Autobiographical.—I should be glad to know whether it would be advisable for me to write a book of "Reminiscences," as I see is now the fashion. My life has been chiefly passed in a moorland-village in Yorkshire, so that it has not been very eventful, and I have never written anything before; still the public might like to hear my opinions on things in general, and I think I could make the anecdote of how our kitchen chimney once caught fire—which would be the most important incident chronicled—rather thrilling. Among interesting and eminent persons I have met, and of whom I could give some account in my forthcoming work, are Mr. Gladstone (who passed through our station in a train going at fifty miles an hour while I was on the platform), Lord Salisbury whom I met (under similar circumstances, and the back of whose head I feel confident that I actually saw) and the Lord Chief Justice of England, who ordered an Usher to remove me from his Court at the Assizes as I was (incorrectly) alleged to be snoring. I should be glad to hear of any leading Publisher who would be likely to offer a good price for such a book.—Rusticus Expectans. >PRIVATE THEATRICALS. A REHEARSAL PRIVATE THEATRICALS. A REHEARSAL.The Captain. "At this stage of the proceedings I've got to Kiss you, Lady Grace. Will your Husband mind, do you think?" Lady Grace. "Oh No! It's for a Charity, you know!" |