The nearest of kin and expectant heirs, Still hoping to hold the estate as theirs By hook or crook—it mattered not how— Before the golden-calf ready to bow, At once they declared the “old man” insane, That the widow had acted simply for gain— A clear case of fraud! she took him by stealth, Expecting thereby to seize his great wealth; A “particeps criminis,” so they said— A divorce must be had from board and bed. They rushed into law, deep vengeance they swore, Produced affidavits—a dozen or more; Applied for a Writ, which you well know Is called “De Lunatico Inquirendo,” But how to serve it—that was the question; They could not get into the lady’s mansion, For the color’d porter at window stood, With a shining face, in a laughing mood, And to the question, “Is Mr. Brown at home?” Would reply, “Mr. and Misses are gone On a southern tour;” then, with twinkling eye, Would smilingly add, “They’ll be home by and by.” |