Index to the Third Volume. |
6880-h.html#Pg054" class="pgexternal">54; Reveries of —, 344; — and Women, 449; Writings of —, 165. Alchemy, Cradle of —, 302; - — first taught in Egypt, 301;
- Spiritual and Physical —, 302.
Alesia, 298, 313. Aletheia, 484, 485. Alexander, — of Macedonia, 370. Alexandria, Christianity taught at —, 308; Alexandrian, — Theosophists, 304. Alphabet, Chinese —, 103; - Chaldean —, 99;
- Hebrew —, 99, 100, 104, 169, 190, 206, 530;
- Sanscrit —, 99, 190, 530;
- Senzar —, 100, 103, 530;
- — of Thoth, 108.
Alphabets, Sacred —, 100. Alpha and Omega, — of Being and Non-being, 400; - — of Divine Being, 369;
- the Sacred word is —, 93;
- — of Science, 22.
Amasis, 301. Amen, 252, 450. Amenti, Region of —, 246, 256. Amita-Buddha, 407, 408, 429; - Tsong-Kha-Pa an incarnation of —, 407, 409.
Amitabha, 381, 407, 408, 438; Ammianus Marcellinus, — quoted, 20, 235, 239. Ammon, 244, 252. Ammonius Saccas, 9, 10, 11, 45, 48, 132, 303, 307, 308, 309, 310, 313, 314. Amrita, 290, 388. Amshaspends, 191, 209, 279, 333. ArchÆus, 9. Archetype, Man’s — in heaven, 59. Archetypal, — Man, 230; Architecture, 18. Archous, 116, 218. Archoutes, 321, 337. Archytas, — Disciple of Pythagoras, 551. Arelim, — name of Jehovah, 182, 183, 184. Arhats, 406, 416; - — of Buddha, 132, 417, 422;
- Efforts of — to enlighten the West, 412;
- — in Nirvana, 418;
- Persecution of —, 411, 417;
- World will never be without —, 412.
Arhatship, Candidates for —, 361. Ariosto, — quoted, 54. Aristotle, 277; - — not an Initiate, 486;
- — quoted, 59.
Aristobulus, School of —, 9. Aristophanes, — on the Mysteries, 254. Arithmetic, — came from India, 352. Arius, Doctrines of —, 145. Arles, Destruction of —, 300. Art, the Black —, 25; - — of writing, 4, 37, 277;
- — of Thrasymedes, 120.
Arts, origin of — and Sciences, 18; - Magic —, 119;
- Occult —, 42.
Aryan, — Brahmans, 406; Aryans, 46, 69, 88, 91, 94, 107, 289, 342; - Tenets of —, 269;
- Secret Doctrine of the —, 73.
Aryasanga, 159, 416, 417, 431, 513. Aryavarta, 311. ‘As above, so below,’ 486. Ascetics, 547; Asclepiades, 89, 180, 200, 369, 405, 407; — of Enoch, 49, 79, 80, 82 to 90, 93; — of God, 169, 171, 173, 174, 175, 267, 268; — of Job, 294; — of Revelation, 195; — of Secret Wisdom, 405; — of Thoth, 37, 48, 89. Books, — of Hermes, 30, 37, 41, 48, 100, 117, 337, 339, 368; Brahma, — the Creative God, 179, 230; Brahmatma, 151, 411. Brahman, — and the god Ka, 427; - the Impersonal —, 179;
- Meaning of —, 270;
- the Supreme —, 63.
Brahmans, Aryan —, 406; - Caste of —, 261, 263;
- Teaching and Practice of —, 313;
- Three Initiations of —, 547.
Brahmanical, — Cord, 547; - — Scriptures, 229;
- — Literature, 74;
- Rishis of the — religion, 19;
- — Philosophy, 371;
- — Secret Schools, 417;
- — Septenary, 191.
Brahmadanda, 503, 547. Brahmarandra, 547. Bramavidya, 40, 588. Candlestick, the symbology of the Golden —, 320, 322, 323, 328. Cardinal De Cusa, 367; - Astronomical teaching of —, 368;
- — Copernicus, 368.
Cardinal Ximenes, 313. Casket, — fallen from Heaven, 422. Caste, the Brahman —, 261. Catholicism, — an off-shoot of Magic, 23; - — and Spiritualism, 26;
- — and Secret Symbology, 25.
Cause, the Absolute —, 363; - — of Being, 466;
- — and Effect, 586;
- First —, 179;
- — of Imperfection, 208, 209;
- One Universal —, 261;
- — of Sorrow, 414;
- the Unknown — 214, 223.
Causal, — Buddhas, 379; Causeless, — World, 420. Cedrenus, 329. Celestial, — Beings, 369; Celtic, — Mysteries, 312. Central, — Figure of the Gospels, 52, 53; - — Point, 180, 230, 477;
- — Star, 214, 280, 459, 461;
- — Sun, 213, 214, 280.
Centres, — of Force, 497, 498; Cerinthians, 150. Cerinthus, Teaching of —, 363. Chabas M. — on Magic, 243, 249, 250, 255. Chakras, 507; Chaldaic, — Language, 169; Chaldean, — Alphabet, 99; - — Astrologers, 342, 159;
- — the Sacrificial Victim, 557.
Chrysostom, St. 212.
nal">145. Creation, 227, 229, 399; - — by Dhyana, 379;
- Eighth —, 192;
- — of Elohim, 203, 204;
- — of Genesis, 191;
- Hebrew —, 197;
- — by Kriyashakti, 561;
- — of Man, 146;
- Mysteries of —, 189;
- — after Pralaya, 397;
- Primary —, 204, 205;
- Roman Catholic Teaching of —, 201;
- Second —, 196;
- Seven steps of —, 231;
- Seventh —, 192;
- — of Woman, 192;
- — by Will, 561;
- Zohar on —, 199.
Creations, Seven —, 191. Creative, — Forces, 439, 498, 499, 532; Creator, 55, 115, 399; - Brahma the —, 209;
- — the Demiurge, 304;
- God the —, 207;
- — of the Kosmos, 208.
Creators, 196, 208. Creuzer, — Symbologist, quoted, 33, 38, 316. Cross, 141, 148, 150, 289; - — and Crucifix, 152, 292;
- Egyptian —, 151, 325;
- Inscription on —, 156;
- Passion of the —, 296.
Cross-bones and Skull, Symbol of —, 150, 153. Crowd, Protection against —, 451. Crucified, — Krishna, 292; Crucifixion, — of Christ, 147; - — of the Christos, 579, 583;
- — of Jesus by his Disciples, 66, 373.
Cube, 181, 183. Cudworth, — quoted, 180. Cycle, — of Adeptship, 143; - Babylonian —, 352;
- — of Brihaspati, 349, 265.
- Devachan, 496;
- Happiness of —, 515;
- Higher Ego in —, 590;
- Manas in —, 591;
- — a Mental state, 576;
- Occult advance in —, 541;
- — a period of Spiritual Gestation, 495;
- — a state of Spiritual Consciousness, 594;
- Samadhi leads to —, 420.
- Devachanic, — Entity, 495, 545;
- Devas, 371, 547;
- Dharmakaya, 366, 385, 387, 418, 421;
- — Cannot re-incarnate, 367, 372, 379;
- Ego of a —, 367;
- — is Infallible, 420;
- — State, 566;
- — is without Karma, 383.
- Dhyana, Creation by —, 379.
- Dhyan-Chohans, 209, 370, 387;
- Angels or —, 65, 202;
- Devas or —, 371;
- Evolution of —, 559;
- Hierarchies of —, 475, 564, 566;
- Mission of —, 362;
- — Prototypes of Gods, 59;
- Seven —, 55, 388;
- Sevenfold nature of —, 196;
- — Sons of Fire, 466;
- — or Spirits of the Presence, 160, 369.
- Dhyani, Seven Portals of —, 569.
- Dhyani-Buddha, 333, 371, 379, 380, 381, 383, 387, 389, 566.
- Diagrams, Use of —, 486;
- — of Correspondences, 445, 452, 457, 461, 476, 477, 483, 501, 532;
- Explanation of —, 455;
- — of Human Principles, 560, 561.
- Dialogues, — of Plato, quoted, 3.
- Differentiation, Plane of —, 73.
Embryo, Correspondence of — with Cosmic processes, 441 to 443. Empedocles, 40, 134, 254. Empuses, 135. Energy, 208, 585. Ennemoser, — quoted, 301. Ennoia, 472. Enoch, 86, 90, 182, 193; Entity, Devachanic —, 495, 545; - — in Kamaloka, 566;
- Kamarupic —, 594;
- Mahat the Highest —, 555;
- Personal —, 527;
- the Ray regarded as an —, 59;
- Spiritual —, 404.
Envelope, Auric —, 478, 479, 493, 495, 498, 543, 555, 558, 559, 560, 578, 579; Ephod, 237. Epicureanism, 414. Epicurus, 59. Epidemic, — Spiritualism, 77; Epinoia, 468, 471, 472, 484. Epiphanius, — quoted, 123, 149, 150. Epoptai, 124, 448. Epopteia, 124, 282, 283. Eros, 585. Esdras, 169, 174, 188; Esoteric, — Buddhism, 60, 420, 422; - — Brotherhood, 417;
- — Cosmogony, 440;
- — Doctrine, 55;
- — Interpretations, 81, 245;
- — Literature, 426;
- — Numeral Systems in the Christian Church, 100;
- — Opinion of Jesus, 383;
- — Philosophy, 2, 64, 65, 77, 321, 388.
- Festival of the Dead, 102.
- Fifth Race, 74, 90, 261, 266, 269;
- Destruction of —, 268;
- Kings of —, 264;
- Souls of —, 305.
- Fifth Round, 559.
- Fire, Akashic —, 505;
- Baptism by —, 330;
- — the Cause of Being, 466;
- — is Divine, 589;
- — of the Druids, 268;
- — is Dual, 466;
- — Elementals, 589, 590;
- — of Ierna, 268;
- — of Kundalini, 581;
- — of Manas, 505, 544;
- — in the Old Testament, 589;
- — the One Life, 468;
- Sacred — generated by Concentration, 547;
- Sons of —, 466;
- — Symbol of Divine Nature, 466.
- Fires, the Forty-nine —, 500, 544.
- First, — Adam, 192;
- — Born, 208;
- — Cause, 179;
- — Chapters of Genesis, 72, 181;
- — Creation, 204;
- — Emanation from the Unknown, 114;
- — Energy, 208;
- — Logos, 498;
- — Man, 171;
- — Race, 50, 86, 294, 550;
- — Son of Man, 86;
- — Word of Genesis, 224.
- Fish, Symbol of —, 151, 152.
- Five, — Breaths, 499, 502, 509.
- Fixed Stars, — none in Nature, 217.
- Flame, Divine —, 363, 468, 520;
- — of the Higher Ego, 591;
- — and the Monads, 370;
- the One —, 374, 375;
- the Parent —, 371;
- Sons of the —, 260.
- Flavius, Pope —, 145, 146.
- Flood, The —, 41, 94;
- Fohat, 555;
- Fohatic, — Forces,
a href="/files/56880/56880-h/56880-h.html#Pg169" class="pgexternal">169, 172, 175, 190;
- — Letters, 168, 169, 175;
- — Punctuation, 175;
- — Scribes, 188;
- — Scriptures, 172, 173, 174, 178;
- — Scrolls, 177, 190;
- Translation of —, 147;
- — Writing, 199.
Helen of Troy, 113, 471, 472. Heliocentric System, 213, 322, 323. Heliolatry, — in Christianity, 319; Heliopolis, 265, 267. Helios, 279. Hell, 510, 526, 571; Henry More, 30. Hercules, 142, 258, 259, 260; Heredity, 435, 436. Heresiarchs, — of Christianity, 411. Hermaphrodite, Divine —, 295; - Meaning of —, 458;
- Mystery of the —, 88, 295.
Hermes, Books of —, 30, 37, 41, 48, 100, 117, 337, 339, 368; - Cosmogony of —, 91;
- the ‘false’ — 30;
- — of Greece, 55;
- — quoted, 213, 320, 328, 330;
- Secret Dogmas of —, 129;
- Writings of —, 37.
Hermetic, — Philosophy, 36, 39, 106, 129, 222; - — Universal Doctrine, 222.
Herod, King —, 141. Herodotus, — the Father of History, 32; Heroes, Three Aspects of —, 476, 483, 501, 548, 569; Diagrams of —, 560, 561; — and Hierarchies, 482; — and Numbers, 456, 460, 476, 482; Physical Body not one of —, 548; Seven —, 142, 202, 374, 444, 445, 455, 460, 476, 493, 580. Hypatia, 313. Hypnotism, — Accepted by Science, 27; - Artificial State produced by —, 566;
- Danger of —, 538;
- Effects of — on the Aura, 480;
- Experiments by —, 25;
- Occult Sciences of — and Magnetism, 482;
- Use and Abuse of —, 40.
‘I’, the Personal —, 514, 573; Iamblichus, — quoted, 37; - — and Doctrine of Theurgy, 303, 307;
- — on Magic and Theurgy, 473, 474;
- — on the Sun, 279;
- — on Thaumaturgy, 253.
Iao, — the Mystery-God, 253, 279, 280, 294. Icarus, Fall of an —, 120, 121. Ida, — one of the Nadis, 503, 537, 547, 551. Ideas, — of Greek Philosophers, 210, 335; Ideation, — in Activity, 561; Identity, — of Ancient and Modern Initiations, 283; - — of Angels and Devas, 340;
- — of Angels and Dhyan-Chohans, 327;
- — of Eastern and Western Thought, 93;
- — of Esoteric Teaching and Greek Philosophy, 283;
- — of Zoroastrian and Christian Dogma, 322.
Idol, — of the Moon, 234, 239; Idolatry, 58. Ierna, Sacred Fire of —, 268. Ildabaoth, 158<
8212;, 293, 319; — the ‘Work’ of the Seven Planets, 92. Initiator, the First —, 49;
, — Becomes Prana, 545; - — is Everywhere, 555;
- Every Principle a differentiation of —, 550;
- Life-current of —, 503;
- — the One Life, 493;
- — or Prana, 202, 442, 460;
- — a Principle partaking of Heaven and Earth, 56;
- — the Universal Deity, 51, 555.
Jivanmukta, — and Avatara, difference between, 364, 365; - — a Mahatma, 522;
- — a Perfect Initiate, 420;
- the — State, 60, 569.
Jivatma, — the Universal Life, 182. Jnana Shakti, 508. Job, — an Arabian Initiate, 22; Jod-Hevah, 451. Jods, Ten — of Pythagorean Tetrad, 439. John St., — quoted, 65, 79; - — Author of Apocalypse, 118;
- — not the Author of Fourth Gospel, 124;
- Ecstasy of —, 131;
- — and Peter, 124, 125.
John the Baptist, 65, 138, 139. John Reuchlin, 164, 165, 275. Joseph, — an Initiate, 267. Josephus, — quoted, 7. Jowett, Prof. — quoted, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12. Jude, — quoted, 87; ‘Judges,’ — quoted, 236. Judgment, — of the Soul, 244, 245, 256. Judiciary, — Astrology, 338, 341, 343. Julian, Emperor — the Apostate, 71; Jupiter, 253, 267, 311, 316, 327, 490; Justice, Divine —, 529. Justin St., — mentioned, 465; Justin Martyr, — quoted, 87, 130; - Rejection of the Works of —, 149.
Juvenal, — quoted, 178. Kha, — the Body, 370. Khaba, — the Astral Form, 370. Khem, Mystery-God — of Egypt, 42. Khen, — Occult Library, 251, 252. Khoemnis, — a pre-Historic City, 42. Khons, Inscription in the Temple of —, 251. Khou, — the Astral Body, 242, 249, 250. Kingdom, — of Darkness, 142; Kingdoms, Seven — of Nature, 481. Kings, — as Healers, 264; Kircher, Father — quoted, 156, 297, 326, 402. Kismet, 566. Kiu-Te, Books of —, 405. Kiyun, the God —, 325. ‘Know Thyself,’ 64, 412, 435. ‘Know All,’ The —, 4. Knowledge, Absolute —, 420; - — of Adepts, 487, 505;
- — a Colleague of the Mind, 574;
- — of the Ancients, 20;
- Danger of Occult —, 50, 62, 75;
- Divine —, 237;
- — of Initiates, 262, 284;
- Keys to —, 176;
- Land of —, 18;
- Metaphysical —, 480;
- — and Morality, 54;
- Occult —, 256, 383, 451, 505;
- — of the Parts and the Whole, 7;
- — and Power, 1;
- — Requisite for Occultism, 436, 481, 489;
- Sacred —, 431;
- — of Self, 394;
- — is of the Spirit, 453;
- Tree of —, 5, 21, 67;
- — and Wisdom, 55.
Kosmic, — Auric Envelope, 555; - — Hierarchies, 564;
- — Planes, 554, 555;
- — Seed of Consciousness, 555;
- — Substance, 556. (See Cosmic).
Kosmocratores, 561. (See 16, 17; Unconscious —, 118, 480; — is Universal, 21; Use and Abuse of —, 40; White and Black —, 15, 28, 108, 248, 471, 490, 491, 511, 513; Zoroaster a Reformer of —, 20. Magical, — Papyri, 242, 340; ‘Magic Figure,’ a —, 225. Magician, Black —, 511; Magnetism, 447; - Science of —, 482;
- Solar —, 215.
Mahabharata, 258, 291; Maharajahs, 459. Maharloka, 564, 568, 569. Maha-Shankara, 390, 391. Mahat, — an Aspect of Alaya, 524, 546, 585; - Diagram of — and its Rays, 557;
- — as Divine Ideation, 556;
- — the Divine Mind, 540;
- — the Highest Entity, 555;
- — or Intellect, 442;
- — and Manas, 494, 546, 560;
- — One with the Third Logos, 546, 560, 585;
- — the Positive aspect of Akasha, 546;
- — on the Third Cosmic Plane, 540.
Mahatala, 564, 565, 566. Mahatma, the Disembodied and Glorified —, 284. Mahatmas, — or Adepts, 428; - Chief of —, 411;
- Existence of —, 3.
Maha-Vishnu, 158, 362. Mahayana, — School, 416, 417, 418. Maha-Yuga, 348, 357. Maimonides, — quoted, 46, 235, 251. Maitreya-Buddha, 159, 417; - Aryasangha taught by —, 431.
Malach, —
="pgexternal">72; Divine —, 73; Kosmos Rests on —, 541; Definition of —, 511; — Elementals, 561; Formative hand of —, 436; Forces of —, 62, 491, 492; — in God, 70, 100; Human —, 442; Middle Note of —, 475; Mother —, 230; Mystery of —, 143, 295; Mystic —, 297; Occult —, 23, 477, 483; Phenomena in —, 261; Secrets of —, 264, 425; — a Sounding-Board, 549; Symbol of —, 296, 297; Voice of —, 463. ‘Nature’s Finer Forces,’ — referred to, 491, 492, 497, 498. Nature-Spirits, 236, 336, 567. Nazarenes, 87, 122, 149, 150. Nazars, — or Theurgists, 124, 382. Nebuchadnezzar, — an Initiate, 86. Nebular Theory, 91. Neith, — the Heavenly Virgin, 343. Neophyte, Twelve labours of —, 42; Neo-Platonic School, 11, 303, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313. ‘Neo-Platonism,’ — quoted, 303, 304. Neo-Platonists, 3, 9, 10, 11, 303, 307, 309, 313. Neptune, Place of — in Astronomy, 217, 563. Nerve, — Force, 507, 508; New Testament, 52, 112, 122, 138, 175; Newton, — quoted, 31, 172, 220. Nico
.html#Pg051" class="pgexternal">51, 52, 58, 59, 71, 73, 80, 89, 100, 109, 110, 114, 138, 139, 153, 158, 182, 212, 335, 336, 339, 398; - Eastern —, 25, 68, 88, 186, 223, 225, 366, 506;
- Tibetan —, 396;
- Unconscious —, 213;
- Virtues of —, 90, 515.
Occult Science, 70, 264, 497, 502; - Basis of —, 68;
- Danger of —, 62;
- — Founded on Nature, 70;
- — in India, 18;
- Mysteries of —, 106, 212;
- Origin of —, 39;
- Powers gained by —, 40;
- Secrecy of —, 56;
- Works on —, 40.
Odin, — and the practice of Magic, 20. Ogdoad, — of the Ancients, 217, 316; Ogenos, — or Hades, 41. Old Testament, Allegorical Teaching of —, 153, 190; - Authenticity of —, 188;
- — Canon, 170;
- Compilers of —, 188, 189;
- Contradictions in —, 173, 174;
- Doctrines of —, 87;
- Origin of —, 184;
- Relation of — to the New Testament, 138;
- Symbology of —, 46, 49, 53, 96;
- Writers of —, 52.
Olympus, Mount —, 75, 161. Om Mani Padme Hum, 436, 437, 438, 439, 475, 481, 531.<
80/56880-h/56880-h.html#Pg244" class="pgexternal">244. Palenque, Ruins of —, 286. Panini, 4, 277. PantÆnus, — referred to, 13. Pantheism, 428.
.org/files/56880/56880-h/56880-h.html#Pg512" class="pgexternal">512; Pagan —, 402; Peripatetic —, 9; Platonic —, 7, 13, 48; — of Pythagoras, 48, 403, 404; Religious —, 292, 399; — of Schopenhauer, 398; — True and False, 40; — of the Upanishads, 229; ‘— of the Unconscious,’ quoted, 398; — of, Von Hartmann, 398. Physical, — Body, 62, 460, 496, 545, 548; - — Brain, 60, 511, 512, 554;
- — Consciousness, 594;
- — Ego, 62;
- — Health, 555;
- — Organs, Correspondences of, 548;
- — Organ of Perception, 577;
- — Plane, 542, 543, 544;
- — Senses, 552, 557, 575, 577, 584.
Physiology, 139, 295, 440, 558; Pillar, — of Light, 494, 538, 544; Pindarus, — quoted, 253. Pineal Gland, 504, 505, 506, 548, 577, 581, 583, 584. Pingala, 503, 537, 547, 551. Pitha, a Sanscrit Word meaning Seat, 127. Pitris, Doctrine of —, 284; - Hierarchy of —, 559;
- Lunar —, 494;
- — Sons of God, 2.
Pituitary Body, 504, 505, 548, 583, 584. Plagiarism, — of the Devil, 78, 79; - — of the New Testament, 82.
Plane, Devachanic —, 594; Pranava, — Synonym of Aum, 502. Pranayama, 502, 509. Prasanga, — School, 379, 419, 420. Pratyeka, — Buddhas, 406, 416. Prayer, — and Action, 450; - Official —, 51;
- Selfish and Unselfish —, 51;
- Silent —, 451;
- — is Unconscious Magic, 118.
Precious, — Gifts, 386; Presences, Invisible —, 450; Pretextatus, — quoted, 267. Priests, — of Egypt, 263, 264, 265, 301; - The last of the Solar —, 213.
Primary, — Creation, 204; Primeval, — Gods, 369; Primordial, — Circle, 201; - — Germ, 226;
- — Light, 226;
- — Matter, 223;
- — Occultism, 468;
- — Point, 183;
- — Principle, 467;
- — Revelation, 170;
- — Substance, 477;
- — Triangle, 444, 532;
- — Water of Space, 184;
- — World-Stuff, 443.
Principle, Creative —, 49, 273; - Divine —, 402;
- Egotistical —, 375;
- Evil —, 115, 116;
- Fohatic —, 581;
- Life —, 478, 479, 560, 592;
- Primordial —, 467;
- Septenary —, 196, 370, 549;
- Seventh —, 58, 84, 142, 143, 293, 309,
a href="/files/56880/56880-h/56880-h.html#Pg325" class="pgexternal">325, 334, 338;
- Sabbath, 115, 191, 334.
- Sacral Plexus, 503.
- Sacred, — Books of the East, 425;
- — Books of the Egyptians, 37;
- — Fire, 544, 547;
- — Knowledge, 431;
- — Sciences, 252;
- — Scriptures of the West, 425;
- — Word, 93, 411.
- Sacrifice, — of Buddha, 384;
- the Great —, 271, 383;
- — of the Higher Manas, 583;
- — of the Initiate, 142;
- — of the Son, 142;
- Yajna or —, 569.
- Sacrificial, — Lamb, 384;
- Sacrovir, — Chief of the Gauls, 299.
- Saddhus, Hindu —, 135, 412.
- Sadducees, 176, 177.
- Sage, — of Tyana, 130, 133, 136.
- Sages, — of Antiquity, 58;
- Aryan —, 397;
- — of the East, 48;
- — of Greece, 10, 38;
- — of India, 38;
- Lives of —, 389.
- St. Augustine, — on Creation, 203.
- St. Cyprian, — of Antioch, 160 et seq.
- St. Denys, — pupil of St. Paul, 402;
- — on Creation, 203;
- — on the Sun, 318.
- St. Gregory, — quoted, 157.
- St. Hieronymus, 104.
- St. Paul, 52, 57, 62, 63, 116, 118, 123, 124, 125, 210, 307, 321, 335, 336, 339, 340, 398, 512.
- St. Peter, 112, 116, 117, 121, 305;
- — Works of King-Initiates, 258;
- — Wisdom, 46, 93, 464;
- — Volumes of Tibet, 389, 405, 406.
Secret Doctrine, Antiquity of —, 277; - — of the Chaldeans, 170;
- — Corroborated by the Puranas, 258;
- — of the East, 22, 93;
- Enigma of unequal Karma unriddled by —, 383;
- ‘Popularised version’ of —, 405;
- — the Rejected Stone, 291;
- — Speech, 100;
- Teaching of — as to reconstruction of Universe, 226;
- Unity of —, 294;
- Universal —, 29;
- Upanishad means —, 3.
Secrets, — of Nature, 264, 425. Seer, the Trained —, 582; Seldenus, — quoted, 235, 237. Self, the All —, union with, 271; - — of Animals, 573;
- — Consciousness, 573, 579;
- Divine —, 58, 270, 438, 474;
- — Evolution, 219;
- — Generation, 219;
- Higher —, 58, 59, 60, 61, 307, 372, 375, 383, 450, 488, 527, 529;
- Highest — symbolised by the Sun, 271;
- Human —, 474;
- Knowledge of —, 394;
- Lower —, 59, 528;
- the One —, 436;
- Personal — of Adepts, 375;
- — Sacrifice of Higher Manas, 583;
- Unit —, 271;
- Universal —, 387, 436.
Self-hood, 578. Selfishness, — the Cause of Sin, 454; Semothees, — Druids of the Gauls, 312. Seneca, — on the Destruction of the Universe, 267. Sensaos, — Mummy, 340. Senses, — All included in Sight, 590; - Correspondences of —, 569;
- — in the First Race, 550;
- Kosmic —, 567;
- Seven —, 388;
- — Race, 65, 306, 545, 590;
- — Round, 65, 562, 590.
/files/56880/56880-h/56880-h.html#Pg566" class="pgexternal">566; — In Nature, 463; — and Number, 436; — Produced on the Akashic Plane, 550; Vibrations of —, 478, 533. ‘Source of Measures,’ — quoted, 49, 52, 72, 73, 95, 123, 138, 146, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 186, 194, 200, 201, 289. Sozomen, — Historian, 150. Space, — is Akasha, 393, 396; - Divine —, 498;
- Ether of —, 442, 497;
- — is Eternal, 180;
- — is Full of Souls, 397, 404;
- Infinite —, the Mother, 232;
- Invisible —, 508;
- Mystic —, 402;
- — the One Element, 397;
- — the Storehouse of Creation, 231;
- — and Time, 447;
- — and the Universe are one, 397;
- the Universe in —, 91, Waters of —, 184, 230, 232.
Spheres, Astronomical —, 329. Sphinx, 95. Spinal Cord, 544, 545, 547, 551, 577. Spirit, — the Basis of Magic, 471; - — Brooding over the Waters, 468;
- Descent of —, 369, 561;
- Embodied —, 394;
- Everything has its —, 589;
- — of Evil, 27;
- Evolution of —, 383;
- — of God, 101, 180, 181;
- Immortality of —, 283, 293;
- — and Matter, 399, 463, 492, 512;
- — is not Maya, 394, 404;
- the Monad is —, 341;
- Plane of —, 499;
- — the only Reality, 404;
- True Knowledge is of —, 453;
- — of Truth, 223, 456.
- Svamis, — or Yogis, 123.
- Svara, — the Root of Sound, 502.
- Svarloka, 564, 568, 571.
- Svastika, 105, 200.
- Swedenborg, 135, 424, 425, 448, 555.
- ‘Sweet Singers’, 410.
- Symbolism, — of the Circle, 200;
- Egyptian —, 30;
- — of the Hexagon, 105;
- Hindu —, 24;
- — of the Mummy, 247;
- — of Narada, 291;
- — of Numbers, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 232, 233;
- — of Pythagoras, 98, 105;
- — of the Sun and Stars, 315, et seq.;
- — of the Trimurti, 102.
- Symbology, — of the Cosmos, 475;
- Degradation of —, 200;
- Eastern —, 53, 290, 456;
- — of Genesis, 201;
- Egyptian —, 115, 200, 244, 245;
- — of Letters, 103, 104, 200;
- Occult —, 100, 155, 200, 201, 564;
- — of the Old Testament, 46, 49, 53, 96;
- — of the Pyramids, 247;
- Secret —, 25, 34, 53;
- — of Truth, 70;
- — of the Tree of Knowledge, 67;
- Universal —, 20.
- Symbols, Christian —, 69, 77, 78, 103, 152, 153, 292;
- — of Nature, 296, 297;
- Pagan —, 165;
- — of Pythagoras, 98;
- — of the Rose, 297;
- — of Trees, 537.
- Sympathetic, — Cords, 547, 551;
- — Nerve, 229;
- — Principle, 466, 510;
- — Science, 22;
- — Self, 387, 436;
- — Secret Doctrine, 29;
- — Seven Powers, 197;
- — Soul, 474, 494, 507, 518, 522, 524;
- — Spirit, 510, 512;
- — Symbology, 20;
- — Unit, 115;
- — Wisdom, 388;
- — Unity, Doctrine of, 114;
- — Whole, 437.
- Universe, Built from the Tattwas, 530, 565;
- — Built by Water, 230;
- Builders of the —, 55;
- the Dual —, 488, 489;
- Earth the centre of the —, 457;
- Emanations of —, 73;
- the — formed of Eternal Substance, 202;
- Man and the —, 437, 475;
- the — the Garment of God, 178, 179;
- the Manifested —, 436, 555, 585;
- — of Matter, 143, 532;
- Nativity of the —, 339;
- the — in its pre-Cosmic State, 180;
- Self of the —, 393;
- Spirit of the —, 585;
- the — in Space, 91;
- Ten principles of the —, 444, 455;
- the Unseen —, 330;
- — the Veil of Deity, 74;
- Vishnu is the —, 179;
- the Visible —, 179.
- Unknown, the — All, 328;
- the — Cause, 214, 223;
- the — Essence, 180;
- the — God, 427;
- the Great —, 84;
- the Supreme —, 115.
- Unmanifested, — Logos, 209, 445, 450, 477, 498;
- Upadana, 587.
- Upadhi, the Body an —, 548;
- — of every Cause, 586;
- — of Shankaracharya’s Spirit, 381.
- Upadhis, — of the Hierarchies, 581;
- Upanishads, Meaning of —, 3;
- Philosophy of —, 229;
- — quoted, 488;
- Waterlily, — a Christian Symbol, 103.
- Waters, — of Chaos, 224, 225, 230, 231;
- Ways of Wisdom, — of the Sepher Jetzirah, 91.
- Weapons, Occult —, 107.
- Weber, Prof., — quoted on Buddhism, 424.
- Week, Days of the —, 342, 452;
- Roman —, 452;
- —s represent Sub-races, 85;
- Septenary —, 453.
- Western, — Gnosticism, Founder of, 118;
- — Kabalism, 227;
- — Religion, 95;
- — Scriptures, Esotericism of, 425.
- ‘Western Heaven,’ the —, 408, 427, 428, 429.
- Wheel, — of Enoch, 96.
- ‘Wheel of the Law,’ — quoted, 429.
- Wheels, Celestial —, 329;
- — or Chakras, 507;
- Cosmic —, 184;
- Divining —, 108;
- Living —, 209;
- — of Lucifer, 34;
- Sephiroth represented by —, 101;
- — the Symbol of the Hierarchies, 481.
- ‘Who,’ The God —, 426, 427.
- Whole, The — and the Parts, 7;
- Wilder, Prof., — quoted, 11, 45, 48, 116, 303, 304, 306, 308, 310.
- Will, Creation by —, 561;
- — and Desire, 537, 559, 584;
- — Effort, 447;
- the Energiser of —, 504;
- — of Man, 447;
- — Perception, 576;
- — of Schopenhauer, 398;
- Sons of — and Yoga, 262.
- Wisdom, — An Active Potency, 184;
- Archaic —, 210, 339;
- — of the Ancients, 30, 309;
- — or Buddhi, 155;
- Divine —, 113, 312;
- — the Esoteric Doctrine, 55;
- Eye of —, 458;
- God of —,