

Address delivered at Lincoln's birthplace, Hodgenville, Ky., Feb. 12, 1909. Reprinted from Collier's Weekly, issue of Feb. 13, 1909. By permission. Copyright, 1909, P. F. Collier & Son Co.


Address delivered by Secretary Lane at the University of Virginia, Feb. 22, 1912. Reprinted from the University of Virginia Alumni Bulletin, and from The American Spirit, by Franklin K. Lane (Copyright, 1918, by the Frederick A. Stokes Co.). By permission of the author and of the publishers.

[3] Address at the Americanization Banquet, Washington, D. C., May 14, 1919. Reprinted by permission from Proceedings of the Americanization Conference, Government Printing Office, 1919.

[4] From Have Faith in Massachusetts, by Calvin Coolidge. The selection is used by permission of, and by special arrangement with, the Houghton Mifflin Co., the authorized publishers. Copyright, 1919, by Houghton Mifflin Co. The address was delivered June 25, 1919.

[5] Paradise Lost, IV, 1. 552.

[6] Macaulay's Essay on Milton.

[7] George Eliot's "O may I join the choir invisible."

[8] From Scribner's Magazine, May, 1917. Copyright, 1917, by Charles Scribner's Sons. By permission of the author and of the publishers.

[9] Address at the National Industrial Conference, Washington, D. C., Oct. 16, 1919. By permission.

[10] Reprinted from John Stuyvesant, Ancestor, by Alvin Johnson. Copyright, 1919, by Harcourt, Brace and Howe, Inc. By permission of the author and of the publishers.

[11] From The Century Magazine, June, 1901. Copyright 1901, by Harper and Brothers, and published by them in 1915 in a volume entitled When a Man Comes to Himself. By permission of the author and of the publishers.

[12] A commencement address, reprinted from The Spirit of Indiana, by William Lowe Bryan. Copyright, 1917, by the Indiana University Bookstore. By permission of the author and of the publishers.

[13] By permission of the author, John Finley.

[14] From The Writing of English, by John Matthews Manly and Edith Rickert. Copyright, 1919, by Henry Holt and Co. By permission of the authors and of the publishers.

[15] An address delivered at the exercises held by the Cambridge Historical Society in Sanders Theatre, Harvard University, Feb. 22, 1919, to commemorate the centenary of Lowell's birth. By permission of Professor Perry and of the editor of the Harvard Graduates' Magazine. Copyright, 1919, by The Harvard Graduates' Magazine.

[16] The Education of Henry Adams: an Autobiography. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1918. The selection is a part of an admirable critique in the April, 1919, number of the American Historical Review. By permission of the author and of the editors of the magazine. The article should be read as a whole for a complete understanding of the critic's analysis.

[17] Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres, p. 7. [Author's note.]

[18] From Up from Slavery, by Booker T. Washington. Copyright, 1900, 1901, by Doubleday, Page & Co. By permission.

[19] From The Making of an American, by Jacob A. Riis. Copyright, 1901, by The Outlook Co. Copyright, 1901, by The Macmillan Co. By permission of Mrs. Jacob A. Riis and of the publishers.

[20] From The Old Merchant Marine, by Ralph D. Paine, in The Chronicles of America Series. Copyright, 1919, by the Yale University Press. By permission of the author and of the publishers.

[21] It is said that as the odd two-master slid gracefully into the water, a spectator exclaimed: "See how she scoons!" "Aye," answered Captain Robinson, "a schooner let her be!" This launching took place in 1713 or 1714. [Author's note.]

[22] In 1862, the tonnage amounted to 193,459; in 1866, to 89,386. [Author's note.]

[23] From The Age of Big Business, by Burton J. Hendrick, in The Chronicles of America Series. Copyright, 1919, by the Yale University Press. By permission of the author and of the publishers.

[24] Reprinted, by permission of the author and of the publishers, from The Outlook, April 25, 1917. Copyright, 1917, by The Outlook Co.

[25] From Green Trails and Upland Pastures, by Walter Prichard Eaton. Copyright, 1917, by Doubleday, Page & Co. By permission of the author and of the publishers.

[26] Reprinted by permission from Books and Things, by Philip Littell. Copyright 1919, by Harcourt, Brace and Howe, Inc.


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