ZEISS-ANASTIGMAT LENSES Manufactured by BAUSCH and LOMB OPTICAL CO. ARE UNAPPROACHED for all Process Work, and are rapidly displacing other forms of Lenses. 515-543 N. St. Paul Street, Rochester, N. Y., New York City, Corner Fulton and Nassau Sts. The Photographic Times An Illustrated Monthly Magazine THE · PHOTOGRAPHIC · TIMES · PUBLISHING ·
besides a magnificent : : : : : : in the world. The Most ALL THE BEST AND |
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Subscription rates, one year, $4.00; six months, $2.00; three months, $1.00; single copies, 35 cents.
Remit by Express, Money Order, Draft, P. O. Order, or Registered Letter.
Subscriptions to The Photographic Times received by all dealers in photographic materials in this and foreign countries; also by The American News Company and all its branches.
The Photographic Appetite
increases by what it feeds on. The beginner is usually content to start with a modest outfit, but as interest grows the hunger for more artistic results calls for better facilities so that the apparatus must constantly be of a more improved pattern and contain all the latest fixings, till finally the question of improvement is entirely one of the value of the lens.
To suit this growing appetite we make a line of camera boxes unequaled for workmanship and convenient appliances. We can supply any stage of hunger, and make to order to suit any whim. Any photographic question cheerfully answered. Send for our Catalogue.
4 × 5 Size | |
The Empire, | $5.00 |
The New Waterbury, | $15.00 |
The Henry Clay 2d, | $15.00 |
The Waterbury, | $25.00 |
The Henry Clay, Jr. | $30.00 |
The Henry Clay, | $50.00 |
The Scovill & Adams Co.
423 Broome Street, New York.
Five grammes (75 grains) Anthion are dissolved in one litre (one quart) of luke-warm distilled water. The solution keeps for at least one month.
A. For Gelatine Plates.
a. The plate (13 × 18 centimetres—5 × 7 inches) or film, after fixing, is allowed to drain and then washed for about five minutes in a dish with about 600 cubic centimetres (20 fluid ounces) water; it is then again allowed to drain.
b. Afterward it is laid in a second dish with 200 c.c. (7 fluid ounces) Anthion solution, and again allowed to remain for five minutes with occasional stirring.
c. The plate is then once more laid in 600 c.c. (20 fluid ounces) fresh water, exactly according to direction a.
d. The operations b and c are repeated.
The plate is then free from fixing soda. (In order to determine this, proceed as follows:)
To be certain that all the fixing soda is completely destroyed, proceed as follows: Several c.c. (half to one teaspoonful) of the last washing water are poured into a test-tube, and three or four drops silver nitrate solution (1 to 20) added. A white precipitate generally forms. If this gradually acquires a yellow tint, fixing soda is still present.
In such a case operations a and b are to be repeated.
B. For Positive Paper Prints.
The operations are carried out as under A, but instead of one plate five fixed copies (13 × 18 c.c.—5 × 7 inches) are taken, allowed to drain one by one, then laid singly in water (vide a), afterward in Anthion solution (vide b), then again in water (vide c), again in Anthion solution (vide d), and finally in water.
It is important that the paper prints are frequently separated in the different baths. If the prints stick together, the solution does not penetrate and cannot act.
For large plates and prints it is not only necessary to use larger dishes, but also more liquid, both Anthion solution and water. An excess of Anthion or of water is decidedly useful, but less is disadvantageous.
The above directions for washing relate to those who have no continual flow of water at hand.
If a continual flow of water is obtainable, it is advisable to wash the plates or prints in flowing water for a quarter of an hour, and then dip in the Anthion solution and test the result as above.
Send orders to your Dealers, or to
The Scovill & Adams Co., New York.
When purchasing a Developer please be particular to specify | Schering's | the oldest and most favorably known brand. |
Put up with labels and seals as per fac-similes here given. |