His Own Little Black-Eyed Lad

IT is time for bed, so the nurse declares,
But I slip off to the nook,
The cosy nook at the head of the stairs,
Where daddy’s reading his book.
“I want to sit here awhile on your knee,”
I say as I toast my feet,
“And I want you to pop some corn for me,
And give me an apple sweet.”
I tickle him under the chin—just so—
And I say, “Please can’t I, dad?”
Then I kiss his mouth so he can’t say no,
To his own little black-eyed lad.
“You can’t have a pony this year at all,”
Says my stingy uncle Joe
After promising it, and there’s the stall
Fixed ready for it, you know.
One can’t depend on his uncles, I see,
It’s daddies that are the best,
And I find mine and climb on his knee
As he takes his smoke and rest.
I tickle him under the chin—just so—
And I say, “Please can’t I, dad?”
Then I kiss his mouth so he can’t say no,
To his own little black-eyed lad.
I want to skate, and oh, what a fuss
For fear I’ll break through the ice!
This woman that keeps our house for us
She isn’t what I call nice.
She wants a boy to be just like a girl,
To play in the house all day,
Keep his face all clean, and his hair in curl,
But dad doesn’t think that way.
I tickle him under the chin—just so—
And I say, “Please can’t I, dad?”
Then I kiss his mouth so he can’t say no,
To his own little black-eyed lad.
“You’re growing so big” says my dad to me,
“Soon be a man, I suppose,
Too big to climb up on your old dad’s knee
And toast your ten little toes.”
Then his voice it gets the funniest shake,
And oh, but he hugs me tight!
I say, when I can’t keep my eyes awake,
“Let me sleep with you to-night.”
I tickle him under the chin—just so—
And I say, “Please can’t I, dad?”
Then I kiss his mouth so he can’t say no,
To his own little black-eyed lad.



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