Come all you Joval Seaman, with Courage Stout & bold
that Value more your Honour, than Mysers do their Gold
When we Receive Our Orders, we are Obligd to go
O’er the Main to Proud Spain, Let the Winds Blow high or Low.
It was the fifteenth of September, from Spithead we Sat Sail
we had Rumbla in our Company, Blest with a Pleasant Gale
we Sailed away together, for the Bay of Biscay, o
Going along Storms Come on, and the winds Began to Blow.
The winds and Storms increasd the Bumbla Bore away
and left the Cantaborough, for No Longer Could She Stay
& when they Came to Gibralter, they told the People So
that they thought we were Lost, in the Bay of Biscay, O.
But as Providence would have it, it was not quite so Bad
But first we lost our Missen Mast, and then went off our Flag
the Next we Lost our Main Mast, one of our Guns also
With five Men, Drowned then, in the Bay of Biscay, O.
The Next we Lost our foremast, which was a Dreadfull Stroke
and in our Larboar Quarter, a Great hole there was Broke
and then the Seas come Roleing in, our Gun Room it Did flow
Thus we Rold and we told, in the Bay of Biscay, O.
It was Dark and Stormy Weather, Sad and Gloomy Night
Our Captain on the Quarter Deck, that Day was killd Outrite
the Rings that on his fingers were, in Pieces burst Also
Thus we were in Dispare, in the Bay of Biscay, O.
But when we Came to Gibralter, and lay in our New Hold
the People they Came flocking Down, our Ship for to Behold
they Said it was the Dismalest Sight, that Ever they Did know
We never Pind, But Drunk Wine, till we Drowned all our Woe.