
A.A.G. assistant adjutant general.
A.D.C. aide de camp.
A.G. adjutant general.
A.I.C.E. associate of Institution of Civil Engineers.
A.R. Annual Register.
A.R.A. associate of the Royal Academy.
A.R.S.A. associate of the Royal Scottish Academy.
b. born.
B.A. bachelor of Arts.
bapt. baptized.
B. Chir. bachelor of surgery.
B.C.L. bachelor of civil laws.
B.D. bachelor of divinity.
B. Th. bachelor of theology.
B.I. British Institution.
bur. buried.
C. curate.
Cam. and Camb. Cambridge.
cap. chapter.
C.B. companion of the Bath.
C.C. Corpus Christi.
C.E. civil engineer.
ch. church.
Ch. Ch. Christ Church.
C.I.E. companion of the Indian Empire.
C.M.G. companion of St. Michael and St. George.
co. county.
col. colonel.
coll. college.
comr. commissioner.
cr. created.
C.S. civil service.
d. died.
D.A.A.G. deputy assistant adjutant general.
dau. daughter.
D.C.L. doctor of civil laws.
D.D. doctor of divinity.
ed. editor, also educated.
Edin. and Edinb. Edinburgh.
E.I.C.S. East India company’s service.
eld. eldest.
ex. and extraord. extraordinary.
F.C.S. fellow of Chemical Society.
F.G.S. fellow of Geological Society.
F.L.S. fellow of Linnean Society.
F.R.A.S. fellow of Royal Astronomical Society.
F.R.C.S. fellow of Royal College of Surgeons.
F.R.C.P. fellow of Royal College of Physicians.
F.R.G.S. fellow of Royal Geographical Society.
F.R.I.B.A. fellow of Royal Institution of British Architects.
F.R.S. fellow of Royal Society.
F.R.S. Edin. fellow of Royal Society, Edinburgh.
F.S.A. fellow of Society of Antiquaries.
F.S.S. fellow of the Statistical Society.
G.C.B. knight grand cross of the Bath.
G.C.H. knight grand cross of Hanover.
G.C.I.E. knight grand commander of the Indian empire.
G.C.M.G. knight grand commander of St. Michael and St. George.
G.C.S.I. knight grand commander of Star of India.
G.I. Gray’s Inn.
G.M. Gentleman’s Magazine.
gr. grammar.
H.E.I.C.S. Honourable East India Co.’s service.
H.M.S. Her Majesty’s ship.
hon. honourable.
h.p. half pay.
I.L.N. Illustrated London News.
instit. institution.
I.T. Inner Temple.
J.P. justice of the peace.
K.C. King’s counsel.
K.C.B. knight commander of the Bath.
K.C.H. knight commander of Hanover.
K.C.I.E. knight commander of the Indian Empire.
K.C.M.G. knight commander of St. Michael and st. George.
K.C.S.I. knight commander of the Star of India.
K.G. knight of the Garter.
K.H. knight of Hanover.
K.P. knight of St. Patrick.
K.T. knight of the Thistle.
K.T.S. knight of the Tower and Sword.
L.C.P. licentiate of College of Physicians.
L.G. lieut. general.
L.I. Lincoln’s Inn.
lieut. lieutenant.
L.K.Q.C.P.I. licentiate of King’s and Queen’s College of Physicians, Ireland.
LLB. bachelor of laws.
LLD. doctor of laws.
L.S.A. licentiate of Society of Apothecaries.
m. married.
M.A. master of arts.
mag. magazine.
matric. matriculated.
M.B. bachelor of medicine.
M.D. doctor of medicine.
M.G. major general.
Med. & Chir. Soc. Medical and Chirurgical Society.
mem. member.
M.I.C.E. member of Institution of Civil Engineers.
M.I.M.E. member of Institution

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