1. Ancient Male and Female Costumes. Vase-painting from Élite cÉramographique, II. 27 5
2. Antique Male Chiton with Himation. Vase-painting from Gerhard. Etruskische und campanische Vasenbilder. Plate 21 6
3. Antique Costumes (Dance) from the FranÇois Vase. From the Wiener archÆologische VorlegeblÄtter. Series II. Plates 3 and 14 8
4. Costumes of the Fifth Century B.C. (Rape of Helen.) Vase-painting by Hiero. From Gerhard. Trinkschalen und GefÄsze. Plates 11 and 12 10
5. Short Male Chiton with Kolpos. Vase-painting from Gerhard. (See 2.) Plates 6 and 7 13
6. Warrior in Exomis. Relief on a Tombstone. From Bulletin de correspondence hellÉnique, IV. Plate 7 14
7. Statue of Sophocles in the Lateran. From a Photograph. 16
8. Citizen in Chiton and Himation. Terra-cotta from Bull. de corr. hell., VII. Plate 12. 17
9. Costume of Ephebos (Adoration of a Hermes). Vase-painting from Schreiber. Kulturhistorischer Atlas, Altertum. Plate 14, 3 18
10. Dress of Attic Ephebos (Farewell of a Young Warrior). Vase-painting from Baumeister. DenkmÄler des classichen Altertums. Fig. 421. 19
11. Antique Female Costumes from the FranÇois Vase. From Wiener arch. Vorlegebl. 23
12. Antique Female Costume. Vase-painting by Exekias. From Mon. d’Inst. ArchÉol., II. 22. 24
13. Antique Female Costume. Vase-painting from Stephani. Kampf des Theseus and Minotaurus. Plate I. 25
14. Antique Female Dress, from the FranÇois Vase. (See 3.) Plate V. 26
15. Antique Female Costumes. Vase-painting from El. cÉram., III. 36, B. 27
16. Ancient Female Costume with Kolpos. Vase-painting from Gerhard. Auserlesene Vasenbilder, III. 727 29
17. Dress of the Fifth Century B.C. From a Vase-painting by Euphronios. From the Wiener arch. Vorlegebl. Series V. Plate 7 31
18. Female Costume of the Fifth Century B.C. (MÆnads), from a Vase by Hiero. Idem. Plate 4 32
19. Female Costume of the Fifth Century B.C., from a Vase by Brygos. From Mon. d’Inst., V. 14 34
20. Modes of arranging Chiton. V.-P. from Tischbein. Vases Hamilton, I. 7 35
83. Women Washing. Vase-painting from Gerhard. (See 16.) III. 218 156
84. Folding-up Clothes. Vase-painting. Idem, IV. 301 157
85. Women’s Toilet and Bath. V.-P. from Baumeister. (See 10.) Fig. 220 158
86. Washing at the Well and Completion of Toilet. (Athene and Hera before the Judgment of Paris.) V.-P. from Mon. d’Inst., IV. 18 160
87. Women’s Public Bath. Vase-painting from El. cÉram., IV. 18 161
88. Toilet Scene. Vase-painting from Gazette archÉologique for 1879. Plate 23 Frontispiece
89. Lady Arranging her Hair. Terra-cotta from Tanagra. Idem. 1878. Plate 10 163
90. Lady (Bride?) at her Toilet. V-P. from Benndorf. (See 70.) Plate 45, 1 164
91. Scene from the Life of Women. V.-P. from Gerhard. (See 4.) Plate 14, 1 165
92. Toilet Scenes. From Compte-rendu de St. PÉtersbourg. 1860. Plate 1, 3 168
93. Diagram of a Water-clock 187
94. Bronze Razors, from Helbig. Das homerische Epos. Fig. 49 188
95. Hair-dresser. Terra-cotta Group, from Tanagra. From Arch. Ztg., XXXII. Plate 14 189
96. Men’s Public Bath. Vase-painting from Schreiber. (See 9.) Plate 21, 9 193
97 and 98. Drinking Scenes. V.-P. from Mon. d’Inst., III. 12 210and211
99. Female Juggler. Vase-painting from Mus. Borbonico, VII. 35 217
100. Female Juggler, from Baumeister. (See 10.) Fig. 631 218
101. Cottabus. Vase-painting from Mon. d’Inst., VII. 51, 2 222
102. Playing “Board-games.” Terra-cotta Group from Arch. Ztg., XXI. Plate 173, 1 224
103. Girl Playing Astragals. Terra-cotta Figure from Tanagra; from Baumeister. (See 10.) Fig. 156 226
104. Morra Players. Vase-painting from Arch. Ztg., XXIX. Plate 56, 1 Scene from Comedy. (Soldier and Parasite.) Pompeian Wall-painting from Mus. Borbon., IV. 18 443
166. Military Chariot. Vase-painting from Compte-rendu for 1874. Plate 5 453
167and168. Warriors putting on their Armour. From Gerhard. (See 16.) IV. 269 458and458
169. Murder of Dolon. Vase-painting from Gerhard. (See 4.) Plate C, 1 460
170. Achilles binds up the Wounds of Patroclus. Vase painting from Mon. d’Inst., I. 25 461
171. Farewell of Amphiaraus. Idem, III. 54 463
172. Equipment of a Warrior. Vase-painting by Duris. Idem, VIII. 41 464
173. 174, and 175. Ancient Greek Helmets. From Helbig. (See 94.) Figs. 70-72 466
176. Warriors playing Draughts. Vase-painting from Mon. d’Inst., II. 22 467
177. Death of Memnon. Vase-painting from Gerhard. (See 4.) Plate D 469
178, 179, 180, 181. Spear-heads from Dodona. From Carapanos. (See 138.) Plates, 57, 8; 58, 1; 3 and 5 471and472
182, 183, 184. Swords from Mycenae. From Helbig. (See 94.) Figs. 90, 86 and 87 473
185and186. Swords from Italian Lake-dwellings. Idem. Figs. 88 and 89 474
187. Head of an Arrow from Megalopolis 477
188and189. Greek Spurs from Dodona. From Carapanos. (See 138.) Plate 52, 1 and 2 479
190. Sailing Vessel. Vase-painting from Schreiber. (See 9.) Plate 45, 11 481
191. Ship of Odysseus. Vase-painting from Mon. d’Inst., I. 8 482
192and193. Antique Ships with Spurs at the Prow. Vase-painting from Helbig. (See 94.) Figs. 3 and 3 483


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