GOD loveth us! in pain or bliss, O heart, be true and strong! God loveth us, and knowing this We know life’s sweetest song. God loveth us! O eyes that find Life’s lesson hard to read, By tears of loss made dim and blind Learn His great love instead. God loveth us! O hands that grasp At human tenderness, And then in emptiness unclasp, He waits to fill and bless. God loveth us! O weary feet That find life’s pathway long, His love provides a rest so sweet The hope of it makes strong. God loveth us! O hearts that ache With striving all in vain, His tender hand is reached to take The bitterness and pain. God loveth us! O fallen one Creep upward to the light, God’s radiant stars shine on and on, Until the dawn grows bright. God loveth us! in pain or bliss, O heart be true and strong, God loveth us! and knowing this, We know life’s sweetest song. [Decorative image unavailable.] |