The Scovill Printing Frames for Photo-Engraving.


The Printing Frames made by the American Optical Co. for photo-engraving are like everything else manufactured by this factory, of the highest degree of perfection, and the utmost care was given to the comparative distance of screws so as to produce an even pressure. Many negatives have been either ruined or snapped by the use of imperfect Printing Frames.

The American Optical Co. Printing Frames for photo-engraving are the only safe ones on the market.


8 × 10, including one-inch glass $8 00
10 × 12, " " " 11 02
9 × 11, " " " 9 50
11 × 14, " " " 13 00
14 × 17, " " " 19 00

Larger and special sizes made to order.

To Photo Engravers:

Having systematically undertaken the improvement of photo engravers' appliances, we follow the S. & A. Photo Engravers' Adjustable Screen Plate Holder, and the S. & A. accurately adjusted Photo-Engraving Printing Frames, with the

S. & A.
Photo-Engraving Etching Tub,

to which we call the attention of those interested in this business. We extend to them a cordial invitation to examine the same at our salesrooms.

These Photo-Engraving Etching Tubs will "fill a long felt want" with the photo engravers, as they are constructed so as to resist the strongest acids, and combine the features suggested by practical experience.

The tub measures, inside, 48½ inches long, 20¼ inches wide, and 7? inches deep, and the price of same is $10.00.

Very truly yours,

The Scovill & Adams Co.


people were satisfied to worry along with whatever crude appliances came easiest to hand....

The material progress of the nineteenth century, however, has created a demand for a higher order of mechanical products than was formerly deemed essential, and this is peculiarly the case with ...

Process Engravers.

To meet this demand, the firm of John Royle & Sons have devoted the best part of their time, for the past 25 years, to the improvement of the mechanical accessories to Process Engraving, and with what success is best testified to by the fact that their machinery is used exclusively by the best Process Engravers, both in the United States and abroad.

Paterson, N. J., U. S. A.

Chrome=Gelatine and . .

Chrome-Gelatine is a perfected modification of the three-color printing process. It is so named from the Gelatine process of printing being used to produce the resulting pictures, which are allowed to be really wonderful, and which may be reproductions from original Oil Paintings, Water-colors, Views from Nature, Objects of Still Life, Textile Fabrics—indeed, all classes of work copied from originals in color. The results, in all cases, are produced from three-color negatives. Artists, whose works have been reproduced by this method, express their satisfaction of the results in the highest terms, without qualification.

N. Y. Photogravure Co.
137 West 23d Street,
New York.

Photogravure and Aquarelle
(Photogravure in Colors.)

Photogravures are of all classes of subjects.

An important modification of this process has recently been perfected (patent applied for), by which the delicacy of the gelatine print is maintained, at the same time that great strength and color is produced in the shadows. The plates thus made are very durable, and show but little wear after many thousands of impressions have been produced. Moreover, they require no finishing or handling after having been etched, and are quite easily printed.

Aquarelles are printed from photogravure plates, inked up locally in a variety of colors. When the whole of the plate has been so inked, the impression is pulled. The results are beautiful, but the process of printing is exceedingly slow—three or four impressions a day, only, being obtainable from a moderate sized plate.

N. Y. Photogravure Co.
137 West 23d Street,
New York.


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