OF THE ANGLO-SAXON STYLE. Q. During what period of time did this style prevail? A. From the close of the sixth century, when the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons commenced, to the middle of the eleventh century. Q. Whence does this style appear to have derived its origin? A. From the later Roman edifices; for in the most ancient of the Anglo-Saxon remains we find Q. What is peculiar in the constructive features of Roman masonry? A. Walls of Roman masonry in this country were chiefly constructed of stone or flint, according to the part of the country in which the one material or other prevailed, embedded in mortar, bonded at certain intervals throughout with regular horizontal courses or layers of large flat Roman bricks or tiles, which, from the inequality of thickness and size, do not appear to have been shaped in any regular mould. Q. What vestiges of Roman masonry are now existing in Britain? A. A fragment, apparently that of a Roman temple or basilica, near the church of St. Nicholas at Leicester, which contains horizontal courses of brick at intervals, and arches constructed of brickwork; the curious portion of a wall of similar construction, with remains of brick arches on the one side, which indicate it to have formed part of a building, and not a mere wall as it now appears, at Wroxeter, Salop; and the polygonal tower at Dover Castle, which, notwithstanding an exterior casing of flint, and other alterations effected in the fifteenth century, still retains many visible features of its original construction of tufa bonded with bricks at intervals. Roman masonry, of the mixed description of brick and stone, regularly disposed, is found in walls at York, Lincoln, Silchester, and elsewhere; and sometimes we meet with bricks or stone arranged herring-bone fashion, as in the vestiges of a Roman building at Castor, Northamptonshire, and the walls of a Roman villa discovered at Littleton, Somersetshire. Q. Have we any remains of the ancient British churches erected in this country in the third, fourth, or fifth centuries? A. None such have yet been discovered or noticed; for the ruinous structure at Perranzabuloe in Cornwall, which some assert to have been an ancient British church, is probably not of earlier date than the twelfth century; and the church of St. Martin at Canterbury, built in the time of the Romans, which Augustine found on his arrival still used for the worship of God, was rebuilt in the thirteenth century, but, to all appearance, with the same materials of which the original church was constructed. Q. Do any of our churches bear a resemblance to Roman buildings? A. The church now in ruins within the precincts of the Castle of Dover presents features of early work approximating Roman, as a portal and window-arches formed of brickwork, which seem to have been copied from those in the Roman tower near adjoining; the walls also have much of Roman brick worked up into them, but have no such regular horizontal layers as Roman masonry displays. The most ancient portions of this church are attributed to belong to the middle of the seventh century. The church of Brixworth, Northamptonshire, is perhaps the most complete specimen we have existing of an early Anglo-Saxon church: it has had Pilaster Rib-work Arch, Brigstock Church. Pilaster Rib-work Arch, Brigstock Church. Q. What peculiarities are observable in masonry of Anglo-Saxon construction? A. From existing vestiges of churches of presumed Anglo-Saxon construction it appears that the walls were chiefly formed of rubble or rag- Q. What churches exhibit projecting strips of stonework thus disposed? A. The towers of the churches of Earls Barton and Barnack, Northamptonshire, and the tower of one of the churches at Barton-upon-Humber, Lincolnshire, are covered with these narrow projecting strips of stonework, in such a manner that the surface of the wall appears divided into rudely formed panels; the like disposition of rib-work appears, though not to so great extent, on the face of the upper part of the tower of Stowe Church, Northamptonshire, of St. Benedict’s Anglo-Saxon Masonry, Long and Short Work. Anglo-Saxon Masonry, Long and Short Work. Q. Where do we meet with instances where long and short blocks of ashlar masonry are disposed in alternate courses at the angles of walls? A. Such occur at the angles of the chancel of North Burcombe Church, Wiltshire; at the Q. How are the doorways of this style distinguished? A. They are either semicircular, or triangular-arched headed, but the former are more common. In those, apparently the most ancient, the voussoirs or arched heads are faced with large flat bricks or tiles, closely resembling Roman work. Doorways of this description are to be met with in the old church, Dover Castle; in the church of Brixworth, Northamptonshire; and on the south side of Brytford Church, Wiltshire. The doorway, however, we most frequently meet with in Anglo-Saxon remains, is of simple yet peculiar construction, semicircular-headed, and formed entirely of stone, without any admixture of brick; the jambs are square-edged, and are sometimes but not always composed of two long blocks placed upright, with a short block between them; the arched head of the doorway is plain, and springs from square projecting impost blocks, the Anglo-Saxon Doorway, St. Peter's Church, Barton-upon-Humber. Anglo-Saxon Doorway, St. Peter's Church, Barton-upon-Humber. Q. Mention the names of churches in which doorways of this description are preserved? A. The south doorways of the towers of the Belfry Window, north side of the Tower of Wyckham Church, Berks. Belfry Window, north side of the Tower of Wyckham Church, Berks. Q. How are we able to distinguish the windows of the Anglo-Saxon style? A. The belfry windows are generally found to consist of two semicircular-headed lights, divided Anglo-Saxon Single-light Window, Tower of Wyckham Church, Berks. Anglo-Saxon Single-light Window, Tower of Wyckham Church, Berks. Q. Of what description are the arches which separate the nave from the chancel and aisles, and sustain the clerestory walls? Anglo-Saxon Arches, St. Michael's Church, St. Alban's, A.D. 948. Anglo-Saxon Arches, St. Michael's Church, St. Alban's, A.D. 948. A. They are very plain, and consist of a single Tower Arch, Barnack Church, Northamptonshire. Tower Arch, Barnack Church, Northamptonshire. Chancel Arch, Wittering Church, Northamptonshire. Chancel Arch, Wittering Church, Northamptonshire. Q. How are some of the doorways, windows, arched recesses, and panels of Anglo-Saxon architecture constructed? Doorway in the Tower of Brigstock Church. Doorway in the Tower of Brigstock Church. A. In a very rude manner, of two or more long blocks of stone, placed slantingly or inclined one towards the other, thus forming a straight line, or triangular-headed arch; the lower ends of these sometimes rest on plain projecting im Recess in the Tower of Barnack Church. Recess in the Tower of Barnack Church. Q. Were the Anglo-Saxon architects accustomed to construct crypts beneath their churches? A. There are some subterranean vaults, not easily accessible, the presumed remains of Bishop Wilfrid’s work, at Ripon and Hexham, of the latter part of the seventh century; but the crypt beneath the chancel of Repton Church, Derbyshire, the walls of which are constructed of hewn stone, is perhaps the most perfect specimen exist Crypt, Repton Church, Derbyshire. Crypt, Repton Church, Derbyshire. Q. Are mouldings, or is any kind of sculptured ornament, to be met with in Anglo-Saxon work? A. Although the remains of this style are for the most part plain and devoid of ornamental detail, we occasionally meet with mouldings of a semicylindrical or roll-like form, on the face or under the soffit of an arch, and these are sometimes continued down the sides of the jambs or piers. Foliage, knot-work, and other rudely Q. What was the general plan of the Anglo-Saxon churches? A. We have now but few instances in which the complete ground plan of an Anglo-Saxon church can be traced: that of Worth Church, Sussex, is perhaps the most perfect, as the original foundation walls do not appear to have been disturbed, although insertions of windows of later date have been made in the walls of the superstructure. This church is planned in the form of a cross, and consists of a nave with transepts, and a chancel, terminating at the east end with a semicircular apsis—a rare instance in the Anglo-Saxon style, as in general the east end of the chancel is rectangular in plan. The towers of Anglo-Saxon churches are generally placed at the west end, though sometimes, as at Wotten Wawen, they occur between the chancel and nave. No original staircase has yet been found in the interior of any. The church at Q. Why have we so few ecclesiastical remains of known or presumed Anglo-Saxon architecture now existing? A. There are probably many examples of this style preserved in churches which have hitherto escaped observation Anglo Saxon Doorway and Window, interior of the tower of Brigstock Church, north side. Anglo Saxon Doorway and Window, interior of the tower of Brigstock Church, north side.
Of these, seven are noticed by Mr. Rickman. Norman Chancel, Darent Church, Kent. Norman Chancel, Darent Church, Kent.