PART I. INTRODUCTORY. I. The Old Poison-Lore. PART II. I. Definition of Poison. PART III. POISONOUS GASES: CARBON MONOXIDE CHLORINE HYDRIC SULPHIDE. I. Carbon Monoxide. PART V. MORE OR LESS VOLATILE POISONOUS SUBSTANCES CAPABLE OF PART VI. ALKALOIDS AND POISONOUS VEGETABLE PRINCIPLES PART VII. POISONS DERIVED FROM LIVING OR DEAD ANIMAL PART VIII. THE OXALIC ACID GROUP OF POISONS. PART IX. INORGANIC POISONS. I. PRECIPITATED FROM A APPENDIX. Treatment by Antidotes or otherwise of Cases of Poisoning. Please see Transcriber’s Notes at the end of this document. Title page POISONS: BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Fourth Edition. At Press. FOODS: THEIR COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS. With numerous Tables and Illustrations. General Contents. History of Adulteration—Legislation, Past and Present—Apparatus useful to the Food Analyst—“Ash”—Sugar—Confectionery—Honey—Treacle—Jams and Preserved Fruits—Starches—Wheaten-Flour—Bread—Oats—Barley—Rye—Rice—Maize—Millet—Potato—Peas—Chinese Peas—Lentils—Beans—Milk—Cream—Butter—Cheese—Tea—Coffee—Cocoa and Chocolate—Alcohol—Brandy—Rum—Whisky—Gin—Arrack—Liqueurs—Beer—Wine—Vinegar—Lemon and Lime Juice—Mustard—Pepper—Sweet and Bitter Almond—Annatto—Olive Oil—Water. Appendix: Text of English and American Adulteration Acts. “Will be used by every Analyst.”—Lancet. “Stands Unrivalled for completeness of information. . . . A really ‘practical’ work for the guidance of practical men.”—Sanitary Record. “An ADMIRABLE DIGEST of the most recent state of knowledge. . . . Interesting even to lay-readers.”—Chemical News. In Large 8vo, Handsome Cloth. 21s. FORENSIC MEDICINE By J. DIXON MANN, M.D., F.R.C.P., Part I.—Forensic Medicine. Part II.—Insanity in its Medico-legal Bearings. Part III.—Toxicology. “By far the MOST RELIABLE, MOST SCIENTIFIC, and MOST MODERN book on Medical Jurisprudence with which we are acquainted.”—Dublin Medical Journal. “A most useful work of reference. . . . Of value to all those who, as medical men or lawyers, are engaged in cases where the testimony of medical experts forms a part of the evidence.”—The Law Journal. London: Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd., Exeter St., Strand. POISONS: |