“Something is lost to me,” she said, “that nevermore Will be my very own, Something has swiftly slipped through my heart’s door, And to the winds has flown. “Loss was the kindest thing that fate could send— Some joys we may not keep— And yet, because this is the very end, I needs,” she said, “must weep. “Feeling my heart so empty and so chill— There is no glow to-night, No wakening of the old-time tender thrill, No pulsing of delight. “When death hides from our eyes a much loved face, We let our tears fall fast, And then we take each sign, each ling’ring trace, And seal it up—so—‘Past.’ “And I must put the memories away, The toys love left behind, The sweets we shared upon a summer day; The kiss, the faith so blind. “I was so rich, so proud, awhile ago, And now, I am so poor, O, empty heart, there’s nothing now to do But just to close the door!” [Decorative image unavailable.] |