“We have been something more than friends, Jacynth, You know that well, yet now you say ‘my friend, I give you welcome home,’ in such cold way I scarce believe it is Jacynth who speaks— Jacynth, who used to give—but let it pass. The new year finds me with a heavy heart, I come to seek the girl I used to know, The happy, trusting, tender girl, and lo— I find her grown into a woman proud, With richer dower of beauty for her own, But far less lovable than my Jacynth.” Jacynth: “We both are changed, I think.” Derwent: “It is not so. I am not of the sort that gets new friends Like fashions for each season as it comes.” Jacynth: “Hark to the bells! a happy year, Derwent; Give me your hand and wish as much for me.” Derwent: “You wish me happiness, and yet deny My heart the highway to it.” Jacynth: “Happiness! I would that words might win the illusive Thing to carry with thee alway. How I Would wheedle! She cannot suit her step To ours for long, she wearieth of our slow And sober pace and flitteth where she will— Now near, now far away. We search in vain, And when we go with down-bent head and eyes Tear-filled, lo! on a sudden shineth round Our feet her rainbow hues, and to our breast She creepeth down with eager willingness.” Derwent: “There’s sweetness in thy words, such sweetness as Wells up from fragrant things tho’ they be dead, A violet’s breath lives longer than its bloom, So in this tender wish of thine I read Once on a time thy love was mine.” Jacynth: “And Peace— Sweet Peace, whose softest note can drown the cry Thy company, go with thee all the day, Sleep on thine heart from dusk till rosy dawn, And all such pretty joys be borne to thee As come with fragrant breath, and dewy lips, And subtle tender touch, to keep our love Towards God and man a warm and living thing. A Happy Year! A Happy, Happy Year!” Derwent: “Nay, from the velvet heart of flower in bloom Comes this last wave of sweetness; My Jacynth, Love is not dead in that white breast of thine, O glad bells! ring ye out to all the world, A Happy Year! A Happy, Happy Year!” [Decorative image unavailable.] |