TEACH us, dear Lord, all that it means to say The words, Our Father, when we kneel to pray, Our Father thou, then every child of thine Is, by the bond, a brother, Lord, of mine. Teach us, dear Lord, all that it means to say Thy will be done, when we kneel down to pray— Thy will be done—then our proud wills must break And lose themselves in love for Thy dear sake. Teach us, dear Lord, all that it means to say Give us our daily bread, when thus we pray; We will be trustful when we understand, Nor grasp the loaf from out a brother’s hand. Teach us, dear Lord, all that it means to say, Forgive our trespasses, when, meek, we pray; Forgive! the word was made in Paradise, And this world’s hope and faith within it lies. Teach us, dear Lord, all that it means to say The words Christ gave us, when we kneel to pray, For when we know and live their meaning deep, No heart will need to break, no eyes to weep. |