Title: The Farmer's Boy A Rural Poem Author: Robert Bloomfield Language: English Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Charles Bidwell and Distributed Proofreaders [Illustration] THE FARMER'S BOY;A RURAL POEM.By ROBERT BLOOMFIELD. "A SHEPHERD'S BOY … HE SEEKS NO BETTER NAME."The Third Edition LONDON: MDCCCA sonnet has come to my hands, the production,—and nearly the first poetical Production,—of a very young Lady. I have not the Author's consent to publish it: and there is no time to ask it. But I cannot omit adding such a flower to the Wreath of Glory of my Friend. I have therefore ventured to publish it without waiting permission; with one or two slight alterations. C. L.25 Aug. 1800. TO THE AUTHOR OF THE FARMER'S BOY.I.If wealth, if honour, at command were mine, II.Which speaks the soul awake to every charm III.Thou Friend to Nature, and of Man the Friend; 25 Aug. 1800. |