The Tea Kettle's Tune

I LIKE to hear the kettle sing
At this time of the day,
Such cheery thoughts it seems to bring,
All worries flee away.
Now spread your table cloth so white,
It tells me as I wait,
Come, bustle ’round, ’tis almost night—
The goodman’s at the gate.
Long time ago it heard John say
Some foolish lover things,
And do you know that to this day
They’re in the song it sings.
It caught the gladness in my tone
When baby Grace arrived,
My pride when Jim first stood alone,
My joy when Robbie thrived.
All this was such awhile ago,
You’d think it would forget,
But ah, the tune—I love it so—
It sings me sometimes yet.
When I was vexed with John last night,
And sat here full of pride,
It sang away with all its might,
And shamed me till I cried.
’Tis humming now, Come, broil the ham
Or supper will be late,
Put on the biscuits and the jam,
You’re goodman’s at the gate.


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