Summer Holidays

SCHOOL’S out! they cried, two happy wights;
School’s out for such a while,
The old bell won’t ding-dong to-day
And make us run a mile.
It seems too good—no lessons now
To tire us right out,
We’ve not a single thing to do
But run, and play, and shout.
We’re going fishing in the creek
With bran new hook an’ line,
We’re going hunting in the woods,
O, holidays are fine!
We’re going to wade out in the pond
And scare the ducks and drake,
We’re going haying in the field,
And swimming in the lake.
We’re going to jump, we’re going to sing,
And yell, and make a noise—
’Cause holidays come from the sky
For tired-out, shut-up boys.
That mean old bell that called so loud
Each time that it was rung,
Come right straight in and hurry up!
Has just to hold its tongue.


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