Q.C. 6 Feb. 1862. d. 7 Queen’s gardens, Hyde park, London 16 Feb. 1880. BODENHAM, Charles Thomas (only son of Charles Bodenham of Rotherwas park, near Hereford 1758–1826). b. 15 Feb. 1783; a member of the Roman Catholic board; chief supporter with Rev. Thomas Weld, afterwards Cardinal, of Dr. Milner in opposing the concessions which it was proposed to make in regard to the oath. (m. 25 Nov. 1810 Elizabeth Mary 5 dau. of Thomas Weld of Lulworth Castle, Dorset, she was b. 2 July 1789, and was author of Mrs. Herbert and the villagers or familiar conversations on the principal duties of Christianity 2 vols. 1853, 10 ed. 1878). d. 5 Dec. 1865. BODINGTON, George. Ed. at Magdalen coll. sch. Oxford; studied at St. Bartholomew’s hospital; L.S.A. 1825; surgeon at Erdington near Birmingham to 1843; proprietor of Driffold house asylum, Sutton Coldfield, Warws. 1836–68; warden of Sutton Coldfield 1852–54; author of A letter on a case of Asiatic cholera addressed to Central board of health, London 1831; Essay on the treatment and cure of pulmonary consumption 1840, in which he anticipated by many years the modern views on the treatment of Phthisis. d. Sutton Coldfield 5 Feb. 1882 in 83 year. Medical times and gazette i, 241 (1882). BODKIN, John James (eld. son of Thomas Bodkin of Kilcloony, co. Galway). b. 1801; M.P. for town of Galway 6 May 1831 to Dec. 1832, and for co. Galway 15 Jany. 1835 to 23 July 1847. d. Calais Jany. 1882. BODKIN, Sir William Henry (only son of Peter Bodkin of Northampton sq. London, auctioneer). b. Islington, London 5 Aug. 1791; ed. at Islington academy; hon. sec. to Society for suppression of mendicity 1821; barrister G.I. 15 Nov. 1826, bencher 2 July 1857, treasurer 30 Jany. 1858; counsel to the Treasury; recorder of Dover 1834 to Jany. 1874; M.P. for Rochester 1841–47; carried a bill making relief of irremovable poor, chargeable on common fund of unions, which is foundation of present system; assistant judge of Middlesex sessions court 6 BODMER, John George. b. Zurich 6 Dec. 1786; partner with Baron d’Eichtal in a cotton mill at St. Blasien, Black forest 1806–21; director general of iron works of Grand Duke of Baden to 1822; lived in England 1824–28 and 1833–48, established a factory for machines and machine tools at Manchester; made great improvements in cotton-spinning machines; invented what is now called the travelling crane about 1826; took out 13 patents in England for his inventions; lived at Vienna 1848–60 and at Zurich 1860 to death; M.I.C.E. 15 Feb. 1835. d. Zurich 29 May 1864. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxviii, 573–608 (1869). BOGLE, Sir Archibald (son of J. A. Bogle). b. 1805; ed. at Harrow; entered Bengal army 1823; superintendent of Arracan 1827, and comr. 1837; comr. Tenasserim province 20 April 1849 to 1859; M.G. 2 Aug. 1862; knighted by patent 9 Dec. 1853. d. 90 Westbourne terrace, London 12 June 1870. BOGUE, David. Assistant to Thomas Ireland of Edinburgh bookseller to 1836; assistant to Charles Tilt of London publisher 1836–40, partner with him 1840–43; bookseller and publisher at 86 Fleet st. London 1843 to death; wrote several children’s books anonymously; one of principal proprietors of Illustrated Times. d. 76 Camden road villas, Camden town, London 17 Nov. 1856 aged 44. BOHLER, John. b. South Wingfield near Alfreton, Derbyshire 31 Dec. 1797; a stocking weaver; collector of medicinal plants for the doctors; an expert field botanist and microscopist; explored Snowdon and adjacent mountains about 1860; a great collector of rare fungi and other curious plants; published Lichenes Britannici or specimens of the Lichens of Britain 16 monthly parts 1835–7; author of A Flora of Roche Abbey in Aveling’s Roche Abbey Yorkshire 1870; The Flora of Sherwood Forest in R. White’s Worksop, the Dukeries and Sherwood Forest 1875. d. Sheffield 24 Sep. 1872. Reliquary xi, 212–13 (1871); R. White’s Worksop (1875) 303–26. BOHN, James George Stuart Burges (brother of the preceding). b. London 20 Dec. 1803; ed. at Winchester and Gottingen; assisted his father some years; bookseller at 12 King William st. Strand, London Feb. 1834, and at 66 St. James’s st. 1845–47; published a catalogue of 792 pages 1840; republished Dugdale’s Monasticon 8 vols., folio 1846; contributed to Family Herald; assistant editor of the Reader; prepared a catalogue of theological books of 704 pages for David Nutt 1857; compiled catalogues of foreign books for Nicholas Trubner for many years before his death. d. Peckham 4 Jany. 1880. Bookseller Feb. 1880, pp. 105–106. BOILEAU, Alexander Henry Edmonstone. b. 3 Feb. 1807; colonel Bengal engineers 8 June 1856 to death; M.G. 18 Oct. 1861. d. Cawnpore 30 June 1862. BOILEAU, Sir John Peter, 1 Baronet (eld. son of John Peter Boileau of Tacolnestone hall, Norfolk 1747–1837). b. Hertford st. Mayfair, London 2 Sep. 1794; 2 lieut. Rifle corps 6 Sep. 1813, lieut. 1816–17 when placed on h.p.; bought estate of Ketteringham, Norfolk 1839 and Burgh Castle, Suffolk the ancient Gariononum most remarkable example of Roman masonry in England; created baronet on coronation of Queen Victoria 24 July 1838; F.R.S. 1 June 1843; sheriff of Norfolk 1844; Vice pres. of Norfolk and Norwich ArchÆological Society from its formation Dec. 1845, BOILEAU, Samuel Brandram. b. 15 June 1801; ensign 31 Foot 18 Sep. 1823; lieut. col. 22 Foot 18 Dec. 1840 to 25 Sep. 1857 when placed on h.p.; M.G. 26 Oct. 1858. d. Hillsborough, Monkstown co. Dublin 23 Dec. 1860. BOILEAU, Thomas Ebenezer John. Writer in Madras civil service 1815; civil and session judge at Masulipatam 1844; at Chingleput 1847–51 and at Guntoor 1851 to 15 April 1851 when he resigned on an annuity. d. Brighton 8 Feb. 1853 aged 56. BOISRAGON, Theodore Walter Ross. b. 19 May 1830; ensign 36 Bengal N.I. 20 July 1847; lieut col. Bengal staff corps 2 Sep. 1872 to 2 Sep. 1881 when he retired with hon. rank of M.G.; C.B. 22 Feb. 1881. d. 4 Albert terrace, Bedford 21 Sep. 1882. Graphic xxvi, 536 (1882), portrait. BOISSIER, Rev. George Richard. Educ. at Magd. coll. Cam., B.A. 1828; lived at Oakfield, Penshurst Kent; published anonymously Notes on the Cambridgeshire churches 1827. d. 23 June 1858 aged 67. BOLCKOW, Henry William Ferdinand (eld. son of Heinrich Bolckow of Varchow in grand duchy of Mecklenburg). b. Sulten, Mecklenburg 8 Dec. 1806; came to England 1827; naturalised by acts of parliament 4 and 5 Vict. c. 48 and 31 and 32 Vict. c. 10; partner with John Vaughan as iron makers at Middlesbrough 1841; a Tees conservancy comr. 1851; took the oath of allegiance 27 Feb. 1853; mayor of Middlesbrough (the first) 1853; donor of the Albert park at a cost of £20,000 opened 11 Aug. 1868; erected the St. Hilda’s schools opened 22 Sep. 1869; A.I.C.E. 14 April 1863; M.P. for Middlesbrough 16 Nov. 1868 to death; chairman of Bolckow, Vaughan and Co., limited (with a capital of £3,500,000) 1871 to death; collected a fine gallery of pictures by modern French and English artists. d. Ramsgate 18 June 1878. Practical Mag. i, 81–90 (1873), portrait; AthenÆum 22 Nov. 1873 pp. 664–6. BOLD-HOGHTON, Sir Henry, 8 Baronet. b. Walton hall near Preston 3 Jany. 1799; sheriff of Lancashire 1829; succeeded 27 Nov. 1835. d. Anglesey near Gosport 19 July 1862. G.M. xiii, 360–62 (1862). BOLDERO, Henry George (son of Rev. John Boldero, R. of Ampton, Suffolk). b. 1797; captain 10 Foot 1828–30 when placed on h.p.; M.P. for Chippenham 1831–32 and 1835–59; clerk of the ordnance 9 Sep. 1841 to 1846; fought a duel in Osterley park with Craven Fitzhardinge Berkeley, M.P. for Cheltenham, 15 July 1842. d. Charles st. St. James’s sq. London 9 April 1873. BOLENO, Harry, stage name of Henry Boleno Mason (son of S. Mason, a clerk in the Victualling office, Somerset house, London). b. April 1821; learnt from Andrew Ducrow the Grecian Statues; played in the first pantomimes produced at Lyceum, Strand, Standard and City of London theatres; a dancer at White Conduit house and Eagle tavern; clown at T.R. Dublin 10 years; landlord of The Clown tavern in Williamson sq. Liverpool and of The Catherine Wheel, Great Windmill st. London; kept the Opera Stores Covent Garden; clown at Drury Lane theatre 1860–70 and at Surrey theatre 1874–75; landlord of the Swan tavern Windsor; author of several burlesques and ballets. (m. about 1849 Emma dau. of Thomas Davie of Hoddesdon, Herts. maltster, she was b. 27 Jany. 1832 and d. 18 Oct. 1867, as a columbine she has never been excelled). d. The Swan tavern, Windsor 25 Jany. 1875. The Players ii, 287 (1860), portrait; Illust. Sp. and Dr. News ii, 268 (1874), portrait. BOLINGBROKE, Henry St. John, 4 Viscount. b. 6 March 1786; succeeded 18 Dec. 1824. d. North college, Elgin 1 Oct. 1851. I.L.N. xix, 450, 663 (1851). BOLINGBROKE, Henry (son of Nathaniel Bolingbroke of Norwich). b. Norwich 25 Feb. 1785; sailed for Demerara 28 Nov. 1798, returned to England 21 Oct. 1805; deputy vendue master at Surinam in Guiana 1807–13; in business at Norwich; published A voyage to the Demerary 1807. d. Norwich 11 Feb. 1855. BOLLAERT, William. b. 1807; chemical assistant at Royal Institution, London; assayer and chemist in survey of silver mines BOLLAND, William Proctor (2 son of Sir Wm. Bolland 1772–1840, Baron of Court of Exchequer). Educ. at Eton; barrister I.T. 6 May 1842; the original of Fred. Bayham in Thackeray’s The Newcomes, and of Wm. Bowker in Yates’s Land at last. d. Clifton 10 June 1863 aged 47. BOLOGNA, Sir Nichola, Count Delle Catene (son of Baron Paolo Sceberras). C.M.G. 1833, K.C.M.G. 4 Dec. 1868. d. Valetta, Malta 1875. BOLTON, Daniel. Second lieut. R.E. 14 Dec. 1811, colonel 13 Dec. 1854 to 20 June 1859; M.G. 20 June 1859. d. Capetown, Cape of Good Hope 16 May 1860 aged 66. BOLTON, George (son of Mr. Bolton of Piccadilly, London, tailor). b. 9 May 1824; Manager of Olympic theatre 1846–47, of Marylebone and Queen’s theatres, and of Drury Lane theatre 1852; brought out about 1846 a comic weekly paper called Nonsuch a farrago of something, nothing, everything and many things besides; author of Nothing, in rhyme and prose 1845; All about love and jealousy, an original comedy in 5 acts produced at Olympic theatre 13 April 1846. d. 13 Philadelphia terrace, Mount gardens, Lambeth 25 May 1868. BOLTON, Rev. James Jay (5 son of Rev. Robert Bolton of Henley on Thames, dissenting minister). b. Southdown college near Weymouth 11 Feb. 1824; went to the United States 1836; ed. at College Point New York and C. C. coll. Cam., scholar, B.A. 1848; C. of Saffron Walden, Essex 1849–51; C. of St. Michael’s, Chester sq. Pimlico, London 1851–52; Minister of St. Paul’s chapel, Kilburn 1852 to death; chaplain to Earl Ducie 1852; has never been surpassed as a childrens’ preacher; author of Fragments of the great diamond set for young people, being a variety of addresses for children 1856, 3 ed. BOLTON, Jasper. b. Ballykisteen, co. Tipperary; land agent to Earl of Derby’s estates in Ireland 1862 to death. d. Limerick 19 Nov. 1871 aged 30. Quickly ripened or recollections of the late Jasper Bolton (1872), portrait. BOLTON, John Henry. b. Dec. 1795; in the commissariat department; solicitor at 1 New sq. Lincoln’s Inn, London 1828 to death; president of Incorporated law society 1868–69. d. Lee terrace, Blackheath, Kent 13 Oct. 1873. BOLTON, Rev. William Jay. Educ. at Caius coll. Cam., Hulsean prizeman 1852, B.A. 1853, M. A. 1857; V. of St. John’s Stratford, Essex 1866–81; V. of St. James’s, Bath 1881 to death; author of Evidences of Christianity from the early Fathers 1853; Fireside preaching 1856; Footsteps of the flock 1860; The great Anti-Christ 1870. d. Pelham, Oldfield park, Bath 28 May 1884 in 68 year. BONAPARTE, Jerome Napoleon (elder son of Jerome Bonaparte 1784–1860, king of Westphalia). b. Camberwell, London 7 July 1805. d. Baltimore 17 June 1870. Bingham’s Marriages of the Bonapartes ii, 191–94 (1881). BONAPARTE, Napoleon EugÈne Louis Jean Joseph (only child of Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte 1808–73, Napoleon iii Emperor of France). b. Palace of the Tuileries, Paris 16 March 1856; went with his father to the seat of war 1870, present at capture of SaarbrÜck 2 Aug. 1870; landed at Dover 8 Sep. 1870; lived at Camden house, Chislehurst, Kent 10 Dec. 1870 to 12 Oct. 1871 and 1874–79; a cadet at Royal military college Woolwich 12 Oct. 1871 to 1874 where a statue of him by Count Gleichen was unveiled 13 Jany 1883; left Southampton 27 Feb. 1879; killed by Zulus in valley of Ityolyozi, Zululand 1 June 1879, buried in St. Mary’s church Chislehurst 12 July 1879. Life of the Prince Imperial of France by Ellen Barlee 1880, portrait; Graphic xix, 633, 637, 644 (1879), 3 portraits, xxvii, 53 (1883); I.L.N. 16 July 1879, portrait; The life of Napoleon iii by Blanchard Jerrold iv, 427 (1882), 2 portraits. BONAR, Rev. John (son of Rev. Archibald Bonar of Cramond, Midlothian). b. Cramond; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; licensed by presbytery BONAR, William (3 son of Andrew Bonar of Edinburgh, banker). b. Edin. 3 Jany. 1798; ed. at high school and Univ. Edin.; a partner in bank of Ramsay, Bonar and Co. 1817 to date when bank was merged in Bank of Scotland; employed a missionary to look after the ignorant and neglected poor in Edin.; F.R.S. Edin. 1822; author of several religious tracts. d. Chatsworth house, Malvern 9 Nov. 1866. BOND, Henry John Hayles (son of Rev. Wm. Bond, R. of Whitacre, Norfolk). b. Whitacre Dec. 1801; ed. at Norwich gr. sch.; studied medicine at Cambridge, London, Edinburgh and Paris; M.B. Cam. 1825, M.D. 1831; F.R.C.P. 1835; practised at Cam.; Regius professor of physic in Univ. of Cam. 27 Jany. 1851 to Jany. 1872; a member of General medical council 29 Oct. 1858 to 29 Oct. 1863; author of Analysis of an elementary course of lectures on Pathology 1866. d. Regent st. Cambridge 3 Sep. 1883. BOND, John James (son of Andrew Bond of Ashford, Kent). b. 9 Dec. 1819; Clerk in public record office at Royal riding school, Carlton House 1841, senior assistant keeper to death; author of Handy book of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian Era 1866, new ed. 1874. d. 96 Philbeach gardens, Earl’s Court, London 9 Dec. 1883. BOND, R. Sebastian. b. Liverpool 1808; landscape painter; exhibited 7 pictures at Royal Academy, 13 at British Institution, and 5 at Suffolk st. gallery 1846–72. d. Jany. 1886. BOND, Stephen. b. St. Columb, Cornwall 24 March 1826; ed. at Stonyhurst; entered Society of Jesus at Hodder 7 Sep. 1843; Matric. at Univ. of London July 1846, B.A. 1848; superior of the seminary adjoining Stonyhurst college Aug. 1861; professed of the four vows 2 Feb. 1862; vicar general to Bishop Etheridge in Demerara 1864–69. d. Wigan 10 Jany. 1871. BONE, Hugh. b. Ayrshire 1777; ed. at Univ. of Glasgow, M.D. 26 April 1815; L.R.C.P. London 26 June 1815; inspector general of hospitals 2 Oct. 1843 to 24 Nov. 1845 when placed on h.p. d. Picardy place, Edin. 13 Feb. 1858. BONER, Charles (only son of Charles Boner of Bath, who d. 14 Aug. 1833 aged 74). b. Weston near Bath 29 April 1815; ed. at Bath and Tiverton; lived with John Constable the painter as tutor to his sons 1831–37; lived with Prince Thurn und Taxis at St. Emeran, Ratisbon as tutor 1840–60; settled at Munich, March 1860; corresponded with Mary Russell Mitford 1845–55; special correspondent to Daily News at Vienna Aug. 1865 to Aug. 1866; author of Chamois hunting 1853, new ed. 1860; The new dance of death and other poems 1857; Transylvania its products and its people 1865 and other books. d. 5 Louisen Strasse, Munich 7 April 1870. Memoirs and letters of C. Boner, edited by R. M. Kettle 2 vols. 1871. BONHAM, Edward Walter (2 son of Henry Bonham of Titness park, Berkshire, M.P. for Rye who d. 9 April 1830). b. 24 Nov. 1809; consul at Tabreez, Persia 11 May 1837; transferred to Calais 2 Feb. 1846, and to Naples 14 Jany. 1859; consul general at Naples 5 May 1862 to 5 April 1872 when he retired on a compensation allowance; C.B. 13 Oct. 1865. d. the British consulate Boulogne 15 March 1886. BONHAM, Henry Frederic (brother of the preceding). b. 2 June 1808; ed. at the Charterhouse; Cornet 10 Hussars 22 May 1829, lieut. col. 28 April 1846 to 27 Feb. 1852 when placed on h.p.; appointed to the Brighton and Canterbury cavalry depÔt June 1854. d. 28 Brunswick sq. Hove, Brighton 16 Feb. 1856. BONHAM, Pinson (eld. son of Samuel Bonham of Great Warley place, Essex who d. 25 Jany. 1821). Clerk in Court of Chancery 10 years; BONHAM, Sir Samuel George, 1 Baronet (only son of George Bonham, captain H.E.I. Co.’s navy who d. 1810). b. Faversham, Kent 7 Sep. 1803; governor of Prince of Wales Island, Singapore and Malacca 1837–47; chief superintendent of British trade in China, and governor and commander in chief of Hong Kong 27 Nov. 1847 to 24 Dec. 1853; C.B. 27 April 1848, K.C.B. 22 Nov. 1850; created baronet 27 Nov. 1852. d. Paddington, London 8 Oct. 1863. The Chinese Repository vols. xvii-xx. BONHAM-CARTER John (son of John Carter of Petersfield, M.P. for Portsmouth who assumed additional name of Bonham). b. 13 Oct. 1817; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam.; M.P. for Winchester 1847–74; a lord of the Treasury 1866–68; chairman of committees of House of Commons 1872–74. d. Adhurst St. Mary’s, Petersfield 26 Nov. 1884. I.L.N. lx, 601, 607 (1872), portrait. BONNAR, William (son of Mr. Bonnar of Edinburgh, house-painter). b. Edin. June 1800; foreman at a leading decorative painters; member of Royal Scottish Academy; painted many pictures which became popular when engraved; very successful in rural scenes and pictures of child life; painted portraits latterly, many of which were engraved by his sons. d. London st. Edin. 27 Jany. 1853. BONNER, John George. Major Madras artillery 9 June 1825 to 4 July 1829; M.G. 4 July 1829; inspector general of military stores for India; F.R.S. 18 June 1840. d. 17a Great Cumberland st. Hyde park, London 3 March 1867 aged 79. BONNEY, Francis Augustus Burdett (son of John Augustus Bonney of London, solicitor who d. 30 Dec. 1813). b. 1804; ed. at Ealing; made many contributions chiefly in verse to literary journals especially European Magazine; studied medicine in Edin. and Paris; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1829, L.S.A. 1833; practised at Brentford 1833, Chichester and London; author of NugÆ or poetic trifles 1821, and of some valuable papers in medical journals. (m. Miss BONNEY, Venerable Henry Kaye (son of Rev. Henry Kaye Bonney, R. of King’s Cliffe, Northamptonshire who d. 20 March 1810). b. Tansor, Northamptonshire 22 May 1780; ed. at the Charterhouse and Em. coll. Cam.; migrated to Christ’s coll., B.A. 1802, M.A. 1805, D.D. 1824; Preb. of Lincoln cathedral 8 Jany. 1807; R. of King’s Cliffe March 1810 to death; V. of Nassington 1810–29; archdeacon of Bedford 10 Dec. 1821, installed 2 Feb. 1822; archdeacon of Lincoln 22 Feb. 1845 to death; canon residentiary of Lincoln 1845 to death; author of The life of the Right Rev. Father in God, Jeremy Taylor 1815; Historic notices in reference to Fotheringay 1821; The life and remains of Bishop Middleton 1824. d. King’s Cliffe rectory 24 Dec. 1862. BONNEY, Venerable Thomas Kaye (brother of the preceding). b. Tansor, Northamptonshire 20 June 1782; ed. at Clare coll. Cam., B.A. 1803, M.A. 1806; R. of Coningsby Lincs. 1814 to death; R. of Normanton, Rutland 1814 to death; Preb. of Lincoln 17 Oct. 1823 to death; archdeacon of Leicester 22 Jany. 1831 to death. d. Normanton rectory 7 April 1863. BONOMI, Joseph (son of Giuseppe Bonomi of London, architect 1739–1808). b. 76 Great Titchfield st. London 9 Oct. 1796; ed. at Carshalton, Surrey; studied drawing at Royal Academy and sculpture under Nollekens; fellow Student with John Gibson in Rome; lived in Egypt and Syria 1824–32 and 1842–44; went to the Holy Land 1833; illustrated the Egyptological works of Wilkinson and Birch and nearly all those of Samuel Sharpe; curator of Sir John Soane’s Museum, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London 1861 to death; F.R.A.S, 8 Feb. 1861; author of Nineveh and its palaces 1852, new ed. 1869. d. The Camels, Wimbledon park, Surrey 3 March 1878. Monthly notices of Royal Astronom. Soc. xxx, 216–19 (1879); The Proportions of the human figure by J. Bonomi, 5 ed. 1880, portrait; I.L.N. lxxii, 245 (1878), portrait. BONTEIN, James (younger son of John Pitt Bontein, captain 1 Life guards). Groom of the privy chamber 1874 to death. d. Ambassadors’ court, St. James’s palace 16 Oct. 1884 aged 63. BOOKER, Thomas (son of Thomas Booker of 56 New Bond st. London, publisher who d. 26 Feb. 1826). Printer at 37 Ranelagh st. Liverpool BOOKER-BLAKEMORE, Thomas William (son of Rev. Luke Booker 1762–1836, V. of Dudley). b. Dudley 28 Sep. 1801; ed. at Hartlebury, Worcs.; tin plate manufacturer; took out patents for tin plate making 1837 and for manufacturing iron 1841; sheriff of Glamorganshire 1848; M.P. for Herefordshire 18 Oct. 1850 to death; took an active part on protectionist side in free trade controversy; A.I.C.E. 1850; assumed by r.l. additional name of Blakemore Sep. 1855; author of Treatise on the mineral basin of South Wales 1848. d. Kingston-upon-Thames 7 Nov. 1858. BOOLE, George (son of Mr. Boole of Lincoln, tradesman). b. Lincoln 2 Nov. 1815; opened a school at Lincoln 1835; professor of mathematics in Queen’s college Cork 1849 to death; public examiner for degrees in Queen’s University of Ireland; LLD. Dublin 1852; Keith medallist of Royal Society of Edinburgh 1857; F.R.S. June 1857, Royal medallist 1844; hon. D.C.L. Oxford 1859; author of Mathematical analysis of logic 1847; Investigation of the laws of thought 1854, a work of astonishing originality and power; Treatise on differential equations 1859, 3 ed. 1872; Treatise on the calculus of finite differences 1860, new ed. 1880. (m. 1855 Mary dau. of Rev. Thomas Roupell Everest, R. of Wickwar, Gloucs., she was granted a civil list pension of £100, 19 June 1865). d. Blackrock near Cork 8 Dec. 1864. There are memorial windows to him in Lincoln cathedral and the college hall at Cork. Proc. of Royal Society xv, 6–11 (1867); AthenÆum 23 Aug. 1884 pp. 237–39; G.M. xviii, 247–49 (1865); I.L.N. xlvi, 59, 61 (1865), portrait. BOONE, Rev. James Shergold (son of Thomas Boone of Sunbury, Middlesex). b. 30 June 1799; ed. at Charterhouse 1812–16; student at Ch. Ch. Ox. 1816; Craven scholar 1817; won Chancellor’s prize for Latin verse, and Newdigate prize for English verse 1817; published anonymously a satire on Oxford University life called The Oxford Spy 2 parts 1818–19, which created a great sensation; chancellor’s prizeman 1820; B.A. 1820, M.A. 1823; edited The Council of Ten a monthly periodical June 1822 to May 1823, wrote nearly all of it; Incumbent of St. John’s BOONE, William. Bookseller at 480 Strand, London 1815–30 with his brother Thomas Boone who d. 21 April 1873 aged 83; moved to New Bond st. 1830; buyer of books for British Museum on death of Thomas Rodd 1849, retired 1860. d. 26 Nov. 1870 aged 75. BOORMAN, James. b. Kent 1785; partner with Divie Bethune in New York 1805–13; founded with John Johnson firm of Boorman, Johnson and Co. leading mercantile house in New York, which was dissolved 1855; pres. of Hudson River railroad to 1863; founded the Bank of Commerce 1839. d. New York 24 Jany. 1866. BOOSEY, Thomas. Foreign bookseller at 28 Holles st. Cavendish sq. London; published Italian operas of Bellini, Donizetti and Verdi down to 1854, when deprived of all his foreign copyrights by a decision of the House of Lords. d. 27 Notting hill sq. London 25 Oct. 1871 aged 76. C. Clark’s House of Lords Cases iv, 815–996 (1855). BOOTH, Rev. George (youngest son of Wm. Booth of Masbrough, Yorkshire). Ed. at Eton and Trin. coll. Cam., pensioner; matric. from Lincoln coll. Ox. 16 May 1811 aged 19, B.A. 1813, M.A. 1816, B.D. 1823; fellow of Magdalen coll., vice pres. 1830, dean of divinity 1832; V. of Findon, Sussex 1833 to death; privately printed a quarto vol. of Latin poetry entitled NugÆ CanorÆ 1826; composed a school song entitled Sicut lilium, carmen hortativum which is regularly sung by boys of Magdalen school on their breaking up. d. Findon vicarage 21 June 1859 in 68 year. BOOTH, Henry (eld. son of Thomas Booth of Liverpool, corn merchant). b. Rodney st. Liverpool 4 April 1788; a corn merchant; one of chief promoters of scheme for making a railway between Liverpool and Manchester 1822, sec. and treasurer of the company 1826, managing director, the line was begun June 1826 and opened 15 Sep. 1830; suggested the multitubular boiler, coupling BOOTH, Rev. James (eld. son of John Booth of Lava, co. Leitrim). b. Lava 25 Aug. 1806; ed. at Trin. coll. Dub., scholar 1829, B.A. 1832, LL.B. and LLD. 1842; principal of Bristol college 1840–43; vice principal of Collegiate institution Liverpool 1843–48; pres. of Literary and philosophical institution Liverpool 1848–51; lectured in London for Society of Arts 1848–54, fellow 1852, treasurer and chairman of the council 1855–57; C. of St. Anne’s Wandsworth, London 1854–59; V. of Stone, Bucks. 1859 to death: F.R.S. 22 Jany. 1846, F.R.A.S. 10 June 1859; author of Education and educational institutions 1846; Examination the province of the state 1847; A treatise on some new geometrical methods 2 vols. 1873–77. d. Stone vicarage 15 April 1878. Monthly notices of Royal Astronom. Soc. xxxix, 219–25 (1879). BOOTH, James (4 son of Thomas Booth of Toxteth lodge near Liverpool). b. 1796 or 1797; ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam.; barrister L.I. 10 Feb. 1824; member of Royal commission for inquiring into municipal corporations of England and Wales 1833; counsel to the speaker and examiner of recognizances Sep. 1839; prepared the Companies, Lands, and Railways Clauses Consolidation acts 1845, and 8 other consolidation acts 1847; secretary to Board of trade 10 Oct. 1850 to 1865; member of Royal commission for inquiring into trades unions 12 Feb. 1867, which made 11 reports 1867–69; C.B. 6 July 1866; author of The problem of the world and the church reconsidered in three letters to a friend by a Septuagenarian 1871, 3 ed. 1879. d. 2 Princes gardens, Kensington, London 11 May 1880. BOOTH, John (son of Thomas Booth of Killerby near Catterick, Yorkshire, cattle breeder who d. 1835). Breeder of shorthorns at Killerby 1819 to 1852; judged a great deal at cattle shows in England and Ireland; sold all his BOOTH, John Kay (eld. son of John Booth of Brush house, Ecclesfield). b. Yorkshire; ed. at Univ. of Edin., M.D. 24 June 1805; L.C.P. 30 Sep. 1809; fellow Royal Med. and Chir. Soc. 1810; settled at Birmingham; physician to general hospital there 1812–35; physician to Queen’s hospital there; principal of Queen’s college Birm. 1856; one of founders of Medical school of Birmingham, and the first lecturer there on practice of physic. d. Brush house, Ecclesfield 14 Jany. 1859 aged 80. BOOTH, Junius Brutus (son of Richard Booth of Queen st. Bloomsbury, London, attorney who d. 1840 aged 76). b. St. Pancras, London 1 May 1796; made his dÉbut on the stage at Peckham as Campillo in The Honeymoon 13 Dec. 1813; played in Belgium and Holland 1814 and 1826, and at Covent Garden 1815; acted in the provinces 1818 and at Drury Lane 7 Aug. 1820 to 13 Jany. 1821; went to the United States April 1821; appeared at Park theatre New York 2 Oct. 1821; managed the Camp theatre New Orleans 1828; played at Drury Lane, Surrey and Sadler’s Wells theatres 1836–7; lived on his farm at Bel Air 30 miles from Baltimore 1842 to death; made his last appearance at St. Charles theatre New Orleans 19 Nov. 1852. d. on board the J. S. Chenoweth between New Orleans and Cincinnati 30 Nov. 1852. bur. in Greenmount cemetery Baltimore 11 Dec. The elder and the younger Booth by A. B. Clarke (1882) 1–116, 3 portraits; Memoirs of J. B. Booth (1817), portrait; The tragedian by T. R. Gould (1868), portrait; Phelps’s Players of a century (1880); T. A. Brown’s History of the American stage (1870) 40, portrait. Note.—His son John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln, pres. of the U.S. at Ford’s theatre, Washington, Good Friday 14 April 1865, he was himself shot near Bowling Green 26 April. BOOTH, Richard (brother of John Booth who d. 7 July 1857). Breeder of shorthorns at Studley farm, Yorkshire 1814–34 when he sold his herd; breeder at Warlaby, Yorkshire 1835 to death; gained many medals and prizes at cattle shows. d. Warlaby 31 Oct. 1864 aged 76. Saddle and Sirloin by the Druid (1870) 195–207. BOOTH, Sir Robert Gore, 4 Baronet. b. Bath 25 Aug. 1805; succeeded 23 Oct. 1814; BOOTH, Sarah. b. Birmingham early in 1789; a dancer at Manchester about 1804; first appeared in London at Surrey theatre 1810 as Cherry in a burletta founded on the Beaux Stratagem; played at Covent Garden 23 Nov. 1810, at the Olympic 19 Dec. 1821, at Drury Lane 2 Feb. 1822, at Haymarket and Adelphi theatres; retired about 1828, last appeared for a benefit at Marylebone theatre 1841. d. 39 Queen’s sq. Bloomsbury, London 30 Dec. 1867. Mrs. C. B. Wilson’s Our actresses i, 121–7 (1844); Oxberry’s Dramatic biography iv, 55–65 (1826), portrait; Theatrical Inquisitor ii, 69–74 (1813), portrait. BOOTH, William. Ensign 53 Foot 8 May 1806; lieut. col. 41 Foot 11 July 1837 to 12 Sep. 1843 when placed on h.p.; colonel 15 Foot 10 Nov. 1861 to death; L.G. 27 March 1863. d. London 20 April 1868 aged 77. BOOTH, William. Deputy commissary general 18 Dec. 1818 to 1824 when placed on h.p.; served in Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands principal clerk of survey at Dublin 1824 to 1856; C.B. 17 Aug. 1849. d. 17 Lansdowne crescent, Cheltenham 4 May 1880 in 88 year. BOOTH, Sir Williamson, 2 Baronet. b. Stanstead Abbots, Herts. 15 July 1810; ed. at Eton; succeeded 24 Jany. 1850; sheriff of Cambridge and Hunts 1855. d. Paxton park, St. Neots 26 Aug. 1877. BOOTHBY, Benjamin (eld. son of Benjamin Boothby of Cornwall place, Holloway, London). b. Doncaster 5 Feb. 1803; barrister G.I. 28 April 1841; revising barrister for West Riding of Yorkshire 1845–52; judge of Court of Record of Pontefract and recorder 1848–53; second judge of supreme court of South Australia Feb. 1853, sworn in 17 Oct. 1853, presided as senior judge Dec. 1856 to July 1858; deputy judge of Court of Vice Admiralty 1856–61; removed from judgeship of Supreme Court by South Australian parliament July 1867 owing to his objections to the Real Property or Torrens act. d. Adelaide 21 June 1868. BOOTHBY, Rev. Sir Brooke William Robert, 10 Baronet. b. Winchester 21 Jany. 1809; ed. at Charterhouse and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1829, M.A. 1833; fellow of All Souls’ BOOTHBY, Lady Louisa Cranstoun (eld. dau. of Frederick Hayes Macnamara, ensign 52 Foot). b. 1 April 1812; a juvenile theatrical wonder under name of Louisa Mordaunt, made her first appearance in London at Drury Lane theatre 16 Oct. 1829 as the Widow Cheerly in Cherry’s comedy of The Soldier’s Daughter; acted at the Haymarket 1830, 1837–39 and 1840–44; re-appeared at Drury Lane Oct. 1832; acted at the Queen’s 1835 and Strand; played Constance in The love chase nearly 100 nights from 9 Oct. 1837 and Lady Gay Spanker in London Assurance 4 March 1841 in both of which parts she was unequalled; played leading parts in genteel comedy at Covent Garden 1839–40. (m. (1) Jany. 1831 John Alexander Nisbett of Brettenham hall, Suffolk, Cornet 1 Life Guards, he d. 2 Oct. 1831. m. (2) 15 Oct. 1844 Sir Wm. Boothby, 9 baronet of Ashbourne hall, Derbyshire, he was b. 25 March 1782 and d. 21 April 1846). d. Rose Mount, St. Leonard’s on Sea 16 Jany. 1858. C. B. Wilson’s Our actresses ii, 66–88 (1844), portrait; Theatrical Times ii, 121, 130 (1847), portrait; Dramatic and musical review iii, 498, 527 (1844); I.L.N. x, 256 (1847), portrait. BOOTT, Francis (son of Kirk Boott of Boston, Massachusetts). b. Boston 26 Sep. 1792; ed. at Univs. of Harvard and Edinburgh, M.D. Edin. 1824; surgeon in London 1825–31; lecturer on botany in Webb st. school of medicine 1825–31; member of senate and council of Univ. coll. London; F.L.S. 1819, sec. 1832–39, treasurer Nov. 1856 to May 1861; wore a blue coat with brass buttons and a yellow waistcoat the costume of 1830 down to his death; author of Memoir of the life and medical opinions of John Armstrong, M.D. 2 vols. 1833–34; Illustrations of the genus Carex 4 parts 1858–67. d. 24 Gower st. London 25 Dec. 1863. Proc. of LinnÆan Society (1864) 23–27. BORCHARDT, Louis. b. Landsburg on Warthe, Prussia 1813; ed. at Univ. of Berlin, M.D. 1838; practised as a physician at Zorbich and then at Breslau; imprisoned in fortress of Glatz 1848–50; practised at Bradford, Yorkshire 1850–52, and at Manchester 1852 to death, phys. to Childrens’ Dispensary June 1853, pres. of Manchester Medical Society. d. Swinton house, Fallowfield, Manchester 15 Nov. 1883. BOROUGH, Sir Edward Richard, 2 Baronet. b. Merrion sq. Dublin 20 June 1800; ed. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox.; army agent in Dublin; succeeded 22 Jany. 1837. d. 61 Fitzwilliam sq. north, Dublin 3 Dec. 1879. BORRADAILE, Edward Sidney (son of the succeeding). b. Littlehampton 30 March 1845; assistant engineer Launceston and Western railway Tasmania 1868–9; wrote for the Press 1870–3; lost whilst exploring in North Australia June 1874, two mountains are named after himself and his companion Mr. Permain in memory of the event. BORRADAILE, Harry (son of Henry Borradaile of London 1759–1822). b. 19 July 1800; in the Bombay civil service 1819–44; compiled for publication by Government Reports of select suits decided in the Suddur Adawluts 1825; translated the Muyook (Sanscrit Law book) into Mahratta and Goozerattee 1827; author of Collection of the rules and customs of various castes as affecting civil rights; and of A table of a decimal system of accounts 1853; a member of the India law commission at Calcutta under T. B. Macaulay. d. London 7 Oct. 1876. BORRELL, Henry Perigall. Learnt business in London; merchant at Smyrna 1818 to death; very successful in discovery of inedited Greek coins; author of Notice sur quelques mÉdailles grecques des Rois de Chypre, Paris 1836 and of papers in Revue Numismatique, Numismatic Chronicle and various German numismatic periodicals; his collection of coins, antiquities and gems was sold in London 1851. d. Smyrna 2 Oct. 1851 aged 56. BORRER, William (eld. son of Wm. Borrer of Parkyns manor, Hurstpierpoint 1753–1832). b. Henfield, Sussex 13 June 1781; endeavoured to cultivate every critical British species and all the hardy exotic plants he could obtain, having no less than 6660 species; BORRIE, John (son of Peter Borrie, proprietor of the Dundee foundry). b. Dundee 27 Nov. 1837; employed by Bolckow and Vaughan of Middlesbrough, engineers 1856–61; resident engineer at Cleveland iron works Eston 1866–71; a consulting engineer 1871 to death; designed and set to work the hopper-and-spout kilns for calcining ironstone 1869, which have become general, reducing cost of labour very considerably; M.I.M.E. 1869. d. Stockton-on Tees 8 Feb. 1884. Engineering 26 Nov. 1869. BORROW, George Henry (younger son of Thomas Borrow, captain in West Norfolk militia who d. 1823). b. East Dereham, Norfolk 5 July 1803; ed. at Norwich gr. sch. 1815–18; articled in office of Simpson and Rackham solicitors Norwich 1818–23; worked for Sir Richard Phillips the publisher in London; travelled in France, Germany, Russia, the East and Spain 1833–39, acting as agent for the British and Foreign Bible Society; sent letters to the Morning Herald 1837–39, being the first of the newspaper correspondents; travelled in Albania, Wallachia, Hungary and Turkey 1844; author of Romantic ballads translated from the Danish 1826; Targum or metrical translations from 30 languages and dialects 1835; The Zincali, or an account of the Gypsies of Spain 2 vols. 1841, 4 ed. 1846; The Bible in Spain 3 vols. 1843, new ed. 1873; Lavengro the scholar, the gypsy, the priest 3 vols. 1851, 3 ed. 1872 which is in a great degree an autobiography; The Romany Rye 2 vols. 1851, 3 ed. 1872; Wild Wales 3 vols. 1862, 2 ed. 1865. d. Oulton near Lowestoft, Norfolk 26 July 1881. Lavengro vol. i, (1851), portrait; The Norvicensian April 1882, pp. 109–14. BORROWES, Rev. Sir Erasmus Dixon, 8 Baronet. b. Portarlington, Queen’s county 21 Sep. 1799; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin; succeeded 7 March 1834; R. of parish of Ballyroan, Queen’s county. d. Lauragh near Portarlington 27 May 1866. BORTHWICK, Cunninghame Borthwick, 12 Baron (2 son of Patrick Borthwick who d. 12 April 1840 aged 60). b. Edinburgh 6 June 1813; ed. at high school and univ. of Edin.; head of firm of Borthwick, Wark and Co. of London, stockbrokers; established his claim to this barony (which had been dormant since 1772) before a committee of House of Lords 5 May 1870; bought Ravenstone castle, Wigtonshire in 1874 for £85,000; a representative peer for Scotland April 1880. d. Ravenstone castle 24 Dec. 1885. P. H M’Kerlie’s Lands in Galloway ii, 445–50 (1877). BORTHWICK, Michael Andrews. b. Dunbar, East Lothian 30 Oct. 1810; A.I.C.E. 1833, M.I.C.E. 1845; resident engineer of Northern and Eastern railway 1837 and subsequently manager; engaged with Stephenson carrying out Egyptian railway between Alexandria and Cairo. d. Pernambuco 3 June 1856. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. xvi, 108–13 (1857). BORTHWICK, Peter (only son of Thomas Borthwick of Edinburgh). b. Cornbank, parish of Borthwick, Mid Lothian 13 Sep. 1804; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; entered Jesus coll. Cam.; fellow commoner of Downing coll.; contested Evesham 1832 and St. Ives, Penryn and Falmouth 1847; M.P. for Evesham 6 Jany. 1835 to 23 July 1847; barrister G.I. 28 April 1847; edited the Morning Post 1850 to death; author of A brief statement of Holy Scriptures concerning the second Advent 1830; A Lecture on slavery 1836. d. 11 Walton villas, Brompton, London 18 Dec. 1852. G.M. xxxix, 318–20 (1853); I.L.N. ii, 8 (1843), portrait, xxi, 563 (1852), xxii, 11 (1853). BORWICK, Rev. W. B. b. Orkney; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; licensed to preach 1834; pastor of the United Secession church in the Overgate, Dundee May 1835, and of United presbyterian church in Bell st. Dundee 1850 to May 1866. d. Newport 15 June 1870 aged 62. Monument erected in Western cemetery Dundee Jany. 1871. W. Norrie’s Dundee Celebrities (1873) 355–7. BOSANQUET, George William (4 son of Rev. Robert Wm. Bosanquet 1800–80, R. of Bolingbroke, co. Lincoln). b. 4 July 1845; ensign 85 Foot 19 April 1864 to 1866; clerk in the Exchequer and audit department. d. 2 Brunswick terrace, Kensington 24 Jany. 1869. Essays and stories by the late G. W. Bosanquet, with an introductory chapter by Captain C. B. Brackenbury, R.A. 1870. BOSANQUET, James Whatman (2 son of Samuel Bosanquet of Forest house, Waltham forest, Essex 1768–1843). b. 26 Jany. 1804; ed. at Westminster school; taken into his father’s bank 1822; F.R.A.S.; author of Chronology of the times of Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah 1848; Messiah the Prince 1866, 2 ed. 1869; Hebrew chronology from Solomon to Christ 1867. d. Claysmore, Enfield 22 Dec. 1877. BOSANQUET, Samuel Richard (brother of the preceding). b. London 1 April 1800; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1822, M.A. 1829; barrister I.T. 5 May 1826; a revising barrister 1832; chairman of Monmouth quarter sessions 35 years; wrote many leading articles for The Times; author of New system of logic 1839, 2 ed. 1870; The rights of the poor vindicated 1841; Principia, a series of essays 1843; Prophecies of Zechariah interpreted 1877; Select interpretations of Scripture 1878. d. Dingestow court, Monmouth 27 Dec. 1882. BOSIO, Angiolina. b. Turin 22 Aug. 1830; made her dÉbut at Teatro RÈ, Milan in I Due Foscari July 1846; sang in Paris 1848, in America 1849–51; sang at Covent Garden theatre London during seasons 1852 to 1855 and 1858; sang at the Lyceum theatre 1856 and 1857; premiÈre cantatrice to Imperial Court of St. Petersburg 1858 being the first singer to obtain that honour. d. St. Petersburg 12 April 1859. E. C. Clayton’s Queens of song ii, 317–29 (1863). BOSSEY, Peter (eld. child of Francis Bossey, constructor in royal carriage department of Woolwich arsenal). b. Woolwich 3 April 1806; apprenticed to Thomas Bayles of Woolwich; studied at United Borough hospital; L.S.A. 1826, M.R.C.S. 1828, F.R.C.S. 1852; surgeon to Convict hulk establishment at Woolwich BOSTOCK, James. Proprietor of Bostock and Wombwell’s menagerie, d. 12 April 1878 aged 63. BOSTON, Florance George Henry Irby, 5 Baron. b. Florence 9 March 1837; sheriff of Anglesea 1865; succeeded 22 Dec. 1869. d. Porthamel Anglesey 4 Jany. 1877. BOSTON, George Irby, 3 Baron. b. Grosvenor st. London 24 Dec. 1777; Cornet 1 Dragoons 1794, major 13 Light Dragoons 22 Jany. 1801 to 14 Aug. 1801; succeeded 23 March 1825. d. Hedsor lodge near Maidenhead 12 March 1856. BOSTON, George Ives Irby, 4 Baron. b. Grosvenor st. London 14 Sep. 1802; succeeded 12 March 1856. d. Wilton crescent, London 22 Dec. 1869. BOSWELL, Sir James, 2 Baronet (son of Sir Alexander Boswell, 1 Baronet b. 1775 and killed by James Stuart in a duel 26 March 1822). b. Dec. 1806. d. Auchinleck, Ayrshire 4 Nov. 1857. BOSWORTH, Rev. Joseph. b. Derbyshire early in 1789; ed. at Repton gr. sch., Univ. of Aberdeen, and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A., M.A., and LLD. Aberdeen; B.D. at Cam. 1834, D.D. 1839; incorp. D.D. of Ch. Ch. Ox. 1858; V. of Horwood Parva, Bucks. 1817–29; chaplain at Amsterdam 1829–32 and at Rotterdam 1832–40; V. of Waith, Lincs. 1841–45 and 1848–58; R. of Water Stratford, Bucks. 1858–75; F.R.S. 4 June 1829; professor of Anglo Saxon in Univ. of Oxford 4 Nov. 1858 to death; made over to Univ. of Cam. by deed of gift in 1867 sum of £10,000 towards professorship of Anglo Saxon which was founded May 1878; author of The elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar 1823, earliest English work of the kind; Anglo-Saxon dictionary 1838, 2 ed. 1882; Scandinavian literature 1839; A compendious dictionary of Anglo-Saxon 1848, 5 ed. 1882. d. 20 Beaumont St. Oxford 27 May 1876. Academy 3 and 10 June 1876; Times 29 May 1876, p. 10, col. 4. BOTT, Thomas. b. near Kidderminster 1829; a portrait painter at Birmingham; one of principal artists of the Royal Porcelain works Worcester 1852; gained many prizes at Worcester School of Art; obtained distinction for his work in Worcester enamel, at Paris Exhibition 1855 and London Exhibition 1862; one of his best works is now in South Kensington Museum. d. Worcester 13 Dec. 1870. Jewitt’s History of the Ceramic art in Great Britain (1883) 143–4 and 150. BOTTRELL, William (son of Wm. Vingoe Bottrell of Raftra, St. Levan, Cornwall, farmer 1790–1876). b. Raftra 7 March 1816; learnt farming under his father; English master in the Seminary of Quebec, Canada Sep. 1847 to 1851; author of Traditions and hearthside stories of West Cornwall 1870, 2 series 1873; communicated upwards of 50 of the “Drolls” to Robert Hunt for his Popular romances of the west of England 2 vols. 1865. d. Dove st. St. Ives 27 Aug. 1881. BOUCH, Sir Thomas (3 son of Wm. Bouch, captain in merchant service). b. Thursby, Cumberland 22 Feb. 1822; manager and engineer of Edinburgh and Northern railway 1849; made floating railways for goods trains over rivers Forth and Tay; constructed a number of remarkable bridges chiefly railway, in all of which he made use of the lattice girder; designed railway bridge over river Tay, completed 22 Sep. 1877, opened 31 May 1878, the central portion of this bridge fell into the river carrying with it an entire BOUCHER, Rev. John (son of Mr. Boucher of Moneyrea, near Belfast, tenant-farmer). b. 1819; ed. at Belfast academy 1837–42; Unitarian minister at Southport 1842, at Glasgow to 1848 and at the New Gravel Pit chapel Hackney, London 1848–53 when he entered at St. John’s coll. Cam. to read for orders in Church of England, B.A. 1857; one of trustees of Dr. Williams’s library: a member of the presbyterian board; published a sermon on The present religious crisis 1850. d. Chesterton near Cambridge 12 March 1878. The Inquirer 23 March 1878 p. 190. BOUCHIER, Rev. Barton (son of Rev. Jonathan Boucher 1738–1804, V. of Epsom, Surrey). b. 1794; ed. at Balliol coll. Ox., B.A. 1822, M.A. 1827; changed his name from Boucher to Bouchier; C. of Cheam, Surrey about 1832 to 1858; R. of Fonthill Bishops, Wilts. 1858 to death; author of Manna in the house or daily expositions of the Gospels 4 vols. 1852–58; Manna in the heart or daily comments on the book of Psalms 2 vols. 1855–56; My Parish 1856, second series 1857. d. Fonthill Bishops 20 Dec. 1865. BOUDIER, Rev. John. Educ. at Sid. Sus. coll. Cam., B.A. 1809, M.A. 1813; V. of Warwick 1815–72; hon. canon of Worcester 1852 to death; author of Plain and practical sermons 1818; Attendance on daily public worship the Christian’s duty 1854; Congregational psalmody and church choirs 1857; The two holy sacraments of the Christian church necessary to salvation 1859. d. 7 Nov. 1874 aged 88. BOUGH, Samuel (3 child of Mr. Bough of Carlisle, shoemaker). b. Carlisle 8 Jany. 1822; executed the illustrations to Jefferson’s History of Cumberland 2 vols. 1840–2; assistant scene painter in T.R. Manchester about 1845; exhibited pictures at Manchester Institute, where Heywood gold medal was awarded him; principal scene painter at T.R. Glasgow 1848; A.R.S.A. 1856, R.S.A. 10 Feb. 1875; a collection of his works was exhibited at Glasgow Institute 1880 and another at Edinburgh BOUGHEY, Sir Thomas Fletcher Fenton, 3 Baronet. b. Betley, Staffs. 22 Jany. 1809; succeeded 27 June 1823; sheriff of Staffs. 1832. d. Aqualate, Newport, Staffs. 6 Oct. 1880. BOUGHTON, Sir William Edward Rose, 10 and 2 Baronet (only son of Sir Charles Wm. Rose Boughton, 9 and 1 Baronet who d 26 Feb. 1821). b. Lower Grosvenor st. London 14 Sep. 1788; F.R.S. 5 May 1814; M.P. for Evesham 6 March 1820 to 2 June 1826. d. Downton hall near Ludlow 22 May 1856. BOULT, Swinton. b. 1809; local agent in Liverpool for insurance offices 1831; founded Liverpool fire and life insurance company 1836 which became largest fire insurance office in the world, it was renamed in 1848 Liverpool and London insurance office and in 1864 Liverpool, London and Globe, secretary 1836–65, managing director 1865 to death; originated Liverpool Salvage committee, first combination of the kind ever introduced; devised a uniform policy for tariff offices; author of Law and practice relating to assurance, banking and other joint-stock companies 1841; Trade and partnership 1855. d. suddenly in the Aigburth road, Liverpool 8 July 1876. C. Walford’s Insurance CyclopÆdia i, 353–5 (1871). BOULTBEE, Frederick Moore. Entered navy 17 March 1811; captain 23 Nov. 1841; admiral on h.p. 30 July 1875; chief constable for Bedfordshire. d. Emery Down, Lyndhurst 23 Nov. 1876. BOULTBEE, Rev. Thomas Pownall (eld. son of Rev. Thomas Boultbee, V. of Bidford, Warwickshire who d. 23 March 1883). b. 7 Aug. 1818; ed. at Uppingham school 1833–7, captain 1836–7; exhibitioner at St. John’s coll. Cam. 1837, 5 wrangler 1841, B.A. 1841, M.A. 1844, LLD. 1872; fellow of his college March 1842; C. of St. Mary’s Cheltenham, and then of St. Luke’s; theological tutor of Cheltenham college 1853–63; principal of London College of divinity at Kilburn 1863, and at St. John’s hall Highbury 1865 to death; preb. of St. Paul’s cathedral Oct. 1883; author of A commentary on the Thirty nine articles 1871; A history of the Church of England, pre-reformation period 1879. d. Bournemouth 30 Jany. 1884. Quiet strength, a memorial sketch of the life and works of the late Rev. T. P. Boultbee by Rev. Gordon Calthrop (1884). BOURCHIER, Henry. Entered navy 28 Aug. 1797, Captain 22 Aug. 1811, superintendent of quarantine establishment at Milford Jany. 1827 to 1 Oct. 1846, retired R.A. 1 Oct. 1846. d. Lille, France 14 Oct. 1852. BOURCHIER, James Claud. Cornet 28 Dragoons 28 Sep. 1797; major 11 Dragoons 5 Nov. 1818 to 25 Sep. 1820, when placed on h.p.; colonel 3 Dragoon Guards 9 Jany. 1851 to death; L.G. 20 June 1854. d. Buxton vicarage, Norfolk 12 Feb. 1859 aged 78. BOURDILLON, James Dewar (2 son of Rev. Thomas Bourdillon, V. of Fenstanton, Hunts. who d. 11 March 1854 aged 82). b. 1811; ed. at Ramsgate and Haileybury college; writer in Madras civil service 1829; secretary to Board of revenue 1843; third member of Board of revenue 1855; secretary to Government revenue department 1859–60 when he became an annuitant on the Fund, resigned the service 1861; wrote report of commission which reported upon system of public works in Madras presidency; author of A short account of the measures proposed by the late Colonel J. T. Smith for the restoration of the Indian exchanges by an Ex-Madras civilian 1882. d. Tunbridge Wells 21 May 1883. BOURKE, Oliver Paget. b. 1817; Ensign 17 Foot 11 Dec. 1835, lieut. col. 7 Sep. 1855 to 10 Nov. 1856, when placed on h.p.; Exon of yeomen of the guard 17 July 1862 to Nov. 1873; L.G. 1 Oct. 1877. d. 3 Breffin terrace, Kingstown near Dublin 28 April 1880. BOURKE, Sir Richard (only son of John Bourke of Dromsally, Ireland). b. Dublin 4 May 1777; ed. at Westminster and Ch. Ch. Ox.; ensign 1 Foot 22 Nov. 1798; captain 1 Garrison battalion 5 Dec. 1805; quartermaster general South America 1806; served in the Peninsula 1809–14; governor of eastern district of Cape of Good Hope 1825, conducted the government of the colony to Nov. 1829; governor of New South Wales 3 Dec. 1831 to 5 Dec. 1837; colonel 64 Foot 29 Nov. 1837 to death; general 11 Nov. 1851; C.B. 4 June 1815, K.C.B. 26 Jany. 1835; sheriff of Limerick 1839; edited with Note.—The people of New South Wales erected a magnificent bronze statue by Westmacott to his memory in the Domain Sydney, which was unveiled 11 April 1842, this was the first statue in New South Wales. BOURKE, Walter (eld. son of Joseph Bourke of Carrowkeel, co. Mayo who d. 1820). b. 1808; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1824; called to Irish bar 1827; Q.C. 7 Feb. 1849. d. Carrowkeel 26 Dec. 1870. BOURKE, Walter McWilliam (2 son of Isidore Bourke of Curraghleagh Claremorris, co. Mayo, a crown solicitor for Ireland who d. 1866). b. 1838; ed. at Stonyhurst and Clongowes Wood colleges and Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1859, M.A. 1863; called to Irish bar 1858, practised in Dublin and then in high court at Calcutta; purchased Rahassane park, co. Galway 1880; contributed to Dublin literary magazines; published a volume of Indian law reports; assassinated at Castle Taylor near Ardrahan, co. Galway 8 June 1882. Irish law times xvi, 298 (1882). BOURNE, Hugh (son of Joseph Bourne of Fordhays farm in parish of Stoke-upon-Trent, farmer). b. Fordhays farm 3 April 1772; a carpenter and builder at Bemersley, Staffs.; joined Wesleyan methodists June 1799; built a chapel at Harrisehead 1802; held a camp meeting on the mountain at Mowcop near Harrisehead 31 May 1807, first of many held in Staffordshire; expelled from Wesleyan Methodist Society 27 June 1808; formed first class of a new community at Standley near Bemersley 14 March 1810, first general meeting was held at Tunstall 26 July 1811, name Primitive Methodist was finally adopted 13 Feb. 1812, first annual conference was held at Hull May 1820, and a deed poll of the Primitive Methodist was enrolled in Court of Chancery 10 Feb. 1830; purchased land and built at Tunstall their first chapel 1811; travelled in United States 1844–6; author of Remarks on the ministery of women 1808; History of the Primitive Methodist 1823; A treatise on Baptism 1823; edited The Primitive Methodist Magazine 1824 to about 1844. d. Bemersley 11 Oct. 1852. bur. at Englesea Brook, Cheshire. J. Walford’s Memoirs of H. Bourne 1855, portrait; J. Petty’s Primitive Methodist connexion 1864, portrait; Simpson’s Recollections of H. Bourne 1859. BOURNE, James (brother of Hugh Bourne). b. Feb. 1781; joined Wesleyan Methodists 1799; co-operated with his brother in establishment of Camp meetings 1807; the first general book steward of Primitive Methodist connexion 1820; chairman at the annual conferences many times. d. Bemersley, Staffs. Jany. 1860. J. Petty’s History of Primitive Methodist connexion, (new ed. 1864). BOURNE, Sir James, 1 Baronet (2 son of Peter Bourne of Hackinsall, Lancs. 1783–1846). b. 8 Oct. 1812; ed. at Shrewsbury; lieut. col. commandant royal Lancashire artillery 13 April 1863 to 27 July 1881, hon. col. 27 July 1881 to death; M.P. for Evesham 12 July 1865 to 24 March 1880; created baronet 10 May 1880; C.B. 24 May 1881. d. Heathfield house, Wavertree near Liverpool 14 March 1882. BOURNE, Sir James Dyson, 2 Baronet (eld. child of the preceding). b. 29 July 1842; cornet 5 Dragoon guards 21 Dec. 1860, lieut. col. 1 July 1881 to 1883. d. Brook st. Grosvenor sq. London 11 Nov. 1883. BOURNE, Stephen. Edited the World newspaper which was incorporated with the Patriot 1831; an active promoter of the Protestant Society, of the Ecclesiastical Knowledge Society, and of the Test and Corporation agitation; stipendiary magistrate in Jamaica; registrar of Berbice; a cotton grower in Jamaica. d. Brixton, London 29 March 1868 aged 76. BOUSFIELD, Nathaniel George Philips. b. Dublin 1829; M.P. for Bath 4 Feb. 1874 to 24 March 1880. d. Grosvenor place, London 21 May 1883. BOUTELL, Rev. Charles (son of Rev. Charles Boutell, P.C. of Repps, Norfolk who d. 26 July 1855 in 84 year). b. St. Mary Pulham, Norfolk 1 Aug. 1812; ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1834, incorp. at Trin. coll. Ox. 1836, M.A. 1836; R. of Downham Market, Norfolk 1847–50; V. of Wiggenhall, St. Mary, Norfolk 1847–55; Reader at St. Luke’s Lower Norwood, Surrey 1860–67; assistant minister at St. Stephen’s Portland town London 1872–73; one of founders of London BOUTFLOWER, Rev. Henry Crewe (son of John Johnson Boutflower of Salford, Manchester, surgeon). b. Salford 25 Oct. 1796; ed. at Manchester school 1807–15, and St. John’s coll. Cam., Hulsean theological prizeman 1816, B.A. 1819, M.A. 1822; C. of Elmdon near Birmingham 15 April 1821; head master of Bury sch. Lancs. 6 May 1823 to 1857; P.C. of St. John’s Bury 1832–57; R. of Elmdon 1857 to death; author of The doctrine of atonement is agreeable to reason 1817, and of sermons; collected materials for a history of Bury. d. West Felton vicarage, Salop 4 June 1863. Admission register of Manchester school iii, 13–15 (1874). BOUTFLOWER, Venerable Samuel Peach (eld. son of Charles Boutflower of Colchester, surgeon). b. 1815; ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam., scholar, 22 wrangler 1838, B.A. 1838, M.A. 1841; P.C. of Brathay 1839–42 and 1856–67; C. of Seaforth 1842–56; V. of St. Lawrence Appleby 1867 to death; archdeacon and canon res. of Carlisle 1867 to death. d. The Abbey, Carlisle 22 Dec. 1882. BOUVERIE, Rev. Edward (2 son of hon. Bartholomew Bouverie 1753–1835, M.P. for Downton). b. 15 Aug. 1783; ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1804, M.A. 1807; V. of Coleshill, Berks. 1808 to death; chaplain in ord. to the Sovereign 1819 to death; preb. of Preston in Sarum cathedral 16 Feb. 1826 to death. d. Coleshill vicarage 22 July 1874. BOUVERIE, Everard William (eld. son of Edward Bouverie of DelaprÉ abbey near Northampton 1767–1858). b. 13 Oct. 1789; ed. at Harrow and St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1812, M.A. 1816; cornet Royal horse guards 2 April 1812, lieut. col. 16 Sep. 1845 to Sep. 1853 when placed on h.p.; colonel 15 Hussars 17 July 1859 to death; general 9 April 1868; author of The horse-buyer’s guide, shewing the tricks of dealers 1853. d. DelaprÉ abbey 18 Nov. 1871. Annual Register (1862) 149–53. BOUVERIE, Sir Henry Frederick (youngest son of Edward Bouverie 1738–1810, M.P. for New Sarum). b. 11 July 1783; ed. at Eton; ensign 2 Foot Guards 23 Oct. 1799, major 18 Jany. 1820 to 27 May 1825; assistant adjutant general to 4 division of the army 1810; governor of Malta 1 Oct. 1836 to 14 June 1843; L.G. 28 June 1838; col. of 1 West India regiment 13 May 1842 and of 97 Foot 21 Nov. 1843 to death; K.C.B. 5 Jany. 1815, G.C.B. 6 April 1852, G.C.M.G. 28 Sep. 1836. d. Woolbeding house near Midhurst, Sussex 14 Nov. 1852. BOUVERIE, Venerable William Arundell (brother of Rev. Edward Bouverie). b. 6 Feb. 1797; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1817, M.A. 1820, B.D. 1829; fellow of Merton coll.; R. of West Tytherley, Hants. 1829–39; R. of Denton, Norfolk 1839 to death; hon. canon of Norwich 1847 to death; archdeacon of Norfolk 20 Dec. 1850 to 1869. d. Denton rectory 23 Sep. 1877. BOUVIER, Augustus Jules (son of Jules Bouvier of London, painter 1800–67). Painter of figure subjects in water colours in London; member of New Society of Painters in water colours 1853; exhibited 55 pictures at Suffolk st. gallery 1845–65. d. 56 Alexandra road, St. John’s Wood, London 20 Jany. 1881 aged 54. BOVILL, George Hinton (son of Benjamin Bovill of Durnsford lodge, Wimbledon who d. 1864). b. London 1821; member of firm of Swayne and Co. of Millwall, makers of railway wheels and machinery; introduced important improvements in grinding of corn by use of an air blast and exhaust between the millstones 1849; connected with Millwall iron works; constructed the iron forts at Plymouth; took out a patent dated 5 June 1849 for ‘Improvements in the manufacture of flour,’ there was a very long litigation about this patent which lasted 12 years 1856–68 and cost £60,000, the judges not being able to settle meaning of the words “my invention relates only to sucking away the BOVILL, Sir William (brother of the preceding). b. Allhallows, Barking, London 26 May 1814; articled in office of Willis and Co. solicitors Tokenhouse yard; pupil of Wm. Fry Channell; practised as special pleader; barrister M.T. 15 Jany. 1841, bencher 1855, treasurer 1866; went the Home circuit; largely engaged in commercial cases in which he was unsurpassed; Q.C. 1855; M.P. for Guildford 28 March 1857 to 29 Nov. 1866; Petition of right act 23 and 24 Vict. cap. 34 and Partnership law amendment act 28 and 29 Vict. cap. 86 are known as Bovill’s acts; solicitor general 10 July 1866; knighted at Osborne 26 July 1866; serjeant at law 29 Nov. 1866; lord chief justice of Court of Common Pleas 29 Nov. 1866 to death; P.C. 28 Dec. 1866; F.R.S. 9 May 1867; hon. D.C.L. Ox. 1870; tried ejectment case of Tichborne v. Lushington 11 May 1871 to 6 March 1872 when he ordered the plaintiff to be indicted for perjury; he is one of the three clerks drawn by John Oxenford in his first dramatic piece My fellow clerks 1835. d. Combe house, near Kingston on Thames 1 Nov. 1873. I.L.N. xlix, 569 (1866), portrait, lxiii, 447, 614 (1873). BOVILL, William John (only son of Wm. Bovill of Upper Tooting, Surrey, solicitor.) b. Dec. 1810; solicitor at Upper Tooting 1833–5 and at 24 Essex st. Strand, London 1835–46; barrister M.T. 29 Jany. 1847; admitted ad eundem at L.I. 31 Jany. 1850; Q.C. 8 Feb. 1872; bencher of L.I. 8 May 1872. d. Bath 3 March 1882. BOWATER, Sir Edward (only son of Edward Bowater of Hampton Court Middlesex, admiral R.N.) b. St. James’s palace, London 13 July 1787; ed. at Harrow; ensign 3 Foot Guards 31 March 1804, major 12 Oct. 1826 to 10 Jany. 1837; served in Peninsula and at Waterloo; equerry to William iv, 1831–37; equerry to Prince Albert 1840–46; groom in waiting in ordinary to the Queen 3 March 1846; colonel 49 Foot 24 April 1846 to death; general 20 June 1854, K.C.H. 1837. d. Cannes, France 14 Dec. 1861. Miscellanea geneal. et herald. n.s. ii, 177–9; Martin’s Life of the Prince Consort v, 405, 417. BOWDEN, Hannah (dau. of John Finch Marsh of Croydon). b. London 1823; wrote poetry in The Peace Advocate. (m. Sep. 1857 James Bowden, recording clerk of Society of BOWDEN, Rev. John Edward (eld. son of John Wm. Bowden, of Wimbledon, Surrey who d. 15 Sep. 1844 aged 46). b. London 24 April 1829; ed. at Eton 1841–6 and Trin. coll. Ox.; joined Church of Rome 1848; novice at Oratory of St. Wilfrid’s Cotton hall, Staffs. 2 Feb. 1849, went to King Wm. st. Strand, London with the other Fathers May 1849; ordained priest 1852; edited Notes on doctrinal and spiritual subjects by F. W. Faber 2 vols. 1866; The spiritual works of Louis of Blois 1871; author of The life and letters of Frederick Wm. Faber 1869. d. the Oratory, Brompton, London 14 Dec. 1874. BOWDICH, Edward Hope Smith (son of Thomas Edward Bowdich, African traveller 1791–1824). b. 16 Feb. 1822; ed. at Merchant Taylors’ school 1829–38; entered Bombay army 1838; served in Persian campaign under Sir James Outram 1856–7, and Indian mutiny 1857–9; commandant 7 Bombay N.I. 1 Jany. 1862 to 31 Dec. 1874 when he retired on full pay; M.G. 23 Jany. 1875. d. 58 Harley st. London 5 Feb. 1882. BOWDLER, Henry. Entered Madras army 1797; col. 21 N.I. 24 Dec. 1835 to death; M.G. 28 June 1838. d. Dublin 6 June 1851. BOWDLER, Rev. Thomas (eld. son of John Bowdler of Eltham, Kent 1746–1823). b. 13 March 1780; ed. at Hyde Abbey sch. near Winchester and St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1803, M.A. 1806; C. of Leyton, Essex 1803–6; Incumbent of Hopton-Wafers, Salop 1806, of Ash, Kent 1809, of Ridley, Kent 1809, of Addington, Kent to 1832, and of St. Bartholomews, Sydenham 1832–43; sec. to Incorporated Church building society 1846 to death; preb. of St. Paul’s 7 Dec. 1849 to death; author of A pastor’s address to his flock 1818, 4 ed. 1822; Sermons on the nature, offices and character of Jesus Christ 2 vols. 1818–20; Quid RomÆ faciam 1841, 2 ed. 1842; Sermons on the privileges, responsibilities and duties of members of the Gospel covenant 2 vols. 1845–46. d. 2 Onslow sq. Brompton, London 11 Nov. 1856. An account of a memorial to the late Rev. T. Bowdler with memoir 1858; G.M. ii, 241–2 (1857). BOWEN, Francis Nathaniel Burton (son of Edward Bowen, chief justice of Canada). b. Canada 1822; ed. at Univ. of Edin., M.B. 1854; assistant surgeon Coldstream Guards BOWEN, Herbert. Entered Bengal army 1795; lieut. col. commandant 51 N.I. 28 Nov. 1826; col. 34 N.I. 5 Jany. 1829 to 2 April 1834; col. 55 N.I. 2 April 1834 to 1842 and col. 19 N.I. 1842 to death; M.G. 28 June 1838; C.B. 20 July 1838. d. Montagu sq. London 16 Oct. 1851 aged 70. BOWEN, Rev. Jeremiah. Educ. at All Souls’ coll. Ox., B.A. 1825; R. of West Lynn, Norfolk 1830–63; R. of Walton-Lewes, Norfolk 24 Feb. 1863 to death; author of The Resurrection defended against the objections of the Mental improvement society 1838; The war abroad and the Church at home 1854; Starlight and other poems by Walton Lewes pseud. 1869; St. Cross and other poems by Walton Lewes 1872. d. 1875. BOWEN, Right Rev. John (son of Thomas Bowen, captain 85 Foot who d. 1844.) b. Court near Fishguard, Pembrokeshire 21 Nov. 1815; ed. at Haverfordwest; went to Canada April 1835; farmed land at Dunville on shores of Lake Erie 1835–42; entered at Trin. coll. Dublin Jany. 1843, B.A. 1847, LL.B. and LLD. 1857; ordained deacon in Ripon Cathedral 20 Sep. 1846, and priest 19 Sep. 1847; C. of Knaresborough 1848–50; R. of Orton Longueville, Hunts. 1853–57; Bishop of Sierra Leone 10 Aug. 1857 to death; consecrated at Lambeth 21 Sep. 1857; sailed for his diocese 26 Nov. 1857. d. Freetown, Sierra Leone 28 May 1859. Memorials of John Bowen compiled from his letters and journals by his sister 1862; G. M. vii, 187–8 (1859). BOWER, George Henry Kerr. b. 1817; entered navy March 1828; commanded the Osborne yacht 1856–64; master attendant Gosport victualling yard 1 Dec. 1864 to 1869; retired captain 15 June 1870; knight of the Legion of Honour; C.B. 13 March 1867; author of Drops from the ocean, or life under the Pennant 1879. d. York crescent Lower Norwood 26 Aug. 1883. BOWER, Harold Elyott. Paris correspondent of Morning Post 1848 to 1852 and of Morning Advertiser 1852 to death; killed Saville Morton, Paris correspondent of Morning Advertiser by stabbing him in Paris BOWER, Joshua. Crown and bottle glass manufacturer at Hunslet near Leeds; one of the largest toll farmers in England, having at one time nearly all turnpikes between Leeds and London besides numerous others; took a conspicuous part in most of the political movements of his time; contested Leeds 17 Feb. 1834; a member of Leeds town council 1835 to death, and alderman Nov. 1844 to death; proprietor of extensive coal mines. d. Hillidge house Hunslet 7 Sep. 1855 aged 82. BOWERBANK, James Scott (son of Edward Bowerbank of Bishopsgate, London, rectifying distiller). b. Bishopsgate July 1797; rectifying distiller in Bishopsgate 1817–47; a founder of London Clay Club 1836, Microscopical Society 1839, Ray Society 1844 and PalÆontographical Society 1847; F.R.S. 17 Nov. 1842; built a museum at Highbury 1846; his magnificent natural history collection was sold to British Museum 1864; author of A history of the fossil fruits and seeds of the London clay 1840; A monograph of the British SpongiadÆ 3 vols. 1864, and of 45 papers in scientific periodicals. d. 2 East Ascent, St. Leonards-on-Sea 9 March 1877. Monthly notices of Royal Astronom. Soc. xxxviii, 144–7 (1878). BOWERS. Charles Robert. Cornet 13 Dragoons 18 Jany. 1810; captain 23 Foot 30 Dec. 1818 to 5 April 1820 when placed on h.p.; L.G. 10 March 1866. d. Little Tew Lodge, Oxfordshire 9 Oct. 1870. BOWERS, Very Rev. George Hull (son of Francis Bowers). b. Staffordshire 1794; ed. at Pembroke gr. sch. and Clare coll. Cam., B.A. 1819, B.D. 1829, D.D. 1849; P.C. of Elstow Beds. 1819–32; select preacher to Univ. of Cam. 1830; R. of St. Paul’s Covent Garden, London 1831–47; joint founder with Rev. Charles Eaton Plater of Marlborough college 1843; dean of Manchester 19 June 1847 to 24 Sep. 1872; author of Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge 1830; A scheme for the foundation of schools for the sons of clergymen and others 1842; Pew rents injurious to the Church 1865. d. Leamington 27 Dec. 1872 in 79 year. R. Parkinson’s Old church clock 5 ed. 1880 p. lxxiv. BOWERS, Rev. John. b. Chester 19 July 1796; Wesleyan minister in London 1834–40; a chief founder of Theological college at BOWERYEM, George. b. England; went to United States 1854; a correspondent of The Tribune at Charleston and subsequently of Philadelphia Press with the army of the Potomac; published melodies of considerable merit; drowned near Newport News 12 July 1864 aged about 33. BOWES, James Stuart. Edited Galignani’s Messenger in Paris 40 years; wrote Deeds of dreadful note and many other dramatic pieces for the London stage under pseudonym of Alfred Dubois. d. Paris 24 May 1864 aged 75. BOWES, John (son of John Bowes of Swineside Coverdale, parish of Coverham, Yorkshire 1779–1853). b. Swineside 12 June 1804; joined Wesleyan Methodists 1817, and Primitive Methodists Dec. 1821; went from town to town preaching in the open air; pastor of the first church of Christian Mission in Dundee 20 April 1831; one of English representatives at Brussels peace congress 20–21 Sep. 1848; published two monthly magazines entitled The Christian Magazine and The truth promoter; author of Treatise on Christian Union 1835; The New Testament translated from the purest Greek 1870, and 220 Gospel and other tracts to instruct Christians. d. Westfield house, Dundee 23 Sep. 1874. The autobiography or history of the life of John Bowes 1872, portrait. BOWES, John (natural son of John Bowes-Lyon 10 Earl of Strathmore 1769–1820). b. 19 July 1811; ed. at Eton; M.P. for South Durham 24 Dec. 1832 to 23 July 1847; began racing 1834, won Derby with Mundig 1835, gaining £19,000 besides stakes of £6,000, won Two thousand guineas with Meteor 1842, same race and Derby with Cotherstone 1843, Derby with Daniel O’Rourke 1852, and Two thousand guineas Derby and St. Leger with West Australian 1853, won Ascot cup with same horse 1854; the luckiest man on the turf and one of best judges of yearlings; oldest member of Jockey club; sheriff of Durham 1854; erected at Barnard Castle, Durham in memory of his first wife the “Josephine and John Bowes museum and park” at cost of £80,000 and gave art treasures to the museum, (m. (1) 1872 Josephine Benoite, Countess of Montalbo who d. 1874, m. (2) 1877 Alphonsina Marie de St. Amand, BOWES, Robert Aitken (son of John Bowes 1804–74). Editor of the Bolton Guardian. d. 7 Nov. 1879 aged 42. BOWIE, James, b. London; entered service of Royal gardens, Kew 1810; botanical collector to the gardens 1814; collected plants and seeds in Brazil 1815–17, and in South Africa 1817–23; enriched gardens of Europe with greater variety of succulent plants than had ever been discovered by any traveller; gardener to Baron Ludwig of Ludwigsberg, Cape of Good Hope about 1829–41; made journeys into interior of South Africa to collect plants for sale. d. 1853. BOWLBY, Thomas William (eld. child of Thomas Bowlby, captain R.A.) b. Gibraltar about 1817; articled to Russell Bowlby of Sunderland solicitor; member of firm of Lawrence, Crowdy and Bowlby solicitors 25 Old Fish st. Doctors Commons London 1846–54; arranged performances abroad for L. G. Jullien the musician; special correspondent of Times at Berlin 1848 and in China 1860 to death; shipwrecked in the Malabar at Point de Galle 22 May 1860; went with Admiral Hope to Tang-chow Aug. 1860; captured by Tartar general Sanko-lin-sin 18 Sep. 1860; died from effects of torture inflicted by Chinese, 22 Sep. 1860. bur. in Russian cemetery outside Antin gate of Pekin 17 Oct. Boulger’s History of China iii, 499–521 (1884); I.L.N. xxxvii, 615–6 (1860), portrait. BOWLER, Thomas William b. in the Vale of Aylesbury; assistant astronomer under Sir T. Maclear at Cape Town 1833–7; an artist and teacher of drawing at Cape Town; painted a panorama of the district; made a number of drawings in Mauritius 1866; published Four views of Cape Town 1844; South African sketches 1854; The Kafir wars a series of 20 views 1865. d. England 24 Oct. 1869. Art Journal ix, 107 (1870). BOWLES, Sir George (2 son of Wm. Bowles of Heale house, Wilts.) b. Heale house 1787; Ensign Coldstream Guards 20 Dec. 1804, major 31 Dec. 1839 to 30 May 1843 when placed on h.p.; served in the Peninsula 1808–14, in Flanders and France 1814–18, in the West Indies 1820–25, and in Canada 1837–43; BOWLES, Rev. Henry Matthew John. Educ. at Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1851, M.A. Ox. 1856; C. of St. John Cheltenham 1851–54; R. of Framilode Gloucs. 21 Sep. 1854 to 1867; R. of St. Aldate’s Gloucester 15 April 1867 to death; author of Prayers for the dead 1873; Fasting communion 1873; Lawlessness 1874. d. Cathedral house, College gardens, Gloucester 6 Jany. 1884. BOWLES, Rev. Joseph. Educ. at Magd. hall Ox., B.A. 1835, M.A. 1836, LLD. 1837, D.D. 1841; R. of Woodstock 1841–7; V. of Stanton-Lacey, Shropshire 1847 to death; author of Elegy on the death of the Princess Charlotte; Monody on the death of Sir John Throckmorton; Letters in vindication of the appointment of the Bishop of Hereford. d. 1879. BOWLES, Sir William (eld. son of Wm. Bowles of Heale house, Wilts.) b. Heale house 1780; entered navy 9 Sep. 1796, captain 13 Oct. 1807; commander in chief on South American station 1816–20; comptroller general of the Coastguard July 1822 to Nov. 1841; a lord of the Admiralty 13 May 1844 to 13 July 1846; M.P. for Launceston 20 May 1844 to 1 July 1852; admiral 28 Nov. 1857; commander in chief at Portsmouth 1 March 1859 to 1 March 1860; admiral of the fleet 15 Jany. 1869 to death; C.B. 18 April 1839, K.C.B. 10 Nov. 1862, F.R.G.S. 1833; author of Thoughts on national defence; Considerations on the late naval war 1856. d. 8 Hill st. Berkeley sq. London 2 July 1869. Journal of Royal Geog. Soc. xl, pp. cxl-cxlii, (1870). BOWLEY, Robert Kanzow (son of Mr. Bowley of Charing Cross, London, bootmaker). b. 13 May 1813; brought up to the bootmaking business; conductor of Benevolent society of musical amateurs; organist of an independent chapel near Leicester sq. about 1834; joined the Sacred harmonic society 1834, librarian 1837–54, treasurer 1854–70: originated in 1856 plan of the gigantic Handel festivals which have been held every three years at BOWLY, Samuel (son of Mr. Bowly of Bibury, Gloucs., miller). b. Cirencester 23 March 1802; a cheese factor at Gloucester 1829; chairman of many local companies; took a prominent part in agitation against the corn laws and against slavery; a founder of British and ragged schools in Gloucester; formed a teetotal society at Gloucester 30 Dec. 1835; pres. of National temperance league. d. Gloucester 23 March 1884. Sessions’s Life of S. Bowly 1884, portrait; The Public Good, Sep. and Oct. 1851, portrait. BOWMAN, Eddowes (eld. son of John Eddowes Bowman of Wrexham, bank manager 1785–1841). b. Nantwich 12 Nov. 1810; ed. at Hazelwood near Birmingham; sub-manager of Varteg iron works near Pontypool about 1835–40; studied in Univ. of Glasgow and at Berlin; professor of classical literature and history in Manchester New College 1846 to 1853 when college was removed to London as a purely theological institution; F.R.A.S. 1864; built an observatory at Manchester; author of Arguments against the divine authority of the Sabbath considered and shown to be inconclusive 1842; On the Roman governors of Syria at the time of the birth of Christ 1855 and of many papers in the Christian Reformer. d. Victoria park, Manchester 10 July 1869. Unitarian Herald 16 July 1869; Hall’s History of Nantwich (1883) 505. BOWMAN, Henrietta (dau. of Rev. John Bowman, P.C. of Burscough near Ormskirk Lancs.) b. Cumberland 1838; taught Bible classes for young ladies at Clifton and Southport; author of Life, its duty and discipline 1859; Christian daily life 1860, new ed. 1877; Our village girls 1863; Thoughts for workers and sufferers 1868; The autobiography of Elsie Ellis 1869, in which she describes her own childhood and girlhood; Lily Hope and her friends 1885. d. Southport 13 Feb. 1872. Songs amid the shadows by the late Hetty Bowman 2 ed. 1872; Woman’s Work in the great harvest field i, 137–40 (1872). BOWMAN, John Eddowes (brother of Eddowes Bowman 1810–69). b. Welchpool 7 July 1819; ed. at King’s college London; demonstrator of chemistry at the college 1845 and professor of practical chemistry there 1851 to death; one of founders of Chemical society of London 1841; author of A lecture on steam BOWNESS, William. b. Kendal 1809; portrait and figure painter in London 1830; exhibited his ‘Keepsake’ at Royal Academy 1836 and about one picture annually until his death; exhibited 26 pictures at British Institution and 86 pictures at Suffolk st. gallery; author of Rustic studies in the Westmoreland dialect with other scraps from the sketch-book of an artist 1868. d. Charlotte st. Fitzroy sq. London 27 Dec. 1867. BOWRING, Algernon Charles. b. Hackney, London 19 March 1828; ed. at London Univ. and Trin. coll. Cam.; joined Church of Rome 1850; entered Society of Jesus at Hodder 24 March 1850; professor of rhetoric at Stonyhurst college 1854; studied theology at St. Beuno’s college and then in the Roman college at Rome 1855 to death. d. the Roman College 18 Nov. 1857. BOWRING, Sir John (eld. son of Charles Bowring of Larkbear Devon, serge manufacturer). b. Exeter 17 Oct. 1792; set up in business in London 1815; travelled abroad 1819–20; joint editor of Westminster Review 1824 and then sole editor; examined and reported on public accounts of Holland 1828 and France 1831; LLD. Univ. of Groningen 31 Jany. 1829; sec. to Commission for inspecting accounts of United Kingdom 1831; contested Blackburn 1832, M.P. for Kilmarnock 1835–37 and for Bolton 1841–49; British consul at Canton 10 Jany. 1849; plenipotentiary to China 24 Dec. 1853 to 17 April 1857; governor of Hong Kong 10 Jany. 1854; sent on special mission to Siam 12 March 1855; retired on a superannuation allowance 17 July 1859; knighted at Buckingham Palace 16 Feb. 1854; F.R.S. 5 June 1856; one of greatest linguists on record; author of Specimens of the Russian poets translated 1820; Minor morals for young people illustrated in tales and travels 2 vols. 1834–35; The kingdom and people of Siam 2 vols. 1857; The Oak, original tales and sketches 1869 and many other books. d. Claremont near Exeter 23 Nov. 1872. Bowring, Cobden and China a memoir by L. Moor 1857; Autobiographical recollections of Sir J. Bowring with a brief memoir by L. B. Bowring 1877; Sir J. Bowring’s The kingdom and people of Siam ii, 248–340 (1857), portrait; Illustrated Review i, 161–65, portrait; Dict. of Nat. Biog. vi, 76–80 (1886). BOWYER, Cornelius. Entered Bengal army 1799, lieut. col. 9 July 1825, retired 20 May 1829; C.B. 26 Dec. 1826. d. Ostend 12 Feb. 1855. BOWYER, Sir George, 6 and 2 Baronet. b. Radley house near Abingdon, Berkshire March 1783; ed. at Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1804, M.A. 1807; succeeded his father 6 Dec. 1799; M.P. for Malmesbury 8 May 1807 to Jany. 1810, for Abingdon 24 June 1811 to 10 June 1818; author of The resolution of the House of Commons in the last session of the late Parliament relative to the adjustment of the claims of the Roman Catholics considered 1813. d. Dresden 1 July 1860. BOWYER, Sir George, 7 and 3 Baronet (eld. son of the preceding). b. Radley house 8 Oct. 1811; barrister M.T. 7 June 1839, reader 1850; hon. M.A. Ox. 1839, hon. D.C.L. 1844; contested Reading 1849; M.P. for Dundalk 1852–68, and for co. Wexford 1874–80; expelled from Reform Club by a vote of two-thirds at a general meeting 23 June 1876 for his frequent voting against Liberal party; joined Church of Rome 1850; chamberlain to Pope Pius ix; built church of St. John of Jerusalem Great Ormond st. Bloomsbury, London; a knight of Malta; knight grand cross of order of St. Gregory the Great; author of A dissertation on the statutes of the cities of Italy 1838; Commentaries on the modern civil law 1848; Lombardy, the Pope and Austria 1848; Commentaries on universal public law 1854; Friends of Ireland in council—Sir George Bowyer, W. H. Wilberforce, J. P. Hennessey 1864; Introduction to the study and use of the civil law 1874; found dead in his bed at 13 King’s Bench Walk Temple, London 7 June 1883. Rev. T. Mozley’s Reminiscences ii, 231–5 (1882); I.L.N. xxxvi, 548 (1860), portrait. BOWYER, Henry George (brother of the preceding). b. 3 Jany. 1813; inspector of schools 28 Sep. 1847. d. Leamington 26 Sep. 1883. BOWYER, James. Member of many private clubs in London such as the Blenheim, the Socials, the Watsonians’ and the Hollywoods’; a well known whist player of the very old school. d. 17 Tavistock sq. London 11 Jany. 1871 aged 72. BOWYER, William Bohun. b. 1 Aug. 1789; entered navy 9 May 1803; inspecting commander in coast guard 14 Feb. 1817 to April 1828; captain 17 Feb. 1830; retired R.A. 9 July 1855. d. Southampton 8 Oct. 1859. BOX, Thomas. b. Ardingly, Sussex 7 Feb. 1809; played cricket 1825–54, 30 seasons; first played at Lords 25 June 1832 in Sussex against England; played in 43 great matches 1851; the best wicket keeper in England; kept the Hanover Arms and Ground in Lewes road Brighton, then the Egremont hotel in Western road Brighton, then Brunswick cricket ground and hotel at Hove; ground keeper at Prince’s cricket ground London from date of formation of that club to death. d. suddenly on Prince’s cricket ground 12 July 1876. W. Denison’s Cricket (1846) 16–17; I.L.N. iii, 45 (1843), portrait. BOXALL, Sir William (son of Thomas Boxall of Oxford, Clerk to the Collector of Excise). b. Oxford 29 June 1800; ed. at Abingdon gr. sch. and Royal Academy 1819–27; lived in Italy 1827–9; exhibited 86 pictures at R.A. 1823–80; designed several illustrations for Waverley novels; painted portraits of many literary and artistic celebrities; many of his portraits of females were engraved in art publications; A.R.A. 1851, R.A. 1863; director of National Gallery Dec. 1865 to Feb. 1874; knighted at Windsor Castle 24 March 1871. d. 14 Welbeck st. Cavendish sq. London 6 Dec. 1879. Fortnightly Review xxvii, 177–89 (1880); Waagen’s Galleries of art (1857) 196–8; I.L.N. xliii, 80, 94 (1863), portrait. BOXER, Edward. b. Dover 1784; entered navy 1 July 1798; captain 23 June 1823; C.B. 18 Dec. 1840; agent for transports and harbour master at Quebec 24 Aug. 1843 to 5 March 1853; R.A. 5 March 1853; admiral superintendent in the Bosphorus 7 April 1854 and at Balaklava 18 Dec. 1854 to death; gazetted K.C.B. 10 July 1855. d. of cholera on Board H.M.S. Jason outside harbour of BOYCE, Rev. James. b. Ardagh, co. Longford; ed. at St. John’s coll. Fordham New York, ordained priest 1854; pastor of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic church N.Y. 1854–63 and of St. Teresa’s church 21 June 1863 to death; founded St. Teresa’s Male academy at 10 Rutgers st. N.Y. 1865 and established a convent for girls at 139 Henry st. 1872. d. New York 9 July 1876 aged 50. J. G. Shea’s Catholic churches of New York city (1878) 674–8. BOYCE, Joseph (3 son of James Boyce of Kilcason, Ferns, co. Wexford). b. 1795; a merchant at Dublin; lord mayor of Dublin 1855; sheriff of city and county of Dublin 1865. d. 1875. BOYD, Very Rev. Archibald (son of Archibald Boyd of Gortlee and Derry, treasurer of Donegal). b. Londonderry 1803; ed. at diocesan college Londonderry and Trin. coll. Dub., B.A. 1825, M.A. 1832, B.D. and D.D. 1868; C. and preacher in Derry Cathedral 1827–42; P.C. of Ch. Ch. Cheltenham 1842–59; hon. canon of Gloucester cath. 1857–67; P.C. of Paddington 1859–67; rural dean 1860–67; dean of Exeter 11 Nov. 1867 to death; author of Sermons on the Church 1838; Episcopacy and Presbytery 1841; The history of the Book of Common Prayer 1850; Turkey and the Turks 1853; Baptism and baptismal regeneration 1865. d. the deanery Exeter 11 July 1883. Bequeathed nearly £40,000 to societies and institutions in diocese of Exeter. A golden decade of a favoured town by Contem Ignotus (1884) 70–102. BOYD, Benjamin (2 son of Edward Boyd of Merton hall, Wigtonshire who d. 1846). b. about 1796; a stockbroker in City of London 1824–39; went out to Sydney to organise various branches of Royal Banking Company of Australia 1840–41; speculated largely in whaling also in shipping cattle to Tasmania and New Zealand; founded Boyd Town, Twofold Bay N.S.W.; the largest squatter in Australia having in 1847 estates of his own amounting to 381,000 acres; went to California 1850; murdered by the natives at Gaudalcanar one of the islands in the Solomon Group 1851. Heads of the people i, 21 (1847), portrait; J. H. Heaton’s Australian dictionary of dates (1879) 23–4. BOYD, Charles. Commissioner of customs in Ireland; surveyor general of customs for the United Kingdom 1840 to 1855. d. Brixton, London 7 May 1857 aged 76. BOYD, Sir Harley Hugh, 5 Baronet. b. Drumawillen house, co. Antrim 2 Nov. 1853; succeeded 7 Aug. 1857. d. 2 June 1876. BOYD, Rev. James (son of Mr. Boyd of Paisley, glover). b. Paisley 24 Dec. 1795; ed. at Paisley and Univ. of Glasgow; licensed to preach by Presbytery of Dumbarton May 1822; House Governor of Heriot’s hospital Edinburgh 1825 to 29 Aug. 1829; one of Classical masters in high sch. Edin. 19 Aug. 1829 to death; sec. to Edinburgh Society of teachers many years. d. George sq. Edinburgh 18 Aug. 1856. W. S. Dalgleish’s Memorials of the high school of Edinburgh (1857) 31, 46–7, portrait; History of Dr. Boyd’s fourth High school class with biographical sketch of Dr. Boyd by James Colston, 2 ed. 1873. BOYD, Rev. James. Licensed by Presbytery of Edinburgh 28 June 1815; ordained 11 Feb. 1818; minister of Auchinleck 24 Nov. 1818, of Ochiltree 27 March 1833 and of Tron church Glasgow 28 March 1844 to death; D.D. Glasgow 1845. d. 27 March 1865 in 79 year. Our Scottish Clergy, (2 series 1849) 51–58. BOYD, James. b. Drogheda, Ireland; proprietor and editor of the Panama Star and Herald 1865 to death. d. Panama 25 April 1882 aged 43. BOYD, Sir John, 3 Baronet. b. 5 June 1786; ensign 5 Foot 8 July 1808; lieut. 1 Garrison battalion 1811–1814 when placed on h.p.; succeeded 30 May 1815. d. Boulogne 19 Jany. 1855. BOYD, John (son of John Boyd of Belle Isle, co. Antrim). b. Rose-yard, co. Antrim 1789; M.P. for Coleraine 18 Feb. 1843 to March 1852 and 30 March 1857 to death. d. 2 Jany. 1862. BOYD, Sir John Augustus Hugh, 4 Baronet. b. 30 July 1819; succeeded 19 Jany. 1855. d. 7 Aug. 1857. BOYD, John M’Neill (brother of Very Rev. Archibald Boyd). b. Londonderry 1812; entered navy 1825; second captain of Royal George 120 guns 1853–6; served in the Baltic campaign; captain 10 May 1856, captain of Ajax 60 guns coastguard ship at Kingstown 1 Feb. 1858 to death; author of A manual for naval cadets 1857. Drowned while attempting to rescue crew of a vessel BOYD, Mark (4 son of Edward Boyd of Merton hall, Wigtonshire who d. 1846). b. Surrey 1805; director in London of a Scotch Insurance Office; engaged in colonization of Australia and New Zealand 1843–53; author of Reminiscences of fifty years 1871; Social Gleanings 1875. (m. 23 Sep. 1848 Emma Anne widow of Robert Coates, better known as Romeo Coates the eccentric actor, she d. 1872). d. 16 St. George’s place, Hyde park, London 12 Sep. 1879. BOYD, Mossem. Entered Bengal army 1795; lieut. col. commandant 65 N.I. 13 May 1825; colonel of 5 N.I.; colonel of 53 N.I. to death; general 9 April 1856. d. 6 Dawson place Bayswater, London 8 April 1865 aged 84. BOYD, Percy. Great friend of Dickens and Thackeray; author of A book of ballads from the German 1848. d. London 1 Jany. 1876. BOYD, Robert. M.R.C.S. 1830, M.D. Edin. 1831, L.R.C.P. 1836, F.R.C.P. 1852; resident phys. at Marylebone workhouse infirmary; phys. and superintendent of Somerset county lunatic asylum; proprietor and manager of Southall Park private asylum; pres. of Med. Psychol. Assoc. 1870; contributed 16 papers to the Journal of Mental Science and papers to Royal medical and chirurgical transactions, Edinburgh Medical Journal and the Lancet; lost his life in a fire which destroyed his asylum at Southall Park 14 Aug. 1883. Lancet ii, 352–3 (1883); Medical times and gazette ii, 249–50 (1883). BOYD, William. Called to Irish bar 1818; Q.C. 7 Feb. 1849; recorder of Londonderry to death. d. 1855. BOYD, William (3 son of Richard Keown of Downpatrick). b. Dublin March 1816; sheriff of co. Down 1849; M.P. for Downpatrick 5 Aug. 1867 to 26 Jany. 1874; assumed name of Boyd 1873. d. Carrowdore castle, co. Down 19 Jany. 1877. BOYES, John Frederick (son of Benjamin Boyes of Charterhouse sq. London). b. 10 Feb. 1811; entered Merchant Taylors’ school Oct. 1819; scholar of Linc. coll. Ox. 1828; Andrews’ civil law exhibitioner at St. John’s coll. 1829, B.A. 1833, M.A. 1835; second master of proprietary school Walthamstow, BOYLE, Alexander (2 son of David Boyle lord chief justice of Scotland). b. 9 March 1810; entered navy 4 Sep. 1823; commander of Thunderbolt steam sloop at Cape of Good Hope 27 Dec. 1845, lost his ship in Algoa Bay Feb. 1847 for which he was dismissed service 4 May 1847 but restored Jany. 1849; captain 8 Aug. 1857; retired V.A. 2 Aug. 1879. d. 17 Prince’s Gardens London 8 June 1884. BOYLE, Caroline Courtenay. b. 26 May 1803; maid of honour to Queen Adelaide many years; granted civil list pension of £100, 30 Oct. 1850. d. 23 Jany. 1883. BOYLE, Courtenay Edmund William. b. 3 Aug. 1800; entered navy 7 Sep. 1816; captain 27 May 1830; groom of the chamber to Prince Albert 1840; retired captain 1 Oct. 1850; retired R.A. 27 Sep. 1855. d. Rue Faubourg St. HonorÉ Paris 11 Feb. 1859. BOYLE, David (2 son of Patrick Boyle of Shewalton, Ayrshire who d. 26 Feb. 1798.) b. Irvine, Ayrshire 26 July 1772; ed. at Univ. of Edin; member of Faculty of Advocates 14 Dec. 1793; solicitor general for Scotland 9 May 1807; M.P. for Ayrshire 5 June 1807 to Feb. 1811; a lord of Session and Justiciary 23 Feb. 1811; lord justice clerk 15 Oct. 1811; P.C. 11 April 1820; lord justice general of Scotland and lord president of Court of Session 9 Oct. 1841 to May 1852; distinguished for his personal appearance, there are full-length portraits of him by Sir J. W. Gordon at Faculty of Advocates and at Society of Writers to the Signet Edinburgh. d. Shewalton 30 Jany. or 6 Feb. 1853. I.L.N. xxii, 76, 134 (1853), portrait. BOYLE, John (2 son of Edmund Boyle 8 Earl of Cork 1767–1856). b. Wimpole st. London 13 March 1803; ed. at Winchester and Ch. Ch. Ox, B.A. 1824, M.A. 1827; M.P. for co. Cork 4 Dec. 1827 to 24 July 1830, and for Cork city 11 Aug. 1830 to 3 Dec. 1832. d. Rock Wood, Torquay 6 Dec. 1874. BOYLE, Robert Edward (brother of John Boyle 1803–74). b. London March 1809; ensign 68 Foot 14 Nov. 1826; captain Coldstream guards 10 Dec. 1847 to death; secretary to Order of St. Patrick 1837–53; groom in waiting to the Queen 1846–52 and 1853 to death; secretary to master general of the Ordnance Dec. 1853 to death; M.P. for Frome 30 July 1847 to death. d. Varna 3 Sep. 1854. BOYLE, Robert Frederick. b. 13 June 1841; ed. at Ball. coll. Ox., B.A. 1864, M.A. 1866; fellow of All Souls’ coll.; barrister M.T. 17 Nov. 1866; inspector of schools 16 May 1871. d. Florence 15 May 1883. BOYLE, William. b. 25 Jany. 1821; ensign 15 Foot 6 Dec. 1838; lieut. col. 89 Foot 13 Oct. 1858 to death; C.B. 20 May 1871. d. 10 Craven hill gardens, London 14 Feb. 1874. BOYLE, William George. b. Dublin 12 Aug. 1830; 2 lieut. 21 Foot 9 Feb. 1849; captain Coldstream guards 24 Nov. 1863 to 1867; lieut. col. 2 Somerset militia 23 March 1868 to 12 Sep. 1870; M.P. for Frome 23 July 1856 to 21 March 1857; F.C.S., F.G.S. d. San Francisco 22 April 1880. BOYLE, William Robert Augustus. Barrister L.I. 24 Nov. 1835; author of A practical treatise on the law of charities 1837; Inspiration of book of Daniel 1863; The tribute of Assyria to biblical history 1868; Literature under the shade of Great Britain 1870, 2 ed. 1870. d. 7 Church st. Kensington 20 May 1875. BOYNE, Gustavus Hamilton, 6 Viscount. b. 12 April 1777; succeeded 29 Feb. 1816. d. 22 Belgrave sq. London 30 March 1855. BOYNE, Gustavus Hamilton-Russell, 7 Viscount (son of the preceding). b. Downton hall near Ludlow 11 May 1797; assumed BOYNTON, Sir Henry, 9 Baronet. b. St. James’s st. Westminster 22 March 1778; succeeded 17 Nov. 1832. d. Burton Agnes, Yorkshire 29 Aug. 1854. BOYNTON, Sir Henry, 10 Baronet. b. Nafferton hall, Yorkshire 2 March 1811; succeeded 29 Aug. 1854. d. Burton Agnes 25 June 1869. BOYS, Edward (son of John Boys of Betteshanger, Kent, agriculturist 1749–1824). b. 1785; entered navy 1796; a prisoner in France 1803–9; superintendent of Deal dockyard 16 Sep. 1837 to 1841; retired captain 1 July 1851; author of Narrative of a captivity and adventures in France and Flanders 1827, which is the source from which Captain Marryat in his novel Peter Simple drew much of the account of his hero’s escape; Remarks on the practicability and advantages of a Sandwich or Downs harbour 1831. d. 14 Blomfield terrace, Harrow road, London 6 June 1866 in 82 year. BOYS, Henry, b. 1806; composed a few glees and songs, best known being Friar Tuck a glee for 3 voices 1842. d. Margate 1851. BOYS, Rev. Richard (brother of Edward Boys 1785–1866). b. 1783; ed. at King’s school Canterbury and C.C. coll. Cam., B.A. 1807, M.A. 1818; chaplain at St. Helena 1811–29; P.C. of Platt, Kent 1849–54; P.C. of Loose, Kent 1854 to death; author of Elements of Christian knowledge 1838; Primitive obliquities 1851. d. Loose 13 Feb. 1866. BOYS, Rev. Thomas (son of Thomas Boys of Sandwich, Kent, rear admiral R.N.) b. Sandwich 1792; ed. at Tonbridge gr. sch. and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1813, M.A. 1817; attached to the military chest in the Peninsula under Wellington 1813; wounded in 3 places at battle of Toulouse 10 April 1814; teacher of Hebrew to Jews at Hackney college 1830–2; professor of Hebrew at Missionary college Islington 1836; Inc. of Holy Trinity, Hoxton 22 Feb. 1848 to death; translated the Bible into Portugese 1813, his version has been adopted both by Protestants and Roman Catholics; author of Tactica Sacra 1824; Plain exposition of the New Testament 1827. d. 23 Leighton road, Kentish town, London 2 Sep. 1880. BRABAZON, Luke (elder son of Hugh Higgins of Brabazon park, co. Mayo who d. 26 April 1864 aged 63). b. 23 March 1832; 2 Lieut. R.A 20 June 1849; second captain 23 Aug. 1855 to death; deputy assistant quartermaster general; changed his name to Brabazon 1854; author of Soldiers and their science 1860; went with admiral Hope to Tang-chow, China Aug. 1860, captured by Tartar general San-ko-lin-sin 18 Sep. 1860; executed by the Chinese on the bridge at Palikao 21 Sep. 1860. Boulger’s History of China iii, 499–521 (1884). BRACEBRIDGE, Charles Holte (only son of Abraham Bracebridge of Atherstone hall, Atherstone, Warws. who d. 21 Aug. 1832). b. 19 March 1799; ed. at Merton coll. Ox.; went with Florence Nightingale to Constantinople Oct. 1854; author of A letter on the affairs of Greece 1850; Shakespeare no deerstealer, or a short account of Fulbroke park near Stratford-on-Avon 1862. d. of heart disease at Atherstone hall 13 July 1872. BRACKENBURY, Sir Edward (2 son of Richard Brackenbury of Aswardby, co. Lincoln). b. 1785; ensign 61 Foot 1803, served in Peninsula 1809–14; attached to Portuguese and Spanish army 1814–16; major 28 Foot 1 Nov. 1827 to 31 Jany. 1828 when placed on h.p.; lieut. col. 10 Jany. 1837; retired from the service 1847; K.T.S. 1824, K.S.F.; knighted at Windsor Castle 26 Aug. 1836. d. Skendleby hall near Spilsby, co. Lincoln 1 June 1864. BRACKENBURY, Rev. Joseph. b. Langton, Lincolnshire 1788; a student at C.C. coll. Cam. 28 Oct. 1808, B.A. 1811, M.A. 1819; chaplain Madras establishment 1812–19; chaplain and secretary to Magdalen hospital Blackfriars road London 1828–56; R. of Quendon, Essex 1862 to death; author of Natale solum and other poetical pieces 1810. d. Quendon rectory 31 March 1864. BRADBURY, Henry (eld. son of the succeeding). A pupil at Imperial printing office Vienna 1850 where he learnt process of Nature printing which he claimed afterwards to have invented; founded a business in Fetter lane, London which he moved to Farringdon st. and carried on under name of Bradbury, Wilkinson and Co.; produced nature printed plates to Moore and Lindley’s Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland 1855 and Johnstone’s British sea weeds 4 vols. 1860–1; author of Printing, it’s dawn, day, and destiny 1858; Autotypography or art of nature printing 1860; Specimens of bank note engraving 1860; committed suicide by drinking prussic acid in Cremorne gardens, London 1 Sep. 1860 aged 30. BRADBURY, William. Printer at 76 Fleet st. London 1824; publisher with F. M. Evans in Whitefriars st. 1830; published The Christmas carol 1843; Punch 1843 to death, the Daily News 1846 to death; joint proprietor with C. Dickens, J. Forster and W. H. Wills of Household Words 1850–59; proprietor of Gent. Mag. 1866–70. d. 13 Upper Woburn place, London 11 April 1869 in 70 year. Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 485 (1869); C. Beavan’s Reports of cases in chancery xxvii, 53–61 (1861). BRADDYLL, Edward Stanley Bagot Richmond Gale. b. 1803; contested North Durham 21 Dec. 1832; fought a duel with Russell Bowlby at Offerton lane near Herrington, Durham 27 Sep. 1832 and another with Sir Hedworth Williamson, Bart. at the Hare and Hounds on the Sedgefield road same day. d. Windermere Bank, Bowness, Ambleside 2 Sep. 1874 aged 71. Sykes’s Local Records ii, 397–8 (1833). BRADEN, Rev. William. b. Marylebone, London 22 Nov. 1840; ed. at Maida Hill gr. sch. and Cheshunt coll.; Congregational minister at St. Alban’s 1861 at Hillhouse chapel Huddersfield 1866 and at the King’s BRADFIELD, Henry Joseph Steele (son of Thomas Bradfield of Derby st. Westminster, coal merchant). b. Derby st. Westminster 18 May 1805; left England in the schooner Unicorn as surgeon under Lord Cochrane 26 April 1826; sous lieutenant in Bataillon Etranger of Belgium 1 Sep. 1832; stipendiary magistrate in Tobago 31 Dec. 1835, removed to Trinidad 13 May 1836, re-appointed to the Southern or Cedros district 13 April 1839; private sec. to Lieutenant Governor of Dominica 1841, colonial sec. in Barbados 1842; author of Waterloo or the British minstrel a poem 1825; The Athenaid or modern Grecians a poem 1830; Tales of the Cyclades and other poems 1830; committed suicide by drinking a bottle of prussic acid in coffee room of St. Albans hotel, 12 Charles st. St. James’s sq. London 11 Oct. 1852. G.M. xxxix, 102 (1853); Morning Post 13 Oct. 1852 p. 4 and 15 Oct. p. 6. BRADFORD, George Augustus Frederick Henry Bridgeman, 2 Earl of. b. 23 Oct. 1789; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., M.A. 1810; succeeded 7 Sep. 1825. d. Weston park Shiffnal, Salop 22 March 1865. BRADFORD, Sir Thomas (son of Thomas Bradford of Ashdown park, Sussex). b. 1 Dec. 1777; ensign of an Independent company 20 Oct. 1793; commanded a brigade of Portuguese army 1810–13, and a division 1813–14; lieut. col. of 34 Foot 18 May 1809, and of 82 Foot 21 Dec. 1809 to 1815; commanded seventh division of the army of occupation in France 1815–17; commanded the troops in Scotland 1819–25; colonel of 94 Foot 1 Dec. 1823, of 30 Foot 16 April 1829 and of 4 Foot 7 Feb. 1846 to death; commander in chief in Bombay 20 July 1825 to 17 May 1829, assumed command 3 May 1826; general 23 Nov. 1841; K.C.B. 5 Jany. 1815; G.C.B. 15 Feb. 1838; G.C.H. 1831. d. 13 Eaton sq. London 28 Nov. 1853. United Service Mag. 1854 part 1 p. 157. BRADFORD, Rev. William. R. of Storrington, Sussex 1811 to death; chaplain in ordinary to the Sovereign 1821 to death. d. Storrington rectory 13 June 1857 aged 77. BRADLEY, George. b. Whitby, Yorkshire 1816; a reporter on York Herald; editor of Sunderland and Durham County Herald; editor and one of proprietors of Newcastle Guardian about 1848 to death; author of A concise and practical system of short-hand writing 1843. d. Newcastle 14 Oct. 1863. BRADLEY, Rev. Richard Beadon. b. Minehead, Somerset 1803; P.C. of Ash Priors near Taunton 1834 to death; P.C. of Cothelstone, Somerset 1835 to death; author of The portion of Jezreel, a sacred drama 1843; Pauperism. Whence does it arise? how may it be remedied 1846; The expected budget, or how to save more than twelve millions a year 1850. d. Teignmouth 22 March 1851 aged 48. BRADLEY, Robert Greene (only son of Robert Bradley of Slyne near Lancaster who d. 1825). b. 14 April 1788; barrister G.I. 22 June 1814, bencher 26 April 1837, treasurer 30 Aug. 1839; comr. of bankrupts for Lancaster. d. of paralysis at Slyne 16 Oct. 1869. BRADLEY, Samuel Messenger. b. 2 June 1841; ed. at Manchester school of medicine, M.R.C.S. 1862, F.R.C.S. 1869; demonstrator of anatomy at Manchester school of medicine 1865, and lecturer on anatomy 1866; professor of physiology at Stonyhurst college several years; assistant surgeon to Manchester Royal infirmary 1873 and surgeon 1876 to death; lecturer on practical surgery at Owens college school of medicine 1876 to death; author of Manual of comparative anatomy and physiology 1869, 3 ed. 1875; Notes on Syphilis 1872; Injuries and diseases of the lymphatic system 1879. d. Ramsgate 27 May 1880. Medical times and gazette i, 625–6 (1880). BRADLEY, William. b. Manchester 16 Jany. 1801; a painter and teacher of drawing at Manchester 1817; a portrait painter in London 1822–47; exhibited 13 portraits at BRADSHAW, George (only son of Thomas Bradshaw of Windsor Bridge, Pendleton, Salford). b. Windsor Bridge 29 July 1801; an engraver and printer at Belfast 1820–21, and at Manchester 1821; projected engraved and published maps of the English counties 1827; published Bradshaw’s Railway map 1838; Railway time tables 1839; Monthly railway guide Dec. 1841 to death; Continental railway guide June 1847 to death; General railway directory 1849–53; attempted to establish an ocean penny postage; A.I.C.E. Feb. 1842. d. of Asiatic cholera near Christiania, Norway 6 Sep. 1853. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. xiii, 145–9 (1854); Manchester Guardian 17 Sep. 1853, p. 7. BRADSHAW, Henry (son of J. H. Bradshaw of London). b. London 2 Feb. 1831; ed. at East Sheen and Eton; scholar of King’s coll. Cam. 1847, fellow 1854 to death, B.A. 1854, M.A. 1857; assistant master at St. Columba’s college near Dublin for a year; principal library assistant in Cambridge Univ. library March 1857 to Dec. 1858, superintendent of the manuscripts 1859–67, librarian 8 March 1867 to death; pres. of Library Association at the Cambridge meeting 5–8 Sep. 1882; F.S.A. 26 March 1860; author of 17 papers in Antiquarian Communications of Cambridge Antiquarian Society, and of a series of pamphlets which he called Memoranda, most important being The University library 1881; found dead in his rooms at King’s coll. Cam. 11 Feb. 1886, having died about 11 p.m. 10 Feb. The library chronicle iii, 25–36 (1886); Book-lore April 1886, pp. 141–5. BRADSHAW, James Hill (eld. son of J. F. Bradshaw, manager of Quebec branch of Bank of Upper Canada). b. Hillsborough, co. Down 21 Aug. 1834; ed. at Quebec; ensign 52 Foot 29 Feb. 1856, lieutenant 11 July 1856 to death; shot through the heart at Delhi 14 Sep. 1857. H. J. Morgan’s Sketches of celebrated Canadians (1862) 712–19. BRADSHAW, Joseph. Ensign 37 Foot 12 May 1825; lieut. col. 60 Rifles 9 May 1845 to death; C.B. 9 June 1849. d. Kussowlie, North Western provinces of India 18 Oct. 1851. BRADSHAW, Lawrence. Ensign 46 Foot 25 Sep. 1780; lieut. col. 13 Foot 1 Sep. 1795 to 2 Feb. 1803; major 1 Life Guards 2 Feb. BRADSHAW, Thomas Joseph Cavendish (eld. son of Joseph Hoare Bradshaw of London, banker who d. 24 May 1845 aged 61). b. 17 Oct. 1824; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox.; barrister L.I. 17 Nov. 1853; secretary to Royal commission on judicature 1867–71; judge of county courts of Northumberland (Circuit No. 1) 27 Oct. 1871 to death. d. in a room adjoining town hall, Newcastle 17 Dec. 1884. BRADSTREET, Sir Simon, 4 Baronet. b. Upper Leeson st. Dublin 25 Nov. 1772; succeeded March 1791; a member of Repeal association many years. d. Clontarf near Dublin 25 Oct. 1853. BRADWELL, Edmund (son of Wm. Bradwell of Covent Garden theatre London, mechanician who d. 4 Aug. 1849). Theatrical decorator and mechanician in London; introduced some extraordinary mechanical changes into Tom Dibdin’s pantomime of Guy, Earl of Warwick at Victoria theatre Dec. 1833; mechanician at Olympic, Lyceum, Her Majesty’s and other theatres. d. 11 Magdala terrace, Lordship lane Dulwich 25 July 1871 aged 72. Era 30 July 1871, p. 11, col. 4. BRADY, Sir Antonio (eld. son of Anthony Brady, storekeeper at Royal William victualling yard, Plymouth). b. Deptford 10 Nov. 1811; junior clerk in Royal Victoria victualling yard Deptford 29 Nov. 1828; clerk in accountant general’s office London 26 June 1844; registrar of contracts 1864; superintendent of purchase and contract department 13 April 1869 to 31 March 1870 when he retired on a special pension; knighted at Windsor Castle 23 June 1870; promoted the Plaistow mission and East London museum; pres. of Inventors’ Institute; a judge in Verderer’s Court for forest of Epping; made a collection of fossil Mammalia which is now in Natural history museum Kensington; author of The Church’s work and its hindrances with suggestions for church reform 1869; Catalogue of Pleistocene Mammalia from Ilford, Essex 1874. d. Maryland point, Forest lane, Stratford Essex 12 Dec. 1881. Geological Mag. 1882, p. 93. BRADY, Elizabeth (2 dau. of Jacob Hutchinson of Islington, London). b. Islington 1803; ed. at Islington school where she was successively BRADY, Sir Francis (son of James Brady of Navan, Meath). b. 1809; ed. at Trin. coll. Dub., B.A. 1835; called to Irish bar 1836; chief justice of Newfoundland and judge of vice admiralty court 15 Oct. 1847 to 1865; knighted by patent 24 May 1860. (m. 1839 Kate dau. of David Lynch of Dublin, she d. 16 Jany. 1880). d. 59 Burlington road, Bayswater London 29 Dec. 1871. BRADY, Sir Maziere, 1 Baronet (2 son of Francis Tempest Brady of Dublin, gold and silver thread manufacturer 1763–1821). b. Dublin 20 July 1796; ed. at Trin. coll. Dub. 1812–16, scholar 1814, B.A. 1816; called to Irish bar 1819; barrister I.T. 1835; solicitor general for Ireland 1837; attorney general 1839; P.C. Ireland 1839; chief baron of Court of Exchequer 11 Aug. 1840 to 1846; lord chancellor of Ireland 1846 to Feb. 1852, Jany. 1853 to 1858 and 1859 to 28 June 1866; vice chancellor of Queen’s Univ. Ireland 1850 to death. d. 26 Upper Pembroke st. Dublin 13 April 1871. O. J. Burke’s Lord chancellors of Ireland (1879) 270–7. BRAE, Andrew Edmund. Practised as dentist at Leeds to 1872; lived in Guernsey 1872 to death; author of Literary cookery with reference to matter attributed to Coleridge and Shakespeare 1855; Electrical communication in railway trains 1865; The treatise on the Astrolabe of G. Chaucer, edited by A. E. B. 1870; wrote many papers on Shakespeare and Chaucer in first series of Notes and Queries under signature of A. E. B. d. London 10 Dec. 1881. bur. Mont Durand, Guernsey. Notes and Queries, 6 series vi, 323 (1882). BRAGGE, William (3 son of Thomas Perry Bragge of Birmingham, manufacturing jeweller). b. Birmingham 31 May 1823; a civil engineer; constructed the first railway line in Brazil namely from Rio Janeiro to Petropolis; knighted and made a chevalier by Emperor of Brazil; partner with John Brown in Atlas Steel works, Sheffield 1858–64 when works were sold to a limited company and he received sum of £50,000, managing director of the company 1864–72; established works at Birmingham for manufacture of watches BRAHAM, Charles Bampfylde (son of the succeeding). b. 20 Dec. 1823; made his first appearance on stage at Princess’s theatre London 26 Oct. 1848 as Adelmar in Leoline; sang in Italy and Portugal with great success. d. 103 Ebury st. Pimlico, London 11 June 1884. BRAHAM, John (son of John Abraham of Goodman’s Fields, London, a German Jew). b. Goodman’s Fields 20 June 1773; pupil of Myer Lyon otherwise Leoni; made his dÉbut at Bagnigge Wells assembly rooms; changed his name to Braham 1787; sang at Bath 1794–6, Drury Lane 1796, in Paris 1797 and Italy 1798–1801,at Covent Garden 1801–5 and Drury Lane 1805–24; sang in Italian opera at King’s theatre London 1804–6 and 1816; made £14,000 per annum 1801–24; built St. James’s theatre London in 14 weeks at cost of £36,000 Sep.-Dec. 1835, managed it 1835–9; sang in New York Nov. 1840; composed music to The Cabinet 1801; Family Quarrells 1802 and 10 other dramas. d. The Grange, Brompton, London 17 Feb. 1856. Oxberry’s Dramatic Biography iii, 145–59 (1825), portrait; Metropolitan Mag. xviii, 130–42 (1837); Stirling’s Old Drury Lane ii, 91–5 (1881); I.L.N. xx, 245–6 (1852), portrait; P. Fitzgerald’s Life of C. Lamb iii, 226, vi, 145. BRAID, George Ross. b. May 1813; made his first appearance in London at Adelphi theatre 29 Sep. 1843; acted at Haymarket theatre many years. d. Holly house, Kennington road London 18 Feb. 1878. BRAID, James (son of Mr. Braid of Rylaw, Fifeshire). b. Rylaw about 1795; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; M.R.C.S. Edin.; surgeon at Manchester; investigated subject of mesmerism 1841; author of Neurypnology or the rationale of nervous sleep 1843; The power of the mind over the body 1846; Magic, witchcraft, animal magnetism, hypnotism and electro-biology 3 ed. 1852. d. 25 March 1860. Med. Times and Gaz. i, 355, 386 (1860); Manchester Courier 31 March 1860. BRAIDWOOD, James (son of Mr. Braidwood of Edinburgh, builder). b. Edinburgh 1800; ed. at the High sch.; engaged in his father’s BRAITHWAITE, Rev. George. b. Kendal 15 April 1818; ed. at Sedbergh sch. and Queen’s coll. Ox., B.A. 1840, M.A. 1843; C. of Perry Barr, Staffs. 1847–51; V. of St. Peter the Great, Chichester 1851–68; sub-dean of Chichester cathedral 1853–68; author of Sonnets and other poems 1851, 2 ed. 1875. d. Beechfield, Carnforth, Lancashire 2 April 1875. Sonnets by the late Rev. G. Braithwaite, 2 ed. 1875 preface. BRAITHWAITE, John (3 son of John Braithwaite of London, engineer who d. June 1818). b. 1 Bath place, New road London 19 March 1797; engineer in London 1818–44; ventilated House of Lords by means of air pumps 1820; constructed the first practical steam fire engine; engineer of Eastern Counties railway 1836–43; joint founder with J. C. Robertson of the Railway Times 1837, sole proprietor 1837–45 when his affairs were wound up; surveyed lines in France 1844–46; F.S.A. 1819, M.I.C.E. 1838; author of Supplement to Capt. Sir John Ross’s Narrative of a second voyage in search of a North-West passage 1835. d. 8 Clifton gardens, Paddington London 25 Sep. 1870. Mechanic’s Mag. xiii, 235–7, 377–88, 417–9 (1830), portrait; Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxxi, 207–11 (1871). BRAME, Benjamin. Attorney at Ipswich 1798 to death; bailiff of Ipswich 1820 and 1822; the first mayor of Ipswich 1835. d. 21 July 1851 aged 78. G.M. xxxvi, 332 (1851). BRAMSTON, Thomas William (elder son of Thomas Gardiner Bramston of Skreens, Essex 1770–1831, M.P. for Essex). b. 30 Oct. 1796; ed. at Winchester and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1819, M.A. 1823; fellow of All Souls’ college; M.P. for South Essex 19 Jany. 1835 to 6 July 1865. d. 30 Eccleston sq. London 21 May 1871. BRANCKER, Sir Thomas (eld. child of Peter Whitfield Brancker of Liverpool 1750–1836). b. Liverpool 17 Sep. 1783; sugar refiner at Liverpool; mayor of Liverpool 1830; knighted at St. James’s palace, London 13 Sep. 1831. d. Mount Pleasant, Liverpool 13 Feb. 1853. BRANCKER, William Godefroy (son of W. Brancker of Erbstock hall, Ruabon). b. 27 March 1834; ed. at Em. coll. Cam.; lieut. R.A. 6 March 1856; lieut. col. 4 Oct. 1882 to death; instructor in artillery at Woolwich 1872–80; C.B. 18 Nov. 1882. d. Ipswich 22 May 1885. BRAND, Sir Christoffel Joseph (son of Johannes Henricus Brand, member of Court of Justice in Cape Colony). b. 1797; ed. at Leyden, doctor in philosophy and law 1820; admitted advocate in Court of Justice, Cape of Good Hope 1821; member of legislative council 1850; speaker of house of assembly 1854 to death; knighted by patent 24 May 1860. d. 20 May 1875. BRAND, Ferdinand. Comptroller of Bridge house estates, City of London 1839 to Dec. 1878, and of the Chamber, City of London 1854 to Dec. 1878. d. Craigmillar, Avenue road, Crouch End 1 Nov. 1880 in 80 year. BRAND, George. b. Arbuthnott, Aberdeenshire 1816; ed. at King’s coll. Aberdeen, B.A., M.A.; vice consul at Loanda 27 Dec. 1844 to 31 July 1856; author of various Reports including a very able one on the Decree of the Portuguese government for registration and emancipation of slaves in the Colonial possessions of Portugal; consul at Lagos, West Africa 10 June 1859 to death. d. on board H.M.’s steamer Alecto 16 June 1860. BRAND, John. b. Armenia; lived some time there; compiled a dictionary of the Armenian language, shutting himself up in a convent for that purpose; had an estate at Sutton near Ipswich; a successful batsman for about 15 seasons in great cricket matches, played his first match at Lords 31 May 1815; one of the very best amateur boxers and chess-players. d. in a private lunatic asylum at Ticehurst, Sussex April 1856 aged 66. BRAND, William. b. Blackhouse parish of Peterhead 1807; a writer to the signet 1834; partner in firm of Scott and Balderston of Edinburgh; secretary to Union Bank of Scotland, Edin. 1846 to death; a founder of Botanical Society of Edin. 8 Feb. 1836, treasurer 17 March 1836, contributed many papers, enriched its herbarium with many thousand specimens of plants; discovered several rare and new plants in Scotland. d. Edinburgh 15 Oct. 1869. Trans. of Botanical Soc. of Edin. x, 284–8 (1870). BRANDARD, Robert. b. Birmingham 1805; landscape engraver in London 1826 to death; engraved plates for Turner’s England and Rivers of England and other books, also for the Art Journal; produced some etchings from his own designs, one series of which was published by the Art Union 1864; painted both in oils and water-colours; exhibited 3 pictures at R.A., 21 at British Institution and 32 at Suffolk st. gallery 1831–58. d. Campden hill, Kensington, London 7 Jany. 1862. BRANDE, Everard Augustus (eld. son of Augustus Everard Brande of Arlington st. London, apothecary to George iii.) b. Arlington st. 1776; ed. at Westminster sch.; studied at St. George’s hospital 1795; apothecary to George iii and Queen Charlotte 1801; apothecary to William iv and Queen Adelaide 1830–33 when he retired from practice; a member of first Court of Examiners of Society of Apothecaries 1815; presented to College of Phys. valuable collection of Materia Medica made by Dr. Burgess. d. Sulhamstead house, Turnham-Green, London 11 Dec. 1868. Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 312 (1869). BRANDE, George William (brother of the preceding). Chief clerk of the Treasury many years. d. Exeter 18 June 1854 aged 69. BRANDE, William Thomas (brother of the preceding). b. Arlington st. 11 Jany. or Feb. 1788; ed. at Westminster; began lecturing on chemistry 1808; F.R.S. 13 April 1809, Copley medallist 1813, one of secretaries 1816–26; professor of chemistry to Apothecaries company 4 Nov. 1812 and professor of materia medica 1813, master of the Company 1851; professor of chemistry at Royal Institution May 1813 to 1854; superintendent of die department of Mint 1825 and of BRANDLING, John James. Second lieut. R.A. 19 March 1839; lieut. col. 8 March 1860 to death; C.B. 5 July 1855. d. Woodsley house, Leeds 16 April 1860 aged 39. BRANDON, John Raphael. b. 1817; articled to W. Parkinson, architect 1836; practised at Beaufort buildings, Strand, London with his brother Joshua Arthur Brandon 1841–7 when the latter died; joint architect with Robert Ritchie of Catholic Apostolic church, Gordon sq. London, opened 1 Jany. 1854; architect of St. Peter’s church, Great Windmill st. Piccadilly 1861; one of the 11 architects who competed for Royal Courts of Justice, London 1867; author with his brother of Analysis of Gothick architecture 2 vols. 1847; Views of English ecclesiastical structures 1848, new ed. 2 vols. 1858; Open timber roofs of the middle ages 1849; Railways and the Public 1868, 8 ed. 1871; shot himself at his chambers 17 Clement’s Inn, Strand, London 8 Oct. 1877. BRANDRETH, Thomas Alston. Second lieut. R.A. 19 July 1797; colonel 23 Nov. 1841 to death; served in the Peninsula 1812–14; C.B. 26 Sep. 1831. d. Chudleigh, Devon 24 Sep. 1851 aged 72. BRANDRETH, Thomas Shaw (2 son of Joseph Brandreth M.D. of Liverpool, physician 1746–1815). b. 24 July 1788; ed. at Eton and Trin. coll. Cam., 2 wrangler, 2 Smith’s prizeman and chancellor’s medallist 1810, B.A. 1810, M.A. 1813; fellow of his college 1811; barrister I.T. 5 June 1818; revising barrister for Liverpool, Bolton and other towns in Lancashire many years; invented a logometer or ten-foot gunter, a friction wheel, and a double-check clock escapement, all of which he patented; invented a machine in which the weight of a horse was utilised on a moving platform, this invention was used where steam power proved too expensive as in Lombardy and in some parts of the United States where it is still employed; F.R.S. 8 March 1821; author of Homer’s Iliad with notes 2 vols. 1841 in which the Digamma was BRANDT, Francis Frederick (eld. son of Rev. Francis Brandt R. of Gawsworth Cheshire who d. 1870). b. Gawsworth rectory 1819; ed. at Macclesfield gr. sch.; practised as special pleader; barrister I.T. 30 April 1847; leader of Chester and Knutsford sessions; reported for the Times in Court of Common Pleas; contributed to Bells Life in London; author of Habet, a short treatise on the law of the land as it effects pugilism 1857; Fur and feathers 1859; Frank Marland’s Manuscripts 1859; Games, gaming and gamester’s law 1871, 2 ed. 1873. d. 8 Fig tree court, Temple London 6 Dec. 1874. BRANDT, Robert. Barrister L.I. 1 June 1821; went northern circuit; commissioner in Bankruptcy for Manchester; judge of Bury Court of Requests; judge of Manchester county court March 1847 to death. d. Pendleton near Manchester 15 April 1862. Law Times xxxvii, 321 (1862). BRANKS, Rev. William. Minister of parish of Torpichen; published anonymously Heaven our Home 1861, new ed. 1864, sale of which reached considerably over 100,000 copies; Zion’s King 1859; preserved anonymous character of his works to the last. d. Torpichen 18 Feb. 1879. BRANSON, William Scholes. Member of company of T.R. Liverpool 1847 or before; manager of Adelphi theatre Liverpool; author of many plays. d. Fairfield, Liverpool Jany. 1884 aged 74. BRANT, James. Vice consul at Trebizond 31 March 1830; consul at Erzeroom 27 April 1836 and at Damascus Sep. 1856 to 2 Nov. 1860 when he retired on a pension; C.B. 31 Oct. 1860. d. Cliftonville, Brighton 24 Nov. 1861. BRANT, Rev. William Holt. Consular chaplain at St. Michael’s in the Azores 11 Nov. 1834 to 25 April 1865. d. Lisbon 20 April 1867 aged 90. BRANWHITE, Charles (son of Nathan Branwhite of Bristol, miniature painter). b. Bristol 1817; landscape painter especially of frost scenes; exhibited 9 pictures at R.A., 25 at British Institution and 2 at Suffolk st. gallery 1845–57. d. Bramford house, Westfield park, Redland, Bristol 15 Feb. 1880. I.L.N. lxxvi, 285 (1880), portrait. BRASSEY, Thomas (son of John Brassey of Buerton, Aldford, Cheshire, farmer). b. Buerton 7 Nov. 1805; land surveyor at Birkenhead 1826; railway contractor in London 1836; made line from Paris to Rouen 1841–3 and from Rouen to Havre 1843–5; contractor for Great Northern railway 1847–51, railways in Italy 1850–3, Grand Trunk railway of Canada 1852–9 and railways in Australia 1859–63; established with E. T. Betts and M. Peto Canada works at Birkenhead 1853. d. Hastings 8 Dec. 1870. Life by Arthur Helps 1872, portrait; J. Devey’s Life of Joseph Locke (1862) 145–54; Work and wages practically illustrated, by T. Brassey, M.P. 1872. Note.—He laid out £78,000,000 of other people’s money and upon that outlay retained £2,500,000 being as nearly as possible three per cent.; he had in his employ at one time upwards of 30,000 men on railways in Europe; his will was proved in London 7 Feb. 1871, personalty being sworn under £3,200,000. BRAVO, Charles Delauney Turner (only son of Charles Turner of the Isle of Jersey). b. 39 Upper Charlotte st. Tottenham Court road, London 30 Nov. 1845; ed. at King’s coll. London and Trin. coll. Ox., admitted gentleman commoner 16 Jany. 1864, B.A. 1866, M.A. 1868; barrister M.T. 30 April 1870, went Home circuit; changed his name to Bravo 1868 or 1869. (m. 7 Dec. 1875 Florence eld. dau. of Robert Campbell of Buscot park near Reading, she was b. 5 Sep. 1845, m. (1) 21 Sep. 1864 Alexander Lewis Ricardo, Ensign Grenadier Guards (who d. 19 April 1871), she d. at Lumps villa Southsea 17 Sep. 1878 and was bur. at Farringdon, Berkshire 21 Sep.) C. D. T. Bravo d. suddenly and mysteriously from taking tartar emetic at The Priory Bedford hill road, Balham Surrey 21 April 1876. bur. Lower Norwood cemetery 1 May. The Balham mystery or the Bravo poisoning case 7 numbers 56 pages (1876), portraits. Note.—There was a coroner’s inquest held at which no conclusion was arrived at as to how the poison was administered, a renewed inquest was opened by the Coroner for East Surrey 11 July 1876 which lasted till 11 Aug. when the coroner’s jury returned the following verdict, “We find that the deceased did not commit suicide, but that he was wilfully murdered by the administration of tartar emetic, but there is not sufficient evidence to fix the guilt upon any person or persons.” In consequence of this decision the Government offered a reward of £250 for information leading to the conviction of the murderer, but nothing more was ever found out. BRAY, Charles (son of Mr. Bray of Coventry, ribbon manufacturer who d. 1835). b. Coventry 31 Jany. 1811; ribbon manufacturer at Coventry 1835–56; helped to establish Coventry Labourers’ and Artisans’ Society 1843 which developed into a co-operative society of which he was president; started a working man’s club 1845; purchased The Coventry Herald and Observer 1846 which he sold to J. M. Scott 1874; author of Education of the feelings 1838, 4 ed. 1872; Philosophy of necessity 2 vols. 1841, 2 ed. 1863; Outlines of social systems and communities 1844; A manual of anthropology 1871, 2 ed. 1883; Psychological and ethical definitions on a physiological basis 1879 and a number of pamphlets. d. 5 Oct. 1884. C. Bray’s Phases of opinion and experience during a long life (1884), portrait; George Eliot’s Life, by J. W. Cross 1885. BRAY, Rev. Edward Atkyns (only son of Edward Bray of Tavistock, solicitor). b. the Abbey house, Tavistock 18 Dec. 1778; a student at M.T. 1801, barrister M.T. 1806; ordained by bishop of Norwich about 1811; entered at Trin. coll. Cam. 1812, B.D. 1822; V. of Tavistock 1812 to death; P.C. of Brent Tor, Devon 1812 to death; author of Sermons from the works of the most eminent divines 1818; Discourses from tracts and treatises of eminent divines 1821; Discourses on Protestantism 1829; Poetical remains 2 vols. 1859. d. Tavistock 17 July 1857. Poetical remains of the late E. A. Bray i, pp. ix-lii, (1859), portrait. BRAY, Edward William. Ensign 67 Foot 12 Jany. 1805; major 39 Foot 9 Nov. 1841 to 7 Aug. 1846 when he retired on full pay; C.B. 2 May 1844. d. Montpellier villas, Brighton 3 Dec. 1859 aged 70. BRAY, Reginald (son of Edward Bray of Shere near Guildford 1768–1814, treasurer of Society of Antiquaries). b. 26 Jany. 1797; solicitor in London 1818 to death; F.S.A. 26 Nov. 1829; printed many papers on reforms of the law; author of Concise directions for obtaining Lord Chancellors orders for election and removal of coroners of counties 1831. d. Shere 9 Sep. 1879. BRAYBROOK, Richard Griffin Neville, 3 Baron (eld. son of Richard Aldworth Neville Griffin, 2 Baron Braybrook 1750–1825). b. Stanlake, Berks. 26 Sep. 1783; ed. at Sunbury, Eton and Magd. coll. Cam., M.A. 1811, D.C.L. Ox. 1810; M.P. for Thirsk 1805–1806, for Saltash 1806–1807, for Buckingham 1807–1812 and for Berkshire (after a 15 days poll) 12 Oct. 1812 to 28 Feb. 1825 when he succeeded as 3 Baron; recorder of Saffron Walden to 1835; pres. of Camden Society and of Surtees Society; edited Diary and correspondence of Samuel Pepys 2 vols. 1825, 4 ed. 4 vols. 1854; Life of Jane Lady Cornwallis 1842; author of History of Audley End and Saffron Walden 1835. d. Audley End 13 March 1858. BRAYBROOK, Richard Cornwallis Neville, 4 Baron (eld. son of the preceding). b. St. George’s parish, Hanover sq. London 17 March 1820; ed. at Eton; ensign Grenadier guards 2 June 1837, lieut. 31 Dec. 1841 to 1842 when he sold out; F.S.A. 25 March 1847; succeeded 13 March 1858; author of Saxon Obsequies discovered in Cambridgeshire 1852. d. Audley End 22 Feb. 1861. BRAYBROOKE, Samuel. Second lieut. 1 Ceylon regiment 17 Dec. 1812, lieut. col. 26 Jany. 1844 to 11 June 1859; col. 99 Foot 26 Jany. 1866 to death; general 16 April 1875. d. 3 Gledhow gardens, South Kensington, London 7 Oct. 1880 aged 84. BRAYBROOKE, William Leman (2 son of the preceding). Ensign 90 Foot 29 March 1844; ensign 15 Foot 6 June 1845; ensign Ceylon Rifles 11 July 1845, lieut. 10 Jany. BRAYE, Sarah Otway-Cave, Baroness. b. July 1767. (m. 25 Feb. 1790 Henry Otway who was b. 1769 and d. 13 Sep. 1815); barony of Braye in abeyance since 1557 was revived in her favour 3 Oct. 1839. d. 14 Great Stanhope st. London 21 Feb. 1862. BRAYLEY, Edward Wedlake. b. Lambeth, Surrey 1773; apprenticed to an enameller at Clerkenwell; prepared enamel plates for Henry Bone; edited with John Britton The beauties of England and Wales 10 vols. 1801–14; sec. and librarian to Russell Institution 55 Great Coram st. London 1826 to death; F.S.A. 1823; author of The history and antiquities of the abbey church of St. Peter Westminster 2 vols. 1818; Historical and descriptive account of the theatres of London 1826; Londiniana, or reminiscences of the British metropolis 4 vols. 1829; The graphic and historical illustrator, a periodical July 1832 to Nov. 1834; A topographical history of the county of Surrey 5 vols. 1841–8 and many other books. d. 55 Great Coram st. London 23 Sep. 1854. Memoir by John Britton privately printed 1855; G.M. xlii, 538, 582 (1854). BRAYLEY, Edward William (eld. son of the preceding). b. London 1801; studied science at London and Royal Institutions; joint librarian of the London Institution 1834 where he also lectured, sole librarian 1865 to death, and professor of physical geography and meteorology 1865 to death; an original member of Zoological society 1826 and of Chemical society of London 1841; F.R.S. 1 June 1854; F.R.A.S. Nov. 1866; one of the editors 1822–45 of Annals of philosophy, Zoological journal, and Philosophical Magazine to all of which he contributed papers; author of Ancient castles of England and Wales 2 vols. 1825. d. 53 Oakley road, London 1 Feb. 1870. Monthly notices of Royal Astronom. Soc. xxxii, 111 (1872). BREADALBANE, John Campbell, 2 Marquis of (only son of John Campbell, 1 Marquis of Breadalbane 1762–1834). b. Nethergate, Dundee 26 Oct. 1796; ed. at Glasgow college; M.P. for Okehampton 1820–26; M.P. for Perthshire 29 Dec. 1832 to 29 March 1834 when he succeeded as 2 Marquis; F.R.S. 5 June 1834; K.T. 21 March 1838; lieut. and BREADALBANE, John Alexander Gavin Campbell, 6 Earl of. b. London 30 March 1824; ensign 79 Foot 2 Aug. 1842; captain 1 Foot 4 Aug. 1854 to 12 Jany. 1855 when he sold out; succeeded 8 Nov. 1862, confirmed as 6 Earl by Court of Session 1866 and by House of Lords 1867; a frequent correspondent of The Field; a great salmon fisher. d. 4B The Albany, Piccadilly, London 20 March 1871. J. Paterson’s Breadalbane succession case 1863. BREEKS, James Wilkinson. b. Edengate, Warcop, Westmoreland 5 March 1830; entered Madras civil service 1849, private sec. to Sir W. T. Denison governor of Madras 1861–64; comr. of the Nilagiris, principal sanatorium of South of India to death; made a complete collection of arms, ornaments, dresses and implements in use among four aboriginal tribes of the Nilagiris and of contents of many cairns and cromlechs; author of An account of the primitive tribes and monuments of the Nilagiris 1873. (m. 19 Feb. 1863 Susan Maria eld. dau. of Sir. W. T. Denison). d. Madras 6 June 1872. BREEN, James (2 son of Hugh Breen who superintended Lunar reductions at Royal Observatory, Greenwich). b. Armagh 5 July 1826; a calculator at Royal Observatory, Greenwich Aug. 1842 to Aug. 1846 and at Cambridge Observatory Aug. 1846 to Dec. 1858; observed the total eclipse of the sun at Camuesa in Spain 18 July 1860; F.R.A.S. 10 June 1862; author of The Planetary Worlds, the topography and telescopic appearance of the sun, planets, moon and comets 1854; contributed to Popular Science Review and other periodicals generally anonymously. d. 25 Aug. 1866. Monthly notices of Royal Astronom. Soc. xxvii, 104 (1867). BREESE, Edward. b. 13 April 1835; ed. at Lewisham, Kent; admitted solicitor 1857; practised at Dolgelly to death; clerk of the peace for Merionethshire; F.S.A. 21 March 1872; author of Kalendars of Gwynedd, or chronological lists of lords-lieutenant, sheriffs BREFFIT, Edgar. b. Cromford near Matlock 12 June 1810; founded a glass bottle manufactory in City of London which became the leading house, trading as Aire and Calder glass bottle company at Castleford Yorkshire and Free trade wharf London; took out patents for stoppered bottles and for making large bottles with taps for drawing off the contents; member of court of common council for Dowgate ward 1865; sheriff of London 1875–6; alderman of ward of Cheap 1877 to death. d. The Glebe, Lee Kent 18 Oct. 1882. I.L.N. lxvii, 475 (1875), portrait; Graphic xi, 446 (1875), portrait. BREMNER, James. b. Keiss, parish of Wick, Caithnessshire 25 Sep. 1784; shipbuilder at Wick 1809 to death; designed and constructed many harbours and piers on north coast of Scotland; raised 236 wrecked vessels between Aberdeenshire and Isle of Skye; removed steamer Great Britain off strand in Dundrum bay 1847, she was stranded 22 Sep. 1846 and floated 27 Sep. 1847; author of Treatise on the planning and constructing of harbours in deep water 1845. d. Harbour place, Pulteney Town, Wick 20 Aug. 1856. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. xvi, 113–20 (1857). BREMRIDGE, Richard. b. Barnstaple 1803; solicitor at Barnstaple 1825; M.P. for Barnstaple 1847–52, re-elected 8 July 1852 but election declared void; M.P. for Barnstaple 1863–65. d. Exmouth 15 June 1878. BRENNAN, Very Rev. Patrick. b. Carlow; one of the Superiors of Carlow college 1812–20; priest of parish of Kildare 1820; Penitentiary of dioceses of Kildare and Leighlin. d. Kildare 1864. BRENT, John (eld. son of John Brent of Rotherhithe, Kent, shipbuilder 1786–1867). b. Rotherhithe 21 Aug. 1808; a miller at Canterbury; alderman; city treasurer; F.S.A. 7 April 1853; author of The sea wolf, a romance 1834; Lays and legends of Kent 1840, 2 ed. 1851; The battle cross, a romance of the fourteenth century 3 vols. 1845; Canterbury in the olden time 1860, 2 ed. 1879; Village bells and other poems 1865, 2 ed. 1868 and of many papers in antiquarian magazines. d. 8 Dane John grove, Canterbury 23 April 1882. C. R. Smith’s Retrospections i, 259, 303 (1883); Journal of Brit. ArchÆol. Assoc. xxxviii, 235–6 (1882). BRENTON, John. b. 28 Aug. 1782; entered navy 28 Aug. 1798; captain 26 Dec. 1822; retired V.A. 5 Jany. 1858; knight of Russian order of St. Vladimir. d. Ryde, Isle of Wight 17 Sep. 1859. BRENTON, Sir Lancelot Charles Lee, 2 Baronet (younger son of Vice Admiral Sir Jahleel Brenton, 1 Baronet 1770–1844). b. 1807; ed. at Hyde abbey sch. Winchester, and Oriel college Oxford; ordained 1830; seceded from Church of England Dec. 1831; took a small chapel at Bath and set up a new sect which died out with its founder; succeeded 21 April 1844; author of The Septuagint version of the Old Testament according to the Vatican text translated into English 2 vols. 1844; Cardiphonia Latina, 3 ed. 1850; Diaconia, or thoughts on the subject of Ministry 1852; Psalms: Bible and Prayer book version, parallel 1860. d. Montagu house, Ryde 13 June 1862. Memoir of Sir Jahleel Brenton re-edited by his son [Rev. L. C. L. Brenton] 1855, preface vii-cxxv; Rev. T. Mozley’s Reminiscences ii, 114–20 (1882). BRERETON, Rev. Charles David (eld. son of Rev. Charles David Brereton, R. of Little Massingham, Norfolk). b. 19 April 1820; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1843, M.A. 1846; C. of St. James Piccadilly 1848–49; R. of St. Edmund Norwich 1849–52; consular chaplain at Malaga, Spain 27 Aug. 1850 to 30 April 1859; R. of Bixley with Framlingham Earl, Norfolk 1863 to death; author of Lectures for travellers 1854; Verses and lectures 1868. d. Lowestoft 15 April 1876. BRERETON, Sir William (son of major Robert Brereton who fought at Culloden). b. 1789; 2 lieut. R.A. 10 May 1805; lieut. col. 17 Aug. 1843 to 16 Dec. 1854; served in Spain, France and the Netherlands; granted service reward 1 April 1856; head of Irish constabulary short time; K.H. 1837; C.B. 19 July 1838; K.C.B. 28 June 1861; L.G. 27 June 1864; author of The British fleet in the Black Sea while under the command of Vice Admiral J. W. D. Dundas, privately printed 1857. d. 3E Albany, Piccadilly, London 27 July 1864. I.L.N. xlv, 154, 299 (1864). BRETT, Harry Augustus. Writer Madras civil service 1831; collector of Salem 1860; member of Board of Revenue 1862–65; pres. of Income tax commission 1862–67; resigned the service 27 May 1867. d. 20 Dec. 1867. BRETT, John Watkins (son of Wm. Brett of Bristol, cabinet maker). b. Bristol 1805; Telegraphic engineer; laid a gutta percha wire between Dover and Cape Grisnez 1850 by which the first submarine message was sent from England to France; laid cables between Dover and Calais 1851, Dover and Ostend 1853, and Sardinia and France 1854; mainly instrumental in forming Atlantic Telegraph Company 1856; director of Submarine Telegraph Co.; made a splendid collection of works of art; author of On the origin and progress of the Oceanic telegraph 1858. d. Lunatic asylum, Coton Hill, Stafford 3 Dec. 1863 bequeathing one tenth of his large property to charity. Notes and Queries 3 S. viii, 203 (1865). BRETT, Robert. b. at or near Luton Beds. 11 Sep. 1808; ed. at St. George’s hospital London, M.R.C.S. and L.S.A. 1830; assistant to Samuel Reynolds of Stoke Newington surgeon, partner with him 1860 to death; founded the Guild of St. Luke, a band of medical men who co-operate with the clergy; vice pres. of London Union on church matters 1850; one of founders and vice pres. with Dr. Pusey of English Church Union 1860; author of The Churchman’s guide to faith and piety by R. B. 1862, 5 ed. 1871; Scripture history for the young 1845; Devotions for the sick room 1843; Companion for the sick room 1844; Thoughts during sickness, 4 ed. 1870 and 11 other books. d. Stoke Newington 3 Feb. 1874. Robert Brett. In memoriam reprints from the principal church journals including a sermon by Rev. J. W. Belcher 1874. BRETT, William Freeland. b. 19 Oct. 1821; ensign 54 Foot 1 April 1842, major 14 Aug. 1857; major 61 Foot 27 Sep. 1861; lieut. col. brigade depot 26 Jany. 1876; M.G. 1 Oct. 1877; placed on retired list 1 July 1881. d. Colchester 10 Nov. 1884. BRETTELL, Rev. Jacob (only son of Rev. Jacob Brettell, Independent minister at Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts who d. 19 March 1810). b. Sutton-in-Ashfield 16 April 1793; ed. at Manchester college York 1809–14; Unitarian minister at Cockey Moor (now called Ainsworth) Lancs. July 1814 and at Rotherham Sep. 1816 to June 1859; author of The country minister, a poem in 4 cantos 1821; The country minister part second, a poem in 3 cantos 1825; The country minister, a poem in 7 cantos with additional poems and notes 1827; contributed hundreds of hymns and political and patriotic pieces to Christian Reformer, Sheffield Iris, and other periodicals. d. Rotherham 12 Jany. 1862. Christian Reformer xviii, 128, 191 (1862). BRETTLE, Robert. b. Portobello near Edinburgh 6 Dec. 1831; a glassblower in the hardware districts; fought B. Malpas for £50 a side 14 Feb. 1854 when stakes were drawn; fought Sam. Simmonds for £200 a side 3 June 1856, and Job Cobley for £100 a side 4 Aug. 1857 and beat them both; fought Bob Travers for £100 a side 26 Jany. 1858 when he won after 100 rounds in 2 hours; fought James Mace for £100 a side 21 Sep. 1858 when he won; fought Tom Sayers who staked £400 to Brettle’s £200, 20 Sep. 1859 when Sayers won; fought James Mace again 9 Sep. 1860 when Mace won; fought Jack Rooke for £200 a side 31 Dec. 1861, 1 Jany. 1862 and 11 March 1862 when stakes were drawn; kept the White Lion, Digbeth, Birmingham 1857 to about 1868 when he went to the United States; trained and brought out some of the best light-weight pugilists. d. 56 Upper Windsor st. Birmingham 7 April 1872. The championship of England by the editor of Bell’s Life in London [Francis Dowling] 1860 pp. 70–4; Illust. sporting news 1862 p. 9, portrait; H. D. Miles’s Pugilistica iii, 451–60 (1881). BREWER, George. b. Gosport 7 Aug. 1773; entered navy 19 March 1793; joined the ‘Robust’ 15 Feb. 1795; discharged incurable BREWER, Rev. John Sherren (eld. son of John Sherren Brewer of Eaton, Norwich, schoolmaster). b. 1810; ed. at Queen’s coll. Ox., B.A. 1833, M.A. 1835; chaplain of workhouse of St. Giles’s in the Fields and St. George’s Bloomsbury 17 Dec. 1837 to July 1845; lecturer in classical literature at King’s college London 1839–60, professor of English language and literature there 1855 and of English literature and modern history 1865–77; reader at the Rolls chapel Chancery lane 1857–62, and preacher 1862 to death; hon. fellow of Queen’s coll. Ox. Nov. 1870; head of Working mens’ college in Great Ormond st. 1872; R. of Toppesfield Essex 16 Sep. 1876 to death; edited the Standard for short time in 1860; edited Aristotle’s Ethics 1836; Book of the Church by R. Field 3 vols. 1843; Lectures to ladies on practical subjects 1855; and Letters and papers foreign and domestic of the reign of Henry viii, 4 vols. d. Toppesfield rectory 16 Feb. 1879. Rev. J. S. Brewer’s English Studies (1881) vii-xl. BREWER, Thomas. b. 1807; entered office of Town Clerk of City of London 1823; secretary of City of London school 1837 to death; a founder of Sacred Harmonic Society 1832, secretary 1832–70, pres. Nov. 1870 to death; author of Memoir of John Carpenter, town clerk of London 1836, 2 ed. 1856; Memoir of Walter Scott, citizen and plaisterer of London privately printed 1858. d. City of London school, Milk st. London 25 Dec. 1870. BREWER, William (brother of Rev. John Sherren Brewer). Ed. at Univ. of Edin., M.D., L.R.C.S. Edin. 1834; M.D. St. Andrew’s 1834; M.R.C.P. London 1841, F.R.C.P. 1872; M.P. for Colchester 18 Nov. 1868 to 26 Jany. 1874; member of Metropolitan Board of Works for St. George’s Hanover square 1870; chairman of Metropolitan Asylums Board; author of The family medical reference book 1840; Beatrice Sforza or the progress of truth 3 vols. 1863; translated A. Tavernier’s Treatise on the treatment of deformities of the spine 1842. d. 21 George st. Hanover sq. London 3 Nov. 1881. BREWSTER, Abraham (eld. son of Wm. Bagenal Brewster of Ballinulta, co. Wicklow). b. Ballinulta April 1796; ed. at Kilkenny coll. and Univ. of Dublin, B.A. 1817, M.A. 1847; called to Irish bar 1819, went Leinster BREWSTER, Sir David (2 son of James Brewster, rector of Jedburgh gr. sch. who d. 1815). b. Canongate, Jedburgh 10 or 11 Dec. 1781; ed. at Jedburgh gr. sch. and Univ. of Edin.; licensed by Presbytery of Edin. 1804; LLD. Aberdeen 1807, M.A. Cam. 1807; F.R.S. Edin. 1808, pres. 1864; F.R.S. 4 May 1815, Copley medallist 1815, Rumford medallist 1818, Royal medallist 6 times; founded Scottish Society of Arts 1821; invented polyzonal lens for lighthouses 1811, Kaleidoscope 1816 and lenticular stereoscope; procured establishment of British Association 1831; K.H. 1831; knighted at St. James’s Palace 8 March 1832 fees of £109 were never demanded from him; principal of Univ. of St. Andrew’s Jany. 1838 to Oct. 1859; a chevalier of Order of Merit 1847; one of the 8 foreign associates of French Institute 1849; president of Peace congress at Exeter hall London 22–24 July 1851; principal of Univ. of Edin. 28 Oct. 1859 to death; author of Treatise on the Microscope 1837, new ed. 1851; Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler 1841, new ed. 1874; More worlds than one 1854, new ed. 1874; History of the Stereoscope 1856 and many other books. d. Allerley near Melrose 10 Feb. 1868, centenary of his birth celebrated at Jedburgh 10 Dec. 1881. The home life of Sir D. Brewster by his daughter Mrs. Gordon 1869, portrait; Proc. of Royal Soc. xvii, 69–74 (1869); Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. xxvi, 194–200 (1871); Grant’s Story of Univ. of Edin. ii, 274–8 (1884), portrait; Maclise Portrait Gallery (1883) 143–7, portrait; I.L.N. xvii, 121 (1850), portrait, lii, 189 (1868), portrait. BREWSTER, Rev. Patrick (brother of the preceding). b. 20 Dec. 1788; licensed by Presbytery of Fordoun 26 March 1817; minister of Abbey church Paisley Aug. 1817 to death; ordained 10 April 1818; had but few equals as a preacher for elegance of style and purity of diction; took an active share in chartist agitation; author of An essay on BREWSTER, William Bagenal. Educ. at St. John’s coll. Ox., B.A. 1846; rowed No. 4 in Oxford boat against Cambridge 1842 when Oxford gained her first victory on the Putney to Mortlake course; ensign 1 battalion Rifle brigade 7 July 1846, captain 29 Dec. 1854 to 1858 when he sold out; served in Kaffir war 1852–3; lieut. col. 23 Middlesex Volunteers (Inns of Court) 9 April 1860 to death. d. 75 Warwick sq. Belgrave road, London 7 July 1864 in 45 year. Saturday Review xviii, 81–2 (1864). BRICE, Edward. Second lieut. Madras Artillery 16 June 1826, colonel 25 Sep. 1861 to death; C.B. 1 March 1861. d. Harley st. London 9 June 1868. BRIDELL, Frederick Lee (son of Mr. Bridell of Southampton, builder). b. Southampton 7 Nov. 1831; apprenticed to a picture dealer 1846–53; studied painting at Munich 1854–7; his chief works are ‘Sunset on the Atlantic,’ exhibited at Liverpool Nov. 1857; ‘Temple of Venus’ painted in emulation of Turner 1858 and ‘The Coliseum by moonlight’ painted at Rome 1858, exhibited at the R.A. 1859 and at International Exhibition 1862; his patron James Wolff of Southampton acquired so many of his works that he formed a ‘Bridell gallery’ which was sold for nearly £4,000. d. Aug. 1863. Art Journal n.s. iii, 12 (1864). BRIDGE, Rev. John Brice. b. Liverpool 2 Nov. 1793; ed. at Stonyhurst college; admitted to Society of Jesus at Hodder 7 Sep. 1814; ordained priest at Dublin July 1819; spiritual father and superior of seminary Stonyhurst June 1838; minister of Stonyhurst college Nov. 1841; superior of residence of St. Michael, Yorkshire many years; missioner at Allerton Park, Yorkshire 18 July 1842 to death; compiler of the Ordo S. J. 1844 to death. d. Allerton park 20 Feb. 1860. BRIDGEMAN, Charles Orlando (2 son of 1 Earl of Bradford 1762–1825). b. 5 Feb. 1791; entered navy 18 June 1804; captain 2 Sep. BRIDGER, Charles. Clerk in Heralds’ College London; assistant of Stephen Tucker, Somerset Herald; author of An index to printed pedigrees contained in county and local histories 1867; The family of Leete edited by J. C. Anderson privately printed 1881. d. 17 Selwood terrace, South Kensington, London 27 May 1879 in 54 year. BRIDGER, William. Solicitor at Guildford, Surrey 1854 to death; travelled in Australia; formed one of the best known collections of birds eggs; F.R.Z.S. d. Stoke near Guildford 15 Oct. 1870 aged 38. BRIDGER, William Milton. Educ. at Winchester and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1814, M.A. 1818; barrister M.T. 20 June 1817; recorder of Chichester 1821 to death; recorder of Petworth d. from an accident in London 12 Aug. 1863. BRIDGES, Rev. Charles. Educ. at Queen’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1818, M.A. 1831; V. of Old Newton, Suffolk 1823–49, rural dean 1844–9; R. of Melcombe Regis, Dorset 1849–55; R. of Hinton Martell, Dorset 1855 to death; author of An exposition of Psalm cxix, 1827, 27 ed. 1873; The Christian ministry 1830, 7 ed. 1849; Memoir of Miss M. J. Graham 1832, 3 ed. 1833; An exposition of the book of Proverbs 1846; Scriptural studies 9 ed. 1884. d. Hinton Martell rectory 2 April 1869 aged 75. Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 399 (1869). BRIDGES, Sir Henry (son of Alexander Bridges of Ewell, Surrey). b. Ewell 1786; sheriff of Surrey 1813–14; knighted on presenting an address to Prince Regent at Carlton house 11 May 1814. (m. 1808 Frances dau. of general Wm. Tombes Dalrymple, she d. 6 Feb. 1859). d. Beddington house near Croydon 29 Oct. 1861. BRIDGMAN, Frederick (eld. son of Frederick Horatio Bridgman). b. 1837; barrister I.T. 17 Nov. 1860; went South Eastern circuit 1860–82; Queen’s Advocate for Gold Coast Colony 7 Oct. 1882 to death, acting chief justice 1883 to death. d. Cape Coast 5 May 1883. BRIDPORT, Samuel Hood, 2 Baron. b. Catherington, Hants. 7 Dec. 1788; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., M.A. 1809; succeeded 3 May 1814. d. Cricket St. Thomas, Chard, Somerset 6 Jany. 1868. BRIGGS, Augustus. b. 7 May 1813; member of House of Assembly, Barbados many years, speaker 1868–75; member of Legislative council 1878 and president 1881 to death. d. Maynards, Barbados 17 May 1882. BRIGGS, George. Second lieut. Madras artillery 16 Dec. 1824; colonel 18 Feb. 1861 to 6 May 1867; M.G. 6 May 1867. d. Cambridge st. Pimlico, London 29 July 1875 in 80 year. BRIGGS, Right Rev. John. b. Manchester 20 May 1788; ed. at St. Cuthbert’s college Ushaw; sub-deacon 1812, deacon 1813 and priest 1814; had charge of Chester 1818–32; pres. of Ushaw 28 March 1832 to 11 Aug. 1836; co-adjutor of Bishop Penswick in Northern district Jany. 1833; consecrated as Bishop of Trachis in Thessalia 29 Jany. 1833; vicar apostolic of Northern district Feb. 1836 and of Yorkshire district July 1840; bishop of Beverley 29 Sep. 1850 to 7 Nov. 1860 when he resigned; enthroned in St. George’s church York 13 Feb. 1851; a Count of the Holy Roman empire. d. at his house York 4 Jany. 1861. Brady’s Episcopal succession iii, 396–8 (1877); The Lamp iii, 163 (1851), portrait. BRIGGS, John (eld. child of James Briggs, physician general Madras, who d. about 1830). b. Madras 18 Sep. 1785; ed. at Eton 1794–9; lieut. 15 Madras N.I. 10 July 1801; resident at Sattara Jany. 1823 to Jany. 1827; senior comr. in Mysore 1831 to 13 Nov. 1832; resident at Nagpore Dec. 1832 to March 1835; colonel 13 Madras N.I. 16 Nov. 1836 to 1869; general 6 Feb. 1861; took the chair at meeting of Anti-corn-law league in Covent Garden theatre 22 May 1844; contested Exeter April 1844 and July 1845; F.R.S. 22 Nov. 1838. d. Bridge Lodge, Burgess Hill, Sussex 27 April 1875. Memoir of John Briggs by Evans Bell 1885, portrait. BRIGGS, John Joseph (son of John Briggs of King’s Newton near Melbourne, Derbyshire, farmer 1777–1864). b. King’s Newton 6 March 1819; apprenticed to W. Bemrose of Derby, printer 1834; farmer at King’s BRIGGS, Sir John Thomas (son of Wm. Briggs). b. London 4 June 1781; sec. to Commission for revising civil affairs of navy 1806; assistant sec. of Victualling Board 1809–30; private sec. to Sir James Graham, first lord of Admiralty 1830; comr. of Victualling Board 1831–2; accountant general of navy 1832 to Feb. 1854; knighted at St. James’s Palace 26 Feb. 1851; author of several pamphlets on naval administration. d. 4 Royal Crescent, Brighton 3 Feb. 1865. Morning Post 8 Feb. 1865 and 3 Jany. 1874; Daily Telegraph 6 Jany. 1874. BRIGGS, Sir Thomas (7 son of Stephen Briggs, chief surgeon at Madras). b. Southampton 1780; entered navy 10 Sep. 1791; captain of Queen Charlotte 100 guns 1818–21; resident comr. of naval yard at Bermuda 1823 and at Malta 1829–32; superintendent of Malta dockyard 1832–38; G.C.M.G. 26 June 1833; admiral 2 Sep. 1850; commander in chief at Portsmouth 18 Sep. 1851 to death. d. Admiralty house, Portsmouth 16 Dec. 1852. BRIGHAM, Rev. Henry. b. Manchester 23 June 1796; ed. at Stonyhurst college; entered Society of Jesus at Hodder 7 Sep. 1813; ordained priest 1 June 1822; missioner at Hereford 10 Dec. 1827; removed to Preston 2 Oct. 1834 and to Bury St. Edmunds 23 July 1836; superior of College of Holy Apostles 1842–3; served missions of Pontefract, Teignmouth and Ugbrooke; professor of elocution at St. Stanislaus’ college Beaumont near Windsor 1865. d. St. Stanislaus’ college 26 May 1881. BRIGHT, Henry (son of Richard Bright of Bristol, merchant). West India Merchant at Bristol; M.P. for Bristol 1820–30. d. Malvern 26 March 1869 aged 83. BRIGHT, Henry (son of Jerome Bright of Saxmundham, Suffolk who d. 1846). b. Saxmundham 1814; apprenticed to a chemist at Woodbridge; studied painting in London; a member of Institute of Painters in Water Colours and of the Graphic Society; very BRIGHT, Henry Arthur (eld. son of Samuel Bright of Liverpool, shipowner 1799–1870.) b. Liverpool 9 Feb. 1830; ed. at Rugby and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1857 (being with James Heywood first nonconformist to take a degree at Cam.) M.A. 1860; partner in firm of Gibbs, Bright and Co. shipowners 1857; contributed largely to AthenÆum 1871 to death; published A year in a Lancashire garden 1879, which he wrote in Gardeners’ Chronicle 1874, and privately printed 50 copies 1875; The English flower garden 1881 and 5 other books. d. Ashfield, Knotty Ash near Liverpool 5 May 1884. H. A. Bright’s The Brights of Colwall (1872), p. 11; Christian Life 10 and 17 May 1884; N. Hawthorne and his wife ii, 21–7 (1885). BRIGHT, Jacob (youngest son of Jacob Bright). Learnt handloom weaving at New Mills Derbyshire 1790–6; bookkeeper to J. and W. Holme of Rochdale, partner with them; cotton spinner at Hanging road factory Rochdale, at Greenbank mill Cronkeyshaw 1809, had 7000 spindles at work 1823; retired from business 1839. d. 7 July 1851 aged 76. Fortunes made in business ii, 181–97 (1884). BRIGHT, John. b. Derbyshire 1782; ed. at Wad. coll. Ox., B.A. 1801, M.A. 1804, M.B. 1806, M.D. 1808; practised at Birmingham; removed to London; candidate of R.C.P. 30 Sep. 1808, Fellow 30 Sep. 1809, Censor 1813, 1822, 1833 and 1840, Harveian orator 1830, Consiliarius 1839, an Elect 25 June 1839; Physician to Westminster hospital 1822–43; a Metropolitan Commissioner in Lunacy 1 Sep. 1836. d. 19 Manchester sq. London 1 Feb. 1870. Munk’s Roll of physicians iii, 79 (1878). BRIGHT, Rev. Mynors (son of John Bright, physician 1783–1870). b. 1818; ed. at Shrewsbury; entered Magd. coll. Cam. 3 July 1835, B.A. 1840, M.A. 1843, Tyrwhitt Hebrew scholar 1843, foundation fellow, and tutor of his college, president 1853 to 1873; proctor of Univ. of Cam. 1853; re-edited Lord Braybrook’s edition of Pepys’s Diary published simultaneously in 4º. and 8º. 6 vols. 1879 for which he redeciphered the whole of Pepys’s Diary from the original M.S. in Magd. coll. library. d. 23 Sussex place, Regent’s Park, London 23 Feb. 1883. BRIGHT, Richard (son of the succeeding). b. Abbots Leigh near Bristol 14 April 1822; ed. at Rugby and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1843; barrister I.T. 21 Nov. 1851; M.P. for East Somerset 19 Nov. 1868 to death. d. 28 Feb. 1878. BRIGHT, Robert (brother of Richard Bright 1789–1858). b. 1795; partner in great mercantile house of Gibbs and Bright of Bristol, Liverpool and London, owners of the Eagle line of packets and of Great Britain steamship; took chief part in freeing port of Bristol from heavy dues levied on its commerce 1848 for which he was presented with a service of plate worth £1,000 at Bristol March 1855. d. Abbots Leigh near Bristol 19 Sep. 1869. I.L.N. xxvi, 325–6 (1855). BRIGHTWELL, Cecilia Lucy (eld. child of the succeeding). b. Thorpe near Norwich 27 Feb. 1811; pupil of John Sell Cotman, etcher; etched many landscapes and subjects; author of Memorials of the life of Amelia Opie 1854, 2 ed. 1855; Palissy, the Huguenot potter a true tale 1858, 2 ed. 1877; Heroes of the laboratory and the workshop 1859, 2 ed. 1860 and 18 other books. d. Norwich 17 April 1875. BRIGHTWELL, Thomas (son of Thomas Brightwell of Ipswich, tanner). b. 18 March 1787; articled to S. Daniell of Colchester, attorney; practised at Norwich 1810; partner with Thomas Bignold; mayor of Norwich 1837; F.L.S. 1821; made a fine collection of Insects especially Coleoptera, which he gave to the BRIGSTOCKE, Thomas. b. 1809; studied at Sass’s drawing school London; pupil of H. P. Briggs, R.A. and J. P. Knight, R.A.; spent 8 years in Paris and Italy; made a copy of Raphael’s ‘Transfiguration’ in the Vatican which was purchased for Christ Church, Albany st. Regent’s Park; went to Egypt 1847; painted an historical picture entitled ‘The prayer for victory’; exhibited 16 pictures at R.A. and 2 at B.I. 1843–65; author of The mutual scourges, or France and her neighbours, an historical drama in 4 acts 1871. d. 11 March 1881. BRIMLEY, George (son of Mr. Brimley of Cambridge). b. Cambridge 29 Dec. 1819; ed. at Totteridge, Herts. 1830–5; entered at Trin. coll. Cam. Oct. 1838, scholar 1841, librarian 4 June 1845 to 1857; contributed articles to the Spectator and Fraser’s Mag. 1851 to death; one of the finest critics of his day. d. Cambridge 29 May 1857. Essays by the late G. Brimley edited by W. G. Clark, 3 ed. 1882, portrait. BRINCKMAN, Sir Theodore Henry Lavington, 1 Baronet (eld. son of Theodore Henry Broadhead of Holly grove, Windsor, M.P. 1767–1820.) b. London 17 Jany. 1798; ed. at Eton and Trin. coll. Cam.; M.P. for Yarmouth 17 Jany. 1821 to 2 June 1826; created baronet 30 Sep. 1831; assumed by royal licence original family surname of Brinckman 5 July 1842. d. St. Leonards near Windsor 9 Feb. 1880. BRIND, Frederick. Colonel Bengal army 20 June 1854; C.B. 9 June 1849. d. Sealkote Bengal 10 July 1857 aged 55. BRINDLE, Very Rev. Thomas. b. Walton-le-Dale, Lancs. 18 Dec. 1791; ed. at Benedictine coll. Ampleforth, Yorks.; ordained priest Sep. 1815; administrator of Western diocese and Grand Vicar March 1829 to 1830; regent of college at Prior park, Bath 1830 to Nov. 1849; vicar general of diocese of Clifton 1850 an office which he held at various periods for 21 years; provost of the Cathedral Chapter 1852; domestic prelate to Pope Gregory xvi, 1854; received many persons into R.C. church during Tractarian movement. d. Bath 13 Dec. 1871. Tablet 23 Dec. 1871. BRINTON, William (2 son of Henry Brinton of Kidderminster, carpet manufacturer who d. about 1856). b. Kidderminster 20 Nov. 1823; matric. at Univ. of London 1843, M.B. 1847, M.D. 1848; M.R.C.P. 1849, F.R.C.P. 1854, Croonian lecturer 1859; medical tutor at King’s college, London 1850–3; lecturer on forensic medicine at St. Thomas’s hospital 1853; phys. to Royal free hospital 1852–60 and to St. Thomas’s hospital 1860 to Nov. 1864; member of Alpine Club; F.R.S. 1864; author of BÜrger’s Leonora, Englished [by W.B.] 1850; On the medical selection of lives for insurance 1856, 3 ed. 1861; The diseases of the stomach 1859. d. 24 Brook st. Grosvenor sq. London 17 Jany. 1867. Proc. of Royal Soc. xvi, 6–8 (1865). BRISBANE, Sir Thomas Macdougall (eld. son of Thomas Brisbane of Largs, Ayrshire who d. 1812 aged 92). b. Brisbane house, Largs 23 July 1773; ensign 38 Foot 9 April 1789; lieut. col. 69 Foot 4 April 1800 to 30 May 1805 when placed on h.p.; commanded 1 brigade of 3 division in Peninsula 1812 to end of the war; commanded brigade in Canada 1813 and a brigade in army of occupation in France and afterwards the second division there; governor of New South Wales 1 Dec. 1821 to 1 Dec. 1825; colonel 34 Foot 16 Dec. 1826 to death; general 23 Nov. 1841; fought in 14 general actions and 23 other battles; erected an observatory near Brisbane house 1808, another at Paramatta near Sydney opened 2 May 1822 and a third at Makerstown near Kelso 1826 to which he added a magnetic station 1841 only one in Scotland; F.R.S. 10 May 1810; F.R.S. Edin. 1811, pres. 1832; gold medallist of Royal Astronom. Soc. 1828; F.G.S. 1833; pres. of British Assoc. at Edin. 1834; G.C.H. 1831; baronet 22 Feb. 1836; G.C.B. 6 Feb. 1837. d. Brisbane house 27 Jany. 1860. Reminiscences of Sir T. M. Brisbane privately printed 1860; Proc. of Royal Soc. xi, 3–7 (1860); Monthly notices of Royal Astronom. Soc. xxi, 98–100 (1861); G.M. viii, 298–302 (1860). BRISCO, Sir Robert, 3 Baronet. b. Crofton hall, Carlisle 17 Sep. 1808; succeeded 1 Oct. 1862; became a pledged abstainer 1858, vice pres. of United Kingdom Alliance, lectured frequently on temperance. d. Crofton hall 23 Dec. 1884. BRISCOE, John Ivatt (son of John Briscoe of Cross Deep, Twickenham). b. Twickenham 1791; ed. at Ealing and Univ. coll. Ox., B.A. 1812, M.A. 1815; M.P. for Surrey 1830–32, for East Surrey 1832–34, for Westbury 1837–41 and for West Surrey 1857 to death. d. 60 Eaton place, London 16 Aug. 1870. BRISCOE, Joseph. b. Wilmount, co. Kilkenny; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin; went to United States 1854; connected as civil engineer with many important public works in Pennsylvania coalfields; enlisted in First New York Volunteers at outbreak of the civil war; chief of the staff of Tenth army corps; colonel of 199 regiment Pennsylvania volunteers; commanded a brigade at capture of Petersburg; stormed Fort Gregg for which he was brevetted general; pres. of Examining board for officers in regular army. d. New York 24 May 1869 aged 35. BRISTOL, Frederick William Hervey, 1 Marquis of (younger son of Right Rev. Frederic Augustus Hervey, bishop of Derry, 4 Earl of Bristol 1730–1803). b. 2 June 1769; ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam., M.A. 1788, LLD. 1811; ensign 1 Foot Guards 1788–92; M.P. for Bury St. Edmunds 27 May 1796 to 8 July 1803 when he succeeded; under sec. of state for foreign affairs 20 Feb. 1801 to 8 Nov. 1803; F.R.S. 23 May 1805; created Marquis of Bristol and Earl Jermyn of Horning’s Heath, Suffolk 30 June 1826. d. 6 St. James’s sq. London 15 Feb. 1859. Doyle’s Official baronage of England i, 242 (1886), portrait. BRISTOL, Frederick William Hervey, 2 Marquis of (eld. son of the preceding). b. Portland place, London 15 July 1800; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., M.A. 1822, LLD. 1862; M.P. for Bury St. Edmunds 12 June 1826 to 15 Feb. 1859 when he succeeded; treasurer of Royal household 9 Sep. 1841 to 6 July 1846; P.C. 6 Oct. 1841; colonel of West Suffolk militia 25 March 1846 to death. d. Ickworth park, Bury St. Edmunds 30 Oct. 1864. BRISTOW, Alfred Rhodes (youngest son of Isaac Bristow of Greenwich, government contractor). b. Greenwich 20 Dec. 1819; ed. at King’s college London; admitted solicitor 1842, head of firm of Bristow and Tarrant of London and Greenwich; represented Greenwich and Deptford at Metropolitan Board of Works 1856–62; solicitor to the Admiralty 1862 to death; BRISTOW, Henry. b. 1786; cornet 1 Life Guards 14 Feb. 1805; major 11 Foot 20 Jany. 1814 to 27 April 1815 when placed on h.p.; M.G. 20 June 1854. d. Madrid 22 Nov. 1874. BRISTOWE, Edmund (son of Mr. Bristowe of Windsor, heraldic printer). b. Windsor 1 April 1787; made sketches of public characters in Eton and Windsor; exhibited 7 pictures at R.A., 12 at B.I. and 8 at Suffolk st. gallery 1809–38; some of his works are in the royal collection at Windsor. d. Eton 12 Feb. 1876. BRITTAIN, Thomas. b. Sheffield 2 Jany. 1806; a professional accountant; lived at Manchester about 1842 to death; lectured on natural science at mechanics’ and similar institutions; vice. pres. of Manchester Microscopical Society 1879, then pres.; author of Half a dozen songs by Brittannicus 1846 privately printed; Micro-fungi, when and where to find them 1882; Whist, how to play and how to win 1882. d. Manchester 23 Jany. 1884. Axon’s Field Naturalist (1882), p. 148; Unitarian Herald 1 Feb. 1884. BRITTON, John (eld. son of Mr. Britton of Kington St. Michael near Chippenham Wilts., farmer). b. Kington St. Michael 7 July 1771; author of The beauties of Wiltshire 3 vols. 1801–25; The architectural antiquities of Great Britain 4 vols. 1805–14; Cathedral antiquities of England 14 vols. 1814–35; Dictionary of the architecture and archÆology of the middle ages 4 parts 1830–8; edited with E. W. Brayley The beauties of England and Wales 10 vols. 1801–14; granted civil list pension of £75, 5 April 1852. d. Burton cottage Burton st. London 1 Jany. 1857. Autobiography of John Britton 1850; G.M. ii, 126, 185–92, 258 (1857). BRIZZI, Signor, stage name of Francesco Achille Scipione Bisteghi (son of Giovanni Bisteghi, general in army of Napoleon I). b. Milan 16 April 1810; pupil at Royal Academy of Music, London Sep. 1828 to Dec. 1831; fought in Piedmontese army against the Austrians 1848; greatly assisted Benjamin Lumley in organising new company for Her Majesty’s theatre London 1855, director of BROADBRIDGE, William, b. Duncton near Petworth, Sussex 1 Oct. 1790; a farmer there; played in cricket matches 1813–40; played his first match at Lords (Sussex v. Epsom) 2–6 July 1817 when 1047 runs were made altogether, being largest number ever made down to 1861 or later; a good batsman and wicket keeper; in a match Sussex v. Hampshire and Surrey 7 Aug. 1826 he performed extraordinary feat of stumping 7 men and catching 2. d. Duncton 19 April 1860. BROADHEAD, Henry (6 son of Theodore Henry Broadhead of Holly Grove, Windsor, M.P. 1767–1820). b. 25 April 1806; entered navy 6 April 1820; captain 27 June 1846; admiral on half pay 1 Aug. 1877. d. Walton on Thames 20 May 1878. BROADHEAD, William. Secretary of Saw Grinders Union at Sheffield from 1848 in connection with which a great many outrages were committed; treasurer of United Kingdom Alliance of organised trades; kept an inn in Carver st. Sheffield to 22 Aug. 1867 when magistrates refused to renew his license; went to America Nov. 1869 but failed to find employment there; lectured upon his own career; a grocer in Meadow st. Sheffield to death; he is the villain under name of Grotait of Charles Reade’s novel Put yourself in his place. d. Meadow st. Sheffield 15 March 1879 aged about 60. Sheffield Daily Telegraph 17 March 1879 p. 4, col. 2; Trades unions commission, Sheffield outrages inquiry vol. 2 Minutes of evidence (1867) 222–51. BROADLEY, Henry, b. 1793; chairman of Hull and Selby railway 1836–43; M.P. for east riding of Yorkshire 10 Aug. 1837 to death. d. 3 Charles st. St. James’s square, London 8 Aug. 1851 in 58 year. bur. Holy Trinity church Hull 16 Aug. BROCK, Thomas Saumarez. Entered navy 9 Feb. 1815; captain 13 Nov. 1850; held possession of Eupatoria against the Russians 15 Sep. 1854 to 25 Dec. 1854; superintendent agent of transports at Genoa 15 March 1855; retired R.A. 20 March 1867; C.B. 5 July 1855; knight of St. Maurice and Lazare 1856. d. The hermitage, Guernsey 28 April 1873 in 73 year. BROCK, Rev. William John (eld. son of John Brock of George st. Portman sq. London). b. about 1818; ed. at Magd. hall Ox.; C. of St. George’s, Barnsley 1852; P.C. of Hayfield, Derbyshire 1856 to death; author of Wayside verses 1848; Twenty seven sermons 1855, 2 ed. 1858; The rough wind stayed 1867; The bright light in the clouds 1870. d. Hayfield 27 April 1863 aged 45. BROCKEDON, William (only child of Mr. Brockedon of Totnes, Devon, watchmaker who d. Sep. 1802). b. Totnes 13 Oct. 1787; watchmaker at Totnes 1802–7; studied at R.A. London 1809–15; painted “The resurrection of the widow’s son” which obtained premium of £105 from British Institution 1818 and was presented by him to Dartmouth church; patented plan of using drilled gems in wire drawing 1819 universally adopted; founded Graphic Society 1831 an association of 100 artists of reputation; F.R.S. 18 Dec. 1834; exhibited 36 pictures at R.A. and 29 at B.I. 1812–37; author of Illustrations of the passes of the Alps 2 vols. 1828–9; Journals of excursions in the Alps 1833; Italy classical historical and picturesque 1842–4; edited Illustrated road book from London to Naples 1835. d. 29 Devonshire st. Queen sq. Bloomsbury, London 29 Aug. 1854. G.M. xlii, 521–3 (1854); Journal of Royal Geog. Soc. xxv, 84 (1855). BROCKETT, William Henry (youngest son of John Brockett of Newcastle). b. Jany. 1804; merchant at Gateshead; mayor of Gateshead 1839; sole proprietor of Gateshead Observer; sec. to Newcastle and Gateshead Chamber of commerce; author of The tradesmens tokens of Durham and Northumberland 1851; The tradesmens tokens of Cumberland and Westmoreland 1853; The tradesmens tokens of Derbyshire 1857. d. Gateshead 15 Jany. 1867. G.M. iii, 264 (1867). BROCKLEHURST, John (son of John Brocklehurst of Jordan gate house Macclesfield). b. 30 Oct. 1788; a silk manufacturer and banker at Macclesfield; pres. of Macclesfield institution; M.P. for Macclesfield 14 Dec. 1832 to 11 Nov. 1868. d. London 13 Aug. 1870. Personalty sworn under £800,000, 22 Oct. 1870. BROCKMAN, Edward Drake (youngest child of James Drake Brockman of Beachborough near Hythe, Kent who d. 28 June 1832). Barrister I.T. 29 June 1819; recorder of Folkestone 1833; M.P. for Hythe 31 July 1847 to 21 March 1857. d. Beachborough 7 Nov. 1858. BROCKY, Charles. b. Temeswar in the Banat Hungary 1807; studied painting in Vienna and Paris; portrait and subject painter in London; exhibited 43 pictures at R.A. and 16 at B.I. 1839–54; painted portraits of the Queen, Prince Consort, Lord Melbourne and other celebrities; left 5 pictures to his native country which are in the MusÉe at Pesth. d. London 8 July 1855. N. Wilkinson’s Sketch of the life of C. Brocky 1870. BRODERIP, Frances Freeling (2 dau. of Thomas Hood the poet 1798–1845). b. Winchmore Hill, Middlesex 1830; granted civil list pension of £50, 4 Oct. 1847; author of Wayside Fancies 1857; Funny fables for little folks 1860; Chrysal, or a story with an end 1861 and many other childrens’ books. (m. 10 Sep. 1849 Rev. John Somerville Broderip R. of Cossington Somerset, he was b. 1814 and d. 10 April 1866). d. Clevedon, Somerset 3 Nov. 1878. BRODIE, Alexander (son of Wm. Brodie of Chesterhill, Roxburghshire). Author of A history of the Roman government 1810; The prophetess, a tale of the last century in Italy 3 vols. [anon.] 1826. d. The Whim house, Peebleshire 13 March 1858. BRODIE, Alexander (younger son of John Brodie of Aberdeen, mariner). b. Aberdeen 1830; apprenticed in foundry of Messrs. Blaikie Brothers of Aberdeen brass-finishers; sculptor at Aberdeen about 1858 to death; very successful in bust-portraiture and medallions; his best known statues are those of Duke of Richmond at Huntly and Queen Victoria at Aberdeen. d. Aberdeen 30 May 1867. BRODIE, Sir Benjamin Collins, 1 Baronet (3 son of Rev. Peter Bellinger Brodie 1742–1804, R. of Winterslow, Wilts.) b. Winterslow 9 June 1783; studied at St. George’s hospital London 1803–5, assistant surgeon 1808 and surgeon 1822 to Jany. 1840; teacher of anatomy in Windmill st. school 1805–12 and lecturer on surgery 1808–29; F.R.S. 15 Feb. 1810, Copley medallist 1811 and pres. 1858–61; professor of comparative anatomy and physiology at College of Surgeons 1819–23 and pres. 1844; surgeon to George iv, 11 Aug. 1828; serjeant surgeon to Wm. iv, 5 Sep. 1832; presented his pathological museum to St. George’s hospital 1829; created baronet 30 Aug. 1834; author of Pathological and surgical observations on diseases of the joints 1818, 3 ed. 1834; Lectures on the diseases of BRODIE, Sir Benjamin Collins, 2 Baronet (eld. son of the preceding). b. Sackville st. Piccadilly, London 5 Feb. 1817; ed. at Harrow and Ball. coll. Ox., B.A. 1838, hon. D.C.L. 1872; studied chemistry at Giessen 1845; propounded doctrine of polarity of chemical elements 1847; sec. of Chemical Soc. of London 1850–4, pres. 1859–61; F.R.S. 7 June 1849, Royal medallist 1850; lecturer at Royal Institution 1851; Aldrichian prof. of chemistry at Ox. 1855–66 when professorship was suppressed, and Waynflete prof. of chemistry 1865–72; discovered graphitic acid. d. Torquay 24 Nov. 1880. Journal of Chemical Soc. xxxix, 182–5 (1881). BRODIE, George (youngest son of Wm. Brodie of Chesterhill, East Lothian, farmer). b. Chesterhill 1786; ed. at high sch. and Univ. of Edin.; member of faculty of advocates 1811; historiographer royal of Scotland 1836 to death; author of A history of the British empire from the accession of Charles I to the Restoration 4 vols. 1822, new ed. 3 vols. 1866; edited Stair’s Institutes of the law of Scotland. d. Percy house, Randolph road, London 22 Jany. 1867. BRODIE, James Campbell John. b. 26 March 1843; ed. at Rugby and St. Andrew’s; lord lieutenant of Nairnshire 26 June 1873 to death. d. Moss close, Manor road, Bournemouth 25 Feb. 1880. BRODIE, John. b. Edinburgh; served at hospital Scutari during Russian war; went to New York 1869; city editor of New York Dispatch; contributed largely to columns of the Spirit of the Times. d. New York 29 Jany. 1873 aged 32. BRODIE, Peter Bellinger (brother of Sir B. C. Brodie, 1 Baronet). b. Winterslow, Wilts. 20 Aug. 1778; pupil of Charles Butler; a conveyancer; barrister I.T. 5 May 1815; drew charter of King’s College London 1829; a real property comr. 1828, drew the part relating to Fines and Recoveries of first report made May 1829, the part relating to Probate of wills of second report made June 1830, and the part relating to Copyhold and Ancient Demesne made April 1833; drew bill for abolishing Fines and Recoveries BRODIE, William. b. 2 July 1799; ed. at King’s coll. Aberdeen; lord lieutenant of Nairnshire 1824 to death. d. Brodie castle, Forres, Morayshire 6 June 1873. BRODIE, William (brother of Alexander Brodie 1830–67). b. Banff 22 Jany. 1815; studied in the Trustees school of design, Edinburgh 1846–52; an associate of Royal Scottish Academy 1857, member 1859, sec. 8 Nov. 1876; executed portrait busts of most of the celebrities of his day; executed 4 busts of the Queen, colossal statue of Prince Consort at Perth, and one of the representative groups in bronze, for Scottish memorial to Prince Consort in Edin. d. Douglas lodge, Edin. 30 Oct. 1881. Biograph ii, 218 (1879). BRODIE, William Bird. b. 26 Sep. 1780; a banker at Salisbury; M.P. for Salisbury 14 Dec. 1832 to April 1843. d. Swanage, Dorset 24 Oct. 1863. BRODRIBB, William Perrin. Pupil of Abernethy at St. Bartholomew’s hospital London; L.S.A. 1822, M.R.C.S. 1823, L.R.C.P. Edin. 1859; surgeon to Magdalen hospital, London; chairman of court of examiners of Society of Apothecaries 1860–1, sec. to the court 1865 to death. d. 7 Bloomsbury sq. London 8 Jany. 1869 aged 68. BROGDEN, Rev. James. Educ. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1830, M.A. 1833; R. of Great Henny, Essex 1841–5; C. of St. Michaels, St. Albans 1845–8; V. of Deddington, Oxon 1848 to death; author of Illustrations of the liturgy and ritual of the united church of England and Ireland 3 vols. 1842; Catholic safeguards against the errors, novelties, and corruptions of the church of Rome 3 vols. 1851. d. Deddington 11 Feb. 1864 aged 58. BROKE, Sir Arthur Brooke de Capell, 2 Baronet (elder son of Sir Richard Brooke-Supple, 1 baronet 1758–1829). b. Bolton st. Piccadilly, London 22 Oct. 1791; ed. at Magd. coll. Ox., B.A. 1813, M.A. 1816; captain 17 Dragoons 26 Feb. 1818 placed on h.p. same date; changed his name from Brooke to Broke; F.R.S. 29 May 1823; founded the Raleigh Club, (forerunner of Royal Geographical Society), first regular meeting took place at the Thatched house 7 Feb. 1827, in 1854 the name of Raleigh was dropped and it became BROKE, Charles Acton. b. 30 June 1818; 2 lieut. R.E. 18 June 1836, captain 17 Feb. 1854 to death; quartered in island of Zante; well known to all H.M.’s ships, merchantships and yachts as “Signal Broke” as he challenged all vessels passing Zante from the signal posts and extracted news from them; supported 40 or 50 starving families in Zante during winters of 1852–54. d. Ayr 7 Sep. 1855. BROKE, Horatio George. b. 4 June 1790; captain 58 Foot 18 March 1813 to 25 Feb. 1816 when placed on h.p.; permanent assistant quartermaster general 4 July 1823; deputy quartermaster general Nova Scotia 20 July 1830 to 12 Sep. 1834; aide-de-camp to the Queen 23 Nov. 1841 to 20 June 1854; colonel 88 Foot 24 Dec. 1858 to death; L.G. 15 June 1860. d. Gloucester place, Portman sq. London 30 Aug. 1860. BROKE, Sir Philip Vere, 2 Baronet. b. 15 Jany. 1804; entered navy Dec. 1819; captain 12 Sep. 1835; succeeded 2 June 1841; sheriff of Suffolk 1844. d. Broke hall near Ipswich 24 Feb. 1855. BROKE, Sir William de Capell, 3 Baronet. b. Deal, Kent 12 June 1801; ed. at Rugby and Brasn. coll. Ox., B.A. 1822, M.A. 1835; barrister I.T. 25 May 1827; sheriff of Rutland 1852; succeeded 6 Dec. 1858. d. The Elms, Market Harborough 8 March 1886. Law Times lxxx, 364 (1886). BROMBY, Rev. John Healey. b. 1771; ed. at Hull gr. sch. and Sid. Suss. coll. Cam., 17 wrangler 1792, B.A. 1792, M.A. 1795, fellow of his coll.; V. of Trinity, Hull 1797–1866; V. of Cheswardine, Salop 1821–67; master of the Charterhouse, Hull 1849 to death; author of various sermons, essays and lectures published in Hull. d. Hull 25 March 1868, the oldest clergyman in Church of England. BROME, Frederick. Governor of military prison on Windmill hill, Gibraltar 1846 to Dec. 1868, and of military prison at Weedon Northampton 1869 which was abolished same year; well known as a palÆontologist. d. 4 March 1870. Nature i, 509 (1870). BROMFIELD, William Arnold (son of Rev. John Arnold Bromfield of Boldre in the New Forest who d. 1801). b. Boldre 1801; entered Univ. of Glasgow 1821, M.D. 1823; travelled through Germany, Italy and France 1826–30; went to West Indies 1844 and to North America 1846; embarked for the East, Sep. 1850; author of List of plants likely to be found wild in the Isle of Wight 1840; Botanico-topographical map of the Isle of Wight 1850; Letters from Egypt and Syria 1856. d. of malignant typhus fever at Damascus 9 Oct. 1851. Hooker’s Kew garden miscell. iii, 373–82 (1851); Proc. of LinnÆan Soc. ii, 182–3 (1855); W. A. Bromfield’s Flora Vectensis 1856, portrait. BROMHEAD, Sir Edmund Gonville, 3 Baronet. b. Birch grove, Ballinasloe 22 Jany. 1791; ensign 8 Foot 18 Jany. 1808; lieut. 54 Foot 23 March 1809; captain 19 Foot 21 Nov. 1822 to 13 May 1826 when placed on h.p. as major; served in Walcheren expedition, the Peninsula and at Waterloo; led the forlorn hope at Cambray 24 June 1815; succeeded 14 March 1855. d. Thurlby hall near Lincoln 25 Oct 1870. BROMHEAD, Sir Edward Thomas Ffrench, 2 Baronet (eldest son of Sir Gonville Bromhead, 1 baronet 1758–1822). b. Dublin 26 March 1789; ed. at Gonville and Caius. coll. Cam., B.A. 1812, M.A. 1815; barrister I.T. 28 May 1813; succeeded 11 May 1822; F.R.S. 13 March 1817, F.L.S. 1844. d. Thurlby hall 14 March 1855. BROMLEY, Sir Richard Madox (2 son of Samuel Bromley, Surgeon R.N. who d. 1835). b. 11 June 1813; ed. at Lewisham gr. sch.; entered Admiralty department of Civil service 1829; sec. to Comrs. for auditing public accounts 6 June 1848 to Feb. 1854; accountant general of the Navy Feb. 1854 to March 1863; comr. of Greenwich hospital 28 March 1863 to death; C.B. 13 Sep. 1854, K.C.B. 6 Sep. 1858. d. The Marina, St. Leonard’s-on-Sea 30 Nov. 1865. BROMLEY, Valentine Walter (eld. son of Wm. Bromley of St. John’s Wood, London). b. London 14 Feb. 1848; contributed many illustrations to Illustrated London News; an associate of Institute of painters in water colours; exhibited 5 pictures at R.A. and 22 at Suffolk st. gallery 1865–77; his picture of Troilus and Cressida is engraved in Art Journal 1873. d. Fallows Green, Harpenden 30 April 1877. I.L.N. lxx, 469 (1877), portrait. BROMLEY-DAVENPORT, William (eld. son of Rev. Walter Davenport-Bromley of Wooton hall, Staffs. 1787–1862). b. Capesthorn near Crewe 20 Aug. 1821; ed. at Harrow and Ch. Ch. Ox.; lieut. col. Staffordshire yeomanry cavalry 13 July 1864 to death; M.P. for North Warwickshire Dec. 1864 to death; assumed name of Bromley-Davenport in lieu of Davenport-Bromley 1868; aide-de-camp to the Queen 15 Aug. 1883 to death; author of many hunting songs and of an article entitled Fox hunting in The Nineteenth Century June 1883. d. Lichfield 15 June 1884. Waagen’s Treasures of art iii, 371–80 (1854); I.L.N. lxxxv, 629 (1884), portrait; Baily’s Mag. xlii, 385 (1884). BRONTE, Charlotte Mary Hood, Duchess of (only dau. of Wm. Nelson, 1 Earl Nelson 1757–1835). b. 20 Sep. 1787; succeeded her father as Duchess of Bronte in Sicily 28 Feb. 1835. (m. 3 July 1810 Samuel Hood, 2 Baron Bridport 1788–1868). d. Cricket, St. Thomas 29 Jany. 1873. Earl Nelson v. Lord Bridport, 6 Beavan, Reports in Chancery 295–305 (1845); 7 Beavan 195–202 (1846); 8 Beavan 527–74 (1847). BRONTE, Charlotte (3 child of the succeeding). b. Hartshead 21 April 1816; ed. at Cowan’s Bridge, Yorkshire 1824–5, and at Miss Wooler’s school Roehead, Yorkshire 1831–2 where she was teacher 29 July 1835 to Dec. 1837; learnt French in Brussels 1842–3. (m. 19 June 1854 Rev. Arthur Bell Nicholls, C. of Haworth); author with her sisters Emily and Anne of Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell 1846; Jane Eyre an autobiography edited by Currer Bell 3 vols. 1847; Shirley, a tale by Currer Bell 3 vols. 1849; Villette by Currer Bell 3 vols. 1853; The professor, a tale [edited BRONTE, Rev. Patrick (son of Hugh Prunty of Ahaderg, Downshire). b. Ahaderg 17 March 1777; opened a school at Drumgooland, Downshire 1793; changed his name to Bronte about 1801; entered St. John’s coll. Cam. Oct. 1802, B.A. 1806; ordained to a curacy in Essex; C. of Hartshead, Yorkshire 1811; P.C. of Thornton near Bradford 1814–20; Inc. of Haworth near Bradford 25 Feb. 1820 to death; author of Cottage poems 1811; The rural minstrel 1813 and of a tract called, The cottage in a wood, or the art of becoming rich and happy 1818 reprinted 1859, he is partly represented as Mr. Helstone in his daughter’s novel Shirley. d. Haworth parsonage 7 June 1861. Dict, of nat. biog. vi, 406–13 (1886). BROOK, Charles (son of James Brook of Huddersfield, banker and cotton spinner at Meltham). b. Upperhead row, Huddersfield 18 Nov. 1814; partner with his father 1840; made many improvements in machinery; founded Convalescent Home at Huddersfield at cost of £40,000 where there is a portrait of him by Samuel Howell; purchased Enderby hall near Leicester 1865 at cost of £150,000; rebuilt Enderby church 1865. d. Enderby hall 10 July 1872. BROOKE, Sir Arthur Brinsley, 2 Baronet. b. 1797; succeeded 24 March 1834; M.P. for co. Fermanagh 30 April 1840 to death. d. Colebrooke, co. Fermanagh 20 Nov. 1854. BROOKE, Charles. b. in the Mint Exeter 8 Aug. 1777; ed. at English academy Liege; took part in emigration to Stonyhurst 1794; ordained at Maynooth 12 June 1802; entered Society of Jesus at Hodder Place near Stonyhurst 26 Sep. 1803; missioner at Clayton, Enfield Sep. 1817; provincial 1826–32; superior of Seminary adjacent to Stonyhurst college 30 July 1834; visitor of Ireland June 1842 to July 1843; rector of St. Aloysius’ college 1843–5; sent to Exeter 11 Sep. 1845 to gather materials for continuation of history of English province of Society of Jesus from 1635. d. in same room in which he had been born at Exeter 6 Oct. 1852. BROOKE, Edward Basil. b. 1799; 2 lieut. R.A. 15 Dec. 1817; lieut. col. 67 Foot 9 Nov. 1846 to 31 Dec. 1858; inspecting field officer 31 Dec. 1858; M.G. 1 May 1861. d. London 1 Dec. 1868. BROOKE, Edwin Harcourt, stage name of Edward James Macdonald Brook. b. Buckinghamshire 12 June 1843; ed. at City of London School; made his first appearance in London at Princess’s theatre 10 July 1862 as Lord Chamberlain in Henry the Eighth; acted at Sadlers Wells theatre, Prince’s theatre Manchester, Glasgow 2 seasons, Alexandra theatre Liverpool nearly 3 years; played Bassanio in The Merchant of Venice at Prince of Wales’s theatre London April 1875; played at Lyceum theatre 2 years where he acted Simon Renard in Tennyson’s Queen Mary April 1876; played title role in The Silver King in the provinces more than 400 times 1883–4; author of Gustave produced at Alexandra theatre Liverpool about 1876; of a comedietta called Bessie produced at Royalty theatre; and of an adaptation of David Copperfield. d. 1 Bullen road, Clapham Junction, London 30 Nov. 1884. Biograph vi, 582–4 (1881). BROOKE, Francis Capper (only son of Rev. Charles Brooke of Ufford, Suffolk 1765–1836). b. 18 Sep. 1810; ed. at Harrow and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1831; sheriff of Suffolk 1869; one of earliest contributors to Notes and Queries under initials F.C.B.: collected a fine library of 20,000 volumes at Ufford; author of Sepulchral memorials of the Cobham family 1874. d. Ufford 13 Jany. 1886. BROOKE, Sir George. b. 1793; 2 lieut. Bengal artillery 8 Sep. 1808, col. commandant BROOKE, George William. Secretary of London, Chatham and Dover railway company 1868 to death. d. West hill, Sydenham 21 Feb. 1876. BROOKE, Gustavus Vaughan (son of Gustavus Vaughan Brooke of Dublin). b. Hardwick place, Dublin 25 April 1818; ed. at Edgeworthstown; first appeared on the stage, at T.R. Dublin 9 April 1833 as William Tell; played in Ireland and Scotland; first appeared in London, at Victoria theatre as Virginius 1837; acted in United States 1851–3; manager of Astor place opera house New York May 1852; played in Australia and New Zealand at large salary of £100 a night 1855–7; partner with George Coppin in T.R. Melbourne and Melbourne Cremorne in which he lost all his money, they dissolved partnership Feb. 1859; drowned in the London in Bay of Biscay on his way to Australia 10 Jany. 1866. Longman’s Mag. March 1885, 490–501; Theatrical times iii, 18, 49 (1848), portrait; Tallis’s Drawing room table book (1851) 41–2, 2 portraits; Tallis’s Illust. Life in London (1864) 120, 126, 2 portraits; I.L.N. xii, 12, 91 (1848), 2 portraits. BROOKE, Henry Francis (eld. son of George Brooke of Ashbrooke, co. Fermanagh). b. 3 Aug. 1836; ensign 48 Foot 6 June 1854; served in Crimea and China; adjutant general Bombay army 23 Nov. 1877 to 28 March 1880; brigadier general in command of second infantry brigade in Kandahar 28 March 1880 to death; killed at Maiwand in a sortie from Kandahar 16 Aug. 1880, bur. in family vault at Colebrooke 14 Dec. Shadbolt’s Afghan campaign (1882) 24–6, portrait; I.L.N. lxxvii, 289 (1880), portrait. BROOKE, Henry James (son of Mr. Brooke of Exeter, broadcloth manufacturer). b. Exeter 25 May 1771; a trader in Spanish wool in London 1802; established companies to work mines of South America; actuary and sec. to London Life association to 1843; F.G.S. 1815; F.L.S. 1818; F.R.S. 22 April 1819, member of council 1842–44; his unrivalled collection of minerals was presented to Univ. of Cam.; discovered 13 new mineral species; author of A familiar introduction to Crystallography 1823; edited with extensive alterations and additions An elementary introduction BROOKE, Henry Vaughan. b. 11 Nov. 1808; ensign 32 Foot 12 July 1827, lieut. col. 13 Sep. 1848 to 24 July 1857; C.B. 9 June 1849; aide-de-camp to the Queen 20 June 1854 to death. d. Holyhead 15 Sep. 1858. BROOKE, Sir James (2 son of Thomas Brooke of Widcombe crescent, Bath who d. 1835). b. Secrole now called Secrore the European suburb of Benares 29 April 1803; ed. at Norwich gr. sch.; in the Bengal army 1819–30; sailed for Borneo in a schooner of his own 16 Dec. 1838; subdued insurrection in Borneo 1840–1; created Rajah of Sarawak 24 Sep. 1841, formerly installed at Kuching 18 Aug. 1842; suppressed piracy in Malayan Archipelago 1843–9; founded settlement of Labuan in Borneo 2 Dec. 1846; comr. and consul general in Borneo 23 July 1847 to 9 Aug. 1855; admitted to freedom of City of London 29 Oct. 1847; governor of Labuan 27 Nov. 1847 to Feb. 1856; D.C.L. Ox. 25 Nov. 1847; K.C.B. 27 April 1848; left Sarawak April 1863. d. Burrator, close to Sheepstor, Dartmoor, Devon 11 June 1868 an estate which was purchased for him by public subscription 1859. The private letters of Sir J. Brooke edited by J. C. Templer 3 vols. 1853; The life of Sir J. Brooke by S. St. John 1879, portrait; G. L. Jacob’s Rajah of Sarawak 2 vols. 1876, portrait; Illust. news of the world ii, 380 (1858), portrait; I.L.N. xi, 233 (1847), portrait. BROOKE, James Croft. Ensign 31 Foot 31 Oct. 1831; major 8 Foot 2 Oct. 1849 to 15 Oct. 1861 when placed on h.p.; M.G. 6 March 1868; C.B. 24 May 1873. d. Hastings terrace, Jersey 27 April 1875. BROOKE, John. Called to Irish bar 1819; Q.C. 1 July 1837; bencher of King’s Inns 1859. d. 1877. BROOKE, John Brooke Johnson (eld. son of Rev. Francis Charles Johnson, V. of White Lackington, Somerset who d. 22 Dec. 1874 aged 78). Ensign 88 Foot 11 Oct. 1839, captain 18 Jany. 1848 to Jany. 1853 when he retired; joined his uncle Sir James Brooke in Sarawak 1848; took his uncle’s name of Brooke 1848; member of council of state Sarawak 1855–63; carried on government of Sarawak as Rajah Muda during his uncle’s illness 1858; distinguished BROOKE, Richard (son of Richard Brooke of Liverpool who d. 15 June 1852 aged 91). b. Liverpool 1791; solicitor and notary at Liverpool 1814; member of Liverpool Literary and Philosophical society 12 Nov. 1855, member of council 1860 to death; F.S.A.; author of Observations illustrative of the accounts given by the ancient historical writers of the battle of Stoke Field 1825; A treatise on the office and practice of a Notary of England 1839, 4 ed. 1876; Liverpool as it was during the last quarter of the eighteenth century 1853; Visits to fields of battle in England of the fifteenth century 1857. d. Liverpool 14 June 1861. BROOKE, Sir Richard, 6 Baronet. b. Norton Priory, Cheshire 18 Aug. 1785; succeeded 6 March 1795; sheriff of Cheshire 1817. d. Norton Priory 11 Nov. 1865. BROOKE, Rev. Richard Sinclair. Educ. at Trin. coll. Dublin, B.A. 1827, M.A. 1858, B.D. and D.D. 1860; minister of Mariners’ church Kingstown, Dublin 1835–62; R. of Wyton, Hunts. 1862–77; author of The sheaf of corn, or mornings with a scripture class 1850; Poems illustrative of Grace-Creation-Suffering 1852; Recollections of the Irish church 1877. d. 11 Herbert st. Dublin 6 Aug. 1882 aged 80. BROOKE, Thomas (2 son of Sir Richard Brooke, 6 Baronet 1785–1865). b. Norton Priory 2 April 1816; ensign 12 Foot 31 Oct. 1834, lieut. col. 19 May 1854 to 22 Feb. 1861 when placed on h.p.; col. 28 Foot 30 Sep. 1878 to death; general 27 April 1879. d. 13 Manson place, Queen’s gate, London 4 Nov. 1880. BROOKE, William. b. Burnham Market, Norfolk 1 Aug. 1795; kept a school at Norwich 1820–65; supplied records of his meteorological observations to local papers and scientific journals 1829 to death; F.R.A.S. 1849. d. Upper Surrey st. Norwich 1 Aug. 1867. Monthly notices of Royal Astronom. Soc. xxviii, 77 (1868). BROOKE, William (eld. son of Wm. Brooke, M.D. of Dublin). b. Dublin 22 July 1796; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin, scholar 1812, B.A. 1814; called to Irish bar 1817; Q.C. 7 Feb. 1835; bencher of King’s Inns 1846; a master in court of chancery 1846–74; a comr. of the Great Seal Feb. 1874; P.C. June 1874. d. Taney hill house, Dundrum, co. Dublin 19 Aug. 1881. BROOKES, Warwick. b. Birtles’ sq. Greengate, Salford 1806; entered print works of John Barge near Broughton Bridge, Salford; artist at Manchester. d. Egerton grove, Stretford new road, Manchester 11 Aug. 1882. Manchester City News 26 Aug. 1882 and following weeks. BROOKFIELD, Rev. William Henry (2 son of Charles Brookfield of Sheffield, solicitor). b. Sheffield 31 Aug. 1809; ed. at Sheffield, Leeds and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1833, M.A. 1836; C. of Maltby near Bawtry Dec. 1834; C. of St. Luke’s Berwick st. London 1841; inspector of elementary church schools 11 Feb. 1848 to 1865; R. of Somerby near Grantham 1861 to death; hon. chaplain in ord. to the Queen 24 March 1862, chaplain in ord. 1 Jany. 1867 to death; chaplain of Rolls chapel, Chancery lane 1866 to death; preb. of St. Paul’s cath. 1868 to death; he is described in Thackeray’s Curates Walk as Frank Whitestock; author of Paris exhibition Reports on classes. Printing and books, class vi, (reprinted in Illustrated London News 17 Aug. 1867). d. 16 Hereford sq. West Brompton, London 12 July 1874. Sermons by the late Rev. W. H. Brookfield edited by Mrs. Brookfield 1875, portrait. BROOKS, Charles William Shirley (son of Wm. Brooks of London, architect who d. 11 Dec. 1867 aged 80). b. 52 Doughty st. London 29 April 1816; articled to his uncle Charles Sabine of Oswestry, solicitor 1832–7; wrote parliamentary summary in Morning Chronicle 1848–52, special correspondent for it in Russia, Syria and Egypt 1853; contributed to Punch 1851 to death, editor June 1870 to death, wrote Punch’s Essence of parliament; edited Literary Gazette 1858–9 and Home BROOKS, George Benjamin. Entered Bombay army 1799; colonel 20 Bombay N.I. 8 Oct. 1839 to death; commanded the field force in Upper Scinde 1840; general 30 Aug. 1860. d. Clewer hill, Windsor 4 Oct. 1862. The memorial of G. B. Brooks to the Honorable the Court of directors of the East India Company 1842. BROOKS, John (only son of Rev. John Brooks, R. of Walton-le-Dale, Lancs.) b. 7 April 1856; ed. at Harrow and Merton coll. Ox., B.A. 1878; barrister I.T. 29 June 1881; M.P. for Altrincham division of Cheshire 27 Nov. 1885 to death. d. Eaton place, London 8 March 1886. BROOKS, Ven. Jonathan (son of Mr. Brooks of Liverpool, merchant). b. Oldhall st. Liverpool 1 Sep. 1775; ed. at Macclesfield sch. and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1798, M.A. 1802; C. of Walton on the hill, C. of St. James’s Liverpool, and C. of St. George’s Liverpool successively; senior R. of Liverpool 7 Oct. 1829 to death; archdeacon of Liverpool 29 Sep. 1848 to death; chairman of Liverpool quarter sessions many years. d. Everton road, near Liverpool 29 Sep. 1855. G.M. xliv, 543–4 (1855). BROOKS, Rev. Joshua William. Curate of East Retford 1821–7; V. of Clareborough 1827–43; R. of Grove 1837–43; V. of St. Mary’s Nottingham 1843–64; rural dean 1855–64; preb. of Linc. cath. 1858 to death; R. of Great Ponton 1864 to death; author of Elements of prophetical interpretation 1836; History of the Hebrew nation 1841; edited Abdiel’s Essays on the Advent of Christ 1844; Proverbs of Solomon 1860. d. 17 Feb. 1882 aged 92. BROOKS, Robert. b. 1799; merchant and shipowner in London; M.P. for Weymouth 30 April 1859 to 11 Nov. 1868. d. 5 June 1882. Personalty sworn under £370,000, 15 July 1882. BROOKS, Vincent. Purchased large establishment of Day and Sons, lithographers, Gate st. Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London 1867, carried on the business under style of Vincent Brooks, Day and Son 1867 to death. d. of apoplexy in counting house of Spalding and Hodge, Drury Lane 29 Sep. 1885 in 70 year. BROOKS, William Alexander (son of Wm. Brooks of London, architect). b. London 25 March 1802; engineer officer with Sir Robert Wilson in Spain 1822; resident engineer to Tees Navigation company 1828; engineer to corporation of Newcastle 1842–58; practised in London 1858 to death; made 4 journeys to Honduras 1870–6; sent out to investigate feasibility of a ship canal across Isthmus of Darien 1876; M.I.C.E. 10 June 1834, Telford medallist 1852; author of Treatise on the improvement of the navigation of rivers 1841; Honduras and the Inter-Oceanic railway 1874. d. Paya, in the Isthmus of Darien 26 Jany. 1877. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. l, 172–5 (1877). BROOM, Herbert (only son of Herbert Broom of Kidderminster). b. Kidderminster 1815; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., 40 wrangler 1837, B.A. 1837, M.A. 1854, LLD. 1864; barrister I.T. 20 Nov. 1840; professor of common law to council of legal education Jany. 1873 to 1875; author of Practical rules for determining parties to actions 1843, 2 ed. 1846; A selection of legal maxims 1845, 6 ed. 1884; Commentaries on the common law 1856, 7 ed. 1884; Constitutional law 1866, 2 ed. 1885, and of 2 novels The missing will 3 vols. 1877 and The unjust steward 2 vols. 1879. d. The Priory, Orpington, Kent 2 May 1882. BROOME, Arthur. Second lieut. Bengal artillery 13 Dec. 1827, colonel 29 April 1861 to death; controller general of military expenditure Bengal 1 April 1864 to death; M.G. 6 March 1868; C.S.I. 1869. d. at sea on passage from India 27 March 1871. BROOME, John (brother of the preceding). b. Birmingham 14 March 1818; fought 7 prize fights all of which he won 1834–40; fought Jack Hannan £500 a side at New park farm Oxfordshire 26 Jany. 1841 when he beat him after 47 rounds; fought Bungaree the Australian £300 a side at Mildenhall 27 April 1842 when Broome won after 42 rounds; presented with a golden belt at Castle tavern Holborn, London 27 Jany. 1842; landlord of the Rising Sun, Air st. Piccadilly 1841; invented a gun capable of carrying a ball of 50lb. weight 2 miles; cut his throat at the Wrekin tavern, Broad Court, Bow st. London 31 May 1855. Fights for the championship by Francis Dowling (1860) 370–8; The new Tom Spring’s Life in London (1844) 137, portrait. BROPHEY, Rev. George (son of Mr. Brophey who was executed after battle of Vinegar Hill 1798). b. near Kilkenny Aug. 1775; ed. at Carlow college; studied theology in Paris; ordained priest 1798; went to America 1843; pastor of St. Paul’s R.C. church Harlem, New York 1853–66; settled in Iowa 1866. d. Mercy hospital, Davenport, Iowa 16 Oct. 1880 in 106 year. BROS, Thomas. Educ. at St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1825, M.A. 1831; barrister L.I. 22 Nov. 1831; recorder of Abingdon 30 March 1852 to April 1878. d. Springfield, Upper Clapton, London 16 May 1883 aged 79. BROTHERTON, Edward. b. Manchester 1814; engaged in the silk trade; wrote letters on popular education in Manchester Guardian which led to formation of Education Aid Society and paved the way for Education Act of 1870; author of Mormonism its rise and progress 1846; Spiritualism, Swedenborg and the New Church 1860; editor and chief writer of first vol. of a monthly periodical The Dawn (Manchester 1861–2); wrote Outlines of my mental history in the Intellectual Repository 1849 and many articles under pseudonyms of Libra and Pilgrim in Swedenborgian periodicals. d. Cornbrook, Manchester 23 March 1866. BROTHERTON, Joseph (son of John Brotherton of Manchester, cotton spinner). b. Whittington, Derbyshire 22 May 1783; cotton spinner at Manchester 1802–19; joined Bible Christian church 1805, pastor about 1818; M.P. for Salford (the first) 20 Dec. 1832 to death, his expenses being paid by his constituents; chairman of private bills committee; active member of Anti-Corn law league. d. suddenly while travelling in an omnibus from his residence Rosehill, Pendleton into Manchester 7 Jany. 1857, his statue by M. Noble in Peel park was uncovered 6 Aug. 1858. J. B. Robinson’s Derbyshire gatherings (1866) 42–4, portrait; Book-lore ii, 78–82 (1885); Illust. news of the world ii, 117 (1858), portrait; I.L.N. viii, 309 (1846), portrait, xxxiii, 210 (1858). BROTHERTON, Sir Thomas William. b. 1785; ensign Coldstream Guards 24 Jany. 1800; captain 14 Dragoons 4 June 1807, major 26 March 1812 to Oct. 1820; served in Egypt 1801, in Germany 1805 and during Peninsular war 1808–14; lieut. col. 12 Lancers 26 Oct. 1820 to 24 May 1827 when placed on h.p.; aide-de-camp to the Sovereign 22 July 1830 to 23 Nov. 1841; lieut. col. 16 Lancers 10 Feb. 1832 to 23 Nov. 1841; inspector general of cavalry 1844; colonel of 15 Hussars 18 May 1849, and of 1 Dragoon Guards 17 July 1859 to death; general 1 April 1860; C.B. 3 Feb. 1817, K.C.B. 5 July 1855, G.C.B. 28 June 1861; received the war medal with 8 clasps. d. at his son’s house near Esher 20 Jany. 1868. BROUGH, Barnabas. Brewer and wine merchant at Pontypool; one of the principal witnesses for the Crown in trial of John Frost the Chartist 1840, which made him very unpopular and ruined his business; auctioneer and accountant at Manchester 1843–5; accountant in office of Illustrated London News London 1845 to death; author under name of Barnard de Burgh of several dramatic pieces, one of which I wont go or how to keep a place was acted in London by Tyrone Power. d. 4 South Lambeth place, Lambeth, London 30 Oct. 1854 aged 59. BROUGH, John Cargill (son of the preceding). b. Pontypool, Monmouthshire 11 Feb. 1834; clerk in audit office of London and South Western railway 1852–8; wrote articles in many periodicals; an original member of the Savage club 1857; edited The Chemist and Druggist 1860–70; F.C.S. 1864; started The Laboratory, a weekly record of scientific research April 1867; published with two friends Exeter Change a humourous brochure during meeting of British Association at Exeter Aug. 1869; librarian and superintendent of London Institution, Finsbury Circus July 1870 to death, started and edited Journal of London Institution, gave a course of lectures there on Philosophy of Magic 1871–2; author of The fairy tales of science 1858, 2 ed. 1865; one of the editors of England’s Workshops 1864 and of Year book of Pharmacy 1870–2. d. Esher 7 Sep. 1872. Chemist and Druggist (1872) 287, 305, 340. BROUGH, Mary Ann. Nurse to Prince of Wales; murdered 6 of her children at Esher 9 June 1854 and attempted to destroy herself; tried for murder at Guildford assizes 9 Aug. 1854, when found not guilty on ground of insanity. d. Bethlem hospital, London about 20 March 1861. Annual Register (1854) 93–7; BROUGH, Redmond William. Ensign 56 Foot 10 March 1807, lieut. 15 July 1808 to 10 Jany. 1822 when placed on h.p.; captain 2 Foot 7 Oct. 1824, lieut. col. 27 Nov. 1841 to 2 March 1846 when placed on h.p.; M.G. 26 Oct. 1858. d. Charles st. St. James’s London 29 Feb. 1860 aged 68. BROUGH, Richard Secker (younger son of Thompson Brough, M.D. of Kiltegan, co. Wicklow). b. Kiltegan 17 Oct. 1846; a fourth grade assistant superintendent Indian telegraph service 30 Oct. 1869; assistant to superintendent electrician at Calcutta March 1871 to death; author of Telegraph construction; edited Schwendler’s Instructions for testing lines, batteries and instruments. d. from cholera at Calcutta 3 April 1879. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. lix, 315–17 (1880). BROUGH, Robert Barnabas (brother of John Cargill Brough). b. London 10 April 1828; ed. at Newport; started the Liverpool Lion comic weekly paper 1847, edited it 1847–8; wrote burlesques with his brother William first of which The enchanted isle was produced at Amphitheatre Liverpool 1848 and reproduced at Adelphi theatre London 20 Nov. 1848; edited the Atlas a short time and the Welcome Guest; author of Life of Sir John Falstaff 1858; Miss Brown, a romance and other tales 1860. d. Boundary st. Manchester 26 June 1860. Marston Lynch by R. B. Brough with portrait, and a memoir of the author by G. A. Sala 1860 this work contains the story of Brough’s own life; E. Yates’s Recollections i, 312–18 (1884). BROUGH, William (brother of the preceding). b. London 28 April 1826; apprenticed to a printer at Brecon; author of a series of papers called Hints upon heraldry in the Liverpool Lion; wrote with his brother Robert the Christmas and Easter pieces for Adelphi and Haymarket theatres 1848–54; author of many “Entertainments” for Mr. and Mrs. German Reed and John Parry; wrote many burlesques including The field of the cloth of gold which was produced at Strand theatre 11 April 1868 and played till 27 March 1869, 298 times. d. 37 Maitland park road, Haverstock hill 13 March 1870. BROUGH, William Francis. b. Wexford 1798; made his first appearance on the stage in Sussex 1818; acted at Haymarket theatre London 3 years; first appeared in America at Park theatre New York 4 Sep. 1835; made his dÉbut in Philadelphia 18 Jany. 1836, at Chestnut st. theatre as Cedric in opera of The Maid of Judith. d. while on his passage to England 21 May 1867. bur. in Brooklyn cemetery New York Feb. 1868. Note.—The result of Queen Caroline’s trial made him extraordinarily popular and the Brougham’s Head became a common tavern sign; at time of passing of the Reform bill plaster casts of his head were sold by tens of thousands. His quarrel with Canning in the House of Commons 17 April 1823 was paraphrased by Dickens in the opening chapter of Pickwick. All the morning papers except the Times of Tuesday 22 Oct. 1839 contained leading articles on the sudden death of Lord Brougham with biographical sketches of him. He is depicted by Disraeli as ‘Foaming Fudge’ in Vivian Grey 1827, and by T. L. Peacock as ‘the learned friend’ in Crotchet Castle 1831. BROUGHAM, William Brougham, 2 Baron (brother of the preceding). b. 26 Sep. 1795; ed. at Edin. and Jesus coll. Cam., B.A. 1819, M.A. 1822; barrister L.I. 9 May 1823; master in chancery 29 March 1831 to 2 Nov. 1852, when granted pension of £3225 on abolition of his office by 15 and 16 Vict. cap. 80; M.P. for Southwark 29 April 1831 to 29 Dec. 1834; contested Leeds 9 Jany. 1835; succeeded 7 May 1868. d. Brougham hall near Penrith 3 Jany. 1886. Law Times lxxx, 175 (1886). BROUGHAM, John. b. Dublin 9 May 1814; ed. at Trin. coll. Dub.; made his dÉbut at BROUGHTON, John Cam Hobhouse, 1 Baron (eld. son of Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, 1 baronet 1757–1831). b. Redland near Bristol 27 June 1786; ed. at Westminster and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1808, M.A. 1811; visited Greece and Turkey with Lord Byron 1809–10 who dedicated to him fourth canto of Childe Harold for which he wrote the explanatory notes; F.R.S. 19 May 1814; imprisoned in Newgate 14 Dec. 1819 to 29 Jany. 1820 for publishing a pamphlet called The trifling mistake; M.P. for Westminster 1820–33 for Nottingham 1834–47 and for Harwich 1848–51; active member of the Greek Committee in London 1823–24; one of the 6 founders of Royal Geographical Society 1830; sec. of state for war 1 Feb. 1832 to 4 April 1833; chief sec. for Ireland 28 March to 17 May 1833; first comr. of woods and forests 19 July to 31 Dec. 1834; pres. of Board of control 29 April 1835 to 9 Sep. 1841 and 10 July 1846 to Feb. 1852; P.C. 6 Feb. 1832; colonel of Wilts. militia 8 Feb. 1840 to death; created Baron Broughton of Broughton de Gyfford, Wilts. 26 Feb. 1851; G.C.B. 23 Feb. 1852; author of Imitations and translations from the classics, with original poems 1809; Journey through Albania and other provinces of Turkey with Lord Byron 1812, 2 ed. 1818; Substance of some letters written by an Englishman resident at Paris during the last reign of Napoleon 2 vols. 1816. d. 42 Berkeley sq. London 3 June 1869. Personalty sworn under £250,000 14 Aug. 1869. Recollections of a long life by the late Lord Broughton De Gyfford 5 vols. privately printed 1865; Edinburgh Review cxxxiii, 287–337 (1871); Maclise Portrait gallery (1883) 372–8, portrait; I.L.N. liv, 602, 624 (1869), portrait. BROUGHTON, Robert Edwards. Barrister I.T. 6 May 1825; police magistrate at Worship st. London 1827–54, and at Marylebone 1854 to death; F.R.S. 17 Feb. 1842. d. 33 Dorset sq. London 29 June 1860 aged 79. BROUGHTON, William Edward Delves (2 son of Thomas Broughton of Ham Common, Surrey who d. 24 Jany. 1846). b. 30 April 1802; 2 Lieut. R.E. 6 Aug. 1825; comr. to survey northern boundaries of British possessions in North America June 1840 to 31 March 1845; colonel R.E. 18 April 1860; colonel commandant 19 June 1872 to death; general 1 Oct. 1877. d. 8 Crescent, Surbiton, Surrey 5 April 1880. BROUGHTON, Right Rev. William Grant (eld. son of Grant Broughton). b. Bridge st. Westminster 22 May 1788; ed. at Barnet gr. sch. and King’s sch. Canterbury; clerk in treasury department of East India house 1807–12; resident member of Pemb. hall Cam. Oct. 1814, 6 wrangler 1818, B.A. 1818, M.A. 1823, D.D. 1836; C. of Hartley Wespall, Hants. 1818–27; C. of Farnham 1827; chaplain of Tower of London 6 Oct. 1828 to 24 June 1829; archdeacon of New South Wales 7 Dec. 1828, sworn into office 17 Sep. 1829; bishop of Australia 18 Jany. 1836, consecrated in Lambeth palace chapel 14 Feb. 1836; installed in St. James’s church Sydney 2 June 1836; bishop of Sydney and metropolitan of Australasia 25 June 1847 to death. d. 11 Chester st. Belgrave sq. London 20 Feb. 1853. bur. south aisle of Canterbury cath. 26 Feb. Sermons on the Church of England by the Right Rev. W. G. Broughton edited with prefatory memoir by B. Harrison 1857; G.M. xxxix, 431–6 (1853); J. Bonwick’s Curious facts of old colonial days (1870) 34–56. BROUN, John Allan (son of Mr. Broun of Dumfries, schoolmaster who d. about 1837). b. Dumfries 21 Sep. 1817; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; director of Sir T. M. Brisbane’s magnetic observatory at Makerstoun, co. Dumfries 1842–9; director of observatory at Trevandrum, South India Jany. 1852 to April 1865; built an observatory on the Agustia Malley 6200 feet above the sea 1855; discovered that changes in daily mean horizontal force are nearly the same all over the BROUN, Sir Richard, 8 Baronet (eld. son of Sir James Broun of Colston park, Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire, 7 Baronet who d. 30 Nov. 1844). b. Lochmaben 22 April 1801; a knight of St. John of Jerusalem 28 July 1835, registrar 8 March 1837, sec. of the Langue of that order in England 24 June 1839, K.C.J.J. and G.C.J.J. 24 June 1841; hon. sec. of Committee of the baronetage for sustaining rights and privileges of the Order 15 July 1840 to death; demanded inauguration as a knight on account of being eldest son of a baronet, on the Lord Chamberlain’s refusal to present him to the Queen for this purpose, he assumed title of Sir and addition of “Eques auratus” June 1842; projected The London Necropolis and national mausoleum at Woking 1849 which was incorporated 1852. d. Sphinx lodge, Chelsea, London 10 Dec. 1858. BROUN, Sir William, 9 Baronet. b. July 1804; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; admitted procurator 1829; dean of Faculty of procurators for county of Dumfries; succeeded 10 Dec. 1858. d. 7 Irving st. Dumfries 10 June 1882. BROWELL, Rev. William Robert. Educ. at Pemb. coll. Ox., B.A. 1828, M.A. 1831, fellow and tutor of his college; public examiner 1834; R. of Beaumont-cum-Mose Essex 1839 to death; translated Count Carnot’s Reflexions on the metaphysical principles of the infinitesimal analysis 1832; edited Carwithen’s History of the Church of England 1849. d. Beaumont rectory 15 Aug. 1867. BROWN, Rev. Andrew Morton. b. parish of Loudown, Ayrshire 12 March 1812; ed. at Univs. of Glasgow and Edin.; Congregational minister at Overton, Hants.; minister at Poole 1837–43; minister of Highbury chapel Cheltenham 8 Jany. 1843 to death; chairman of Congregational Union of England and Wales 1854; author of The leader of the Lollards, his times and trials 1848; Salvation and the way to secure it, 3 ed. 1851; Evenings with the prophets, a series of memoirs and meditations 1854; Peden the prophet a tale of the covenanters founded on fact 1859. d. BROWN, Charles Philip (son of Rev. David Brown 1763–1812, provost of Calcutta College). b. Calcutta 1798; ed. at Haileybury college; entered Madras civil service 1817; Persian translator to Madras government 1838; postmaster general and Telugu translator 1846–55; presented his fine collection of manuscripts including over 2000 Sanskrit and Telugu works to Madras Literary Society 1845; one of the foremost South Indian scholars; author of Prosody of the Telugu and Sanskrit languages 1826; Dictionaries of Telugu-English and English-Telugu 2 vols. Madras 1852; Grammar of the Telugu language 1840, 2 ed. 1857, and many other works some of which were translated into Tamil, Canarese and Hindustani. d. 22 Kildare gardens, Paddington, London 12 Dec. 1884. Some account of the literary life of C. P. B. privately printed 1866. BROWN, Eleanor (dau. of Mr. Fairlam of city of London, jeweller). b. near Regent’s Park London 22 March 1829; landscape painter; exhibited 1 picture at B.I. and 2 at Suffolk st. gallery 1857–72; author of a fairy tale entitled Muriel’s Dreamland 1871. (m. 22 March 1849 J. W. Brown of London, estate agent). d. 17 Feb. 1878. E. C. Clayton’s English female artists ii, 177–83 (1876). BROWN, George. b. Stoughton, Sussex 27 April 1783; a tailor at Emsworth, Hants.; moved to Brighton 1825; lessee of Royal Brighton Cricket ground 1831 to about 1840; kept a lodging house at 71 Middle st. Brighton to Sep. 1856; played his first cricket match at Lords 30 July 1818; the fastest bowler who ever played in great cricket matches; threw a cricket ball 137 yards on Walderton Common about 1819, the longest throw on record; one of the Sussex eleven till about 1838. d. Sompting, Sussex 25 June 1857. BROWN, Sir George (3 son of George Brown, provost of Elgin). b. Linkwood near Elgin 3 July 1790; ensign 43 Foot 23 Jany. 1806; lieut. col. Rifle brigade 5 Feb. 1824 to 23 Nov. 1841; deputy adjutant general 23 Nov. 1841; adjutant general 8 April 1850 to 12 Dec. 1853; colonel 77 Foot 11 April 1851 to 22 Dec. 1854; commanded Light division during Crimean war 1854–55, invalided home 28 June 1855; colonel commandant Rifle brigade 18 Jany. 1855, colonel in chief BROWN, George (son of Peter Brown 1784–1863). b. Edinburgh 29 Nov. 1818; went to New York 1838 and to Toronto 1843; founded the Daily Globe at Toronto 1844 and the Canada Farmer 1864; member of legislative assembly of Canada for county Kent Dec. 1851, for Lambton 1854, for city of Toronto 1857, and for South Oxford March 1863 to the Union 27 May 1867; formed a ministry in Aug. 1858 which only lasted 2 days; member of the Senate 16 Dec. 1873 to death; joint plenipotentiary with Sir E. Thornton at Washington to arrange a commercial treaty with United States 1874; gazetted K.C.M.G. 24 May 1879 but declined the honour. d. Toronto 9 May 1880 having been shot by a discharged employÉ 25 March 1880. Morgan’s Sketches of eminent Canadians (1862) 769–73; Dominion annual register (1879) 210, 352, (1880) 393–5; I.L.N. xlv, 496 (1864), portrait. BROWN, George Granville (son of Charles Ferdinand D’Artois Duc de Berri 1778–1820 by his first wife Amy dau. of Rev. Joseph Brown 1784–1876, V. of All Saints church Maidstone, Kent). b. London 1805; brought up at Ouchy near Lausanne; served in army of King of Naples; naturalised in France about 1843; lived at Mantes-sur-Seine near Paris about 1843 to death. d. Mantes 5 July 1882. Illust. Lon. News lxxxi, 62 (1882). BROWN, Right Rev. George Hilary (son of Wm. Brown of Clifton in the Fylde, Lancs.) b. 13 Jany. 1786; entered St. Cuthbert’s college Ushaw 25 Sep. 1799, left it 8 April 1819; ordained deacon 1808, priest 1810; in charge of mission at Lancaster 1819–40; Vicar Apostolic of Lancashire district 1840; consecrated Bishop of Bugia in partibus, at Liverpool 24 Aug. 1840; translated to Tloa in partibus 1842; assistant at Pontifical throne 1843; bishop of Liverpool 29 Sep. 1850 to death; author of A supplement to the Diurnal adapted to the English mission 1833. d. Catherine st. Liverpool 25 Jany. 1856. BROWN, Hugh. Hand loom weaver in Ayrshire; a schoolmaster 1828–70; author of a poem to the memory of Lord Byron in the Scots Magazine 1825; published The Covenanters and other poems 1838. d. Glasgow 27 Aug. 1885 aged 85. BROWN, Isaac Baker (son of Mr. Brown of Colne Engaine, Essex). b. Colne 8 June 1812; studied at Guy’s Hospital; L.S.A. and M.R.C.S. 1834, F.R.C.S. 1848; partner with Samuel Griffith of Edgware road London 1834–40; removed to Oxford sq. 1845; gave up general practice for that of surgeon accoucheur 1847; surgeon and accoucheur to St. Mary’s hospital, Paddington 1850–8; founded London Surgical Home 1858; fellow of Obstetrical Society 1859 to 3 April 1867; pres. of Medical Soc. of London 1865; author of On Scarlatina and its successful treatment by the Acidum aceticum dilutum of the Pharmacopoeia 1846, 2 ed. 1857; On some diseases of women admitting of surgical treatment 1854, 3 ed. 1866; On ovarian dropsy 1862, 2 ed. 1868. d. 88 Albany st. Regent’s park London 3 Feb. 1873. J. F. Clarke’s Autobiographical recollections of the medical profession (1874) 495–503; Medical Circular i, 261, 301–3 (1852), portrait; British Medical Journal i, 395–410 (1867). BROWN, James. b. near Montrose; mate of the brig Pomona, built by him and his elder brother; taken by a French privateer 1808 and imprisoned at Verdun 1808–14; ship builder at Perth 1814; built 99 vessels including the steam-boat Tourist one of the first sea-going steamers constructed; raised many sunken ships in all parts of Europe including the Comet, boiler of which exploded in the Clyde off Greenock 1820; inspector of steam vessels for Dundee district. d. Dundee 19 Jany. 1861 in 77 year. W. Norrie’s Dundee Celebrities (1873) 194–6. BROWN, James. Flax spinner in Dundee; dean of Guild 1824; the first pres. of Watt institution 1824; provost of Dundee 1844–7; contributed many articles to the Caledonian and other periodicals; author of a small volume of poetry privately printed. d. 6 Jany. 1869 in 82 year. BROWN, Right Rev. James. b. Wolverhampton 11 Jany. 1812; ed. at Sedgley park school 1820–6 and St. Mary’s college Oscott 1826–37; ordained priest 18 Feb. 1837; professor and prefect of studies at Oscott 1837–44; pres. of Sedgley park school 1844–51; bishop of Shrewsbury 27 June 1851 to death, consecrated in St. George’s cath. Southwark 27 July 1851; one of bishops assistant at Pontifical throne 17 April 1870; silver jubilee of his episcopate celebrated in Shrewsbury cath. 27 July 1876. d. St. Mary’s Grange near Shrewsbury 14 Oct. 1881. A sermon preached on the occasion of the silver jubilee of the Bishop of Shrewsbury by the Rev. John Morris 1876. BROWN, Rev. James Baldwin (elder son of James Baldwin Brown 1785–1843, judge of court of requests at Oldham). b. 10 Harcourt buildings, Inner Temple, London 19 Aug. 1820; ed. at Univ. coll. London, B.A. London 1839; student at Inner Temple 1839–41; studied at Highbury college 1841; minister of London road independent chapel Derby 1843; minister of Clayland’s chapel Clapham road London 1846, removed to new chapel built for him at Brixton July 1870; chairman of Congregational union of England and Wales 1878; author of The soul’s exodus and pilgrimage 1862, 3 ed. 1867; First principles of ecclesiastical truth 1870; The higher life 1874, 5 ed. 1879; The doctrine of annihilation 1875, 2 ed. 1878 and many other works. d. Coombe, Surrey 23 June 1884. In memoriam James Baldwin Brown edited by Elizabeth Baldwin Brown 1884, portrait; Leisure hours by a journalist (1878) 91–102; Biograph v, 154–8 (1881). BROWN, Jane (dau. of John Hemsworth of Strokestown, co. Roscommon). Roman Catholic bookseller, printer and publisher with George Keating in Duke st. Grosvenor sq. London Feb. 1837 to 1840 when they dissolved partnership; in business at 10 Duke st. Manchester sq. 1840; published The Penny Catholic Magazine 7 Sep. 1839 to 1840; The Laitys Directory 1838 and 1839 when it ceased. (m. Richard Brown of Duke st. Grosvenor sq., principal R.C. publisher in London who d. 25 Feb. 1837 aged 60). She d. 23 March 1860 aged 73. BROWN, Rev. John (eld. son of Rev. John Brown 1754–1832, minister of the Burgher Secession congregation in Whitburn). b. Burnhead, Whitburn 12 July 1784; ed. at Whitburn parish school, and Edinburgh Univ. 1797–1800; taught a school in village of Elie, Fife 1800–1803; licensed by Presbytery of Stirling and Falkirk to preach the gospel 12 Feb. 1805; minister of Biggar 6 Feb. 1806; translated to Rose st. ch. Edinburgh 1 May 1822; inducted to Broughton place ch. Edin. 20 May 1829; received degree of D.D. from Jefferson college Pensylvania 1830; professor of exegetical theology to United Presbyterian church 1834–57; engaged with ardour in Apocrypha, Voluntary, and Atonement controversies 1835–43; promoted union of Secession and Relief bodies; jubilee of his ministry celebrated April 1856; author of Expository discourses on 1 Peter 2 vols. 1848, 2 ed. 1849; Discourses and sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ 3 vols. 1850; Discourses suited to the Lords Supper 1816, 3 ed. 1853; Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews 2 vols. 1862. d. Newington, Edinburgh 13 Oct. 1858. John Cairns’s Memoir of John Brown 1860, portrait; John Smith’s Our Scottish clergy (1848) 272–80. BROWN, John. b. Dover 2 Aug. 1797; in the East Indian merchant service 1811–15; wholesale goldsmith and diamond merchant in London; advocated expeditions in search of Sir John Franklin and made collections illustrative of Arctic adventure; F.R.G.S. 1837; a founder of Ethnological Soc. 1843; author of The north west passage and the plans for the search for Sir John Franklin a review 1858, 2 ed. 1860. d. Scaleby lodge, Camden road, London 7 Feb. 1861. Journal of Royal Geog. Soc. xxxi, 116 (1861); G.M. x, 571–3 (1861). BROWN, John. b. Barnwell near Cambridge 4 Aug. 1796; brought up as a shoemaker; entered the army but deserted; became a strolling player; served in the navy; worked as a shoemaker; acted in London and the provinces; proprietor of University billiard rooms and racket court, Ram yard, Bridge st. Cambridge for many years before his death; town councillor of Cambridge. d. Cambridge BROWN, John (son of Rev. John Brown 1784–1858). b. Biggar, Lanarkshire 22 Sep. 1810; ed. at high sch. and univ. Edin.; apprenticed to James Syme the eminent surgeon 1828–33; M.D. Edin. 1833; physician at Edin. 1833 to death; author of HorÆ SubsecivÆ 3 vols. 1858–82. d. 23 Rutland st. Edin. 11 May 1882. Good Words for 1882 pp. 446–51, portrait: Macmillan’s Mag. xlvii, 281–95 (1883); I.L.N. lxxx, 508 (1882), portrait. BROWN, John. b. Crathie near Balmoral, Aberdeenshire 8 Dec. 1826; personal attendant on Queen Victoria Dec. 1865 to death. d. Clarence tower, Windsor Castle 27 March 1883. bur. Crathie cemetery 5 April. Life of J. Brown by H. L. Williams 1883; More leaves from the journal of a life in the Highlands (1884) 31, portrait; I.L.N. lxxxii, 332 (1883), portrait. BROWN, John A. (3 son of Alexander Brown of Baltimore, banker). b. Ballymena, co. Antrim 21 May 1788; went to United States about 1800; manager of his father’s bank at Philadelphia 1818, succeeded to the business; retired about 1839 with a large fortune; gave to charities sum of 500,000 dollars 300,000 of them to Presbyterian hospital of Philadelphia. d. Philadelphia 31 Dec. 1872. BROWN, John Charles. b. Glasgow 1805; landscape painter in London, Glasgow and Edin.; associate of Royal Scottish Academy; drew views for John Wilson’s Scotland illustrated 1845; his picture ‘The last of the Clan’ was engraved for Royal Association of Fine Arts Scotland 1851. d. 10 Vincent st. Edin. 8 May 1867. BROWN, John Hoskins. Entered navy 25 July 1805; registrar general of seamen 1835 to April 1851; captain 20 March 1863; C.B. 8 April 1862; author of The Shipmasters’ guide 1844, new ed. 1855; edited The mercantile navy list 1850 etc. d. Brixton, London 29 June 1864 aged 72. BROWN, John Tatton Butler. b. 1 Oct. 1833; 2 lieut. R.A. 18 June 1851, lieut. col. 9 Nov. 1876 to 29 Oct. 1881 when he retired with hon. rank of M.G.; C.B. 27 Nov. 1879. d. Park Mount, Kent road, Southsea 19 Aug. 1885. BROWN, John Wright (son of Rev. Charles J. Brown of Edinburgh). b. Edin. 19 Jany. 1836; assistant in herbarium connected with BROWN, Rev. Joseph. Educ. at Queen’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1829, M.A. 1833; P.C. of St. Matthias, Bethnal Green, London 1844–9; R. of Ch. Ch. Southwark 1849 to death; originator of Homes for servants out of place, and the Albert Institution Blackfriars; practically created Cholera orphan house, Ham common, since called National orphan home; author of Narratives and sermons for schools 1856; Hymns and psalms for divine worship 1859. d. Richmond hill, Surrey 13 Aug. 1867 aged 67. I.L.N. xxvi, 269 (1855), portrait. BROWN, Joseph (7 son of George Brown of North Shields). b. North Shields Sep. 1784; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; entered army medical service, attached to Wellington’s staff in Peninsular war; resumed his studies at Edin., M.D. 2 Aug. 1819; practised at Sunderland 1819 to death, medical officer of the Infirmary 1822 to death; mayor of Sunderland 1840, alderman 1841; author of Medical essays on fever, inflammation and rheumatism 1828; A defence of revealed religion 1851; Memories of the past and thoughts on the present age 1863; The food of the people 1865. d. Villiers st. Sunderland 19 Nov. 1868. Munk’s Roll of physicians iii, 284 (1878); Medical times and gazette ii, 683–4 (1868). BROWN, Lewis George. b. 23 Feb. 1838; ensign 5 Bombay N.I. 13 July 1854; wing commander 8 Bombay N.I. 30 June 1877 to death; lieut. col. staff corps 9 June 1880 to death. d. Sibi, Afghanistan 11 Aug. 1880. I.L.N. lxxvii, 309 (1880), portrait. BROWN, Oliver Madox (son of Ford Madox Brown of London, historical painter). b. Finchley 20 Jany. 1855; ed. at Univ. coll. London; exhibited 2 water colours at Dudley Gallery 1869–70; exhibited a water colour “Exercise” at the R.A. 1870, “Prospero and the infant Miranda” at International exhibition South Kensington 1871 and “Silas Marner” at Society of French artists 1872; published a story entitled Gabriel Denver 5 Nov. 1873. d. Fitzroy sq. London 5 Nov. 1874. O. M. Brown, a biographical sketch by H. Ingram (1883), 2 portraits; The Dwale Bluth and other literary remains of O. M. Brown 2 vols. 1876, 2 portraits; Scribner’s Mag. xii, 425–8 (1876). BROWN, Peter. b. Perth; editor of the Dundee Advertiser about 1835; edited the Dundee Herald originally called Dundee Chronicle; a reporter on the Morning Post in London to death. d. 5 April 1855. BROWN, Peter. b. Scotland 29 June 1784; merchant in Edinburgh; went to New York 1838; editor and proprietor of the British Chronicle; removed to Toronto 1843 where he established The Banner 18 Aug. 1843 and edited it; author of The fame and glory of England vindicated, by Libertas 1842. d. Toronto 30 June 1863. Morgan’s Bibl. Canad. (1867) p. 51. BROWN, Rawdon Lubbock. b. 1803; lived at Venice 1833 to death; commissioned by Lord Palmerston to calendar Venetian state papers treating of English history 1862 for which purpose he examined twelve million packets of documents in North Italy; author of Calendar of state papers and manuscripts relating to English affairs existing in the archives and collections of Venice and of other libraries of Northern Italy 8 vols. 1864–84. d. Casa della Vida, Venice 25 Aug. 1883. Times 29 Aug., 8 Sep. and 13 Sep. 1883; AthenÆum 8 Sep. 1883 p. 307. BROWN, Robert (2 son of Rev. James Brown, Episcopalian minister of Montrose). b. Montrose 21 Dec. 1773; ed. at Marischal coll. Aberdeen and Univ. of Edin.; naturalist to H.M.S. Investigator under Flinders 1801–5 when he collected nearly 4000 species of dried plants; librarian to LinnÆan Society 1805–20; custodian of library and collections of Sir Joseph Banks 1810–20; keeper of Banksian botanical collection at British Museum 1827 to death; F.R.S. 12 Dec. 1811, Copley medallist 1839; F.L.S. 1822, pres. 1849 to May 1853; one of the 8 foreign associates of French Academy of Sciences 1833; an honorary member of every academy in Europe; granted a civil list pension of £200, 14 Sep. 1843; author of Prodromus FlorÆ NovÆ HollandiÆ et insulÆ Van Diemen 1810; Vermischte botanische Schriften, ed. by C. G. Nees von Esenbeck 5 vols. 1825–34. d. 17 Dean st. Soho, London 10 June 1858. Proc. of Royal Soc. ix, 527–32 (1858); Proc. of LinnÆan Soc. (1859) 25–30; Journal of Royal BROWN, Rev. Robert Christopher Lundin (son of Rev. Robert Brown, minister of Largo). ed. at Univ. of Edin., M.A. 1854; missionary in British Columbia 1860–5; V. of Lineal Salop 1869–74; P.C. of Rhodes near Manchester 1874–5; author of British Columbia 1863; The dead in Christ 1868; Klatsassan 1873; The life of Peace 1876. d. 26 Grafton sq. Clapham, London 16 April 1876. BROWN, Sir Samuel (eld. son of Wm. Brown of Borland, co. Galloway). b. London 1776; entered navy 8 June 1795; commander 1 Aug. 1811; retired captain 18 May 1842; invented iron chain cables, described in Philosophical Magazine Oct. 1814; built Union suspension bridge over the Tweed near Berwick 1820; erected chain pier at Brighton 1823; K.H. 13 Jany. 1835; knighted at St. James’s palace 21 Feb. 1838; took out patents for chains and chain cables and ten other patents. d. Vanbrugh lodge, Blackheath 15 March 1852. G.M. xxxvii, 519–20 (1852). BROWN, Samuel. Cornet 6 Dragoons 15 March 1798; assistant quartermaster general to the army in Egypt 1801; major York light infantry 25 Sep 1807 to 19 March 1817 when placed on h.p.; general 20 June 1854. d. Bromley, Kent 2 March 1855. BROWN, Samuel (4 son of Samuel Brown of Haddington, founder of itinerating libraries). b. Haddington 23 Feb. 1817; ed. at high sch. and univ. of Edin., M.D. 1839; delivered a course of lectures on philosophy of the sciences at Edin. 1840–1, and 4 lectures on the Atomic theory 1843; contested chair of chemistry in Univ. of Edin. 1843; experimented on the atomic constitution of bodies; author of The tragedy of Galileo Galilei in 5 acts and in verse 1850; Lectures on the atomic theory and essays scientific and literary 2 vols. 1858, and of many articles in North British Review and other periodicals. d. Canaan grove, Morningside, Edin. 20 Sep. 1856. Macmillan’s Mag. xii, 74–82 (1865); North British Review Nov. 1856. BROWN, Samuel. b. 1812; actuary of Mutual life office 1850 and of Guardian insurance company 1855; advocated uniform weights and measures throughout commercial world; an active founder of Institute of Actuaries 1848, pres. 1867–70, instituted the Brown prize; joint editor of Journal of Institute of Actuaries; pres. over section of Economic BROWN, Thomas. Midshipman R.N. 1787; captain 22 Jany. 1806; commanded the Ordinary at Sheerness 1816–19; commanded Vigo 74 guns, Tartar 42 guns, Talavera 74 guns and Caledonia 120 guns, successively May 1833 to Oct. 1835 when placed on h.p.; admiral on h.p. 4 July 1855. d. Southampton 17 June 1857 aged 79. BROWN, Thomas (son of Christopher Brown, member of firm of Longmans, publishers, London who d. 1807). b. near Paternoster Row, London 1778; ed. at Christ’s hospital; apprenticed in his father’s firm Dec. 1792; a partner 1811 to June 1859; a liveryman of Stationers Company 1804, warden and upper warden 1856–8; gave a stained glass west window to St. Paul’s cathedral which was uncovered 19 March 1867; left by his will £10,000 to Booksellers Provident Institution, £10,000 to Booksellers Retreat and £10,000 to Christ’s hospital. d. 39 Ludgate hill, London 24 March 1869. W. H. Blanch’s Famous blue-coat boys (1880) 59–83; Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 480–2 (1869). BROWN, Right Rev. Thomas Joseph. b. Bath 2 May 1798; received Benedictine habit at the college Acton Burnell near Shrewsbury 19 April 1813, removed with the college to St. Gregory’s college Downside near Bath where he was professed 28 Oct. 1814, professor of theology there 1823–40, prior of the college 18 July 1834 to 3 July 1840; ordained priest in London 12 March 1823; cathedral prior of Winchester 1833–40; D.D. 24 July 1834; vicar Apostolic of newly created Welsh district 3 July 1840; consecrated in St. John’s chapel Bath, Bishop of Apollonia in Archdiocese of Thessalonica 28 Oct. 1840; bishop of Newport and Menevia 29 Sep. 1850 to death; assistant at pontifical throne 29 Nov. 1854; author of various pamphlets and letters in defence of doctrines of Church of Rome. d. Bullingham near Hereford 12 April 1880. M. Brady’s Episcopal succession iii, 337, 354, 424–6 (1877); Downside Review July 1880 pp. 4–16. BROWN, Rev. Thomas Richard (son of Richard Brown of Cambridge). b. 1791; ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1815, M.A. BROWN, William (son of a small farmer at Foxford, co. Mayo). b. Foxford 22 June 1777; went to Pennsylvania 1786; commanded an English merchant ship; commodore in navy of Buenos Ayres Feb. 1814; destroyed Spanish fleets at Martin Garcia and Monte Video 1814 and in Pacific ocean and Caribbean sea 1815–18; commanded Buenos Ayres fleet in war against Brazil 12 Jany. 1826 to 1828; assumed reins of government on breaking out of civil war 1842. d. Barracas near Buenos Ayres 3 May 1857. M. G. Mulhall’s English in South America (1878) 144–69, portrait. BROWN, William (4 son of James Brown of Cononsyth, flax-spinner). Flax-spinner with his brother James at East Ward mill Dundee 1809–56, in 1811 every mill in Dundee was stopped except their mill and the Dens mill; author of Reminiscences of flax-spinning 1862 and of a volume of poetry. d. 14 Nov. 1864 aged 73. Norrie’s Dundee Celebrities (1873) 245–8. BROWN, Rev. William. Professor of Biblical criticism and theology at St. Andrews University Scotland 14 June 1851 to death; author of The scientific character of the Scottish universities viewed in connection with religious belief and their educational use 1856. d. St. Andrews 19 July 1868 aged 68. BROWN, Sir William, 1 Baronet (eld. son of Alexander Brown of Ballymena, co. Antrim, linen merchant 1764–1834). b. Ballymena 30 May 1784; ed. at Catterick, Yorkshire; went to the United States 1800; partner in firm of Alexander Brown and Sons of Baltimore, linen merchants; founded firm of Brown, Shipley and Co. at Liverpool 1810 which became leading house in American trade; alderman of Liverpool 1831–8; M.P. for South Lancashire 21 July 1846 to 23 April 1859; raised and equipped a corps of artillery which ranks as the 1 brigade of Lancashire artillery volunteers 1859; a director of Atlantic telegraph company Dec. 1856, chairman; erected at a cost of £40,000 Free public library and Derby museum at Liverpool opened 8 Oct. 1860; created a baronet 24 Jany. 1863; sheriff of Lancashire 1863. d. Richmond hill, Liverpool 3 March 1864. BROWN, Sir William (son of Richard Brown, chief examiner of accounts at the War Office London). b. 1812; a temporary clerk in office of Secretary at war Dec. 1828; a first class clerk on the consolidation of War office Jany. 1856; assistant accountant general Oct. 1857; accountant general Aug. 1860 to 1 April 1870 when he retired on a pension of £800 a year; C.B. 7 Dec. 1868; knighted at Windsor Castle 18 May 1870. d. Hillside, Parkstone, Dorset 19 May 1884. BROWN, William Gustavus. b. 5 Feb. 1809; ensign 24 Foot 7 July 1825, lieut. col. 21 Dec. 1849 to 1 Sep. 1861 when placed on h.p.; brigadier general Bengal 28 July 1858 to 15 Nov. 1859 and 5 Sep. 1860 to 2 April 1861; brigadier general Aldershot 1 Sep. 1861 to 28 Feb. 1863; colonel 83 Foot 29 May 1873 to death; general 1 Oct. 1877. d. Sydenham 27 Nov. 1883. BROWN, William Robert Henry. Projector and one of founders of Morning Advertiser, first number issued 8 Feb. 1794 and of Licensed Victuallers schools at Kennington 1794; projected Golden Lane brewery in which 600 persons were proprietors Sep. 1804; common councilman for ward of Cripplegate 1807; one of founders of Hope Life Insurance Company, the first chairman; governor of Newgate 1817 to 1822 when he resigned; warden of the Fleet prison in city of London and keeper of the old and new palaces in county of Middlesex (alias Westminster Hall) 13 April 1822 to 31 May 1842 when appointment was abolished by act of Parliament 5 and 6 Vict. c. 22 and the prisoners were transferred to Queen’s Bench prison. d. 3 Doughty st. London 15 Feb. 1853 aged 86. BROWN, Rev. Wilse. Educ. at Em. coll. Cam., scholar; B.A. 1833; P.C. of Eggleston, Durham 1835–57; R. of Whitstone near Exeter 1857 to death; private in Exeter Rifle Corps 1862 to death being only clergyman in England serving in Volunteer Corps, gained many prizes at Wimbledon. d. Whitstone rectory 22 Jany. 1883 aged 72. BROWN-GREIVE, John Tatton. Second lieut. R.M. 21 May 1811, lieut. col. 13 Dec. 1852, col. commandant 30 Oct. 1855 to 1 April 1870 when he retired on full pay; granted good service pension 1 April 1857; BROWNBILL, Rev. Francis. b. Gillmoss, Lancs. 5 Nov. 1793; entered Society of Jesus at Hodder 7 Sep. 1813; ordained priest in Dublin Dec. 1819; superior of St. George’s Residence Worcester and of College of St. Francis Xavier 1838–42; superior at the Seminary Stonyhurst 1847; missioner at Newhall, Chelmsford 1843–63; superior at the Little college Hodder Dec. 1864. d. Stonyhurst college 13 May 1875. BROWNBILL, Rev. James (brother of the preceding). b. Gillmoss 31 July 1798; entered Society of Jesus 7 Sep. 1815; ordained priest at Stonyhurst 30 July 1829; rector of Stonyhurst college 15 May 1836; minister of Stonyhurst 29 May 1839; rector of college of St. Ignatius London 1841–54; missioner to Bury St. Edmunds 1854. d. Newhall, Chelmsford 14 Jany. 1880. BROWNE, Alexander. b. Langlands parish of Twynholm 1800; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; hospital assistant in the army 16 June 1825; assistant surgeon 23 foot 3 Aug. 1826; went on a medical mission to Emperor of Morocco 1827 whom he cured of ague; surgeon to 37 foot 22 Nov. 1839 to 2 Aug. 1850 when placed on h.p.; d. Langlands 15 April 1872. Medical times and gazette i, 613 (1872). BROWNE, Andrew. b. 6 June 1820; Ensign 28 foot 30 April 1841; lieut. col. 44 foot 10 Nov. 1869 to 27 Sep. 1871 when placed on h.p.; C.B. 28 Feb. 1861; granted a service reward 9 Sep. 1878; placed on retired list with hon. rank of L.G. 1 July 1881. d. Dublin 8 April 1883. BROWNE, Charles Alfred (son of Wm. Loder Browne of Kennington, London, merchant). Entered Madras army 1826; sec. to military department 4 Feb. 1845 to 1860; M.G. 6 April 1862; a leading member of Church Missionary Society. d. King’s head court, St. Martin’s le grand, London 14 Feb. 1866 aged 65. BROWNE, Charles Farrar. b. Waterford, Maine 26 April 1834; a printer in Maine, Boston and Cincinnati; wrote in the Cleveland, Plaindealer a letter purporting to come from a travelling showman signing it with nom de plume of Artemus Ward; edited Vanity Fair the leading comic paper in New York 1861; gave his first lecture in New York at Clinton hall 23 Dec. 1861; went to California and BROWNE, Charles Thomas. b. Wellington, Somerset 1825; ed. at Trin. coll. Dublin; engaged on a London daily paper 1857 to death; author of Astrello or the prophet’s vision 1850; Life of Southey 1854; The United States constitution and powers 1856 and under pseudonym of Alexander de Comyne of a poem entitled Irene 1844. d. Basingstoke 7 Oct. 1868. BROWNE, Fielding. Ensign 40 Foot 7 March 1800; major 19 Jany. 1815 to 22 June 1820 when placed on h.p.; C.B. 22 June 1815; colonel 10 Jany. 1837. d. Gloucester crescent, Regent’s park, London 22 July 1864 aged 79. BROWNE, George. Captain 37 Foot 24 March 1825 to 29 Aug. 1826 when placed on h.p.; chief commissioner of Dublin Metropolitan police 1837–58; C.B. 13 June 1857. d. Clifton gardens, Folkestone 12 July 1879 aged 91. BROWNE, George (2 son of John Browne of Hall court, Herts, attorney general of Jamaica who d. 1828). b. Jamaica 1825; ed. at Jesus coll. Cam., B.A. 1848; barrister I.T. 4 May 1849; a revising barrister 1868; recorder of Ludlow 22 Jany. 1873 to death; Q.C. 24 March 1880; author of A treatise on the principles and practice of the court for divorce and matrimonial causes 1864, 4 ed. 1880; A treatise on the principles and practice of the court of probate 1873, 2 ed. 1881. d. Calverley park, Tunbridge Wells 19 Sep. 1880. BROWNE, Right Rev. George Joseph Plunket. b. about 1790; ed. at Maynooth; parish priest of Athlone many years; bishop of Galway 6 Aug. 1831, consecrated by Abp. of Tuam 23 Oct. 1831; translated to Elphin 26 March 1844. d. 1 Dec. 1858 in 68 year. W. M. Brady’s Episcopal succession ii, 208, 231–2 (1876). BROWNE, Hablot Knight (9 son of Wm. Loder Browne of Kennington, London, merchant). b. Lower Kennington lane, London 15 June 1815; apprenticed to Wm. Finden the line engraver; illustrated Dickens’s Sunday as it is, by Timothy Sparks 1836, published at 1/- but now worth more than its weight in gold; illustrated under pseudonym of Phiz Pickwick BROWNE, Rev. Henry (son of Rev. John Henry Browne, R. of Crownthorpe, Norfolk who d. 1 May 1843 aged 75). b. 1804; ed. at C.C. coll. Cam.; Bell Univ. scholar 1823, B.A. 1826, M.A. 1830; V. of Rudgwick, Sussex 1831; R. of Earnley, Sussex 1833; principal of diocesan theol. coll. Chichester 1842–7; preb. of Chichester cath. 9 Dec. 1842; chaplain to bishop of Chichester 1847–70; P.C. of St. Bartholomew’s Chichester 1850–4; R. of Pevensey 1854 to death; author of Ordo sÆculorum 1844; Remarks on Mr. Greswell’s Fasti Catholici 1852; translated with C. L. Cornish for the ‘Library of the Fathers’ 17 short treatises of St. Augustine. d. Pevensey 19 June 1875. BROWNE, Very Rev. Henry Montague (2 son of 2 Baron Kilmaine 1765–1825). b. 3 Oct. 1799; dean of cathedral church of St. Carthagh, Lismore 1850 to death. d. Bredon rectory, Worcs. 24 Nov. 1884. BROWNE, Right Rev. James. b. Mayglass, Forth, co. Wexford 1786; ed. at Maynooth college; dean of Maynooth 1814–6, professor of Sacred Scriptures 1816–27; bishop of Kilmore 20 March 1827 to death; consecrated to see of Magida in partibus 10 June 1827; d. Cavan 11 April 1865. Battersby’s Catholic directory (1866) 389–92. BROWNE, James Solomon. b. Paddington, London 6 Aug. 1791; ed. at Eton; clerk in Prerogative office Doctors Commons 1802; played Harlequin to Grimaldi at Birmingham; played at Liverpool 1813–23 and 1826–38; first appeared in London at Drury Lane 7 Oct. 1823 as Lord Foppington in A trip to Scarborough; became most versatile actor of the day; acted in America 1838, at Olympic theatre London 1845, afterwards in New York; the original Robert Macaire in the drama of that name; retired from the stage 1858. d. New York 28 Nov. 1869. Oxberry’s Dramatic biography ii, 177–88 (1825), portrait. BROWNE, John Ross. b. Ireland 1817; passed his youth in state of Kentucky; went to California 1849; went to Europe as a newspaper correspondent 1851; inspector of custom houses on northern frontier of the U.S.; reported on the mineral resources of the country west of the Rocky Mountains for the Government 1866 and 1868; United States minister in China 1868–9; author of Etchings of a whaling cruise 1846; Crusoe’s Island 1864; An American family in Germany 1866; The land of Thor 1867. d. Oakland near San Francisco 7 Dec. 1875. BROWNE, John Samuel (eld. son of John Browne of London, landscape engraver who d. 2 Oct. 1801 in 60 year). b. St. Saviour’s, Southwark 15 Sep. 1782; clerk in the East India house 1801; author of A catalogue of bishops containing the succession of archbishops and bishops of Canterbury and York from 1688 to the present time 1812; contributed to Gentlemen’s Mag. and Morning Herald. d. Walworth, Surrey 6 June 1858. Gent. Mag. v, 198 (1858). BROWNE, Peter, b. 1794; M.P. for Rye 18 June 1818 to 2 June 1826; chargÉ d’affaires at Copenhagen 8 times during the period 1823–52; retired on a pension 6 Jany. 1853. d. Pallanza 7 April 1872. BROWNE, Philip, b. 16 Sep. 1772; entered navy 1 July 1777; captain 19 June 1810; captain of the Hermes 20 guns 1811–14 when placed on h.p.; V.A. on h.p. 15 April 1854. d. Parkstone near Poole, Dorset 25 Jany. 1860. BROWNE, Rev. Samuel (son of Rev. John W. Browne, Independent minister). b. England 19 March 1788; went to Cincinnati with his father 1798; a minister of the United Brethren; joined presbytery of Cincinnati about 1868; accumulated a large fortune by the rise of real estate in Cincinnati; bequeathed sum of 150,000 dollars for establishment of a university to bear his name also land whereon to erect the building and an endowment for professorships, d. Harrison junction, Ohio 10 Sep. 1872. BROWNE, Thomas. Entered navy 5 April 1782; captain 29 April 1802; V.A. 11 Dec. 1846. d. Clifton 7 April 1851 in 83 year. O’Byrne’s Naval biog. dict. (1849) 136. BROWNE, Walter John. Ensign Bombay army 17 Sep. 1819; col. 14 N.I. 22 Aug. 1857–1869; general 29 Aug. 1873; C.B. 4 July 1843. d. Warkworth 31 Oct. 1881 aged 81. BROWNE, Walter Raleigh (3 son of Rev. Thomas Murray Browne, V. of Almondsbury, Gloucs.) b. Standish, Gloucs. 1842; ed. at home and Trin. coll. Cam., scholar 1863, 19 wrangler and tenth classic 1865, B.A. 1865; fellow of his coll. 1867; managing director of Bridgewater Engineering company 1874–8; M.I.M.E. 1869, sec. 1878 to Jany. 1884; M.I.C.E. 27 May 1879, Telford medallist 1871 and 1876; F.G.S.; F.R.G.S.; one of founders of Society for Psychical Research 1882; lectured frequently for Christian evidence society; author of Facts and fallacies of pauper education 1878; The inspiration of the New Testament 1880; The foundations of mechanics 1882; The students mechanics 1883. d. from typhoid fever in the general hospital, Montreal 4 Sep. 1884. Min. of Proc. of Instit. of C.E. lxxix, 362–6 (1885). BROWNE, William, b. 1 Nov. 1791; M.P. for co. Kerry 19 July 1841 to 23 July 1847. d. at his house in London 4 Aug. 1876. BROWNE, William Alexander Francis. b. near Stirling 1805; ed. in Edinburgh high school and Univ., M.D. 1826; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1826; studied in France 1826–30; physician at Stirling 1830; superintendent of Montrose lunatic asylum; superintendent of Crichton Instit. at Dumfries 1839; paid Comr. in lunacy for Scotland 23 Sep. 1857 to 1870; the first phys. in Scotland who adopted new system of treating the insane; author of What asylums were, are, and ought to be. d. Crindan, Dumfries 2 March 1885 aged 79. BROWNE, William Cheselden. b. 1805; entered navy 1816; captain 9 Jany. 1854; retired admiral 9 Jany. 1880; sec. to Royal yacht club at Cowes 1853–60. d. Townsend house, West Cowes 6 April 1881. BROWNE, William Henry James (son of Mr. Browne, harbour master at Dublin). Served in merchant service; 2 lieut. of the Enterprise 1848–9; led a sledge party from Port Leopold to east coast of Prince Regent’s Inlet; 2 lieut. of the Resolute 1850–1; his sketches of Arctic scenery at Port Leopold were published by Ackerman 1849; assisted in painting the Arctic panorama in Leicester square London; retired commander 1 July 1864. d. Woolwich March-June 1871. BROWNE, William Meredith. Assistant sec. of Westminster Fire Office 1831, sec. 1838 to death; a founder of Mutual Life Office 1834; founded Westminster and General Life Office 1839, actuary 1839–69; hon. sec. of London Fire Engine Establishment 1832–65, when the work was undertaken by Metropolitan Board of Works. d. Clarendon road, Putney 30 March 1880 aged 74. BROWNING, Colin Arrott. Surgeon in the navy 8 Feb. 1817; surgeon of the Surrey, convict ship 1831 and of six other convict ships 1834–46; retired deputy inspector of hospitals 30 June 1856; author of England’s exiles 1842; The Convict ship 1844; The convict ship and England’s exiles, 6 ed. 1855. d. Woolwich 26 Oct. 1856. BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett (eld. dau. of Edward Moulton of Burn hall, Durham). b. Burn hall 6 March 1809; lived at 74 Gloucester place London many years; lived at Florence 1847 to death, (m. 9 Sep. 1846 Robert Browning the poet). author of An essay on mind, with other poems, anon. 1826; Casa Guidi Windows a poem 1851; Aurora Leigh 1857, 18 ed. 1884 and many other poems. d. Casa Guidi, Florence 30 June 1861. The poetical works of E. B. Browning, complete with a memoir 2 vols. New York 1871; P. Bayne’s Two great Englishwomen (1881), 1–154; Macpherson’s Memoirs of the life of Anna Jameson (1878) 191–263; G. B. Smith’s Poets and novelists (1875) 57–110; M. R. Mitford’s Recollections of a literary life (1859), 154–68; T. H. Ward’s English poets, 2 ed. (1883) iv, 562–80. BROWNING, George. Secretary of Society for promoting the fine arts; author of Footprints, poems translated and original 1871; A memoir of the late Emperor Napoleon iii, and a political poem entitled Rip Van Winkle, 2 ed. BROWNING, William Shergold (uncle of Robert Browning the poet). author of Leisure hours 1801; The history of the Huguenots during the sixteenth century 2 vols. 1829, new ed. 1845; Hoel Morvan or the court and camp of Henry v, 3 vols. 1844. d. 4 March 1874. BROWNLOW, John Cust, 1 Earl (eld. son of Brownlow Cust, 1 baron Brownlow 1744–1807). b. 19 Aug. 1779; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1801, LLD. 1835; created D.C.L. at Ox. 10 June 1834; M.P. for Clitheroe 6 July 1802 to Jany. 1808; colonel of Royal Lincoln militia; succeeded 25 Dec. 1807; lord lieut. of Lincolnshire 1 March 1809; created Viscount Alford and Earl Brownlow 27 Nov. 1815; recorder of Boston 12 Dec. 1820; G.C.H. 1834; pres. of ArchÆological Institute at Lincoln 1848; F.L.S. 1828, F.R.S. 8 May 1838. d. Belton house, Grantham 15 Sep. 1853. Portraits and memoirs of eminent Conservatives, portrait; Waagen’s Treasures of art ii, 313–16 (1854). BROWNLOW, John William Spencer Brownlow Egerton Cust, 2 Earl. b. Carlton gardens, London 28 March 1842; succeeded 15 Sep. 1853. d. Mentone 20 Feb. 1867. bur. at Belton 2 March. Good words viii, 373 (1867), a poem by G. Massey; I.L.N. li, 609 (1867), portrait. BROWNLOW, Emma Sophia Cust, Countess (eld. dau. of Richard Edgcumbe, 2 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe 1764–1839). b. Portugal st. London 28 July 1791; one of the 6 ladies of the bedchamber to Queen Adelaide July 1830 to 2 Dec. 1849 when the Queen died; author of Slight reminiscences of a septuagenarian 1867, 3 ed. 1868. (m. 17 July 1828 1 Earl Brownlow). d. Belton lodge, Torquay 28 Jany. 1872. I.L.N. lxi, 139, 434 (1872). BROWNLOW, Francis (eld. son of Wm. Brownlow). b. 19 July 1836; ed. at Harrow; ensign 72 Foot 8 Sep. 1854, lieut. col. 15 Aug. 1877 to death; C.B. 19 Nov. 1879; served in Crimean war, Indian mutiny and Afghan war; killed at battle with Ayab Khan’s army in Kandahar 1 Sep. 1880. Shadbolt’s Afghan campaign (1882) 27–8, portrait; I.L.N. lxxvii, 309 (1880), portrait. BROWNLOW, Very Rev. John. Ordained 1832; R. of Ardbraccan, Navan 1843 to death; dean of Clonmacnois, Meath 1862 to death, d. Ardbraccan rectory 24 May 1882 aged 77. BROWNRIGG, Sir Henry John (eld. son of general Thomas Brownrigg who d. May 1826). b. 18 June 1798; 2 lieut. Rifle brigade 6 Dec. 1813, lieut. 23 Dec. 1819 to 23 April 1826 when placed on h.p.; entered Irish Constabulary 1826, inspector general 1858 to 1865; C.B. 13 June 1857; knighted by Earl of Eglinton lord lieutenant of Ireland 1858. d. 12 Talbot sq. Hyde park, London 25 Nov. 1873. BROWNRIGG, John Studholme. b. 17 March 1786; a merchant in London; M.P. for Boston 9 Jany. 1835 to 23 July 1847. d. Ashford lodge, Middlesex 21 Sep. 1853. BROWNRIGGE, Sir Robert William Colebrook, 2 Baronet. b. Audley square, London 29 July 1817; succeeded 27 May 1833. d. 12 Eaton place West, London 6 Aug. 1882. BROWNSMITH, John Leman. b. Westminster 1809; chorister at Westminster Abbey; organist of St. John’s church Waterloo road, London 1829–53; lay vicar of Westminster Abbey 1838; organist to Sacred harmonic society 1848; organist at Handel festivals Crystal palace 1857, 1859, 1862 and 1865; organist of St. Gabriel, Pimlico 1853 to death; published The psalms and hymns in the morning and evening services with the pointing completed for chanting 1839; A course of Psalms 1848. d. 104 Cambridge st. Pimlico, London 14 Sep. 1866. BRUCE, Alexander (2 son of Henry Bruce of London). Educ. at Univ. coll. London 1858–64; lecturer on anatomy and assistant surgeon to Wesminster hospital Dec. 1867 to death; invented the gas cautery which has proved very successful; author of Observations in the military hospitals of Dresden 1866; An epitome of the Venereal diseases 1868. d. 6 Albert terrace, Regent’s park, London 11 April 1869 aged 27. Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 406 (1869). BRUCE, David. b. Scotland 1770; went to New York 1793; started with his brother George a book printing office at corner of Pearl st. New York 1806, removed to Sloat lane 1809 where they had 9 presses at work; learnt art of stereotyping in England 1812 BRUCE, Eyre Evans. Entered Madras army 1827; colonel 35 Madras N.I. 5 July 1854 to 1869; general 3 Sep. 1871. d. Doneraile, Ireland 10 April 1874. BRUCE, Sir Frederick William Adolphus (3 son of Thomas Bruce, 7 Earl of Elgin 1766–1841). b. Broomhall, Dunfermline 14 April 1814; colonial sec. at Hong Kong 9 Feb. 1844; lieut. governor of Newfoundland 27 June 1846; consul general in Bolivia 23 July 1847; chargÉ d’affaires in Uruguay 29 Aug. 1851; agent and consul general in Egypt 3 Aug. 1853; principal sec. to 8 Earl of Elgin British ambassador in China April 1857; envoy extraord. and minister plenipo. to Emperor of China 2 Dec. 1858; chief superintendent of British trade in China 1 March 1859; envoy extraord. and min. plenipo. to the United States 1 March 1865 to death; C.B. 28 Sep. 1858, K.C.B. 12 Dec. 1862, G.C.B. 17 March 1865. d. Boston, United States 19 Sep. 1867. bur. Dunfermline abbey 8 Oct. D. C. Boulger’s History of China iii, (1884); G.M. iv, 677–8(1867). BRUCE, George (brother of David Bruce 1770–1857). b. Edinburgh 26 June 1781; a type founder in New York 1816 to death; harmonised and graduated size of different bodies of type as they ranged in the 11 series from pearl to canon; introduced the body called “agate” which is largely used by American newspapers; pres. of New York Type founders association 1863 to death; invented with his nephew David Bruce type-casting machine which was in general use many years. d. New York 6 July 1866. BRUCE, Sir Henry William (3 son of Rev. Sir Henry Hervey Aston Bruce, 1 Baronet who d. 17 Oct. 1822). b. 2 Feb. 1792; entered navy 1803; captain 16 Nov. 1821; commodore on West Coast of Africa 5 March 1851; commander in chief in the Pacific 25 Nov. 1854 to 8 July 1857 and at Portsmouth 1 March 1860 to 1 March 1863; admiral 27 April 1863; K.C.B. 28 June 1861. d. Fairfield near Liverpool 14 Dec. 1863. BRUCE, Herbert. Entered Bombay army 1842; captain 2 European regiment 27 March 1855 to death; C.B. 26 July 1858. d. on board Messageries Imperiales steamer, near Suez 26 Feb. 1866 aged 39. BRUCE, Sir James Lewis Knight (3 son of John Knight of Fairlinch, Devon who d. 1799). b. Barnstaple, Devon 15 Feb. 1791; ed. at Bath gr. sch. and Sherborne 1799–1805; articled to B. C. Williams of Lincoln’s Inn Fields solicitor 1807–12; barrister L.I. 21 Nov. 1817, bencher 6 Nov. 1829, treasurer 1842–3, laid foundation stone of the new hall 20 April 1843; practised in Court of Chancery; K.C. Nov. 1829; recorder of Brecon; M.P. for Bishop’s Castle 30 April 1831 to 3 Dec. 1832; contested borough of Cambridge Aug. 1837; spoke for 7 days in case of Small v. Attwood Nov 1831; leader in Sir Lancelot Shadwell’s court 1834; made £18,000 a year 1835–41; assumed by royal license additional surname of Bruce 4 Sep. 1837; vice chancellor 28 Oct. 1841; knighted at Windsor Castle 15 Jany. 1842; P.C. 15 Jany. 1842; chief judge in bankruptcy Nov. 1842; exercised jurisdiction of the old Court of Review, after it’s abolition 1847; senior lord justice of appeal in chancery 8 Oct. 1851 to Oct. 1866; F.R.S. 18 March 1829, D.C.L. Ox. 1834. d. The Priory, Roehampton, Surrey 7 Nov. 1866. Law mag. and law review v, 244–50 (1858), xxii, 278–93 (1867); London Society xi, 181–8 (1867), portrait; The bench and the bar, part 1, portrait. BRUCE, John. b. London 1802; a founder of Camden Society 2 March 1838, director 19 years; edited the first and 12 other volumes for the Society; F.S.A. 1830, treasurer 1849–54; edited Gent. Mag. some years; edited Calendars of state papers, domestic series Charles i 1625–39, 12 vols. 1858–71; contributed many papers to the ArchÆologia. d. suddenly in Montagu sq. London 28 Oct. 1869, his library was sold at Sotheby’s 27 April to 2 May 1870. Proc. of Soc. of Antiq. 2 series iv, 472–5 (1870). BRUCE, Sir Michael, 7 Baronet. b. 31 March 1796; succeeded 1827. d. Scotstown, Aberdeen 14 Dec. 1862. BRUCE, Michael. b. 16 May 1823; ensign Grenadier guards 15 Dec. 1840, lieut. col. 16 May 1865 to 22 Sep. 1875; L.G. 31 Oct. BRUCE, Robert (3 son of Thomas Bruce, 7 Earl of Elgin 1766–1841). b. 15 March 1813; ensign Grenadier guards 18 June 1830, major 16 Sep. 1856 to 7 Dec. 1858 when placed on h.p.; military secretary to his brother Lord Elgin in Jamaica 1841–47, in Canada 1847–54; surveyor general of the ordnance 1855; governor to Prince of Wales 9 Nov. 1858 to death; M.G. 7 Dec. 1859. d. St. James’s palace, London 27 June 1862. I.L.N. xli, 58, 61 (1862), portrait. BRUCE, Robert (eld. son of Alexander Bruce of Kennet, co. Clackmannan). b. 8 Dec. 1795; ed. at Eton; ensign 1 Foot guards 9 Dec. 1813, lieut. 1820–24 when he sold out; served in the Peninsula and at Waterloo; M.P. for Clackmannan 27 March 1820 to July 1824; vice lieut. and convener of Clackmannan 1853; chairman of Scottish Central railway board; claimed Scottish peerage of Balfour of Burley which was allowed to his son by committee for privileges in House of Lords 23 July 1868. d. Kennet house near Alloa 13 Aug. 1864. M. F. Conolly’s Biog. dict. of eminent men of Fife (1866) 88–90. BRUCE, Rev. William (2 son of Rev. Wm. Bruce of Belfast, Presbyterian minister 1757–1841). b. Belfast 16 Nov. 1790; entered Trin. coll. Dublin 2 July 1804, B.A. 1809; licensed by presbytery of Antrim 25 July 1811; presbyterian minister at Belfast 19 Jany. 1812 to 21 April 1867; professor of Classics and Hebrew in Belfast Academical Instit. 27 Oct. 1821 to 1825 and of classics only 1825 to Nov. 1849; moderator of northern presbytery of Antrim 4 April 1862. d. 25 Oct. 1868. BRUCE, William. Captain 79 foot 14 March 1811; served in Peninsula 1812–4 and at Waterloo; major 75 foot 31 Dec. 1827 to 27 Nov. 1828 when placed on h.p.; K.H. 1837; lieut. col. 23 Nov. 1841. d. Grosvenor hotel, London 28 Nov. 1868. BRUCE, William Downing (eld. son of Samuel Barwick Bruce of Ripon, surgeon 1786–1853). b. 14 Aug. 1824; barrister L.I. and M.T. 30 April 1853; consul in Scotland for Monte Video 1856; recorder of Wallingford June 1863 to 1869; counsel in Yelverton appeal case; district judge at Spanish Town, Jamaica 1869 to death; author of Chronological tables BRUEN, Henry. M.P. for county Carlow 30 Oct. 1812 to 23 April 1831; colonel commandant of Carlow militia to death. d. Oak park, co. Carlow 5 Nov. 1852 in 62 year. BRUNEL, Isambard Kingdom (only son of Sir Mark Isambard Brunel, civil engineer 1769–1849). b. Portsmouth 9 April 1806; engineer of Great Western Railway 7 March 1833 which was completed 30 June 1841; constructed the station at Paddington 1849–54; constructed South Devon railway 1844–6, where his system of atmospheric propulsion failed; constructed Royal Albert bridge at Saltash 1853–9; designed Great Western Steamship launched 19 July 1837 and the Great Britain the first large iron steamship, launched 19 July 1843; designed the Great Eastern steamship 1852, she was floated 31 Jany. 1858; conducted experiments for Admiralty with screw propeller 1841–4; F.R.S. 10 June 1830. d. 18 Duke st. Westminster 15 Sep. 1859. Life of I. K. Brunel by I. Brunel 1870, portrait; Drawing room portrait gallery of eminent personages 2 series 1859, portrait; Proc. of Royal Soc. x, 7–11 (1860); Min. of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xix, 169–73 (1860). BRUNKER, James Robert. Ensign 91 foot 9 April 1825; deputy adjutant general in Ceylon 24 Aug. 1852 to 6 Aug. 1858; major 15 foot 2 Oct. 1854 to 2 Feb. 1855 when placed on h.p.; M.G. 10 March 1866; commanded forces in China 16 Dec. 1867 to death. d. Hong Kong 24 March 1869. BRÜNNOW, Ernst Philipp Ivanovitch, Count de. b. Dresden 31 Aug. 1797; Russian envoy and minister in London 1840 to 8 Feb. 1854 and 4 Feb. 1861 to July 1874; raised to the rank of Count, April 1871. d. Darmstadt 11 April 1875. Illust. News of the World iii, (1859), portrait. BRUNSWICK and LUNEBURG, Karl Friedrich August Wilhelm Herzog von. b. Brunswick 30 Oct. 1804; lived at Vauxhall in London 1809–15; laid foundation stone of Vauxhall bridge 1814; entered on exercise of his authority as Duke of Brunswick 30 Oct. 1823; fled to England 7 Sep. 1830, abdicating in favour of his brother William; was much libelled in the Age and Satirist 1843; crossed to France in Green’s balloon the Victoria in 5 hours 31 March 1851; BRUNTON, Rev. Alexander. b. Edinburgh 1772; minister of parish of Bolton 1797–1803, of New Greyfriars church Edin. 1803–9 and of the Tron church Edin. 23 Nov. 1809 to death; professor of Oriental languages in Univ. of Edin. 19 May 1813 to death; D.D. Edin. 17 Dec. 1813; moderator of General Assembly 22 May 1823; author of Sermons and lectures 1818; Outlines of Persian grammar with extracts 1822; Forms for public worship in the Church of Scotland 1848. d. Jordonstone house, Coupar Angus 9 Feb. 1854. W. B. Crombie’s Modern Athenians (1882), portrait. BRUNTON, Robert. b. Lockwinnock N.B. 10 Feb. 1796; chief assistant to his brother W. Brunton 1823; engaged by Banks & Co. of Bilston; principal assistant of Isaac Dodds at the Horsley iron works Staffs.; in service of Indian iron company 1835 to death; constructed and managed works at Porto Nuovo on coast of Coromandel; acting engineer of Maestaeg iron works Glamorganshire to death; M.I.C.E. 1842; author of A compendium of mechanics or text book for engineers, millwrights, machine makers 1824, 2 ed. 1825. d. Maestaeg iron works 6 July 1852. Min. of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xii, 149 (1853). BRUNTON, William (eld. son of Robert Brunton of Dalkeith, watch maker). b. Dalkeith 26 May 1777; partner in and manager of Eagle foundry Birmingham 1815–25; civil engineer in London 1825–35; partner in Cwm Avon tin works Glamorganshire 1835–8; had a large share in introduction of steam navigation; invented the Calciner used in nearly all Cornish tin mines and Mexican silver mines, and a walking machine called the Steam Horse which was used at Butterley 1813–5 when it exploded and killed 13 persons; took out many patents. d. Camborne, Cornwall 5 Oct. 1851. Min. of proc. of Instit. of C.E. xi, 95–9 (1852). BRUNTON, William (3 son of the preceding). b. Birmingham 3 April 1817; resident engineer of West Cornwall railway 1847; invented the apparatus for washing and BRUSHFIELD, Thomas (2 son of George Brushfield of Ashford-in-the-Water, Derbyshire who d. 25 Feb. 1825 aged 52). b. Ashford-in-the-Water 16 Feb. 1798; kept an oil and colour shop at 28 Union st. Spitalfields, London 1821–55; played under an assumed name at City of London theatre 1827; chairman of Whitechapel board of guardians 1839–48; member for Whitechapel of Metropolitan Board of Works 1865 to death; contributed many papers to The Reliquary, quarterly archÆological journal and review 1861 to death. d. 5 Church st Spitalfields, London 1 Sep. 1875. Reliquary xvi, 209–16 (1876). BRUTON, James. Author of a few dramatic pieces and of many songs. d. Palace road, Westminster 5 March 1867 aged 52. BRYAN, George Leopold. b. Ballyduff house 29 Nov. 1828; sheriff of Kilkenny 1852; M.P. for co. Kilkenny 24 July 1865 to 24 March 1880. d. 29 June 1880. BRYCE, David. b. Scotland; private secretary to Benjamin D’Israeli; a publisher in Paternoster Row, London; employed by W. H. Smith the bookseller; compiled The confessional unmasked from Petrus Dens’s Theologia moralis et dogmatica 8 tomes 1832. d. 1 May 1875 aged 56. BRYCE, David (son of Mr. Bryce of Edinburgh, builder). b. Edin. 3 April 1803; partner with Wm. Burn leading architect in Edin. to 1844; became leading architect in Scotland; designed important works in all styles in most of chief towns in Scotland; revived the picturesque French Gothic now naturalised in Scotland under name of Baronial; A.R.S.A. 1835, R.S.A. 1836, F.R.I.B.A., F.R.S. Edin. 1856; grand-architect to grand lodge of Masons in Scotland 1850 to death; built Fettes College, Royal Infirmary, and Bank of Scotland, all in Edinburgh. d. Edinburgh 7 May 1876. Builder xxxiv, 508 (1876); D. M. Lyon’s Lodge of Edinburgh (1873) 30, 341, portrait; Proc. of Royal Soc. of Edin. ix, 216–8 (1878). BRYCE, Rev. James. Minister of Church of Scotland in Bengal 11 April 1814 to 30 May 1842; D.D. Edin. 12 Aug. 1818; author of Sketch of the state of British India 1810; On the ecclesiastical establishment of the Church of Scotland 1815; Ten years of the Church of Scotland 2 vols. 1850. d. Edinburgh 11 March 1866 in 82 year. BRYCE, James (3 son of Rev. James Bryce 1767–1857). b. Killaig 22 Oct. 1806; ed. at Univ. of Glasgow, B.A. 1828, hon. LLD. 1858; mathematical master in Belfast academy; master in high school Glasgow 1846–74; F.G.S., Dublin; pres. of Philosophical Soc. of Glasgow; author of First principles of geography and astronomy 1848; General gazetteer 1859; Library gazetteer 1859; Geology of Arran 1864; killed by accident at Inverfarigaig on shores of Loch Ness 11 July 1877. Proc. of Royal Soc. of Edin. ix, 514 (1878). BRYDGES, Sir John William Egerton, 2 Baronet. b. Canterbury Nov. 1791; succeeded 8 Sep. 1837. d. Lee priory, Canterbury 15 Feb. 1858. BRYDON, William. b. London 9 Oct. 1811; assistant surgeon Bengal army 9 July 1835, surgeon 14 Nov. 1849, retired 1 Nov. 1859; C.B. 16 Nov. 1858. d. Westfield, Rossshire 20 March 1873. Kaye’s History of war in Afghanistan, 3 ed. (1874) 389; I.L.N. lxii, 369 (1873), portrait; J. McCarthy’s A history of our own times, new ed. (1882) i, 161–95, iii, 8. Note.—He was the one solitary individual of the 13000 soldiers and camp followers composing the army of General Elphinstone who was neither killed nor taken prisoner in the terrible disaster of January 1842, it was also his singular fate to be shut up with Sir Henry Lawrence at Lucknow and to pass uninjured through that long and trying siege. Mrs. Thompson-Butler painted a portrait of him appearing under the walls of Jellalabad in her picture “Remnant of an army” exhibited at Royal Academy 1881 and engraved 1883. BRYDSON, Rev. Thomas. b. Glasgow 1806; ed. at Univ. of Glasgow and Edin.; minister of Levern chapel near Paisley 1839–42; minister of Kilmalcolm 1842 to death; author of Poems 1829; Pictures of the past 1832; BRYMER, Ven. William Thomas Parr. Educ. at Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1820, M.A. 1823; R. of Charlton Mackrell, Somerset 1821 to death; archdeacon of Bath 6 March 1839 to death; canon res. of Wells 1840 to death; superintended affairs of the entire diocese during incapacity of Bishop Law. d. Charlton Mackrell 19 Aug. 1852. G.M. xxxviii, 544 (1852). BRYSON, Alexander. b. Edinburgh 12 Oct. 1816; clock and watch maker at Edin. 1840 to death; F.R.S. Edin. 1858; pres. of Royal Soc. of Arts 1860; pres. of Royal Physical Soc. 1863; F.G.S. London and Edin.; author of many papers on geology. d. Hawkhill 7 Dec. 1866. BRYSON, Alexander. Assistant surgeon R.N. 7 Feb. 1827; inspector general of hospitals and fleets 30 June 1855; hon. physician to the Queen 1859 to death; director general of medical department of navy 1864–9; F.R.S. 1 June 1854; C.B. 7 June 1865. d. The Heritage, Barnes, Surrey 12 Dec. 1869 aged 67. BUCCLEUCH, Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 5 Duke of. (2 son of 4 Duke of Buccleuch 1772–1819). b. Dalkeith house near Edinburgh 25 Nov. 1806; ed. at Eton and St. John’s coll. Cam., M.A. 1827, LLD. 1842, D.C.L. Ox. 1834; succeeded 20 April 1819; lord lieut. of Midlothian 5 March 1828 to death, of Roxburghshire 2 Dec. 1841 to death; K.T. 5 Nov. 1830; K.G. 23 Feb. 1835; pres. of Royal Archers 1837–9, captain general 1839 to death; lord privy seal 2 Feb. 1842 to 21 Jany. 1846; P.C. 2 Feb. 1842; colonel of Edinburgh militia 6 Jany. 1842 to death; lord pres. of the council 21 Jany. 1846 to 6 July 1846; chancellor of Univ. of Glasgow 24 April 1878; constructed harbour and port of Granton 1835. d. Bowhill house, co. Selkirk 16 April 1884, will proved in London 30 Oct. 1884, personalty in England £475,000 in Scotland £435,000. Sir H. Nicolas’s Court of Queen Victoria (1845) 55–63; J. B. Paul’s History of royal company of archers (1875), portrait; R. C. Dudgeon’s History of Edinburgh militia (1882), portrait; Graphic xxix, 400 (1884), portrait. BUCHAN, Henry David Erskine, 12 Earl of. b. July 1783; succeeded 19 April 1829. d. 8 St. Agnes Villas, Bayswater, London 13 Sep. 1857. BUCHANAN, Sir Andrew, 1 Baronet (only son of James Buchanan of Blairvadock Ardinconnal, co. Dumbarton 1776–1860). b. 7 May 1807; attached to embassy at Constantinople 10 Oct. 1825; minister plenipotentiary to Swiss confederation 12 Feb. 1852; envoy extraordinary and min. plenipo. to king of Denmark 9 Feb. 1853; transferred to Madrid 31 March 1858; transferred to the Hague 11 Dec. 1860; ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to King of Prussia 28 Oct. 1862; P.C. 3 Feb. 1863; ambassador extraord. and plenipo. to Russia 15 Sep. 1864, to Austria 16 Oct. 1871 to 16 Feb. 1878 when he retired on a pension; C.B. 23 May 1857, K.C.B. 25 Feb. 1860, G.C.B. 6 July 1866; created a baronet 14 Dec. 1878. d. Craigend castle near Glasgow 12 Nov. 1882. BUCHANAN, George (3 son of David Buchanan of Montrose, printer 1745–1812). b. Montrose about 1790; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; a land surveyor about 1812 then a civil engineer; engaged in all the important salmon fishing cases in Scotland; built chimney nearly 400 feet high for Edinburgh gasworks 1848; F.R.S. Edin.; pres. of Royal Scottish Society of Arts 1847–8; author of Report on the theory and application of Leslie’s Photometer 1824 and of the article “Furnaces” in 8 ed. of EncyclopÆdia Britannica. d. 30 Oct. 1852. BUCHANAN, Gilbert John Lane. Second lieut. R.A. 16 Dec. 1831, colonel 16 July 1862 to 2 April 1870; commanded at Fort William, Bengal 10 Sep. 1867 to 2 April 1870; M.G. 6 March 1868. d. Cambridge st. Hyde park sq. London 13 April 1875. BUCHANAN, Rev. James. b. Paisley 1804; minister of Roslin near Edin. 1827; minister of North Leith 1828; attained great fame as a preacher; D.D. Princeton college, New Jersey 1844; LLD. Glasgow; minister of high church Edin. 1840, of St. Stephens free church Edin. 1843; professor of apologetics in New college Edin. 1845 and of systematic theology 1847–68; author of Comfort in affliction 1837; Faith in God and modern atheism compared 2 vols. 1855; Analogy considered as a guide to truth, 2 ed. 1867. d. 1870. BUCHANAN, Rev. Robert. b. Callander 1785; ed. at Univ. of Glasgow, LLD. 1869; licensed as a preacher of Church of Scotland 1812; minister of parish of Peebles 1813; assistant professor of logic Univ. of Glasgow 1824, professor 1827–64, the Buchanan prizes were instituted 1866 in commemoration of his services, he bequeathed by his will £10,000 for founding of Buchanan bursaries; author of Fragments of the table round 1860; Vow of Glentreuil and other poems 1862; Tragic dramas from Scottish history 1868 and Wallace, a tragedy 1856 performed twice at Prince’s theatre Glasgow March 1862. d. Ardfillayne, Dunoon 2 March 1873. BUCHANAN, Rev. Robert (son of Mr. Buchanan of St. Ninians near Stirling, brewer and farmer). b. St. Ninians 15 Aug. 1802; ed. at Univs. of Glasgow and Edin.; licensed by presbytery of Dunblane; minister of Gargunnock near Stirling Oct. 1826; ordained 6 March 1827; minister of Salton, East Lothian 1829; minister of Tron church Glasgow 22 Aug. 1833; D.D. Glasgow 1840; minister of Free college church Glasgow 26 December 1857; pres. of Sustentation fund committee 1847–75; moderator of the Assembly 1860; presented with sum of £4,200 in Queen’s hotel, Glasgow 8 Aug. 1864; member of Glasgow school board 1872 to death; author of History of the ten years conflict 2 vols. 1849; Notes of a clerical furlough 1859; Book of Ecclesiastes 1859. d. 25 Via dell’ Angelo Custode Rome 31 March 1875. Robert Buchanan, D.D. an ecclesiastical biography by the Rev. L. N. Walker 1877, portrait; Good Words xix, 15–20 (1878), portrait; J. Smith’s Our Scottish clergy (1878) 17–23. BUCHANAN, Walter. b. Glasgow 1797; a merchant in Glasgow; M.P. for Glasgow 1 April 1857 to 6 July 1865. d. Plas Newton, Chester 21 May 1883. BUCHANAN, William (son of David Buchanan of Montrose, printer and publisher 1745–1822). b. Montrose 1781; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; called to Scottish bar 1806; an elder of the Glasite church 1823 to death; Queen’s advocate and solicitor of teinds or tithes 1856; author of Reports of certain remarkable cases in BUCHANAN, William. b. Glasgow 1777; picture dealer in London; author of Memoirs of painting with a chronological history of the importation of pictures by the Great Masters into England since the French revolution 2 vols. 1824. d. Glasgow 19 Jany. 1864 aged 86. BUCHANAN, Rev. William. Licentiate of Church of Scotland; editor of Ayr Observer and subsequently of Edinburgh Courant and Glasgow Courier; author of Verses serious, humorous and satirical 1866. d. Ayr July 1866. BUCK, Henry. b. Yorkshire; wrote on racing in the Sportsman in London and on billiards under pseud. of “Spot Stroke”; wrote on racing in Daily Telegraph under pseud. of “Hotspur”; a large betting commission agent. d. 25 Jany. 1884. BUCK, Lewis William (2 son of George Stucley Buck of Moreton, Devonshire). b. 1784; M.P. for Exeter 1826 to 1832, and for North Devon 1839 to 1857; sheriff of Devon 1826. d. 12 Norfolk st. Park lane, London 25 April 1858. BUCK, Zachariah. b. Norwich 10 Sep. 1798; teacher of the pianoforte; assistant organist of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich 1818–21; organist of Norwich cathedral and master of the choristers 1819–77; Mus. Doc. by Abp. of Canterbury 1853; composed many services, anthems and chants. d. Newport, Essex 5 Aug. 1879. BUCKINGHAM, Richard Plantagenet Temple Nugent Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, 2 Duke of (only child of 1 Duke of Buckingham 1776–1839). b. Pall Mall, London 11 Feb. 1797; ed. at Eton; M.P. for Bucks. 22 June 1818 to 17 Jany. 1839 when he succeeded; introduced into reform act 1832 the tenant at will clause; G.C.H. 1835; lord privy seal 3 Sep. 1841 to 2 Feb. 1842; P.C. 3 Sep. 1841; K.G. 1842; D.C.L. Cam. 1842; received Queen Victoria at Stowe 15 Jany. 1845; Stowe was taken possession of by bailiffs 31 Aug. 1847; sold part of his estates 10 May 1848 for £263,000; author of Memoirs of the court and cabinets of George iii 3 vols. 1853–5; Memoirs of the court of England during the Regency 1811–20 2 vols. 1856; Memoirs of the court of George iv 2 vols. 1859; Memoirs of the courts and cabinets of William iv and Victoria 2 vols. 1861. d. BUCKINGHAM, James Silk (youngest child of Christopher Buckingham of Barnstaple who d. 1794). b. Flushing near Falmouth 25 Aug. 1786; commander of merchant ships 1807–13; established Calcutta Journal at Calcutta which appeared 2 Oct. 1818 to 26 April 1823 when it was suppressed and he was expelled from India; started Jany. 1824 Oriental herald and colonial review which ceased Dec. 1829; edited The Sphynx a weekly journal 1827–9; started The AthenÆum 2 Jany. 1828; M.P. for Sheffield 15 Dec. 1832 to 17 July 1837; travelled in America 1837–41; resident director of British and foreign institute Hanover sq. London 1843–6; pres. of London temperance league 1851; granted civil list pension of £200 per annum 1 Sep. 1851; travelled through the country delivering lectures many years; author of Travels in Palestine 1822; America historical descriptive and statistic 3 vols. 1841; The eastern and western states of America 3 vols. 1842 and 16 other books, also about 40 pamphlets on social and political subjects. d. Stanhope lodge, Upper Avenue road, St. John’s Wood, London 30 June 1855. Autobiography of J. S. Buckingham 2 vols. 1855, portrait; Boase and Courtney’s Bibl. Cornub. i, 44–8 (1874), iii, 1098–9 (1882). BUCKINGHAM, Leicester Silk (youngest son of the preceding). b. 11 Cornwall terrace, Regent’s park, London 29 June 1825; wrote and delivered explanatory description of views of various countries at the Panopticon Leicester sq. 1854; manager of Strand theatre short time; dramatic and musical critic of the Morning Star 1857–67; author of Memoir of Mary Stuart Queen of Scotland 1844 and other books and of about 35 burlesques, comedies and farces. d. Margate 15 July 1867. Boase and Courtney’s Bibl. Cornub. i, 48–9 iii, 1099. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Rev. Augustus Edward Hobart-Hampden, 6 Earl of. b. Ripon 1 Nov. 1793; ed. at Westminster and Brasn. coll. Ox., B.A. 1815, M.A. 1818; R. of Bennington, co. Lincoln 14 Dec. 1817; R. of Walton-on-the-Wolds Leics. 5 July 1820 to 1847; preb. of Wolverhampton 1844 to death; succeeded 1 Feb. 1849; assumed additional name of Hampden by r.l. 5 Aug. BUCKLAND, Francis Trevelyan (eld. son of Very Rev. Wm. Buckland 1784–1856). b. Christ Church, Oxford 17 Dec. 1826; ed. at Winchester 1839–44 and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1848; studied at St. George’s hospital London 1848–51, house surgeon May 1852 to June 1853; assistant surgeon 2 life guards 14 Aug. 1854 to 1863; discovered coffin of John Hunter in vaults of St. Martin’s church, Charing Cross 22 Feb. 1859, the remains were buried in Westminster Abbey 28 March 1859; wrote largely in the Field newspaper 1856–65; started Land and Water 27 Jany. 1866; inspector of salmon fisheries for England and Wales 6 Feb. 1867 to death; the highest authority on subject of pisciculture; scientific referee to South Kensington Museum May 1865, where he established a large collection of fish-hatching apparatus and the like which expanded into International Fisheries Exhibition of 1883; author of Curiosities of natural history, 4 vols. 1857–72; Logbook of a fisherman and zoologist 1875; Natural history of British fishes 1881; edited White’s Natural history of Selbourne with original notes 1875. d. 37 Albany st. Regent’s park, London 19 Dec. 1880. Life of Frank Buckland by G. C. Bompas 1885, portrait; Macmillan’s Mag. xliii, 303–9 (1881); Graphic xxiii, 45 (1881), portrait. BUCKLAND, Very Rev. William (eld. son of Rev. Charles Buckland, R. of Templeton, Devon who d. 1829). b. Axminster 12 March 1784; ed. at Tiverton, Winchester and C. C. coll. Ox., Devon scholar 1801, B.A. 1805, M.A. 1808, B.D. 1816, D.D. 1825, fellow of his college 1809–25; reader in mineralogy Univ. of Ox. 1813, and reader in geology 1819; F.G.S. 1813, pres. 1824–5 and 1840–1, Wollaston medallist 1848; F.R.S. 26 Feb. 1818, Copley medallist 1822, F.L.S. 1821; R. of Stoke Charity, Hants. 1825–46; canon of Ch. Ch. cathedral Ox. 1825–46; pres. of British Assoc. at Ox. 1832; dean of Westminster 27 Nov. 1846 to death; R. of Islip, Oxon. 1846 to death; a trustee of British Museum 1847; author of Geology and mineralogy considered with reference to natural theology 2 vols. 1836, 4 ed. 2 vols. 1869–70; ReliquiÆ DiluvianÆ 1823, 2 ed. 1824. d. Clapham, London 14 Aug. 1856. Geology and mineralogy by the late Very Rev. W. Buckland, edited by F. T. Buckland, 2 vols. 1858; Quarterly Journal of Geol. Soc. xiii, 27–45 (1857); Proc. of Royal Soc. viii, 264–8 (1856); I.L.N. vii, 336 (1845), portrait. BUCKLE, Henry Thomas (only son of Thomas Henry Buckle of London, shipowner 1779–1840). b. Lee, Kent 24 Nov. 1821; travelled in Belgium, Germany, Holland, Italy and France 1840–1; lectured at Royal Instit. London on the “Influence of women on the progress of knowledge” 19 March 1858, published in Fraser’s Mag. April 1858; author of History of civilisation in England 2 vols. 1857–61, republished as History of civilisation in England, France, Spain and Scotland 3 vols. 1869; won the chess tournament at Strand divan London 1849; one of the best chess, whist, and backgammon players in Europe; knew 19 different languages, 7 of them well; left Southampton for Alexandria 20 Oct. 1861. d. from typhoid fever at Damascus 29 May 1862. The life and writings of H. T. Buckle by A. H. Huth 2 vols. 1880, 2 portraits; Miscellaneous and posthumous works of H. T. Buckle vol. 1 (1872); Chess player’s magazine ii, 33–45 (1864), portrait. BUCKLE, Matthew (only son of Matthew Buckle, admiral R.N. who d. 7 July 1784 aged 68). b. Nork house, Banstead 3 May 1770; entered navy 4 Feb. 1777; captain 29 April 1802; superintendent of Portsmouth district of Sea fencibles 2 May 1804 to Feb. 1810 when corps was discharged; captain of the Adamant 44 guns, 16 Aug. 1810 to 14 Sep. 1813; admiral on h.p. 30 July 1852. d. Bath 8 April 1855. BUCKLE, William. b. Alnwick Castle 1794; superintended arrangements of visit of George iv to Ireland; held a responsible post in Soho works of Boulton and Watt at Birmingham to 1851; built first locomotive engine which made journey from Liverpool to Manchester 15 Sep. 1830; an officer in coining department of Royal Mint, London 1851 to death. d. Royal Mint, London 30 Sep. 1863. BUCKLER, John (son of Edward Buckler 1741–92). b. Calbourne, Isle of Wight 30 Nov. 1770; an architect in London to 1826; contributed water colour drawings yearly to Royal Academy 1796–1849; F.S.A. 1810. d. Rockingham row, New Kent road, London 6 Dec. 1851. BUCKLER, William. b. Newport, Isle of Wight 13 Sep. 1814; studied at Royal Academy where he exhibited 1836–56, 62 BUCKLEY, Cecil William. Entered navy 1845; served in White Sea and Black Sea during Russian war 1854–6; landed and fired a quantity of stores at Genitchi 29 May 1855, and the stores and government buildings at Taganrog June 1855; decorated with Victoria cross on institution of that order 27 Feb. 1856; captain 16 April 1862; commanded Pylades on Pacific station 1868–70, and Valiant coastguard ship in the Shannon Dec. 1871 to Oct. 1872. d. Madeira Dec. 1872. BUCKLEY, Edward Pery (eld. son of Edward Pery Buckley of New hall near Salisbury 1760–1840). b. Audley sq. London 7 Nov. 1796; ed. at Harrow and Marlow; ensign 1 foot guards 24 June 1812, captain 12 April 1827 to 9 Nov. 1830 when placed on h.p.; equerry to the Queen 1837–58; colonel 83 foot 17 Aug. 1865 to death; general 17 Aug. 1865; M.P. for Salisbury 15 Nov. 1853 to 6 July 1865. d. 12 South Audley st. London 28 May 1873. BUCKLEY, Joseph (son of George Buckley of Maer, Staffs.) b. Maer 13 May 1804; joined Society of Friends 26 June 1829; a minister 9 Feb. 1843; a cotton spinner at Preston 1834, removed to Manchester 1837; went on a mission to Norway 1856 and 1866; travelled in Germany 1863. d. Sale near Manchester 27 Sep. 1868. Memoirs of Joseph Buckley edited by his daughter 1874, portrait. BUCKLEY, R. Bishop. b. England; entered the minstrel profession in Boston, U.S. 1843 in a band organised by his father under title of Buckley’s Minstrels; the chief performer in the band 1843 to death. d. of paralysis at Quincy, Massachusetts 6 June 1867. BUCKLEY, Rev. Theodore Alois William. b. 27 July 1825; servitor at Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1849; chaplain of his college; translated classics for H. G. Bohn; edited and wrote numerous works for Routledge; author of The great cities of the ancient world 1852; A history of the council of Trent 1852; The great cities of the middle ages 1853; edited L. Apuleii de Deo Socratis, liber singularis 1844. d. London 30 Jany. 1856. G.M. xlv, 314–6 (1856). BUCKLEY-MATHEW, Sir George Benvenuto (eld. son of George Mathew of Fabians, Essex 1760–1846). b. 1807; ensign 52 foot 7 July 1825; lieut. Coldstream guards 26 July 1833; captain 85 foot 17 June 1836 to 23 Sep. 1836 when placed on h.p.; retired from army 9 April 1841; M.P. for Athlone 1835–7, for Shaftesbury 1837–41; governor of Bahama islands 1844–50; minister plenipotentiary to the republics in Central America 21 Aug. 1861, to Argentine republic 13 April 1866, to republic of Paraguay 6 Dec. 1866, to Brazil 19 Sep. 1867 to 1 April 1879 when he retired on pension; changed his Christian name from Byam to Benvenuto 1836; assumed additional surname of Buckley by r.l. 9 May 1865; C.B. 7 Aug. 1863; K.C.M.G. 24 May 1879. d. Suffolk st. Pall Mall, London 22 Oct. 1879 in 73 year. BUCKMAN, James (son of John Buckman). b. Cheltenham 1814; curator and resident professor at Birmingham Philosophical Instit. 1842–8; professor of geology and botany at Royal Agricultural college Cirencester 1848–63; conducted a farm on scientific principles at Bradford Abbas near Sherborne 1863 to death; a recognised authority on all agricultural matters; presented collections of Roman antiquities and fossils to Cirencester; F.L.S.; F.G.S.; F.S.A.; author of Remains of Roman art at Cirencester 1851; Science and practice in farm cultivation 1865; edited The practical farmer’s chronicle 1861; author of many papers on archÆology, botany and geology. d. Bradford Abbas 23 Nov. 1884. BUCKSTONE, John Baldwin. b. Hoxton, London 14 Sep. 1802; made his dÉbut in London at Surrey theatre as Ramsay in The fortunes of Nigel 30 Jany. 1823; acted at Coburg theatre 1824–7, at Adelphi theatre winter seasons of 1827–39 and at Haymarket BUDD, Cordelia Georgiana (youngest dau. of Wm. James Turquand of Bengal civil service). Composed many musical pieces under nom de plume of “Dewdrop” and afterwards under initials C.B. (m. 4 May 1844 Samuel Budd of Exeter, physician who d. 21 May 1885 in 79 year). d. 1 Charleville road, West Kensington, London 3 May 1886 aged 61. BUDD, Edward Hayward. b. Great Missenden, Bucks. 23 Feb. 1785; a clerk in War Office 1801 to Dec. 1817 when he retired on pension of £180 a year; played his first cricket match at Lord’s 13 Sep. 1802; played in all the great matches of Marylebone cricket Club 1805–25; played his last cricket match 16 June 1852; one of the best batsmen, bowlers and amateur boxers of his time; lived at Wroughton, Wilts. 1825 to death. d. Rose cottage Wroughton 29 March 1875. C. A. Wheeler’s Sportascrapiana, 2 ed. 1868, portrait; Baily’s Mag. xxvii, 9–16 (1875). BUDD, George (3 son of Samuel Budd of North Tawton, Devon, surgeon). b. North Tawton Feb. 1808; ed. at St. John’s and Caius colleges Cam., 3 wrangler 1831, B.A. 1831, M.B. 1835, M.D. 1840; fellow of Caius coll. 1831–54, hon. fellow 1880; studied at Middlesex hospital London; practised in London 1840–67; F.R.S. 21 Jany. 1836; F.R.C.P. 1841, Gulstonian lecturer 1843, Croonian lecturer 1847, censor 1845–7; physician to Dreadnought hospital ship 1837–40; professor of medicine in King’s college London 1840–63; phys. to King’s college hospital 1840–63; author of On diseases of the liver 1845, 3 ed. 1857; On the organic diseases and BUDD, Rev. Henry (son of Richard Budd of London, physician 1746–1821). b. Newbury, Berkshire 25 Sep. 1774; ed. at St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1798, M.A. 1801; chaplain of Bridewell hospital 1801 to April 1831 when he resigned; R. of White Roothing, Essex 18 March 1808 to death; a founder of Prayer book and homily society 21 May 1812; author of Infant baptism the means of national regeneration 1827, 3 ed. 1841; Helps for the young 2 vols. 1832–9. d. White Roothing rectory 27 June 1853. A memoir of Rev. Henry Budd 1855; Christian Observer lvi 194–211 (1856). BUDD, Richard. b. 1795; ensign 16 Madras N.I. 11 June 1812; commandant of Southern division 10 May 1857 to 1862; colonel of 2 European regiment 27 Jany. 1858, of 32 Madras N.I. 1860 to 1869; general 8 July 1874. d. Belfont, The Park, Cheltenham 22 Jany. 1885. BUDD, William (brother of George Budd 1808–82). b. North Tawton Sep. 1811; ed. in London, Edinburgh, and Paris; M.D. Edin. 1838; practised at Bristol 1842–73; physician to Bristol royal infirmary 1847–62; F.R.S. 8 June 1871; the greatest authority on zymotic diseases; author of Scarlet fever and its prevention 1869, 4 ed. 1870; Typhoid fever its nature, mode of spreading and prevention 1873 and of many articles in medical papers. d. Clevedon, Somerset 9 Jany. 1880. British Med. Jour. (1880) i, 163–6. BUDGE, Rev. Edward (son of John Budge). b. Devonshire 1800; ed. at Saffron Walden and Ch. coll. Cam., B.A. 1824; C. of Launcells, Cornwall 1834–9; V. of Manaccan, Cornwall 1839–46; R. of Bratton Clovelly, Devon 1846 to death; author of The mirror of history 1851; translated the Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on the statues for Dr. Pusey’s Library of the Fathers; supplied many articles to Geol. Soc. and Royal Instit. of Cornwall. d. Bratton Clovelly 3 Aug. 1865. Life prefixed to Rev. E. Budge’s Posthumous gleanings 1866. BUDGETT, Samuel. b. Wrington, Somerset 27 July 1794; provision dealer at Kingswood near Bristol 1816 to about 1838 and at Bristol about 1838 to death; founded greatest house BUIST, George (eld. son of Rev. John Buist, minister of Tannadice, Forfarshire who d. 8 Dec. 1845 in 92 year). b. Tannadice 17 Nov. 1805; ed. at St. Andrew’s univ. 1817–24, and at Univ. of Edin.; edited Dundee Courier 1834; established Dundee Guardian 1834; edited Perth Constitutional 1835, and Fifeshire Journal 1837–9, and Bombay Times at Bombay 1840–58; started Bombay Standard 1858; F.R.S. 29 Jany. 1846; founded Bombay Reformatory School of Industry 1850; superintendent of government printing press Allahabad 1859 to death; author of Index to books and papers on the physical geography antiquities and statistics of India 1852. d. Calcutta 1 Oct. 1860. Memoir of G. Buist, Cupar 1846; W. Norrie’s Dundee Celebrities (1873) 190–2. BULL, Rev. John (eld. son of John Bull of Oxford, surgeon). b. Oxford; ed. at Ruthin gr. sch. and Westminster; student at Ch. Ch. Ox. 1808, Rhetoric reader, censor, and librarian of his house; B.A. 1812, M.A. 1814, B.D. 1821, D.D. 1825; public examiner 1817–8, Proctor 1820; preb. of Fenton in York cathedral 1 June 1826 to death; V. of Staverton, Northamptonshire 1830 to death; canon of Exeter 26 March 1823 to death; archdeacon of Cornwall 6 Feb. 1826 to 6 May 1826, of Barnstaple 6 May 1826 to 10 March 1830; canon of Ch. Ch. Ox. 15 March 1830 to death; endowed vicarage of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford with £2,000. d. at his lodgings in Ch. Ch. Oxford 21 Feb. 1858 aged 68. BULLAR, Henry (son of John Bullar, of Basset Wood near Southampton). b. 25 Feb. 1815; a special pleader 1839–53; barrister L.I. 6 June 1853; recorder of Poole Oct. 1864 to death; a judge of Court of record of Poole Oct. 1864 to death; published with Joseph Bullar A winter in the Azores 2 vols. 1841; PrÆtors or pleaders. d. Basset Wood 5 Jany. 1870. BULLEN, Sir Charles (son of John Bullen, surgeon general R.N.) b. Newcastle 10 Sep. 1769; entered navy 16 Feb. 1779; captain 29 April 1802; commodore on coast of Africa 12 Dec. 1823 to 1827; superintendent of Pembroke dockyard and captain of Royal Sovereign yacht 22 July 1830 to 10 Jany. BULLEN, Edward (son of Robert Bullen of Taunton, solicitor). b. Taunton 3 April 1813; ed. at Benedictine college, Douay; law student at Lincoln’s Inn; practised in London as a certificated special pleader 1836 to death; author of A practical treatise on the law of distress for rent and of things damage feasant 1842; author with S. M. Leake of Precedents of pleadings in common law 1860, 3 ed. 1868. d. 82 Belsize park gardens, London 19 July 1868. BULLEN, Joseph (2 son of Rev. John Bullen, R. of Kennet, Cambs.) b. 14 April 1761; midshipman on board “Pallas” 36 guns 1774; commanded Lynn Regis district of Sea Fencibles 26 Sep. 1804 to 1810 when corps was disbanded; admiral on h.p. 23 Nov. 1841. d. Bath 17 July 1857. BULLER, Sir Anthony (youngest son of John Buller of Morval, Cornwall 1744–90). b. Antony house, Torpoint 26 July 1780; ed. at Westminster; barrister L.I. 12 May 1803; M.P. for West Looe 1812–16 and 1831–32; appointed a puisne justice at Madras 6 Sep. 1815, but was transferred to Calcutta March 1816 and it is believed never took his seat on the Madras bench; knighted by Prince Regent at Carlton house 23 April 1816. d. Marytavy rectory, Devon 27 June 1866. BULLER, Sir Arthur William (2 son of Charles Buller of Bengal civil service 1774–1848). b. Calcutta 5 Sep. 1808; ed. at Edin. and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1830, M.A. 1834; pupil of Thomas Carlyle; barrister L.I. 10 June 1834; Queen’s advocate in Ceylon 19 Oct. 1840 to July 1848; judge of supreme court at Calcutta July 1848 to 1858 when he retired; M.P. for Devonport 17 Aug. 1859 to June 1865, and for Liskeard 21 June 1865 to death. d. 6 Half Moon st. Piccadilly, London 30 April 1869. BULLER, Frederick William. Ensign 37 foot 20 Jany. 1790; lieut. col. 88 foot 28 Aug. 1804 and 1 foot 27 Feb. 1806 to 1 Dec. 1808; captain Coldstream guards 1 Dec. 1808 to 1814; aide de camp to George iii, 25 July 1810 to 4 June 1813; L.G. 27 May 1825; retired 1833. d. Bury st. St. James’s, London 8 Nov. 1855 aged 83. BULLER, James Wentworth (eld. son of James Buller of Downes near Crediton 1766–1827, M.P. for Exeter). b. Downes 1 Oct. 1798; ed. at Harrow and Oriel coll. Ox., B.A. 1819, B.C.L. 1824, D.C.L. 1829; fellow of All Souls coll.; M.P. for Exeter 29 July 1830 to 29 Dec. 1834, for North Devon 6 April 1857 to death; colonel 1st Devon yeomanry cavalry 5 Aug. 1842 to death; chairman of Bristol and Exeter railway. d. 109 Jermyn st. Piccadilly, London 13 March 1865. BULLEY, Rev. Frederic (3 son of John Bulley of Reading). Demy of Magd. coll. Ox. July 1825, probationer fellow 1837, served offices of dean of arts, bursar, vice pres., dean of divinity and college tutor successively, B.A. 1829, M.A. 1832, B.D. 1840, D.D. 1856; pres. of his college Jany. 1855 to death; author of A tabular view of the varieties in the communion and baptismal offices of the Church of England 1842. d. Marston hill near Fairford 3 Sep. 1885 aged 75. BULLIONS, Rev. Peter. b. Moss Side near Perth Dec. 1791; ed. at Univ. of Edin. 1810–13; licensed by presbytery of Edin. June 1817; pastor of presbyterian church at Argyle in Washington county, New York March 1818; professor of languages in Albany academy Nov. 1824 to 1848; pastor of United presbyterian church at Troy, New York 1834–52 and Dec. 1853 to death; author of Practical lessons in English grammar 1844, new ed. 1853; An analytical and practical grammar of the English language, 21 ed. 1853, and many other books. d. Troy 13 Feb. 1864. BULLOCH, John. b. 1805; a working brass-finisher at Aberdeen; contributed several articles on decimal coinage to the AthenÆum; suggested a number of textual emendations which were introduced into notes of W. G. BULLOCK, Edward (eld. son of Edward Bullock of Jamaica). Educ. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox., B.A. 1822, M.A. 1825; barrister I.T. 26 Nov. 1824; judge of Sheriff’s Court of London and comr. at Old Bailey 1840–50; common serjeant of City of London 1850 to Dec. 1855. d. Upfield near Stroud, Gloucs. 27 Dec. 1857 aged 57. BULLOCK, Frederick (son of James Bullock, commander R.N.) Entered navy 28 Nov. 1804; captain 28 June 1838; granted pension for wounds 11 Nov. 1864; admiral on half pay 10 Sep. 1869; F.R.G.S. 1830. d. 6 Feb. 1874 in 87 year. BULLOCK, Ralph. b. Morpeth 1841; apprenticed to Thomas Dawson of Tupgill 1851; rode his first race at Harrowgate 1853; won the Derby on Colonel Townley’s Kettledrum 1861; won Ascot vase and Goodwood and Doncaster cups on Tim Whiffler 1862; one of the very best jockeys in England; won 212 races 1854–62. d. Tupgill 23 Jany. 1863. Sporting Review xlix, 86, 203–5 (1863), portrait. BULLOCK, Rev. William Thomas (2 son of John Bullock of London). b. London 1818; ed. at Magd. Hall Ox., B.A. 1847, M.A. 1850; C. of St. Anne, Westminster 1847–50; assist. sec. S.P.G. June 1850, sec. 1865 to death; chaplain at Kensington Palace 13 Sep. 1867 to. death; preb. of Oxgate in St. Paul’s cathedral 1875 to death; author of Sermons on missions and other subjects 1879, of Ecclesiastes in the Speaker’s Commentary 1880 and of about 70 articles in Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible. d. Mentone 27 Feb. 1879. BULMER, Henry Taylor. Artist at Preston where he painted the altar-piece at St. Augustine’s church 1840; decorated St. Cuthbert’s, North Shields, and several other churches; painted many portraits. d. Brook hill, Sheffield 6 Dec. 1857 aged 46. BULTEEL, Henry Bellenden (son of Thomas Bulteel of Plymstock, Devon). b. Bellevue near Plymouth 1800; Educ. at Brasn. coll. Ox., B.A. 1822, M.A. 1824; fellow of Ex. coll. 30 June 1823 to 6 Oct. 1829; C. of St. Ebbe’s Oxford 1826 to 10 Aug. 1831 when his license was revoked by Bishop of Oxford for fraternising with dissenters and preaching in their chapels; built a large chapel behind Pembroke college, Oxford, his congregation BUNBURY, Sir Charles James Fox, 8 Baronet. b. Messina in Sicily 4 Feb. 1809; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam.; contested Bury St. Edmunds 1835 and 1837; F.R.S. 5 June 1851; succeeded 13 April 1860; sheriff of Suffolk 1868. d. 18 June 1886. BUNBURY, Sir Henry Edward, 7 Baronet (younger son of Henry Wm. Bunbury the caricaturist 1750–1811). b. London 4 May 1778; ed. at Westminster; ensign Coldstream guards 14 Jany. 1795; quartermaster general in Mediterranean 1805–9; lieut. col. Royal Newfoundland fencible infantry 1805–14; under secretary of state for war 1809–16; K.C.B. 2 Jany. 1815; L.G. 22 July 1830; succeeded his uncle as 7 Baronet 31 March 1821; M.P. for Suffolk 11 Aug. 1830 to 3 Dec. 1832, the county had been uncontested for 40 years before 1830; author of Narrative of the campaign in North Holland 1849; Narrative of certain passages in the late war with France 1852. d. Barton hall, Bury St. Edmunds 13 April 1860. Memoir and literary remains, edited by his son Sir C. J. F. Bunbury P.P. (1868). BUNBURY, Henry William St. Pierre (3 son of the preceding). b. Brompton, London 2 Sep. 1812; ensign 43 foot 29 June 1830; lieut. col. 23 foot 9 March 1855 to 10 Jany. 1857 when placed on h.p.; C.B. 5 July 1855. d. Marchfield house, Bracknell 18 Sep. 1875. BUNBURY, Thomas. Ensign 46 foot 25 March 1804; lieut. col. Rifle corps 5 Feb. 1824 to 24 April 1835; lieut. col. 67 foot 24 April 1835 to 9 Nov. 1846; L.G. 20 June 1854; colonel commandant Rifle corps 9 Feb. 1855 to death; K.H. 1835. d. London 13 April 1857. BUNBURY, Thomas. Ensign 3 foot 13 Aug. 1807; major 80 foot 21 Nov. 1834 to 26 July 1844; C.B. 3 April 1846; K.T.S. d. 11 St. James’s terrace, Regent’s park, London 25 Dec. 1861. BUNN, Margaret Agnes (eld. dau. of John Somerville of Marylebone, London, biscuit baker). b. Lanark 26 Oct. 1799; made her first appearance on the stage at Drury Lane theatre 9 May 1816 as Imogine in Maturin’s tragedy of Bertram; created character of Bianca in Dean Milman’s Fazio at Bath 6 Jany. 1818; played at Drury Lane 1816–18 and 1823–24, Covent Garden 1818–19. (m. 1819 the preceding). d. Blue Earth city, Minnesota Jany. 1883. Oxberry’s Dramatic biog. v. 163–74 (1826), portrait; T. Marshall’s Lives of actors (1848) 73–8. BUNNETT, Fanny Elizabeth. Author of The golden balance or the false and the real 1859; Nature’s school or lessons in the garden and the field 1859; Louise Juliane, Electress palatine and her times 1862; Linked at last 1871; translated Shakespeare commentaries by G. G. Gervinus 1863, 3 ed. 1877; W. Luebke’s History of art 1868, and many other books. d. Budleigh Salterton near Exmouth 19 Feb. 1875 in 43 year. BUNNEY, John Cooper. Established with Theodore Hook, John Bull weekly paper 1820, published it 1820–50. d. Clerkenwell 22 June 1867. BUNNEY, John Wharlton. b. Charlotte st. Fitzroy sq. London 20 June 1828; apprenticed to a stationer in city of London; employed by Messrs. Smith and Elder, publishers to BUNNING, James Bunstone. b. London 6 Oct. 1802; architect in London; surveyor of Foundling hospital estates 1825; erected City of London school opened 2 Feb. 1837; surveyor to London cemetery company 1839; laid out Nunhead cemetery; clerk of the City of London’s works 23 Sep. 1843 to death; built Coal Exchange 1849, City prison Holloway 1852, Billingsgate market 1853, Metropolitan cattle market Copenhagen fields opened 15 June 1855; F.S.A. 1848, F.R.I. B.A. d. 6 Gloucester terrace, Regent’s park, London 7 Nov. 1863. BUNNY, Arthur. b. 5 May 1825; 2 lieut. Bengal artillery 8 Dec. 1843; brigade major siege artillery Lucknow Feb. 1858 to April 1858; col. R.A. 1 Oct. 1877 to 1879; L.G. 1 Oct. 1882; C.B. 24 May 1873, placed on retired list 26 July 1883. d. 40 Addison gardens north, Kensington 9 Nov. 1883. BUNSEN, Frances, Baroness de (eld. dau. of Benjamin Waddington of Llanover, Monmouthshire who d. 19 Jany. 1828 in 80 year). b. Dunston park, Berkshire 4 March 1791. (m. 1 July 1817 Christian Charles Josiah Baron de Bunsen, German ambassador in London 1841–54); published A memoir of Baron Bunsen drawn chiefly from family papers by his widow 2 vols. 1868, she d. Carlsruhe, Baden 23 April 1876. A. J. C. Hare’s Life of Baroness Bunsen 2 vols. 1882; F. M. Muller’s Biographical essays (1884) 311–62; Contemporary Review xxviii, 948–69 (1876). BUNTING, Rev. Jabez (only son of Wm. Bunting of Manchester, tailor). b. Newton lane, Manchester 13 May 1779; Wesleyan minister at Oldham st. chapel Manchester 1803, stationed at London 1803, 1815 and 1833 to death, at Manchester 1805 and 1824, and Liverpool 1809 and 1830; sec. to the Conference 1814, president 1820, 1828, 1836 and 1844; senior sec. of Missionary Society 1833; pres. of Theological Institute 1835; M.A. Aberdeen 1818; D.D. Middleton Univ. U.S.A. 1835; superintended the Connexional BUNTING, Rev. William Maclardie (eld. child of the preceding). b. Manchester 23 Nov. 1805; Wesleyan minister at Salford 1824–7, Manchester 1827–9 and 1838–41, Huddersfield 1829–32, Halifax 1832–5, London 1835–38 and 1841 to death; edited Select letters of Mrs. Agnes Bulmer 1842; contributed to Wesleyan Methodist Mag. d. at his residence Highgate Rise 13 Nov. 1866. Memorials of the late Rev. W. M. Bunting, edited by Rev. G. S. Rowe 1870, portrait. BURANELLI OR BURINELLI, Luigi. b. Ancona, Italy; officer of dragoons in the Pope’s army; valet to Stewart Drummond a monk known as the AbbÉ Stewart who was assassinated whilst bathing; servant to John Craufurd of 12 Grafton st. Bond st. London; a tailor at Penshurst near Tunbridge Wells; shot Joseph Latham dead at 5 Foley place, Regent st. London 7 Jany. 1855 after which he shot himself; tried for murder at Central criminal court 12 April 1855; hanged at Newgate 30 April 1855 aged 32. The law on its trial by A. H. Dymond (1865) 178–94; Central criminal court trials xli, 633–61 (1855). BURCHAM, Thomas Borrow. Educ. at Trin. coll. Cam., fellow 1832 to death, B.A. 1830; barrister I.T. 27 Jany. 1843; recorder of Bedford 1848–1856; magistrate of Southwark police court 1856 to death. d. Chingford, Essex 27 Nov. 1869 aged 62. BURCHELL, William John (son of Matthew Burchell of Fulham, nurseryman). b. Fulham 1783; schoolmaster at St. Helena 1805–10; explored South Africa 1811–15; explored Brazil 1825–30; executed at Rio Janeiro a series of views from which R. Burford’s panorama of that city was painted; F.L.S. 15 Feb. 1808; hon. D.C.L. Ox. 1834; lived at Fulham 1830 to death; his name is perpetuated in scientific names of many animal and plant species discovered by him; author of Travels in Southern Africa 2 vols. 1822. d. Churchfield house, Fulham 23 March 1863. Journal of Royal Geog. Soc. xxxiii, 124 (1864). BURDEN, Henry. b. Dunblane, Scotland 1791; went to America 1819; maker of agricultural implements; invented the first cultivator 1820; invented a machine for making hook-headed spikes 1840, which are used on every railroad in United States; devised a machine for making horseshoes June 1857 which is self-acting, and produces 60 shoes per minute from iron bars. d. Woodside Troy, New York 19 Jany. 1871. BURDER, Rev. George Bernard (son of Rev. George Burder 1752–1832, editor of Evangelical magazine). ed. at Magd. coll. Ox.; C. of Ruardean, Gloucs.; received into Church of Rome at Oscott college 24 Jany. 1846; ordained priest; joined the Cistercians at Mount St. Bernard’s abbey, Leics. where he filled offices of sub-prior, prior, and abbot; author of the following translations from the French The souls in purgatory by Bouguets 1873; The consoler by Lambilotte 1873; St. Bernard and his work by Caussette 1874; Confidence in the mercy of God by Languet de Villeneuve de Gergy 1876; The Christian life and virtues considered in the religious state by C. Gay 1878. d. 26 Sep. 1881. BURDER, Rev. Henry Forster (brother of the preceding). b. Coventry 27 Nov. 1783; ed. at Hoxton academy and Glasgow Univ.; assistant minister at Independent chapel St. Thomas sq. Hackney 31 Oct. 1811, minister 2 March 1814 to 1852; professor of philosophy and mathematics at Hoxton college 1810–30; chairman of Congregational union of England and Wales 1844; author of Mental discipline or hints on the cultivation of intellectual and moral habits 1822; A collection of psalms and hymns 1826, 3 ed. 1845 and other books. d. Hatcham park, Surrey 29 Dec. 1864. Evangelical Mag. March 1865 pp. 129–34. BURDER, William Corbett (son of Rev. John Burder). b. Stroud, Gloucs. 30 Oct. 1822; connected as a meteorologist with Glaisher’s corps of observers; discovered 2 new comets 28 March 1854 and 30 June 1861; author of A motto or apophthegm for every day in the year selected by W.C.B. 1859; BURDETT, Sir Robert, 2 Baronet. b. Piccadilly 26 April 1796; major 10th hussars 11 Oct. 1827 to 8 March 1831, when placed on h.p.; retired from army 1846; succeeded 23 Jany. 1844; sheriff of Derbyshire 1848. d. G. 2 Albany, Piccadilly, London 7 June 1880. Personalty sworn under £300,000 4 Sep. 1880. BURFORD, Robert. b. 1791; exhibited 4 landscapes at Royal Academy 1812–16; exhibited panoramas with H. A. Barker on site of present Strand theatre to 1827 when he moved to Leicester square, where he exhibited a succession of panoramas of chief places of interest in Europe. d. 35 Camden road villas, London 30 Jany. 1861. T. Taylor’s Leicester Square (1874) 467–71. BURGES, Rev. George. Educ. at St. John’s coll. Cam., B.A. 1787; V. of Halvergate, Norfolk 1812 to death; V. of Moulton, Norfolk 1813 to death; author of An address to the people of Great Britain 1798; Remarks on the leading arguments in favour of Catholic emancipation 1812, 2 ed. 1813; Reflections on the nature and tendency of the present spirit of the times in a letter to the freeholders of Norfolk 1819, 2 ed. 1820. d. Whittlesea 24 Jany. 1853 aged 89. Note.—In Watt’s Bibliotheca Britannica the classical publications of George Burges, M.A., of Trin. coll. Cam., who d. 11 Jany. 1864, are erroneously added to those of the Rev. George Burges. BURGES, George. b. Bengal about 1786; ed. at Charter house and Trin. coll. Cam., scholar 1803, B.A. 1807; M.A. 1810; started two coaches which plied up and down the New Road London; constructed a machine for aerial conveyance of passengers from Dover to Calais; maker of a new kind of stays called ‘corsets À la VÉnus’; gave a series of public lectures upon ancient and modern literature; kept a lodging house at Ramsgate 1856 to death; granted civil list pension of £100 per annum 7 June 1841; author of a play in 5 acts called The son of Erin or the cause of the Greeks by an Asiatic liberal 1823; published the Troades of Euripides 1807 and the PhoenissÆ 1809; the Supplices and Prometheus of Æschylus 1831 and other classical works. d. Ramsgate 11 Jany. 1864 aged 78. BURGESS, Rev. Henry. b. 1808; ed. at Stepney college; LLD. Glasgow 1851; Ph.D. Gottingen 1852; P.C. of Clifton Reynes, Bucks. 1854–61; V. of St. Andrew, Whittlesea, Cambs. 1861 to death; edited Journal of sacred literature 1848; Clerical journal 1854–68; author of Poems 1850; Select metrical hymns and homilies of Ephraem translated 1853; The festal epistles of St. Athanasius translated from the Syriac 1852. d. 10 Feb. 1886. BURGESS, John Cart. b. 1798; painter of flowers and fruit in water colours; exhibited 31 pictures at the R.A., 7 at the B.I., and 15 at Suffolk st. gallery 1812–37; taught painting in London; author of A practical essay on the art of flower painting 1811; An easy introduction to perspective, 6 ed. 1835. d. Leamington 20 Feb. 1863. BURGESS, Joseph Tom. b. Cheshunt, Herts. 1828; reporter on Leicester Journal 1844; edited Clare Journal at Ennis; edited Bury Guardian 7 years; Leamington Spa Courier 1865–78; Barrow’s Worcester Journal 5 years; F.S.A. 1 June 1876; author of Life scenes and social sketches 1862; Old English wild flowers 1868; Harry Hope’s holidays 1871; Historic Warwickshire 1876; A handbook to the cathedral of Worcester 1884. d. Leamington 4 Oct. 1886. BURGESS, Rev. Richard. Educ. at St. John’s coll. Cam, B.D. 1835; R. of Upper Chelsea 1836–69; preb. of St. Paul’s cath. 1851 to death; R. of Horningsheath, Suffolk 27 Dec. 1869 to death; lectured at early meetings of British Architects in Covent Garden and Grosvenor st. London; author of A treatise on the ludi circenses 1828; Topography and antiquities of Rome 2 vols. 1831; Greece and BURGESS, Right Rev. Thomas. b. near Preston 1 Oct. 1791; ed. at Benedictine college, Ampleforth where he was professed 13 Oct. 1807; prior of Ampleforth July 1818 to 1830 when he left Benedictine order and became secularized in order to raise up a new collegiate establishment at Prior park, Bath; opened Portland chapel, Queen st. Bath 26 May 1832; kept a school at Monmouth; bishop of Clifton 27 June 1851 to death; consecrated in St. George’s cathedral, Southwark 27 July 1851. d. the Convent, Westbury on Trym 27 Nov. 1854. Catholic Directory (1860) 258–61, portrait. BURGESS, Thomas Henry. Educ. at Trin. coll. Dublin; M.R.C.S. England 1835; M.D. Edin. 1837; practised in London 1838 to death; phys. to Blenheim st. dispensary 1841; fellow of Med. and Chir. Soc. 1839; author of The physiology and mechanism of blushing 1839; Eruptions of the face and hands 1849; The climate of Italy in relation to pulmonary consumption 1852; translated Cazenave and Schedel’s Practical treatise on diseases of the skin 1832. d. Southsea 17 Dec. 1865. Medical Circular i, 491 (1852). BURGOYNE, Hugh Talbot (only son of the succeeding). b. Dublin 19 July 1833; entered navy 18 Jany. 1853; captain of ‘Constance’ 35 guns 1867–9; captain of armour plated turret ship ‘Captain’ 6 guns 30 April 1870 to death; V.C. 24 Feb. 1857; lost in the ‘Captain’ which foundered off Cape Finisterre about 2 a.m. 7 Sep. 1870. I.L.N. lvii, 302, 307, 312 (1870), portrait. BURGOYNE, Sir John Fox, 1 Baronet (elder natural son of John Burgoyne 1723–92, commander in chief in Ireland). b. Queen st. Soho, London 24 July 1782; ed. at Eton and Woolwich 1796–8; 2 lieut. R.E. 29 Aug. 1798; commanding engineer of expedition to New Orleans 1814; chairman of board of Public works in Ireland 1831–45; a founder of Instit. of Civil Engineers of Ireland and first pres. 5 Aug. 1835; inspector general of fortifications in England July 1845 to 1 Jany. 1868 when he retired on full pay; pres. of Irish famine relief commission 10 Feb. 1847; sent to Constantinople to report on defence of Turkey Jany. 1854; conducted siege of Sebastopol Oct. 1854 to Feb. 1855; col. commandant R.E. 22 Nov. 1854 to death; general 5 Sep. 1855; created baronet 18 BURGOYNE, Sir John Montagu, 9 Baronet. b. Sutton park, Bedfordshire 17 Oct. 1796; ensign 68 foot 17 Oct. 1816; captain grenadier guards 5 June 1835 to 1847; succeeded 11 Aug. 1817; sheriff of Beds. 1852. d. 17 March 1858. BURKE, James Saint George (2 son of John, French Burke). b. 1804; barrister M.T. 20 Nov. 1846; counsel to London, Chatham and Dover railway; Q.C. 2 Dec. 1862; bencher of his inn 27 April 1863; retired from practice about 1869. d. The Auberies near Sudbury 25 Feb. 1881. Personalty sworn under £250,000, 30 April 1881. BURKE, Sir John Charles, 4 Baronet. b. 7 Feb. 1858; succeeded 9 Dec. 1875. d. 16 April 1880. BURKE, Sir John Lionel, 12 Baronet. b. Glinsk Castle, co. Roscommon 26 Nov. 1818; succeeded 30 Oct. 1865. d. 21 July 1884. BURKE, Sir Joseph, 11 Baronet. b. Ardfry, co. Galway 31 Jany. 1786; succeeded 1845. d. 30 Oct. 1865. BURKE, Peter (elder son of John Burke of London, genealogist 1787–1848). b. London 7 May 1811; ed. at Caen college, Normandy; barrister I.T. 7 June 1838; Q.C. of county palatine of Lancaster 1858; serjeant at law 11 Jany. 1860; director of Society of Antiquaries of Normandy 1866–7; author of Celebrated trials connected with the aristocracy 1849; The romance of the forum 4 vols. 1852–61; The public and domestic life of Edmund Burke 1853; Celebrated naval and military trials 1866. d. Coleherne road, South Kensington, London 26 March 1881. BURKE, Robert O’Hara. b. St. Cleram near Galway 1820; entered Austrian army 1840; served in Irish constabulary 1848; BURKE, Thomas. Ensign 83 foot 23 July 1794; major 4 foot 22 July 1813 to 25 Feb. 1816 when placed on h.p.; colonel 10 foot 11 April 1860 to death; L.G. 18 Jany. 1861. d. Prospect villa, Ringaskiddy, Cork 4 Feb. 1863. BURKE, Thomas Henry (2 son of Wm. Burke of Knocknagur, co. Galway). b. 25 May 1829; private secretary to Sir Thomas Redington under secretary for Ireland April 1851; under secretary for Ireland May 1869 to death; stabbed to death in Phoenix park, Dublin 6 May 1882 by members of a secret society called the Invincibles; memorial window in Dominican church, Dublin erected by Earl Spencer, Viceroy of Ireland. I.L.N. lxxx, 453 (1882), portrait; Graphic xxv, 464 (1882), portrait. BURKE, Sir Thomas John, 3 Baronet. b. 7 June 1813; succeeded 14 Sep. 1847; M.P. for co. Galway 17 May 1847 to 6 July 1865. d. Marble hill, Loughrea, co. Galway 9 Dec. 1875. Burke’s Portrait gallery i, 92 (1833). BURKE, Very Rev. Thomas Nicholas (son of Walter Burke of Galway who d. 29 Nov. 1872). b. Galway 8 Sep. 1830; entered order of St. Dominic at Perugia 29 Dec. 1847; ordained priest 26 March 1853; superintendent of novices at Tallaght near Dublin 1857–64; rector of Irish Dominican college of San Clemente, Rome Sep. 1864; went to America as visitor of his order Oct. 1871 where he acquired extraordinary popularity as a preacher and lecturer; author of English misrule in Ireland 1873; Ireland’s case stated in reply to Mr. Froude 1873; Lectures and sermons 1873; Lectures on faith and fatherland 1874. d. Tallaght 2 July 1883. The life of the Very Rev. T. N. Burke by W. J. Fitzpatrick 2 vols. 1885, portrait. BURLTON, William. b. 1793; entered Bengal army 1807; commissary general 12 April 1837 to 10 Feb. 1848; lieut. col. of 7 light cavalry 1843, of 10 light cavalry 1848, of 8 light cavalry 1849, of 2 light cavalry 1850 to 10 Aug. 1850; C.B. 3 April 1846; author of A few brief comments on Sir C. Napier’s letter to Sir J. Hobhouse, “On the baggage of the Indian army” 1849. d. Oaklands, Shepherd’s Bush, London 10 Nov. 1870. BURMESTER, Arnold Edward. Ensign 59 foot 31 Aug. 1830, lieut. col. 12 Oct. 1860 to 23 Sep. 1862 when he retired on full pay with rank of M.G.; C.B. 1 March 1861. d. 11 St. Stephen’s sq. Bayswater, London 3 Oct. 1877. BURN, George. Surgeon R.N. 21 April 1829; inspector general of hospitals and fleets 17 Sep. 1858 to 1 April 1870 when he retired; C.B. 2 June 1869. d. The Cedars, Shirley, Southampton 20 Feb. 1881 aged 70. BURN, Jacob Henry. Assistant to Wm. Hone the bookseller in London about 1820, helped to compile The every day book 3 vols. 1826–7; bookseller in Maiden lane, afterwards in King st. Covent Garden; edited Willis’s Current notes 7 vols. 1851–7; author of A descriptive catalogue of the London traders tavern and coffee-house tokens current in the seventeenth century presented to the Corporation library by H. B. H. Beaufoy 1853, 2 ed. 1855, these tokens were collected by him for Beaufoy; Catalogue of a collection of early newspapers and essayists presented to the Bodleian library by Rev. F. W. Hope 1865, formed chiefly by Burn 1830–4. d. St. Mary’s hospital, Paddington, London 19 Feb. 1869 aged 76. Reg. and mag. of biog. i, 317–8 (1869). BURN, James. b. Darlington, Durham 15 March 1804; apprenticed to a skinman at Newcastle; fought and beat O’Neal £25 a side 26 July 1824; beaten by Ned Neale £100 a side 19 Dec. 1824 and by Philip Sampson £50 a side 14 June 1825; beat Pat Magee £100 a side 25 July 1826; beat Ned Baldwin £100 a side 24 April 1827, beaten BURN, Robert. Second lieut. R.A. 17 Dec. 1812, colonel 6 Jany. 1855 to 27 June 1864, col. commandant 2 Aug. 1868 to death; general 1 Oct. 1877. d. Cheltenham 19 Dec. 1878 aged 86. BURN, William (son of Robert Burn of Edinburgh, builder). b. Edin. 20 Dec. 1789; pupil of Robert Smirke, architect; architect in Edin. 1816–44 and in London 1844 to death; consulting government architect for Scotland; designed mansions in nearly every county in United Kingdom. d. 6 Stratton st. Piccadilly, London 15 Feb. 1870. BURNABY, Charles Herrick. b. 28 Oct. 1800; second lieut. R.A. 9 June 1825, lieut. col. 22 July 1853 to 28 Nov. 1854 when he retired on full pay; general 1 Oct. 1877. d. 20 Regent’s park terrace, London 11 Jany. 1879. BURNABY, Edwyn Sherard (only son of Edwyn Burnaby of Baggrave hall near Leicester 1799–1867). b. 22 May 1830; ed. at Eton; ensign Grenadier guards 3 Nov. 1846, lieut. col. 1 Oct. 1877 to June 1880; served in Crimea Nov. 1854 to 28 July 1855; commanded British-Italian legion of 3500 men 1855–7; went on special duty to Syria 1861; commanded Metropolitan volunteers 1877–80; M.G. 29 April 1880; M.P. for North Leics. 12 April 1880 to death; author of An account of the right flank company of the third battalion Grenadier Guards at the battle of Inkerman 1857; John Bryant or the stag hunt by E. S. B. 1868. d. Palmeira sq. Hove, Brighton 31 May 1883. New monthly mag. cxviii, 421–5 (1880), portrait; Biograph iv, 510–3 (1880). BURNABY, Frederick Gustavus (son of Rev. Gustavus Andrew Burnaby of Somerby hall near Oakham 1802–72). b. Bedford 3 March 1842; ed. at Bedford gr. sch. and Harrow; cornet Royal horse guards 30 Sep. 1859, lieut. col. 6 April 1881 to death; correspondent of the Times at Carlist camp in Spain Aug. to Oct. 1874; agent of Stafford house committee in Russo-Turkish war 1877–8; commanded fifth Turkish brigade at battle of Tashkesan 31 Dec. 1877; contested Birmingham April 1880; went to Egypt as a volunteer 10 Jany. 1884; made 19 balloon ascents, crossed BURNABY, John Dick (eld. son of John Dick Burnaby of Evington, Leics. 1776–1852, captain Grenadier guards). b. Billesdon Coplow, Leics. 19 April 1802; ed. at Emm. coll. Cam., LLD. 1826; barrister I.T. 21 Nov. 1828; comr. of bankrupts for Leicester, Nottingham and district; judge of county courts circuit 34 (Leicestershire) March 1847 to death. d. Torquay 29 Dec. 1855. BURNABY, Richard Beaumont (2 son of Rev. Thomas Burnaby 1761–1830, preb. of Lincoln). b. Misterton, Leics. 22 Feb. 1793; 2 lieut. R.A. 17 Dec. 1812, captain 9 Sep. 1834 to 9 April 1849; lieut. col. commandant Hampshire artillery 30 May 1853 to death; L.G. 10 Nov. 1868. d. Carlton crescent, Southampton 1 June 1871. BURNABY, Sir William Crisp Hood, 3 Baronet (only son of Sir Wm. Chaloner Burnaby, 2 baronet who d. 19 Feb. 1794). Entered navy 11 Oct. 1806; commander of Ardent prison ship at Bermuda 26 May 1814 to May 1816. d. Bermuda 1 Aug. 1853. BURNABY, Sir William Edward, 4 Baronet. b. July 1824; ed. at Exeter coll. Ox.; succeeded 1 Aug. 1853. d. Boulogne 19 Aug. 1881. BURNARD, Nevill Northey (son of George Burnard of Alternun, Cornwall, mason). b. Alternun 1818; a mason; a carver in London; employed by Bailey, Marshall, Foley and other sculptors; executed statue of Richard Lander erected on the column in Lemon st. Truro about 1850, and statue of Ebenezer Elliott erected in Market place, Sheffield; executed many portrait busts of eminent men. d. the Infirmary, Redruth, Cornwall 27 Nov. 1878. BURNE, John. b. Worcestershire; ed. at Univ. of Edin.; M.D. 1 Aug. 1821; L.R.C.P. 22 Dec. 1823, a Fellow 4 July 1838; phys. to Westminster hosp. 1835–42; removed to Tiverton about 1843; removed to Bath about 1850; author of A practical treatise on the Typhus or adynamic fever 1828; A treatise on BURNELL, Arthur Coke (eld. son of Arthur Burnell of East India Company’s navy). b. St. Briavel’s, Gloucs. 11 July 1840; ed. at King’s college London; entered Indian civil service 1860; served in Madras 1860–80; C.I.E.; author of Specimens of South Indian dialects collected by A. C. B. 1873–8; Elements of South Indian palÆography 1874, enlarged edition 1878; Classified index to the Sanskrit MSS. in the palace at Tanjore 1880. d. West Stratton, Hampshire 12 Oct. 1882. His library was sold at Sotheby’s 14–17 Jany. 1884 for £1,566. Hobson-Jobson being a glossary of Anglo-Indian colloquial words and phrases by H. Yule and the late A. C. Burnell (1886) xiii, portrait. BURNELL, George Rowden. b. 1814; civil engineer in America, Belgium and Holland; assistant engineer on Paris and Rouen railway 1842–8; built Equity and Law life office Lincoln’s Inn Fields London; author of The rudiments of hydraulic engineering 1852; wrote for Weale’s Rudimentary Series, treatises on Acoustics; Sound in public and private buildings; Well-sinking, boring and pump-work; Hydraulic engineering; River engineering; Fluids; and Limes, mortars and concrete; edited Engineer and Architect’s pocket book and Builder’s and contractor’s price book; contributed many articles to Arts and Sciences division of English CyclopÆdia, Proc. of Instit. of British Architects, Journal of Gas-lighting and Builder. d. 23 Kensington gardens terrace, Hyde park, London 23 July 1868 in 54 year. BURNES, James (eld. son of James Burnes 1780–1852, town clerk of Montrose). b. Montrose 12 Feb. 1801; ed. at Montrose academy and Univ. of Edin.; entered Bombay medical service 1821; garrison surgeon of Bombay 1837; physician general in Bombay 15 Sep. 1848 to 20 Nov. 1849; provincial grand master of Western India 1836–46; grand master of Scottish lodge of Masons in India 1846–9; F.R.S. 2 April 1835; K.H. 1837; author of A narrative of a visit to the court of Scinde 1829; A sketch of the history of the Knights Templars 1837. d. Queen’s hotel, Manchester 19 Sep. 1862. Notes on his name and family by James Burnes 1851 PP. BURNET, Rev. John. b. Methven st. Perth 13 April 1789; a shoemaker at Perth; Independent congregational minister at Cork 1815–30; pastor of Mansion house chapel BURNET, John (son of George Burnet, surveyor general of excise for Scotland). b. Musselburgh near Edin. 20 March 1784; apprenticed to Robert Scott, landscape engraver 7 years; painter and engraver in London 1806–60; engraved many of Wilkie’s pictures; exhibited 1 picture at the R.A., 30 at B.I. and 6 at Suffolk st. gallery 1808–62; F.R.S. 16 March 1837 to 1849 or 1850; granted civil list pension of £75, 19 April 1861; author of A practical treatise on painting in three parts 1822–7, new ed. 4 parts 1880; An essay on the education of the eye 1837; Landscape painting in oil colours 1849, 2 ed. 1861; Turner and his works 1852, 2 ed. 1859 and many other books. d. Victoria road, Stoke Newington, London 29 April 1868. I.L.N. lii, 504 (1868), portrait. BURNETT, Sir Alexander, 9 Baronet. b. Crathes castle near Aberdeen 17 Dec. 1789; succeeded 16 Feb. 1849. d. Crathes castle 20 March 1856. BURNETT, Sir James Horn, 10 Baronet. b. Crathes Castle 22 June 1801; succeeded 20 March 1856; lord lieut. of Kincardineshire 5 Jany. 1864 to death. d. Crathes castle 16 Sep. 1876. BURNETT, Sir William (son of Wm. Burnett of Montrose). b. Montrose Jany. 1779; surgeon’s mate R.N. 1795, surgeon 1799; had charge of hospitals for prisoners of war at Portsmouth and Forton 1805–10; phys. and inspector of hospitals to Mediterranean fleet 26 May 1810 to 1813; a medical comr. of the navy 1822; L.R.C.P. 1825, F.R.C.P. 1836, consiliarius 1845–7; knighted at St. James’s palace 25 May 1831; K.C.H. 21 June 1831; F.R.S. 18 April 1833 to 1856 or 1857 when he withdrew; phys. general to the navy 1833 this designation was changed 1840 to that of inspector general of naval hospitals and fleets which gave way in 1844 to that of director general of medical department of the navy, a post which he held down to 1855 when he retired; phys. in ordinary to Wm. iv, 13 April 1835; K.C.B. 16 Aug. BURNETT, William Farquharson. Entered navy 28 June 1838; captain 13 Nov. 1854; commodore on Australian station 21 July 1862 to death; C.B. 5 July 1855; lost in H.M.S. Orpheus off Manukan, New Zealand 7 Feb. 1863 when 190 lives were lost out of 260 on board, buried at Auckland. Annual Reg. (1863) 19–22. BURNEY, Ven. Charles Parr (son of Rev. Charles Burney, preb. of Lincoln who d. 25 Dec. 1817). b. Chiswick, Middlesex 19 Oct. 1785; ed. by his father and at Merton coll. Ox., B.A. 1808, M.A. 1811, B.D. and D.D. 1822; kept school at Greenwich 1814–35; R. of Sible Hedingham, Essex March 1838 to 1848; archdeacon of St. Albans 16 Oct. 1840; archdeacon of Colchester 15 Aug. 1845 to death; R. of Wickham Bishops, Essex 1848 to death; gave sum of £6,000 to establish a Clergy relief fund for his diocese; F.R.S. 22 Dec. 1814; F.L.S. 21 Jany. 1823. d. Brighton 1 Nov. 1864. BURNEY, James. Entered navy 6 Jany. 1807; captain 10 Dec. 1835, retired 1 July 1851; retired admiral 18 Oct. 1867. d. 1 Montpellier terrace, Teddington, Middlesex 30 Oct. 1884 aged 91. BURNEY, Martin Charles (only son of James Burney, rear admiral R.N.) b. 1788; solicitor in London; assisted in drawing up population and poor law returns; barrister I.T. 20 June 1828; reported in Master of the Rolls court for The Times; a great friend of Charles Lamb. d. James st. Buckingham gate, Westminster 20 Oct. 1852. BURNEY, William. Major Cape mounted riflemen 20 June 1834 to 16 Feb. 1844 when placed on retired full pay; K.H. 1837; colonel 28 Nov. 1854. d. Elgin crescent, Kensington park, London 1 Dec. 1879. BURNS, Rev. Islay (6 child of Rev. Wm. Hamilton Burns 1779–1859, minister of Kilsyth, near Glasgow). b. Manse of Dun, Forfarshire 16 Jany. 1817; ed. at Aberdeen gr. sch. at Marischal coll. and the Univ., D.D. 1864; ordained to charge of St. Peter’s Dundee June 1843; professor of Apologetics and BURNS, Rev. Jabez. (son of Mr. Burns of Oldham, chemist). b. Oldham 18 Dec. 1805; joined Methodist New Connexion 1821; pastor of Baptist congregation at Perth 1830–5; of Baptist congregation in New church st. Marylebone, London June 1835; became a pledged abstainer May 1836; delivered 35 annual temperance sermons beginning 16 Dec. 1839; one of earliest members of Evangelical Alliance formed 1845; author of The Christian sketch book 1828, second series 1835; The golden pot of Manna 2 vols. 1837, in the 5 ed. title was altered to The Christian’s daily portion 1848; Original sketches and skeletons of sermons 11 vols.; edited Journal of New British and Foreign Society 1839–42 when society was dissolved; edited Christian ministers companion 4 vols. 1844. d. 17 Porteus road, Paddington, London 31 Jany. 1876. A retrospect of 45 years Christian ministry by Jabez Burns 1875; D. Burns’s Temperance dictionary (1861) 527–30; Illust. news of the world viii, (1861), portrait; Graphic xiii, 182, 188 (1876), portrait. BURNS, James (brother of Rev. Islay Burns 1817–72). b. Manse of Dun 8 Nov. 1808; employed by Whitaker and Co. publishers in London 1832; bookseller at Duke st. Manchester sq. 1834, and at 17 Portman st.; published The Englishman’s library; The Fireside library; Poems and pictures 1845, first of the illustrated Christmas books; joined Church of Rome 1847; edited The Missal; The Vespers book; The paradise of the Christian soul; The path to heaven; published The Dublin Review July 1863 to death; Annals of the propagation of the faith 1861 to death; The Rambler a weekly journal 1 Jany. 1848 to Nov. 1859. d. 17 Portman st. London 11 April 1871. J. Gillow’s English Catholics i, 346–8 (1885); Illustrated Catholic family annual (1884), portrait. BURNS, James (3 son of Rev. John Burns, minister of Barony church, Glasgow). b. Glasgow 9 June 1789; a shipowner with his brother George Burns; began to use steam navigation 1824; founded with Samuel BURNS, Rev. James Drummond. b. Edinburgh 18 Feb. 1823; ed. at High sch. and Univ. of Edin.; minister of Free church Dunblane near Stirling Aug. 1845 to 4 Oct. 1848; spent 5 years in Madeira 1847–53; minister of English Presbyterian chapel Well walk, Hampstead 22 May 1855; author of The vision of prophecy and other poems 1854, 2 ed. 1858; The heavenly Jerusalem or glimpses within the gates 1856; contributed a series of papers on cities of the Bible to Rev. A. Cameron’s Family treasury and article Hymns to EncyclopÆdia Britannica, 8 ed. xii, 188–90 (1856). d. Mentone 27 Nov. 1864. bur. Highgate cemetery Dec. Rev. J. Hamilton’s Memoir and remains of Rev. J. D. Burns 1869, portrait; Reminiscences of Rev. J. D. Burns from Weekly Review of Dec. 17, 1864. BURNS, Robert (eld. son of Robert Burns the poet 1759–96). b. Tarbolton, Ayrshire Sep. 1786; ed. at Dumfries academy; clerk in Stamp office, London 1804; an accomplished scholar, musician and artist; edited The Caledonian musical museum 1809. d. Dumfries 14 May 1857. BURNS, Rev. Robert. b. Borrowstownness West Lothian 13 Feb. 1789; ordained to charge of Low church Paisley July 1811; sec. of Glasgow colonial society 1815–30; seceded with the Protestors 1843; sent by Free church to visit churches in U.S. and Canada 1844; pastor of Knox’s church Toronto 1845–56; Emeritus professor of church history in Knox college Toronto 1856; moderator of church in Canada twice; author of A historical dissertation on the law and practice of Great Britain with regard to the poor 1819; On Pluralities 1824; The Gareloch heresy tried 1830; edited Wodrow’s History of the sufferings of the Church of Scotland, new ed. 4 vols. 1828; edited Edinburgh Christian instructor 1838–40. d. Toronto 19 Aug. 1869. Morgan’s Bibliotheca Canadensis (1867) 58–9. BURNS, William. b. Saltcoats, Ayrshire Dec. 1809; a procurator in Glasgow 1844; head of firm of Burns, Alison and Aitken; engaged much in consideration of public bills and legal education; author of What’s in a name 1861; War of Scottish independence 2 vols. 1874. d. Moffat, Dumfriesshire 2 Aug. 1876. BURNSIDE, Henry Edward Hillman. Ensign 61 foot 20 Jany. 1843; chief instructor at school of musketry Hythe, Kent 1873 to 1 Aug. 1875 when placed on h.p. as lieut. col.; C.B. 29 May 1875. d. Stogumber, Somerset 29 Nov. 1876. BURR, Daniel Higford Davall (elder son of Daniel Burr, lieut. general H.E.I.C.S. who d. 19 Feb. 1828 aged 79). b. 24 March 1811; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch. Ox.; M.P. for Hereford 25 July 1837 to 23 June 1841; contested Salisbury 10 July 1852, and Abingdon 3 Dec. 1852; sheriff of Berks. 1851. d. 23 Eaton place, London 29 Nov. 1885. BURRARD, Sir Charles, 2 Baronet. b. Dorking, Surrey 2 March 1793; succeeded 18 Oct. 1813; entered navy 13 July 1805; captain 29 Jany. 1822; flag captain in the Revenge 76 guns 20 March 1823 to April 1827; placed on retired half pay 1 Oct. 1846; retired admiral 27 April 1863. d. Holmefield, Lyndhurst, Hants. 12 July 1870. BURRARD, Rev. Sir George, 3 Baronet. b. Lymington, Hampshire 6 April 1769; R. of Yarmouth, Isle of Wight 1801–41; Chaplain in ordinary 1801 to death; V. of Middleton-Tyas, Yorkshire 1804 to death; R. of Burton-Coggles, Lincs. 1822 to death; succeeded 7 Feb. 1840. d. Walhampton, Lymington 17 May 1856. BURRARD, Sir George, 4 Baronet. b. 13 Oct. 1805; M.P. for Lymington 31 July 1828 to 3 Dec. 1832; succeeded 17 May 1856; drowned while bathing at Lyme Regis, Dorset 7 Sep. 1870. BURRARD, Sir Harry, 5 Baronet. b. 13 Oct. 1818; succeeded 7 Sep. 1870. d. Hastings 15 April 1871. BURRELL, Sir Charles Merrik, 3 Baronet (eld. son of Sir Wm. Burrell, 2 baronet 1732–96). b. Golden sq. London 21 May 1774; BURRELL, George. b. Long Houghton, Northumberland 26 Feb. 1777; ensign 15 foot 4 Feb. 1797; lieut. col. 18 foot 22 July 1830 to 22 Nov. 1841; C.B. 14 Oct. 1841; L.G. 11 Nov. 1851; colonel 39 foot 11 Feb. 1852 to death. d. Alnwick 4 Jany. 1853. BURRELL, John Palfrey (youngest son of Palfrey George Burrell of Alnwick). Barrister G.I. 2 July 1805, bencher 20 May 1829, treasurer 1833–4; police magistrate at Queen sq. office Westminster 1833–46 and at Vincent sq. office Westminster 1846–54. d. 1 Gray’s Inn sq. London 11 July 1859 aged 86. BURRELL, Sir Percy, 4 Baronet. b. Grosvenor place, London 10 Feb. 1812; succeeded 4 Jany. 1862; M.P. for Shoreham 5 Feb. 1862 to death. d. 44 Berkeley sq. London 19 July 1876. BURRELL, Sir Walter Wyndham, 5 Baronet. b. 26 Oct. 1814; barrister L.I. 1840; contested East Sussex 1865; M.P. for Shoreham 4 Aug. 1876 to 18 Nov. 1885; sheriff of Sussex 1871; succeeded 19 July 1876. d. West Grinstead park, Horsham 24 Jany. 1886. Law Times lxxx, 236 (1876). BURRITT, Elihu. b. New Britain, Connecticut 8 Dec. 1810; a blacksmith at Worcester, Massachusetts 1837; translated all the Icelandic Sagas relating to discovery of America and obtained name of the “learned blacksmith”; public lecturer 1841; started Christian Citizen a weekly journal 1842; co-operated in England with English peace advocates 1846–9; developed basis of an international association known as the League of universal brotherhood 1848; prominent organiser of first Peace Congress at Paris 22 Aug. 1849; editor of Citizen of the World in Philadelphia 1852; walked from London to John O’Groats 1863 and from London to Land’s End 1864; United States consul at Birmingham 1867 to June 1869. d. New Britain 9 March 1879. The world’s workers by J. W. Kirton (1885) 65–94, portrait. BURROUGHES, Henry Negus. b. 8 Feb. 1791; sheriff of Norfolk 1817; M.P. for East Norfolk 11 Aug. 1837 to 21 March 1857. d. 22 March 1872. BURROW, Ven. Edward John. Educ. at Magd. coll. Cam., B.A. 1805, M.A. 1808; incorporated M.A. at Trin. coll. Ox. 1820, B.D. and D.D. 1820; P.C. of Bempton, Yorkshire 1810–16; minister of Hampstead chapel near London 1816–23; domestic chaplain to bishop of Winchester 1823–35; principal of College school Mount Radford, Exeter July 1827 to Jany. 1828; civil chaplain of Gibraltar 1835–42; archdeacon of Gibraltar 1842–59; F.R.S. 26 Feb. 1818; author of Elements of conchology 1815, 2 ed. 1818; The Elgin marbles with an account of Athens 1817; A summary of Christian faith and practice 3 vols. 1822; Questions on the memorial scripture copies 1829, 3 ed. 1854. d. Honiton, Devon 8 Aug. 1861. A statement of the manner in which E. J. Burrow became connected with Mount Radford and of his removal 1828. BURROWES, John Freckleton. b. London 23 April 1787; pupil of William Horsley, organist; organist of St. James’s church, Piccadilly, London about 1815 to death; an original member of Philharmonic Society 1813; author of The pianoforte primer containing the rudiments of music 1818, 48 ed. 1862; Thorough bass primer 1819, 37 ed. 1871; A companion to the thorough bass primer 1832. d. 13 Nottingham place, New road, London 31 March 1852. BURROWES, Robert. b. Dublin 19 March 1810; sheriff of Cavan 1838; M.P. for co. Cavan 13 April 1855 to 21 March 1857. d. Stradone house, Cavan 30 Nov. 1881. BURROWS. Sir John Cordy (eld. son of Robert Burrows of Ipswich, silversmith). b. Ipswich 5 Aug. 1813; M.R.C.S. 1836, F.R.C.S. 1852; practised at Brighton 1839 to death; projected Royal literary and scientific institution 1841, secretary 1841–57; mayor of Brighton 1857–9 and 1871–2; knighted at Osborne 5 Feb. 1873; a very great benefactor to town of Brighton. d. 62 Old Steyne, Brighton 25 March 1876. Statue of him in grounds of Royal Pavilion unveiled 14 Feb. 1878. Lancet i, 515, 548 (1876); I.L.N. lxii, 191 (1873), portrait, lxviii, 335 (1876), lxxii, 173 (1878). BURSTAL, Edward. b. Devonport 1 Feb. 1818; entered navy Dec. 1832; commander 29 Sep. 1855; assisted in laying down first submarine telegraph cable between Dover and Calais 1852; laid cable from Orfordness to the Hague; secretary to conservators of river Thames 1857 to death; a member of Thames Embankment and other royal commissions; retired captain 29 Sep. 1870; F.R.G.S. 1857. d. Ramsgate 13 July 1886. BURT, Sir Archibald Paul (2 son of George Henry Burt, speaker of house of assembly St. Christopher, West Indies). b. St. Christopher 1810; barrister M.T. 21 Nov. 1845; attorney general of St. Christopher 1849–60, member of legislative and executive councils, speaker of house of assembly; comr. of civil court in Western Australia July 1860, chief justice there 1861 to death; knighted at Windsor Castle 12 Dec. 1873. d. Strawberry hill, Perth, Western Australia 21 Nov. 1879. BURTON, Adolphus William Desart. b. 1827; ensign 82 foot 8 Aug. 1845; major 7 dragoon guards 17 Sep. 1857 to 1863; C.B. 5 July 1855. d. Pau 11 Feb. 1882. BURTON, Rev. Charles (youngest son of Daniel Burton of Rhodes hall, Middleton, Lancs. cotton manufacturer). b. Rhodes hall 18 Jany. 1793; ed. at Univ. of Glasgow and St. John’s coll. Cam., L.L.B. Cam. 1822, B.C.L. and D.C.L. Ox. 1829; Wesleyan minister; built church of All Saints, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, Manchester at cost of £18,000, R. of All Saints 1820 to death, greater part of church was destroyed by fire 6 Feb. 1850; F.L.S. for discovering in Anglesea a plant new to science; author of HorÆ, PoeticÆ 1815; The Bardiad, a poem in two cantos 1823, 2 ed. 1823; Lectures on the Millenium 1841; Lectures on the world before the flood 1844; Lectures on Popery 1851 and about 15 other books. d. Western lodge, Durham 6 Sep. 1866. Evans’s Lancashire authors and orators (1850) 47–51. BURTON, Charles Edward (son of Rev. Edward Wm. Burton, B. of Rathmichael, co. Dublin). b. Barnton, Cheshire 16 Sep. 1846; assistant in Lord Rosse’s observatory at Parsonstown 1868–9; B.A. Dublin 1868; BURTON, Decimus (10 son of James Burton of London, builder). b. 30 Sep. 1800; architect in London 1821–69; designed the Colosseum in Regent’s Park 1823; carried out Hyde Park Corner improvements where he designed the facade and triumphal arch 1825; designed the AthenÆum club 1827; laid out Calverley Park estate at Tunbridge Wells 1828–50; architect to Royal botanic society 1840–70; F.R.S. 6 Dec. 1832, F.R.I.B.A. d. The Cottage, St. Leonard’s-on-Sea 14 Dec. 1881. Proc. of Royal Soc. xxxiv, 8–10 (1883); Builder xli, 779–80 (1881); I.L.N. lxxix, 650 (1881), portrait. BURTON, Edward Frederick (son of James Burton of London, solicitor who d. 1869). b. 1818; solicitor in London 1843 to death; member of council of Incorporated law society 1865 to death, vice pres. 1876–7, pres. 1877–8; member of judicature acts (legal offices) committee 1877. d. Eastbourne 11 July 1879. BURTON, James Ryder. b. 1795; entered navy 12 May 1806; captain 23 Feb. 1824; granted good service pension 4 Nov. 1852; admiral on half pay 4 Nov. 1863; K.H. 1 Jany. 1837; invented a method for propelling ships of war during a calm 1819. d. 15 Park sq. east, Regent’s park, London 2 Aug. 1876. BURTON, John Hill (2 son of Wm. Kinnimont Burton of Aberdeen who d. 1820). b. the Gallowgate, Aberdeen 22 Aug. 1809; ed. at Marischal coll. Aberdeen; called to Scottish bar 1831; contributed articles to Blackwood’s Mag. 1842 to death; sec. to general board of directors of prisons in Scotland 24 July 1854; manager of Perth prison 4 Jany. 1861 to Jany. 1878; historiographer royal of Scotland 1867; author of Law of bankruptcy in Scotland 2 vols. 1845; Life of D. Hume 2 vols. 1846; Lives of Lord Lovat and Duncan Forbes 1847; Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland 2 vols. 1852; History of Scotland 9 vols. 1853–70, 2 ed. 9 vols. 1873; The book hunter 1862, new ed. 1882; History of the reign BURTON, Sir Richard (son of Sir John Burton of Wakefield, Yorkshire). b. Westminster 1773; knighted at St. James’s palace 13 Sep. 1831. d. Sackett’s hill house, Margate 3 Sep. 1855. BURTON, William Evans (son of Wm. Burton of London, printer 1774–1825). b. London Sep. 1802; ed. at St. Paul’s sch.; acted in Norwich circuit 7 years; first appeared in London at Pavilion theatre Feb. 1831 as Wormwood in The lottery ticket; acted at Haymarket 1833; first appeared in America at Arch st. theatre Philadelphia 3 Sep. 1834 as Doctor Ollapod in The Poor gentleman; lessee and manager of theatres in Philadelphia and Baltimore; leased Palma’s Opera house New York 1848 which he renamed Burton’s Theatre; manager of Metropolitan theatre Broadway which he renamed Burton’s New theatre Sep. 1856–8; wrote several plays best known being Ellen Wareham, a domestic drama, produced May 1833 when it was played at 5 London theatres at same time; edited Cambridge Quarterly Review and Philadelphia Literary Souvenir 1838–40; author of Waggaries and vagaries 1848; CyclopÆdia of wit and humour 2 vols. 1857. d. 174 Hudson st. New York 9 Feb. 1860. Ireland’s Records of the New York stage ii, 235–8 (1867); Burton’s CyclopÆdia (1857), portrait; T. A. Brown’s American stage (1870) 57, 66, portrait. BURTON, William Martin. Second lieut. Madras artillery 1798, colonel 26 Feb. 1840 to death; L.G. 11 Nov. 1851. d. at his residence near London 13 Aug. 1853. BURTON, William Paton (son of Wm. Paton Burton, captain Indian army). b. Madras 1828; ed. at Edinburgh; pupil of David Bryce, architect; a water colour painter; exhibited many landscapes at the R.A. and Suffolk st. gallery 1862–80. d. Cults, Aberdeen 31 Dec. 1883. BURTON-PETERS, Henry. b. 1792; M.P. for Beverley 31 July 1830 to 17 July 1837. d. Bath 24 Nov. 1874. BURTT, John. b. Fulbeck, Lincs.; published The young patriot and other poems by J. B. a friend of the Aborigines protection society 1846. d. Stockport, Cheshire 5 July 1859 aged 71. Annual Monitor for 1860 pp. 66–74. BURTT, Joseph. b. St. Pancras, London 7 Nov. 1818; worked under Sir Francis Palgrave at Chapter house, Westminster Abbey 1832–40; clerk in Record Office 1840, a second class assistant keeper of records Aug. 1851, a first class June 1859 to death; sec. to Royal ArchÆol. Instit. 1862 to death; edited ArchÆological Journal; edited Household expenses of John of Brabant, and of Thomas and Henry of Lancaster for the Miscellany of Camden Society. d. Crofton lodge, Upper Tulse hill, Surrey 15 Dec. 1876. ArchÆological Journal xxxiv, 90–2 (1877). BURY, Charlotte Susan Maria (dau. of 5 Duke of Argyll 1723–1806). b. Argyll house, Oxford st. London 28 Jany. 1775; lady in waiting to Princess of Wales, afterwards Queen Caroline 1809; published anonymously Poems on several occasions by a Lady 1797; Love 3 vols. 1837, 2 ed. 1860; Diary illustrative of the times of George the Fourth 4 vols. 1838–9; and with her name, The divorced 2 vols. 1837, 2 ed. 1858. (m. (1) 14 June 1796 John Campbell, M.P. for Ayr burghs who d. 15 March 1809. m. (2) 17 March 1818 Rev. Edward John Bury, R. of Lichfield, Hants, who d. May 1832 aged 42). d. 91 Sloane st. Chelsea 31 March 1861. Burke’s Portrait gallery i, 103 (1833), portrait; New monthly mag. xlix, 76–7 (1837), portrait. BURY, Edward. b. Salford near Manchester 22 Oct. 1794; manufacturer of machinery at Liverpool; introduced a series of improved engines for steamboats employed on river Rhone; managed locomotive department of London and Birmingham railway for some years after opening Sep. 1838; managed locomotive department of Great Northern railway; F.R.S. 1 Feb. 1844 for great improvements which he had introduced in adjusting dimensions of cylinder and driving wheels of steam engines. d. Scarborough 25 Nov. 1858. Proc. of Royal Soc. x, 12 (1860). BURY, George Butt. Second lieut. RM. 10 Nov. 1804, colonel 10 Jany. 1852, col. commandant 21 June 1854 to 1 Aug. 1854 when he retired on full pay; M.G. 20 June 1855. d. 25 AthenÆum st. Plymouth 4 Jany. 1873 aged 87. BUSFEILD, William. b. 12 Feb. 1773; M.P. for Bradford 25 July 1837 to 23 June 1841 and 16 Sep. 1841 to death. d. 15 Bury st. St. James’s London 11 Sep. 1851. BUSH, William. Cornet 2 Dragoon guards 7 Jany. 1808; lieut. col. 1 West India regiment 4 Sep. 1835 to 1 Jany. 1847; inspecting field officer of Leeds recruiting district 1 Jany. 1847, of London district 17 April 1852 to death; M.G. 20 June 1854; K.H. 1835. d. 66 Cadogan place, London 27 Aug. 1854. H. S. Smith’s Military obituary for 1854, 10–12. BUSHNAN, John Stevenson (son of Joseph Bushnan who d. 21 Feb. 1831, controller of the Chamber, City of London 1803–31). b. The Guildhall, London 1810; M.R.C.S. Edin. 1830, F.R.C.S. 1839; M.R.C.P. Edin. 1830, M.D. Heidelberg 1836; practised at Castle Cary, Somerset 1837–41; travelled abroad 1841–8; practised in London 1848; edited Medical times and gazette 1849–52; author of Philosophy of instinct and reason 1847; Miss Martineau and her master 1851; Homoeopathy and the homoeopaths 1852 and other books. d. The Charterhouse, City of London 17 Feb. 1884. Medical Circular ii, 149–50 (1853). BUSK, Hans (youngest son of Sir Wadsworth Busk 1730–1811, attorney general of Isle of Man). b. 28 May 1772; lived in Russia some years where he was a member of Empress Catherine’s celebrated Chevalier Guard; sheriff of Radnorshire 1837–8; author of Fugitive pieces in verse 1814; The Vestriad or the Opera, a mock epic poem 1819; The dessert, a poem to which is added The tea 1820; The lay of life, a poem 1834. d. 22 Great Cumberland place, Hyde park, London 8 Feb. 1862. BUSK, Hans (eld. son of the preceding). b. 11 May 1815; ed. at King’s coll. London and Trin. coll. Cam., B.A. 1839, M.A. 1844; formed a model rifle club at Cam. 1837; barrister BUSS, Robert William (son of Wm. C. Buss of 60 Jewin st. Cripplegate, London, engraver who d. 1832). b. London 4 Aug. 1804; apprenticed to his father; painted 15 theatrical portraits for Cumberland’s British Drama which were exhibited at Colosseum; exhibited 25 pictures at R.A., 20 at B.I. and 45 at Suffolk st. gallery 1826–59; contributed to Westminster competition a cartoon of Prince Henry and Judge Gascoigne; illustrated Charles Knight’s London, Chaucer, Shakespeare and Old England; painted 71 pictures, 25 of which were engraved; painted large frescoes representing Origin and triumph of music for Earl of Hardwicke at Wimpole hall; privately printed English graphic satire 1874; edited The fine art almanac, or artist’s remembrancer 1850–2. d. 14 Camden st. Camden Town, London 26 Feb. 1875. G. Everitt’s English Caricaturists (1886) 363–6; People’s Journal vi, 3 (1848); Notes and Queries 5 S. iii, 228, 257, 330, 419, 455, 473 (1875), iv, 15 (1875), vii, 138 (1877), 6 S. vi, 488 (1882), vii, 216 (1883). BUTCHER, Most Rev. Samuel (eld. son of Samuel Butcher 1770–1849, vice admiral R.N.) b. Danesfort near Killarney 9 Oct. 1811; ed. at Cork and Trin. coll. Dublin, scholar 1832, B.A. 1834, fellow 1837–52, tutor and lecturer, M.A. 1839, B.D. 1848, D.D. 1849; professor of ecclesiastical history in Univ. of Dublin April 1850, Regius professor of divinity Nov. 1852 to Aug. 1866; R. of Ballymoney, Cork 1854–66; bishop of Meath Aug. 1866 to death; P.C. Ireland 1866; author of The ecclesiastical calendar its theory and construction 1877; cut his throat at Ardbraccan house, Navan near Dublin 29 July 1876. BUTLER, Charles Salisbury (eld. son of John Butler of Hackney, London). b. 1812; commissioner of taxes; M.P. for Tower Hamlets 8 July 1852 to 11 Nov. 1868; chairman of Quarter sessions of Tower Hamlets liberties to death. d. 48 Prince’s gate, Hyde park, London 11 Nov. 1870. BUTLER, Sir Edward (5 son of 13 Baron Dunboyne 1780–1850). b. 29 Oct. 1811; lieut. of corps of gentlemen at arms 1839 to May 1845; knighted at St. James’s palace 19 Feb. 1840; contested Southampton, contest was protracted from Nov. 1856 to 11 Feb. 1857 when he was defeated by 32 votes; sheriff of Hants 1855. d. Marseilles 20 Oct. 1858. BUTLER, Edward. b. Kilkenny 1824; re-established The Nation with C. G. Duffy 1849; went to New South Wales 1853; called to bar at Sydney 16 Oct. 1855, Q.C.; member of legislative assembly for Argyle 1869; attorney general 1872 to Nov. 1873; member of legislative council Oct. 1877 to death. d. Supreme court, Sydney 9 June 1879. Times 18 July 1879 p. 5, col. 6, 11 Aug. p. 11, col. 2. BUTLER, Francis (son of Mr. Butler, trainer of horses to Duke of York who d. 1827). b. Sep. 1817; professional jockey 1839–53; won the Oaks on Poison 1843 at odds of 40 to 1, on Princess 1844, on Lady Evelyn 1849, on Rhedycina 1850, on Iris 1851 and on Songstress 1852; won St. Leger on The Baron 1845; won Derby on Daniel O’Rourke 1852 and Two thousand guineas, Derby and St. Leger on West Australian 1853. d. Newmarket 1 Feb. 1856. Sporting Review xxxi, 143–8 (1854), portrait; I.L.N. xxii, 416 (1853), portrait. BUTLER, Francis. b. England 1810; professor of languages at several educational institutions in New York; a dog-trainer and fancier; author of Breeding, training, management and diseases of dogs 1857; The Spanish teacher and colloquial phrase book, 8 ed. 1857. d. from hydrophobia at Brooklyn, New York 17 June 1874. BUTLER, George Slade (son of Richard Butler of Rye, Sussex, surgeon). b. Rye 4 March 1821; solicitor at Rye 1843 to death; town clerk 1875–81; registrar of county court; F.S.A. 6 March 1862; author of Topographica Sussexiana 1866, originally printed in Collections of Sussex ArchÆological Society to which he contributed many papers on antiquities of Rye. d. Rye 11 April 1882. BUTLER, Henry Edward (2 son of 2 Earl of Carrick 1746–1813). b. 3 Dec. 1780; ensign 27 foot 15 Feb. 1800; major 2 garrison battalion 19 March 1812 to 25 Dec. 1816 when placed on h.p.; L.G. 20 June 1854; col. 94 foot 25 July 1854 and col. 55 foot 19 Jany. 1855 to death. d. Paris 7 Dec. 1856. BUTLER, James Armar (4 son of the preceding). b. 1827; ensign 90 foot 13 Oct. 1843; captain Ceylon rifle regiment 6 May 1853 to May 1854 when placed on h.p.; conducted siege of Silistria, Turkey against the Russians May 1854 to death; gazetted brevet major 14 July 1854 and lieut. Coldstream guards 15 July 1854. d. Silistria of wounds received during the siege 22 June 1854 in 28 year. E. H. Nolan’s War against Russia i, 214–27 (1857); G. Ryan’s Our heroes of the Crimea (1855) 141–3. BUTLER, James Arthur. b. 1795; ensign 1 foot guards 23 June 1813, captain 18 April 1816 to 25 Dec. 1818, carried the colours at Waterloo; captain 80 foot 31 July 1823 to 19 Nov. 1825 when placed on h.p.; general 5 Dec. 1871. d. Holt lodge, Kintbury, Berkshire 26 Feb. 1881. BUTLER, Pierce Somerset. b. 26 Jany. 1801; called to Irish bar 1832; M.P. for co. Kilkenny 1 Dec. 1843 to 1 July 1852. d. 28 July 1865. Annual Register (1854) 402–14. BUTLER, Very Rev. Richard (eld. son of Rev. Richard Butler, V. of Burnchurch, co. Kilkenny who d. 1841). b. near Granard, co. Longford 14 Oct. 1794; ed. at Reading and Balliol coll. Ox., B.A. 1817; V. of Trim, co. Meath 1819 to death; dean of Clonmacnois Dec. 1847 to death; one of founders of Irish archÆological Society 1840 (united with Celtic Society 1854), for which he edited Clyn and Dowling’s Annals of Ireland 1849; author of Some notices of the Castle and of the Abbies at Trim 1835, 2 ed. 1840. d. 17 July 1862. BUTLER, Sir Richard Pierce, 9 Baronet. b. 4 March 1813; succeeded 8 Nov. 1861. d. 22 Nov. 1862. BUTLER, Sir Thomas, 8 Baronet. b. 23 Oct. 1783; succeeded 16 Jany. 1817. d. 8 Nov. 1861. BUTLER-CLARKE-SOUTHWELL-WANDESFORD, Charles Harward (4 son of 17 Earl of Ormonde who d. 30 Jany. 1796). b. 9 Nov. 1780; M.P. for city of Kilkenny 1802–9 and 1814–20; M.P. for county Kilkenny 1820–30. d. Mount Juliet, Kilkenny 7 Nov. 1860. BUTLER-JOHNSTONE, Henry (3 son of 13 Baron Dunboyne 1780–1850). b. Dublin 28 Aug. 1809; M.P. for Canterbury 8 July 1852 to 21 Feb. 1853 when unseated on petition of the electors, M.P. again 1857–62; colonel commandant Dumfries militia 7 Feb. 1868 to 15 March 1873. d. 8 Seamore place, Mayfair, London 1 April 1879. BUTT, George Medd (2 son of John Butt of Sherborne). b. Sherborne 1797; practised as special pleader; barrister I.T. 25 June 1830, bencher 1845, reader 1858, treasurer 1859; Q.C. 1845; M.P. for Weymouth 10 July 1852 to 21 March 1857. d. 17 Eaton square, London 11 Nov. 1860. BUTT, James Palmer. Educ. at school established in Somers Town, London by AbbÉ Carron and at Stonyhurst college; kept a school with his brother Wm. Henry Butt at Baylis house, Salt hill near Windsor about 1828 to death. d. Baylis house, Salt hill 2 May 1873 aged 84. BUTTER, Donald. Surgeon Bengal army 28 Aug. 1833; superintending surgeon at Benares 31 Dec. 1854 to 23 April 1859 when placed on h.p. with rank of inspector general; author of Outline of the topography and statistics of the Southern districts of Oudh 1839; Snake bite curable and hydrophobia preventible 1873. d. Hazelwood, Upper Norwood 24 Dec. 1877 aged 78. BUTTER, John. b. Woodbury, Devon 22 Jany. 1791; ed. at Exeter gr. sch.; surgeon at Plymouth 1814–20, physician there 1820–56 when he became blind; M.D. Edin. 1820; originated Plymouth Eye Dispensary 1821; F.L.S. 1817; F.R.S. 21 March 1822; author of Remarks on irritative fever commonly called the Plymouth dockyard disease 1845. d. 7 Windsor villas, Plymouth 13 Jany. 1877. BUTTERWORTH, Henry (son of Henry Butterworth of Coventry, timber merchant). b. BUTTERWORTH, William John. Adjutant 38 Madras N.I. 1821; lieut. col. of 2 European regiment 1841–3 and 1846–51, of 10 Madras N.I. 1843–6; col. of 5 Madras N.I. 3 Dec. 1851 to death; C.B. 20 July 1838; governor of Prince of Wales island, Singapore and Malacca 14 June 1843 to 1855, presented with piece of plate value £700 by the inhabitants 1856; general 28 Nov. 1854. d. Millmead house, Guildford 4 Nov. 1856 aged 55. I.L.N. xxix, 105–6 (1856), portrait. BUXTON, Bertha H. (dau. of Wm. Lenpold or Leupold of London, merchant). b. 26 July 1844; ed. at Queen’s college, Tufnell park, London; travelled in Holland, Germany and America; published Jennie of “The Prince’s,” a novel by B. H. B. 3 vols. 1876; Won, by the author of Jennie of the Prince’s 3 vols. 1877; Rosabella, a doll’s Christmas story by Auntie Bee 1877; More dolls by Auntie Bee 1878; the following books have her name on them Fetterless though bound together 3 vols. 1879, Great Grenfell gardens 3 vols. 1879, Nell—On and off the stage 3 vols. 1880, From the wings 3 vols. 1880, Many loves 3 vols. 1880, Little Pops a nursery romance 1881, Sceptre and king 1881. (m. at Hanwell parish church 22 Dec. 1860, Henry Buxton of Hanwell, merchant son of Edward Buxton, merchant). d. 12 St. Mary’s terrace, Kensington, London 31 March 1881. Biograph iv, 159–62 (1880); Carisbrooke Mag. April 1881, portrait; Tinsley’s Mag. xxviii, 499–500 (1881). BUXTON, Charles (3 son of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, 1 Baronet 1786–1845). b. Cromer 18 Nov. 1822; ed. at Trin. coll. Cam., B. A. 1845, M.A. 1850; partner in firm of Truman, Hanbury and Co. of Spitalfields, London, brewers 1845; M.P. for Newport, Isle of Wight 1857–9, for Maidstone 1859–65, for East Surrey 1865 to death; member of the Ritual commission 1867–8; his secretary Arthur White attempted to shoot him at 7 Grosvenor crescent, Hyde Park 29 April 1870; author of Slavery and freedom in the British West Indies 1860; The ideas of the day on policy Dec. 1865. d. Lochearnhead hotel near Killin, Perthshire 10 Aug. 1871. Personalty sworn BUXTON, Sir Edward North, 2 Baronet (brother of the preceding). b. Earlham, Norfolk 16 Sep. 1812; succeeded 19 Feb. 1845; M.P. for South Essex 1847–52, for East Norfolk 6 April 1857 to death. d. Colne house, Cromer 11 June 1858. BUXTON, Frederick. b. Bow lane, Cheapside, London; made his first appearance on the stage at York 1844 as Mr. Gillman in The happiest day of my life; made his dÉbut in London at Olympic theatre 1847 as David in The Rivals; first appeared in America at Louisville, Kentucky March 1850 as Peter in The Stranger. d. Chicago 17 Jany. 1858. BUXTON, Richard (2 son of John Buxton of Sedgley hall farm, Prestwich, farmer). b. Sedgley hall farm 15 Jany. 1786; apprenticed to a bat maker 1798; botanised in Derbyshire, Yorkshire, and North Wales; frequently cited in J. B. Wood’s Flora Mancuniensis 1840 as the authority for many localities of the rarer plants; author of Botanical guide to the flowering plants found within 16 miles of Manchester 1849, 2 ed. 1859. d. Manchester 2 Jany. 1865. J. Cash’s Where there’s a will there’s a way (1873) 94–107; Seemann’s Journ. of Bot. iii, 71 (1865). BYAM, Edward (younger son of Edward Byam of Cedar hill, Antigua 1767–95). b. 1795; ensign 38 foot 11 Nov. 1811; major 15 Hussars 16 June 1825 to 26 Sep. 1826 when placed on h.p.; colonel 18 Hussars 23 Feb. 1858 to death; L.G. 16 Nov. 1858. d. Byam house, Brighton 9 Sep. 1864. BYAM, Sir William (brother of the preceding). b. 1792; ed. at Eton; lieut. 15 Hussars 17 Sep. 1812 to 1817; served in Peninsula, south of France and Waterloo; pres. of local council in Antigua; colonel of regiment of dragoons raised in Antigua; knighted by patent 6 July 1859. d. Westwood, Southampton 5 July 1869. BYLES, Sir John Barnard (eld. son of Jeremiah Byles of Stowmarket, Suffolk, timber merchant). b. Stowmarket 11 Jany. 1801; a special pleader; barrister I.T. 18 Nov. 1831; recorder of Buckingham 1840 to Jany. 1858; serjeant-at-law 14 Feb. 1843; leader of Norfolk circuit 1845; received a patent of precedence 1846; Queen’s serjeant with serjeants Shee and Wrangham 27 Feb. 1857, BYNG, Gerald Frederick (youngest son of 5 Viscount Torrington 1741–1813). Page of honour to Prince of Wales 1791; cornet 27 light dragoons 1800; ensign 53 foot 1801–2 when place on h.p.; clerk in Foreign office 5 Jany. 1801 to 5 Nov. 1839 when he retired on a superannuation allowance; ensign St. George’s volunteer infantry 1803; attended on King and Queen of Sandwich Islands during their visit to England May to July 1824; one of gentlemen ushers of privy chamber 23 March 1831 to death; a comr. for inquiring into Smithfield market 28 Nov. 1849; joined ranks of Queen’s rifle volunteers 1859; presented to that corps colours of the St. George’s volunteer infantry 1860; generally known as Poodle Byng, a soubriquet given him by George Canning on account of his curly hair; lived at 5 Cleveland court, afterwards called 37 St. James’s place, Pall Mall, London 1831 to death. d. there 5 June 1871 aged 87. Life of G. Brummell by captain Jesse i, 110 (1886), portrait. BYNG, Henry Dilkes (brother of the preceding). b. 1784; entered navy March 1798; captain 9 March 1814; held a command on lakes of Canada 15 years; captain of the Ordinary at Portsmouth 1833–6; commodore at Jamaica 1842–3; retired captain 1 Oct. 1846; retired V.A. 31 Jany. 1856. d. Queen’s terrace, Southsea 23 Sep. 1860. BYRES, Patrick (younger son of Robert Byres of London, merchant). b. about 1778; entered Bengal army 1794; major 11 Bengal N.I. 5 Aug. 1816; colonel 20 Bengal N.I. 3 June 1825; colonel 33 Bengal N.I. 9 July 1840 to death; L.G. 11 Nov. 1851. d. Lonley, Aberdeenshire 1 Feb. 1854. BYRNE, John. Ensign 22 foot 1 Oct. 1808; lieut. col. 31 foot 8 Oct. 1844 to 15 April 1846; lieut. col. 53 foot 15 April 1846 to 9 May 1851 when he sold out; C.B. 3 April 1846. d. 21 July 1851. BYRNE, Miles. b. Monaseed, co. Wexford 20 March 1780; joined society of United Irishmen 1797; joined insurgents under Rev. John Murphy at Corrigua, co. Wexford 3 June 1798; clerk in timber yard in Dublin 1798–1803; lieutenant of infantry in Napoleon’s Irish legion Nov. 1803, commanded a bataillon d’elite of Irish troops 1810, chevalier of Legion of honour 18 June 1813, received cross of that order 1832; chef de bataillon in 56 regiment of the line 1830–5; served in Greece 1828–30; lived in Paris 1835 to death. d. Rue Montaigne, Paris 24 Jany. 1862. Monument in Montmartre cemetery. Memoirs of Miles Byrne 3 vols. 1863, portrait. BYRNE, Oscar (son of James Byrne, dancer who d. 5 Burton crescent, London 4 Dec. 1844 aged 85). Made his first appearance as a dancer in a ballet at Drury Lane theatre 1803; spent some years in Ireland and abroad; ballet master at Princess’s theatre 1850–9, at Drury Lane 1862, at Her Majesty’s Nov. 1866; had an inexhaustible invention in designing new dances; taught most of the English dancers who gained distinction during his time. d. 22 Islip st. Kentish Town, London 4 Sep. 1867 aged 72. Note.—His father James Byrne introduced in Powell’s pantomime Harlequin Amulet or the Magic of Mona at Drury Lane theatre Christmas 1799 an entirely new dress for the harlequin consisting of a white silk shape fitting without a wrinkle into which 308 variegated silk patches were woven, the whole being profusely covered with 48,000 spangles. He completely altered the manner of playing harlequin by making him a graceful and agile dancer instead of merely posturing on the stage in 5 positions. Harlequins before that time wore loose dresses. BYRON, George Anson Byron, 7 Baron (only son of George Anson Byron 1758–93, captain R.N.) b. Bath 8 March 1789; entered navy as a volunteer Dec. 1800; captain 7 June 1814; admiral on h.p. 20 May 1862; succeeded his cousin the poet 19 April 1824. d. 44 Eaton place, London 2 March 1868. BYRON, George Anson Byron, 8 Baron. b. Cheltenham 30 June 1818; succeeded 2 March 1868. d. 28 Nov. 1870. BYRON, Henry James (eld. son of Henry Byron 1804–84, British consul at Port au Prince, Hayti). b. Manchester 8 Jany 1835; ed. at St. Peter’s College Eaton sq. London; admitted student at M.T. 14 Jany 1858; edited Fun from first number 21 Sep. 1861; edited Comic News 13 July 1863 to May 1864; edited Mirth Nov. 1877 to Oct. 1878 12 numbers only; manager with Marie Wilton of Prince of Wales’s theatre London 15 April 1865 to 1867; manager of Alexandra theatre Liverpool 1867, of the T.R. and Amphitheatre Liverpool; manager of Criterion theatre London when it opened 21 May 1874; made his dÉbut in London at Globe theatre 23 Oct. 1869 as Sir Simon Simple in his own comedy Not such a fool as he looks; author of about 120 burlesques, farces and comedies produced at West-end theatres, Cyril’s success was played at Globe theatre 28 Nov. 1868 to 27 March 1869 being longest run of any original 5 act play in modern times, and Our Boys a 3 act comedy was played at Vaudeville theatre from 16 Jany. 1875 to 18 April 1879 an unbroken run of 1362 times; author of Paid in full 3 |