Blue Eyed Bess.

BUT let us argue for a space
Before we say that long good-bye,
Now heaven grant us store of grace,
We are so human, you and I.
Full well you know the old time way
Will easiest seem unto our feet,
Full well you know with yesterday
No fair to-morrow may compete.
Then some day, Bess, we will be old,
Think you our hearts content will stay
With bleak December, or, grown bold,
Will they not race back into May?
Look not upon his acres wide,
But think how weary life would be,
Your body walking at his side,
Your soul back in the spring with me.
Why will you try to cheat poor love
Who only asks you for his own,
His blindness should compassion move,
Yet what compassion have you shown?
Say, “Love, take all I have to give,
For nothing would I keep from thee,
We’ll walk together while we live,
And thou shalt make the path for me.”
The pretty blush is on your face,
We will not say that long good-bye,
Now heaven grant us store of grace,
We are so human, you and I.


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