Allumettes, 413.
Almonds, 44.
Anchovy, 144.
butter, 99.
cake, 428.
salad, 353.
Anise, 16.
Apples, au beurre, 378.
charlotte, 379.
dumplings, 431.
flambantes, 378.
fried, 400.
meringuÉes, 379.
pie, 440.
syrup, 380.
in compote, or stewed, 385.
" fritters, 379.
" jelly, 4.
pine-apple, 380.
with rice, 374.
" sweetmeats, 380.
Apricots, 16.
in compote, 385.
" jelly 406.
" salad, 352.
iced, 397.
Artichokes, 306.
fried, 306.
(Jerusalem), 307.
Asparagus, 307.
fried, 308.
en petits pois, 307.
in omelet, 308.
with cream, 308.
" vinaigrette, 308.
" white sauce, 308.
Aspic, 275.
Baba, 449.
Bacon, 16.
Bain-marie, 16.
Bakepans, 17.
Baking, 9.
Bananas, 393.
Barley, 76.
lemonade, 44.
sugar, 45.
Bass, 132, 135, 136.
Batter, 30.
Bavaroise, 45.
Bay-leaf, 17.
Beans (string), 308.
au jus, 309.
maÎtre d'hÔtel, 309.
in salad, 309, 350.
with onions, 309.
pickled, 353.
(Lima), 309.
au jus, 310.
(dry), 310.
maÎtre d'hÔtel, 310.
with ham, 311.
" mutton, 311.
" salt pork, 310.
in purÉe, 120.
stewed, 311.
Bear-meat, 277.
ham, 277.
Beef, 162.
À la mode, 163.
baked, 167.
in daube, 164.
roasted, 165.
with garnitures, 166.
decorated, 167.
stewed, 164.
fillet larded, 168.
with mushrooms, 169.
" truffles, 169.
" potatoes, 169.
" tomatoes, 169.
" quenelles, 169.
" Madeira sauce, etc., 169.
en bellevue, 170.
ribs, 170.
with mushrooms, etc., 171.
steaks, 171.
broiled, 172.
steaks with potatoes, 172.
" water-cress, etc., 173.
" mushrooms, 173.
" truffles, 173.
sautÉs, 171.
fancy, 173.
tenderloin, 168.
low cuts, 171.
boiled or cold, 174.
hashed, 177.
in croquettes, 175.
" miroton, 176.
" salad, 177.
au gratin, 176.
with vegetables, etc., 175.
corned, 177.
en bellevue, 178.
brain, 179.
heart, 179.
kidneys, 180.
liver, 180.
tail, 181.
tongue, 178.
(smoked), 183.
with sauces, 183.
in hors-d'oeuvre, 183.
" bellevue, 183.
tripe, 181.
broiled, 182.
poulette, 182.
stewed, 182.
pickled, 183.
Beets, 17.
boiled, 17.
pickled, 353.
stewed, 312.
in salad, 350.
Beignets soufflÉs, 422.
Berries, iced, 398.
preserved, 402.
with milk, 401.
" liquor, 401.
in salad, 352.
Bichof, 45.
Bills of fare, 459.
Birds, 278, 279.
preserved, 46.
Biscottes, 448.
Biscuits, 426.
almonds, 426.
chocolate, 426.
glazed, 426.
with filberts, etc., 427.
vanilla, 426.
of Rheims, 427.
Blackberries, 352.
in compote, 386.
" jelly, 406.
preserved, 402.
Black-birds, 278.
Black-fish, 132, 135.
Blanc-mange, 380.
Blanc-manger, 381.
Blanch, 305.
Blanquette, 205.
Blue-fish, 132, 135.
Bobolink, 278.
Boiling, 9.
Boned turkey, 260.
Border of paste, 244.
" rice, 373.
BouchÉes, 420.
of fish, 421.
" birds, 421.
" oysters, 421.
" lobster, etc., 421.
Boulettes, 117.
Bouquet, 461.
Brain, 214.
Braising, 18.
Bread, 454-458.
crumbs, 46.
farce, 113.
pudding, 445.
Breakfast, 453.
Brioche, 449.
Broccoli, 318.
Broiling, 10.
Broth, 61-70.
Brown-butter, 100.
Buffalo, 277.
steaks, 277.
Buckwheat cakes, 431.
Bunch of seasonings, 18.
Burnt sugar, 47.
Butter, 409.
anchovy, 99.
lobster, etc., 118, 119.
melted, 119.
scented, 119.
Buttered paper, 18.
Cabbage, 313.
À la crÈme, 313.
with apples, 313.
" bacon, 313.
garniture, 113.
in salad, 348.
" sour-krout, 315.
stewed, 313.
stuffed, 314.
pickled, 353.
red, 314.
Cabinet pudding, 445.
CafÉ au lait, 51.
noir, 51.
Cake, 428.
almond, 428.
apple, 429.
corn, 431.
cream, 423.
currant, 428.
filbert, 428.
fourrÉ, 428.
hazel-nut, etc., 428.
hard, 429.
heavy, 429.
Madeleine, 452.
Milanais, 429.
Nantais, 428.
Pithiviers, 415.
plum, 433.
pound, 432.
rice, 373.
Saint HonorÉ, 423.
Savarin, 430.
short, 432.
sponge, 431.
tea, 433.
Viennois, 433.
with jelly, 433.
Calf's brain, 214.
ears, 215.
feet, 215.
" jelly, 53.
head, 216, 217.
en tortue, 218.
soup, 86.
heart, 218.
kidneys, 219.
lights, 220.
liver, 221.
pluck, 222.
sweetbreads, 223.
in vol-au-vent, 419.
tail, 223.
tongue, 223.
Candied fruit, 403.
Capon, 256.
Caramel, 47.
Cardoon, 316.
Carp, 132, 135.
Carrots, 316.
BÉchamel, 316.
fines herbes, 317.
glazed, 317.
au jus, 317.
poulette, 317.
stewed, 317.
with sugar, 318.
in purÉe, 122.
" soup, 77.
Catsup, 18.
mushroom, 327.
tomato, 354.
Cauliflowers, 318.
BÉchamel, 318.
gratin, 318.
white sauce, 319.
fried, 319.
stewed, 319.
in salad, 320.
with cream, etc., 319.
pickled, 353.
Caviare, 18.
Celery, 265.
cranberry sauce, 265.
baked, 265.
roasted, 265.
with turnips, 267.
" currant-jelly, 265.
" garniture, 265.
sautÉ, 266.
with peas, etc., 266.
stuffed, 268.
boned, 268.
preserved, 46.
cold in salmis, 268.
" croquettes, 268.
" salad, 268.
Duckling, 264.
Dust, to, 21.
Ears, 215.
Eclairs, 424.
au cafÉ, 425.
" chocolate, 424.
" tea, 425.
" vanilla, 425.
" currants, 425.
" strawberries, 425.
" jellies, 426.
" essence, 425.
Economy, 23.
Eels, 136.
broiled, 136.
fried, 137.
roasted, 137.
in matelote, 137.
stuffed, 137.
in vol-au-vent, 419.
Eggs, 356.
beater, 24.
crumbs to fry, 30.
whites (to beat), 363.
BÉchamel, 357.
boiled, 359.
fried, 360.
au gratin, 358.
À la tripe, 362.
" neige, 362.
poached, 362.
scrambled, 360.
stuffed, 358.
Lyonnaise, 357.
sur le plat, etc., 360.
in matelote, 361.
fricassÉe, 357.
with vegetables, 359, 361.
" cheese, 357, 358.
" ham, etc., 359.
" fines herbes, 357.
" sauces, 358.
garniture, 115.
in salad, 350.
Egg-plant, 323.
Endive, 320.
in salad, 348.
EntrÉes, 462.
Entremets, 463.
Epigramme, 199.
Errors in cooking, 24.
Escalops, 158, 206.
Essence of beef, 52.
spinach, 52.
Fanchonnettes, 416.
Fans, 416.
Farces, 113.
bread, 113.
cabbage, 113.
combs, 113.
croutons, 114.
duxelle, 114.
egg, 115.
financiÈre, 115.
liver, 115.
MacÉdoine, 115.
mushroom, 116.
onion, 116.
quenelles, 116.
salpicon, 117.
truffles, 117.
Fat (chicken, etc.), 29.
to clarify, 29.
for frying, 29.
Fecula, 76.
Fennel, 25.
FeuilletÉs, 413.
À la CondÉ, 414.
Figs, 25.
Fillet, 168.
Fines herbes, 25.
Fish, 125.
to keep, 33.
quality, 35.
to select, 125.
" clean for boiling, 125.
" " baking, etc., 125.
same species, 125.
to know when cooked enough, 126.
" improve, 126.
" bone, 126.
" skin, 126.
" decorate, 127.
kettle, 127.
baked, 128.
balls, 128.
boiled, 129.
broiled, 129.
cold, 144.
fried, 129.
À la Orly, 130.
roasted, 130.
sautÉ, 131.
stewed, 131.
stuffed, 131.
À la crÈme, 136.
anchovy butter, 129.
" sauce, 135, 136.
BÉchamel, 136.
Bordelaise, 143.
Bretonne, 135.
caper-sauce, 130, 135, 136.
court-bouillon, 135.
cream-sauce, 136.
egg-sauce, 136.
fines-herbes sauce, 136.
genÈvoise-sauce, 135.
genoise-sauce, 135.
gratin-sauce, 132, 135.
Hollandaise sauce, 130, 135, 136.
Italienne sauce, 135.
MaÎtre d'hÔtel sauce, 129, 136.
matelote sauce, 132, 135.
Mayonnaise, 130.
piquante, 130.
poivrade, 130.
rÉmolade, 130.
Tartar, 135.
tomato, 130, 135, 136.
vinaigrette, 134-136.
bass, 130, 132.
black-fish, 130, 132.
blue-fish, 130, 132.
cod, 136.
" (salt), 145.
eels, 132, 136.
flounder, 130, 137.
haddock, 136.
halibut, 136.
herring, 130.
" (salt), 147.
mackerel, 135.
" (salt), 148.
pike, 130, 132, 139.
porgy, 130, 132.
ray, 139.
salmon, 140.
shad, 142.
sheep's-head, 142.
skate, 139.
trout, 132, 139.
turbot, 143, 144.
white-fish, 130.
clams, 159.
lobster, 149, 153.
oysters, 155.
floating island, 362.
Allemande sauce, 137.
baked, 137.
Normande, 137.
" another, 138.
boned and fried, 139.
Flour, 25.
Foies-gras, 25.
Fondue, 362.
Food, 22.
Fox, 297.
Frangipane, 390.
Fricandeau, 211.
Fritters, 393.
Frogs, 149.
Fromage À la crÈme, 383.
Fruit, 406.
corer, 26.
candied, 403.
glazed, 394.
iced, 397.
for dessert, 401.
preserved, 353.
" in liquor, 405.
Frying, 11.
batter for, 30.
fat " 29.
lard " 28.
directions for, 11.
eggs and crumbs for, 30.
Galantine, 26.
Galette, 416, 450.
du gymnase, 416.
Game, 276.
pie, 434.
Garlic, 25.
Garnish, 113.
Garnishing, 113.
Garnitures, 113.
GÉnoise, 450.
with almonds, etc., 451.
" chocolate, etc., 451.
Gibelotte, 293.
Giblets, 273.
Glazing, 26.
Godiveau, 117.
Goose, 268.
apple-sauce, etc., 268.
Gooseberries in jelly, 386.
Gosling, 268.
Grapes, 402.
in jelly, 406.
glazed, 397.
Gravy of meat, 55.
fish, 101.
Grouse, 280.
Guinea-fowl, 268.
Haddock, 136.
Halibut, 136.
Ham, 228.
boiled, 228.
in hors-d'oeuvre, 228.
with purÉe, 229.
decorated, 230.
roasted, 229.
with sauces, 230, 231.
Hard cake, 429.
Hare, 280-282.
Hazel-nut butter, 119.
Head-cheese, 234.
Herb broth, 91.
Herring, 130.
salt, 147.
red, 148.
Highholders, 279.
Hominy, 324.
Hors-d'oeuvres, 462.
Horse-radish, 462.
Hot weather, 21.
Ice-cream, 392.
Iced fruit, 397.
Icing, 53.
Ignorance in cooking, 24.
Indigestion, 26.
Isinglass, 26.
Italian pastes, 26.
Jam, 384.
Jellies, 53, 398.
sweet or wine, 398.
MacÉdoine, 399.
cold, 399.
meat, 53.
broth, 53.
chicken, 53.
turkey, 53.
calf's-foot, 53.
fruit, 406.
Jelly-bag, 27.
Juice or jus, 55.
Julienne, 73, 74.
Kid, 201.
Kitchen utensils, 27.
Kisses, 452.
Lady's-fingers, 427.
Lait de poule, 370.
" vegetables, 366.
Onions, 327.
glazed, 328.
in purÉe, 123.
" garniture, 116.
" salad, 351.
pickled, 353.
Opossum, 297.
Orangeade, 44.
Oranges, compote, 386.
glazed, 394.
iced, 398.
preserved, 405.
salad, 352.
pie, 440.
Order of dishes, 461.
Osmazome, 34.
Otter, 297.
Oysters, 155.
raw, 155.
in bouchÉes, 421.
" patties, 421.
" vol-au-vent, 419.
" poulette, 158.
broiled, 157.
fried, 156.
roasted, 157.
stewed, 158.
scalloped, 157.
À la Washington, 158.
pickled, 158.
soup, 90.
Oyster-plant, 342.
Pain perdu, 394.
Pains of game, 438.
Panade, 56.
Pancakes, 431, 454.
Pap, 56.
Paper, buttered, 18.
oiled, 18.
Papillotes, 210.
Parsley, 35.
Parsnip, 328.
sautÉ, 328.
stewed, 329.
Partridge, 282.
Paste, 410.
puff, 410-413.
for meat-pies, 434.
Pastry, 408.
bag, 36.
PÂte À choux, 422.
PÂtÉ, 433.
de foies-gras, 25.
Patties (bouchÉes), 420.
Peacock, 282.
Peaches, baked, 401.
in compote, 385.
" jelly, 406.
" pie, 440.
" salad, 352.
iced, 397.
preserved, 401.
candied, 403.
Pears, in compote, 386.
" salad, 352.
candied, 404.
glazed, 396.
iced, 397.
preserved, 402.
syrup, 380.
Peas (green), 329.
boiled, 329.
au jus, 330.
with ham, etc., 330.
" sugar, 330.
in purÉe, 121.
(canned), 330.
(dry), 330.
(split), 330.
in soup, 80.
preserved, 354.
Pepper, 35.
Perch, 132, 135.
Petits fours, 410.
pains, 426.
au chocolat, etc., 424.
Pheasant, 282.
Pickerel, 139.
Pickled cucumber, 355.
Pickles, 353.
Pies, 433.
decorated, 435.
fruit, 440.
meat, 437.
fish, 439.
game, 436.
mince, 441.
pot, 442.
Pig's feet, 232.
head, 233.
kidneys, 234.
(sucking), 235, 236.
tongue, 234.
Pigeons, 269.
baked, 271.
broiled, 269.
fried, 272.
roasted, 270.
stewed, 270.
stuffed, 270.
in chartreuse, 269.
" compote, 272.
" crapaudine, 273.
with vegetables, 269.
pie, 436.
Pike, 139.
gÉnoise sauce, 139.
with different sauces, 135, 136.
in matelote, 132-134.
roasted, 130.
Pine-apple, 352.
glazed, 397.
iced, 398.
in compote, 386.
" fritters, 393.
syrup, 380.
Pithiviers, 415.
Plover, 279.
Plums, 402.
candied, 404.
glazed, 397.
iced, 397.
in jelly, 406.
" marmalade, 386.
" pie, 440.
Plum-pudding, 447.
Poached eggs, 362.
PommÉes, 414.
Porgy, 132, 135.
Pork, 226.
chine, 226.
cutlets, 227.
leg, 228.
salt, 231.
ham, 228.
ears, etc., 232.
Porte manteau, 414.
Potages, 61.
broth for, 62.
chicken broth, etc., 65.
veal, 68.
vegetables, 69.
fish, 65.
made quickly, 70.
bisque of lobster, 70.
" crabs, 72.
" craw-fish, 72.
bouillabaisse, 72.
consommÉ, 64.
Colbert, 73.
fancy, 77.
Julienne, 73, 74.
À la Brunoise, 74.
Monaco, 74.
rÉgence, 75.
royale, 75.
au chasseur, 86.
Chinese, 83.
printanier, 75.
veloutÉ, 75.
with arrow-root, 75.
" barley, 76.
" bread, 75.
" corn-starch, 75.
" carrots, 77.
" fecula, 76.
" gruel, 76.
" giblets, 76.
" Indian meal, 76.
" Italian pastes, 78.
" macaroni, 77-79.
" mackerel, 77.
" nouilles, 79.
" potatoes, 79.
" quenelles, 80.
" rice, 80.
" sago, 76.
" semoule, 76.
" tapioca, 76.
" turnips, 80.
" vermicelli, 77.
purÉe Chantilly, 81.
" À la CondÉ, 82.
" " CrÉcy, 82.
" " franÇaise, 81.
" " reine, 84-85.
" of asparagus, 82.
" " artichokes, 82.
" " beans, 81.
" " cauliflowers, 82.
" " chestnuts, 82.
" " corn, 83.
" " lentils, 81.
" " Lima, 81.
" " peas, 80.
" " potatoes, 81.
" " pumpkins, 81.
" " squash, 82.
" " tomatoes, 83, 84.
" " turnips, 82.
" " wheat, 82.
" " fowls, 85.
Soup maigre, 85.
mock-turtle, 86.
sportsman's, 86.
turtle, 87.
clam, 92.
rice, 88.
beef and mutton, 86.
muscle, 92.
okra, 88.
ox-cheek, 89.
" tail, 89.
oyster, 90.
pot-au-feu, 61.
sheep's-tail, 89.
sorrel, 89.
with cabbage, 90.
" cauliflower, 91.
" cheese, 91.
" herbs, 91.
" leeks, 92.
" milk, 91.
" onions, 88.
Allemande, 92, 93.
Indian, 93.
Polish, 93.
Russian, 94.
Spanish, 95, 96.
Potatoes, 330.
boiled, 331.
steamed, 331.
Allemande, 332.
Anglaise, 332.
Barigoule, 332.
BÉchamel, 332.
broiled, 332.
duchesse, 339.
franÇaise, 333.
fried, 332.
Hollandaise, 333.
Lyonnaise, 334.
MaÎtre d'hÔtel, 334.
mashed, 335.
Parisienne, 332.
Polonaise, 335.
sautÉes, 336.
soufflÉes, 336.
stuffed, 337.
swelled, 333.
in balls, 333, 338.
" cakes, 338.
" croquettes, 338.
" matelote, 339.
" provenÇale, 336.
" purÉe, 121.
salad, 351.
with bacon, 339.
" butter, 339.
" cream, etc., 340.
soup, 81.
sweet, 340.
Pot-au-feu, 61.
Poultry, 237.
Pound cake, 432.
Prairie hen, 282.
baked, 282.
boned, 288.
broiled, 283.
preserved, 46.
roasted, 286.
sautÉ, 287.
stewed, 287.
with sauces, 287.
" vegetables, 283, 284.
" currant-jelly, 287.
essence, 103.
fines herbes, 103.
fish, 103.
GenÈvoise, 141.
GÉnoise, 103.
gravy, 55.
Hollandaise, 104.
Indian, 104.
Italian, 104.
juice, 55.
lobster, 105.
Madeira, 105.
maÎtre d'hÔtel, 105.
matelote, 132, 133.
Mayonnaise, 105.
muscle, 111.
mushroom, 106.
oyster, 111.
Parisienne, 106.
peach, 99.
piquante, 106.
poivrade, 107.
Polonaise, 107.
poulette, 107.
prawn, 105.
princesse, 108.
provenÇale, 108.
ravigote, 108.
raspberry, 99.
rÉmolade, 109.
Robert, 108.
roux, 109.
shallot, 109.
shrimp, 105.
soubise, 109.
suprÈme, 109.
tarragon, 118.
Tartar, 106.
tomato, 110.
truffle, 110.
veloutÉ, 110.
white, 111.
vinaigrette, 110.
for blanc mange, 381.
" puddings, 111, 112.
" Savarin, 430.
Saucissons, 19.
Sausages, 19.
Sausage-meat, 57.
SautÉing, 13.
Savarin, 430.
Scallops, 158.
on the shell, 159.
of salmon, 141.
" veal, 206.
Scalloped-knife, 36.
Seasoning, 14.
Semoule, 76.
Shad, 142.
broiled, 142.
À la Chambord, 142.
au gratin, 142.
in provenÇale, 142.
with sorrel, 142.
stuffed, 137.
roasted, 130.
Shallots, 37.
Sheep's brain, 194.
feet, 194.
kidneys, 196.
tongue, 197.
Sheep's-head fish, 142, 143.
Short-cake, 432.
Shrimps, 154.
Simmering, 14.
Skate, 139.
Skewers, 37.
Skirret, 342.
Skunk, 298.
Small birds, 278, 279.
Small fish, 126.
Smelts, 129.
Smoked tongue, 183.
Snails, 303.
Snipe, 279, 295.
Sole, 137.
Sorrel, 342.
au jus, 343.
in purÉe, 343.
" salad, 350.
" soup, 89.
preserved, 343.
SoufflÉs, 400.
Soups, 61.
Sour-krout, 315.
Souse, 58.
Spanish mackerel, 135.
Sparrow-grass, 307.
Spices, 38.
Spinach, 343.
au beurre, etc., 345.
" jus, 344.
" sucre, 344.
À la crÈme, 344.
essence, 52.
Sponge cake, 431.
Sportsman's soup, 86.
Sprats, 145.
Sprouts, 345.
Squash, 340.
Squirrel, 299.
Steaks, 171.
turtle, 88.
Sterlet, 143.
Stewing, 14.
Stirring, 39.
Straining, 39.
Strawberry, glazed, 396.
iced, 398.
in compote, 386.
" fritters, 393.
" jelly, 406.
" salad, 352.
" short-cake, 432.
Stuffing of birds, 253.
fish, 131.
Sturgeon, 140.
Succory, 320.
Succotash, 321.
Sucking-pig, 235.
baked, 235.
boned, 236.
roasted, 235.
decorated, 236.
Sugar, 39, 376.
burnt, 47.
cooked, 376.
dusted, 21.
pulverized, 39.
syrup, 376.
Sun-fish, 132.
Supper, 464.
Syrup for compotes, 384.
sugar, 376.
apple, 380.
Sweetbreads, 223.
Sweet dishes, 376.
potatoes, 340.
Tapioca, 447.
Tarragon, 40.
Tarte, 441.
Tartelettes, 414.
Tasting, 14.
Tea, 58.
cake, 433.
(meal), 464.
Tench, 132.
Tenderloin, 168.
Terrapin, 87.
Terreen, 438.
Thrush, 279.
Thermometer, 410.
Thyme, 35.
Tin tubes, 40.
Toasts, 59.
Tomatoes, 345.
salad, 351.
stuffed, 345.
stewed, 345.
preserved, 354.
catsup, 354.
Tongue, 178.
Tripe, 181.
Trout, 139.
gÉnoise sauce, 139.
in matelote, 132-134.
with sauces, 135, 136.
Troutlet, 139.
Truffles, 40.
garniture, 117.
Tunny, 143, 147.
Turbot, 143, 144.
Bordelaise, 143.
in salad, 144.
" vol-au-vent, 419.
" pie, 439.
roasted, 130.
cold, 144.
in hors-d'oeuvre, 352.
Turkey, 257.
baked, 258.
boiled, 257.
boned, 260.
preserved, 46.
roasted, 258.
stewed, 259.
stuffed, 259, 260.
in croquettes, 264.
" pie, 437.
" salad, 264.
with cranberry-sauce, 259.
" oyster-sauce, 259.
" currant-jelly, 259.
cold, 263.
caponed, 264.
Turnips, 346.
BÉchamel, etc., 346.
glazed, 346.
au jus, 346.
with sugar, 346.
Turtle, 87.
Vanilla, 41.
Veal, 202.
baked, 205.
blanquette, 205.
broiled, 208.
broth, 68.
croquettes, 206.
ragout, 206.
roasted, 203.
in scallops, 206.
" vol-au-vent, 420.
with vegetables, 204.
decorated, 204.
breast, with peas, 207.
in matelote, 208.
stewed, 207.
neck, 206.
cold, 214.
cutlets, 208.
baked, 209.
sautÉes, 209.
with sauces, 210.
" garnitures, 209.
in papillotes, 210.
with mushrooms, 209.
en Bellevue, 210.
fricandeau, 211.
au jus, 211.
financiÈre, 211.
with peas, etc., 211.
loin, or leg, stewed, 213.
baked, 205.
roasted, 203.
decorated, 204.
shoulder, on purÉes, etc., 212.
baked, 212.
boned, 212.
roasted, 212.
stuffed, 212.
en Bellevue, 213.
brain, etc., 214.
pie, 437.
Vegetables, 305.
spoons, 41.
Venison, 299.
baked, 300.
in civet, 300.
cutlets, 300.
with sauces, 301.
haunch, 301.
saddle, with currant-jelly, 302.
shoulder, 302.
stewed, 302.
with truffles, etc., 303.
cold, 303.
Vermicelli, 77, 446.
Vinegar, 347.
Vol-au-vent, 417.
of fish, 419.
" oysters, 419.
" chicken, 419.
" veal, 420.
" game, 420.
" fruits, 420.
" sweatmeats, 420.
Waffles, 454.
Walnuts, 351.
Water, 42.
Watercress, 347, 349.
Weak-fish, 132.
Welsh rarebit, 60.
White-fish, 140.
White pepper, 35.
Whortleberry, 386, 440.
Wines, 42.
Woodchuck, 297.
Woodcock, 279.
in pie, 436.
" salmis, 296.
Woodpecker, 279.
Yellow-birds, 279.
ZÉphyrs, 453.